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Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List alliance /əˈlaɪəns/ noun an arrangement in which two or more countries, groups, or people agree to work together or support each other adjectives a military alliance Greece was a useful member of the military alliance. a political alliance Three parties have formed a political alliance. a strong/close alliance He forged a strong alliance between his state and the church. a loose alliance (=not strong) A loose alliance of opposition groups formed in 1990. a broad alliance (=involving very different groups) We need a broad alliance of colleges, communities, and businesses. an uneasy/fragile alliance (=unlikely to last) They formed an uneasy alliance with a rival gang. a strategic alliance (=arranged as part of a military, political, or business plan) Strategic alliances are being forged with major European companies. an unlikely alliance (=between people you would not expect to work together) Simpson had the backing of an unlikely alliance of extremists and moderates. an unholy alliance (=very surprising because the people, groups etc have very different opinions) Politicians on the left and the right have joined together in an unholy alliance against the reforms. a formal/informal alliance Will the two parties form a formal political alliance? an electoral alliance (=made between parties before an election) The weaker Liberal Democratic party was now considering an electoral alliance with Labour. shifting alliances (=changing frequently) Local politics often involves a series of shifting alliances. verbs form/make an alliance In 1902, Japan made an alliance with Britain. enter into an alliance with sb formal (=make an alliance) Spain then entered into an alliance with France. forge/build an alliance (=work to make an alliance) They won the election by forging an alliance with the Social Democrats. strengthen/cement an alliance (=make it stronger) He cemented his alliance with France by marrying the French king's daughter. join an alliance Two more countries have been invited to join the alliance. end/break an alliance The United States may decide to end the alliance. prepositions an alliance with sb Most of the people approve of their country's political alliance with the United States. an alliance between sb and sb There was an alliance between Spain and Portugal. in alliance with sb They have been campaigning in alliance with other organizations. an alliance against sb/sth He called for an alliance against terrorism. phrases a member of an alliance Any military action must be approved by all members of the alliance. age noun agenda noun aggression noun aggressive adjective agony noun agree verb agreeable adjective agreement noun aid noun aim noun air noun aircraft noun airline noun airport noun alarm noun alarm clock noun alarming adjective alcohol noun alibi noun alien adjective alive adjective allegation noun allergic adjective allergy noun alleviate verb alliance noun allocate verb allow verb ally noun almost adverb alone adjective, adverb alter verb alteration noun alternate verb alternative1 noun alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective Other words and phrases alliance noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List allow /əˈlaʊ/ verb [T] to say that someone can do something - used about parents, teachers, or people in authority: They don't allow students to chew gum in the classroom. I'm not allowed to stay out after ten o'clock. phrases refuse to allow sb to do sth They refused to allow him to see a lawyer. adverbs finally allow sb to do sth I was finally allowed to go home. never allow sb to do sth Her parents never allowed her to stay out late. THESAURUS: allow let to allow someone to do something. Let is not used in the passive, and is much more commonly used in everyday English than allow: Will your mum let you come to the party? | I'll borrow John's bicycle, if he'll let me. permit formal to allow someone to do something. Used especially in the passive, when saying that something is allowed according to the rules, for example on written notices and announcements: Smoking is not permitted anywhere in the building. | Dr Greene would only permit Faye to go home if she agreed to stay in bed and rest. give sb permission used when someone in an important official position decides to allow someone to do something: He was given special permission to leave school early. | The Home Office has given him permission to stay in Britain indefinitely. give your consent to say that you will allow someone to do something that will affect you personally, or a member of your family, when you have a legal right to say 'no': Her parents have given their consent to the marriage. | You can't build on someone's land without the owner's consent. give sth the go-ahead to officially allow a planned project or activity to happen: The government finally gave the go-ahead for a new terminal at Heathrow airport. | A new nuclear plant has been given the go-ahead. authorize also authorise BrE to officially or legally allow someone to do something - used about laws or people: The UN resolution would authorize the use of force. | I never authorized them to give information about me to other banks. entitle to give someone the right to do or have something: The pass entitles you to travel on any bus, at any time, in Norwich. | If the goods are faulty, the customer is entitled to a refund. sanction formal to give official approval and support for something: The Truman administration refused to sanction a military attack. | The advertisements were sanctioned by the candidate himself. age noun agenda noun aggression noun aggressive adjective agony noun agree verb agreeable adjective agreement noun aid noun aim noun air noun aircraft noun airline noun airport noun alarm noun alarm clock noun alarming adjective alcohol noun alibi noun alien adjective alive adjective allegation noun allergic adjective allergy noun alleviate verb alliance noun allocate verb allow verb ally noun almost adverb alone adjective, adverb alter verb alteration noun alternate verb alternative1 noun alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective Other words and phrases allow verb Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
absent /ˈæbsənt/ adjective not at work, school, a meeting etc, because you are sick or decide not to go phrases absent from work She had been absent from work for some time. absent from school/college Some students are regularly absent from school. absent without leave (=absent without permission, especially from the armed forces) The soldier is being held in a US prison in Germany after going absent without leave.
accident /ˈæksədənt, ˈæksɪdənt/ noun [C] a situation in which someone is injured or something is damaged adjectives a bad/serious accident The road is closed after a serious accident. | A bad accident nearly cost him his life. a terrible/horrific/nasty accident Janet was badly hurt in a horrific accident a couple of years ago. a tragic accident Her son was killed in a tragic accident when he was only 21. a major accident News is coming in of a major rail accident. a minor accident His car was involved in a minor traffic accident. Don't say a small accident. a fatal accident (=in which someone is killed) Police are at the scene of a fatal accident involving a lorry and a cyclist. a freak accident (=a very unusual accident) She was injured in a freak accident when she was struck by lightning. a hit-and-run accident (=an accident in which someone is hit by a driver who does not stop) Her son was killed in a hit-and-run accident. an industrial accident He injured his hand in an industrial accident when it was crushed by a machine. a nuclear accident There was a very serious nuclear accident in Fukushima. verbs have an accident He had an accident while cleaning his gun. be involved in an accident formal Two women were taken to hospital after their car was involved in an accident. be hurt/injured/killed etc in an accident Several coach passengers were injured in the accident. prevent an accident Steps have been taken to prevent a similar accident happening again. survive an accident She was lucky to survive the accident. an accident happens also an accident occurs formal No one saw the accident happen. | Many air accidents occur because of pilot error. nouns + accident a car accident He was badly injured in a car accident. a road/traffic accident They were killed in a traffic accident in France. a rail accident/a train accident It was the country's most serious rail accident. a plane accident/an air accident Holly died in a plane accident. accident + nouns accident rates/statistics Jets have one of the worst accident rates among military aircraft. | a survey of the latest airline accident statistics an accident victim The accident victims were taken to hospital by ambulance. an accident investigation/inquiry Accident investigations often take months. | The two deaths are the subject of an accident inquiry. an accident investigator Accident investigators have been there all morning. accident prevention The local authorities have just introduced an accident prevention scheme. phrases the scene of an accident (=the place where it happened) An ambulance soon arrived at the scene of the accident. the cause of the accident The cause of the accident is thought to have been engine failure. at the time of the accident At the time of the accident, 135 men were underground. THESAURUS: accident crash car crash | plane crash | train crash a serious accident involving a car, plane, train etc: His sister died in a car crash. | Seven people have been injured in a train crash. collision an accident in which two or more cars, trains etc hit each other: Their car was involved in a head-on collision with a lorry. | There have been reports of a mid-air collision between a military plane and an airliner. | He escaped unhurt from a high-speed collision with another racing driver. disaster a serious accident involving a train, plane, or boat, in which a lot of people are killed or injured: The Munich air disaster took place on 6 February 1958. | Police are interviewing the driver of the train blamed for the Belgian rail disaster. wreck AmE an accident in which a car or train is badly damaged: He was killed in a car wreck in Arizona. | This is the country's fourth fatal train wreck in three and a half years. pile-up an accident that involves several cars or other vehicles: Four people were injured in a multiple pile-up involving a minibus and five cars in thick fog. | There was a 12-car pile-up on the motorway.
account /əˈkaʊnt/ noun 1. a written or spoken description of a situation or of something that happened verbs give an account also provide an account formal He gave an account of his meeting with the prime minister. | In her book she provides a fascinating account of her travels in Africa. write an account Greene wrote an entertaining account of the affair. read an account Have you read his account of the journey? publish an account Orwell's account of the war was published in his book 'Homage to Catalonia'. adjectives/nouns + account a detailed account The book contains a detailed account of the history of the island. a full account (=including everything) It is not possible to give a full account of everything that happened on that day. a short/brief account He gave a brief account of his recent visit to Budapest. | What follows is a short account of the legal procedure. a true/accurate account Do you think the article is an accurate account of what happened? a vivid account (=one that is so clear that it seems real) The movie gives a vivid account of life in India. a graphic account (=one that gives clear and shocking details) She published a graphic account of her experiences during the civil war. a first-hand account (=from someone who has experienced something) The author gives us a first-hand account of life in the refugee camps. an eye-witness account (=from someone who saw an event) The man gave an eye-witness account of the explosion. a blow-by-blow account (=one describing everything that happened in the order it happened) She gave us a blow-by-blow account of her meeting with the boss. conflicting accounts (=different accounts of the same event that cannot both be true) There are conflicting accounts of what actually happened. prepositions an account of sth He was too shocked to give an account of what had happened. in an account He includes these details in his account of the battle. phrases by/from all accounts (=according to what many people say) By all accounts, he is a very intelligent man. by sb's own account (=according to what someone has said about themselves, especially when admitting doing something wrong) There was a time, by his own account, when he cheated. 2. an arrangement in which a bank keeps your money for you verbs have an account Do you have a bank account? open/close an account She opened an account at her local bank. | I decided to close the account and withdraw all my money. pay money into an account Terry said he would pay the money into my account. take money out of an account/withdraw money from an account When was the last time you took money out of your account? | He withdrew £350 from his account. credit an account (=the bank pays money in) The interest on your investment will be credited to your account. debit an account (=the bank takes money out) Please authorize the bank to debit your account. adjectives/nouns + account a bank account He had $850 in his bank account. a current account BrE a checking account AmE (=one that you can take money out of at any time) I paid the money into my current account. a savings/deposit account (=one in which you keep money for a long time) I think you should put the money in a savings account. a joint account She has a joint account with her husband. a personal account He withdrew £40 from his personal account. an account is overdrawn (=you have taken out more money than is in the account) Your account is overdrawn by $50. account + nouns an account number Write your account number on the reverse of the cheque. an account holder You have to be an account holder in order to use this service. an account balance/the balance on your account (=the amount of money in an account) Your account balance is £656.78. account details Never give your account details over the phone. prepositions an account at/with a bank He opened an account with the Royal Bank of Scotland.
act1 /ækt/ noun 1. an action phrases an act of violence/aggression Fighting and other acts of violence frequently occurred in the prison. | Incidents of sexual harassment and acts of violence against women were on the increase. an act of kindness In an unexpected act of kindness, he carried her shopping to the car. an act of courage/bravery The men were awarded the medals for acts of courage. an act of defiance (=refusing to obey or respect someone) The demonstration was an act of defiance against the brutal military government. | As an act of defiance Leigh dropped out of high school a month before graduation. an act of vandalism (=deliberately damaging public property) The statue was destroyed in an act of vandalism. | These mindless acts of vandalism affect the whole community. an act of terrorism 9/11 was the worst act of terrorism in US history. an act of war It is unlikely that the country would commit an act of war against its neighbour. adjectives a criminal/illegal/unlawful act He was charged with a number of criminal acts including theft. | Starting the fire was a highly irresponsible criminal act. a violent/aggressive act Violent acts such as shootings happen every day. | We will track down those responsible for this violent act. a cowardly act (=not brave) The attack on defenceless civilians was a cowardly act. | The United States strongly condemns this cowardly act by murderous extremists. a heroic act (=a brave one) Ordinary people sometimes find themselves performing heroic acts. a deliberate/conscious act Clearly this was a deliberate act of vandalism. | The bridge was damaged in a deliberate act of sabotage. a symbolic act (=one that expresses an idea or feeling) At the end of the film, as a symbolic act she releases the bird from its cage. a physical act (=done with your body) The physical act of walking calmed her down a little. a terrorist act terrorist acts like the Oklahoma City bombing verbs carry out an act also perform an act formal (=do something) The nurses performed many small acts of kindness. | They accused the group of carrying out terrible acts of violence. | He performed many acts of generosity during his life. commit an act formal (=do something bad) She was found guilty of committing a criminal act. | Anyone committing an illegal act deserves to be punished. 2. a law verbs pass an act Once Parliament has passed an act, it becomes the law of the land. | Last week Congress passed an act temporarily banning new gambling websites. bring in/introduce an act (=start using an act as law) In 1961, before the Divorce Law Reform Act was introduced, the divorce rate was only 2.1%. | The Prevention of Terrorism Act was introduced several years ago. amend an act (=make small changes to it) The act was amended to make 70 the earliest retirement age. | In 1985 the Education Act was amended to entitle children to remain in secondary school up to the age of 19 years. repeal an act (=officially end it) The Act was repealed by the Labour government. | The Vagrancy Act was repealed in 1989. an act prohibits sth (=it does not allow something) Section 47 of the Act prohibits the making of misleading statements to the police. | The act prohibits the sale of alcohol to children. an act allows sth The act allows the police to stop and search people. phrases an act comes into force/an act becomes law (=it starts to be the law) Since the act came into force, smoking is not allowed in public places. | The Clean Air Act became law in 1970.
actor /ˈæktə $ -ər/ noun someone who performs in plays or films adjectives a good/fine/great actor He had a reputation as a fine actor. | This fine actor has been delighting audiences for years. a talented/accomplished actor (=very good) Daniel Radcliffe is a talented young actor. a well-known/famous actor Tom Cruise is a very famous actor. | I'd really like to be a famous actor. | The Hollywood formula requires you to spend lots of money and hire well-known actors. a struggling actor (=one who is not getting many jobs) We shared a house when we were both struggling actors. an aspiring actor (=someone who wants to be an actor) Every year aspiring actors arrive in Hollywood looking for work. a professional actor The plays will be recorded in a studio with professional actors. | It isn't easy to become a successful professional actor. an amateur actor (=one who is not paid) The play will be performed by local amateur actors. the leading/principal actor (=the person playing the most important part) Who was the leading actor in 'The Sound of Music'? a supporting actor (=the person playing the second most important part) She was awarded an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor. | Awards were presented to star Alan Rickman and supporting actor Ian McKellen. a comic actor (=one who acts in funny plays or films) He was a comic actor and he always got a laugh. a classical actor (=one who acts parts from plays by writers such as Shakespeare) a drama school that trains classical actors | Richard Burton turned himself into a great young classical actor. nouns + actor a film/movie actor Joe wanted to be a movie actor from an early age. a television/TV actor For several years he had small parts as a television actor. a stage actor Stage actors are often badly paid. a Hollywood actor Hollywood actor Michael Douglas will be on the show to talk about his latest movie. a character actor (=one who plays unusual characters, rather than the most important characters) As a character actor you get to play some interesting parts. a child actor As a child actor, he played the role of Harry Potter. a comedy actor (=one who acts in funny plays and films) Jason was voted top TV comedy actor. verbs an actor plays a part/role/character The 31-year-old actor plays the role of Albert. an actor performs a play/scene The actors performed the scene in full costume. an actor rehearses (for) sth (=practises for a play or film) The actors are busy rehearsing for the opening night of the play. Actor or actress? The word actor can be used about both men and women. Women who appear in plays and films prefer to be called actors. However, in everyday English, many people often still use actor about a man, and actress about a woman. THESAURUS: actor actress a woman who performs in a play or film. Many women prefer to be called actors rather than actresses: Who was the actress who played Jane Eyre? | She's one of my favourite actresses. | Angelina Jolie is a famous actress who has starred in many successful films. | She began her career as a movie actress in 1998. star a famous actor: Julia Roberts is a famous Hollywood star. | The hotel is popular with movie stars. | He was a famous film star in the 1950s. | Peter thinks the multi-million-pound contracts paid to Hollywood stars today are obscene. the star someone who plays the most important part in a play or film: Daniel Radcliffe is the star of the 'Harry Potter' films. | Jennifer Aniston is the star of the new movie. co-star one of two or more famous actors who have important parts in a play or film: Her co-star Jodie Foster won the Best Actress Award. | Greta Garbo took a violent dislike to her co-star, Fredric March. the lead the main acting part in a play or film: He will play the lead in a new version of 'Dracula'. | He has also been asked to play the lead in an Italian mini-series about the early life of Mussolini. extra an actor in a film who does not say anything but is part of a crowd: She started her career as an extra in TV soap operas. | He was given the chance to play an extra in Martin Scorsese's new film. understudy an actor who learns a part in a play so that they can act the part if the usual actor is ill: Vanessa had flu, and her place was taken by her understudy, Miss Lisa Fennell. | The actress is ill and her understudy is to play the part tonight. a group of actors the cast all the actors in a play or film: Other members of the cast include Johnny Depp and Danny DeVito. | She will head the cast (=she will have the most important part). | Members of the cast were on the stage rehearsing. company a group of actors who perform plays together: In 2006, he joined the Royal Shakespeare Company. | The play will be performed by an all-female company. | The company is touring the country with a production of Othello.
agree /əˈɡriː/ verb 1. to have the same opinion as someone else adverbs completely/totally/entirely agree He thinks that we should cancel the party and I completely agree with him. agree wholeheartedly (=agree completely - more formal) The speaker said that she agreed wholeheartedly with the prime minister. unanimously agree (=used when everyone in a group agrees) The committee unanimously agreed it was too much to pay. generally agree People generally agree that education is important. broadly agree (=agree with most of something) Most scientists broadly agree with the professor's views. prepositions agree with sb/sth I think most people would agree with you. | I agree with what you're saying. agree about/on sth My husband and I agree about most things. phrases I agree with sb up to a point (=used when you partly agree with someone) I agree with you up to a point, but I think there are some exceptions. I quite agree (=used when saying that you definitely agree with someone) "It's a really good restaurant." "I quite agree." I couldn't agree more/I absolutely agree (=used when saying strongly that you completely agree) "We need a new government." "I couldn't agree more." THESAURUS: agree be in agreement formal if people are in agreement, they agree with each other, especially after discussing something: The brothers are in agreement over the future of their company. | The world's scientists are in agreement that global warming is a problem that needs to be addressed. share sb's view/be of the same opinion formal to have the same opinion as someone, especially about an important issue: A lot of people share his view that tourism will have a negative impact on the island. | Professor Dawkins is of the same opinion as Dr Jones. | They share the view that nuclear energy can play an important role in meeting global demands for energy. | All three specialists were of the same opinion about the cause of her illness. concur /kənˈkɜː $ -ˈkɜːr/ formal to agree with someone about something - a very formal word which is used especially in official contexts: The committee concurred with this view. | She asked her colleague, and she concurred. | They concurred that there was little evidence to justify the judge's decision. see eye to eye to agree with someone about something - used especially in negative sentences: We don't always see eye to eye, but we do respect each other's opinions. | It's clear that the United States and Japan see eye to eye on the question of North Korea. agree up to a point to partly agree with someone: I agree with you up to a point, but surely the situation is more complex than that? ANTONYMS → disagree 2. to say that you will do what someone asks, or allow something to happen adverbs reluctantly agree (=agree, although you do not really want to allow something) I begged my parents to let me go, and they reluctantly agreed. happily/readily agree (=agree because you think something is a good idea) She suggested that they go out for a meal and he happily agreed. unanimously agree (=everyone in a group agrees) The three judges unanimously agreed to let the appeal go ahead. phrases sb has kindly agreed to do sth (=a polite phrase used when saying that someone has agreed to do something) The school has kindly agreed to let us use the hall for our meeting. sb would never agree to sth The painting's owners would never agree to sell it. THESAURUS: agree say yes especially spoken to agree to do what someone has asked: They asked if I would give a talk, and I stupidly said yes. | If you ask him nicely, I'm sure he will say yes. approve to officially agree to a plan or proposal: Congress approved the plan by a large majority. give your consent to say that you agree to something that will affect you, your family, or your property, when you have the legal right to say 'no': Her parents have given their consent to the marriage. go along with sth to agree with someone else's plan or suggestion even though you are not sure if it is the right thing to do: He wasn't very happy with the idea, but he decided to go along with it. 3. to make a decision with someone about something nouns agree a time/place/date We still need to agree a time for our next meeting. agree a deal The government and unions have agreed a deal setting a maximum 48-hour working week. agree a price/fee They agreed a price of $3,500 for the job. Grammar You can agree a time, place, price etc, or agree on a time, place, price etc: Have you agreed (on) a date for the meeting?
agreement /əˈɡriːmənt/ noun 1. an arrangement or promise to do something, made by two or more people, companies, countries etc adjectives a legal agreement He had signed a legal agreement to repay the money. an international agreement We need an international agreement to deal with climate change. a written agreement There is usually a written agreement between the borrower and the bank. a verbal agreement (=agreed in words, but not written down) The doctor needs to have a verbal agreement from the patient. a formal/informal agreement Two years of negotiation led to a formal agreement. a binding agreement (=an official agreement that must be obeyed) Lawyers are in the process of drafting a legally binding agreement between both parties. a multilateral agreement formal (=involving several countries or groups) They negotiated a multilateral agreement between all World Trade Organization members. a bilateral agreement formal (=between two countries or groups) A bilateral agreement between the UK and Korean governments was signed last year. a tentative agreement (=not yet definite or certain) A tentative agreement has been reached on new contracts. a prenuptial agreement (=one made before a marriage) The singer's wife had offered to sign a prenuptial agreement. nouns + agreement a trade agreement The administration has signed a multi-billion dollar trade agreement with Colombia. a peace agreement (=a permanent agreement to stop fighting) The five countries in the region signed a peace agreement. a ceasefire agreement (=a temporary agreement to stop fighting) A ceasefire agreement was signed between the government and the rebels. a draft agreement (=one that is not yet in its finished form) The government of Iraq refused to accept the wording of the draft UN agreement. a gentleman's agreement (=an agreement that is not written down, and is based only on trust) The candidates seemed to have a gentleman's agreement not to criticize each other. verbs + agreement make an agreement We made an agreement not to tell anyone. enter into an agreement formal (=make an official agreement, which has legal responsibilities) In 2006, the city authorities entered into an agreement with a private firm to build a thousand new homes. sign an agreement The two countries have signed an agreement on military cooperation. have an agreement They have an agreement that all workers should be union members. reach/come to an agreement also conclude/secure an agreement formal It took the two sides several weeks to reach an agreement. | The two sides failed to come to an agreement. break/violate an agreement The UN accused the country's leaders of breaking international agreements. keep/honour an agreement also stick to an agreement informal (=do what you have agreed) Employers must honour an agreement to increase salaries. go back on an agreement also renege on an agreement formal (=not do what you agreed to do) Republican leaders accused Democrats of trying to renege on an agreement to have a vote. be bound by an agreement (=have to obey the conditions of an official agreement) India is bound by the agreements signed under the World Trade Organization. negotiate an agreement (=discuss particular things in order to reach an agreement) They have been trying to negotiate an agreement with a Chinese company. hammer out an agreement (=decide on an agreement after a lot of discussion and disagreement) Republicans and Democrats are hammering out an agreement to balance the federal budget. draft an agreement (=write the conditions of an agreement, which may be changed) The legal team will draft a second agreement incorporating these changes. broker an agreement (=arrange an agreement between two or more opposing groups) The US has been trying to broker an agreement between the Israelis and the Palestinians. finalize an agreement (=agree the last part) The developer hopes to finalise an agreement this week with the local authority. agreement + verbs an agreement breaks down/fails (=it stops working) The agreement broke down almost immediately. an agreement comes into effect/force (=it starts being used) It cannot be done until the agreement comes into force next month. an agreement covers sth The two countries have agreements covering every aspect of cross-border activity. an agreement allows sth They signed a 10-year agreement allowing the US to use a military airfield at Manta. an agreement requires/stipulates sth This agreement requires newspaper publishers to use a certain percentage of recycled paper. prepositions an agreement with sb/sth The German car maker signed an agreement with the state government to build a new factory. an agreement between sb (and sb) A military cooperation agreement between the two countries was signed last year. under an agreement Under the agreement, most agricultural prices will remain at the same level. an agreement on sth They signed an agreement on military cooperation. phrases the terms of an agreement (=the conditions that people agree on) Under the terms of the agreement, the debt would be repaid over a 20-year period. a breach of an agreement (=an act of breaking an agreement) Both sides were accusing each other of breaches of the agreement. be close to an agreement (=have almost reached an agreement) Management and unions are close to an agreement about pay. 2. a situation in which people have the same opinion adjectives unanimous agreement (=everyone agrees) There was unanimous agreement that the plan was a good idea. general/broad/widespread agreement (=most people agree) There is broad agreement that something needs to be done. mutual agreement (=two people or groups agree) The decision to separate was arrived at by mutual agreement. prepositions be in agreement We were all in agreement that changes needed to be made. agreement on sth There is little agreement on what to do about the problem. agreement among sb There is widespread agreement among scientists on how the disease is spread.
aid AC /eɪd/ noun 1. help, such as money or food, given by an organization or government to a country or to people who are in a difficult situation adjectives/nouns + aid foreign/international/overseas aid The country is very poor and relies on foreign aid. government/federal/state aid The school receives government aid. legal aid (=free legal services) People on low incomes can get legal aid. financial/economic aid The government provides financial aid for farmers. military aid The US sent military aid to Pakistan. medical aid The refugees are in urgent need of food and medical aid. food aid We need to provide food aid for over 60,000 people. humanitarian aid (=given to people living in very bad conditions) Ministers agreed to send humanitarian aid, including food and medical supplies. emergency aid The government sent emergency aid to the victims of the earthquake. development aid (=given to help develop poor countries) Western countries have given billions of dollars in development aid. verbs give/provide aid The United States continues to give aid to Israel. send aid EU ministers agreed to send aid. ask for/appeal for/call for aid The Pakistan authorities have asked for aid to help the flood victims. get/receive aid The country is very poor and receives a lot of foreign aid. depend on/rely on aid Millions of people rely on food aid. cut off/withdraw aid (=stop giving aid) The US has threatened to cut off aid to the region. | Conditions got considerably worse when Western aid was withdrawn. suspend aid (=officially stop aid from continuing, usually for a short time) Canada will be suspending aid until democracy is restored. qualify for aid also be eligible for aid (=have the right to be given aid) The project is eligible for aid from the government. promise aid The president promised additional aid for the victims of the hurricane. aid + nouns an aid worker Aid workers warned that the situation was getting worse. an aid agency/group The sanctions could prevent international aid agencies from delivering food and medicine. an aid programme/scheme/package He works for a UN aid programme which helps street children. a country's aid budget Many Western governments have been forced to reduce their overseas aid budget. an aid convoy (= a group of vehicles or ships travelling together, carrying aid) A UN aid convoy is still trying to reach the town. an aid donor (=a person or organization that gives aid) The bridge was built at a cost of $85 million, mostly supplied by overseas aid donors. phrases an appeal/request for aid International aid agencies launched an appeal for emergency aid. 2. a piece of equipment or a tool that helps someone do something adjectives a useful/valuable aid A video is a useful aid in the classroom. a teaching/classroom aid A wide range of teaching aids are available for teachers to use. a visual aid (=a picture used to help explain something) In her lectures, she uses slides and other visual aids. a training/study aid The book is used as a study aid on management courses. a hearing aid (= worn by people who cannot hear well) His hearing got worse and he had to wear a hearing aid. an electronic aid The police use electronic aids to keep track of criminals. a navigational/navigation aid (=that shows you how to get from one place to another) Their only navigational aid was a compass. prepositions an aid to sth Computers are used as an aid to design. with/without the aid of sth Students are supposed do the questions without the aid of a calculator.
aim /eɪm/ noun something you hope to achieve by doing something adjectives the main aim also the principal/primary aim formal The government's main aim is to stay in power. a key aim (=used when emphasizing that an aim is very important) One of the key aims is to help people find work. the ultimate/long-term aim (=that you hope to achieve at some time in the future) The ultimate aim is to produce vehicles that run on clean sources of energy. the immediate/initial aim (=that you hope to achieve first) Their immediate aim was to pay off their debts. the general/broad/overall aim The overall aim of the course is to help students improve their reading and writing skills. a common aim (=that people, countries, or organizations share) The two groups share a common aim. a specific aim He bought the property with the specific aim of making a profit. a political aim They used violence to achieve their political aims. the underlying aim (=basic aim, which lies behind all the other things you do) The government's main underlying aim is now to get growth back into the economy. the overriding aim (=more important than the others) The overriding aim is to bring terrorism to an end so that the people can live in peace. sb's only aim also sb's sole aim more formal His sole aim is to make life difficult for other people. sb's declared/stated aim (=that someone has said publicly) The government's declared aim is to get rid of poverty completely. a strategic aim (=that is part of a military, political, or business plan) The broader strategic aim is to prevent arms and other supplies from reaching the rebels. verbs sb's aim is to do sth Our aim is to win the competition. have an aim The scientists all have the same aim - to find a cure for the disease. achieve your aim She achieved her aim of becoming a doctor. meet/realize/fulfil/accomplish your aim (=achieve your aim - more formal) They hope to meet their aim of reducing world poverty within the next five years. set out/state the aims of sth They set out their aims in the party manifesto. | You should begin the paper by stating the aim of your study. pursue your aims formal (=try to achieve them over a long period of time) The men worked closely together to pursue their aims. further your aims especially disapproving (=help them to be successful) The group is prepared to use violence to further its political aims. prepositions the aim of sth The aim of the investigation is to find out what caused the crash. with the aim of doing sth The project was set up with the aim of helping disabled people find places to live. phrases a set of aims The organization has a set of aims which are listed on its website. aims and objectives (=the things you hope to achieve) I've written down a list of aims and objectives for the meeting. sb's aim in life His main aim in life is to avoid doing any work. THESAURUS: aim goal something important that you hope to achieve in the future, even though it may take a long time: The country can still achieve its goal of reducing poverty by a third. | Their ultimate goal is to become an independent country. | His long-term goal is to win the world championship. target a particular amount or total that you want to achieve: The company is on track to meet its target of increasing profits by 10%. | He set himself a target of losing 10 kilos. objective the specific thing that you are trying to achieve - used especially about things that have been officially discussed and agreed upon in business, politics etc: Their main objective is to halt the flow of drugs. | We met to set the business objectives for the coming year. ambition something that you very much want to achieve in your future career: Her ambition was to go to law school and become an attorney. | Earlier this year, he achieved his ambition of competing in the Olympic Games.
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List alarm /əˈlɑːm $ əˈlɑːrm/ noun 1. a piece of equipment that makes a loud noise to warn you of danger adjectives/nouns + alarm a fire/smoke alarm If the fire alarm goes off, leave the building immediately. a security alarm The building has a system of security alarms. a burglar alarm also an intruder alarm formal (=that tells you when someone is getting into a building without permission) Neighbours heard the burglar alarm and called the police. a car alarm (=for when someone tries to steal a car) I was woken by a car alarm in the middle of the night. a personal alarm (=that you carry with you in case you are attacked) If you are nervous, buy a personal alarm. a baby alarm (=for when a baby wakes up and cries) Is the baby alarm switched on? verbs an alarm goes off also an alarm sounds formal (=it suddenly makes a noise) The thieves fled when an alarm went off. set off/trigger/activate an alarm (=make it start working) A window blew open, setting off the alarm. set the alarm (=make it ready to operate) Did you set the burglar alarm? switch off/turn off the alarm The owner of the shop arrived and switched off the alarm. disable the alarm (=deliberately make it stop working) The burglars had managed to disable the alarm. install an alarm also fit an alarm BrE After our neighbours were burgled, we installed a burglar alarm. alarm + nouns an alarm button He hit the alarm button under the desk. an alarm system They have installed an electronic burglar alarm system. 2. a feeling of fear or worry because something bad or dangerous might happen adjectives great/considerable alarm When the announcement was made, there was great alarm. growing alarm There is growing alarm in the region over the situation in Iraq. sudden alarm "Don't do that," Matt said in sudden alarm. unnecessary/undue alarm His claims have caused unnecessary alarm among millions of parents. public alarm The radiation leak caused considerable public alarm. verbs express alarm Police expressed alarm at the level of drug use. cause/create alarm The proposal has caused great alarm and anxiety. prepositions alarm at/over/about sth There is alarm at the level of pollution. with alarm Britain viewed this development with alarm. in alarm The girl cried out in alarm. to sb's alarm He noticed to his alarm that the fuel tank was nearly empty. phrases there is no cause/need for alarm The minister insisted that there was no cause for alarm. abandon verb abbreviation noun ability noun abnormal adjective abort verb abortion noun abortive adjective about preposition absence noun absent adjective absolutely adverb absorbing adjective abstract1 adjective abstract2 noun abuse noun abysmal adjective academic adjective accelerator noun accent noun accept verb acceptable adjective access noun accident noun accidental adjective accommodation noun accomplish verb accomplished adjective account noun accuracy noun accurate adjective accusation noun accuse verb accustomed adjective achieve verb achievement noun acquaintance noun acquire verb act1 noun act2 verb action noun active adjective activity noun actor noun actress noun acute adjective adapt verb addict noun address noun adequate adjective adjourn verb adjust verb administration noun admiration noun admire verb admirer noun admission noun admit verb adolescent adjective adopt verb adult1 noun adult2 adjective advance noun advanced adjective advantage noun adventure noun adventurous adjective advertise verb advertisement noun advice noun advise verb affair noun affect verb affection noun affectionate adjective affluent adjective affordable adjective afraid adjective after preposition, conjunction, adverb afternoon noun again adverb age noun agenda noun aggression noun aggressive adjective agony noun agree verb agreeable adjective agreement noun aid noun aim noun air noun aircraft noun airline noun airport noun alarm noun alarm clock noun alarming adjective alcohol noun alibi noun alien adjective alive adjective allegation noun allergic adjective allergy noun alleviate verb alliance noun allocate verb allow verb ally noun almost adverb alone adjective, adverb alter verb alteration noun alternate verb alternative1 noun alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective Other words and phrases alarm noun alarm clock noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List attack1 /əˈtæk/ noun 1. the act of using weapons against an enemy in a war adjectives a military attack The US launched a military attack on Iraq. a nuclear attack They would not risk a nuclear attack on the United States. an armed attack Armed attacks against villagers are on the increase. a surprise attack They launched a surprise attack on the camp just before dawn. a devastating attack (=causing a lot of damage) It was a devastating attack against a civilian target. an all-out attack (=using a lot of force, soldiers, or weapons, or using everything that you have) General Smith was in favour of an all-out attack on the enemy. a full-scale attack (=using all the available soldiers and weapons) German troops launched a full-scale attack on the city. nouns + attack a missile/rocket/mortar attack There were 15 dead and 20 wounded in a missile attack on the capital. an air attack (=an attack from a plane using bombs) Malta was under heavy air attack. verbs launch/mount an attack Napoleon's army launched an attack on Russia. | The government now prepared to mount an attack on the rebels. lead an attack The general himself led the attack. an attack happens/takes place also an attack occurs formal The attacks had taken place at night. an attack kills sb The missile attack killed several innocent people. prepositions an attack on/against sb The planes were used in the missile attack against southern Iraq. be under attack The base was under attack from enemy fire. phrases come under attack Camps in the south came under attack from government forces. THESAURUS: attack invasion an occasion when an army enters a country and tries to take control of it: The Allies began their invasion of Europe. | The threat of foreign invasion is very real. raid a short attack on a place by soldiers or planes, intended to cause damage but not take control: NATO warplanes carried out a series of bombing raids on the city. | an air raid | The village has been the target of frequent raids by rebel groups. strike a sudden military attack: Senior Israeli officials warned that they were still considering a military strike. | the possibility of a nuclear strike assault a military attack intended to take control of a city, area, or building controlled by an enemy: The final military assault on Kwangju began at 3 a.m. on 27 May. | Hitler launched an all-out assault (=using as many soldiers, weapons, planes etc as possible) on Russia. ambush a sudden attack by people who have been waiting and hiding, especially an attack on a vehicle or people who are travelling somewhere: Five soldiers were shot and killed in an ambush. | Enemy forces waiting in ambush opened fire on the vehicle. counterattack a military attack made in response to an attack by an enemy: Government forces launched a counterattack against the guerrillas. | If they successfully occupied the city, they would need to be capable of defending it against counterattack. onslaught formal a large violent attack by an army: In 1544 there was a full-scale onslaught on France, in which the English took Boulogne. | The troops were preparing for another onslaught against the enemy. ANTONYMS → defence (1) 2. an act of violence that is intended to hurt a person or damage a place adjectives a violent/vicious/brutal attack Police described it as an extremely violent attack. a horrific attack "This was a horrific attack," the judge said. a frenzied attack (=very violent and uncontrolled) The woman was stabbed to death in a frenzied attack. a deadly attack (=in which many people die) The airport was closed following a deadly attack. an unprovoked attack (=in which the victim did nothing to cause the attack) The man was knocked to the ground and kicked in an unprovoked attack. a motiveless attack (=that happens for no reason) He was stabbed to death in an apparently motiveless attack. a racial/racist attack Police are treating the incident as a racial attack. a sexual attack There was no indication of a sexual attack. verbs carry out an attack The man who carried out the attack has been described as tall and 25 to 30 years old. be subjected to an attack (=be attacked) He was subjected to a brutal attack. survive an attack She survived the attack despite being stabbed 17 times. an attack kills sb Recently a terrorist attack killed 25 people. foil an attack (=prevent one that has been planned) The attack was foiled by security guards. an attack happens/takes place also an attack occurs formal The attack took place at around 10 p.m. on Thursday. nouns + attack a bomb attack Extremists are believed to have carried out the bomb attack. a terrorist attack The accused men went on trial on Monday for America's worst ever terrorist attack. a suicide attack (=one in which the attacker deliberately kills himself or herself as well as other people) The bomber carried out a suicide attack on a bus. a knife/gun attack He was sentenced to nine years in prison for the knife attack. a sex attack She had been the victim of a violent sex attack. an arson attack (=intended to destroy a building by burning it) Ten classrooms were completely destroyed in the arson attack. a revenge attack His house was burned down in a revenge attack after he stole his friend's girlfriend. prepositions an attack on sb He was jailed for an attack on a police officer. an attack by sb She is recovering after an attack by a dog. be behind an attack (=be responsible for organizing it) It is not known who was behind the attack or what the motive was. phrases a series/wave/spate of attacks (=several attacks occurring in a short period of time) The killing follows a series of brutal attacks on tourists. the victim of an attack She was the victim of an attack in her own home. 3. a strong criticism of someone or something adjectives a direct attack The comments were seen as a direct attack on the president's leadership. a strong attack Milliband made his strongest attack yet on the government's economic policy. a bitter attack (=full of strong angry feelings) He launched a bitter attack on the company, accusing them of incompetence. a scathing/blistering/stinging attack (=very strong) The senator delivered a blistering attack on the president's plans for welfare reform. a vitriolic attack formal (=extremely strong and angry) Last week she launched a vitriolic attack on her former colleagues. a personal attack (=which criticizes someone's character, especially in an unfair and unkind way) The debate included some bitter personal attacks. verbs launch/mount/make/deliver an attack (=make an attack) He gave a press conference in which he launched a fierce attack upon the Democrats. prepositions an attack on sb/sth also an attack upon sb/sth formal The article contained a scathing attack on the leadership of the party. phrases be/come under attack (=be criticized) Plans to reform the education system have come under attack from teachers. go on the attack (=start to criticize someone, especially after they have criticized you) Khan went on the attack, accusing his political opponents of corruption. ANTONYMS → defence (2) applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun article noun articulate adjective artificial adjective artist noun artistic adjective ascend verb ashamed adjective ask verb asleep adjective aspect noun assault noun assemble verb assess verb assessment noun asset noun assignment noun assistance noun assistant noun association noun assume verb assumption noun asylum noun atmosphere noun attack1 noun attack2 verb attain verb attempt noun attendance noun attention noun attitude noun attraction noun attractive adjective audience noun authentic adjective author noun authoritarian adjective authority noun authorization noun autumn noun available adjective avenue noun average1 noun average2 adjective avert verb avid adjective avoid verb awake adjective award1 noun award2 verb aware adjective awareness noun Other words and phrases attack1 noun attack2 verb Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
age /eɪdʒ/ noun 1. how old someone is adjectives/nouns + age old age Loneliness affects many people in old age. middle age (=between about 40 and 60) Smoking kills a fifth of all smokers in middle age. a great/advanced age (=a very old age) My aunt died at a great age. | Kirby is not alone in wanting to run his own business at an advanced age. a difficult/awkward age (=used mainly about the time when people are teenagers) 13-16 is often a difficult age. retirement age The risk of experiencing poverty is much greater for those over retirement age. school age Children should start doing homework as they approach high school age. school-leaving age BrE The government is proposing to raise the minimum school-leaving age. the legal age In the UK, the legal age for buying alcohol is 18. the minimum age The minimum age for driving a car is 17. the voting age There are plans to bring down the voting age from 18 to 16. marriageable age formal (=the age when you can get married) Her father wanted her to marry as soon as she reached marriageable age. of working age 55 percent of the people are of working age. of childbearing age (=at the age when a woman can have children) It is against the law to refuse to employ a woman of childbearing age because she may become pregnant. age + nouns an age group/bracket/range Men in the 50-65 age group are most at risk from heart disease. | The school takes in children from the seven to eleven age range. an age limit There's no upper age limit for drivers. an age gap/difference There's a five-year age gap between me and my husband - he's 35 and I'm 40. age discrimination (=unfair treatment because of someone's age) We need laws against age discrimination in the workplace. verbs get to/reach/live to an age One in three children died before they reached the age of 5. | The number of people living to the age of 80 has doubled in the last fifty years. approach an age (=be almost a particular age) He was approaching retirement age. lower/raise the age (=at which something can be done) The voting age was lowered from 21 to 18. look/feel your age (=look or feel as old as you really are) The singer is 46, but she doesn't look her age at all. | I keep getting aches in my legs and I'm starting to feel my age. act your age (=behave in the way that a person of your age should behave) It's time he started acting his age. ask sb his/her age It's rude to ask a woman her age. say your age He didn't say his age, but I think he was about 30. prepositions at an age At your age, you shouldn't have any problem walking. of this/that/sb's age Children of this age learn very quickly. by the age of I could read by the age of five. the age of 5/65 etc She left school at the age of 15. under/below the age of The film is not suitable for children under the age of twelve. over the age of It is difficult to get travel insurance if you are over the age of 80. for your age She looks very good for her age. phrases from an early/young age She'd been playing the piano from a very early age. at an early/young age Kids can start learning a second language at a young age. sb (of) your own age He needs to play with children of his own age. the age of consent (=when you are legally allowed to marry or have sex) At 15, the girl was under the age of consent. 2. a particular period of history adjectives/nouns + age a new age We are now entering a new age in world history. a golden age (=a very good or successful time) This is a television show from the golden age of American comedy. a bygone age (=a time in the past, which no longer exists) The building has the elegance and grace of a bygone age. the modern age In the modern age, the British monarch does not have any real power. the space age The 1960s was the dawn of the space age. the nuclear age The nuclear age began in the middle of the 20th century. the digital age In the digital age, people can access information from a range of different sources. the computer age Before the computer age, all records were kept on paper. the information age (=the age of computers and the internet) In the information age, people want things faster and faster. the industrial age The mills of the industrial age were powered by steam. the Ice Age (=one of the long periods of time, thousands of years ago, when ice covered many northern countries) The last ice age ended about 10,000 years ago. the Stone Age (=the very early time in human history, when only stone was used for making tools, weapons etc) In the Stone Age people made tools from pieces of rock. the Bronze Age (=the period of time, between about 6,000 and 4,000 years ago, when bronze was used for making tools, weapons etc) They found a beautiful bracelet, which dated back to the Bronze Age. the Iron Age (=the period of time, about 3,000 years ago, when iron was first used for making tools, weapons etc) The hill was used as a fort in the Iron Age. the Dark Ages (=the period in European history from AD 476 to about AD 1000) The Vikings came to England in the Dark Ages, after the Romans had gone. the Middle Ages (=the period in European history between about AD 1100 and AD 1500) Many of our greatest churches and cathedrals were built in the Middle Ages. the Victorian age (=the period 1837-1901 when Victoria was Queen of England) The Victorian age was a time of great scientific achievement. prepositions in an age We are living in the age of technology. during an age During the Ice Age, global sea levels were lower. the age of sth In the age of the internet, information is very easy to find. through the ages The exhibition shows the development of the castle through the ages. phrases in this day and age (=now - used when you do not think that something should still happen or exist now) Racist comments are not acceptable in this day and age.
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List angry /ˈæŋɡri/ adjective feeling or showing strong emotions because you think someone has behaved badly, or because a situation seems bad or unfair adverbs very/really/extremely angry His comments made me really angry. | She was very angry and called me a liar. increasingly angry/more and more angry Passengers became increasingly angry as the delays continued. visibly angry (=in a way that is easy to see) He was visibly angry when a reporter asked another question. justifiably angry (=having a good reason to be angry) Mark was justifiably angry at his punishment. nouns people are angry People are still angry at the way they have been treated. an angry man/woman Henry was a very angry man. an angry crowd/mob An angry crowd gathered outside City Hall. angry customers/fans/parents/residents etc Angry customers demanded their money back. an angry face/expression/voice His voice sounded angry on the phone. an angry protest/demonstration There were angry protests outside government buildings. an angry response/reaction His comments brought an angry response from opposition politicians. an angry argument/exchange The meeting ended in an angry argument. an angry scene (=a situation in which people become very angry and often shout at each other) There were angry scenes outside the court as the prisoner arrived. an angry outburst (=when someone suddenly says something in an angry way) He later apologized for his angry outburst. angry words The two men exchanged angry words. an angry letter/phone call He wrote an angry letter complaining about the service he had received. verbs get/become angry The children were misbehaving, and I was starting to get angry. feel angry I felt so angry with her for leaving me. look/sound angry Tony suddenly sounded angry. make sb angry Jesse laughed, which made him even angrier. prepositions angry with sb "Please don't be angry with me," she said. angry about/over/at sth He's still angry about the way the company has treated him. phrases angry and frustrated/upset Anne was angry and upset when she heard the news. | She felt angry and frustrated that she had not been given the job. THESAURUS: angry annoyed if you are annoyed about something, you feel a little angry: I was annoyed because no one had told me the class was cancelled. | She was annoyed with him for being late. Annoyed is not usually used before a noun. irritated annoyed and impatient, especially because something keeps happening or someone keeps saying or doing something: I was irritated by their stupid questions. | I get irritated when I hear people saying that teachers don't work hard. | "Please speak more clearly," she said in a very irritated voice. mad informal very angry: Dad was mad at me for damaging his car. Mad is not used before a noun in this meaning. cross spoken angry - used in British spoken English, to people you know well: She was cross with him for being late. | Simon is cross about the way he has been treated. Cross is not used before a noun. bad-tempered a bad-tempered person becomes angry or annoyed easily and behaves in an unfriendly way: The caretaker was a bad-tempered old man. | She's always bad-tempered when she doesn't get what she wants. Bad-tempered can also be used about situations or events in which people often become angry: It was a bad-tempered game, and three players were sent off. grumpy informal a grumpy person becomes annoyed easily. Grumpy is more informal than bad-tempered, and sounds less serious: My husband's always grumpy first thing in the morning. | You sound like a grumpy old woman. in a bad/foul mood feeling a little angry for a period of time, often for no particular reason. Foul sounds more informal than bad: I woke up in a bad mood. | She's been in a foul mood all morning. furious argument | row | debate | attack | reaction | response extremely angry: The couple had a furious argument. | The minister's comments provoked a furious reaction. | She was furious with him when she found out he'd been lying to her. | Ella was absolutely furious at this news. irate customer | boss | husband | father | parents | resident | voice | letter | (phone) call extremely angry, especially because you think you have been treated badly or unfairly: Irate customers rang the store to complain. | He wrote an irate letter to the editor of the newspaper. | Passengers were irate at the delay. Irate is often used before a noun. heated debate | discussion | argument | row | exchange | talks a heated argument, debate etc is one in which people have strong opinions and become angry: After a heated debate, councillors voted to accept the proposal. | He was having a heated argument with the referee. Heated is usually used before a noun. livid if someone is livid, they are extremely angry: Her father was livid with her. | He looked absolutely livid. Livid is not usually used before a noun. outraged very angry and shocked by something you think is unfair or wrong: Most people were outraged by the attacks. | The director said he was outraged at the ban on the film. | Outraged viewers complained about the programme. indignant formal angry and surprised because you feel insulted or feel that you or someone else have been treated badly - used about people or something they do: She sounded indignant at the way her child had been treated. | The newspaper received several indignant letters from angry readers. alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective ankle noun anniversary noun announce verb announcement noun annoyed adjective annoying adjective annual adjective annul verb anonymous adjective answer1 noun answer2 verb anticipation noun antiquated adjective antique adjective anxiety noun Other words and phrases angry adjective Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List animal /ˈænəməl, ˈænɪməl/ noun [C] a living creature such as a dog or cat, that is not an insect, plant, bird, fish, or person adjectives/nouns + animal a wild animal We have laws which prevent the killing of many wild animals. a dangerous animal Australia is home to some of the world's most dangerous animals. an exotic animal The jungle is full of tigers and other exotic animals. a farm animal Generally speaking, it is better for farm animals to have plenty of space. a domestic animal (=kept as a pet or on a farm) The disease affects sheep and other domestic animals. a land animal The cheetah is the fastest land animal in the world. a marine animal (=living in the sea) Many marine animals are poisonous. a furry animal Children love little furry animals. a stray animal (=one that does not have a home) She left food out for stray animals. animal + nouns animal rights Animal rights protesters want the laboratory to be closed. animal welfare (=providing good care and living conditions for animals) People are becoming much more concerned about animal welfare. animal products I always check the label to make sure that it does not contain animal products. an animal lover The actress is an animal lover who keeps her own chickens and goats. the animal kingdom/world The creature had the largest known eyes in the whole animal kingdom. an animal species/a species of animal (=a type of animal) There are over 50 animal species on the island. animal experiments/testing also experiments/testing on animals I disagree with animal testing - I think it is cruel and unnecessary. verbs keep animals We're not allowed to keep animals in our apartment. test sth on animals Many people are against testing beauty products on animals. kill an animal They believe it is morally wrong to kill any animal. slaughter an animal (=kill an animal, especially for its meat) Some religions have rules about the way animals should be slaughtered. hunt an animal The animals were hunted for their fur. THESAURUS: animal creature /ˈkriːtʃə $ -ər/ an animal - used especially when describing a particular animal's characteristics or when referring to animals generally: The snow leopard is a magnificent creature. | Mankind's actions have affected all the living creatures in the sea. beast an animal, especially a large or dangerous one: To most people, lions are savage beasts. | a wild beast living thing an animal considered as one of a group of things that grow and then die, including humans and plants: The only living things we saw were dogs and cats. species /ˈspiːʃiːz/ a group of animals whose members are similar and can breed together to produce young animals: Over seventy species of birds have been observed in the area. mammal an animal that drinks milk from its mother's body when it is young: Humans, dogs, and whales are all mammals. vertebrate a living creature that has a backbone: The virus affects chickens, monkeys, and most other vertebrates. invertebrate a living creature that does not have a backbone: He studied earthworms and other small invertebrates. alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective ankle noun anniversary noun announce verb announcement noun annoyed adjective annoying adjective annual adjective annul verb anonymous adjective answer1 noun answer2 verb anticipation noun antiquated adjective antique adjective anxiety noun Other words and phrases animal noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List approval /əˈpruːvəl/ noun 1. the fact of liking someone or something, and believing that they are good adjectives public approval The policy won a lot of public approval. universal approval (=from everyone) His decision has been met with almost universal approval. general approval (=from most people) McGill's views did not gain general approval in the company. verbs meet with sb's approval (=be approved of by someone) Her boyfriend did not meet with her mother's approval. win/gain approval His condemnation of the war won widespread approval. seek sb's approval He constantly sought his father's approval. look to sb for approval They all admired Gordon and looked to him for approval. prepositions in/with approval They clapped their hands in approval. approval from sb Teenagers are desperate for approval from people their own age. phrases a look/smile/nod of approval "You've thought of everything," she said with a look of approval. a roar/murmur/chorus of approval (=noises showing approval from a group) There were murmurs of approval from the crowd. 2. an occasion when a plan, decision, or person is officially accepted adjectives/nouns + approval official/formal approval Finance ministers gave their formal approval in July. final approval The EU has still not granted final approval for the scheme. government approval It can take years for a new drug to receive government approval. Parliamentary/Congressional/Senate approval The law is still awaiting parliamentary approval. | His appointment was subject to Congressional approval. parental approval (=from someone's parents) Students must first obtain parental approval. planning approval (=official approval needed before building something) The construction work will need planning approval. verbs give (your) approval to sth/give sth your approval The president has already given his approval to the plan. | Congress gave final approval on October 8th. get/win approval also receive/obtain approval formal NASA finally got approval for the mission. | It is just three months since we received official approval to go ahead with the project. approval is granted (for sth) (=it is approved) Approval was granted for the construction work to go ahead. require/need approval A multi-million pound project will require approval by the board of directors. seek approval You will need to make an appointment with the bank to seek approval for the loan. submit sth for approval The final design will be submitted for approval next month. prepositions with/without sb's approval A company cannot be sold without the approval of the shareholders. | With her parents' approval, she married a much older man. approval by sb The bill will be submitted for approval by Congress. phrases be subject to approval (=need someone's approval before it can happen) The merger is subject to approval by shareholders. sb's seal/stamp of approval (=someone's official approval) You must not make decisions without your manager's seal of approval. alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective ankle noun anniversary noun announce verb announcement noun annoyed adjective annoying adjective annual adjective annul verb anonymous adjective answer1 noun answer2 verb anticipation noun antiquated adjective antique adjective anxiety noun apartment noun apologize verb apology noun appalling adjective apparent adjective appeal noun appear verb appearance noun appetite noun appetizing adjective applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun Other words and phrases approval noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List article /ˈɑːtɪkəl $ ˈɑːr-/ noun a piece of writing about a particular subject in a newspaper or magazine adjectives/nouns + article a newspaper/magazine article I saw a newspaper article about the college. | The couple talked frankly about their joy at having a new baby in a magazine article published yesterday. a good/excellent article I read a good article about him in 'The Observer'. an interesting article There was an interesting article on building your own home. a thought-provoking article (=one that is interesting because it makes you think) I don't agree with everything she says, but it certainly is a thought-provoking article. a long/short article She wrote a short article for the school newspaper. a recent article In a recent article in the Times, she accuses the government of hypocrisy. a front-page article They published a front-page article about the scandal. the leading/lead article (=the main article) The paper's leading article described the government as weak. a feature article (=a special article, usually over several pages) There's a feature article on women business leaders. an in-depth article (=which contains a lot of information about someone or something) There was an in-depth article about the origins of the war. verbs read/see an article Did you see the article about him in 'The Independent'? write an article also do an article informal 'The Times' asked him to do an article on the election. publish/carry/run an article (=print it in a newspaper or magazine) The magazine carried an article on the dangers of being overweight. an article appears somewhere The article appeared in a local paper. prepositions an article on/about sth an article on environmental issues an article by sb I enjoyed that article by the mayor of New York. in an article In a recent article, she described herself as 'madly in love'. THESAURUS: article story an article in a newspaper about something that has happened, or something that someone has done: There was a front-page story about her affair with him. | I read a newspaper story about the crash. | The local paper ran a story (=published a story) about the two boys. piece a short article in a newspaper or magazine: I've written a couple of pieces for the New York Times magazine. | The piece was first published in the Observer. feature a special article about a particular subject, often with photographs and continuing for several pages: They had a special feature on China. | The paper did a big feature on growing your own food. review an article in a newspaper or magazine about a book, play, product, hotel etc, giving someone's opinion of it: Did you see the review of the movie? | The play had rave reviews (=people liked it a lot - an informal use). column an article by a particular writer that appears regularly in a newspaper or magazine: He has a weekly column in 'The Times'. | She writes a newspaper column on gardening. editorial a piece of writing in a newspaper that gives the personal opinion of the editor about something that is in the news: The newspaper published an editorial criticizing the government's economic policy. | The war was a mistake, the paper said in an editorial. cutting BrE clipping AmE an article that has been cut from a newspaper or magazine: His mother has kept all his old press cuttings from when he started his career as an actor. applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun article noun articulate adjective artificial adjective artist noun artistic adjective ascend verb ashamed adjective ask verb asleep adjective aspect noun assault noun Other words and phrases article noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List artificial /ˌɑːtəˈfɪʃəl◂, ˌɑːtɪˈfɪʃəl◂ $ ˌɑːr-/ adjective not real or not natural nouns artificial light/lighting They use artificial lighting when there isn't enough daylight. artificial flowers There was a vase of artificial flowers on the table. an artificial leg/limb/heart etc He has an artificial leg because he lost a leg in a road accident. artificial sweeteners/colours/preservatives/additives Diet drinks contain artificial sweeteners. | I try to buy food that is free from artificial colours. | Ice cream often has artificial flavours in it. | This jam has no artificial preservatives. an artificial environment/situation An interview is a very artificial situation and people don't react in a natural way. artificial fibres Artificial fibres such as nylon are cheap to produce. artificial grass/turf The baseball game was played on artificial turf. an artificial lake/harbour York University is built around a large artificial lake. artificial snow Some ski resorts use huge amounts of artificial snow. verbs look artificial The apples were so shiny that they looked artificial. THESAURUS: artificial man-made fibre | material | chemical | lake | reservoir | island | snow man-made materials are made by people. You can also use man-made about geographical features such as lakes: Polyester is a man-made fibre. | The town has its own man-made lake, which is popular with swimmers. synthetic fibre | material | fabric | chemical | drug | fuel | rubber synthetic materials and substances are made using chemical processes or substances, not natural ones: The sweater is made from synthetic fibres which are designed to be light but very warm. | Amphetamine is a synthetic drug that stimulates the nervous system. imitation leather | silk | gold | diamond | pearl | gun | firearm | weapon imitation materials and objects are made to look like the real thing: Her shoes were made of imitation leather. | Only an expert can tell if the pearls are imitation. | He was carrying an imitation gun. Imitation can also be used as a noun: The watch was an imitation. fake fur | jewellery | pearl | tan | blood made to look or seem like something else, especially in order to deceive people: The collar is made of fake fur. | The actors' faces were covered in fake blood. false teeth | eyelashes | moustache | leg | nose artificial - used about parts of the body that are made to look like the real thing: My dad has false teeth. | The man was wearing a false moustache. | The clown had a false nose. simulated conditions | effect | flight | tour not real, but made to look, sound, or feel real, by using special computers or machines: Soldiers' reactions are tested under simulated combat conditions. | The researchers have already found that the simulated effect of global warming produces two and a half times more new plant growth. | Training for astronauts involves a simulated space flight. | Visitors can get a glimpse of the gallery's treasures on a simulated tour. virtual world | reality | tour made or experienced using computers, rather than in the real world: The online club is a virtual world for children where they can chat with each other. | Virtual reality games are becoming more and more popular. | Our website offers customers a virtual tour of the hotel. ANTONYMS → real (1) applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun article noun articulate adjective artificial adjective artist noun artistic adjective ascend verb ashamed adjective ask verb asleep adjective aspect noun assault noun Other words and phrases artificial adjective Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List assault /əˈsɔːlt $ əˈsɒːlt/ noun 1. the crime of physically attacking someone adjectives a violent assault The number of violent assaults in the city has reached an all-time high. a serious assault Last year, serious assaults increased by 40%. a vicious/brutal assault The vicious assault happened outside the man's home. a sexual/indecent assault Women who have suffered sexual assault are offered support and counselling. a physical assault Physical assaults on nurses by drunk patients are becoming increasingly common. an attempted assault (=one in which someone tries to attack another person) He was charged with attempted assault. an alleged assault (=one that people say has happened but it has not yet been proved in court - used mainly in newspapers) The alleged assault happened outside a nightclub. verbs carry out/commit an assault The man admitted committing the assault. be charged with assault He was in court charged with assault. report an assault (=tell the police you have suffered an assault) Nearly 16,000 sexual assaults were reported in Britain last year. suffer an assault Many women claim they have suffered assaults on the subway. an assault happens/takes place also an assault occurs formal The assault happened outside a nightclub. assault + nouns an assault charge also a charge of assault He's in court on an assault charge. an assault allegation also an allegation of assault He was questioned about assault allegations. an assault case She had to attend court as a witness in an assault case. an assault victim also a victim of an assault Assault victims are treated in hospital before being interviewed by police. prepositions an assault on/against sb She was questioned about an alleged assault on her boyfriend. 2. a military attack on a place verbs launch/mount an assault Rebels launched an assault on the city. lead an assault General Zhukov led the final assault. come under assault An American military base came under assault last night. adjectives/nouns + assault a military assault A military assault could result in thousands of people being killed. a direct assault Rebels launched a direct assault on the capital city. an aerial/air assault (=using planes) The battle started with an aerial assault by US aircraft. a ground assault The ground assault on the city continued for several days. a final assault The final assault has begun. a full-scale/all-out assault (=using a lot of soldiers, weapons etc, or all of them) Troops launched a full-scale assault on the capital. a frontal assault (=a direct attack on an army from the front) The enemy was unprepared for a frontal assault. assault + nouns an assault weapon/rifle (=of the type used by soldiers in military attacks) He was carrying a military assault rifle. prepositions an assault on sth Many people were killed in the assault on the town. applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun article noun articulate adjective artificial adjective artist noun artistic adjective ascend verb ashamed adjective ask verb asleep adjective aspect noun assault noun assemble verb assess verb assessment noun asset noun assignment noun assistance noun assistant noun association noun assume verb assumption noun asylum noun atmosphere noun attack1 noun attack2 verb attain verb attempt noun attendance noun attention noun attitude noun attraction noun Other words and phrases assault noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List ambition /æmˈbɪʃən/ noun a strong desire to achieve something adjectives/nouns + ambition sb's main ambition What's your main ambition in life? sb's great ambition He didn't achieve his greatest ambition - to be Wimbledon Champion. a lifelong/long-held ambition (=one that you have had all your life) It's been her lifelong ambition to work with horses. a personal ambition Crossing the Sahara was a personal ambition of mine. a secret ambition His secret ambition was to become a pilot. a burning/driving ambition (=a very strong ambition) She had a burning ambition to become a racing car driver. career ambitions The course is designed to help you achieve your career ambitions. political/presidential ambitions His political ambitions were put on hold while he waited for a suitable opportunity. verbs sb's ambition is to be/do sth My ambition was to be a journalist. have an ambition He had an ambition to be a top cello player. achieve/fulfil/realize your ambition (=do what you wanted to do) It took her ten years to achieve her ambition. | He was prepared to go to any lengths to fulfil his ambition. | I want to thank all those who made it possible for me to realize a lifetime's ambition. lack ambition/have no ambition Many of the students lack ambition. nurse/harbour/cherish an ambition (=have it for a long time, especially secretly) He had nursed an ambition to become a writer for many years. end sb's ambition An injury ended his ambitions of becoming a professional footballer. frustrate/thwart sb's ambitions formal (=prevent someone from achieving them) The weather threatened to frustrate their ambitions. | Her lifelong ambitions had been thwarted again and again. phrases sb's lack of ambition I was frustrated by their apparent lack of ambition. be full of ambition She was full of ambition when she joined the company. sb's dreams and ambitions He told her all about his dreams and ambitions. THESAURUS: ambition → aim alarm noun alarm clock noun alarming adjective alcohol noun alibi noun alien adjective alive adjective allegation noun allergic adjective allergy noun alleviate verb alliance noun allocate verb allow verb ally noun almost adverb alone adjective, adverb alter verb alteration noun alternate verb alternative1 noun alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun Other words and phrases ambition noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List ambitious /æmˈbɪʃəs/ adjective 1. determined to be successful, rich, powerful etc adverbs very/highly ambitious Thompson was highly ambitious and later became Director General of the BBC. | He's a very ambitious young man. extremely/fiercely/intensely ambitious Alfred was intensely ambitious and obsessed with the idea of becoming rich. ruthlessly ambitious (=so ambitious that you do not care about the effects on other people) Stalin was ruthlessly ambitious in his pursuit of power. politically ambitious Many public officials are not politically ambitious. socially ambitious Her socially ambitious father encouraged her to accept the Duke's proposal. prepositions ambitious for sb (=wanting another person to be very successful) His mother was ambitious for him and gave him constant encouragement with his studies. phrases ambitious for power (=wanting to get power) Kim was ambitious for power and wanted to become president one day. 2. trying to do something difficult adverbs very/highly/hugely/extremely ambitious The programme of reform is highly ambitious. extremely/hugely/enormously/extraordinarily ambitious The project to build the stadium was enormously ambitious and very expensive. over-ambitious/overly ambitious If you set yourself over-ambitious targets, you will end up feeling a failure. nouns an ambitious plan/project/scheme/programme The company has ambitious plans for expansion. an ambitious target/goal It is an ambitious target, but Leblanc believes it is attainable. an ambitious attempt The crash ends an ambitious attempt to break the world record for flying round the world. an ambitious undertaking formal (=an ambitious thing that you try to do) This ambitious undertaking may take more than two decades to complete. an ambitious agenda Republicans will have to scale back their ambitious agenda to get it through the Senate. phrases sth is ambitious in scope (=it tries to do a lot of things) The book is ambitious in its scope. alarm noun alarm clock noun alarming adjective alcohol noun alibi noun alien adjective alive adjective allegation noun allergic adjective allergy noun alleviate verb alliance noun allocate verb allow verb ally noun almost adverb alone adjective, adverb alter verb alteration noun alternate verb alternative1 noun alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun Other words and phrases ambitious adjective Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List ambulance /ˈæmbjələns, ˈæmbjʊləns/ noun a special vehicle that is used to take people who are ill or injured to hospital verbs call an ambulance/phone for an ambulance She looked very ill and we decided to call an ambulance. | The doctor phoned for an ambulance. send for an ambulance Send for an ambulance immediately. wait for an ambulance She comforted the injured girl as they waited for an ambulance. an ambulance arrives/comes He died before the ambulance arrived. put sb in/into an ambulance Golding was conscious when he was put in the ambulance. an ambulance takes sb somewhere An ambulance took her to Colchester General Hospital. drive an ambulance She drove an ambulance during the war. ambulance + nouns the ambulance service The ambulance service denies it took too long for the ambulance to arrive. an ambulance crew The ambulance crew removed him from the wreckage. an ambulance driver The ambulance driver went through a red traffic light. an ambulance man/worker The ambulance men gave her oxygen. ambulance staff He was treated for chest pains by ambulance staff at the scene. an ambulance station The nearest ambulance station is over 20 kilometres from here. nouns + ambulance the air ambulance He was flown by air ambulance to the Royal London hospital (=an aircraft used to take people to hospital). prepositions by ambulance Mr Brock was taken to hospital by ambulance. in an ambulance She died in the ambulance on the way to hospital. | They took her away in an ambulance. phrases an ambulance is on its way (=it is coming soon) Don't worry - the ambulance is on its way. a fleet of ambulances (=several ambulances) There was a fleet of ambulances outside the building. alarm noun alarm clock noun alarming adjective alcohol noun alibi noun alien adjective alive adjective allegation noun allergic adjective allergy noun alleviate verb alliance noun allocate verb allow verb ally noun almost adverb alone adjective, adverb alter verb alteration noun alternate verb alternative1 noun alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective ankle noun anniversary noun announce verb announcement noun annoyed adjective annoying adjective annual adjective annul verb anonymous adjective answer1 noun answer2 verb anticipation noun antiquated adjective antique adjective Other words and phrases ambulance noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List ambush /ˈæmbʊʃ/ noun [C,U] a sudden attack on someone by people who have been hiding and waiting for them verbs set up/lay an ambush (=prepare an ambush) The kidnappers had set up an ambush on the road. lie/wait in ambush Armed police lay in ambush behind the hedge. stage/carry out an ambush The rebels staged an ambush that killed 14 soldiers. | The group said the ambush was carried out by its supporters. be/get caught in an ambush The police officers were caught in an ambush when they responded to a call. walk/run into an ambush The soldiers had accidentally walked into an ambush. draw/lure sb into an ambush (=make someone come into the place where you have prepared an ambush) Their plan was to lure the men into an ambush and then kill them. die/be killed in an ambush Two men have been killed in an ambush in the south of the country. | An aid worker died in an ambush here last April. prepositions in an ambush Their leader was shot dead in an ambush last week. an ambush on sb He took part in an ambush on a US patrol. alarm noun alarm clock noun alarming adjective alcohol noun alibi noun alien adjective alive adjective allegation noun allergic adjective allergy noun alleviate verb alliance noun allocate verb allow verb ally noun almost adverb alone adjective, adverb alter verb alteration noun alternate verb alternative1 noun alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective ankle noun anniversary noun announce verb announcement noun annoyed adjective annoying adjective annual adjective annul verb anonymous adjective answer1 noun answer2 verb anticipation noun antiquated adjective antique adjective Other words and phrases ambulance noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List amendment AC /əˈmendmənt/ noun a change that is made to a law or document verbs make an amendment He asked his lawyer to make some amendments to the document. introduce an amendment The party wants to introduce an amendment to the bill. | The government is planning introduce an amendment to the drink driving law. suggest/propose an amendment One member suggested an amendment to the rules. table an amendment BrE (=suggest an amendment, especially in Parliament) A group of MPs will table an amendment to remove the ban. pass/accept/approve/adopt an amendment The amendment was eventually passed by 11 votes. reject/defeat an amendment The Senate rejected the amendment. vote on an amendment Parliament will vote on the amendment next week. vote for/against an amendment I will be voting against the amendment. support/oppose an amendment Several members of the committee supported the amendment. | They opposed a number of amendments to the bill. consider an amendment The committee considers the amendments and votes on each one. adjectives a constitutional amendment A constitutional amendment does not need the Governor's signature. a minor/major amendment A number of minor amendments have been made to the agreement. the First/Second etc Amendment (=in the US Constitution) Freedom of speech is protected by the First Amendment. prepositions an amendment to sth They introduced an amendment to the building regulations. alarm noun alarm clock noun alarming adjective alcohol noun alibi noun alien adjective alive adjective allegation noun allergic adjective allergy noun alleviate verb alliance noun allocate verb allow verb ally noun almost adverb alone adjective, adverb alter verb alteration noun alternate verb alternative1 noun alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective ankle noun anniversary noun announce verb announcement noun annoyed adjective annoying adjective annual adjective annul verb anonymous adjective answer1 noun answer2 verb anticipation noun antiquated adjective antique adjective Other words and phrases amendment noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List amount /əˈmaʊnt/ noun [C,U] a quantity of something adjectives a large amount They still have a large amount of work to do. a great amount I have a great amount of respect for his work. a huge/enormous/vast/massive/tremendous amount A huge amount of progress has already been made. a considerable/substantial/significant amount The house must have cost a considerable amount of money. a small/tiny amount Mix a small amount of flour and water in a bowl. a certain amount You need to have a certain amount of self-discipline to work on your own. a surprising amount There is a surprising amount of agreement among scientists about climate change. the full amount The company agreed to pay her back the full amount. the maximum/minimum amount The maximum amount of luggage allowed is 22 kilos. the right/correct amount It is your responsibility to pay the correct amount of tax by the correct date. an equal amount They spend equal amounts of time in California and New York. copious amounts formal (=large amounts) The trees absorb copious amounts of moisture from the soil. an inordinate amount formal (=too much) She spends an inordinate amount of time doing simple things like pouring hot water into a teapot. Amount or quantity? You often use amount about things that you cannot measure or count. For example, you say: The team had a certain amount of luck (not 'quantity'). She has a tremendous amount of confidence (not 'quantity'). You use quantity about things you can measure or count: The plant produces large quantities of seeds. You can also use amount in the same way: The plant produces a large amount of seeds. THESAURUS: amount quantity a particular amount of food, liquid, or another substance that can be measured - used especially in written descriptions and instructions: They buy the wood in large quantities. | Make sure that you add the right quantity of milk. | A loaded pistol and a small quantity of explosives were found in his apartment. volume the amount of something such as business activity or traffic, especially when this is large or increasing: The volume of traffic on our roads has risen sharply. | There is a huge volume of trade with China. | They are finding it hard to cope with the high volume of business. level the exact amount of something at one time, especially when this varies and can go up or down: They measured the level of alcohol in his blood. | There is a high level of unemployment. | The workers receive low levels of pay. | Rainfall is well above the average level for this time of year. proportion the amount of something, compared with the whole amount that exists: A high proportion of the students were from poor families. | The study examined the proportion of road accidents caused by drunk drivers. | Only a low proportion of girls received places on training schemes. quota a maximum or minimum amount of something that can be produced, sold, brought into a country etc: The government wanted to impose import quotas on foreign goods. | There are strict fishing quotas on the amount of fish that can be caught. | There is an annual quota for the number of permits that can be issued. yield the amount of something that is produced, or the amount of profit that you get from an investment: Farmers were able to obtain high crop yields. | Shareholders are getting a low yield on their investment (=not get much money). alarm noun alarm clock noun alarming adjective alcohol noun alibi noun alien adjective alive adjective allegation noun allergic adjective allergy noun alleviate verb alliance noun allocate verb allow verb ally noun almost adverb alone adjective, adverb alter verb alteration noun alternate verb alternative1 noun alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective ankle noun anniversary noun announce verb announcement noun annoyed adjective annoying adjective annual adjective annul verb anonymous adjective answer1 noun answer2 verb anticipation noun antiquated adjective antique adjective Other words and phrases amount noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List amused /əˈmjuːzd/ adjective if you are amused by something, you think it is funny adverbs very/highly amused Her father was highly amused when he saw the article. much/greatly amused (=very amused) They were much amused to hear he had formed his own pop group. quite/rather amused We were quite amused when we heard about it. faintly/slightly/mildly amused (=a little amused) The man looked faintly amused. quietly amused Sandra was quietly amused by their comments. genuinely amused He seemed genuinely amused that anyone could believe such a story. verbs seem/look/sound amused Ellen seemed amused by the whole situation. nouns an amused expression/look/voice Douglas felt uncomfortable until he saw Jean's amused expression. | "Are you serious?" he said in an amused voice. an amused smile "That sounds ridiculous," Alec said with an amused smile. prepositions amused by/at sth They seemed amused by his appearance. | Harry was amused at the suggestion. By or at? Amused by and amused at mean the same thing. Amused by is more common. alarm noun alarm clock noun alarming adjective alcohol noun alibi noun alien adjective alive adjective allegation noun allergic adjective allergy noun alleviate verb alliance noun allocate verb allow verb ally noun almost adverb alone adjective, adverb alter verb alteration noun alternate verb alternative1 noun alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective ankle noun anniversary noun announce verb announcement noun annoyed adjective annoying adjective annual adjective annul verb anonymous adjective answer1 noun answer2 verb anticipation noun antiquated adjective antique adjective Other words and phrases amused adjective Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List amusement /əˈmjuːzmənt/ noun the feeling you have when you think something is funny adjectives great/much amusement It caused great amusement when he told us what had happened. mild/faint amusement Daniel looked at her with mild amusement. genuine/real amusement He laughed out loud with genuine amusement. verbs cause sb amusement The memory seemed to cause him great amusement. show your amusement James looked down to avoid showing his amusement. hide/conceal your amusement She did not make any attempt to hide her amusement. prepositions in/with amusement The others watched with amusement as she tried the strange food. (much) to sb's amusement He got up and sang 'Yellow Submarine', much to everyone's amusement. phrases a source of amusement (=something that continues to amuse you) Geoff seemed to find life a source of constant amusement. a gleam/glimmer/flicker of amusement (=a small amount in someone's eyes or on someone's face) He examined her face with a wry gleam of amusement. a hint/trace of amusement (=a small amount in someone's eyes or voice) Was there a hint of amusement in her voice? sb's eyes sparkle/gleam/twinkle with amusement He was smiling at her, his brown eyes twinkling with amusement. alarm noun alarm clock noun alarming adjective alcohol noun alibi noun alien adjective alive adjective allegation noun allergic adjective allergy noun alleviate verb alliance noun allocate verb allow verb ally noun almost adverb alone adjective, adverb alter verb alteration noun alternate verb alternative1 noun alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective ankle noun anniversary noun announce verb announcement noun annoyed adjective annoying adjective annual adjective annul verb anonymous adjective answer1 noun answer2 verb anticipation noun antiquated adjective antique adjective Other words and phrases amusement noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List amusing /əˈmjuːzɪŋ/ adjective funny and entertaining adverbs very/highly/most amusing Their attempts at skating were highly amusing to watch. | He was a most amusing companion. extremely/hugely/wonderfully amusing I always find it extremely amusing that people complain about these programmes but still watch them. quite/rather amusing Initially she found being the centre of attention quite amusing. mildly/vaguely amusing (=slightly amusing) The film is mildly amusing in an old-fashioned way. nouns an amusing story/tale/anecdote The book is full of amusing stories about his childhood. an amusing joke He ended his speech with an amusing joke. an amusing incident There was another amusing incident, when one of the actors forgot his lines. an amusing spectacle (=something that you see that is amusing) We witnessed the amusing spectacle of two men trying to dance with each other. phrases find sth amusing George seemed to find the idea amusing. it is amusing to do sth It was amusing to see how excited everyone was. THESAURUS: amusing → funny (1) alarm noun alarm clock noun alarming adjective alcohol noun alibi noun alien adjective alive adjective allegation noun allergic adjective allergy noun alleviate verb alliance noun allocate verb allow verb ally noun almost adverb alone adjective, adverb alter verb alteration noun alternate verb alternative1 noun alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective ankle noun anniversary noun announce verb announcement noun annoyed adjective annoying adjective annual adjective annul verb anonymous adjective answer1 noun answer2 verb anticipation noun antiquated adjective antique adjective Other words and phrases amusing adjective Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List analogy /əˈnælədʒi/ noun a comparison showing that two situations are very similar adjectives a close analogy There is a close analogy between the two cases. a useful/helpful analogy A useful analogy can be drawn between the human brain and a computer. a good/better analogy I wish that I could think of a better analogy. verbs draw/make an analogy (=say that two things are similar) She draws an analogy between politics and soccer. use an analogy The writer uses the analogy of a sudden change in the weather. give an analogy One scientist gives the analogy of somebody trying to stop a ship from sinking. Draw an analogy and make an analogy mean the same thing. Draw an analogy is more common. prepositions an analogy between sth (and sth) He drew an analogy between the economic situation in the 1920s and the situation now. an analogy with sth The physicist Richard Feynman used to make an analogy with a game of chess. the analogy of sth He uses the analogy of someone pedalling on a bicycle up a steep hill. alarm noun alarm clock noun alarming adjective alcohol noun alibi noun alien adjective alive adjective allegation noun allergic adjective allergy noun alleviate verb alliance noun allocate verb allow verb ally noun almost adverb alone adjective, adverb alter verb alteration noun alternate verb alternative1 noun alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective ankle noun anniversary noun announce verb announcement noun annoyed adjective annoying adjective annual adjective annul verb anonymous adjective answer1 noun answer2 verb anticipation noun antiquated adjective antique adjective Other words and phrases analogy noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List analyse BrE analyze AmE verb to examine something carefully in order to understand it nouns analyse data/information/evidence Experts will analyse evidence from the crash to establish its cause. analyse the results/findings of sth We learn more about each substance by analysing the results of several chemical experiments. analyse a problem You have to analyse the problem before you can begin to solve it. analyse the causes/effects of sth Scientists have analysed the effects of heat on a range of materials. adverbs analyse sth carefully Information from the survey is analysed carefully to give an accurate picture of voters' opinions. analyse sth in detail We analyse each situation in detail before giving advice. alarm noun alarm clock noun alarming adjective alcohol noun alibi noun alien adjective alive adjective allegation noun allergic adjective allergy noun alleviate verb alliance noun allocate verb allow verb ally noun almost adverb alone adjective, adverb alter verb alteration noun alternate verb alternative1 noun alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective ankle noun anniversary noun announce verb announcement noun annoyed adjective annoying adjective annual adjective annul verb anonymous adjective answer1 noun answer2 verb anticipation noun antiquated adjective antique adjective Other words and phrases analyse verb Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List analysis AC /əˈnæləsəs, əˈnælɪsəs/ noun a careful examination of something in order to understand it or find out about it adjectives a detailed/in-depth/close analysis (=one in which you look carefully at every part) The researchers carried out a detailed analysis of the students' performance. a careful/thorough analysis After a careful analysis of the issues, he made his decision. a brief analysis Let's start with a brief analysis of the situation. further analysis The samples were kept for further analysis. economic/political/scientific etc analysis His book provided a scientific analysis of human behaviour. a critical analysis (=involving judgements about how good or bad something is) Write a critical analysis of the following poem. statistical analysis (=using statistics) Their research was based on statistical analysis. forensic analysis (=done to find out about a crime) Samples from the crime scene were sent for forensic analysis. verbs do/carry out an analysis also perform/conduct an analysis formal We have done an analysis of the data. provide/produce an analysis The report provided an analysis of the problems we need to address. an analysis shows sth DNA analysis showed that both blood samples came from the same person. an analysis suggests/indicates sth Our analysis suggests that there is a bigger problem. be based on an analysis of sth The study is based on an analysis of figures for the years 2011 and 2012. nouns + analysis data analysis Our research involves a lot of data analysis. DNA analysis DNA analysis had shown that the baby was Gilbert's. computer analysis (=done by computer) Computer analysis of the figures suggests that the election result will be very close. alarm noun alarm clock noun alarming adjective alcohol noun alibi noun alien adjective alive adjective allegation noun allergic adjective allergy noun alleviate verb alliance noun allocate verb allow verb ally noun almost adverb alone adjective, adverb alter verb alteration noun alternate verb alternative1 noun alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective ankle noun anniversary noun announce verb announcement noun annoyed adjective annoying adjective annual adjective annul verb anonymous adjective answer1 noun answer2 verb anticipation noun antiquated adjective antique adjective Other words and phrases analysis noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List ankle /ˈæŋkəl/ noun [C] the joint between your foot and your leg adjectives sb's left/right ankle She has a tattoo on her left ankle. a sprained/twisted ankle She missed the last game because of a sprained ankle. a broken ankle He suffered a broken ankle when he fell out of a tree. an injured/weak/bad ankle Yesterday he had X-rays on his injured ankle. swollen ankles I had swollen ankles when I was pregnant. slender/slim ankles Her skirt showed off her slender ankles. verbs twist your ankle Janet slipped on the stairs and twisted her ankle. sprain your ankle (=injure it by twisting or stretching it suddenly) Ouch! I think I've sprained my ankle. hurt/injure your ankle I hurt my ankle when I fell. break your ankle My brother broke his ankle in a skiing accident. ankle + nouns an ankle injury/sprain He is recovering from an ankle injury. ankle socks She wore flat shoes and white ankle socks. alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective ankle noun anniversary noun announce verb announcement noun annoyed adjective annoying adjective annual adjective annul verb anonymous adjective answer1 noun answer2 verb anticipation noun antiquated adjective antique adjective anxiety noun Other words and phrases ankle noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List anniversary /ˌænəˈvɜːsəri, ˌænɪˈvɜːsəri $ -ɜːr-/ noun a date on which something important happened in a previous year adjectives/nouns + anniversary a wedding anniversary It's my parents' wedding anniversary today. first/fifth/twentieth etc anniversary The Society had a party for its 20th anniversary. silver/golden/diamond anniversary They celebrated their golden wedding anniversary last September. A silver anniversary is after 25 years, a golden anniversary is after 50 years, and a diamond anniversary is after 60 years. Instead of saying our wedding anniversary, people often just say our anniversary. verbs celebrate an anniversary The school is celebrating its 150th anniversary this year. mark/commemorate an anniversary (=remember an anniversary, especially by doing something special) An exhibition will be held next year to mark the 100th anniversary of his birth. an anniversary falls on a particular day Our wedding anniversary falls on Easter Sunday this year. anniversary + nouns an anniversary celebration There will be a special concert as part of the school's 350th anniversary celebrations. an anniversary party/dinner The couple are having a twenty-fifth wedding anniversary party. sth's anniversary year This history of the university is being published in its 500th anniversary year. prepositions the anniversary of sth That day is the anniversary of the country's independence. on the anniversary of sth A memorial service was held on the anniversary of the disaster. for/in honour of an anniversary There will be nationwide celebrations for the 50th anniversary of the end of the war. THESAURUS: anniversary birthday a day that is an exact number of years after the day you were born: Her parents gave her a car for her 18th birthday. | I'll take you out for a meal on your birthday. centenary also centennial AmE the day or year exactly one hundred years after an important event: Special stamps were issued to commemorate the centenary of the artist's birth. bicentenary also bicentennial AmE the day or year exactly 200 years after an important event: In 1976, she took part in the US bicentennial celebrations. jubilee a day or year exactly 25, 50, or 60 years after an important event, especially after someone became king or queen: The Queen's Silver Jubilee was in 1977. A silver jubilee is after 25 years, a golden jubilee is after 50 years, and a diamond jubilee is after 60 years. alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective ankle noun anniversary noun announce verb announcement noun annoyed adjective annoying adjective annual adjective annul verb anonymous adjective answer1 noun answer2 verb anticipation noun antiquated adjective antique adjective anxiety noun Other words and phrases ankle noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List announce /əˈnaʊns/ verb to officially tell people some news adverbs officially/formally announce sth His death was officially announced on Tuesday morning. publicly announce sth She has not publicly announced that she is willing to accept the job. proudly announce sth Helen proudly announced that she had just written the last page of her novel. triumphantly announce sth (=in a way that shows you are very pleased or proud) The doctors triumphantly announced that they had found a cure for the disease. sth will be announced shortly/will shortly be announced (=soon) The details of the agreement will be announced shortly. nouns announce a plan The government has announced plans to create 10,000 new jobs. announce a decision The committee will announce its decision on Friday. | He has already announced his decision to retire. announce your intention to do sth She announced her intention to change her name. announce your resignation/retirement The party leader is expected to announce his resignation today. announce your engagement (=tell people you plan to get married) They announced their engagement in 'The Times'. announce sb's death The president's death was announced on the radio. announce the appointment of sb The bank today announced the appointment of Paul Cox as managing director. announce your candidacy Eight months later he announced his candidacy for the US Senate. announce the results Many people were surprised when the results of the survey were announced. announce the winner The winner of the competition will be announced on March 25th. announce changes The authorities are planning to announce changes to the law. announce an agreement/deal The two companies have announced an agreement to cooperate on future technologies. a company announces a loss/profit Last month the company announced a loss of $50 million. prepositions announce sth to sb I announced to my parents that I wanted to stop eating meat. alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective ankle noun anniversary noun announce verb announcement noun annoyed adjective annoying adjective annual adjective annul verb anonymous adjective answer1 noun answer2 verb anticipation noun antiquated adjective antique adjective anxiety noun Other words and phrases announce verb Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List announcement /əˈnaʊnsmənt/ noun an official public statement adjectives/nouns + announcement an official announcement No official announcement is expected until next year. a formal announcement A formal announcement will be made in Parliament. a government announcement He welcomed a recent government announcement that an extra £25 million would be made available. a public announcement He got in touch with me several days before the public announcement was made. an important announcement He said he had an important announcement to make. a surprise/unexpected announcement The senator made the surprise announcement that he will not be seeking re-election. a dramatic announcement (=sudden and important) The dramatic announcement came after a cabinet meeting on Tuesday. a further announcement A further announcement will be made in the near future. verbs make/issue an announcement He made the announcement to reporters at a press conference. hear an announcement Everyone was shocked when they heard the announcement. welcome an announcement (=say that you are pleased about it) Environmental groups welcomed the announcement. greet an announcement formal (=react to it in a particular way) The announcement was greeted with cheers. an announcement comes (=happens) His announcement came after two days of peace talks. Make or issue an announcement? Make is much more common than issue. Issue is used especially about companies and organizations making an announcement to the media: The government is expected to issue a formal announcement soon. prepositions an announcement about sth An announcement about the future of the festival will be made shortly. the announcement of sth The announcement of his death sent everyone into shock. an announcement by/from sb An announcement by the minister is expected within days. alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective ankle noun anniversary noun announce verb announcement noun annoyed adjective annoying adjective annual adjective annul verb anonymous adjective answer1 noun answer2 verb anticipation noun antiquated adjective antique adjective anxiety noun Other words and phrases announcement noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List annoyed /əˈnɔɪd/ adjective slightly angry verbs get/become annoyed Some of the passengers were beginning to get annoyed because of the delay. feel annoyed She felt annoyed with herself for making such a silly mistake. adverbs very/really annoyed If you don't clear this mess up, I will be very annoyed. a little/slightly/a bit annoyed I was a bit annoyed because I had to wait for him. clearly/visibly annoyed The coach was clearly annoyed at his team's performance. prepositions annoyed about/by/at sth He feels annoyed about the way he has been treated. annoyed with/at sb She was annoyed with Duncan for forgetting to phone. | She frowned, annoyed at herself. THESAURUS: annoyed → angry alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective ankle noun anniversary noun announce verb announcement noun annoyed adjective annoying adjective annual adjective annul verb anonymous adjective answer1 noun answer2 verb anticipation noun antiquated adjective antique adjective anxiety noun Other words and phrases annoyed adjective Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List annual AC /ˈænjuəl/ adjective 1. happening once a year nouns an annual meeting/conference The club holds its annual meeting next Wednesday. an annual event The games have become an annual event. an annual holiday/vacation They were looking forward to their annual holiday in Cornwall. an annual report The bank's annual report is published this week. an annual review There will be an annual review of your financial circumstances. an annual payment He makes an annual payment to the charity. an annual fee Your annual fee will be taken automatically from your account. an annual subscription (=money that you pay every year to receive a magazine or service) Members will be reminded when their annual subscription is due. 2. relating to a period of a year nouns sb's annual income/salary The farmers' average annual income is $12,000. the annual cost of sth The annual cost of providing care for her is over £50,000. an annual budget The agency was given an annual budget of £7 million. an annual rate The economy is currently growing at an annual rate of over eight percent. | The annual inflation rate was about 30 percent. an annual increase Airline executives are planning for a 5% annual increase in air travel. annual sales/turnover/revenue The company's annual sales have grown from $40 million to more than $1 billion. an annual profit The group announced a sharp drop in annual profits. annual leave (=days each year when you are paid for not working) Staff get at least 22 days annual leave. alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective ankle noun anniversary noun announce verb announcement noun annoyed adjective annoying adjective annual adjective annul verb anonymous adjective answer1 noun answer2 verb anticipation noun antiquated adjective antique adjective anxiety noun Other words and phrases annoying adjective Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List anonymous /əˈnɒnəməs, əˈnɒnɪməs $ əˈnɑː-/ adjective if something is done by an anonymous person, you do not know their name nouns an anonymous caller An anonymous caller said there was a bomb aboard a plane. an anonymous writer/author/poet The book was written by an anonymous author. an anonymous source The newspaper report quoted several anonymous sources. an anonymous donor/benefactor The charity has received a very large sum from an anonymous donor. an anonymous letter/note She received an anonymous letter saying that her husband was having an affair. an anonymous book/poem/article Dequasie quotes an anonymous poem he once read in a newspaper. an anonymous (phone) call One of his neighbours had made an anonymous phone call to the police. an anonymous donation He made several anonymous donations to charity. an anonymous tip-off (=a piece of information given by someone unknown) The discovery was made following an anonymous tip-off to the police. verbs remain anonymous The person who complained wishes to remain anonymous. adverbs completely anonymous The questionnaire is completely anonymous - no one will know what your answers were. alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective ankle noun anniversary noun announce verb announcement noun annoyed adjective annoying adjective annual adjective annul verb anonymous adjective answer1 noun answer2 verb anticipation noun antiquated adjective antique adjective anxiety noun Other words and phrases anonymous adjective Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List answer1 /ˈɑːnsə $ ˈænsər/ noun 1. something you say or write as a reply adjectives a short/long answer During the interview, he mostly gave short answers to my questions. a one-word answer It's not very helpful to just give one-word answers such as 'yes' or 'no'. an honest/straight answer The honest answer is that I don't know. a definite answer Can you give me a definite answer tomorrow? a satisfactory answer I didn't get a satisfactory answer from the company. verbs give sb an answer I'll give you an answer tomorrow. get/receive an answer She wrote to him, but she never got an answer. wait for an answer Kate was looking at me, waiting for an answer. think of an answer She couldn't think of a suitable answer to his question. demand an answer He demanded an answer to his question. prepositions the answer to a question These are important questions, and we want answers to them. in answer to your question In answer to your question, yes, you can go. phrases the answer is no/yes If it's money that you want, the answer is no. the short answer is... (=used when giving a simple, honest, or direct answer to a difficult question) The short answer is that it can't be done. THESAURUS: answer reply an answer. Reply is used especially in written English to report what someone said: She asked how he felt, and received the reply, "Awful!" | "Finished now?" "No," came the reply. response an answer that clearly shows your reaction to a question, suggestion etc: Wagner's responses showed that he had thought carefully about the issues. | "Sure. Why not?" was his response to most of Billie's suggestions. retort written an angry answer given when someone has annoyed you or criticized you: Isabelle began an angry retort and then stopped herself. comeback a quick answer that is clever, funny, or rude: He walked out before I could think of a snappy comeback (=a quick clever answer). riposte formal a quick and clever answer: When asked about what he thought about Western Civilisation, Gandhi's riposte was "I think it would be a good idea." | Anna produced the perfect riposte. rejoinder formal a quick answer, especially a clever or rude one: If he confronts them, he'll run the risk of a sharp rejoinder (=one that criticizes someone or something strongly). 2. something that you write or say in reply to a question in a test or competition adjectives the right/wrong answer Do you know the right answer to this question? the correct/incorrect answer You get 5 points for each correct answer. verbs know the answer Put up your hand if you know the answer. guess the answer If you don't know the answer, try guessing it. write the answer Write your answer in the space provided. give/put an answer I think I gave the wrong answer to question 6. prepositions the answer to a question What was the answer to question 4? 3. the solution to a problem adjectives a simple/easy answer I'm afraid there are no easy answers in this type of situation. the obvious answer The obvious answer is to raise taxes, but that would be very unpopular. the only answer Military force is not the only answer. the perfect answer (=one that is certain to succeed) It sounded like the perfect answer. the complete answer A loan, however, is not the complete answer to the company's financial problems. the long-term answer (=which will solve problems in the future as well as now) He believes that wind power is the long-term answer to our growing energy crisis. a possible answer In the next chapter we will discuss a number of possible answers to this problem. verbs have the answer He thinks he may have the answer to their problems. be the answer Spending more money is not always the answer. look/search for an answer People have been searching for an answer for years. find/come up with an answer Scientists believe they have found an answer to the problem of climate change. | The government is struggling to come up with answers to our economic problems. know the answer If anyone knows the answer, it's her. the answer comes to sb The answer to her problem suddenly came to her. the answer lies somewhere (=you can find it there) A lot of people seem to think the answer lies in technology. prepositions the answer to a problem Maybe he has the answer to our problem. phrases have all the answers I wish I had all the answers, but I don't. alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective ankle noun anniversary noun announce verb announcement noun annoyed adjective annoying adjective annual adjective annul verb anonymous adjective answer1 noun answer2 verb anticipation noun antiquated adjective antique adjective anxiety noun apartment noun apologize verb apology noun appalling adjective apparent adjective appeal noun appear verb appearance noun appetite noun appetizing adjective applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun Other words and phrases answer1 noun answer2 verb Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List answer2 /ˈɑːnsə $ ˈænsər/ verb to give an answer to a question nouns answer a question/query You still haven't answered my question. | Our staff will be pleased to answer any queries you may have about our products. adverbs answer correctly You have to answer 80% of the questions correctly in order to pass the test. answer honestly "I don't know where he is," she answered honestly. answer fully (=completely) I hope that I have fully answered your question. answer directly (=say what you mean without trying to hide anything) He didn't answer directly when asked if he knew who had stolen the money. verbs refuse to answer also decline to answer formal The man shook his head and refused to answer any more questions. try/attempt to answer Sandra tried to answer her daughter's question as honestly as she could. phrases answer in the affirmative formal (=say yes) She was asked if she had seen a doctor, and she answered in the affirmative. answer in the negative formal (=say no) He answered the question in the negative. THESAURUS: answer reply to answer someone. Used especially in written English to report what someone said: "I'm so sorry," he replied. | We asked Jane to help, but she replied that she was too busy. respond formal to answer someone: How do you respond to the allegation that you deliberately deceived your employers? give sb an answer to answer someone by telling them what you have decided or giving them a piece of information they asked for: He asked me to marry him, but I didn't give him an answer straightaway. get back to sb to answer someone at a later time especially by telephoning them, usually because you need to think about their question or find out more information: She's promised to get back to me as soon as she hears any more news from the hospital. retort written to answer someone angrily, especially because they have annoyed you or criticized you: "You're not afraid?" Brenda asked. "Of course not," he retorted angrily. alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective ankle noun anniversary noun announce verb announcement noun annoyed adjective annoying adjective annual adjective annul verb anonymous adjective answer1 noun answer2 verb anticipation noun antiquated adjective antique adjective anxiety noun apartment noun apologize verb apology noun appalling adjective apparent adjective appeal noun appear verb appearance noun appetite noun appetizing adjective applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun Other words and phrases answer1 noun answer2 verb Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List anticipation noun excited or nervous feelings about something that is going to happen adjectives great anticipation There was a feeling of great anticipation before the game. eager/keen anticipation (=very enthusiastic anticipation) The crowd waited with eager anticipation for their heroes to arrive on stage. growing anticipation There was growing anticipation among students as the day for exam results approached. prepositions in/with anticipation I was licking my lips in anticipation. | Children are waiting with anticipation for Christmas Day to arrive. phrases await/look forward to sth with anticipation (=feel excited because you know something is going to happen soon) The birth of the baby was awaited with great anticipation. alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective ankle noun anniversary noun announce verb announcement noun annoyed adjective annoying adjective annual adjective annul verb anonymous adjective answer1 noun answer2 verb anticipation noun antiquated adjective antique adjective anxiety noun apartment noun apologize verb apology noun appalling adjective apparent adjective appeal noun appear verb appearance noun appetite noun appetizing adjective applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun Other words and phrases answer1 noun answer2 verb Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List anxiety /æŋˈzaɪəti/ noun the feeling of being very worried because you think something bad might happen adjectives great/considerable anxiety There is considerable anxiety about job losses. acute/deep anxiety (=which affects someone very strongly) His enthusiasm was followed by deep anxiety about what lay ahead of him. constant anxiety We lived in a state of constant anxiety about money. increasing/growing/mounting anxiety There is growing anxiety about the rise in violent crime. public anxiety Public anxiety about food safety led to a change in the law. verbs cause/create anxiety also arouse anxiety formal The lack of rain is causing anxiety among farmers. | The presence of enemy troops near the border has aroused considerable anxiety in the country. lead to anxiety/give rise to anxiety (=cause it to happen later) Stress at work can lead to anxiety and even depression. feel/suffer from anxiety Children often feel anxiety when they are leaving home for the first time. reduce/relieve anxiety The drug helps to reduce anxiety and make you feel more relaxed. anxiety grows As the storm got worse, anxiety grew among the passengers on the ship. anxiety + nouns an anxiety attack (=a sudden very strong feeling of fear) Two-thirds of all people who suffer from anxiety attacks are women. prepositions anxiety about/over sth There is a lot of anxiety about the future. anxiety among a group of people The disease is causing anxiety among the local population. phrases feelings of anxiety Feelings of anxiety are natural in this kind of situation. a state of anxiety His mother lived in a constant state of anxiety about what was going to happen to her family. a source of anxiety For many people, the main source of anxiety is work. sb's level of anxiety Patients experience high levels of anxiety before an operation. alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective ankle noun anniversary noun announce verb announcement noun annoyed adjective annoying adjective annual adjective annul verb anonymous adjective answer1 noun answer2 verb anticipation noun antiquated adjective antique adjective anxiety noun apartment noun apologize verb apology noun appalling adjective apparent adjective appeal noun appear verb appearance noun appetite noun appetizing adjective applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun Other words and phrases anxiety noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013 q
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List apartment /əˈpɑːtmənt $ -ɑːr-/ noun a set of rooms on one floor of a large building, where someone lives adjectives/nouns + apartment a large/spacious apartment Aida's family own a large apartment near the city centre. a small/tiny/cramped apartment (=one that has very little space) It is tough bringing up a family in a cramped apartment. a one-bedroom/two-bedroom etc apartment A tiny one-bedroom apartment was all she could afford. a studio apartment (=with just one main room, which you use for sleeping, cooking, and eating) She had just moved from her small studio apartment. a first-floor/second-floor etc apartment He climbed the stairs to his fourth-floor apartment. a luxury apartment The school has been converted into luxury apartments. a basement apartment (=below the level of the ground) a dark basement apartment a penthouse apartment (=on the top floor of a building - used especially about a large expensive apartment) She bought a penthouse apartment in Santa Monica. a furnished/unfurnished apartment (=with or without furniture) a luxurious two-bedroomed unfurnished apartment situated in the heart of town a holiday apartment BrE a vacation apartment AmE We rented a holiday apartment on Mallorca. verbs live in an apartment He lived in a small apartment on the third floor. share an apartment I'm sharing the apartment with a group of friends. buy/rent an apartment He rented an apartment for forty dollars a month. own an apartment My parents own an apartment in Madrid. move into/out of an apartment They moved into the apartment last Easter. apartment + nouns an apartment building also an apartment block BrE an apartment house AmE They lived in the same apartment building. an apartment complex (=a group of buildings containing apartments) Apartment or flat? British people usually say flat. Apartment is used in British English, but it sounds bigger and more impressive than a flat. It is often used in advertisements. American people say apartment. An apartment that you own yourself, in a building with several other apartments, is called a condominium (or condo) in American English. alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective ankle noun anniversary noun announce verb announcement noun annoyed adjective annoying adjective annual adjective annul verb anonymous adjective answer1 noun answer2 verb anticipation noun antiquated adjective antique adjective anxiety noun apartment noun apologize verb apology noun appalling adjective apparent adjective appeal noun appear verb appearance noun appetite noun appetizing adjective applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun Other words and phrases apartment noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List apologize also apologise BrE /əˈpɒlədʒaɪz $ əˈpɑː-/ verb to tell someone that you are sorry that you have done something wrong adverbs sincerely apologize We sincerely apologize for the delay. humbly apologize (=apologize in a way that shows you know you were wrong) I humbly apologize for any offence I may have caused. apologize profusely (=apologize a lot) He apologized profusely for arriving so late. apologize publicly The company apologized publicly for the way customers had been treated. prepositions apologize to sb I think you should apologize to your brother. apologize for sth The airline apologized for the mistake. apologize on behalf of sb I'd like to apologize on behalf of the company for what has happened. phrases I want to apologize/I'd like to apologize I want to apologize for the other night. I'm afraid I drank too much. I do apologize I'm so sorry, I do apologize (=used for emphasis, in spoken English). I must apologize I must apologize for disturbing you at this time of night. there's no need to apologize "I'm sorry about your plate." "There's no need to apologize. It could happen to anyone." THESAURUS: apologize say (that you are) sorry to apologize for something you have done. Say sorry is less formal than apologize. It is used especially in spoken English, when talking about apologizing for everyday things: If you say sorry, I'm sure she will forgive you. | I wanted to say that I'm sorry for the other day. offer your apologies to apologize for something that has happened - used especially in official contexts: I am writing to offer our apologies for any inconvenience that may have been caused. | The company offered its apologies to the people who had been affected by the strike. send your apologies to apologize for not being at a meeting: Unfortunately Jenny can't be here today. She sends her apologies. alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective ankle noun anniversary noun announce verb announcement noun annoyed adjective annoying adjective annual adjective annul verb anonymous adjective answer1 noun answer2 verb anticipation noun antiquated adjective antique adjective anxiety noun apartment noun apologize verb apology noun appalling adjective apparent adjective appeal noun appear verb appearance noun appetite noun appetizing adjective applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun Other words and phrases apologize verb Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List apology /əˈpɒlədʒi $ əˈpɑː-/ noun something that you say or write to show that you are sorry for doing something wrong adjectives a public apology The company published a public apology in the newspaper. a formal apology The document contained a formal apology for the suffering that has been caused. an official apology The government has made an official apology and is offering compensation. a personal apology The chief executive made a personal apology to customers. a written apology The police sent a written apology to the family. a full apology He is insisting on a full apology. a sincere/profound/heartfelt apology (=when you are genuinely very sorry) I want to offer you a sincere apology. an abject apology formal (=one that shows that you are very sorry) The newspaper was forced to issue an abject apology. profuse apologies formal (=when someone says that they are sorry several times) Moira telephoned with profuse apologies for the misunderstanding. verbs make an apology I hope you are going to make an apology for what you said. issue an apology (=make an official public apology) North Korea issued an official apology for the incident. get/receive an apology He received a formal apology from the company. offer an apology We would like to offer our sincere apologies for the delay. accept sb's apology Please accept my apologies for having to cancel our meeting. want an apology When things go wrong, people want an apology. demand an apology China continued to demand a full apology from the US. deserve an apology They were badly treated and they deserve an apology. owe sb an apology I'm afraid I owe you an apology. publish an apology The newspaper group was forced to publish a full apology. mumble/mutter an apology (=say it quietly, especially because you are embarrassed) He bumped into me and mumbled an apology. prepositions an apology for (doing) sth He offered an apology for his remarks. an apology to sb She made an apology to her colleagues. an apology from sb The people of Wales deserve an apology from the government. You often use my apologies when saying politely that you are sorry about something: Firstly, my sincere apologies for not having contacted you earlier. phrases a letter of apology She received a letter of apology from the hospital. alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective ankle noun anniversary noun announce verb announcement noun annoyed adjective annoying adjective annual adjective annul verb anonymous adjective answer1 noun answer2 verb anticipation noun antiquated adjective antique adjective anxiety noun apartment noun apologize verb apology noun appalling adjective apparent adjective appeal noun appear verb appearance noun appetite noun appetizing adjective applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun Other words and phrases apology noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List apple /ˈæpəl/ noun a hard round fruit that has red, light green, or yellow skin and is white inside adjectives a ripe apple He picked a ripe apple from the tree. a juicy apple I bit into the juicy green apple. a sweet apple This apple's really sweet and delicious. a sour/tart apple (=not at all sweet) Some people prefer a slightly sour apple. a rotten apple (=bad, so that the skin goes brown) There were a few rotten apples lying on the ground. an eating/dessert apple (=one which is sweet enough to eat) Use dessert apples for this recipe. a cooking apple Cooking apples usually taste better with sugar. a baked apple (=one that has been cooked in the oven) We had baked apples and yoghurt. verbs eat an apple Some people say that you should eat an apple every day. bite into an apple Sue bit into her apple with a loud crunch. munch (on) an apple (=eat it) He was noisily munching an apple. peel an apple (=remove the skin) Peel the apples and slice them finely. core an apple (=remove the middle part containing the seeds) Core the apples and cut into quarters. apple + nouns an apple tree The apple trees were heavy with fruit. an apple orchard (=a group of apple trees) He owned a small apple orchard. apple blossom (=the flowers on an apple tree) Bees love apple blossom. apple juice She drank a glass of apple juice. an apple core (=the middle part that is left after you have eaten an apple) She threw the apple core in the bin. an apple pip BrE an apple seed AmE Make sure that you remove all the apple pips. apple pie/tart We had apple pie and custard for dessert. alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective ankle noun anniversary noun announce verb announcement noun annoyed adjective annoying adjective annual adjective annul verb anonymous adjective answer1 noun answer2 verb anticipation noun antiquated adjective antique adjective anxiety noun apartment noun apologize verb apology noun appalling adjective apparent adjective appeal noun appear verb appearance noun appetite noun appetizing adjective applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun Other words and phrases applause noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List apply /əˈplaɪ/ verb 1. to formally ask for something, for example a job Grammar You usually apply for something or apply to do something. nouns apply for a job/post She enjoys working with children so she's applied for a job as a teacher. apply for a course More students are applying for science courses than arts courses. apply for permission We've applied to the council for permission to knock down a wall. apply for a licence/passport/visa Have you applied for a visa for your trip to India? apply for a loan/grant He doesn't have enough money for a new car, but he could apply for a loan. adverbs apply directly If the flight is cancelled, you have to apply directly to the airline to get your money back. apply online To open a bank account, visit your local branch or apply online. 2. to use something THESAURUS: apply → use1 alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective ankle noun anniversary noun announce verb announcement noun annoyed adjective annoying adjective annual adjective annul verb anonymous adjective answer1 noun answer2 verb anticipation noun antiquated adjective antique adjective anxiety noun apartment noun apologize verb apology noun appalling adjective apparent adjective appeal noun appear verb appearance noun appetite noun appetizing adjective applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun Other words and phrases apply verb Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List appointment /əˈpɔɪntmənt/ noun an arrangement to see someone, for a professional or medical reason adjectives/nouns + appointment a hospital appointment BrE My hospital appointment lasted half an hour. a doctor's appointment What time is your doctor's appointment? a dentist's/dental appointment She has a dental appointment, so she won't be in until later. a medical appointment Children sometimes miss school because of medical appointments. a business appointment Dennis had an early morning business appointment with a client. a hair appointment (=to have your hair cut) I'd like to make a hair appointment for next week. a morning/afternoon appointment I asked for a morning appointment. an urgent appointment I can't talk now - I have an urgent appointment to get to. a follow-up appointment (=an appointment after the first one) This is a long-term illness and regular follow-up appointments are necessary. verbs have an appointment She has an appointment with the dentist at 5 o'clock. make/arrange an appointment Can you phone the hairdresser and make an appointment? book an appointment BrE schedule an appointment AmE (=make an appointment) I've scheduled your appointment for 9.30. get an appointment (=succeed in arranging one) It's difficult to get an appointment on Monday morning. cancel an appointment He had to cancel all his afternoon appointments. miss an appointment (=not go to an appointment you have arranged) The train was late so I missed my appointment. keep an appointment (=go to an appointment that you have arranged) Please let us know if you cannot keep your appointment. prepositions an appointment with sb I have an appointment with my lawyer this afternoon. an appointment at the doctor's/the hospital etc Have you booked another appointment at the clinic? by appointment (=if you have made an appointment) The collection can be viewed by appointment only. alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective ankle noun anniversary noun announce verb announcement noun annoyed adjective annoying adjective annual adjective annul verb anonymous adjective answer1 noun answer2 verb anticipation noun antiquated adjective antique adjective anxiety noun apartment noun apologize verb apology noun appalling adjective apparent adjective appeal noun appear verb appearance noun appetite noun appetizing adjective applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun Other words and phrases apply verb Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List appreciate /əˈpriːʃieɪt/ verb 1. to realize something or understand that it is important or useful nouns appreciate the importance/significance/value of sth To avoid disease in this area, you have to appreciate the importance of clean drinking water. appreciate the fact Younger students don't always appreciate the fact that teachers are trying to help them. appreciate the difference A good manager appreciates the difference between helpful and hurtful criticism. adverbs fully appreciate sth I didn't fully appreciate the dangers of traveling on my own. 2. if you appreciate something, you are grateful for it nouns appreciate sb's support/help/efforts It would be difficult to do the job on my own, so I really appreciate your help. appreciate sb's concern I appreciate your concern but you needn't worry - I'm perfectly safe. appreciate everything sb has done I appreciate everything my parents did for me when I was young. adverbs greatly/deeply appreciate We greatly appreciate all the work you've done. really appreciate She really appreciates all the time you've spent helping her. genuinely/truly appreciate I genuinely appreciate the opportunity they've given me to start a new career. You use the phrase I would appreciate it if when telling someone firmly (not) to do something: I'm trying to study, so I'd appreciate it if you'd make less noise! alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective ankle noun anniversary noun announce verb announcement noun annoyed adjective annoying adjective annual adjective annul verb anonymous adjective answer1 noun answer2 verb anticipation noun antiquated adjective antique adjective anxiety noun apartment noun apologize verb apology noun appalling adjective apparent adjective appeal noun appear verb appearance noun appetite noun appetizing adjective applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun Other words and phrases appreciate verb Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List appreciation noun 1. grateful feelings adjectives deep appreciation I'd like to express my deep appreciation for all your support. genuine appreciation She thanked him warmly, with genuine appreciation in her voice. verbs show/express your appreciation The audience showed their appreciation by cheering loudly. 2. the act of understanding something and realising that it is important adjectives a great/deep appreciation She developed a deep appreciation of classical music at an early age. a good/full appreciation To be a good diver you need a full appreciation of the dangers of the sea. a growing appreciation In the West, there is a growing appreciation of the economic importance of China. verbs have an appreciation of sth The prince doesn't have an appreciation of the problems that poor people face. develop/gain an appreciation of sth I only developed an appreciation of the difficulties of the job after a few months. show/demonstrate an appreciation of sth The article shows an appreciation of the complex political situation in the country. require an appreciation of sth Doctors require an appreciation of how unpleasant it is to feel ill. encourage an appreciation of sth A good art teacher will encourage an appreciation of all forms of art. alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective ankle noun anniversary noun announce verb announcement noun annoyed adjective annoying adjective annual adjective annul verb anonymous adjective answer1 noun answer2 verb anticipation noun antiquated adjective antique adjective anxiety noun apartment noun apologize verb apology noun appalling adjective apparent adjective appeal noun appear verb appearance noun appetite noun appetizing adjective applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun Other words and phrases appreciate verb Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List approach1 AC noun a method of doing something or dealing with a problem adjectives a different/alternative approach Asking a direct question did not work, so I tried a different approach. | There is an alternative approach to measuring success. a new/fresh approach This is a new approach to teaching languages. a traditional approach Their textbooks follow a very traditional approach. a similar approach They both have a similar approach to management. the general/overall approach Both research projects follow the same general approach. a flexible approach (=able to change according to circumstances) Nowadays, our approach to learning is more flexible. a systematic/scientific approach (=following a careful method) It's best to follow a systematic approach to problem-solving. a pragmatic/practical approach (=concerned with practical results, rather than theories or principles) My approach to my job is very pragmatic. a balanced approach (=considering all different aspects or views in a reasonable way) People have strong views about crime, but we need a balanced approach. a cautious approach (=very careful) When working with dangerous chemicals, a cautious approach is best. an innovative approach (=using methods that have not been used before) This is an innovative approach to training sales people. a positive approach As a company we take a positive approach to creativity. verbs take/follow/use an approach also adopt an approach formal This book takes an unusual approach to art criticism. | He adopted an approach similar to the one used in the US. try an approach Let's try a new approach. prefer/favour an approach There are signs that the government prefers a radical approach. prepositions approach to sth What is your approach to dealing with difficult behaviour in the classroom? alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective ankle noun anniversary noun announce verb announcement noun annoyed adjective annoying adjective annual adjective annul verb anonymous adjective answer1 noun answer2 verb anticipation noun antiquated adjective antique adjective anxiety noun apartment noun apologize verb apology noun appalling adjective apparent adjective appeal noun appear verb appearance noun appetite noun appetizing adjective applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun Other words and phrases approach1 noun approach2 verb Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List approach2 AC /əˈprəʊtʃ $ əˈproʊtʃ/ verb 1. to start to talk about, think about, or deal with something nouns approach a subject/issue The film approached the subject in an interesting way. approach a problem There are many different ways to approach the problem. approach a task Each candidate approached the task in a slightly different way. adverbs approach sth cautiously/carefully He approached the subject of her divorce very carefully. phrases approach sth with care/caution This is a difficult subject and it needs to be approached with caution. approach sth in a different way/from a different viewpoint Maybe we should try and approach the problem in a different way. 2. to move towards or nearer to someone or something adverbs slowly approach sb/sth A truck was slowly approaching them along the highway. approach sth cautiously/with caution She approached cautiously and patted the horse's nose. approach sth closely The animals should not be approached too closely. alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective ankle noun anniversary noun announce verb announcement noun annoyed adjective annoying adjective annual adjective annul verb anonymous adjective answer1 noun answer2 verb anticipation noun antiquated adjective antique adjective anxiety noun apartment noun apologize verb apology noun appalling adjective apparent adjective appeal noun appear verb appearance noun appetite noun appetizing adjective applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun Other words and phrases approach1 noun approach2 verb Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List approve /əˈpruːv/ verb 1. to think that someone or something is good Grammar In this meaning, you usually say that you approve of someone or something. adverbs very much approve His parents very much approved of his new girlfriend. thoroughly/wholeheartedly/heartily approve (=approve very strongly) I thoroughly approve of the decision to give the money to charity. phrases don't altogether approve (=not completely) I don't altogether approve of zoos - I think animals are happier living in the wild. sb would never approve My mother would never approve of me staying out so late. ANTONYMS → disapprove 2. to officially accept a plan, proposal etc nouns approve a bill/amendment/resolution (=vote to accept something) Congress is expected to approve the bill. approve a plan/scheme/proposal If the board approves the plan, construction work will start next month. approve a deal/sale/merger A majority of the shareholders must approve the deal. adverbs approve sth unanimously (=everyone in a group approves something) The conference unanimously approved a motion condemning the government's actions. overwhelmingly approve sth (=almost all of a group approve something) Parents overwhelmingly approved the proposal to bring back school uniform. prepositions approve sth by 100 votes/a large majority etc The committee approved the plan by 12 votes to 5. THESAURUS: approve pass law | bill | amendment | resolution to approve a law or proposal, especially by voting: The law was passed by a huge majority in Parliament. | Congress passed a bill which made the drug illegal. | Congress passed a bill which made the drug illegal. | The amendment was passed in 1871. ratify treaty | agreement | deal to make a written agreement official by signing it or voting about it: The treaty was ratified by the Senate in 1988. | Parliament still has to ratify the agreement. | Australia plans to ratify the deal. rubber-stamp to approve something without really thinking about it - used to show disapproval: Parliament merely rubber-stamped the president's decisions. alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective ankle noun anniversary noun announce verb announcement noun annoyed adjective annoying adjective annual adjective annul verb anonymous adjective answer1 noun answer2 verb anticipation noun antiquated adjective antique adjective anxiety noun apartment noun apologize verb apology noun appalling adjective apparent adjective appeal noun appear verb appearance noun appetite noun appetizing adjective applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun Other words and phrases approve verb Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List approximately AC /əˈprɒksəmətli, əˈprɒksɪmətli $ əˈprɑːk-/ adverb more or less than a number or amount. Approximately sounds more formal than about: The company had total revenues of approximately $2 million. The disease affects approximately 10% of the adult population. THESAURUS: approximately about more or less than a number or amount. About is less formal than approximately and is the usual word to use in everyday English: It costs about $30 to get a visa. | There were about 50 people at the meeting. roughly /ˈrʌfli/ about - used when you are trying to give someone a general idea of the size, amount, or number of something: The two countries are roughly the same size. | Roughly how many miles do you travel a year? around about a number or time - used when you are guessing: I'll be there around 5 o'clock. | The BBC broadcasts around 2,000 radio dramas every year. somewhere/something in the region of formal about - used with very large numbers or amounts: Last year he earned something in the region of $60 million. | It costs somewhere in the region of £100,000 to train a new doctor. or so informal about - used after a period of time, a number, or an amount: The journey takes an hour or so. circa /ˈsɜːkə $ ˈsɜːr-/ formal about - used with dates a long time ago in the past: The house was built circa 1530. or more used after a number or amount, when the total may be a lot more: A thirty-second commercial can cost £60,000 or more. upwards of more than a number or amount: The aircraft can carry upwards of 400 passengers. alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective ankle noun anniversary noun announce verb announcement noun annoyed adjective annoying adjective annual adjective annul verb anonymous adjective answer1 noun answer2 verb anticipation noun antiquated adjective antique adjective anxiety noun apartment noun apologize verb apology noun appalling adjective apparent adjective appeal noun appear verb appearance noun appetite noun appetizing adjective applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun Other words and phrases approximately adverb Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List architecture /ˈɑːkətektʃə, ˈɑːkɪtektʃə $ ˈɑːrkətektʃər, ˈɑːrkɪtektʃər/ noun the style and design of a building or buildings adjectives modern architecture The city has a lot of modern architecture. contemporary architecture (=architecture of the present time, or the time you are talking about) He didn't much like contemporary architecture. classical architecture (=architecture in the style the Greeks and Romans used) The palace is a fine piece of classical architecture. Greek/Roman/German etc architecture The temple is a good example of early Roman architecture. Medieval/Renaissance/Victorian architecture He is an expert on Medieval architecture. Gothic/Baroque/Romanesque architecture People come to the cathedral to admire the Gothic architecture. phrases a style/school of architecture The city of Salzburg is famous for its Baroque style of architecture. alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective ankle noun anniversary noun announce verb announcement noun annoyed adjective annoying adjective annual adjective annul verb anonymous adjective answer1 noun answer2 verb anticipation noun antiquated adjective antique adjective anxiety noun apartment noun apologize verb apology noun appalling adjective apparent adjective appeal noun appear verb appearance noun appetite noun appetizing adjective applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun Other words and phrases architecture noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List archive /ˈɑːkaɪv $ ˈɑːr-/ noun a place where a large number of historical records are stored, or the records that are stored Grammar Often plural. adjectives/nouns + archive the national archive The film has been stored in the National Archives in Washington, DC since 1978. a digital/electronic archive There is an electronic archive of all the previous editions of the newspaper. an online archive The online archive can be accessed by internet users all over the world. a film/video/music archive I spent an afternoon looking through the German National Film Archives. a literary archive The letters formed part of a literary archive of the writer's work. a large/huge archive The museum has a huge archive of the artist's paintings and drawings. verbs be held/stored/kept in an archive The documents are held in the national archives. search/look through an archive She spent hours searching the archives for information about her family history. create/set up an archive The National Film Archive was set up in 1952. find sth in an archive I found a copy of the letter in the university archives. an archive contains sth also an archive houses sth formal The archive contains over 50,000 photographs. prepositions in an archive The records are kept in the national archive in Vienna. alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective ankle noun anniversary noun announce verb announcement noun annoyed adjective annoying adjective annual adjective annul verb anonymous adjective answer1 noun answer2 verb anticipation noun antiquated adjective antique adjective anxiety noun apartment noun apologize verb apology noun appalling adjective apparent adjective appeal noun appear verb appearance noun appetite noun appetizing adjective applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun Other words and phrases archive noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List area AC /ˈeəriə $ ˈeriə/ noun 1. a particular part of a country, town etc adjectives a large/vast/huge area Large areas of rainforest have been destroyed. the local area He quickly made friends in the local area. the surrounding area The tourist office will have a map of the surrounding area. a rural area (=in the countryside) Schools in rural areas are often very small. an urban area (=in a town or city) Ninety percent of the English population live in urban areas. a remote/isolated area (=a long way from towns and cities) The animal has been discovered in a remote area of China. outlying areas (=far from the centre of a town, village etc) People commute in to work from outlying areas. a wooded/mountainous area The plane crashed into trees in a heavily wooded area. a coastal area The bird is found mainly in coastal areas. a low-lying area Low-lying areas are likely to be flooded. a residential area (=a part of a town where people live) They had a large house in a pleasant residential area. an industrial area People living in industrial areas are exposed to these types of chemicals. a built-up area BrE (=with a lot of buildings close together) New development will not be allowed outside the existing built-up area. a deprived area (=where many poor people live) He grew up in one of the toughest and most deprived areas of Glasgow. an inner-city area (=the central part of a city, where many poor people live) When will something be done to improve our inner-city areas? an affluent/wealthy/posh area (=where many rich people live) The restaurant was situated in an affluent area of the city. a middle-class/working-class etc area (=where a particular class of people live) She was born in a working-class area of London. a metropolitan area (=a very large city) major metropolitan areas such as Delhi, Bombay, and Calcutta a conservation area especially BrE (=for preserving nature or old buildings) Our house is in a conservation area and you have to apply for permission before carrying out any building work. a geographical area (=one that is shown on a map) The survey took place in three geographical areas. a no-smoking/no-parking etc area (=where people are not allowed to smoke, park etc) The airport terminal is a no-smoking area. verbs cover an area The forest covers a big area of the country. live in an area We live in a nice area of the city. move into/out of an area She had just moved into the area and knew very few people. | Many young people are moving out of rural areas. keep/stay away from an area The police ordered people to stay away from the area. phrases be spread out over a wide area The town is spread out over a wide area. be scattered over a wide area Parts of the plane were scattered over a wide area. THESAURUS: area region a large area of a country or the world: The entire region was covered in snow. | The earthquake shook China's northern region. | The soldiers are fighting in a mountainous region of eastern Afghanistan. | They travelled through the desert regions of Ethiopia. | Confucius was walking through a remote region of China (=far from other places). zone a special type of area, especially one where something happens, or where there are special rules: The country is now a war zone. | California is in an earthquake zone. | I didn't realise that it was a no-parking zone. | We crossed two different time zones (=areas where there is a particular time compared to the rest of the world). district one of the areas a city or town is officially divided into, or an area of a city where a particular group lives or an activity happens: They live in the Chelsea district of Manhattan. | The financial district of London is known as 'the City'. neighbourhood BrE neighborhood AmE /ˈneɪbəhʊd $ -ər-/ an area of a town where people live: Payne was born in a poor neighborhood of Newark. | I have a decent job, live in a nice neighborhood, and have a nice home. | This is a friendly neighbourhood and people often stop to talk to each other in the street. | There are lots of trees in our neighborhood. suburb an area outside the centre of a city, where people live: We moved to a quiet suburb of Boston. | The school is in a leafy suburb of Paris (=one with a lot of trees). quarter an area of a town or city, especially one where people of a particular nationality live: the French quarter of New Orleans slum an area of a city that is in very bad condition, where many poor people live: He grew up in the slums of East London. ghetto an area of a city where poor people of a particular race or class live: a black baby born in the ghetto 2. a particular subject or type of activity adjectives/nouns + area a subject area The course covers four main subject areas. an important/key area Customer service is a key area for improvement. the main area His main area of interest is how young children learn foreign languages. a problem area First they must identify the problem areas in the industry. a sensitive/difficult area Serious illness within a family is a sensitive area. a broad area A broad area of agreement has emerged. phrases an area of activity/work/business There are many laws relating to this area of activity. an area of research/study Genetics is a flourishing area of research. an area of life Communication is important in most areas of life. an area of interest The people taking part in the conference have different areas of interest. an area of responsibility The matter does not fall within my area of responsibility. an area of concern (=something someone is worried about) Crowd violence towards players is another area of concern. an area of disagreement/conflict (=something that people disagree about) He admitted that major areas of disagreement remained. an area of agreement Look for areas of agreement. 3. a part of a house, office, garden etc that is used for a particular purpose adjectives/nouns + area the kitchen/dining area The kitchen area is rather small. the living area The main living area was on the second floor. a reception area (=the place where visitors arriving in a hotel or large organization go first) A door led from the reception area to the conference room. a storage area (=a place where you can keep things) There is a storage area under the stairs. a picnic area (=an area outdoors where people can eat sandwiches etc) We pulled off the highway into a picnic area for lunch. a play area (=a place for children to play) The hotel has a children's play area. alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective ankle noun anniversary noun announce verb announcement noun annoyed adjective annoying adjective annual adjective annul verb anonymous adjective answer1 noun answer2 verb anticipation noun antiquated adjective antique adjective anxiety noun apartment noun apologize verb apology noun appalling adjective apparent adjective appeal noun appear verb appearance noun appetite noun appetizing adjective applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun Other words and phrases area noun 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Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List argue /ˈɑːɡjuː $ ˈɑːr-/ verb 1. to disagree with someone in words, often in an angry way adverbs be always/constantly arguing (=argue a lot) She split up with her boyfriend because they were always arguing. prepositions argue about/over sth The children were arguing about which TV programme to watch. argue with sb Gallacher continued to argue with the referee throughout the game. THESAURUS: argue have an argument to argue with someone for a period of time about a particular thing: She had a long argument with the man who was selling the tickets. have a row /raʊ/ BrE have a fight especially AmE to have an argument with someone, especially with your boyfriend, girlfriend, or a member of your family: She was upset because she'd had a fight with her boyfriend. | The couple at the next table were having a big row. quarrel especially BrE to argue with someone, especially for a long time and about many different things: The children quarrel all the time. | She was always quarrelling with her husband. squabble /ˈskwɒbəl $ ˈskwɑː-/ to argue about unimportant things: The kids were squabbling over what to watch on TV. | I wish you two would stop squabbling with each other! fall out with sb BrE to have a big argument with someone that results in you stopping having a friendly relationship with them: I've fallen out with my best friend. be at each other's throats if two people are at each other's throats, they are always arguing in a very angry way: His parents are constantly at each other's throats. 2. to say that you think something is true or that people should do something adverbs rightly/correctly argue She rightly argues that it is too soon to judge the success of the project. convincingly/persuasively argue (=in a way that makes people believe that what you are saying is right) He convincingly argued that it would have been impossible for his client to commit the crime. consistently argue (=always express the same opinion) We have consistently argued that harsh punishments only make the children's behaviour worse. nouns argue your case/point/position (=explain the reasons why you think that something is true) You will have the chance to argue your case in front of the committee. argue the merits of sth (=talk about whether one thing is better than another thing) The men were arguing the merits of soccer over American football. alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective ankle noun anniversary noun announce verb announcement noun annoyed adjective annoying adjective annual adjective annul verb anonymous adjective answer1 noun answer2 verb anticipation noun antiquated adjective antique adjective anxiety noun apartment noun apologize verb apology noun appalling adjective apparent adjective appeal noun appear verb appearance noun appetite noun appetizing adjective applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun Other words and phrases argue verb Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List argument /ˈɑːɡjəmənt, ˈɑːɡjʊmənt $ ˈɑːr-/ noun 1. a situation in which two or more people disagree, often angrily adjectives a big/huge/massive/terrible argument There was a big argument about whether we should move to a new house. a long argument After a long argument, the guard agreed to let us into the building. a heated argument (=involving very strong feelings) Someone was having a heated argument with a police officer. a bitter argument There are bitter arguments about whether he was a hero or a war criminal. a furious/fierce argument As soon as she had gone, a furious argument broke out. a violent argument The singer was hurt in a violent argument with her husband. verbs have an argument I could hear my parents having an argument downstairs. get into an argument also become involved in an argument formal She didn't want to get into another argument about money. | I left to avoid becoming involved in an argument. start an argument He was deliberately trying to start an argument. cause an argument Money often causes arguments. stop/end an argument He tried to stop an argument between his brother and a police officer. settle an argument (=stop an argument, especially by showing who is right) We settled the argument by looking the answer up on the internet. avoid an argument I was anxious to avoid an argument. win/lose an argument The party hopes to win the argument about how to reform the health system. | The first one who resorts to violence is usually the one who's lost the argument. an argument breaks out (=it starts) The men were drunk and an argument soon broke out. an argument erupts (=a big argument suddenly starts) A bitter argument erupted between the brothers over who should inherit the money. an argument ensues formal (=starts after something happens) The taxi driver refused to take her any further, and an argument ensued. an argument rages (=people argue with a lot of feeling) An argument is raging about which is the better system. an argument escalates (=becomes more serious) The argument escalated into violence. prepositions an argument with sb She had an argument with her best friend. an argument between sb and sb My mother tried to stop the arguments between my brother and me. an argument about/over sth He left after an argument about playing loud music. THESAURUS: argument row BrE fight especially AmE a loud angry argument with someone, especially your boyfriend, girlfriend, or someone in your family. Row is also used about a serious disagreement between politicians about important public issues: There were always fights between my parents. | the continuing row over tax increases | A few months ago they had a big row, and Steve drove off and spent the weekend in London. disagreement a situation in which people disagree with each other, but without shouting or getting angry: There were the occasional disagreements about money, but mostly we got on well. | Ginny had left the company after a disagreement with her boss. quarrel especially BrE an argument, especially one in which people get angry and that lasts a long time. Quarrel sounds more formal and more serious than argument or row: There was a bitter family quarrel about who should get the money. feud /fjuːd/ a very bitter argument between two groups, especially families, or two people, which lasts for many years and causes people to hate each other: The feud between the Hatfields and the McCoys raged for 20 years. | He has been waging a long-running feud with the party leader (=be involved in a feud with someone that lasts a long time). dispute a public or legal argument about something, especially one which continues for a long time: Morris has been involved in a long legal dispute with his publisher. | The settlement will resolve a long-running dispute over the country's nuclear program. war/battle of words an argument in which two people or groups criticize each other continuously in public: The war of words over construction delays at the airport has erupted again. bust-up BrE informal a very bad argument, especially one in which people decide to separate from each other: He had a bust-up with the team manager. shouting match an angry argument in which people shout at each other: He got into a shouting match with another driver. slanging match BrE informal an argument in which people insult each other: He was sacked after a slanging match with a colleague. an argument that is not very serious squabble /ˈskwɒbəl $ ˈskwɑː-/ an argument about something that is not important: There were the usual squabbles between brothers and sisters. | Voters are tired of petty squabbles between party leaders (=about very unimportant things). tiff informal an argument that is not very serious, between people who are in love: Gary had a bit of a tiff with his girlfriend. | It was just a lovers' tiff. misunderstanding a slight argument - a rather formal word which is often used humorously: There was a slight misunderstanding over the bill, but everything's been sorted out now. skirmish a short argument, especially between politicians or sports opponents: Evans and O'Brien had several political skirmishes. 2. a set of reasons that show that something is true or untrue, right or wrong etc adjectives a good/strong/powerful argument There is a good argument for leaving things as they are. a convincing/persuasive/compelling argument (=one that makes you sure that something is right) He will have to come up with some very convincing arguments. a valid argument (=based on good reasons) I believe this argument is a valid one. a reasonable/plausible argument Their arguments seemed perfectly reasonable to me. a weak/flawed/spurious argument (=one that does not work) I was surprised he offered such a weak argument. an unconvincing argument (=one that does not make you believe that something is right) I found his arguments unconvincing. verbs put forward/present/offer an argument I have considered the arguments put forward by both sides. make an argument A similar argument could be made in the case of elderly people. come up with an argument (=think of an argument) Aristotle came up with many arguments for slavery being justified. develop an argument He developed this argument further in later papers. support/strengthen/bolster an argument There is not the slightest scientific evidence to support such arguments. undermine/weaken an argument (=make it appear weaker) This evidence undermines the argument that companies need to offer high pay to attract good staff. refute/rebut/counter an argument (=show that it is wrong) It is hard to refute these arguments. reject/dismiss an argument (=say that you are not convinced by it) The court rejected these arguments. accept/agree with an argument Not everyone accepts these arguments. prepositions an argument for/in favour of sth There is a strong argument for reforming the law. an argument against sth He put forward a powerful argument against the keeping of animals in zoos. alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective ankle noun anniversary noun announce verb announcement noun annoyed adjective annoying adjective annual adjective annul verb anonymous adjective answer1 noun answer2 verb anticipation noun antiquated adjective antique adjective anxiety noun apartment noun apologize verb apology noun appalling adjective apparent adjective appeal noun appear verb appearance noun appetite noun appetizing adjective applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun Other words and phrases argue verb Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List arm /ɑːm $ ɑːrm/ noun [C] one of the two long parts of your body between your shoulders and your hands adjectives sb's left/right arm He had a tattoo on his left arm. a broken arm (=with a broken bone) He can't play, as he has a broken arm. bare arms (=not covered by clothes) She wore a dress which left her arms bare. strong arms His arms were strong and muscular. verbs wave your arms (=move them from side to side to attract attention) The man was waving his arms and shouting. raise your arm (=lift it up) Raise one arm above your head. break your arm (=break a bone in it) She broke her arm in a riding accident. fold/cross your arms (=bend both arms in front of your body) He folded his arms across his chest and waited. stretch/hold out your arms She held out her arms and the child ran towards her. put/wrap your arms around sb I put my arms around Bobby and gave him a hug. take sb by the arm (=lead someone somewhere holding their arm) "It's this way," he said, taking me by the arm. take/hold sb in your arms (=gently put your arms around someone) She held a little baby in her arms. grab sb's arm (=take hold of it with a sudden movement) He grabbed my arm and told me to wait. prepositions under your arm Pat was carrying a box under his arm. in your arms (=held or carried using your arms) He had a pile of books in his arms. phrases arm in arm (=with your arm linked to someone else's arm) There were several young couples, walking arm in arm. with outstretched arms He came forward with outstretched arms to welcome her. applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun article noun articulate adjective artificial adjective artist noun artistic adjective ascend verb ashamed adjective ask verb asleep adjective aspect noun assault noun Other words and phrases arm noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List arrest /əˈrest/ noun if someone is under arrest, the police take them to a police station, because they may have done something illegal verbs make an arrest The police made several arrests. resist arrest He was charged with resisting arrest and assaulting a police officer. avoid arrest The Mafia boss managed to avoid arrest for many years. lead to sb's arrest The new information led to his arrest. arrest + nouns an arrest warrant/a warrant for sb's arrest (=an official order that allows the police to arrest someone) The authorities issued arrest warrants for two men in their early 20s. adjectives wrongful/unlawful/false arrest (=arrest without good reason) He sued the police for wrongful arrest. | They had ordered the unlawful arrest of many of the demonstrators. prepositions be under arrest A man is under arrest, following the suspicious death of his wife. arrest for murder/robbery etc He is under arrest for murder. an arrest on charges of sth/on suspicion of sth Pound was put in prison after his arrest on treason charges. | You are under arrest on suspicion of burglary. phrases put/place/keep sb under arrest The two agents showed him their badges and placed him under arrest. be under house arrest (= not allowed to leave your home, or you will be arrested and put in jail) The leader of the opposition has been under house arrest since 1989. the power of arrest The police have the power of arrest in certain circumstances for offensive behaviour. make a citizen's arrest (=someone who is not a police officer makes an arrest) He ran after the thieves, caught one, and made a citizen's arrest. applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun article noun articulate adjective artificial adjective artist noun artistic adjective ascend verb ashamed adjective ask verb asleep adjective aspect noun assault noun Other words and phrases arrest noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List arrival /əˈraɪvəl/ noun when someone or something arrives somewhere adjectives late arrival We would like to apologize for the late arrival of Flight 502 from Los Angeles. safe arrival They gave thanks for their safe arrival, after a long and difficult journey. timely arrival (=someone's arrival at a useful time) Only the timely arrival of the police prevented the situation from becoming worse. imminent/impending arrival (=used when someone is about to arrive very soon) The club is looking forward to the imminent arrival of their new player. verbs announce an arrival The airline announced the arrival of Flight 702 from Bangkok. herald/mark/signal an arrival (=show that someone or something will arrive soon) The storm clouds signalled the arrival of the summer rains. make an arrival A group of workers made a loud arrival in the pub. await sb/sth's arrival The travellers were awaiting the arrival of the ferry. arrival + nouns the arrival time/date Due to work on the tracks, departure and arrival times of some trains may be delayed. prepositions on/upon arrival (=when someone arrives somewhere) You will be met on arrival. arrival in a city/country Shortly after our arrival in London, I received an offer of a job. arrival at an airport/school/office He was arrested soon after his arrival at Chicago's O'Hare Airport. the arrival of sb/sth Older children may misbehave after the arrival of a new baby. phrases the time/day of arrival I gave him the date and time of arrival of my plane. dead on arrival The woman was dead on arrival at Brighton General Hospital. ANTONYMS → departure applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun article noun articulate adjective artificial adjective artist noun artistic adjective ascend verb ashamed adjective ask verb asleep adjective aspect noun assault noun Other words and phrases arrival noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List arrive /əˈraɪv/ verb to get to the place where you are going adverbs arrive late Jo arrived late, as usual, and missed the first class. | It's best not to arrive too early. arrive on time He never arrives on time for meetings. arrive early We arrived early for our plane. arrive shortly (=soon) My parents are due to arrive shortly. arrive safely She phoned to say she had arrived safely. finally/eventually arrive We finally arrived in Perth after 10 days' driving. arrive unannounced (=without anyone expecting or knowing you were coming) He arrived unannounced yesterday and stayed the night. prepositions arrive at a station/airport/hotel/house We arrived at the station just in time. arrive in a city/country He arrived in New York with very little money. arrive on an island The first Europeans arrived on the island in the 17th century. Don't say I arrived to my home. Say I arrived home or I arrived at my house. phrases be due to arrive The next train is due to arrive at 11.04. be the first/last (one) to arrive Billy is always the first to arrive at the office. arrive safe and sound (=safely) It was a great relief when he arrived back safe and sound. arrive on the scene (=at the place where an accident, crime etc has just happened) Two more police cars arrived on the scene. as soon as sb arrives Call me as soon as you arrive. THESAURUS: arrive get to arrive somewhere. Get is more informal than arrive: What time do you usually get to work? | I'll call you as soon as I get there. | We didn't get home till 5 o'clock the next day. come if someone comes, they arrive at the place where you are: What time did the plumber say he would come? | She came home yesterday. reach to arrive somewhere, especially after a long journey: They finally reached Hong Kong at midnight. | We were looking forward to reaching our destination. show up informal to arrive when someone is expecting you to go somewhere: I waited for him till 10 o'clock, but he never showed up. | The rest of the team showed up half an hour later. get in plane | train | bus to arrive somewhere: What time does your plane get in? | The train gets in at 6.15. | I usually get in from work at around 6 o'clock. land plane to arrive on the ground: The plane landed about an hour ago. | We finally landed at 2 a.m. pull in train | bus | coach to arrive at a station, or the place where you are waiting, and stop there: Hundreds of people watched the train pull in. | As we left, another coach pulled in behind us. dock ship if a ship docks, it arrives at a port and stops there, so that it can unload the passengers or goods: The ship docked at Southampton with 400 passengers on board. ANTONYMS → leave1 applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun article noun articulate adjective artificial adjective artist noun artistic adjective ascend verb ashamed adjective ask verb asleep adjective aspect noun assault noun Other words and phrases arrive verb Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List art /ɑːt $ ɑːrt/ noun the use of painting, drawing, sculpture etc to represent things or express ideas adjectives modern/contemporary art (=from the late 19th century until now) I think a lot of modern art is rubbish. contemporary art (=that is being created now, usually very recently) There is an exhibition of contemporary Japanese art at the gallery. Western art (=art in Europe and North America) He studied both Chinese and Western art. early ... art The painting is a masterpiece of early Christian art. fine art (=art, especially painting, which is made to be beautiful or affect your emotions, rather than to be useful) He studied fine art at college. abstract art (=that consists of lines and shapes and is not of people, objects etc) Kandinsky was famous for his abstract art. figurative art (=of people, objects, places etc) Many people prefer figurative art because it is easier to understand than abstract art. conceptual art (=in which the artist does something to represent an idea, rather than actually doing a painting, drawing etc) Du Champ created a famous piece of conceptual art by signing a toilet and putting it in an exhibition. primitive art (=art by people who live in societies where there is a very simple way of life and no modern technology or industry) The interest in primitive art came about largely through the work of Gauguin. the visual arts (=painting, sculpture, and other art forms that you look at, not literature or music) The Scientific Revolution had a big effect on the visual arts. art + nouns art school/college/student I studied ceramics at art college. art history/historian She teaches art history and women's studies at Sheffield University. an art gallery/museum We spent the day looking around art galleries. an art exhibition There is a big art exhibition in the city hall. an art collection The museum has an interesting art collection including works by Henry Moore and Max Ernst. an art festival The city has a famous art festival every summer. phrases a work of art Picasso's painting is one of the great works of art of the 20th century. applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun article noun articulate adjective artificial adjective artist noun artistic adjective ascend verb ashamed adjective ask verb asleep adjective aspect noun assault noun Other words and phrases art noun state-of-the-art adjective Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List artistic /ɑːˈtɪstɪk $ ɑːr-/ adjective relating to art, or relating to people's ability to paint, draw etc nouns artistic talent/ability/flair She showed considerable artistic talent at an early age. artistic expression (=the expression of ideas or feelings in art) The school tries to encourage artistic expression among its students. artistic freedom In Russia at that time, there was very little artistic freedom. artistic integrity (=the principles and standards which an artist tries to follow in order to produce art that they consider to be good) He sacrificed his artistic integrity to paint pictures the government wanted. an artistic work Her artistic works include both paintings and drawings. artistic merit (=the quality of being a good work of art) His paintings have no artistic merit whatsoever. artistic temperament (=a type of character that artists are supposed to have, that allows them to feel emotions deeply) She seems very sensitive to criticism. Perhaps it is part of her artistic temperament. artistic licence BrE artistic license AmE (=the right to change details to make something into better art) The 30-year-old painter takes artistic licence in his portrait of himself as an old man. THESAURUS: artistic creative having a lot of imagination and good at making things or thinking of new ideas in art or literature: My sister is very creative and she makes all her own clothes. | He was a brilliant young designer with a lot of creative talent. | New York was full of creative energy. applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun article noun articulate adjective artificial adjective artist noun artistic adjective ascend verb ashamed adjective ask verb asleep adjective aspect noun assault noun Other words and phrases artistic adjective Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List ashamed /əˈʃeɪmd/ adjective feeling very guilty and sorry because of something you have done, or something that someone in your family, group etc has done Grammar Ashamed is not used before a noun. adverbs deeply ashamed She was deeply ashamed of the way she had behaved. bitterly ashamed (=very ashamed, in a way that makes you very unhappy) He was bitterly ashamed when his parents found out what he had done. thoroughly ashamed (=very ashamed - used especially when you think someone deserves to feel ashamed) He should be thoroughly ashamed of what he's done to that poor girl. slightly ashamed/a little ashamed I felt slightly ashamed that I had laughed when she fell over. verbs feel ashamed I felt ashamed that I had not helped them. look ashamed Kerry looked ashamed and started to apologize. make sb ashamed When I hear about the behaviour of some English fans, it makes me ashamed to be English. prepositions ashamed of sb/sth Rick felt ashamed of the things he had said. | Her parents said they were ashamed of her for what she had done. ashamed at sth I am ashamed at what I did today. phrases it's nothing to be ashamed of (=you do not need to feel ashamed) Everyone cries sometimes - it's nothing to be ashamed of. sb should be ashamed of himself/herself (=used to say that you think someone has done something bad) He should be ashamed of himself, leaving her with two young children. be ashamed to admit sth She was ashamed to admit that she had never read any of his books. I'm ashamed to say I lied about that too, I'm ashamed to say. Ashamed or embarrassed? You use ashamed when you feel guilty and sorry because you have done something bad or wrong: Ella was ashamed of her behaviour at the party. Embarrassed is used when you feel uncomfortable, and worry that people will think you are silly: Boys often feel embarrassed when talking about their feelings. applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun article noun articulate adjective artificial adjective artist noun artistic adjective ascend verb ashamed adjective ask verb asleep adjective aspect noun assault noun assemble verb assess verb assessment noun asset noun assignment noun assistance noun assistant noun association noun assume verb assumption noun asylum noun atmosphere noun attack1 noun attack2 verb attain verb attempt noun attendance noun attention noun attitude noun attraction noun Other words and phrases ascend verb Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List ask /ɑːsk $ æsk/ verb to speak or write to someone in order to get an answer or in order to get something that you want nouns ask a question You can ask questions at the end of the talk. ask (for) permission Don Amato asked permission to marry Candida. ask for advice/help/assistance They were too proud to ask for help. ask for sb's opinion It is always best to ask people for their opinion first. adverbs often/frequently ask Parents often ask me: "How can we teach our children to write?" always/constantly ask People always ask how to spell my name. ask politely "Did you sleep well?" she asked politely. ask quietly/softly "Are you awake?" he asked softly. ask hopefully "Will you be able to fix it?" he asked hopefully. ask anxiously/nervously/suspiciously She asked anxiously whether anything was wrong. prepositions ask (sb) about sth Visitors often ask about the history of the town. ask (sb) for sth He asked his boss for permission to go home early. Don't say She asked to him to be quiet. Say She asked him to be quiet. phrases if you don't mind me asking/my asking spoken (=used when politely asking a question) Are you married, if you don't mind me asking? THESAURUS: ask ask a question inquire/enquire /ɪnˈkwaɪə $ -ˈkwaɪr/ formal to ask someone for information about something: I'm writing to inquire about the job that was advertised in yesterday's 'Times'. demand especially written to ask a question in a firm or angry way: "Why didn't you call me?" she demanded. interview to ask someone questions, to find out if they are suitable for a job, or as part of a television or radio interview: When they interviewed me for the job, they didn't mention the salary. | David Letterman has interviewed all the top Hollywood stars. poll to officially ask a lot of people in order to find out their opinion on something: Over 1,000 people were polled for the survey. | 64% of the people we polled said that they approved of the way the government had handled the crisis. to ask someone about a crime question/interview to ask someone a lot of questions in order to get information about a crime: He was arrested and questioned by the police. | Detectives are interviewing the father of the missing girl. interrogate to ask someone a lot of detailed questions, often in an aggressive way: The men were interrogated by the US authorities for over six hours. cross-examine to ask someone questions in court about the statements they made: A second lawyer began to cross-examine the witness. be helping the police with their inquiries formal used in news reports when saying that the police are asking someone questions about a crime - especially when they think this person is guilty, but have not yet charged them: He is helping the police with their inquiries in connection with the murder of Diane Jones. to ask for something ask for to tell someone you want them to give you something: I'm going to ask for a pay rise. order to ask for food or drink in a restaurant: We ordered some more coffee. | We ordered an hour ago, and the food still hasn't come. demand to ask for something in a firm way, insisting that someone gives you what you ask for: They're demanding immediate payment. | He demanded to speak to the manager. request formal permission | information | meeting to ask for something: The pilot requested permission to land. | I enclose the information you requested (=I am including it with this letter or email). | I requested a meeting with Mr Rock over two weeks ago. beg/plead to ask for something in an urgent way, because you want it very much and will be very unhappy if you do not get it: He begged me to help him. | I'm not going to plead for forgiveness. nag/pester to keep asking someone for something, in an annoying way: My parents keep nagging me to clean my room. | People were pestering him for his autograph. applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun article noun articulate adjective artificial adjective artist noun artistic adjective ascend verb ashamed adjective ask verb asleep adjective aspect noun assault noun assemble verb assess verb assessment noun asset noun assignment noun assistance noun assistant noun association noun assume verb assumption noun asylum noun atmosphere noun attack1 noun attack2 verb attain verb attempt noun attendance noun attention noun attitude noun attraction noun Other words and phrases ask verb Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List asleep /əˈsliːp/ adjective sleeping adverbs fast asleep/sound asleep (=sleeping and not easily woken) The children were fast asleep in their beds. half asleep (=almost asleep) He was lying on the sofa, half asleep. dead asleep AmE (=completely asleep) She was dead asleep within five minutes. verbs fall asleep (=start sleeping) He rolled over and fell asleep quickly. ANTONYMS → awake applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun article noun articulate adjective artificial adjective artist noun artistic adjective ascend verb ashamed adjective ask verb asleep adjective aspect noun assault noun assemble verb assess verb assessment noun asset noun assignment noun assistance noun assistant noun association noun assume verb assumption noun asylum noun atmosphere noun attack1 noun attack2 verb attain verb attempt noun attendance noun attention noun attitude noun attraction noun Other words and phrases asleep adjective Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List aspect AC /ˈæspekt/ noun one part of a situation, idea, plan etc that has many parts adjectives an important/significant aspect A person's nationality is an important aspect of their identity. a key/fundamental aspect (=very important) Helping people with their problems is one of the key aspects of the job. | Individual freedom is one of the fundamental aspects of his philosophy. a positive/negative aspect Tourism has its negative aspects, for example the damage caused to the environment. a worrying/disturbing/alarming aspect The worrying aspect is that the situation is getting worse every year. an interesting/intriguing aspect One of the most interesting aspects of this painting is the artist's use of colour. a striking aspect (=unusual or interesting) The most striking aspect about living in Tokyo is the lack of crime. the technical/practical/legal/financial etc aspects The course focuses on the practical aspects of farm work. various/different aspects We studied various aspects of language development. certain aspects Certain aspects of his plays attracted criticism. verbs deal with an aspect The book only deals with one aspect of American history. look at/consider/examine/explore an aspect Managers were asked to look at every aspect of their work. discuss an aspect Police are reluctant to discuss any aspect of the investigation. cover an aspect (=include it as one of the things that are dealt with) The training course covers all aspects of business. concentrate/focus on an aspect People tend to concentrate on the political aspect of his films. highlight an aspect (=make it easy to notice) The book highlights the negative aspects of the oil industry. nouns + aspect the safety/security aspect The safety aspect of nuclear energy is often ignored. the health/business/money etc aspect We need someone who understands the business aspect of sport. prepositions an aspect of sth Alcoholism affects all aspects of family life. applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun article noun articulate adjective artificial adjective artist noun artistic adjective ascend verb ashamed adjective ask verb asleep adjective aspect noun assault noun assemble verb assess verb assessment noun asset noun assignment noun assistance noun assistant noun association noun assume verb assumption noun asylum noun atmosphere noun attack1 noun attack2 verb attain verb attempt noun attendance noun attention noun attitude noun attraction noun Other words and phrases aspect noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List assess verb to make a judgment about a person or situation after thinking carefully about it nouns assess a situation We'll have to assess the situation carefully, and then decide what to do next. assess a student Students are assessed every six weeks. assess sb's performance/progress The test is intended to assess your performance. assess sb's needs Social workers visit the patients to assess their needs. assess the damage Someone from the insurance company came to assess the damage to the car. assess the effect/impact It is too early to assess the impact of the changes. assess the extent of sth It is difficult to assess the extent of the problem. assess the risk The bank has to assess the risk of the borrower being unable to pay back the money. assess the quality His job is to assess the quality of the products before they leave the factory. adverbs assess sth carefully Investors should assess the risk carefully before they invest their money. assess sth fully/thoroughly The authorities have not yet had time to fully assess the situation. assess sth accurately It is important to assess the patient's symptoms accurately. assess sth internally (=the grade is decided by a teacher at the same school or university) The course is assessed internally. assess sth externally (=the grade is decided by someone from outside a school or university) The written part of the test will be assessed externally. applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun article noun articulate adjective artificial adjective artist noun artistic adjective ascend verb ashamed adjective ask verb asleep adjective aspect noun assault noun assemble verb assess verb assessment noun asset noun assignment noun assistance noun assistant noun association noun assume verb assumption noun asylum noun atmosphere noun attack1 noun attack2 verb attain verb attempt noun attendance noun attention noun attitude noun attraction noun Other words and phrases assess verb Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List assessment AC /əˈsesmənt/ noun a process in which you make a judgment about a person or situation, or the judgment you make adjectives a general/overall/broad assessment (=that covers the main features or parts of something, not the details) The doctor must make a general assessment of the patient's health. a detailed assessment We need a detailed assessment of what this will cost. an accurate assessment It is too early to make an accurate assessment of the situation. continuous assessment (=done often over a period of time - used especially in relation to students' work) The final grade is based on both exams and continuous assessment of work done in class. sb's personal assessment What's your personal assessment of the risks? a fair assessment I think the event was a success. Do you think that's a fair assessment? an objective assessment (=based on facts, not on feelings or beliefs) The test results will provide an objective assessment of how much you have improved. a realistic/honest assessment You should not start a business without a realistic assessment of the risks involved. an initial assessment (=that is done before anything else) An initial assessment of the building's condition was carried out by a surveyor. a comprehensive assessment (=that includes all the necessary facts or details) Our clients receive a comprehensive assessment of their financial affairs. verbs make/carry out an assessment also conduct an assessment formal The engineers will make an assessment of the damage, and decide what needs to be done. do an assessment more informal (=make an assessment) The teacher does a yearly assessment of each child's progress. give/provide an assessment He gave an honest assessment of the risks. nouns + assessment a risk assessment Teachers have to do a risk assessment before taking students on a trip. a needs assessment also an assessment of sb's needs The authorities did a needs assessment to find out what kind of housing was required. assessment + nouns the assessment procedure/process Parents need to feel part of the assessment procedure. assessment methods/techniques We recommend using a variety of assessment methods. applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun article noun articulate adjective artificial adjective artist noun artistic adjective ascend verb ashamed adjective ask verb asleep adjective aspect noun assault noun assemble verb assess verb assessment noun asset noun assignment noun assistance noun assistant noun association noun assume verb assumption noun asylum noun atmosphere noun attack1 noun attack2 verb attain verb attempt noun attendance noun attention noun attitude noun attraction noun Other words and phrases assessment noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List asset /ˈæset/ noun 1. the things that a company owns, that can be sold to pay debts Grammar Usually plural in this meaning. adjectives total assets The company has total assets of over £2 billion. financial assets The value of the Trust's financial assets has risen by almost 30%. liquid assets (=the money that a company or person has, and anything else they can easily exchange for money) The company has very few liquid assets that it can use to pay back the loan. net assets (=assets after tax has been taken away) When he died, his net assets amounted to £320,000. fixed assets (=land, buildings, or equipment that a business owns and uses) Huge amounts of money have been invested in long-term fixed assets such as factories and machinery. surplus assets (=assets that are more than those which are needed) The surplus assets will be sold, and the money received will be divided among the shareholders. verbs have/own/hold assets She has financial assets worth £250,000. buy assets Foreign investors need dollars to buy American assets. sell off assets also dispose of assets formal The firm will have to sell off some of its assets to pay its debts. transfer an asset (=move it) The company's assets were transferred abroad. seize/confiscate sb's assets (=take them from someone officially) The court can seize the assets of criminals. freeze sb's assets (=legally prevent money in a bank from being spent, property from being sold etc) The company's assets were frozen while the investigation was carried out. protect/safeguard your assets The firm's directors failed to take proper action to protect the assets of the company. phrases the value of sb's assets The value of his assets was calculated at over $1 million. 2. something or someone that is useful because they help you succeed or deal with problems adjectives a great/considerable/major asset His greatest asset is his sense of humour. a valuable/useful asset A respected brand name is a valuable asset. a real asset Knowledge of the local language is a real asset when you're working abroad. prepositions be an asset to sb/sth She works hard, and is an asset to the firm. applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun article noun articulate adjective artificial adjective artist noun artistic adjective ascend verb ashamed adjective ask verb asleep adjective aspect noun assault noun assemble verb assess verb assessment noun asset noun assignment noun assistance noun assistant noun association noun assume verb assumption noun asylum noun atmosphere noun attack1 noun attack2 verb attain verb attempt noun attendance noun attention noun attitude noun attraction noun Other words and phrases asset noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List assignment AC /əˈsaɪnmənt/ noun 1. a piece of work that a student is asked to do as part of their studies nouns + assignment a homework/school assignment Don't watch TV until you've done your homework assignments! a writing/maths/science etc assignment The maths assignment was hard. verbs give sb an assignment also set sb an assignment BrE Our English teacher always gives us a lot of assignments. | The teacher set the students an assignment to do in the school holidays. do an assignment Everyone in the class had done the assignment. complete/finish an assignment Most of the students complete their assignments on time. hand in an assignment Could everyone please hand in their homework assignments by Friday? prepositions an assignment on sth He's doing an assignment on the history of his local area. 2. a piece of work that someone is asked to do as part of their job adjectives a special assignment He had been sent on special assignment to help the head of security. a tough assignment It's a tough assignment but we think you can do it. verbs sb's assignment is to do sth Their assignment was to guard the palace. give sb an assignment Magazines regularly call her to give her assignments. carry out an assignment You can claim for any expenses you have while carrying out the assignment. prepositions on (an) assignment The reporter was on assignment in South America. | She's gone to Italy on a special assignment. applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun article noun articulate adjective artificial adjective artist noun artistic adjective ascend verb ashamed adjective ask verb asleep adjective aspect noun assault noun assemble verb assess verb assessment noun asset noun assignment noun assistance noun assistant noun association noun assume verb assumption noun asylum noun atmosphere noun attack1 noun attack2 verb attain verb attempt noun attendance noun attention noun attitude noun attraction noun Other words and phrases assignment noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List assistance AC /əˈsɪstəns/ noun help or support adjectives/nouns + assistance financial/economic assistance The council provided financial assistance for the project. | humanitarian aid and other forms of economic assistance technical assistance Most of our time is spent providing technical assistance to companies. legal/medical assistance It was difficult to get good legal assistance. government assistance also federal assistance AmE The president pledged federal assistance to rebuild the town. military assistance They appealed to the French government for military assistance. humanitarian assistance (=to help improve people's living conditions) The agency provides humanitarian assistance for refugees. emergency assistance The aid will provide emergency assistance for 2,000 families. verbs provide/offer assistance We would be happy to provide assistance. | I would be grateful for any assistance you can offer. give (sb) assistance Our staff can give assistance with any problems that may arise. get/receive assistance She got no assistance from her family. need assistance also require assistance formal Call this number if you need any assistance. seek assistance If side-effects are severe, seek medical assistance. ask for assistance also request assistance formal Police are at the scene and have requested assistance. promise/pledge assistance The government has promised financial assistance for victims of the floods. prepositions be of assistance formal (=help) "Can I be of assistance?" the receptionist asked. assistance to sb/sth The department provides financial assistance to universities. assistance for sth/sb We need more assistance for people caring for sick relatives. assistance from sb The agency receives no assistance from the government. assistance with (doing) sth He requires assistance with washing and dressing. assistance in doing sth We offer assistance in finding suitable accommodation. phrases come to sb's assistance (=help someone) One of her fellow passengers came to her assistance. turn to sb for assistance (=ask them to help) The elderly sometimes have no one to turn to for assistance. with the assistance of sb/sth He started the business with the assistance of his parents. applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun article noun articulate adjective artificial adjective artist noun artistic adjective ascend verb ashamed adjective ask verb asleep adjective aspect noun assault noun assemble verb assess verb assessment noun asset noun assignment noun assistance noun assistant noun association noun assume verb assumption noun asylum noun atmosphere noun attack1 noun attack2 verb attain verb attempt noun attendance noun attention noun attitude noun attraction noun Other words and phrases assistance noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List assistant /əˈsɪstənt/ noun someone who helps someone else in their work adjectives/nouns + assistant a teaching/classroom assistant The teaching assistant helps the children during classroom activities. a technical assistant/laboratory assistant The laboratory assistant checks that all the equipment is working correctly. an administrative/clerical assistant (=who does easy tasks in an office such as putting files in the right place) A clerical assistant was filing some papers. | One of her administrative assistants reorganized the system. a shop assistant BrE Some shop assistants are really unhelpful. a personal assistant BrE His personal assistant made the appointment for him. a care assistant BrE (=someone who takes care of people, for example by feeding or washing them) She works as a care assistant in a home for the elderly. an executive assistant (=someone who helps an executive do their work) Plessey is an executive assistant to the managing director. prepositions an assistant to sb He became an assistant to the Professor. applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun article noun articulate adjective artificial adjective artist noun artistic adjective ascend verb ashamed adjective ask verb asleep adjective aspect noun assault noun assemble verb assess verb assessment noun asset noun assignment noun assistance noun assistant noun association noun assume verb assumption noun asylum noun atmosphere noun attack1 noun attack2 verb attain verb attempt noun attendance noun attention noun attitude noun attraction noun Other words and phrases assistant noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List assumption AC /əˈsʌmpʃən/ noun something that you think is true although you have no definite proof adjectives a reasonable/valid assumption I thought he must have forgotten our meeting - it seemed like a reasonable assumption. a common/general/widespread assumption (=made by many people) There's a common assumption that science is more difficult than other subjects. a basic/fundamental assumption There is a basic assumption in international law that a state will protect its citizens. a correct assumption Many people acted on the correct assumption that interest rates would rise. a false/mistaken assumption People often make the false assumption that all homeless people are alcoholics. an underlying assumption (=a belief that is used as the basis for an idea, but which may not be correct) There seems to be an underlying assumption in what he says that women are weak. a tacit/unspoken assumption (=one that people believe but do not actually express) Everyone seemed to make a tacit assumption that they would get married. an implicit assumption (=one that is suggested or understood without being stated directly) Implicit assumptions about how women should behave affect all areas of life. a questionable assumption (=one that is likely to be wrong) His argument is based on some highly questionable assumptions. verbs make an assumption You're making a lot of assumptions for which you have no proof. work/operate on an assumption (=act according to something that may not be true) The police seemed to be working on the assumption that he was guilty. be based on/rest on an assumption Our plans were based on the assumption that everyone would be willing to help. question/challenge an assumption The report challenges common assumptions about what is a 'normal family'. prepositions an assumption about sth The article makes assumptions about older people which are clearly not correct. on the assumption that (=based on an assumption) On the assumption that he would be late, we set off late too. applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun article noun articulate adjective artificial adjective artist noun artistic adjective ascend verb ashamed adjective ask verb asleep adjective aspect noun assault noun assemble verb assess verb assessment noun asset noun assignment noun assistance noun assistant noun association noun assume verb assumption noun asylum noun atmosphere noun attack1 noun attack2 verb attain verb attempt noun attendance noun attention noun attitude noun attraction noun Other words and phrases assumption noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List asylum /əˈsaɪləm/ noun protection given to someone by a government because they have escaped from fighting or political trouble in their own country adjectives political asylum The dancer asked for political asylum in the West. verbs seek asylum (=try to get asylum) The refugees are seeking asylum in Britain. apply for/request asylum Last year around 600,000 people applied for asylum in European countries. grant/give sb asylum He was granted asylum in France. offer sb asylum He was offered political asylum in the US. refuse/deny sb asylum He was denied asylum by the Dutch authorities. nouns + asylum an asylum seeker (=someone who wants asylum) Failed asylum seekers are sent home. an asylum application/claim/request He is still waiting for a decision about his asylum claim. applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun article noun articulate adjective artificial adjective artist noun artistic adjective ascend verb ashamed adjective ask verb asleep adjective aspect noun assault noun assemble verb assess verb assessment noun asset noun assignment noun assistance noun assistant noun association noun assume verb assumption noun asylum noun atmosphere noun attack1 noun attack2 verb attain verb attempt noun attendance noun attention noun attitude noun attraction noun Other words and phrases asylum noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List atmosphere /ˈætməsfɪə $ -fɪr/ noun the feeling that an event or place gives you adjectives the general atmosphere There was a general atmosphere of fun and excitement. a good/great atmosphere The club has a great atmosphere. a happy/cheerful atmosphere It's a good school and it has a very happy atmosphere. a friendly/welcoming atmosphere The bar provides a welcoming atmosphere for a relaxing drink. a relaxed/informal atmosphere We're trying to create a more relaxed atmosphere at work. a cosy atmosphere With its low ceilings and open fire, the house has a cosy atmosphere. a strained/tense atmosphere (=when people are angry or not relaxed) The atmosphere at home was rather tense. a charged atmosphere (=involving very strong feelings) He made the statement in the highly charged atmosphere of the courtroom. a homely atmosphere BrE (=simple and comfortable) It is a small hotel with a homely atmosphere. the atmosphere is electric (=people are very excited) The atmosphere was electric as the game began. a festive atmosphere (=when people are celebrating) There was a festive atmosphere with people dancing in the streets. nouns a family atmosphere (=in which people like and care for each other) The school has a real family atmosphere. a carnival/party atmosphere (=one in which people are having fun and enjoying themselves) Outside the stadium, there was a carnival atmosphere. verbs have an atmosphere The church has a peaceful atmosphere. create an atmosphere We try to create an atmosphere in which students feel relaxed. lighten the atmosphere (=make it less serious or sad) He attempted a joke to lighten the atmosphere. add to the atmosphere Cheerleaders add to the atmosphere of the game. the atmosphere changes New owners bought the company and the whole atmosphere changed. an atmosphere prevails formal (=exists) A friendly informal atmosphere prevails at this hotel. applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun article noun articulate adjective artificial adjective artist noun artistic adjective ascend verb ashamed adjective ask verb asleep adjective aspect noun assault noun assemble verb assess verb assessment noun asset noun assignment noun assistance noun assistant noun association noun assume verb assumption noun asylum noun atmosphere noun attack1 noun attack2 verb attain verb attempt noun attendance noun attention noun attitude noun attraction noun attractive adjective audience noun authentic adjective author noun authoritarian adjective authority noun authorization noun autumn noun available adjective avenue noun average1 noun average2 adjective avert verb avid adjective avoid verb awake adjective award1 noun award2 verb aware adjective awareness noun Other words and phrases atmosphere noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List attendance /əˈtendəns/ noun 1. the number of people who go to a game, concert, meeting etc adjectives a good attendance There was a good attendance at yesterday's concert. a poor/disappointing attendance The rainy weather resulted in a poor attendance at the game. a high/low attendance We're expecting a high attendance at the match. the total attendance The total attendance at the meeting is estimated to have been about 300 people. the average attendance The average attendance at each game is over 30,000 people. attendance + nouns the attendance figures The attendance figures are up from 2,000 to 3,500. verbs improve/boost attendance They reduced the price of tickets, in an effort to improve attendance. phrases an increase/rise in attendance The team's success this season has resulted in an increase in attendances at the stadium. a fall/drop in attendance also a decline in attendance formal There has been a drop in cinema attendances. 2. the act of going to a meeting, class etc, or how often someone goes adjectives compulsory attendance Attendance at the meeting is compulsory. regular attendance Regular attendance at school is important, if students are to make progress. good/poor attendance (=someone has attended regularly, or not enough) His attendance at lectures has been poor and his tutors are worried about him. full-time attendance This course requires full-time attendance from students. attendance + nouns sb's attendance record (=how many times someone has attended school, college etc) Your attendance record has been very good this term. applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun article noun articulate adjective artificial adjective artist noun artistic adjective ascend verb ashamed adjective ask verb asleep adjective aspect noun assault noun assemble verb assess verb assessment noun asset noun assignment noun assistance noun assistant noun association noun assume verb assumption noun asylum noun atmosphere noun attack1 noun attack2 verb attain verb attempt noun attendance noun attention noun attitude noun attraction noun attractive adjective audience noun authentic adjective author noun authoritarian adjective authority noun authorization noun autumn noun available adjective avenue noun average1 noun average2 adjective avert verb avid adjective avoid verb awake adjective award1 noun award2 verb aware adjective awareness noun Other words and phrases attendance noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List attraction /əˈtrækʃən/ noun 1. something interesting or enjoyable to see or do adjectives/nouns + attraction a tourist/visitor attraction Buckingham Palace is one of London's most important tourist attractions. the main/star attraction The painting of the Mona Lisa is the main attraction. a local attraction There are a number of local attractions, including a 15th-century castle. verbs visit an attraction There are plenty of attractions you can visit. 2. a feature that makes people want to do something, because it seems good or enjoyable adjectives a big/great/huge attraction For me, the free food was one of the biggest attractions. the main attraction The software's main attraction is that it is very easy to use. verbs sth has its attractions The work has its attractions and you get to meet some interesting people. sth loses its attraction Camping soon lost its attraction when it started raining and the tent collapsed. increase/add to the attraction The low price will add to the attraction for many people. understand the attraction of sth I've never understood the attraction of golf - it looks really boring. the attraction lies in sth It is difficult to see where the attraction lies in some horror movies. applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun article noun articulate adjective artificial adjective artist noun artistic adjective ascend verb ashamed adjective ask verb asleep adjective aspect noun assault noun assemble verb assess verb assessment noun asset noun assignment noun assistance noun assistant noun association noun assume verb assumption noun asylum noun atmosphere noun attack1 noun attack2 verb attain verb attempt noun attendance noun attention noun attitude noun attraction noun attractive adjective audience noun authentic adjective author noun authoritarian adjective authority noun authorization noun autumn noun available adjective avenue noun average1 noun average2 adjective avert verb avid adjective avoid verb awake adjective award1 noun award2 verb aware adjective awareness noun Other words and phrases attraction noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List attractive /əˈtræktɪv/ adjective 1. good-looking nouns an attractive woman/girl/man Miss Fraser was an attractive woman in her early 30s. an attractive town/city/village Nearby is the attractive town of Burford, built of golden Cotswold stone. an attractive area/place/part The city is located in one of the most attractive parts of the country. an attractive building The college is an attractive building, dating from the 17th century. an attractive design It is important that the magazine has an attractive design. adverbs extremely attractive As well as being clever, she was also extremely attractive. stunningly attractive (=extremely attractive) Marianne was a stunningly attractive woman. sexually/physically attractive Some women say they find him physically attractive. verbs find sb attractive Women seem to find him attractive. look attractive Why do you wear clothes that make you look less attractive? THESAURUS: attractive → beautiful 2. used about something that people want to have or do nouns an attractive offer/proposition It sounded like a very attractive offer. | For movie studios, filming a popular book is an attractive proposition (=a good idea that they want to do). an attractive investment For many people, houses are an attractive investment. an attractive feature The car's most attractive feature is its powerful V8 engine. an attractive option She wanted to take a walk, but in this weather it was not an attractive option. an attractive prospect (=something that seems like a good thing to happen or do) A holiday in Vietnam seems like a very attractive prospect. verbs find sth attractive I found the idea of backpacking attractive, but I wasn't sure I could afford it. sound attractive His invitation sounds attractive. Perhaps I should go. prepositions attractive to sb The rich soil made the area attractive to settlers. THESAURUS: attractive → good (1) applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun article noun articulate adjective artificial adjective artist noun artistic adjective ascend verb ashamed adjective ask verb asleep adjective aspect noun assault noun assemble verb assess verb assessment noun asset noun assignment noun assistance noun assistant noun association noun assume verb assumption noun asylum noun atmosphere noun attack1 noun attack2 verb attain verb attempt noun attendance noun attention noun attitude noun attraction noun attractive adjective audience noun authentic adjective author noun authoritarian adjective authority noun authorization noun autumn noun available adjective avenue noun average1 noun average2 adjective avert verb avid adjective avoid verb awake adjective award1 noun award2 verb aware adjective awareness noun Other words and phrases attraction noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List audience /ˈɔːdiəns $ ˈɒː-, ˈɑː-/ noun 1. a group of people who come to watch and listen to someone speaking or performing in public adjectives a big/large/small audience The band regularly attract big audiences for their concerts. a live audience (=who are watching a performance in the place where it happens) The show was filmed in front of a live audience. a packed audience (=the place is full) He played to a packed audience. a capacity audience (=the largest number of people who can fit into a hall, theatre etc) The lecture attracted a capacity audience. an enthusiastic/appreciative audience They performed in front of enthusiastic audiences at Europe's biggest rock festival. a hostile audience (=an unfriendly one) The hostile audience booed the actors off the stage. a captive audience (=people who listen to or watch someone or something because they have to, not because they are interested) His family were a captive audience for his jokes. nouns + audience a studio audience (=in the studio where a programme is being recorded) The studio audience mainly consisted of teenage girls. verbs + audience perform/play/sing to an audience The band played to huge audiences in America. speak to an audience also address an audience formal He spoke to an audience of young students. entertain an audience The singer has entertained audiences all over the world. thrill/delight/captivate an audience also wow the audience informal (=do something that they enjoy very much) The magician delighted the audience with some amazing tricks. engage (with) an audience (=make them interested) He is an experienced speaker, who knows how to engage an audience. attract/draw/pull in an audience The concert attracted an audience of over 20,000 people. audience + verbs an audience claps also an audience applauds formal The audience clapped at the end of the movie. an audience laughs He has the ability to make an audience laugh. an audience cheers The audience cheered loudly when he came on stage. an audience boos (=they say 'boo' because they do not like the performance) The play wasn't very good and some of the audience started booing. an audience jeers (=they shout and laugh to show they do not like someone) The speaker was jeered by the audience. audience + nouns audience participation The show involves a lot of audience participation and people are asked to come on stage. prepositions in front of/before an audience He is used to performing in front of a live audience. in the audience There must have been at least 200 people in the audience. an audience of An audience of about 50 people came to the talk. phrases a member of the audience Several members of the audience left the film early. 2. the people who watch or listen to a programme or film, read a magazine etc adjectives a big/large/huge/vast audience Messages posted on the internet can attract a huge audience. a small audience The show only gets a small audience. a young/teenage audience This is a magazine with a young audience. an older audience The programme mainly appeals to an older audience. a worldwide/international audience Soccer has an ever-increasing worldwide audience. a wide/broad/diverse audience (=consisting of many different types of people) He is an author who appeals to a wide audience. a mass audience (=a very large number of people) Television brought entertainment to a mass audience. a mainstream audience (=ordinary people, not people with specialized interests) The film is aimed at a mainstream audience. a select audience (=used when you want to emphasize that only a small number of people will like something) The magazine is intended for a very select audience of fashion designers. a viewing audience (=the people who watch a programme) The show has a viewing audience of 2 million. a lay audience (=people without specialized knowledge) His books are written for a lay audience. verbs have/get an audience The programme has a big audience every week. attract/draw/pull in an audience The first show attracted an audience of more than 2 million. reach an audience Advertisers use television to reach a large audience. appeal to an audience (=be interesting to them) Teenage actors were used in the film in order to appeal to a younger audience. nouns + audience a television/radio audience Radio audiences have gone down in recent years. the target audience The target audience is mostly men aged 28 to 35. audience + nouns audience share (=a part of the total number of people who watch television or listen to the radio) The TV has 12% of the audience share. applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun article noun articulate adjective artificial adjective artist noun artistic adjective ascend verb ashamed adjective ask verb asleep adjective aspect noun assault noun assemble verb assess verb assessment noun asset noun assignment noun assistance noun assistant noun association noun assume verb assumption noun asylum noun atmosphere noun attack1 noun attack2 verb attain verb attempt noun attendance noun attention noun attitude noun attraction noun attractive adjective audience noun authentic adjective author noun authoritarian adjective authority noun authorization noun autumn noun available adjective avenue noun average1 noun average2 adjective avert verb avid adjective avoid verb awake adjective award1 noun award2 verb aware adjective awareness noun Other words and phrases audience noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List author AC /ˈɔːθə $ ˈɒːθər/ noun [C] someone who writes books, or someone who has written a book, article, or report adjectives a famous/well-known author The famous author Ernest Hemingway stayed at the hotel in the 1920s. a best-selling author Ian McEwan is a best-selling author, whose books have been translated into many languages. a children's author 'Matilda' was written by Roald Dahl, the famous children's author. your favourite author "Who's your favourite author?" "I really like Charles Dickens." a prolific author (=one who writes many books) She is a prolific author who has published more than 70 books. a contributing author (=someone who writes articles for a newspaper or magazine, or who writes part of a book, report etc) Ms Gomez was a contributing author to Chapter 1 of the report. an acclaimed author (=one whose work is admired by many people) Margaret Atwood is a highly acclaimed author, who has won many awards for her work. first author formal (=the first of two or more authors, who are mentioned as having written something) My supervisor was listed as first author, even though I did most of the work. prepositions the author of sth Professor Jones was one of the authors of the report. Author or writer? You use writer about anyone who writes books. You usually use author about someone whose books are considered to be works of literature. Author is also used when talking about the person who wrote something: She is the author of a study of childhood illnesses. applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun article noun articulate adjective artificial adjective artist noun artistic adjective ascend verb ashamed adjective ask verb asleep adjective aspect noun assault noun assemble verb assess verb assessment noun asset noun assignment noun assistance noun assistant noun association noun assume verb assumption noun asylum noun atmosphere noun attack1 noun attack2 verb attain verb attempt noun attendance noun attention noun attitude noun attraction noun attractive adjective audience noun authentic adjective author noun authoritarian adjective authority noun authorization noun autumn noun available adjective avenue noun average1 noun average2 adjective avert verb avid adjective avoid verb awake adjective award1 noun award2 verb aware adjective awareness noun Other words and phrases author noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List authority AC /ɔːˈθɒrəti, ɔːˈθɒrɪti, ə- $ ɒːˈθɑː-, əˈθɔː-/ noun 1. the power you have because of your official position adjectives full/complete/total authority The manager has full authority to make decisions. absolute authority (=complete authority over everyone - used especially about the leader of a country) In those days, the emperor had absolute authority. legal authority US agents have legal authority to bring criminals back from overseas. moral authority The government lacks the moral authority to regenerate the country. parental authority The older children are more likely to resist parental authority. governmental authority Their failure undermined governmental authority. presidential authority A number of constitutional amendments have increased presidential authority. verbs have authority Only the head of the department has the authority to make that decision. give sb authority The department was given authority over highways and waterways. exercise/exert your authority also wield authority formal (=use your authority) In practice it's very difficult for the president to exercise his authority. | He was one of those people who want to wield authority over others. abuse/misuse your authority (=use your authority in a bad way) The mayor was accused of abusing his authority and taking bribes. exceed/overstep your authority (=do more than you have the power or right to do) A higher court decided that the judge had exceeded his authority. establish/assert your authority (=show people that you have authority) The new manager was anxious to establish her authority. | The State Department pressed him to take bolder steps to assert his authority. stamp/impose your authority on sth (=show people that you have authority over something) Robertson quickly stamped his authority on the team. lose your authority He's worried that he is losing his authority over the party. undermine/weaken sb's authority (=make someone's authority weaker) I wasn't trying to undermine your authority. challenge sb's authority (=try to take power away from someone) There had been no one to really challenge his authority. question sb's authority (=express doubt about someone's authority or decisions) Students in secondary schools are more likely to question authority. authority + nouns an authority figure (=someone who has the power to tell young people what they can do) The teacher is an authority figure, like the parent. prepositions authority over sb/sth He has no authority over us. in authority (=in a powerful position) You need to speak to someone in authority. phrases be in a position of authority I've never been in a position of authority before. have an air of authority (=look like you have authority, in a way that makes people obey you) The commander had an unmistakeable air of authority. a challenge to sb's authority The leadership saw the demonstrations as a challenge to their authority. 2. someone who knows a lot about a subject adjectives/nouns + authority a great authority Jourdain was a great authority on English furniture and wrote several books on the subject. a world authority He is a world authority on climate change. a leading/noted authority They consulted leading authorities on the disease. the foremost authority (=the one who knows most) He was considered to be the foremost authority on Spanish paintings. a respected authority She is a highly respected authority on medieval church architecture. prepositions an authority on sth Sue is an authority on Chinese cooking - she used to live in China. applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun article noun articulate adjective artificial adjective artist noun artistic adjective ascend verb ashamed adjective ask verb asleep adjective aspect noun assault noun assemble verb assess verb assessment noun asset noun assignment noun assistance noun assistant noun association noun assume verb assumption noun asylum noun atmosphere noun attack1 noun attack2 verb attain verb attempt noun attendance noun attention noun attitude noun attraction noun attractive adjective audience noun authentic adjective author noun authoritarian adjective authority noun authorization noun autumn noun available adjective avenue noun average1 noun average2 adjective avert verb avid adjective avoid verb awake adjective award1 noun award2 verb aware adjective awareness noun Other words and phrases authority noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List authorization also authorisation BrE /ˌɔːθəraɪˈzeɪʃən $ ˌɒːθərə-/ noun official permission to do something, or the document giving this permission adjectives official authorization The two men did not have official authorization to enter the country. special authorization In Britain, the police need special authorization to carry guns. written authorization If you want to go on the school trip, you'll need written authorization from your parents. prior authorization (=authorization before something happens) Under Turkish law, protests must have prior authorization. proper authorization In order to use the computer room, you will need the proper authorization. verbs have authorization For security reasons, only certain people have authorization to enter the building. get authorization also obtain authorization formal The university obtained authorization to build a new library. receive authorization They have received authorization to publish the documents. ask for authorization also request/seek authorization formal The pilot requested authorization to land the plane. give sb authorization also grant sb authorization formal He was granted authorization to work in the United States. prepositions authorization for sth The city council has given authorization for the concert to take place. authorization from sb/sth The company has received authorization from the Ministry of Health to sell the drug. without authorization Can a bank withdraw money from your account without authorization? applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun article noun articulate adjective artificial adjective artist noun artistic adjective ascend verb ashamed adjective ask verb asleep adjective aspect noun assault noun assemble verb assess verb assessment noun asset noun assignment noun assistance noun assistant noun association noun assume verb assumption noun asylum noun atmosphere noun attack1 noun attack2 verb attain verb attempt noun attendance noun attention noun attitude noun attraction noun attractive adjective audience noun authentic adjective author noun authoritarian adjective authority noun authorization noun autumn noun available adjective avenue noun average1 noun average2 adjective avert verb avid adjective avoid verb awake adjective award1 noun award2 verb aware adjective awareness noun Other words and phrases authorization noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List autumn /ˈɔːtəm $ ˈɒː-/ noun the season between summer and winter, when leaves change colour and the weather becomes cooler adjectives early autumn We were enjoying the hazy sunshine of early autumn. late autumn It was late autumn, almost winter. autumn + nouns autumn leaves The sun was shining through the red and gold autumn leaves. the autumn sun/sunlight/sunshine The fallen leaves glowed in the autumn sun. the autumn colours Visitors came to enjoy the rich autumn colours of the trees. verbs autumn arrives/begins/comes Autumn has arrived and the evenings are growing shorter. autumn + nouns an autumn day/morning It was a beautiful autumn day. prepositions in the autumn Charles returned to university in the autumn. during the autumn She began writing the novel during the autumn of 1938. In American English, people usually say fall: He plans to go back to school in the fall. applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun article noun articulate adjective artificial adjective artist noun artistic adjective ascend verb ashamed adjective ask verb asleep adjective aspect noun assault noun assemble verb assess verb assessment noun asset noun assignment noun assistance noun assistant noun association noun assume verb assumption noun asylum noun atmosphere noun attack1 noun attack2 verb attain verb attempt noun attendance noun attention noun attitude noun attraction noun attractive adjective audience noun authentic adjective author noun authoritarian adjective authority noun authorization noun autumn noun available adjective avenue noun average1 noun average2 adjective avert verb avid adjective avoid verb awake adjective award1 noun award2 verb aware adjective awareness noun Other words and phrases autumn noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List available AC /əˈveɪləbəl/ adjective something that is available is able to be used or can easily be bought or found nouns available evidence/data/information All the available evidence suggests that the Earth's climate is getting warmer. available source/supply The researchers consulted all the available sources of information. available resources/materials The products are handmade using locally available materials. available space/land/room Make sure that you have enough disk space available on your computer. available alternative/choice There were no other available alternatives at the time. available opportunity/chance You should practise speaking the language at every available opportunity. adverbs easily/readily/freely available (=easy to get) Timber is cheap and readily available. widely/commonly available (=available in many places) Organic food is now widely available in the US. universally available (=available to everyone) This information should be universally available. publicly available The information was taken from publicly available documents. commercially available (=available to buy) The game has been commercially available in Japan since last year. currently available The product is currently available in all of our stores. immediately available Further details were not immediately available. available online This software is available online. verbs become available A place on the trip became available at the last minute. make sth available The government will make more money available for research. have sth available They said that they didn't have any more tickets available. prepositions available from somewhere The book is available from all good bookstores. available to sb I had used all the money that was available to me. available for use/rent/collection etc The house is available for rent from next month. phrases in the time available Answer as many questions as you can in the time available. the best available We use the best available technology. the only available One small tree was the only available protection from the sun. the nearest available Ruth sat down on the nearest available chair. THESAURUS: available free seat | room not being used by anyone: Excuse me, is this seat free? | The hotel has a couple of rooms free. vacant seat | chair | land | site | lot | apartment | room | job | position available for someone to use, rent, or do: She put her bag down on a vacant seat. | People grew cabbages on vacant land in their yards. | West Hollywood is becoming a town of vacant apartments. | None of the hotels in town had any rooms vacant. | One in four jobs is vacant. | The position of principal remains vacant. On toilets in public places, there is often a sign that says either vacant (=no one is using it) or engaged (=someone is using it). applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun article noun articulate adjective artificial adjective artist noun artistic adjective ascend verb ashamed adjective ask verb asleep adjective aspect noun assault noun assemble verb assess verb assessment noun asset noun assignment noun assistance noun assistant noun association noun assume verb assumption noun asylum noun atmosphere noun attack1 noun attack2 verb attain verb attempt noun attendance noun attention noun attitude noun attraction noun attractive adjective audience noun authentic adjective author noun authoritarian adjective authority noun authorization noun autumn noun available adjective avenue noun average1 noun average2 adjective avert verb avid adjective avoid verb awake adjective award1 noun award2 verb aware adjective awareness noun Other words and phrases available adjective Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List average1 noun the amount calculated by adding together several quantities, and then dividing this amount by the total number of quantities adjectives the national average Cancer rates in this area are 3% higher than the national average. grade-point average AmE (=an average based on different grades receiving different numbers of points) She has maintained a good grade-point average in high school. verbs calculate/find the average To calculate the average, add all the prices together, then divide by the number of prices you have. prepositions/adverbs on average Women's earnings are on average lower than men's. above/below (the) average His scores were well above average in science. | Earnings in the farming areas are a long way below the national average. higher/lower than (the) average Unemployment is almost 50% higher than the national average. by an average of sth Pay increased by an average of 17% in just one year. the average of sth The average of 3, 8, and 10 is 7. applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun article noun articulate adjective artificial adjective artist noun artistic adjective ascend verb ashamed adjective ask verb asleep adjective aspect noun assault noun assemble verb assess verb assessment noun asset noun assignment noun assistance noun assistant noun association noun assume verb assumption noun asylum noun atmosphere noun attack1 noun attack2 verb attain verb attempt noun attendance noun attention noun attitude noun attraction noun attractive adjective audience noun authentic adjective author noun authoritarian adjective authority noun authorization noun autumn noun available adjective avenue noun average1 noun average2 adjective avert verb avid adjective avoid verb awake adjective award1 noun award2 verb aware adjective awareness noun Other words and phrases average1 noun average2 adjective Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List average2 /ˈævərɪdʒ/ adjective 1. the average amount is the amount you get when you add together several quantities and divide this by the total number of quantities average + nouns average size/height/weight/length He is of average height and weight. average age The average age of the students is 19 years old. average cost/price The average cost of making a movie has risen by 15%. | The cars were being sold at an average price of $11,000. average number/amount The average number of workers on farms has gone down. average income/earnings/wage/salary The average house price is nearly four times the average annual wage. average level/rate/speed The average level of unemployment stood at 4%. average intelligence The child seemed to be of above average intelligence. adverbs above average He is above average height for his age. below average The economy grew at below average rates during this period. phrases of average height/ability/intelligence etc Most of the pupils are of average ability. longer/shorter/higher/lower etc than average Last winter was colder than average. 2. having qualities that are typical of most people or things average + nouns the average person/man/woman A good diet will provide enough iron for the average person. the average family The average family spends a lot of time watching television. an average week/month/year In an average week I drive about 250 miles for my job. applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun article noun articulate adjective artificial adjective artist noun artistic adjective ascend verb ashamed adjective ask verb asleep adjective aspect noun assault noun assemble verb assess verb assessment noun asset noun assignment noun assistance noun assistant noun association noun assume verb assumption noun asylum noun atmosphere noun attack1 noun attack2 verb attain verb attempt noun attendance noun attention noun attitude noun attraction noun attractive adjective audience noun authentic adjective author noun authoritarian adjective authority noun authorization noun autumn noun available adjective avenue noun average1 noun average2 adjective avert verb avid adjective avoid verb awake adjective award1 noun award2 verb aware adjective awareness noun Other words and phrases average1 noun average2 adjective Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List avoid /əˈvɔɪd/ verb 1. to prevent something bad from happening nouns avoid an accident/collision The driver braked suddenly in order to avoid an accident. avoid a disaster/catastrophe A major ecological disaster was avoided when the oil began drifting out to sea. avoid a war/strike Chamberlain was anxious to avoid another world war. avoid the risk/danger/threat of sth Smoking is forbidden, in order to avoid the risk of fire. avoid a repeat/repetition of sth (=prevent something bad from happening again) The police are anxious to avoid a repeat of last year's violence. avoid a problem There are a number of ways in which you can avoid this problem. avoid an argument/conflict/confrontation She preferred to avoid conflict whenever she could. avoid confusion/misunderstanding The name of the film was changed in order to avoid confusion with another film. avoid disappointment/embarrassment Book early, to avoid disappointment. adverbs narrowly avoid sth (=only just avoid something happening) She narrowly avoided being hit by a bullet. phrases avoid sth at all costs (=try as hard as you can to prevent something from happening) They wanted to avoid a scandal at all costs. THESAURUS: avoid avert formal disaster | war | strike | crisis | threat to prevent something bad from happening: Disaster was averted only by quick thinking by the plane's captain. | The talks are aimed at averting a trade war between the US and the EU. | A teachers' strike was narrowly averted in January (=it was only just averted). | Food and other essential items were sent to Angola in an attempt to avert a food crisis. | Some scientists believe that nuclear energy is the only way to avert the threat of global warming. 2. to escape having to do something or deal with something nouns avoid work His son would do anything to avoid work. avoid a question Politicians are very good at avoiding difficult questions. avoid your responsibility/duty The federal government is trying to avoid any responsibility for dealing with the problem. avoid the issue It was impossible to avoid the issue any longer. THESAURUS: avoid evade formal taxes | responsibility | question | payment | justice | issue | problem to avoid having to do something or deal with something: Companies often hide their profits in order to evade taxes. | The government cannot evade its responsibility to help the refugees. | She skilfully evaded all questions about where she had been the night before. | The killer was allowed to evade justice (=avoid being punished in a court of law). | There was no point in evading the issue any longer - it had to be talked about. Evade or avoid? Evade means the same as avoid. Evade is more formal and is often used about taxes and responsibilities. get out of informal agreement | contract to avoid doing something you should do or something you promised to do. Get out of is more informal than avoid: The country is trying to get out of its agreement to pay back the money. | We promised we'd go - we can't get out of it now. 3. to not go near a person or place, or not talk about a subject adverbs carefully avoid They carefully avoided each other's eyes. deliberately avoid He had a feeling that she was deliberately avoiding him. studiously avoid formal (=make a deliberate effort to avoid someone or something) The government has studiously avoided public debate about this subject. phrases avoid sb/sth like the plague informal (=avoid someone or something as much as you can) Why did you want to speak to him? You usually avoid him like the plague. THESAURUS: avoid stay away/keep away to avoid a person or place, especially a dangerous one: She walked along the path, keeping well away from the edge of the cliff. | That man is trouble - I'd stay away from him. steer clear of sb/sth informal to avoid a person or place, because there could be problems if you do not: I usually steer clear of the kitchen when Alan's cooking. | I'd steer clear of Matthew if I were you. make a detour to avoid a place by travelling around it instead of through the centre: We had to make a long detour because of the floods. applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun article noun articulate adjective artificial adjective artist noun artistic adjective ascend verb ashamed adjective ask verb asleep adjective aspect noun assault noun assemble verb assess verb assessment noun asset noun assignment noun assistance noun assistant noun association noun assume verb assumption noun asylum noun atmosphere noun attack1 noun attack2 verb attain verb attempt noun attendance noun attention noun attitude noun attraction noun attractive adjective audience noun authentic adjective author noun authoritarian adjective authority noun authorization noun autumn noun available adjective avenue noun average1 noun average2 adjective avert verb avid adjective avoid verb awake adjective award1 noun award2 verb aware adjective awareness noun Other words and phrases avoid verb Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List awake /əˈweɪk/ adjective not sleeping adverbs be wide/fully awake (=completely awake) I had been in bed for an hour but was still wide awake. be half awake (=not fully awake) Most of the people on the train were only half awake. be hardly/barely awake (=almost sleeping) George was barely awake and he almost fell down the stairs. still awake It was 11.30, but the children were all still awake. verbs stay/keep awake also remain awake formal I was tired and it was hard to stay awake. lie awake Kate lay awake worrying about the test. keep sb awake The noise of the planes kept me awake. shake sb awake Ben shook me awake and told me the news. jerk awake (=wake with a sudden movement) There was a bang on the door, and he jerked awake. applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun article noun articulate adjective artificial adjective artist noun artistic adjective ascend verb ashamed adjective ask verb asleep adjective aspect noun assault noun assemble verb assess verb assessment noun asset noun assignment noun assistance noun assistant noun association noun assume verb assumption noun asylum noun atmosphere noun attack1 noun attack2 verb attain verb attempt noun attendance noun attention noun attitude noun attraction noun attractive adjective audience noun authentic adjective author noun authoritarian adjective authority noun authorization noun autumn noun available adjective avenue noun average1 noun average2 adjective avert verb avid adjective avoid verb awake adjective award1 noun award2 verb aware adjective awareness noun Other words and phrases awake adjective Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List award1 /əˈwɔːd $ -ɔːrd/ noun 1. a prize or money that someone gets for something they have achieved adjectives a special award He will receive a special award for his bravery. a national/international award Her designs have won international awards. | The programme was nominated for two national awards. a prestigious award (=a very important and well-respected award) The Heisman Trophy is US college football's most prestigious award. a top/major award The car won the top award at the British International Motor Show. the highest award The Medal of Honor is the highest military award in the US. a literary award He received numerous state and literary awards, both in Romania and Hungary. an annual award They won the company's annual award for consistent high quality service to customers. nouns + award a film/music/poetry award The winners of this year's music awards have just been announced. a lifetime achievement award He was presented with a lifetime achievement award for his work in human rights. verbs win an award Tom Cruise won the award for best actor. | We had dinner at an award-winning restaurant. get/receive an award The film has received many awards. give sb an award The award is given each year to the best young designer. present sb with an award The college principal presented the students with their awards. be nominated for an award also be up for an award informal (=be chosen as one of the people, books etc that could receive an award) The book has been nominated for several awards. pick up/scoop an award (=get an award - used especially in news reports) The band scooped the award for best album. the award goes to sb/sth The Team Of The Year Award went to the Ladies' England Cricket Team. award + nouns an awards ceremony She received her prize at an awards ceremony. an award winner The four award winners received a total of £1,000 prize money. an award scheme BrE The award scheme aims to encourage young golfers to improve their technique. prepositions an award for sth The actress won an award for her performance in the film. an award from sb/sth He received the award from the British Academy of Film and Television Arts. 2. money officially given to someone as a payment or after a legal decision verbs get/receive an award Following the court's decision, he received a £10,000 award for the damage to his reputation. make an award/grant sb an award The judges granted her an award for libel. prepositions an award for sth She was given an award for unfair dismissal. nouns + award a pay award The government will make an announcement about the nurses' pay award. a damages award (=money that a court orders someone to pay as a punishment for harming someone or their property) The company owes him a £50,000 damages award. a libel award (=money that a court orders someone to pay as a punishment for making untrue statements about someone) She has won a libel award. applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun article noun articulate adjective artificial adjective artist noun artistic adjective ascend verb ashamed adjective ask verb asleep adjective aspect noun assault noun assemble verb assess verb assessment noun asset noun assignment noun assistance noun assistant noun association noun assume verb assumption noun asylum noun atmosphere noun attack1 noun attack2 verb attain verb attempt noun attendance noun attention noun attitude noun attraction noun attractive adjective audience noun authentic adjective author noun authoritarian adjective authority noun authorization noun autumn noun available adjective avenue noun average1 noun average2 adjective avert verb avid adjective avoid verb awake adjective award1 noun award2 verb aware adjective awareness noun Other words and phrases award1 noun award2 verb Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List aware AC /əˈweə $ əˈwer/ adjective 1. knowing about or realizing something adverbs well/fully aware He is an experienced climber and he is well aware of the dangers that he faces. acutely/keenly aware (=very aware, in a way that has a strong effect on your behaviour) I'm acutely aware of the huge amount of work that still needs to be done. more/increasingly aware People are becoming increasingly aware of the need to protect the environment. painfully/uncomfortably aware He was painfully aware that everyone was looking at him. dimly/vaguely aware (=a little aware, although you are not completely sure) I was dimly aware of the sound of an approaching car. suddenly aware She suddenly became aware of a strange smell. verbs make sb aware of sth It is important that young people are made aware of the dangers of taking drugs. become aware He became aware that he was being watched. remain aware Try to remain aware of the risks involved. prepositions aware of sth The company says that it is aware of the problem and it will deal with it soon. phrases as you are aware As you are aware, funds for this project are very limited. THESAURUS: aware conscious Conscious means the same as aware, but is more formal: I am conscious that this news will come as a shock to many people. | He was very conscious of the fact that people were staring at him. | The university is deeply conscious of the importance of good relations with local people. | The people are acutely conscious of their country's history (=very aware of something, in a way that has a big influence on how you think and behave). ANTONYMS → unaware 2. knowing about a subject and realizing its importance adverbs politically aware Schools must encourage students to become politically aware members of society. socially aware He had become more socially aware and was now doing more things to help other people. environmentally aware We are an environmentally aware company with excellent recycling facilities. applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun article noun articulate adjective artificial adjective artist noun artistic adjective ascend verb ashamed adjective ask verb asleep adjective aspect noun assault noun assemble verb assess verb assessment noun asset noun assignment noun assistance noun assistant noun association noun assume verb assumption noun asylum noun atmosphere noun attack1 noun attack2 verb attain verb attempt noun attendance noun attention noun attitude noun attraction noun attractive adjective audience noun authentic adjective author noun authoritarian adjective authority noun authorization noun autumn noun available adjective avenue noun average1 noun average2 adjective avert verb avid adjective avoid verb awake adjective award1 noun award2 verb aware adjective awareness noun awesome adjective awful adjective awkward adjective baby noun back1 noun back2 adjective backfire verb background noun backlog noun bad adjective badly adverb bad-tempered adjective baffling adjective bag noun baggage noun bail noun bake verb balance noun balanced adjective bald adjective Other words and phrases aware adjective Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List awareness /əˈweənəs $ əˈwer-/ noun knowledge or understanding of a particular subject or situation adjectives growing/increasing awareness There is an increasing awareness of the effects of mankind's activities on the environment. increased awareness also heightened awareness formal There was an increased awareness of the need for education. general/public awareness Public awareness of crime has increased. great awareness There is great awareness of the need for reform. keen/acute awareness (=a very strong awareness) A good teacher has a keen awareness of the needs of his or her students. little/no awareness He has little awareness of the effect of his words on other people. political awareness Young people's political awareness often increases when they go to university. environmental awareness Increased environmental awareness has led customers to call for products that are energy efficient. social awareness (=being aware of the needs of other people in society) Social awareness means being tolerant towards people whose beliefs are different from our own. verbs raise/increase awareness The government wants to raise awareness about the dangers of smoking. create awareness Companies use advertising to create awareness of their products. heighten awareness formal (=increase awareness, especially about a problem) The campaign is intended to heighten people's awareness of the disease. have no/some/any awareness The authorities had no awareness that a problem existed. nouns + awareness awareness training Do you think racism or disability awareness training really changes people's attitudes? prepositions awareness of/about sth We want to develop an awareness of the benefits of eating healthy foods. awareness among sb Awareness among the general public of the dangers of drink-driving has definitely increased. phrases a lack of awareness There is still a lack of awareness about the disease, even among some medical professionals. applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun article noun articulate adjective artificial adjective artist noun artistic adjective ascend verb ashamed adjective ask verb asleep adjective aspect noun assault noun assemble verb assess verb assessment noun asset noun assignment noun assistance noun assistant noun association noun assume verb assumption noun asylum noun atmosphere noun attack1 noun attack2 verb attain verb attempt noun attendance noun attention noun attitude noun attraction noun attractive adjective audience noun authentic adjective author noun authoritarian adjective authority noun authorization noun autumn noun available adjective avenue noun average1 noun average2 adjective avert verb avid adjective avoid verb awake adjective award1 noun award2 verb aware adjective awareness noun awesome adjective awful adjective awkward adjective baby noun back1 noun back2 adjective backfire verb background noun backlog noun bad adjective badly adverb bad-tempered adjective baffling adjective bag noun baggage noun bail noun bake verb balance noun balanced adjective bald adjective Other words and phrases awareness noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List awkward /ˈɔːkwəd $ ˈɒːkwərd/ adjective 1. difficult, embarrassing, or inconvenient awkward + nouns an awkward question They asked me a lot of awkward questions. an awkward subject/topic Money was an awkward subject between Steve and his wife. an awkward situation/position It is a very awkward situation and there is no obvious solution. | You realise that you are putting me in an awkward position. an awkward time/moment You're calling at rather an awkward time - can you call back later? an awkward fact The awkward fact remains that he is not a popular leader. an awkward silence/pause There was a long and awkward silence, and neither of us knew what to say. an awkward customer informal (=someone who is difficult to deal with) He is an awkward customer and you have to be careful what you say to him. an awkward shape The vase had an awkward shape which made it difficult to wrap as a present. an awkward angle He scored a goal from an awkward angle. an awkward corner (=an awkward situation) We were in rather an awkward corner and I didn't know what was the best thing to do. adverbs slightly/a little/rather awkward There was one slightly awkward moment when he forgot what he was going to say. | They had something rather awkward to tell her. extremely awkward You are putting me in an extremely awkward position. prepositions awkward for sb I realise this must be very awkward for you. awkward about sth (=unhelpful and not doing what you want) I hope she isn't going to be awkward about the money. phrases make things awkward I don't want to make things awkward for anybody. THESAURUS: awkward → difficult → embarrassing 2. embarrassed or not relaxed verbs feel awkward I sometimes feel awkward when I have to give a speech. prepositions awkward about sth I felt awkward about asking her some rather personal questions. awkward with sb We were strangers and felt awkward with each other. applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun article noun articulate adjective artificial adjective artist noun artistic adjective ascend verb ashamed adjective ask verb asleep adjective aspect noun assault noun assemble verb assess verb assessment noun asset noun assignment noun assistance noun assistant noun association noun assume verb assumption noun asylum noun atmosphere noun attack1 noun attack2 verb attain verb attempt noun attendance noun attention noun attitude noun attraction noun attractive adjective audience noun authentic adjective author noun authoritarian adjective authority noun authorization noun autumn noun available adjective avenue noun average1 noun average2 adjective avert verb avid adjective avoid verb awake adjective award1 noun award2 verb aware adjective awareness noun awesome adjective awful adjective awkward adjective baby noun back1 noun back2 adjective backfire verb background noun backlog noun bad adjective badly adverb bad-tempered adjective baffling adjective bag noun baggage noun bail noun bake verb balance noun balanced adjective bald adjective Other words and phrases awkward adjective Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
accept /əkˈsept/ verb 1. to take something that someone offers you, or to agree to do something that someone asks you to do nouns accept an offer/invitation I decided to accept their offer of a job. | She accepted an invitation to dinner the following day. accept a gift/present/bribe I wasn't sure whether I could accept such a generous gift. accept an award He had to give a speech when he accepted the award. accept help/aid/assistance He has always been reluctant to accept help from other people. accept an apology Please accept my apologies for cancelling our meeting. accept sb's resignation The manager refused to accept her resignation. accept a challenge Paul accepted the challenge to run in the London Marathon. adverbs gladly/willingly/readily accept sth He invited her to dinner and she gladly accepted. gratefully accept sth Any information you can let me have would be gratefully accepted. graciously accept sth (=in a polite and kind way) She accepted her gift graciously. reluctantly accept sth He handed the book to James who reluctantly accepted it. prepositions accept sth from sb He accepted an invitation from the president to visit France. 2. to decide that there is nothing you can do to change a bad situation nouns accept a situation You'll just have to accept the situation - there's nothing you can do about it. accept reality (=accept the real situation) He was unwilling to accept reality and kept calling his ex-girlfriend. accept defeat Woods refused to accept defeat and came back to win the competition. accept the consequences They will have to accept the consequences of their actions. accept your fate Rather than accept their fate, the workers went on strike in protest at the job cuts. accept the inevitable He had to accept the inevitable and close down his business. accept the fact (that)... The team has had to accept the fact that it is not good enough to win the league. verbs be forced to accept sth I was forced to accept defeat. learn/come to accept sth (=gradually accept something) Eventually my parents came to accept our marriage. 3. to agree that something is right or true nouns accept an idea/principle/notion It took his parents a long time to accept the idea that he wanted to be a dancer. | The government accepted the principle of reform. accept a view This view is now generally accepted among scientists. accept an argument I accept the argument that violence is sometimes necessary. accept an explanation He accepted her explanation without question. accept a proposal The committee voted to accept the proposals. accept a claim A scientist wouldn't accept claims like this without proper evidence. accept a recommendation The company accepted all the recommendations that were made in the report. accept the need for sth The authorities say they accept the need for an investigation into the matter. adverbs be generally/widely/commonly accepted (=by many or most people) It is widely accepted that the Earth's climate is changing. be universally accepted (=by everyone) This point of view was almost universally accepted in the nineteenth century. fully accept sth (=completely) I fully accept that I was wrong and I apologize. readily/happily accept sth Most people readily accept that learning a foreign language is difficult. reluctantly/grudgingly accept sth (=unwillingly) She didn't like him, but she grudgingly accepted that he did a good job. blindly/unquestioningly accept sth disapproving (=without thinking or asking questions) You shouldn't blindly accept what other people say. phrases accept sth at face value (=accept something without thinking that there may be a hidden meaning) He accepted this information at face value. have no choice but to accept sth I had no choice but to accept the judge's decision.
action /ˈækʃən/ noun 1. the process of doing something, especially in order to achieve a particular thing verbs take action (=do something) The government must take action to control inflation. call for/demand action Voters are demanding tougher action on gun crime. swing/spring/leap into action (=suddenly start doing something) The fire crew immediately swung into action. put sth into action (=start doing something you have planned to do) She was looking forward to putting her plans into action. | The committee uses the expertise of local organisations to put these ideas into action. need/require action We need action, not just words. adjectives immediate/prompt/swift action Without immediate action, the company will go bankrupt. urgent action (=that needs to be done immediately) Urgent action is needed to protect the countryside for future generations. firm/tough action We need firm action to deal with the problem. | Environmental groups want tougher action on pollution. decisive action (=that has a big effect on the way something develops) We are urging the international community to take decisive action on debt relief. drastic action (=that has a very severe effect) The president decided to take drastic action. further action No further action is necessary. appropriate action (=that is suitable for the situation) Schools should take appropriate action to deal with bullying. direct action (=things that people to do in order to protest about something, especially in order to prevent a government or company from doing something) Local people are preparing to take direct action to prevent any mining on the island. preventive/evasive action (=that is intended to stop something from happening) The driver was forced to brake hard and take evasive action. political action Some forms of political action are more effective than others. industrial/strike action (=that workers take in order to protest about pay, working conditions etc) The miners voted in favour of industrial action. joint action (=that two or more countries, organizations etc take together) Community leaders agreed to take joint action on scientific, social, and environmental issues. prepositions action on sth Action on global warming requires international cooperation. action against sth An agreement to take joint action against drug trafficking was signed last year. action from/by sb Action from car manufacturers to increase security has made modern cars more difficult to steal. phrases a course of action (=something that you decide to do) Have you decided on a course of action? a plan of action/an action plan The general outlined his plan of action for the campaign. | Environmental groups have put forward an action plan. 2. something that someone does verbs perform an action formal (=do it) This action was performed without any concern for his own safety. defend/justify sb's actions The chief of police tried to justify his actions. adjectives prompt/swift actions (=quick actions) Her prompt actions probably saved my life. phrases hold sb responsible for their actions (=decide that someone can be punished if they have done anything wrong) The child was too young to be held responsible for his actions. THESAURUS: action act a particular type of action: I think the killing was an act of desperation. | He was charged with committing a violent criminal act. activities things that people do, especially for enjoyment or to achieve an aim: Her leisure activities include reading and playing computer games. | His political activities resulted in him going to prison. | Surveys may not give a true picture of people's activities. behaviour BrE behavior AmE the things that someone does and the way they behave: Do you think that advertisements really influence people's behaviour? | The man's behaviour seemed rather odd. move something that you do in order to achieve something: Her decision to sell the shares had been a smart move. | It's a bold move to start a business in the current economic climate. | He needed time to figure out his next move. step one of a series of things that you do in order to deal with a problem or to succeed: The first step is to make sure we have got funding for the project. | We must take steps to make sure that this does not happen again. | This is an important step towards peace. measure an official action that is intended to deal with a particular problem: There are increased security measures at airports. | The school was closed as a precautionary measure following a chemical leak. gesture something that you do to show how you feel about someone or something: Do you think it would be a nice gesture to send her some flowers? | The company gave us £100 as a gesture of goodwill (=something that someone does to show that they want to be friendly and helpful). deed especially literary an action, especially one that is very good or very bad: One day he will be punished for his evil deeds. | The book tells the story of the heroic deeds of King Arthur and his knights. | This is my good deed for the day. exploits formal exciting or brave actions: They made a film about his daring exploits during the war. | Simon's exploits were legendary among his fellow colleagues. feat something someone does that people admire because you need a lot of skill, courage, or strength to do it: Completing a marathon is a remarkable feat for a six-year-old. | The bridge is a great feat of engineering. 3. fighting during a war phrases be killed/wounded in action Four of her sons have been killed in action. be missing in action (=used to say that a soldier has not returned after a battle and their body has not been found) A further 9,000 allied military personnel are still officially listed as missing in action. verbs see action (=be involved in fighting) By the time he was 20 he'd seen action in the Gulf War and Bosnia. go into action American soldiers are going into action against the Mujahadin. be sent into action He declared that French soldiers will not be sent into action in Iraq. adjectives/nouns + action military action America is not ruling out military action against Iran. enemy action The ship was damaged by enemy action. 4. if you take action against someone in a court of law, you bring a legal case against them, to try to prove that they did something wrong adjectives/nouns + action legal action They are threatening to take legal action against the hospital. court action The couple are still considering whether to take court action. a libel action (=taken against someone who has written or printed untrue statements about you) Judge Johan Kreigler dismissed a libel action brought against two newspapers. a civil action (=involving business or property, rather than a crime) The victim can seek damages in a civil action. disciplinary action (=official action to punish someone, especially in their job) Mr Hollings is facing disciplinary action for sending sexual emails to colleagues. verbs take (legal) action He threatened to take legal action if his money was not refunded. file/launch an action (=officially start the process) Several companies have filed civil actions for the damage done to their businesses. bring a legal action against sb/sth (=start one) Justice Mayor ruled that she cannot bring a legal action for damages against the plaintiff. face legal action The council demanded that we remove the posters, or face legal action. drop an action (=decide not to continue with it) The students agreed to drop their action. threaten legal action The singer threatened legal action against the magazine. consider legal action Robinson is now considering legal action for unfair dismissal. prepositions action against sb They took legal action against the builders who left them without a roof on their home.
adjourn /əˈdʒɜːn $ -ɜːrn/ verb to stop an official meeting for a short time Grammar Usually passive. nouns adjourn a meeting We decided to adjourn the meeting until the following week. adjourn a trial/case/hearing The judge can adjourn the trial to allow the prisoner to receive medical treatment. adverbs adjourn sth indefinitely (=used when you do not know when something will start again) The case has been adjourned indefinitely while new evidence is being examined. prepositions adjourn sth until tomorrow/next week etc The meeting will be adjourned until next month.
abnormal /æbˈnɔːməl $ -ˈnɔːr-/ adjective not normal, especially when this seems strange or has a bad effect nouns abnormal behaviour BrE abnormal behavior AmE A reduction in oxygen reaching the brain can cause changes in mood and abnormal behaviour. abnormal cells Doctors can detect abnormal cells that may become cancerous. abnormal conditions The damage was caused by abnormal weather conditions. abnormal signs/symptoms (=unusual things that show that something may be wrong) Patients should report any abnormal symptoms to their doctor. something/nothing/anything abnormal There was nothing abnormal about him - he was just like anyone else. ANTONYMS → normal
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List air /eə $ er/ noun 1. the mixture of gases around the Earth, that we breathe adjectives fresh air She opened the window to let in some fresh air. clean air The air is much cleaner next to the sea. warm/hot air Warm air rises and is replaced by cooler and denser air. | I felt a sudden rush of hot air. cool/cold air I could feel the cold air coming in under the door. crisp air (=pleasantly cool) She breathed in the crisp autumn air. clear air I looked up to the stars in the clear night air. damp/humid/moist air Damp air can be bad for your breathing. dry air Dry air and blazing sun made the soil crack. polluted air The air in many cities is heavily polluted. stale air (=not fresh and often full of smoke) The room was full of stale air and tobacco smoke. the air is thin (=there is less oxygen because you are in a high place) People cannot live up there because the air is too thin and there is not enough oxygen to breathe. still air (=air in which there is no wind) Smoke from the chimneys hung in the still air. nouns + air the morning/evening/night air He stepped out and breathed in the cold morning air. the sea/mountain/country air I love the salty smell of the sea air. air + nouns air pollution Most air pollution is caused by cars. the air quality The air quality is very poor on hot days. the air pressure The air pressure had dropped. the air temperature Outside, the air temperature was sixteen degrees below zero. verbs breathe in the air She breathed in the cool mountain air. fight/gasp for air (=try to breathe with difficulty) He clutched his throat as he fought for air. let in some air (=let fresh air into a room) It would be nice to open the door and let in some air. put/pump air into sth (=fill a tyre, balloon etc with air) I need to put some air in the tyres. sth fills the air A smell of freshly brewed coffee filled the air. the air turns cooler/warmer (=it becomes cooler or warmer) In the spring, the air turns warmer. prepositions in the air There was a strong smell of burning in the air. phrases a breath of air I went outside for a breath of air. a current of air The birds are able to glide on a current of warm air. a rush/blast/stream of air There was a cold rush of air as she wound down her window. the air is thick with sth (=there is a lot of something in it) The air was thick with smoke. 2. used in phrases relating to the use of planes air + nouns air travel Air travel has become more affordable. an air traveller/passenger The number of air passengers had doubled. an air crash/disaster Her husband was killed in an air crash. air traffic Air traffic over London has increased. air rage (=when someone suddenly becomes angry on a plane) Air rage incidents often involve passengers who have drunk too much alcohol. an air raid/attack (=attack using weapons dropped from a plane) Much of the city was destroyed in an air raid. prepositions by air Most visitors to the island travel by air. 3. a feeling or attitude that someone or something seems to have verbs have an air of sth The village and coastline have an air of sadness. give sb/sth an air of sth Her grey hair and suit gave her an air of distinction. nouns an air of authority He spoke with an air of authority. an air of confidence There was a new air of confidence about her. an air of mystery The dark glasses gave him an air of mystery. an air of excitement/expectancy There was an air of excitement as they boarded the boat. an air of calm Most hotels seek to create an air of calm. an air of desperation The team had an air of desperation as they played. an air of unreality To add to the air of unreality, a horse ran onto the pitch in the middle of the game.
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List air /eə $ er/ noun 1. the mixture of gases around the Earth, that we breathe adjectives fresh air She opened the window to let in some fresh air. clean air The air is much cleaner next to the sea. warm/hot air Warm air rises and is replaced by cooler and denser air. | I felt a sudden rush of hot air. cool/cold air I could feel the cold air coming in under the door. crisp air (=pleasantly cool) She breathed in the crisp autumn air. clear air I looked up to the stars in the clear night air. damp/humid/moist air Damp air can be bad for your breathing. dry air Dry air and blazing sun made the soil crack. polluted air The air in many cities is heavily polluted. stale air (=not fresh and often full of smoke) The room was full of stale air and tobacco smoke. the air is thin (=there is less oxygen because you are in a high place) People cannot live up there because the air is too thin and there is not enough oxygen to breathe. still air (=air in which there is no wind) Smoke from the chimneys hung in the still air. nouns + air the morning/evening/night air He stepped out and breathed in the cold morning air. the sea/mountain/country air I love the salty smell of the sea air. air + nouns air pollution Most air pollution is caused by cars. the air quality The air quality is very poor on hot days. the air pressure The air pressure had dropped. the air temperature Outside, the air temperature was sixteen degrees below zero. verbs breathe in the air She breathed in the cool mountain air. fight/gasp for air (=try to breathe with difficulty) He clutched his throat as he fought for air. let in some air (=let fresh air into a room) It would be nice to open the door and let in some air. put/pump air into sth (=fill a tyre, balloon etc with air) I need to put some air in the tyres. sth fills the air A smell of freshly brewed coffee filled the air. the air turns cooler/warmer (=it becomes cooler or warmer) In the spring, the air turns warmer. prepositions in the air There was a strong smell of burning in the air. phrases a breath of air I went outside for a breath of air. a current of air The birds are able to glide on a current of warm air. a rush/blast/stream of air There was a cold rush of air as she wound down her window. the air is thick with sth (=there is a lot of something in it) The air was thick with smoke. 2. used in phrases relating to the use of planes air + nouns air travel Air travel has become more affordable. an air traveller/passenger The number of air passengers had doubled. an air crash/disaster Her husband was killed in an air crash. air traffic Air traffic over London has increased. air rage (=when someone suddenly becomes angry on a plane) Air rage incidents often involve passengers who have drunk too much alcohol. an air raid/attack (=attack using weapons dropped from a plane) Much of the city was destroyed in an air raid. prepositions by air Most visitors to the island travel by air. 3. a feeling or attitude that someone or something seems to have verbs have an air of sth The village and coastline have an air of sadness. give sb/sth an air of sth Her grey hair and suit gave her an air of distinction. nouns an air of authority He spoke with an air of authority. an air of confidence There was a new air of confidence about her. an air of mystery The dark glasses gave him an air of mystery. an air of excitement/expectancy There was an air of excitement as they boarded the boat. an air of calm Most hotels seek to create an air of calm. an air of desperation The team had an air of desperation as they played. an air of unreality To add to the air of unreality, a horse ran onto the pitch in the middle of the game. abandon verb abbreviation noun ability noun abnormal adjective abort verb abortion noun abortive adjective about preposition absence noun absent adjective absolutely adverb absorbing adjective abstract1 adjective abstract2 noun abuse noun abysmal adjective academic adjective accelerator noun accent noun accept verb acceptable adjective access noun accident noun accidental adjective accommodation noun accomplish verb accomplished adjective account noun accuracy noun accurate adjective accusation noun accuse verb accustomed adjective achieve verb achievement noun acquaintance noun acquire verb act1 noun act2 verb action noun active adjective activity noun actor noun actress noun acute adjective adapt verb addict noun address noun adequate adjective adjourn verb adjust verb administration noun admiration noun admire verb admirer noun admission noun admit verb adolescent adjective adopt verb adult1 noun adult2 adjective advance noun advanced adjective advantage noun adventure noun adventurous adjective advertise verb advertisement noun advice noun advise verb affair noun affect verb affection noun affectionate adjective affluent adjective affordable adjective afraid adjective after preposition, conjunction, adverb afternoon noun again adverb age noun agenda noun aggression noun aggressive adjective agony noun agree verb agreeable adjective agreement noun aid noun aim noun air noun aircraft noun airline noun airport noun alarm noun alarm clock noun alarming adjective alcohol noun alibi noun alien adjective Other words and phrases air noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List airline /ˈeəlaɪn $ ˈer-/ noun a company that takes passengers and goods to different places by plane adjectives/nouns + airline a big/major airline Several major airlines fly between London and New York. | The two companies will merge to form the world's biggest airline. the national/state airline KLM is the national airline of the Netherlands. a low-cost/budget/no-frills airline (=which has cheap flights) Low-cost airlines are offering tickets for as little as 20 euros. an international airline The airport is used mainly by international airlines. a domestic/regional airline The domestic airline has a good safety record. a commercial airline Last year, 1.6 billion passengers were carried by commercial airlines. verbs fly with an airline "Which airline are you flying with?" "British Airways." an airline flies somewhere The airline flies to Morocco twice a day. an airline operates somewhere The airline operates mainly between Florida and Puerto Rico. an airline carries people Last year, the airline carried over 2 million passengers. an airline serves a place (=the airline takes passengers there) The airline serves 164 destinations in over 75 countries. airline + nouns an airline company She worked as a pilot for a well-known airline company. the airline industry/business The airline industry faces a challenging time. an airline passenger Airline passengers face a 10 percent increase in air fares. an airline pilot Airline pilots are extremely well paid. an airline ticket He bought an airline ticket to the other side of the world. an airline reservation/booking He made his airline reservation online. an airline official An airline official announced that the flight would be delayed. abandon verb abbreviation noun ability noun abnormal adjective abort verb abortion noun abortive adjective about preposition absence noun absent adjective absolutely adverb absorbing adjective abstract1 adjective abstract2 noun abuse noun abysmal adjective academic adjective accelerator noun accent noun accept verb acceptable adjective access noun accident noun accidental adjective accommodation noun accomplish verb accomplished adjective account noun accuracy noun accurate adjective accusation noun accuse verb accustomed adjective achieve verb achievement noun acquaintance noun acquire verb act1 noun act2 verb action noun active adjective activity noun actor noun actress noun acute adjective adapt verb addict noun address noun adequate adjective adjourn verb adjust verb administration noun admiration noun admire verb admirer noun admission noun admit verb adolescent adjective adopt verb adult1 noun adult2 adjective advance noun advanced adjective advantage noun adventure noun adventurous adjective advertise verb advertisement noun advice noun advise verb affair noun affect verb affection noun affectionate adjective affluent adjective affordable adjective afraid adjective after preposition, conjunction, adverb afternoon noun again adverb age noun agenda noun aggression noun aggressive adjective agony noun agree verb agreeable adjective agreement noun aid noun aim noun air noun aircraft noun airline noun airport noun alarm noun alarm clock noun alarming adjective alcohol noun alibi noun alien adjective Other words and phrases airline noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List allocate AC /ˈæləkeɪt/ verb to officially give something to someone, or decide that something should be used for a purpose allocate + nouns allocate resources The government will allocate more resources to regions with serious housing problems. allocate money/funds More funds should be allocated for training. allocate an amount/number Each police officer is allocated a certain number of streets to patrol. allocate time How much time has been allocated for the meeting? allocate a space/area/land Not enough space has been allocated for car parking. allocate work/a task Tasks are allocated according to each worker's skills and experience. prepositions allocate sth to sb/sth More government money will be allocated to repairing old buildings. allocate sth for sth Thirty minutes is the amount of time allocated for lunch. allocate sth between/among sb/sth The resources are allocated between the city's schools. allocate sth according to sth In an election, the seats are allocated according to the proportion of votes each party receives. adverbs allocate sth efficiently Resources must be efficiently allocated, and not wasted. age noun agenda noun aggression noun aggressive adjective agony noun agree verb agreeable adjective agreement noun aid noun aim noun air noun aircraft noun airline noun airport noun alarm noun alarm clock noun alarming adjective alcohol noun alibi noun alien adjective alive adjective allegation noun allergic adjective allergy noun alleviate verb alliance noun allocate verb allow verb ally noun almost adverb alone adjective, adverb alter verb alteration noun alternate verb alternative1 noun alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective Other words and phrases allocate verb Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
achieve AC /əˈtʃiːv/ verb to succeed in doing or getting what you wanted, especially by working hard nouns achieve your goal/target/aim He had achieved his goal of teaching at a university. achieve your ambition/dream She has at last achieved her ambition of becoming world champion. achieve success Streisand achieved success as a singer. achieve a standard/level Students are expected to achieve high standards. achieve a result/effect He achieved the result he had intended. achieve a feat (=achieve something very impressive) Redgrave achieved the remarkable feat of winning five gold medals. achieve independence Venezuela achieved independence from Spain in 1830. achieve recognition (=become well known and respected for your achievements) Orwell finally achieved the recognition he deserved. achieve your potential (=achieve the level of skill that it is possible for you to achieve) We try to help young people achieve their full potential. achieve a balance It is important to try to achieve a balance between work and family life. verbs fail to achieve sth The sales team failed to achieve their objectives. help sb (to) achieve sth I love helping brides achieve their dreams. phrases be difficult/hard/impossible to achieve Political progress is going to be very difficult to achieve. it is possible to achieve sth It might be possible to achieve greater efficiency. THESAURUS: achieve accomplish goal | aim | objective | task | feat | mission to achieve something, especially something difficult. Accomplish is more formal than achieve and is used especially in written English: To accomplish this goal, he brought together thousands of the country's top scientists and engineers. | The government accomplished its objective of reducing unemployment. | In order to accomplish complicated tasks, people need to work together in an effective manner. | He scored over 2,000 goals. No other player has accomplished this feat (=used when someone has done something very impressive). | The soldiers have less than two months in which to accomplish their mission. attain formal level | grade | standard | degree | rank | goal | objective to achieve something, especially a level or goal. Attain is more formal than achieve or accomplish: Over half of boys leave school without attaining a basic level of written English. | Most of the students attained a grade C or higher. | It will take them a long time to attain the same standard of technological development as other more advanced countries. | The scientists were able to attain a high degree of accuracy (=a high level of accuracy). | He attained the rank of Captain. | You need to be very determined if you want to succeed in attaining your goals. | The US attained its objective of putting a man on the moon. reach target | goal | decision | verdict | agreement | compromise to achieve a target or goal, or to achieve something after discussing or thinking about it: The university will reach its target of having over 5,000 students. | The company hopes to reach its goal of a 10% increase in sales. | They were unable to reach a decision. | The jury took two hours to reach a verdict. | The two sides have finally reached an agreement. realize also realise BrE ambition | dream | vision | potential to achieve something, especially something that you wanted to do: He realized his childhood ambition of becoming a fighter pilot. | Gandhi was close to realizing his dream of leading his country to independence. | He now needs to think about how best to realize his vision (=achieve what he has imagined). | It is only now that she is beginning to realize her full potential as a player (=achieve the level of skill that it is possible for her to achieve).
advanced /ədˈvɑːnst $ ədˈvænst/ adjective 1. using very modern technology and ideas nouns advanced technology/techniques The company uses the most advanced technology available. | The tumours are treated using advanced surgical techniques. an advanced country/society/civilization Pay is higher in advanced industrial countries. | Advanced societies depend on new technology. an advanced economy The US has a greater capacity to create jobs than any other advanced economy. an advanced system The ship is equipped with an advanced missile defense system. advanced features The phone has several advanced features, including a high-resolution video camera. advanced equipment Advanced equipment is used at airports to check people's bags. advanced weapons Britain has been supplying the country with advanced weapons including fighter aircraft. adverbs highly advanced The communications system is highly advanced. technologically/technically advanced Japan is one of the world's most technologically advanced countries. THESAURUS: advanced sophisticated equipment | technology | system | way | method | approach | technique | weapon advanced - used about equipment, systems etc that are cleverly designed but also complicated: Sophisticated medical equipment saved his life. | The system they use is highly sophisticated. | This technique requires extremely sophisticated methods of analysis. | The weapons used by terrorists are becoming more and more sophisticated. highly developed economy | society | industry | system | sense | skill | understanding good and effective compared to other countries, people, or animals: One of the marks of a highly developed economy is the existence of a sophisticated financial system. | It is a feature of highly developed societies that they place great value on educating young people. | New Zealand has a highly developed tourism industry. | There is a highly developed system of mass production. | The dog has a highly developed sense of smell. | Her strengths are her highly developed social skills and her humor. | Even the youngest students have a highly developed understanding of how language works. high-tech/hi-tech equipment | device | goods | products | weapons | industry | company | firm | business using very advanced technology, especially electronic equipment and computers: High-tech listening equipment was used to find survivors from the earthquake. | Many hi-tech industries are based in Silicon Valley. state-of-the-art technology | equipment | software | facilities | system | drug | kitchen using the newest and most advanced features, ideas, and materials that are available: Its factory uses state-of-the-art technology. | The football club has invested £40 million in state-of-the-art training facilities. | The sound system is state-of-the-art. cutting-edge technology | research | design cutting-edge technology or research is the most advanced that there is at this time: The building uses cutting-edge technology to cut energy consumption. | He has been involved in cutting-edge medical research. THESAURUS: advanced → modern (2) 2. studying a subject at a high level, or having a high level of skill nouns an advanced student The class is for advanced students of English. an advanced course The college has an advanced course in jewellery design. advanced level At six he could solve complicated mathematical equations and play chess at an advanced level. an advanced certificate/diploma/qualification Staff have to take an advanced certificate in food hygiene.
advantage /ədˈvɑːntɪdʒ $ ədˈvæn-/ noun something good that helps someone or something to be more successful than others adjectives a big/great/major advantage It's a great advantage to be able to speak some Spanish. a slight advantage (=a small one) Karpov enjoyed a slight advantage over his opponent. an unfair advantage Companies that receive government subsidies have an unfair advantage. an important/significant advantage This software has a significant advantage in that it is easy to use. a definite/distinct/obvious advantage Electronic trading has a number of distinct advantages. a real advantage (=a definite advantage) The new system has some real advantages. the main advantage The main advantage of digital photography is that there is no film to process. an added advantage (=an extra advantage) Candidates with experience in Sales and Marketing would have an added advantage. a political/military/financial advantage Republicans have a political advantage in most of those areas. | The military advantage had shifted towards the rebels. a psychological advantage Winning the first game gives you a psychological advantage over your opponent. a competitive advantage (=one relating to competition) The company's longer opening hours give it a competitive advantage. Don't say a good advantage. Say a big advantage or a real advantage. verbs have an advantage also enjoy an advantage formal Our parents didn't have all the advantages that we have. | Western countries enjoyed considerable advantages in terms of technology. | Western countries enjoyed considerable advantages in terms of technology. get/gain an advantage Both teams tried to get an advantage. give sb an advantage His height gives him a big advantage. work to your advantage (=make you have an advantage - often used when this is unexpected) Sometimes a lack of experience can work to your advantage. see the advantage (=understand the advantage) I can see the advantage of living near the station. prepositions the advantage of sth The advantage of this method is that it is much quicker. be an advantage to sb Playing at our own stadium in front of our own fans will be an advantage to us. there is an advantage to sth There are some advantages to living in a small village. have an advantage over sb/sth This printer has several advantages over conventional printers. be at an advantage (=have an advantage) Younger workers tend to be at an advantage when applying for jobs. to your advantage (=in a way that helps you) She used the information to her advantage. there is an advantage in doing sth There are advantages in using rewards rather than punishments in controlling children's behaviour. phrases the advantages and disadvantages of sth What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a big city? the advantages outweigh the disadvantages (=the advantages are more valuable) Working from home can be lonely, but, for me, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. THESAURUS: advantage benefit a feature of something that has a good effect on people's lives: Regular exercise has great benefits, including reducing the risk of heart disease. | Tourism has brought considerable economic benefits to the island. merit a good feature that something has, which you consider when you are deciding whether it is the best choice: The committee will consider the merits of the proposals. | We discussed the merits and demerits of the two systems (=their good and bad features). | The chairman saw no great merit in this suggestion (=he did not think that it was a good idea). virtue an advantage that makes you believe that something is a good thing: They believed in the virtues of culture, civilization, and reason. | He's always extolling the virtues of hard work (=saying that hard work is a good thing). the good/great/best thing about sth especially spoken used when mentioning a good feature of something. This phrase is rather informal and you should not use it in formal essays: The good thing about cycling is that you don't have to worry about getting stuck in a traffic jam. the beauty of sth is that used when you want to emphasize that something has a very good or useful feature: The beauty of the plan is that it is so simple.
affectionate /əˈfekʃənət, əˈfekʃənɪt/ adjective showing that you love someone or something and care about them nouns an affectionate kiss/hug/embrace She gave her mother an affectionate hug. an affectionate child/family Edward is a very affectionate child. an affectionate portrait The book gives an affectionate portrait of the author's home town. an affectionate tribute At their anniversary party, their son paid affectionate tribute to his parents. adverbs deeply/highly affectionate His letters were always deeply affectionate. prepositions affectionate towards/to/with sb Jo is very affectionate towards her brother. | They were warm and affectionate with each other.
aggression /əˈɡreʃən/ noun angry or threatening behaviour or feelings that often result in fighting or wars adjectives military aggression China suffered under military aggression from other countries in previous centuries. external/foreign aggression (=attacks from other countries) States must be allowed to defend themselves against external aggression. naked/open/overt aggression (=very obvious aggression) In some countries there is naked aggression towards foreigners. pent-up aggression (=angry feelings that you do not express) Sports are a good way to release all your pent-up aggression. verbs control your aggression He sometimes struggled to control his aggression. take out your aggression (=get rid of your aggressive feelings) I know she feels strongly, but she shouldn't take out her aggression on me. channel your aggression (=use your aggression in a different way, which does not hurt other people) To stay out of trouble, he began to channel his aggression into boxing. show/display aggression Our dogs have never shown aggression towards other dogs. deter aggression (=to stop threats of war from another place) During the Cold War, the atomic bomb was used as a threat to deter Russian aggression. prepositions aggression against sb The UN said the country had engaged in aggression against its neighbours. aggression towards sb Unfortunately, it has become more common for pupils to show aggression towards teachers. phrases an act of aggression The invasion of Kuwait was an obvious act of aggression. a war of aggression This is a war of aggression in order to get access to energy supplies. a victim of aggression They claim they were victims of aggression and that they acted in self-defence.
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List army /ˈɑːmi $ ˈɑːr-/ noun the part of a country's military force that is trained to fight on land in a war verbs + army join/go into/enter the army At 18, I decided to join the army. serve in the army (=be a soldier in an army) He had served in the Indian army. leave the army Why did you leave the army? lead/command an army The general led an army of 18,000 men. be drafted into/conscripted into the army (=be made to join the army) All the young men were drafted into the army. be discharged from the army (=be officially allowed to leave your job in the army) He was discharged from the army because he became mentally ill. be dismissed from the army (=lose your job in the army because you have done something wrong) Jones was dismissed from the army for disobeying orders. army + verbs an army attacks The king's army attacked the castle. an army fights When armies fight, it is mostly young men who get killed. an army advances (=moves forward in order to attack) The army advanced slowly towards the village. an army withdraws/retreats (=it moves back) The British army was forced to withdraw from France. an army invades sth (=enters a place in order to control it) The Soviet army invaded Afghanistan in 1979. an army marches (=walks quickly with firm regular steps) The army marched through the town. adjectives/nouns + army the British/French/Polish etc army He was a soldier in the Spanish army. a powerful army China has one of the most powerful armies in the world. a small army The prince had a small army of a few hundred men. a private army The prince has his own private army. a standing army (=permanent and existing whether there is a war or not) The country has a standing army of over 100,000 men. the victorious army (=who have won) Two days later, the victorious German army entered Paris. the defeated army The defeated army were forced to leave the city. an occupying army (=one that is in a foreign country which they control by force) The occupying army had entered the country in August. a foreign/enemy army Foreign armies have been trying to take control of the country for hundreds of years. | The enemy army was very well equipped. an occupying/invading army (=an army that enters a place in order to control it) The invading army attacked the town. an advancing army (=moving forward in order to attack) The advancing Roman army was getting very close to the town. a retreating army (=moving away after being defeated) Washington's troops attacked the retreating British army. a rebel army (=an army fighting against the people in authority) The rebel army controls much of the northern part of the country. army + nouns an army officer Army officers must be good leaders. army soldiers/troops 1,800 Indian army soldiers died in Burma in World War II. an army base/camp There is an army base about 5 miles outside the town. an army barracks (=the place where soldiers live) Living in army barracks is not usually very comfortable. army boots/uniform She was wearing her army uniform. an army helicopter/truck etc Army helicopters can take supplies to places that are difficult to reach by road. an army unit/corps/division (=a group of soldiers who work together) The town was surrounded by army units. the army commander/leader The army commander ordered the troops to return to their base. an army recruit (=someone who has recently joined the army) The army recruits must undergo basic training. an army engineer The army engineers were responsible for building the bridge. army surplus (=clothes and other things of which an army has more than it needs) I bought the trousers in an army surplus store. prepositions in the army Her father was in the army. phrases be in command of an army Wellington was placed in command of the army. give sb command of an army General Winfield Scott was given command of the army in Florida. THESAURUS: army the armed forces also the military especially AmE the services BrE the service AmE the army, navy, and air force: He served in the armed forces for many years. | Riley joined the military after graduating from high school. people in an army soldier someone who is in the army, especially someone who is not an officer: Three soldiers were killed in an hour-long gun battle. troops soldiers, especially those who are taking part in a military attack: The government sent more troops to Iraq. serviceman/servicewoman a man or woman who is in the army, air force, or navy: The hospital treats injured servicemen and women. officer a high-ranking member of the army, air force, or navy who is in charge of a group of soldiers, sailors etc: Her father was an army officer who served in Afghanistan. | A senior military officer admitted that mistakes were sometimes made. join the army join up BrE enlist AmE to join the army: He joined up when he was 18. be called up BrE be drafted AmE to be ordered to serve in the army by the government: He was drafted into the US army in 1943. | Reserve soldiers were being called up. conscription also the draft AmE a government policy of ordering people to serve in the army: Conscription was introduced in 1916. | He had left the country to avoid the draft. applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun article noun articulate adjective artificial adjective artist noun artistic adjective ascend verb ashamed adjective ask verb asleep adjective aspect noun assault noun Other words and phrases army noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List arrange /əˈreɪndʒ/ verb 1. to organize or make plans for something to happen nouns arrange a time/date Can we arrange a time for me to call you? arrange a meeting/appointment/interview I've arranged a meeting with my solicitor next week. arrange a loan If you're starting a business, you will probably need to arrange a loan with your bank. arrange payment/delivery Once the sale price is agreed, all we have to do is arrange payment. adverbs hastily arrange to do sth (=quickly) They hastily arranged a press conference to explain the situation. prepositions arrange for sth to happen/for sb to do sth She arranged for him to get some work experience in her office. phrases as arranged (=in the way that was arranged) Matthew arrived at 2 o'clock as arranged. THESAURUS: arrange organize also organise BrE meeting | conference | concert | campaign | strike | protest to make the arrangements for something to happen, especially a meeting, a concert, or other big public event: The South African President spoke at a meeting organized by world soccer officials. | She is organizing a conference on natural childbirth. | The concert is organized annually by the Pasadena Junior Philharmonic Committee. | The Foundation is organizing a campaign to raise funds for people who have the disease. | The CCOO and the UGT joined with two smaller unions to organize a general strike. | They had organized a protest against the war. reserve/book seat | table | room | flight to arrange to stay in a place, go to a theatre, travel on a plane etc: They had reserved seats on the 2.30 pm train. | He reserved a table at the restaurant. | He reserved two rooms in the name James Gage and arranged to meet Paula in the dining-room. | I've booked the flight to Zurich. set a time/date also fix a time/date BrE to arrange for something to happen at a particular time or on a particular day: Have you set a date for the wedding yet? | We fixed a time for me to visit. fix/fix up especially BrE spoken to arrange something, especially for someone else: I've fixed an appointment for you at the doctor's. | John had fixed up for me to give a talk. take care of/make the arrangements to arrange all the details of an event: Uncle James is making all the funeral arrangements. 2. to put things in a particular order or position adverbs arrange sth carefully She picked some flowers and arranged them carefully in a vase. arrange sth alphabetically He arranges all his CDs alphabetically according to their titles. be neatly arranged Several pairs of shoes were neatly arranged at the bottom of the wardrobe. be beautifully/tastefully arranged Plates of sandwiches and cakes were beautifully arranged on the tables. phrases arrange sth/sb in order of sth He arranged the children in order of size for the photograph. THESAURUS: arrange organize to arrange things in order according to a system, so that they are more effective or easier to use: The book is organized into three sections. | How is the equipment organized? order to arrange a group of things so that one comes after the other in a particular order: The books are ordered according to title. classify to arrange things in groups, and give each group a title: The towns were classified according to population size. set out to arrange a group of things on the floor, on a table, on a shelf etc, ready to be used: If we set out the chairs now, they'll be ready for tonight's meeting. be laid out to be arranged according to a particular plan - used especially about cities, buildings, and pages: Kyoto is laid out according to a grid system. applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun article noun articulate adjective artificial adjective artist noun artistic adjective ascend verb ashamed adjective ask verb asleep adjective aspect noun assault noun Other words and phrases arrange verb Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List arrangement /əˈreɪndʒmənt/ noun plans and preparations so that something can happen, or a way of doing something that has been agreed Grammar Usually plural in this meaning. verbs make the arrangements She is busy making the arrangements for her trip. change/alter the arrangements Two people couldn't come on Friday, so we had to change the arrangements. cancel the arrangements The arrangements had to be cancelled after the speaker developed flu. discuss the arrangements We need to discuss the wedding arrangements. finalize the arrangements (=decide what you are going to do) I'm meeting him tomorrow to finalize the arrangements. confirm the arrangements (=decide what they will be) We can confirm the arrangements for the trip later. upset the arrangements (=spoil them) I don't want to upset your arrangements. sb has an arrangement (=they have agreed that someone should do something, in return for something else) We have an arrangement: Jenny lives here rent-free in return for looking after the children. adjectives a good/sensible/satisfactory arrangement Leaving the children with a babysitter seemed like a sensible arrangement. a temporary/permanent arrangement Fran is living with us at the moment, but this is a temporary arrangement. a flexible arrangement I think it is better to keep the arrangement flexible, in case something happens. alternative arrangements If the flight is delayed, you'll have to make alternative arrangements. special arrangements Please inform us if any guests have disabilities or need any special arrangements. the necessary arrangements You should have plenty of time to make the necessary arrangements. the present/existing arrangements The existing arrangements are inadequate and need to be changed. financial arrangements As treasurer, you're responsible for all the financial arrangements. sb's domestic arrangements (=who someone lives with, what their home is like etc) Your domestic arrangements are nothing to do with me. nouns + arrangement travel arrangements I'll make my own travel arrangements. seating/sleeping arrangements (=where people will sit/sleep) What are the seating arrangements for dinner? wedding/funeral/holiday arrangements A death certificate was issued so that funeral arrangements could be made. | Mum got ill, so we had to cancel our holiday arrangements. security arrangements He was in charge of security arrangements for the president's visit. prepositions arrangements for sth They met to discuss arrangements for the trip. according to/under an arrangement Under the arrangement, each shareholder will receive an extra payment. phrases come to an arrangement (=agree a way of dealing with a problem) I'm sure we can come to an arrangement if you can't pay all the money back immediately. applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun article noun articulate adjective artificial adjective artist noun artistic adjective ascend verb ashamed adjective ask verb asleep adjective aspect noun assault noun Other words and phrases arrangement noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List alcohol /ˈælkəhɒl $ -hɒːl/ noun 1. drinks such as beer or wine that contain a substance which can make you drunk verbs drink alcohol I first drank alcohol when I was 14, when I was on holiday in France. sell/serve alcohol We're not allowed to serve alcohol to people under 18. not touch alcohol/stay off alcohol (=not drink it at all) He promised to himself that he would never touch alcohol again. alcohol + nouns alcohol abuse (=drinking too much alcohol in a way that causes problems) Her husband has a history of alcohol abuse. an alcohol problem Many people don't realise that they have an alcohol problem. alcohol addiction Alcohol addiction is becoming more common these days. phrases a drop of alcohol (=a small amount of any alcohol) The children were never allowed a drop of alcohol. THESAURUS: alcohol drink BrE alcoholic drinks. Drink is more informal than alcohol: Police officers smelled drink and breath-tested him. | He blamed drink for the violence. | His wife Becky has helped him overcome the demon drink (=alcohol considered as a problem which tempts you and has a very bad effect - often used humorously). liquor AmE drinks that contain alcohol, especially strong alcoholic drinks: The man was holding a bottle of liquor in one hand and a cigarette in the other. | He got used to drinking hard liquor at an early age (=strong alcoholic drinks). | a liquor store booze informal alcoholic drinks: The doctor told Jimmy to stay off the booze for a while (=not drink alcohol). | He tried to buy booze with a stolen credit card. spirits especially BrE strong alcoholic drinks such as whisky or brandy: We serve a wide range of wines, beers, and spirits. the hard stuff spoken informal strong alcoholic drinks: He enjoyed a drop of the hard stuff (=he liked strong alcoholic drinks such as whisky). alcopops BrE sweet fizzy drinks with alcohol in them: The report showed that alcopops were the most popular drink for 17-year-olds. 2. a substance that can make you drunk, which is found in wine, beer etc adjectives low-alcohol (=containing very little alcohol) I was driving, so I had a low-alcohol drink. verbs contain alcohol This drink doesn't contain any alcohol. alcohol + nouns the alcohol content The beer has an alcohol content of 5%. phrases a unit of alcohol A glass contains 1.5 units of alcohol. the level/amount of alcohol The device measures the level of alcohol in your blood. abandon verb abbreviation noun ability noun abnormal adjective abort verb abortion noun abortive adjective about preposition absence noun absent adjective absolutely adverb absorbing adjective abstract1 adjective abstract2 noun abuse noun abysmal adjective academic adjective accelerator noun accent noun accept verb acceptable adjective access noun accident noun accidental adjective accommodation noun accomplish verb accomplished adjective account noun accuracy noun accurate adjective accusation noun accuse verb accustomed adjective achieve verb achievement noun acquaintance noun acquire verb act1 noun act2 verb action noun active adjective activity noun actor noun actress noun acute adjective adapt verb addict noun address noun adequate adjective adjourn verb adjust verb administration noun admiration noun admire verb admirer noun admission noun admit verb adolescent adjective adopt verb adult1 noun adult2 adjective advance noun advanced adjective advantage noun adventure noun adventurous adjective advertise verb advertisement noun advice noun advise verb affair noun affect verb affection noun affectionate adjective affluent adjective affordable adjective afraid adjective after preposition, conjunction, adverb afternoon noun again adverb age noun agenda noun aggression noun aggressive adjective agony noun agree verb agreeable adjective agreement noun aid noun aim noun air noun aircraft noun airline noun airport noun alarm noun alarm clock noun alarming adjective alcohol noun alibi noun alien adjective alive adjective allegation noun allergic adjective allergy noun alleviate verb alliance noun allocate verb allow verb ally noun almost adverb alone adjective, adverb alter verb alteration noun alternate verb alternative1 noun alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective Other words and phrases alcohol noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List alive /əˈlaɪv/ adjective 1. living and not dead Grammar Alive is not used before a noun. adverbs still alive Her grandparents are still alive. barely alive (=only just alive) By the time she was rescued, she was barely alive. very much alive He is very much alive and enjoying his retirement in Florida. verbs keep sb alive The patient is being kept alive on a life-support machine. stay/remain alive The explorers managed to stay alive in the jungle by eating berries and leaves. escape/get out alive Fortunately, everyone escaped alive from the burning building. return alive She was thankful that her husband had returned alive from the war. be found alive The missing child was found alive and well at a neighbour's house. be buried alive Two skiers were buried alive in an avalanche. see sb alive She was the last person to see him alive. be burned alive The family was burned alive in a house fire. be captured/taken alive One of the terrorists was captured alive. be eaten alive A 33-year-old man from Port Douglas was eaten alive by a crocodile. phrases alive and well He's alive and well, and currently living in Australia. lucky to be alive She was lucky to be alive after being involved in a serious car accident. more dead than alive The child was found lying on the ground, more dead than alive. want sb (captured) dead or alive The sheriff said he wants the men dead or alive. THESAURUS: alive living thing | relative | artist | writer | poet | songwriter | filmmaker if someone is living, he or she is alive now. Living is also used in the phrase a living thing (=an animal or plant that is alive): All living things need oxygen. | Her son is her only living relative. | He is probably the greatest living American filmmaker. live animals live animals are not dead: Many people are against scientists doing experiments on live animals. | Protesters want to stop the export of live sheep and cattle. | The children were excited at seeing real live elephants. Live is only used before a noun. animate formal object an animate object is alive and able to move, and therefore different from other types of things: Young children eventually learn the difference between an animate object, such as a cat, and an inanimate one, such as a ball. ANTONYMS → dead1 2. continuing to exist verbs remain alive Many of our ancient customs remain alive today. keep sth alive The region's traditional music is kept alive by several local bands. phrases very much alive In Portugal, poetry is popular and very much alive. alive and well The personal computer market is alive and well, with record profits being made. alive and kicking The sport of boxing is still very much alive and kicking in this country. All these phrases mean that something is continuing and is in a good state. 3. full of energy, happiness, and activity verbs feel alive I love dancing - it makes me feel alive and free. come alive In the evening, the town comes alive and there are lots of things to do and see. bring sb/sth alive His performance really brought the show alive. adverbs really/truly alive As an actor, he only feels truly alive when he's performing on stage. suddenly alive She smiled, feeling suddenly alive and full of energy. prepositions alive with sth The street was alive with the sound of children playing noisy games. age noun agenda noun aggression noun aggressive adjective agony noun agree verb agreeable adjective agreement noun aid noun aim noun air noun aircraft noun airline noun airport noun alarm noun alarm clock noun alarming adjective alcohol noun alibi noun alien adjective alive adjective allegation noun allergic adjective allergy noun alleviate verb alliance noun allocate verb allow verb ally noun almost adverb alone adjective, adverb alter verb alteration noun alternate verb alternative1 noun alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective Other words and phrases alive adjective Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List allegation /ˌælɪˈɡeɪʃən/ noun [C usually plural] a statement saying that you think someone has done something wrong or illegal, although this has not been proved Grammar Usually plural. adjectives/nouns + allegation a serious allegation Some serious allegations have already been made against him. a damaging allegation One of the most damaging allegations was that the airline did not care about passenger safety. a false allegation She claims the allegations against her are all false. a wild allegation The press have been making wild allegations. an unfounded/unsubstantiated allegation (=there is no evidence to support it) The allegations are unfounded and will easily be disproved in court. | It must be emphasised that no charges have been brought against the bishop and the allegations about him are unsubstantiated. an allegation is true/untrue If these allegations are true, they could ruin his career. fresh/further allegations (=new allegations) The newspaper is planning to publish fresh allegations. widespread allegations (=by many people) There were widespread allegations of cheating. corruption/fraud allegations The politician has been at the centre of corruption allegations. verbs make an allegation In his article, he makes a number of allegations. deny an allegation The mayor denies all the allegations that have been made against him. reject/dismiss an allegation The company reacted by rejecting all the allegations. refute an allegation formal (=prove that it is wrong) He has taken steps to refute the allegations publicly. face an allegation The player faces allegations that he cheated in last week's game. publish an allegation The newspaper published allegations that the president was involved with the Mafia. investigate/look into an allegation The police are investigating allegations of fraud. withdraw/retract an allegation (=say that your allegation was a mistake) They were forced to withdraw their allegations. support an allegation There was no evidence to support these allegations. answer allegations The directors of the company will have to answer these allegations in court. an allegation is levelled against sb formal (=it is made against someone) The same allegation could not be levelled against her husband. phrases a series of allegations There has been a series of allegations against the princess in the media. be at the centre of allegations BrE be at the center of allegations AmE The company's chairman is at the centre of allegations. amid allegations of sth He resigned amid allegations that he had taken bribes worth thousands of pounds. age noun agenda noun aggression noun aggressive adjective agony noun agree verb agreeable adjective agreement noun aid noun aim noun air noun aircraft noun airline noun airport noun alarm noun alarm clock noun alarming adjective alcohol noun alibi noun alien adjective alive adjective allegation noun allergic adjective allergy noun alleviate verb alliance noun allocate verb allow verb ally noun almost adverb alone adjective, adverb alter verb alteration noun alternate verb alternative1 noun alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective Other words and phrases allegation noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List almost /ˈɔːlməʊst $ ˈɒːlmoʊst, ɒːlˈmoʊst/ adverb nearly, but not completely or not quite almost + adjectives almost ready Supper's almost ready. almost + verbs sb has almost finished I've almost finished - just give me a few more minutes. almost + nouns almost 10 o'clock/11.30/midnight etc It was almost midnight when we got back home. phrases almost as ... as He's almost as old as I am. almost always/never She's almost always late. almost every day/every time etc Marsha visits her son almost every day. almost certainly The story is almost certainly true. almost nothing/ anything/everything Almost nothing was done to improve the situation. THESAURUS: almost nearly almost. Nearly is more commonly used in British English than American English: I've been a teacher for nearly 10 years now. | It's very nearly time to go home. not quite almost, but not yet: "Is he 60?" "Not quite!" | It's not quite time to go yet. | I'm not quite ready yet. practically/virtually very nearly: The room was practically empty. | The frost killed practically every plant in the garden. | Virtually everyone had gone home. more or less/just about/pretty much especially spoken very nearly - use this when saying that the difference is not important: All the rooms are more or less the same size. | His jacket was pretty much the same colour as his trousers. | The policy will benefit just about everyone. getting on for BrE informal getting on toward especially AmE informal almost a particular time, age, or period of time - used especially when you are not sure of the exact time, age etc: It's getting on for 10 years since we last saw each other. | "How old's Diane?" "She must be getting on toward 50." close to almost a particular number, amount, or time - used especially when the number or amount is surprisingly large or the time is very late: It was close to midnight by the time we arrived. | They've spent close to $1.3 billion on the project. approaching/nearing almost - used when a number or amount is still increasing or a time is getting nearer: The unemployment rate was nearing 20%. be on the verge of (doing) sth tears | collapse | bankruptcy | chaos | extinction | starvation | death to be very close to doing something, or being in a very bad situation: She was on the verge of tears (=almost crying). | The economy was on the verge of collapse. | I was on the verge of giving up. be on the brink of sth war | disaster | collapse | starvation | extinction | bankruptcy to be very close to an extremely bad situation: The two countries are on the brink of war. | The white rhino is on the brink of extinction. | The company was on the brink of bankruptcy. age noun agenda noun aggression noun aggressive adjective agony noun agree verb agreeable adjective agreement noun aid noun aim noun air noun aircraft noun airline noun airport noun alarm noun alarm clock noun alarming adjective alcohol noun alibi noun alien adjective alive adjective allegation noun allergic adjective allergy noun alleviate verb alliance noun allocate verb allow verb ally noun almost adverb alone adjective, adverb alter verb alteration noun alternate verb alternative1 noun alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective Other words and phrases almost adverb Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List anger /ˈæŋɡə $ -ər/ noun a strong feeling you have when someone has done something bad phrases be filled with anger/be full of anger His voice was full of anger. | People are now filled with anger and despair. be seething with anger (=be extremely angry) Seething with anger and frustration, Polly stood up. be shaking/trembling with anger My aunt was shaking with anger as she left the room. be speechless with anger She watched him leave, speechless with anger. a feeling of anger He was overcome by a sudden feeling of anger against the people who had put him there. a fit/outburst of anger (=an occasion when someone suddenly expresses anger) His occasional outbursts of anger shocked those around him. a surge/wave of anger (=a sudden feeling of anger) She felt a surge of anger. sb's face is white/flushed/dark with anger When he looked at me, his face was white with anger. verbs + anger feel anger He felt no anger, just sorrow. express/show your anger also vent your anger formal Demonstrators expressed their anger by burning American flags. cause/provoke/arouse/stir up anger (=make people angry) The referee's decision provoked anger among the fans. fuel anger (=make people even more angry) The announcement fuelled public anger against the government. explode with anger (=suddenly express great anger) When he found he had been cheated, he exploded with anger. control/contain your anger I could not control my anger any longer. hide your anger For a second she was unable to hide her anger. anger + verbs sb's anger goes away/subsides/fades (=it stops) I counted to ten and waited for my anger to go away. | His anger slowly subsided. sb's anger grows/rises Her anger and resentment grew as she drove home. | Thinking this, he felt his anger rise again. anger boils up/wells up inside sb (=someone suddenly becomes very angry) She could feel the anger boiling up inside her. adjectives deep/great/fierce anger There is deep anger against the occupying forces. growing/rising/mounting anger There is growing anger among drivers over the rise in fuel prices. widespread anger (=among many people) The decision to build the airport has provoked widespread anger. real anger There is real anger about the amount of money that has been wasted. public/popular anger By now public anger in the US was mounting. suppressed/pent-up anger (=that you have tried not to show) Her voice shook with suppressed anger. righteous anger (=anger felt when you think something should not be allowed to happen) The speech was full of righteous anger against the West. anger + nouns anger management (=controlling your anger) He took an anger management course in prison. prepositions anger at sth/sb Her anger at him was obvious from her voice. anger over/about sth There was widespread anger over the government's decision to increase taxes. anger against/towards sb All his anger against Edward had gone. in anger (=when you are angry) He said it in anger, and regretted it later. THESAURUS: anger annoyance slight anger or impatience: He expressed annoyance at the way his comments had been misunderstood by the press. | The meetings were held in secret, much to the annoyance of some members of Congress. irritation a feeling of being annoyed and impatient, especially because something keeps happening or someone keeps saying something: He could not hide his irritation at her questions about his private life. | Unwanted sales calls are a source of irritation for many people. frustration a feeling of being annoyed, especially because you cannot do what you want or because you cannot change or control a situation: You can imagine my frustration when I found out that the next bus didn't leave till 4 hours later. | There is a growing sense of frustration over the situation in Burma. | The government has expressed frustration at the slow legal process. exasperation a feeling of being very annoyed because you cannot control a situation, learn to do something, or understand something, even though you are trying very hard: Isaac sighed in exasperation. | There is a lot of exasperation at the team's lack of success among the fans. resentment anger because you think you are being treated badly or unfairly: The sudden increase in the number of foreign workers has caused resentment among some local people. indignation anger and surprise about an unfair situation: His voice sounded full of indignation. | The scandal caused righteous indignation among many right-wing politicians (=indignation which shows you feel right to feel angry about a situation - often used in a disapproving way). ill/bad feeling anger between two people because of something that has happened: I had no ill feeling towards him. rancour BrE rancor AmE formal a feeling of anger and hatred towards someone who you cannot forgive because they harmed you in the past: Even though he had lost the court case, he had shown no rancour. | There is a lot of distrust and rancour between the two countries. spleen formal anger, especially anger that is unreasonable: He vented his spleen against the airline in an article in the Times (=he expressed strong feelings of anger against them). extreme anger fury a very strong feeling of anger: The judge sparked fury when he freed a man who had attacked three women. | The decision caused fury among local people. rage a very strong feeling of anger that is difficult to control or is expressed very suddenly or violently: When we accused him of lying, he flew into a rage (=became very angry very suddenly). | Brown killed his wife in a jealous rage. outrage extreme anger and shock because you think something is unfair or wrong: The movie caused outrage in the Arab World. wrath formal great anger or a very angry reaction: The company president will now have to face the wrath of the shareholders. | Pietersen incurred the wrath of the referee (=made him angry). | The country's nuclear test on October 9 drew the wrath of the international community (=made them angry). alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective ankle noun anniversary noun announce verb announcement noun annoyed adjective annoying adjective annual adjective annul verb anonymous adjective answer1 noun answer2 verb anticipation noun antiquated adjective antique adjective anxiety noun Other words and phrases anger noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List angle /ˈæŋɡəl/ noun [C] 1. the shape that is formed when two straight lines or surfaces meet each other adjectives a right angle (=an angle of 90°) A square has four right angles. | The roads meet at perfect right angles. a 45 degree/60 degree etc angle The two lines are at a 45 degree angle. a steep/sharp angle The plane flew upwards at a steep angle into the sky. | His thin face had sharp angles. a slight angle The tool should be held at a slight angle to the surface. the correct angle The sail is not at the correct angle to the wind. an awkward angle He was leaning at an awkward angle and I thought he was about to fall over. a strange/crazy/odd angle The walls all sloped at strange angles. | The dead man's head was at an odd angle. an acute angle (=an angle of less than 90°) The rays of the evening sun shone down at an acute angle. a wide angle The camera has a wide angle lens which is useful for landscapes. an obtuse angle (=an angle between 90° and 120°) a reflex angle (=an angle between 180° and 360°) an oblique angle (=an angle that is not 90°, 180°, or 270°) the internal angles The sum of the internal angles of a triangle is 180°. verbs measure/calculate the angle Measure the angle between the two lines. | Calculate the third angle of the triangle. draw an angle You use a protractor to draw and measure angles. change/adjust the angle of sth You can adjust the angle of the screen. turn/move/rotate sth through an angle Rotate the picture through an angle of 180°. form an angle The pieces of wood can be moved to form a 45 degree angle. be set at an angle The legs of the chair are set at an angle of 70°. prepositions an angle of 45 degrees/90 degrees etc Raise the other leg slowly to an angle of 45°. the angle between sth The angle between the two lines should be 60 degrees. at an angle The posts are pushed into the ground at an angle. | He indicated a chair drawn up at an angle to his desk. 2. a way of thinking about a situation Grammar In this meaning, you often say from a particular angle. adjectives a different/new/fresh angle They decide to approach the problem from a slightly different angle. another angle Why don't we try looking at the question from another angle? every angle The police looked at the case from every possible angle. verbs look at/consider/see sth from a particular angle He is older and he doesn't see things from my angle. | You're only seeing the situation from one angle. approach/tackle sth from a particular angle Perhaps we need to approach the problem from a different angle. prepositions from an angle They looked at the problem from every angle. angle on sth The union should try harder to explain the farmers' angle on these issues. alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective ankle noun anniversary noun announce verb announcement noun annoyed adjective annoying adjective annual adjective annul verb anonymous adjective answer1 noun answer2 verb anticipation noun antiquated adjective antique adjective anxiety noun Other words and phrases angle noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List annoying /əˈnɔɪ-ɪŋ/ adjective making you feel slightly angry adverbs very/really/extremely annoying I found the whole situation extremely annoying. slightly/a little/a bit annoying It was a little annoying when I found out that the time of the meeting had changed. rather annoying They asked some rather annoying questions. mildly annoying This morning the children were only mildly annoying. particularly annoying The delay was particularly annoying because I needed to get home early that night. nouns an annoying habit She has an annoying habit of whistling while she does things. the annoying thing The most annoying thing is that he is usually right. an annoying problem My computer seems to have developed an annoying problem. an annoying man/woman/person Her husband is probably the most annoying person I've ever met. verbs become/get annoying The sound of the music was starting to become annoying. find sth annoying I found his attitude to women really annoying. phrases How annoying! "He keeps making a funny noise through his nose." "How annoying!" it's so annoying when... "My computer has just crashed." "It's so annoying when that happens." THESAURUS: annoying irritating noise | habit | mannerism annoying - used especially about something that keeps happening or something that someone often does: The bedside light kept making an irritating buzzing noise. | He has an irritating habit of saying really obvious things. | She has some rather irritating little mannerisms - she keeps saying 'like' all the time (=she has some rather annoying little habits). | I found their constant questions intensely irritating. tiresome business | task | woman | man annoying, especially in a way that makes you feel bored or impatient: Getting all the necessary documents is a tiresome business. | They began the tiresome task of pulling up all the weeds. | One tiresome woman kept asking endless questions. infuriating/maddening thing | smile | habit very annoying: The maddening thing was that it was too late to change my ticket. | "Shame that you lost!" he said with an infuriating smile. | He had an infuriating habit of not always telling the truth. | It was maddening to be treated like a child. frustrating experience | time | morning | afternoon | day | business annoying because it is difficult or impossible for you to do what you want: Searching for information on the internet can be an extremely frustrating experience. | He had a frustrating time sitting on the bench and watching his team lose the game. | I spent a frustrating afternoon trying to fix the car. | Trying to speak to someone at the bank is a frustrating business. | He found his inability to speak deeply frustrating. trying time | day | morning | afternoon | experience annoying because you cannot do what you want, or because of being difficult to deal with: It has certainly been a difficult and trying time for everyone. | He had just had rather a trying day at the office. | Applying for a visa can be a very trying experience. | Young children can be extremely trying and you need a lot of patience. galling annoying because it is unfair, or because you are unsuccessful: It was particularly galling to be beaten by a much younger player. | It must be even more galling for him to be called a traitor, after all the things he has done for his country. Another way to say this You can also say that something gets on your nerves: The man's voice was starting to get on my nerves. If something is very annoying, you can say that it drives you mad/crazy: My parents are driving me crazy - they keep criticizing me all the time. Drive sb mad/crazy is an informal expression. alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective ankle noun anniversary noun announce verb announcement noun annoyed adjective annoying adjective annual adjective annul verb anonymous adjective answer1 noun answer2 verb anticipation noun antiquated adjective antique adjective anxiety noun Other words and phrases annoying adjective Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List appeal /əˈpiːl/ noun 1. an urgent request, especially one in which you ask people to help you or give money adjectives an urgent/desperate appeal The fire service has made an urgent appeal for more part-time firefighters. | The family made a desperate appeal to their daughter to come home. a direct appeal The police have issued a direct appeal to the witness to come forward with information. a personal appeal Political leaders made a personal appeal for the hostage's freedom. an international appeal The organization has now launched an international appeal for volunteers. a nationwide appeal The missing 15-year-old was found yesterday after a nationwide appeal. a public/official appeal The girl's family have made a public appeal for help to try to catch her killer. a fresh appeal (=one that you make again) The growing violence in the country has led to fresh appeals for calm. verbs make/issue an appeal The police have made an appeal for information about the robbery. launch an appeal (=make a public appeal about something important, in a carefully planned way) The charity launched an appeal for money to help the victims of the floods. renew an appeal (=make an appeal again) Detectives renewed their appeal for help from the public. give/donate/contribute to an appeal People gave very generously to the appeal. an appeal raises money The appeal raised over a million dollars. nouns + appeal an emergency appeal An emergency appeal for blankets has been issued. a fund-raising appeal (=to get money to pay for something) A fund-raising appeal was launched to pay for a new school gym. a charity appeal He often gives money to charity appeals. a television appeal There was a television appeal for the victims of the floods. a disaster/earthquake/flood etc appeal You can now give money online to disaster appeals. prepositions an appeal to sb The university has made an urgent appeal to the government, asking for extra funding. an appeal for sth They launched an appeal for money to help people who had been affected by the earthquake. 2. a formal request to a court or to someone in authority asking for a decision to be changed adjectives a formal appeal She decided to make a formal appeal through her lawyer. verbs make an appeal His lawyer said that he was planning to make an appeal. file/lodge/bring an appeal (=make an appeal in a court) She lodged an appeal against the court's decision. consider an appeal The US Supreme Court is considering the men's appeal. hear an appeal (=listen to all the facts) The Committee will hear the club's appeal against the fine next week. win/lose an appeal Unless she wins her appeal, she will be imprisoned. uphold/allow an appeal (=give permission for a decision to be changed) Judge Gabriel Hutton upheld Smith's appeal. dismiss/throw out/turn down an appeal (=not give permission for a decision to be changed) His appeal was dismissed and he was sent to prison. an appeal fails/succeeds If the appeal fails, he will serve his full sentence. appeal + nouns the appeal process The appeal process could take as long as three years. the appeal court/the Court of Appeal BrE the appeals court/the Court of Appeals AmE (=a court of law which deals with cases when people are not satisfied with the judgment given by a lower court) The decision was reversed in the appeal court. prepositions an appeal to a court They made an appeal to the European Court of Human Rights. an appeal against a decision/fine/sentence He made an appeal against the judge's decision. on appeal (=after making an appeal) The sentence was reduced to three years on appeal. phrases the right of appeal He used his right of appeal against the demand for money from the tax department. grounds for an appeal (=reasons for making an appeal) You need to have reasonable grounds for your appeal. pending appeal (=until an appeal can take place) Both men were under house arrest, pending appeal of their convictions. 3. a quality that makes people like something or someone adjectives great/considerable/a lot of appeal This film will have considerable appeal for science fiction fans. (a) wide appeal (=it attracts many types of people) The programme has a very wide appeal. (a) universal appeal (=everyone likes something) The Harry Potter books have a universal appeal. (an) immediate/instant appeal Their music had an instant appeal for me when I was young. (an) enduring appeal (=continuing for a long time) The book has had an enduring appeal and it is just as popular now as it was when it was first written. verbs lose its appeal The job had lost its appeal and she was starting to get bored. have an appeal also hold an appeal formal Being rich and famous held no appeal for him - he just wanted to write songs. increase/add to the appeal of sth The new design adds to the car's appeal. broaden the appeal of sth (=make something appeal to a wider range of people) The party is trying to broaden its appeal and attract more women voters. give sth appeal It is the original design that gives the building its appeal. understand the appeal of sth I must admit I have never understood the appeal of golf. the appeal lies in sth The country's appeal lies in its lakes and rivers. prepositions the appeal of sth What is the particular appeal of this island? appeal for sb The programme has great appeal for young audiences. alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective ankle noun anniversary noun announce verb announcement noun annoyed adjective annoying adjective annual adjective annul verb anonymous adjective answer1 noun answer2 verb anticipation noun antiquated adjective antique adjective anxiety noun apartment noun apologize verb apology noun appalling adjective apparent adjective appeal noun appear verb appearance noun appetite noun appetizing adjective applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun Other words and phrases appeal noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List appearance /əˈpɪərəns $ əˈpɪr-/ noun 1. the way someone or something looks to other people adjectives general/overall appearance They want to improve the town's overall appearance. physical appearance We are often attracted to somebody first by their physical appearance. personal appearance Some men don't care very much about their personal appearance. odd/strange/bizarre appearance Children sometimes stared at him because of his odd appearance. distinctive/striking appearance (=unusual and interesting) The unusual leaves give the plant a distinctive appearance. attractive/handsome/pleasing appearance The hotel didn't have a very attractive appearance. the outward appearance (=how a person or situation seems to be, rather than how they really are) Beneath the outward appearance of confidence, she is very shy. the visual appearance (=what something looks like) Modern farming methods have changed the visual appearance of the countryside. youthful appearance (=someone looks young, especially when they are older) She was no longer a young woman, despite her youthful appearance. verbs have a ... appearance The restaurant has a pleasant appearance. improve the appearance also enhance the appearance formal Fresh air improves the appearance of the skin. spoil the appearance The metal posts spoiled the appearance of the garden. change/alter the appearance The new factory will change the appearance of the area enormously. give sb/sth a ... appearance His uniform gave him an official appearance. give the appearance of doing sth He likes to give the appearance of being hard-working. prepositions the appearance of sb/sth They've changed the appearance of the whole building. phrases take pride in your appearance (=make an effort to look good) She's the kind of woman who takes pride in her appearance. judge by appearances (=make judgements based on the way someone or something looks) You shouldn't judge by appearances. have all the appearances of sth (=seem clearly to be something) The case had all the appearances of a straightforward murder. to all appearances (=used when saying how someone or something looks, especially when this is different from the real situation) He was, to all appearances, a respectable businessman. appearances can be deceptive (=the way something seems to be may not be how it really is) The pupils looked well-behaved - but appearances can be deceptive. THESAURUS: appearance looks someone's appearance, especially how good-looking they are. Looks is more informal than appearance: Girls of that age are always worried about their looks. | The star is famous for his boyish good looks. image the idea that people have about what someone or something is like, which they get from TV, radio, newspapers etc: The scandal has damaged his image as an honest politician. | The company is anxious to protect its public image. 2. an occasion when someone takes part in something, especially a public event or a film verbs make an appearance The singer made her last appearance in January this year. put in an appearance (=go to a meeting, party etc, to show people that you were there, often only staying a short time) He decided to put in an appearance at the meeting. adjectives/nouns + appearance sb's first/second/last appearance This is the band's first appearance in the US this year. a final/farewell appearance He gave his farewell appearance in the film. a public appearance The speech will be his first public appearance since winning the election. a radio/TV appearance She hated the endless TV appearances needed to promote her books. a concert/stage appearance This is his only stage appearance in London. a guest appearance (=by a famous person on a TV show or at a musical event, in addition to the people who usually take part) Paul McCartney will make a special guest appearance on the show. a personal appearance (=by a famous person at a public event) There was a personal appearance by Nelson Mandela. a sudden/unexpected appearance His unexpected appearance at the meeting gave everyone a shock. a fleeting appearance (=for a very short time) The star made a fleeting appearance at the party. a live appearance (=when someone performs in front of people who are watching) Her first live appearance was at last year's Montreux Jazz Festival. a cameo appearance (=a short appearance in a film or play by a well-known actor or person) Alfred Hitchcock always made a cameo appearance in his own films. appearance + nouns appearance money/fee (=the money someone is paid to appear somewhere) He gave his appearance fee to charity. alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective ankle noun anniversary noun announce verb announcement noun annoyed adjective annoying adjective annual adjective annul verb anonymous adjective answer1 noun answer2 verb anticipation noun antiquated adjective antique adjective anxiety noun apartment noun apologize verb apology noun appalling adjective apparent adjective appeal noun appear verb appearance noun appetite noun appetizing adjective applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun Other words and phrases appearance noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List application /ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃən/ noun 1. a formal, usually written, request for something such as a job, place at university, or permission to do something nouns + application a job application He's made 23 job applications and had 5 interviews. a visa application It can take several weeks for your visa application to be processed. a planning application (=asking for permission to build something) They put in a planning application for a new housing development. a loan/grant/mortgage application His loan application was rejected by the bank. | Banks say the number of mortgage applications has risen sharply. adjectives a formal application Turkey made a formal application to join the European Union. verbs make an application Students usually make their applications for university in September. fill out/fill in an application I filled out an application for a secretarial job. | You can fill in the application online. put in/send in/submit an application The company has submitted a planning application. consider an application (=think about it before deciding) The licensing committee met to consider his application. grant/approve an application (=say yes) Your mortgage application has been approved. refuse/reject/turn down an application He received a letter saying that his application had been rejected. process an application When I contacted the embassy, they said they were still processing my visa application. withdraw your application The company withdrew its application to build the bridge. application + nouns an application form Simply fill in the application form and return it to your bank. prepositions an application for sth We have put in an application for a grant to repair the roof. an application from sb The university welcomes applications from overseas students. phrases a letter of application The purpose of your letter of application is to get an interview. 2. a way in which something can be used adjectives practical applications He says that his invention could have a wide range of practical applications. potential/possible applications She understood at once the potential applications of this new technology. commercial applications The invention has a wide range of commercial applications. verbs have applications The research could have many applications in the computer industry. alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective ankle noun anniversary noun announce verb announcement noun annoyed adjective annoying adjective annual adjective annul verb anonymous adjective answer1 noun answer2 verb anticipation noun antiquated adjective antique adjective anxiety noun apartment noun apologize verb apology noun appalling adjective apparent adjective appeal noun appear verb appearance noun appetite noun appetizing adjective applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun Other words and phrases application noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List association /əˌsəʊsiˈeɪʃən, əˌsəʊʃi- $ əˌsoʊ-/ noun 1. an organization that consists of people, countries, or groups who have similar interests or aims adjectives an international association The international association of firefighters will hold a meeting next month. a local association They set up a local association of small businesses. a regional association The sport is run by several regional associations. a community association Community associations have said they will fight plans to build a new airport in the area. a professional association Most diving instructors belong to a professional association. a public/private association Public associations such as Trade Unions had their freedom limited. a student association He is president of the student association. the Parent Teacher Association The Parent Teacher Association helps with the running of the school. a trade association The tobacco companies have their own trade association called 'The Tobacco Institute'. verbs join an association He joined the Architects' Association in 2010. belong to an association They belong to the professional basketball players' association. set up/form/found an association The International Air Transport Association was founded in 1945. an association meets The association meets once a year in London. prepositions the association of sb She is a member of the National Association of Social Workers. phrases a member of an association/an association member Association members have to pay a fee every year. 2. a relationship between people, groups, countries etc adjectives a close association He has a close association with the town and went to school there many years ago. a personal association She did not investigate the case because of her personal association with Mr Brown. a long/long-standing association He has a long association with the football club. a free association (=a relationship not limited by laws) The European Union allows a free association of sovereign states who cooperate on many issues, such as trade. a loose association (=not working closely together) The bombing suspect appears to have only a loose association with terrorist groups. verbs have an association She claimed that she had no association with any political organization. maintain an association The group maintains a loose association with the Republican party. prepositions an association with sb/sth He studied at Leyden and maintained a close association with that university. the association between sb/sth The association between the two men led to several scientific discoveries. in association with sb/sth The concerts are sponsored by the Arts Council in association with local businesses. phrases freedom of association Freedom of association is an important civil right. guilt by association (=saying that someone is a bad person because they have some kind of connection with someone or something) There was such a fear of Communism that an assumption of guilt by association ruined the careers of many liberals. be tainted/tarnished by association (=lose respect from other people because of a relationship) None of these men were tainted by association with the terrorists. 3. a connection between two events, ideas, situations etc adjectives a strong/close association There is a strong association between levels of education and social class in Britain. | There is a close association between religion and politics. a significant association The study found that there was no significant association between childhood cancer and a parent's exposure to radiation before the child was conceived. an intimate association (=a very close association) The history of cotton and sugar growing has intimate associations with slavery. a direct association Smoking has a direct association with many lung diseases. a clear association There is a clear association between getting older and having more physical problems. a weak association The study found a weak association between dental disease and heart disease. verbs have an association The colour red has strong associations with anger. form/establish an association The dogs formed an association between the sound of the bell and food being given to them. show/demonstrate an association The study showed an association between birth defects and high caffeine intake through drinks such as coffee. find an association Researchers say they have found an association between sleep deprivation and attention deficit disorder. prepositions an association with sth The area is famous because of its association with Thomas Hardy's books. an association between two things There is a close association between exercise and good health. applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun article noun articulate adjective artificial adjective artist noun artistic adjective ascend verb ashamed adjective ask verb asleep adjective aspect noun assault noun assemble verb assess verb assessment noun asset noun assignment noun assistance noun assistant noun association noun assume verb assumption noun asylum noun atmosphere noun attack1 noun attack2 verb attain verb attempt noun attendance noun attention noun attitude noun attraction noun Other words and phrases association noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List assume AC /əˈsjuːm $ əˈsuːm/ verb 1. to think that something is true, although you do not have definite proof adverbs automatically assume (=without thinking carefully) I automatically assumed she would be like her sister, but she was not. naturally assume As the boy looked about ten, I naturally assumed that he should be in school. generally/usually/commonly assume People generally assume that I will not want to work full-time after the baby is born. mistakenly/wrongly assume They wrongly assumed that he wouldn't ask them for money. implicitly assume formal If we talk about the cause of the Big Bang, we implicitly assume that time existed before the universe began. phrases it seems reasonable to assume/we can reasonably assume It seems reasonable to assume that the two events are connected. | Prices will vary, but you can reasonably assume it will cost around £15. it is safe to assume/you can safely assume (=be almost certain) I think it is safe to assume that they won't come back. | I think we can safely assume that interest rates will go up again soon. it is widely assumed (=by many people) It was widely assumed that the bomb was planted by al-Qaeda. let us assume Let us assume for a moment that the average temperature will rise by 5 degrees. it is wrong/a mistake to assume It is a mistake to assume that sleep is a time when the brain is not active. people tend to assume Men tend to assume that the woman should do all the housework. make the mistake of assuming (that)... Don't make the mistake of assuming that other people have the same opinions as you. assume the worst (=think that the worst possible thing has happened) When it got to midnight and Paul was still not back, I began to assume the worst. 2. to start to have a particular responsibility or job nouns assume power The new president assumed power in 2008. assume control/command/leadership He assumed control of the family business after his father's death. assume responsibility for sth It was expected that she would assume responsibility for bringing up the children. assume a post/position/duties She is preparing to assume a new post as a dean at Yale University. assume office He assumed office in January (=started an important job as leader or in the government). assume the role Jim Paton will assume the role of managing director. assume the presidency/chairmanship On July 1st, he will assume the presidency of the EU. assume the throne (=become king or queen) Queen Victoria assumed the throne in 1837. assume the mantle of sb (=take over a job or responsibility) Robinson assumed the mantle of presiding judge after May's death. applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun article noun articulate adjective artificial adjective artist noun artistic adjective ascend verb ashamed adjective ask verb asleep adjective aspect noun assault noun assemble verb assess verb assessment noun asset noun assignment noun assistance noun assistant noun association noun assume verb assumption noun asylum noun atmosphere noun attack1 noun attack2 verb attain verb attempt noun attendance noun attention noun attitude noun attraction noun Other words and phrases assume verb Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List attack2 /əˈtæk/ verb 1. to deliberately use violence to hurt a person or damage a place adverbs viciously/savagely/brutally attack sb The woman was brutally attacked in her own home. physically attack sb Hospital staff have been physically attacked by patients. prepositions attack sb/sth with sth He was attacked with a broken bottle. phrases vulnerable to attack (=easy to attack) The tanks are vulnerable to attack from the air. THESAURUS: attack to attack a person ambush if a group of people ambush someone, they hide and wait for them and then attack them: The judge was ambushed by gunmen as he drove to work at the courthouse. mug to attack someone and take money from them in a public place such as a street: Her son got mugged on his way home from school and someone stole his phone. | If someone tries to mug you, the best thing is often just to run away. stab to attack someone with a knife: The victim had been stabbed in the leg. | She stabbed her husband with a kitchen knife. assault to attack and hurt someone - used especially when talking about this as a criminal offence: The star assaulted a flight attendant who refused to serve him more drinks. be set upon by sb/sth written to be attacked by a group of people: The man died outside his home after being set upon by a gang of youths. turn on to suddenly change your behaviour and attack someone, when they do not expect this: The dog suddenly turned on his owner, sinking its teeth into his arm. to attack a place invade to enter a country and try to get control of it using force: The Romans invaded Britain 2,000 years ago. | The country has been invaded many times in the past. storm to suddenly attack a city or building that is well defended, getting inside it and taking control: Special forces stormed the building and rescued the hostages. besiege to surround a city or building with soldiers in order to stop the people inside from getting out or from receiving supplies: Paris had been besieged for four months and forced to surrender. | In April 655, Osman's palace was besieged by rebels. ANTONYMS → defend 2. to criticize someone or something very strongly adverbs strongly/vigorously attack sb/sth Opponents have strongly attacked the bill. openly/publicly attack sb/sth In his article, he openly attacked the government. repeatedly attack sb/sth (=many times) The minister has been repeatedly attacked in the media. ANTONYMS → defend applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun article noun articulate adjective artificial adjective artist noun artistic adjective ascend verb ashamed adjective ask verb asleep adjective aspect noun assault noun assemble verb assess verb assessment noun asset noun assignment noun assistance noun assistant noun association noun assume verb assumption noun asylum noun atmosphere noun attack1 noun attack2 verb attain verb attempt noun attendance noun attention noun attitude noun attraction noun attractive adjective audience noun authentic adjective author noun authoritarian adjective authority noun authorization noun autumn noun available adjective avenue noun average1 noun average2 adjective avert verb avid adjective avoid verb awake adjective award1 noun award2 verb aware adjective awareness noun Other words and phrases attack1 noun attack2 verb Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List attempt /əˈtempt/ noun an act of trying to do something adjectives an unsuccessful/failed/abortive attempt All attempts to find a cure have been unsuccessful. | There was an abortive attempt by a Hollywood director to make Gibson's book into a film (=one that does not succeed, with the result that you have to give up). a vain attempt (=that does not succeed) The teacher made a vain attempt to separate the two boys. a doomed/futile attempt (=certain to fail) His attempt to reach the Pole was doomed from the beginning. | I jumped up and down in a futile attempt to keep warm (= certain to fail and not worth doing). a brave/bold/valiant attempt (=one that you admire, but that is unsuccessful) She made a valiant attempt to continue playing, but the pain was too much. | The project is making a bold attempt to change the lives of young gang members (=a good attempt to do something difficult). a botched attempt (=an attempt with many mistakes) They had to call a plumber after their botched attempt to fix the problem themselves. a successful attempt The writer has made a successful attempt at showing the panic the characters felt. a determined/deliberate/conscious attempt This was a deliberate attempt to mislead the public. a concerted attempt (=in which people work together in a determined way) The party has made a concerted attempt to have more women candidates. a serious/genuine attempt This is the first serious attempt to tackle the problem. a desperate/frantic attempt Doctors made a desperate attempt to save his life. a feeble/weak attempt She ignored David's feeble attempt at humour. a half-hearted attempt (=not trying hard, because you do not think you can succeed) She made a half-hearted attempt to mop up the spilled milk. a clumsy/crude attempt (=a badly done attempt) A child's first clumsy attempts at writing soon improve. a blatant attempt (=an obvious attempt to do something bad) It was a blatant attempt to hide the truth. a final/last attempt The deal is a final attempt to save 5,000 jobs. a last-ditch attempt (=a final attempt to achieve something before it is too late) Negotiators are making a last-ditch attempt to save the agreement. repeated attempts I made repeated attempts to contact her, but without success. Ways of saying that an attempt is unsuccessful Attempts are often unsuccessful. As well as using unsuccessful, you can also say that someone makes a vain attempt to do something, or that someone's attempt is in vain. You can also say that an attempt is doomed, when you know it has no chance of success, and something bad is likely to happen as a result. If an attempt is futile, it seems pointless because you know it will not succeed. verbs make an attempt She made several attempts to escape. abandon/give up an attempt The climbers had to give up their attempt to reach the summit. | The weather forced him to abandon his attempt to fly around the world in a hot-air balloon. fail in an attempt He failed in his attempt to set a new Olympic record. succeed in an attempt The 16-year-old succeeded in his attempt to sail across the Atlantic Ocean. foil/thwart an attempt formal (=make it fail) Alert passengers foiled his attempt to set off a bomb on the airplane. an attempt fails/succeeds All attempts to find a cure have failed. nouns + attempt a rescue attempt Two firefighters were hurt in the rescue attempt. an assassination attempt (=an attempt to kill a leader) A bodyguard was wounded in an assassination attempt on the president. an escape attempt The prisoner has made two previous escape attempts. a suicide attempt (=an attempt to kill yourself) He was admitted to hospital after a suicide attempt. a coup attempt (=an attempt to change the government, usually by force) The rebels left the country after the failed coup attempt. prepositions on the first/second etc attempt also at the first/second etc attempt BrE They reached the top of the mountain on their second attempt. an attempt at sth She made an attempt at a smile. in an attempt to do sth She began to run in an attempt to get away. despite sb's attempts The engine refused to start despite all our attempts to make it work. applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun article noun articulate adjective artificial adjective artist noun artistic adjective ascend verb ashamed adjective ask verb asleep adjective aspect noun assault noun assemble verb assess verb assessment noun asset noun assignment noun assistance noun assistant noun association noun assume verb assumption noun asylum noun atmosphere noun attack1 noun attack2 verb attain verb attempt noun attendance noun attention noun attitude noun attraction noun attractive adjective audience noun authentic adjective author noun authoritarian adjective authority noun authorization noun autumn noun available adjective avenue noun average1 noun average2 adjective avert verb avid adjective avoid verb awake adjective award1 noun award2 verb aware adjective awareness noun Other words and phrases attempt noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List attention /əˈtenʃən/ noun 1. the activity of listening to, looking at, or thinking about someone or something carefully verbs pay attention to sth/sb He read the final page, paying particular attention to the last paragraph. devote attention to sb/sth He needs to devote more attention to his schoolwork. turn your attention to sth/sb (=start thinking about something or someone else) She quickly put away the shopping and then turned her attention to preparing dinner. focus your attention on sb/sth I tried to focus my attention on my book. give sth/sb your attention (=think about something or someone so that you can deal with a problem) She promised to give the matter her attention the next day. keep/hold sb's attention This game is fun and is sure to keep the attention of young students. bring sth to sb's attention (=tell someone about something so they can deal with it) Thank you for bringing the problem to my attention. attract/catch sb's attention (=make someone see you) We tried to attract the waiter's attention. escape sb's attention (=not be noticed by someone) Even the tiniest details did not escape her attention. sb's attention wanders (=someone stops listening, watching etc carefully) During the meeting, her attention began to wander. adjectives sb's full/complete/undivided attention He gave the task his undivided attention. close attention They listened to the speech with close attention. particular/special attention You should pay special attention to spelling in this exercise. scant attention (=not much or not enough) Merrill paid scant attention to their conversation. attention + nouns attention span (=the length of time when you continue to be interested in something) Young children often have a short attention span. prepositions sb's attention is on sth/sb My attention wasn't really on the game. phrases attention to detail Attention to detail is essential in this job. care and attention The care and attention that has gone into this work is amazing. THESAURUS: attention pay attention to carefully listen to, look at, or think about something or someone: She told the class to stop talking and pay attention. | In any relationship, it helps to pay attention to each other's feelings. concentrate to think carefully about something that you are doing and not let other things disturb your thoughts: I tried to read a few pages, but I was too tired to concentrate. | Children need a quiet space where they can concentrate on their homework. keep your mind on sth to continue to pay attention to something, especially when you are very excited or worried about something else: On Friday, the day of the party, I couldn't keep my mind on my work. | Good players keep their minds on the game at all times. keep your eye/eyes on sth to keep watching something carefully, so that you do not make any mistakes: The first rule of driving is to keep your eyes on the road. | Always remember to keep your eye on the ball. be engrossed in sth to be paying so much attention to a book, a conversation, some work etc, that you do not notice what is happening around you: Helen was sitting up in bed, engrossed in a novel. | He was so engrossed in what he was doing he didn't even hear the doorbell ring. be absorbed in sth to be giving all your attention to something, especially something you are reading, watching, or thinking about: The little boy sat at the edge of the pond, totally absorbed in watching the fish. | He was a quiet man who often seemed to be absorbed in his own thoughts. give sth/sb your undivided attention to give all your attention to something or someone and not do anything else - used especially when this is something you want or need to do: Come round when the kids are in bed so I can give you my undivided attention. | Once I've finished my exams, I'll be able to give my undivided attention to looking for a job. 2. interest that people show in someone or something verbs receive/get/attract/draw attention His books received little attention while he was alive. capture sb's attention The trial captured the attention of the whole country. enjoy sb's attention He was enjoying the attention of his female fans. divert/deflect attention away from sth (=make people interested in something else instead) This story has diverted attention away from his private life. command attention (=cause people to show interest) A comment from a famous actor can command worldwide media attention. deserve/merit attention His work is finally getting the attention it deserves. lavish attention on sb/sth (=show a lot of interest in them) She had been jealous of the attention lavished on Sophie. attention turns/shifts (=it moves to someone or something else) Attention has now shifted to the problems in other European countries. adjectives/nouns + attention public attention We hope the event will attract public attention. media/press attention The princess received a lot of press attention. international/national/world attention His novel attracted international attention. widespread attention The dispute did not receive widespread attention. unwanted/unwelcome attention He wanted to avoid unwanted attention from the authorities. scant attention (=not much or not enough) The event received scant attention in the press. phrases be the focus of attention also be the centre of attention She became the focus of media attention after winning the prize. 3. the activity of looking after or dealing with someone or something adjectives medical attention Luke needs medical attention for a leg injury. urgent/immediate/prompt attention (=as soon as possible) This matter needs your urgent attention. adjectives need/require/demand attention Let me know if you see anything that requires my attention. applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun article noun articulate adjective artificial adjective artist noun artistic adjective ascend verb ashamed adjective ask verb asleep adjective aspect noun assault noun assemble verb assess verb assessment noun asset noun assignment noun assistance noun assistant noun association noun assume verb assumption noun asylum noun atmosphere noun attack1 noun attack2 verb attain verb attempt noun attendance noun attention noun attitude noun attraction noun attractive adjective audience noun authentic adjective author noun authoritarian adjective authority noun authorization noun autumn noun available adjective avenue noun average1 noun average2 adjective avert verb avid adjective avoid verb awake adjective award1 noun award2 verb aware adjective awareness noun Other words and phrases attendance noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List attitude AC /ˈætətjuːd, ˈætɪtjuːd $ -tuːd/ noun your general opinions and feelings about something, often shown in your behaviour adjectives a positive/negative attitude A positive attitude is essential if you want to be successful in business. | Many teenagers have a very negative attitude towards housework. a different attitude Nowadays there is a very different attitude towards mental illness. sb's whole attitude As you get older, your whole attitude to life changes. general attitude His general attitude to our situation was unsympathetic. public attitude (=among ordinary people) There has been a shift in public attitudes to nuclear power. political attitude The researchers did a survey of political attitudes among young people. mental attitude There is a strong connection between health and mental attitude. a relaxed/tolerant/laid-back attitude On the island of Bali, there is a more relaxed attitude to life. a favourable attitude BrE a favorable attitude AmE (=having a good opinion of something or someone) Older people tend to have a favourable attitude to the police. a critical attitude (=showing you disagree with or disapprove of someone or something) People's attitude towards US foreign policy has become increasingly critical. an ambivalent attitude (=not sure if you approve of something) The public have a rather ambivalent attitude towards science. a patronizing/condescending attitude (=showing that you think you are more important or intelligent than someone) She didn't like his patronizing attitude towards women. an aggressive/hostile attitude Their attitude suddenly became more aggressive. a healthy attitude (=a good and sensible attitude) She now has a healthier attitude towards food and eating. a cavalier attitude (=very careless, especially about something serious or important) It was an indication of his cavalier attitude that he had not bothered to sign the contract. A good/bad attitude Someone who has a bad attitude behaves badly and does not seem interested in what they are doing: He is a lazy student with a bad attitude. Someone has a good attitude seems very interested in what they are doing and wants to do well: Greg is a great player with a lot of talent and a good attitude. verbs have/take/adopt an attitude Not everyone takes a positive attitude towards modern art. an attitude exists This attitude no longer exists in the church. sb's attitude changes As you get older, your attitude changes. sb's attitude hardens (=they feel less sympathy and they want to be stricter or firmer) People's attitudes towards sex offenders have hardened. change/influence attitudes We have got to change people's attitudes to the disease. prepositions sb's attitude to/towards sb/sth Their attitude to work is excellent. phrases people's attitudes People's attitudes to divorce have changed. sb has an attitude problem (=someone is not helpful or pleasant to be with) Some of the male students have a real attitude problem. an attitude of mind BrE (=a way of thinking) Being young is simply an attitude of mind. applause noun apple noun appliance noun applicable adjective application noun apply verb appointment noun appreciate verb appreciation noun approach1 noun approach2 verb approval noun approve verb approximately adverb architecture noun archive noun area noun argue verb argument noun arid adjective arise verb arm noun army noun aroma noun arrange verb arrangement noun arrest noun arrival noun arrive verb art noun article noun articulate adjective artificial adjective artist noun artistic adjective ascend verb ashamed adjective ask verb asleep adjective aspect noun assault noun assemble verb assess verb assessment noun asset noun assignment noun assistance noun assistant noun association noun assume verb assumption noun asylum noun atmosphere noun attack1 noun attack2 verb attain verb attempt noun attendance noun attention noun attitude noun attraction noun attractive adjective audience noun authentic adjective author noun authoritarian adjective authority noun authorization noun autumn noun available adjective avenue noun average1 noun average2 adjective avert verb avid adjective avoid verb awake adjective award1 noun award2 verb aware adjective awareness noun Other words and phrases attitude noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
abstract2 AC /ˈæbstrækt/ noun a written summary of an article or speech verbs write an abstract Write the abstract in a less formal style than the article itself. provide/submit an abstract Editors of journals will expect you to provide an abstract of the article. publish an abstract The magazine publishes abstracts of all the presidents' speeches to Congress. prepositions in sb's abstract In your abstract, you should outline the main points of the paper you have written.
admit /ədˈmɪt/ verb to agree that something is true, especially when you do not want to do this, or to say that you have done something wrong or illegal nouns admit the truth He knows his marriage is over, but he can't bring himself to admit the truth. admit your mistake Last night he admitted his mistake and offered a public apology. admit responsibility/blame A terrorist organization has admitted responsibility for the attack. admit guilt (=admit that you are guilty) The prisoner refused to admit guilt for what happened. admit liability (=legally admit that you are responsible and that you will pay money for the damage that has been caused) The company has admitted liability for the accident. admit defeat (=admit that you cannot succeed) The team refused to admit defeat. admit the possibility She finally admitted the possibility that she might have made a mistake. adverbs freely/openly/readily admit sth (=admit something without being ashamed) The star freely admits that he has made mistakes in the past. | Phillips openly admits to having an alcohol problem. grudgingly/reluctantly admit (=admit something when you do not want to) She grudgingly admitted that I was a better player than she was. verbs have to admit/be forced to admit sth In the end, she had to admit that she was wrong. | The government was forced to admit that its economic policy wasn't working. refuse to admit sth The company refused to admit that they had caused the problem. prepositions admit to sb He later admitted to me that he was lying. admit to (doing) sth People will not admit to illegal activities because they are afraid of being punished. phrases be willing/prepared/ready to admit sth The chairman said he was willing to admit that there had been some problems. be ashamed to admit sth David was ashamed to admit that he had lied to his parents. be reluctant/loath to admit sth (=not want to admit something) I'm loath to admit it, but you're probably right. be the first to admit sth (=used when saying that someone is very willing to admit something) I will be the first to admit that I have made mistakes in my life. I must admit/I have to admit spoken (=used when saying that you admit that something is true) I must admit, I had my doubts at first. I don't mind admitting sth I'm scared and I don't mind admitting it. I hate to admit it, but... spoken I hate to admit it, but her cake tastes better than mine. THESAURUS: admit to admit that something is true concede formal to admit something in a discussion or argument: 'You may be right,' Bridget conceded. | It was a decision which he now concedes was incorrect. acknowledge /əkˈnɒlɪdʒ/ formal to say that something is true or that a situation exists: The report acknowledges that research on animals is not always a reliable guide when it comes to humans. | They do not want to acknowledge the fact that things have changed. confess to admit something that you feel embarrassed or ashamed about: Bradley confessed that he struggled to finish the race. | I must confess I don't like his wife at all. Granted/I grant you formal spoken used when admitting that something is true, although you do not think it makes much difference to the main point. Granted is usually used at the beginning of a sentence, or on its own: She has a lot of experience, I grant you, but she's not good at managing people. | Granted the economic situation is improving, but unemployment is still too high. to admit you have done something wrong confess to tell the police or someone in authority that you have done something bad, especially when they have persuaded you to do this: He finally confessed that he had stolen the money. | The man confessed to the murder of Police Constable Cook. | Saunders confessed to the police that he was the person who carried out the robbery. | They told her that if she confessed, she would get a lighter sentence. own up to admit that you have done something wrong, usually something that is not very serious. Own up is more informal than admit or confess: He owned up to his mistake straight away. fess up informal to admit that you have done something wrong that is not very serious: Come on, fess up! Where were you last night? come clean informal to finally admit something bad that you have been trying to hide: They want the government to come clean on where all the money has gone.
advertisement /ədˈvɜːtəsmənt, ədˈvɜːtɪsmənt $ ˌædvərˈtaɪz-/ noun [C] a picture, set of words, or a short film, which is intended to persuade people to buy a product or use a service adjectives/nouns + advertisement a newspaper/magazine advertisement She saw a newspaper advertisement for a job in a design company. | I got the apartment through a newspaper advertisement. a television/radio advertisement When a television advertisement is shown in the evening, it might be seen by up to 10 million people. a job advertisement There are not many job advertisements in today's paper. | Jo was reading the job advertisements in the newspaper. a car/coffee etc advertisement The magazine is full of car advertisements. a lonely hearts advertisement (=by someone who is looking for a girlfriend or boyfriend) The couple met through a lonely hearts advertisement in one of the papers. a misleading advertisement (=making you believe something that is not true) There are lots of misleading advertisements for beauty products, which claim they will make you stay young forever. a full-page/half-page advertisement The company took out a full-page advertisement in the 'New York Times'. a pop-up advertisement (=one that suddenly appears on your computer screen when you are looking at a website) The software blocks unwanted pop-up advertisements. verbs see an advertisement I saw an advertisement for the exhibition on my way to work. answer an advertisement/reply to an advertisement He answered an advertisement in 'The Times'. publish an advertisement The newspaper refused to publish the advertisement. put/place an advertisement in a newspaper/magazine She placed an advertisement for a cleaner in the local newspaper. post an advertisement (=put an advertisement on a website) The agency has posted an advertisement on its website for graduates to work overseas. take out an advertisement (=arrange for an advertisement to appear in a newspaper or magazine) Their record company took out full-page advertisements in the music press to promote the album. run/carry an advertisement (=print or broadcast an advertisement) Broadcasters are no longer allowed to run cigarette advertisements. | The newspaper carried a full-page advertisement for the sale. an advertisement appears in sth The advertisement appeared in 'Newsweek' magazine. prepositions an advertisement in a newspaper/magazine Car advertisements in glossy magazines are aimed at men, not women. an advertisement on the television/the internet/a website I wish they didn't have all those annoying advertisements on the internet. an advertisement for sth I saw an advertisement for the course on a website. Don't say an advertisement about. THESAURUS: advertisement ad informal an advertisement: She's been in several TV ads. | Both sides in the election have spent heavily on television ads. advert BrE informal an advertisement: An employer might use a job advert to attract applicants. | He took out a front-page advert for his shop. | I saw the advert for the garden centre in the local paper. commercial an advertisement on television or radio: She starred in a glamorous TV commercial filmed in the Caribbean. | He was in some commercials for beer. | Each broadcast carries four 30-second commercials for products such as Pepsi. trailer an advertisement in the cinema, on television, or online for a film or programme which will be shown soon: A second trailer for Richard Friedman's film has just been added to the website. | The trailer for the drama series was nicely done. | Judging from movie trailers, there's no shortage of people who enjoy watching nonstop fires, car crashes, and explosions. promotion a series of advertisements for a company's products: The company has spent more than $300 million on promotions for the brand. | The promotion of alcoholic drinks is regulated by voluntary codes or by legislation. poster an advertisement on a wall: They selected a famous artist to do the poster for the upcoming performance. | The poster campaign for the film was crucial in fostering its box-office success. billboard also hoarding BrE a large sign next to a road, with an advertisement on it: billboard advertisements | The company has spent thousands of pounds on billboard advertising. | A huge hoarding shows two contrasting images. flyer a piece of paper with an advertisement on it, often given to you in the street: Someone was handing out flyers for a new nightclub. | He was standing outside the Students' Union building, handing out flyers for the concert. banner ad an advertisement across the top of a page on the internet: Part of the screen was taken up by a banner ad for NewsPage, a personalized internet news service. | If interested, users can click on a banner ad and be directly linked to the advertiser's website. | The sales figures don't include revenue from banner ads and subscriptions. junk mail unwanted advertisements that you get in the post: I never read junk mail. | A new code of practice is launched today to better protect consumers against junk mail and telephone marketing abuses. spam unwanted emails advertising things: I'm trying to delete all the spam. | It's annoying to find your inbox full of email spam. classified ad also small ad BrE want ad AmE a short advertisement that you put in a newspaper if you want to buy or sell something: The bike was advertised for sale in the small ads section. | He put a classified ad in the Evening News.
advice /ədˈvaɪs/ noun an opinion you give someone about what they should do adjectives good/excellent/useful/helpful advice The book is full of good advice. sound advice (=sensible) I thought that this was sound advice. bad/poor advice Financial advisers can be fined if they give bad advice to a client. advice is wrong Unfortunately all the advice they gave me was wrong. practical advice The programme aims to offer practical advice on healthy eating. detailed advice The website gives detailed advice about making bombs. professional/expert/specialist advice It's advisable to get professional advice before starting any building work. legal/medical/financial etc advice Good legal advice can be expensive. independent/impartial advice (=from someone who is not involved and will not get an advantage) The banks claim to offer independent financial advice. conflicting advice (=very different opinions about what you should do) I've asked several people, and they've all given me conflicting advice. verbs give sb some advice My father gave me some useful advice. | The scheme has given advice and training to scores of youngsters taking part. get some advice I decided to get some advice from a specialist. ask sb's advice Can I ask your advice about something? ask for advice If in doubt, always ask for advice. take/follow sb's advice also act on sb's advice formal (=do what someone advises you to do) He followed his doctor's advice and went on a low-fat diet. | The king acted on his advice and ordered his soldiers to get ready for battle. listen to sb's advice also heed sb's advice formal (=pay attention to someone's advice) I wish I had listened to her advice. ignore/disregard sb's advice (=not do what someone tells you) The accident happened because she ignored their advice. go/turn to sb for advice People often go to him for advice about their problems. seek advice (=try to get some advice) If you have any of these symptoms, you should seek urgent advice. offer advice They can offer advice to those who wish to quit drinking. pass on some advice (=give someone advice that you have learned or been given) Readers can pass on advice about gardening. nouns + advice career(s) advice We offer career advice and information for graduates. business advice Business advice from an expert is invaluable if you are starting a company. investment/tax advice The losses resulted from poor investment advice. advice + nouns an advice service They offer a 24-hour advice service to customers. an advice line Call our free 24-hour legal advice line on 0900 555555. an advice agency/centre Information on housing and welfare benefits is available from local advice agencies. an advice column (=in a newspaper or magazine) He writes a financial advice column in a national newspaper. prepositions advice on/about sth The nurse will give you some advice on diet and exercise. advice from sb You should seek professional advice from a lawyer. on sb's advice (=because someone has advised it) On his lawyer's advice, he pleaded guilty to the crime. against sb's advice (=ignoring someone's advice) Eva travelled to India against the advice of her doctor. phrases a piece of advice also a bit of advice informal Let me give you a piece of advice. a word of advice spoken (=used when advising someone what to do) A word of advice: look at the small print in the contract very carefully. THESAURUS: advice tip a simple but useful piece of advice about the best way to do something: There are some useful tips on healthy eating. recommendation advice about what to do, usually given by an expert or a group of people who have studied the matter: One of the major recommendations of the report was that banks should separate everyday banking from their investment banking activities. | The Committee made a series of recommendations for changes in the law on corruption. guidance helpful general advice, especially about what to do in your life, your work etc: Young people need guidance on dealing with this sort of problem. | She works as a careers guidance counsellor.
aggressive /əˈɡresɪv/ adjective behaving in an angry threatening way, as if you want to attack someone or have a big argument with them adverbs highly aggressive The man was behaving in a highly aggressive manner. openly aggressive (=in a way that is easy to notice) He was not openly aggressive, but I felt uncomfortable with him. increasingly aggressive The political candidates are becoming increasingly aggressive towards each other. overly aggressive (=too aggressive) In zoos, chimpanzees can become overly aggressive if they are bored. nouns aggressive behaviour BrE aggressive behavior AmE Aggressive behaviour is common among boys of his age. an aggressive attitude/approach/manner The interviewer seemed to have a very aggressive attitude. an aggressive stance/posture The union has taken an aggressive stance in the negotiations (=an aggressive position when dealing with another group or country). verbs become aggressive The man suddenly became aggressive and started shouting at me. prepositions aggressive to/towards sb Some dogs are aggressive towards children and are not good pets. | The country was frequently aggressive to its neighbours. You can use aggressive about people, animals, countries, and companies.
airline /ˈeəlaɪn $ ˈer-/ noun a company that takes passengers and goods to different places by plane adjectives/nouns + airline a big/major airline Several major airlines fly between London and New York. | The two companies will merge to form the world's biggest airline. the national/state airline KLM is the national airline of the Netherlands. a low-cost/budget/no-frills airline (=which has cheap flights) Low-cost airlines are offering tickets for as little as 20 euros. an international airline The airport is used mainly by international airlines. a domestic/regional airline The domestic airline has a good safety record. a commercial airline Last year, 1.6 billion passengers were carried by commercial airlines. verbs fly with an airline "Which airline are you flying with?" "British Airways." an airline flies somewhere The airline flies to Morocco twice a day. an airline operates somewhere The airline operates mainly between Florida and Puerto Rico. an airline carries people Last year, the airline carried over 2 million passengers. an airline serves a place (=the airline takes passengers there) The airline serves 164 destinations in over 75 countries. airline + nouns an airline company She worked as a pilot for a well-known airline company. the airline industry/business The airline industry faces a challenging time. an airline passenger Airline passengers face a 10 percent increase in air fares. an airline pilot Airline pilots are extremely well paid. an airline ticket He bought an airline ticket to the other side of the world. an airline reservation/booking He made his airline reservation online. an airline official An airline official announced that the flight would be delayed. abandon verb abbreviation noun ability noun abnormal adjective abort verb abortion noun abortive adjective about preposition absence noun absent adjective absolutely adverb absorbing adjective abstract1 adjective abstract2 noun abuse noun abysmal adjective academic adjective accelerator noun accent noun accept verb acceptable adjective access noun accident noun accidental adjective accommodation noun accomplish verb accomplished adjective account noun accuracy noun accurate adjective accusation noun accuse verb accustomed adjective achieve verb achievement noun acquaintance noun acquire verb act1 noun act2 verb action noun active adjective activity noun actor noun actress noun acute adjective adapt verb addict noun address noun adequate adjective adjourn verb adjust verb administration noun admiration noun admire verb admirer noun admission noun admit verb adolescent adjective adopt verb adult1 noun adult2 adjective advance noun advanced adjective advantage noun adventure noun adventurous adjective advertise verb advertisement noun advice noun advise verb affair noun affect verb affection noun affectionate adjective affluent adjective affordable adjective afraid adjective after preposition, conjunction, adverb afternoon noun again adverb age noun agenda noun aggression noun aggressive adjective agony noun agree verb agreeable adjective agreement noun aid noun aim noun air noun aircraft noun airline noun airport noun alarm noun alarm clock noun alarming adjective alcohol noun alibi noun alien adjective Other words and phrases airline noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
ability /əˈbɪləti, əˈbɪlɪti/ noun someone's level of skill at doing something adjectives great/considerable ability He was a young man of great ability. | These drawings required considerable ability on the part of the artist. remarkable/outstanding/exceptional ability a writer of remarkable ability | The company aims to select people of outstanding ability. | his exceptional ability as a swimmer high/low/average ability a group of low ability pupils | Many of these students are of above average ability. | Children of high ability demand more absorbing tasks. mixed ability (=with students who have different levels of ability) It can be difficult to teach a mixed ability class. natural ability also innate ability formal (=one that you are born with) The human body has a natural ability to fight infection. | Babies have an innate ability to do simple maths. physical/athletic ability He has considerable athletic ability. mental ability The exercises are supposed to help you improve your mental ability. intellectual/academic ability No one doubts his intellectual abilities. | A degree is evidence of your academic ability in a particular subject area. mathematical ability These students have a higher level of mathematical ability. artistic/creative/musical ability You do not need to have any artistic ability to do the course. | Johann showed great musical ability at an early age. acting ability Her acting abilities were obvious straightaway. verbal/linguistic ability (=language skills) The test is intended to measure the children's linguistic ability. an uncanny ability (=one that is unusual and difficult to explain) He has an uncanny ability for spotting investment opportunities. a unique/rare ability The princess showed a unique ability to relate to ordinary people. proven ability (=that you have proved through your achievements) Companies often value the proven ability and reliability of older employees. verbs have the ability to do sth also possess the ability to do sth formal She has the ability to make people feel relaxed. develop/acquire an ability to do sth Students are encouraged to develop an ability to work independently. show/demonstrate the ability to do sth Jones quickly demonstrated his ability to score goals. lack the ability to do sth As a young man, he lacked the ability to communicate his feelings. lose the ability to do sth Roger lost the ability to walk following a horrific accident. affect sb's ability to do sth The noise was affecting her ability to concentrate. limit/reduce sb's ability to do sth He has a medical condition which limits his ability to work. improve/increase sb's ability to do sth Surely anything which improves your ability to learn is a good thing. prepositions ability in sth Applicants for the job need to demonstrate an ability in English. ability as sth She thought they were criticizing her ability as a mother. phrases sb's level of ability/ability level The children were of the same age and ability level. a range of ability/ability range There is a wide range of ability within the class. | Disruptive behaviour is more prominent in the lower ability range. a test of ability/ability test Examinations are not always a good test of ability. | The class was given a verbal ability test. an ability group (=a group that students are taught in, based on their level of ability) Children are divided into different ability groups. play/perform/do sth to the best of your ability (=as well as you can) Players must perform to the best of their ability every week.
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List alarm clock / əˈlɑːm klɒk/ noun a clock that makes a noise at a particular time to wake you up verbs an alarm clock goes off/rings (=it starts making a noise) I was late for work because my alarm clock didn't go off. set the alarm clock He set the alarm clock for 7 a.m. Don't say He put the alarm clock for 7 a.m. switch off/turn off the alarm clock She reached over and turned off the alarm clock. be woken (up) by the alarm clock We were woken up by the alarm clock. In everyday English, you often just say the alarm, instead of the alarm clock: The alarm didn't go off. abandon verb abbreviation noun ability noun abnormal adjective abort verb abortion noun abortive adjective about preposition absence noun absent adjective absolutely adverb absorbing adjective abstract1 adjective abstract2 noun abuse noun abysmal adjective academic adjective accelerator noun accent noun accept verb acceptable adjective access noun accident noun accidental adjective accommodation noun accomplish verb accomplished adjective account noun accuracy noun accurate adjective accusation noun accuse verb accustomed adjective achieve verb achievement noun acquaintance noun acquire verb act1 noun act2 verb action noun active adjective activity noun actor noun actress noun acute adjective adapt verb addict noun address noun adequate adjective adjourn verb adjust verb administration noun admiration noun admire verb admirer noun admission noun admit verb adolescent adjective adopt verb adult1 noun adult2 adjective advance noun advanced adjective advantage noun adventure noun adventurous adjective advertise verb advertisement noun advice noun advise verb affair noun affect verb affection noun affectionate adjective affluent adjective affordable adjective afraid adjective after preposition, conjunction, adverb afternoon noun again adverb age noun agenda noun aggression noun aggressive adjective agony noun agree verb agreeable adjective agreement noun aid noun aim noun air noun aircraft noun airline noun airport noun alarm noun alarm clock noun alarming adjective alcohol noun alibi noun alien adjective alive adjective allegation noun allergic adjective allergy noun alleviate verb alliance noun allocate verb allow verb ally noun almost adverb alone adjective, adverb alter verb alteration noun alternate verb alternative1 noun alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective Other words and phrases alarm clock noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List alibi /ˈæləbaɪ, ˈælɪbaɪ/ noun something that proves that someone was not where a crime happened and therefore could not have done it adjectives a good/solid/firm alibi The man was questioned by police and seemed to have a good alibi. a cast-iron/unshakeable/airtight/watertight alibi (=one that is completely certain) He has a cast-iron alibi - he was in hospital having an operation. the perfect alibi It seemed that she had the perfect alibi, and that she would never be punished. a false/fake alibi He paid a friend £20,000 to give him a false alibi. verbs have an alibi He had an alibi - his wife said she was with him all evening. give/provide an alibi The suspect was unable to provide an alibi for the night when the crime was committed. check sb's alibi The officers began interviewing people and checking their alibis. establish an alibi If he is to prove his innocence, he needs to establish an alibi. prepositions an alibi for sth Richards has an alibi for the time of the murder. abandon verb abbreviation noun ability noun abnormal adjective abort verb abortion noun abortive adjective about preposition absence noun absent adjective absolutely adverb absorbing adjective abstract1 adjective abstract2 noun abuse noun abysmal adjective academic adjective accelerator noun accent noun accept verb acceptable adjective access noun accident noun accidental adjective accommodation noun accomplish verb accomplished adjective account noun accuracy noun accurate adjective accusation noun accuse verb accustomed adjective achieve verb achievement noun acquaintance noun acquire verb act1 noun act2 verb action noun active adjective activity noun actor noun actress noun acute adjective adapt verb addict noun address noun adequate adjective adjourn verb adjust verb administration noun admiration noun admire verb admirer noun admission noun admit verb adolescent adjective adopt verb adult1 noun adult2 adjective advance noun advanced adjective advantage noun adventure noun adventurous adjective advertise verb advertisement noun advice noun advise verb affair noun affect verb affection noun affectionate adjective affluent adjective affordable adjective afraid adjective after preposition, conjunction, adverb afternoon noun again adverb age noun agenda noun aggression noun aggressive adjective agony noun agree verb agreeable adjective agreement noun aid noun aim noun air noun aircraft noun airline noun airport noun alarm noun alarm clock noun alarming adjective alcohol noun alibi noun alien adjective alive adjective allegation noun allergic adjective allergy noun alleviate verb alliance noun allocate verb allow verb ally noun almost adverb alone adjective, adverb alter verb alteration noun alternate verb alternative1 noun alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective Other words and phrases alibi noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List allergic /əˈlɜːdʒɪk $ -ɜːr-/ adjective if you are allergic to something, it makes you feel ill or makes your skin become red when you eat it or touch it nouns an allergic reaction Her son suffered an allergic reaction to something he'd eaten. an allergic rash (=your skin becomes red and painful) She gets an allergic rash when she wears earrings that are not made of pure gold. an allergic symptom The allergic symptoms disappeared when he changed his diet. nouns allergic to sth Some children are allergic to nuts. age noun agenda noun aggression noun aggressive adjective agony noun agree verb agreeable adjective agreement noun aid noun aim noun air noun aircraft noun airline noun airport noun alarm noun alarm clock noun alarming adjective alcohol noun alibi noun alien adjective alive adjective allegation noun allergic adjective allergy noun alleviate verb alliance noun allocate verb allow verb ally noun almost adverb alone adjective, adverb alter verb alteration noun alternate verb alternative1 noun alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective Other words and phrases allergic adjective Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List allergy /ˈælədʒi $ -ər-/ noun a medical condition that makes you ill when you eat, touch, or breathe a particular thing verbs have an allergy (to sth) She has an allergy to nuts. suffer from an allergy Only a small number of people suffer from this type of allergy. cause an allergy Some food colourings can cause allergies. nouns + allergy a food allergy Food allergies are becoming more common in young children. a peanut/milk allergy Peanut allergies can be very serious. a skin allergy (=which makes your skin feel painful or uncomfortable) Perfumes can cause skin allergies. allergy + nouns an allergy test The doctor sent her to a specialist to have an allergy test. an allergy sufferer The drug is used to treat allergy sufferers. THESAURUS: allergy hay fever an allergy to pollen (=powder produced by flowers), which makes your eyes and nose feel uncomfortable: I always get hay fever in the summer. | He suffers from hay fever and he has to take special tablets. intolerance technical food intolerance | lactose intolerance | glucose intolerance | gluten intolerance if you have an intolerance to a particular type of food, you cannot eat or drink it because it makes you ill: Food intolerances can begin at any time of life. | She suffers from lactose intolerance and she cannot eat dairy products (=she has an allergy to milk). | He has an intolerance to wheat. age noun agenda noun aggression noun aggressive adjective agony noun agree verb agreeable adjective agreement noun aid noun aim noun air noun aircraft noun airline noun airport noun alarm noun alarm clock noun alarming adjective alcohol noun alibi noun alien adjective alive adjective allegation noun allergic adjective allergy noun alleviate verb alliance noun allocate verb allow verb ally noun almost adverb alone adjective, adverb alter verb alteration noun alternate verb alternative1 noun alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective Other words and phrases allergy noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List ally /ˈælaɪ $ ˈælaɪ, əˈlaɪ/ noun a person or country that helps and supports another person or country adjectives a close ally Britain is a close ally of the United States. an old ally (=allies for a long time) The two leaders are old allies. a former ally Mr Rutskoi is a former ally of the president. a political ally The senator is a close friend and political ally of the president. an important/key ally He lost the support of one of his most important allies. sb's main ally Beijing, North Korea's main ally, is being put under pressure by the US. a powerful ally The prince has some powerful allies who he can ask for help. a great ally The two countries were once great allies. a staunch ally (=a very loyal ally) The congresswoman is normally a staunch ally of the administration. a European/Western ally Germany's European allies refused to agree to the plan. a natural ally The two parties are natural allies. verbs win/gain an ally He is hoping that he can win new allies by offering to cut taxes. find an ally in sb/sth General de Gaulle found an ally in Konrad Adenauer. lose an ally The party risks losing some of its closest allies. phrases a friend and ally She has been a close friend and ally of the president for many years. age noun agenda noun aggression noun aggressive adjective agony noun agree verb agreeable adjective agreement noun aid noun aim noun air noun aircraft noun airline noun airport noun alarm noun alarm clock noun alarming adjective alcohol noun alibi noun alien adjective alive adjective allegation noun allergic adjective allergy noun alleviate verb alliance noun allocate verb allow verb ally noun almost adverb alone adjective, adverb alter verb alteration noun alternate verb alternative1 noun alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective Other words and phrases ally noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List alone /əˈləʊn $ əˈloʊn/ adjective, adverb [not before noun] 1. without anyone with you verbs live/die alone Many old people live alone. eat/dine alone I had to eat alone. travel alone Some people prefer to travel alone. phrases all alone/completely alone She was sitting there all alone. | I was completely alone in the house. 2. without any help from other people, or without anyone there with you verbs sb acted alone Police believe the killer acted alone. do sth alone She felt she could not do it alone. phrases all alone He was left to raise their two children all alone. THESAURUS: alone on your own/by yourself without help from anyone else - on your own and by yourself are much more commonly used in this meaning than alone: I can't move the bed on my own. | See if you can work out the answer by yourself. | Did you paint this picture all on your own? | It's not fair that she does everything all by herself. independently without asking for help or advice from anyone: Students are taught to work independently. | One day she will have to live independently without the support of her family. unaided without the help of anyone or anything - used especially about people who are very weak, ill etc: He is unable to breathe unaided. | After treatment, he was able to go up and down stairs unaided. single-handedly doing something difficult or impressive without help from anyone else: She single-handedly reformed the entire system. solo by one person, not a group: Lindbergh's solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean | She is planning to release a solo album. | He sang and played the song solo. lone doing something alone. Used especially in the following phrases: Police say the attack was carried out by a lone gunman. | The government should do more to help lone parents (=who raise a child alone). self-made a self-made man or woman has become very rich or successful without help from anyone else: Like most self-made men, he was extremely self-confident. age noun agenda noun aggression noun aggressive adjective agony noun agree verb agreeable adjective agreement noun aid noun aim noun air noun aircraft noun airline noun airport noun alarm noun alarm clock noun alarming adjective alcohol noun alibi noun alien adjective alive adjective allegation noun allergic adjective allergy noun alleviate verb alliance noun allocate verb allow verb ally noun almost adverb alone adjective, adverb alter verb alteration noun alternate verb alternative1 noun alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective Other words and phrases alone adjective, adverb Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List alter AC /ˈɔːltə $ ˈɒːltər/ verb to change, or to make something change adverbs alter (sth) slightly/a little His face altered slightly when he saw me. alter (sth) completely This event completely altered his career. alter (sth) dramatically (=a lot in a surprising way) The situation has altered dramatically. alter (sth) considerably People's tastes in food have altered considerably in recent years. alter (sth) radically/fundamentally (=completely) His doctor told him that he would have to radically alter his diet. alter (sth) drastically (=in an extreme and sudden way) The accident drastically altered her life. alter (sth) significantly/substantially (=in a very noticeable way) Property prices did not alter significantly through the year. phrases sth does not alter the fact that... Even if some savings can be made, this does not alter the fact that the total cost will still be high. THESAURUS: alter → change1 (1) → change1 (2) age noun agenda noun aggression noun aggressive adjective agony noun agree verb agreeable adjective agreement noun aid noun aim noun air noun aircraft noun airline noun airport noun alarm noun alarm clock noun alarming adjective alcohol noun alibi noun alien adjective alive adjective allegation noun allergic adjective allergy noun alleviate verb alliance noun allocate verb allow verb ally noun almost adverb alone adjective, adverb alter verb alteration noun alternate verb alternative1 noun alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective Other words and phrases alter verb Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List alteration AC /ˌɔːltəˈreɪʃən $ ˌɒːl-/ noun a change, especially a small one adjectives a slight/minor/small alteration The editor made a few minor alterations to the text. a major/significant alteration The last major alteration to the law was made in 2009. | Farming techniques have undergone significant alterations in the last 50 years. extensive/radical alteration (=one that has a big effect) The system is in need of radical alteration. a structural alteration Planning permission is required if you want to make any structural alterations to the building. Don't say a big alteration. Say a major alteration or a significant alteration. verbs make an alteration He made a few alterations to his speech. carry out an alteration (=make an alteration - used about big changes to buildings and designs) The alterations were carried out by a firm of local builders. need/require some alterations The software requires one or two alterations to improve its performance. undergo some alterations (=have some alterations - more formal) The building has undergone several alterations during its long history. prepositions an alteration to sth We need to make a few alterations to the dress before it is ready to wear. an alteration in sth Have you noticed any alteration in his behaviour recently? THESAURUS: alteration → change2 age noun agenda noun aggression noun aggressive adjective agony noun agree verb agreeable adjective agreement noun aid noun aim noun air noun aircraft noun airline noun airport noun alarm noun alarm clock noun alarming adjective alcohol noun alibi noun alien adjective alive adjective allegation noun allergic adjective allergy noun alleviate verb alliance noun allocate verb allow verb ally noun almost adverb alone adjective, adverb alter verb alteration noun alternate verb alternative1 noun alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun ancient adjective anger noun angle noun angry adjective animal noun animate adjective Other words and phrases alter verb Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List alternative1 AC noun something you can choose to do or use instead of something else adjectives a good/attractive alternative If you don't want curtains, blinds are a good alternative. a possible/acceptable/satisfactory alternative I'm busy tomorrow but Wednesday is a possible alternative. a cheap alternative Plastic is a cheap alternative to wood. a practical/effective alternative This treatment represents a practical alternative to surgery. the only alternative If this doesn't work, the only alternative is to buy a new battery. a real/serious alternative Do you think that wind power is a real alternative to other sources of energy? a viable alternative (=one that will work because it is as good as something else) They want to make public transport a viable alternative for car owners. a clear/obvious alternative It's not an ideal solution, but there is no obvious alternative. a safe alternative Will there ever be a safe alternative to nuclear power? a healthy alternative Low-fat cookies are a healthy alternative to cake. verbs have an alternative We don't have to stay here - we have alternatives. suggest/provide/offer an alternative I'd like to suggest some alternatives. | He said that his party offered an alternative. seek/look for an alternative People are seeking alternatives to meat-based dishes. consider/look at the alternatives We have carefully considered all the alternatives. find an alternative The aim of the research is to find alternatives to oil and natural gas. an alternative exists No real alternative exists. prepositions an alternative to sth We need more alternatives to imprisonment. phrases have no/little alternative (but to do sth) He had no alternative but to resign. leave sb with no alternative (but to do sth) I was left with no alternative but to seek legal advice. alarm noun alarm clock noun alarming adjective alcohol noun alibi noun alien adjective alive adjective allegation noun allergic adjective allergy noun alleviate verb alliance noun allocate verb allow verb ally noun almost adverb alone adjective, adverb alter verb alteration noun alternate verb alternative1 noun alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun Other words and phrases alternative1 noun alternative2 adjective Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List alternative2 AC /ɔːlˈtɜːnətɪv $ ɒːlˈtɜːr-, æl-/ adjective 1. different and able to be used instead of something else alternative + nouns an alternative way/approach/method Maybe there is an alternative way of dealing with the problem. an alternative idea/suggestion/proposal She put forward an alternative suggestion which would cost less money. an alternative explanation/interpretation I can't think of any alternative explanation. an alternative solution The engineers quickly came up with an alternative solution. an alternative route There is an alternative route which avoids all the traffic. alternative arrangements Our flight was cancelled so we had to make alternative arrangements. an alternative source of sth He needs to find an alternative source of income. alternative employment When the department closed, staff were offered alternative employment within the company. 2. different from the normal or traditional type of thing alternative + nouns alternative medicine/treatment/therapies Various forms of alternative medicine, including acupuncture, may bring pain relief. alternative music/theatre/comedy The festival is aimed at fans of alternative music. alternative energy sources The need for alternative energy sources such as wind and solar power is now greater than ever. alternative lifestyles In the 1960s, many young people experimented with alternative lifestyles. an alternative view The book provides an alternative view of the causes of poverty in the developing world. alarm noun alarm clock noun alarming adjective alcohol noun alibi noun alien adjective alive adjective allegation noun allergic adjective allergy noun alleviate verb alliance noun allocate verb allow verb ally noun almost adverb alone adjective, adverb alter verb alteration noun alternate verb alternative1 noun alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun Other words and phrases alternative1 noun alternative2 adjective Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List always /ˈɔːlwəz, ˈɔːlwɪz, -weɪz $ ˈɒːl-/ adverb all the time, at all times, or every time: Always lock your bicycle. She'd always assumed that Gabriel was a girl's name. He hadn't always been a butler. THESAURUS: always forever also for ever BrE if something lasts or continues forever, it remains or continues for all future time: Nothing lasts forever. | He seemed to think he would live forever. permanently always, or for a very long time - used about changes that you expect to last forever. Permanently can be used with a verb or with an adjective: His eyesight may be permanently damaged. | They decided to move to Portugal permanently. | The soldiers were left permanently disabled. for life for the rest of your life: He was sent to prison for life. | Marriage is supposed to be for life. | Remarks like that can affect someone for life. for good especially spoken forever - used to talk about a permanent change: This time, he's coming back for good. | Once a species dies out, it is gone for good. for all time forever - used when saying that something will last or be remembered forever because it is very good or special: Their deeds will be remembered for all time. to/until your dying day for the rest of your life - used when something has affected you very deeply: I'll remember what he said to my dying day. alarm noun alarm clock noun alarming adjective alcohol noun alibi noun alien adjective alive adjective allegation noun allergic adjective allergy noun alleviate verb alliance noun allocate verb allow verb ally noun almost adverb alone adjective, adverb alter verb alteration noun alternate verb alternative1 noun alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun Other words and phrases always adverb Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List amazed /əˈmeɪzd/ adjective very surprised adverbs absolutely/totally/utterly amazed Her parents were absolutely amazed when they saw the change in her. always/constantly/continually amazed I'm always amazed by how much food gets wasted. Don't say very amazed. Say absolutely amazed. verbs look/seem amazed His friends all looked amazed when they saw him. continue to be amazed/never cease to be amazed I never cease to be amazed by the amount of money she spends on clothes. | I continue to be amazed at how fast technology changes. prepositions amazed at sth The doctors were amazed at how quickly he recovered from his illness. amazed by sth She was amazed by the news. alarm noun alarm clock noun alarming adjective alcohol noun alibi noun alien adjective alive adjective allegation noun allergic adjective allergy noun alleviate verb alliance noun allocate verb allow verb ally noun almost adverb alone adjective, adverb alter verb alteration noun alternate verb alternative1 noun alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun Other words and phrases amazed adjective Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List amazement /əˈmeɪzmənt/ noun a feeling of great surprise phrases look at/stare at/watch sb in amazement His friends all stared at him in amazement when told them how much he had won. shake your head in amazement "Wow!" said Jack, shaking his head in amazement. whistle in amazement Joe whistled in amazement when Bill told him about the monster fish he had caught. sb's eyes widen in amazement (=they look very surprised) Her eyes widened in amazement. "You did what?" a look of amazement I'll never forget the look of amazement on his face when I told him my news. a cry/gasp of amazement There were cries of amazement when she brought in the birthday cake. a constant source of amazement (=something that continues to surprise someone) That boy is a constant source of amazement to me! adjectives complete/utter/sheer amazement To his utter amazement, his application was accepted. genuine amazement "Have you read all those books?" she said with genuine amazement. mock amazement (=amazement that is pretended, not real) He stopped in mock amazement at the sight of her standing there in the kitchen doing nothing. shocked amazement She continued reading his diary with shocked amazement. wide-eyed amazement (=such great surprise that your eyes are wide open) His features took on a look of wide-eyed amazement. dumb amazement (=such great surprise that you cannot speak) We all stared at each other in dumb amazement. verbs express (your) amazement He expressed amazement at the number of people who had come to help. prepositions in amazement "How did you get here?" she asked in amazement. with amazement I listened with amazement to his story. to sb's amazement To my amazement, he burst into tears. amazement at sth Peter was unable to hide his amazement at how Carla was dressed. alarm noun alarm clock noun alarming adjective alcohol noun alibi noun alien adjective alive adjective allegation noun allergic adjective allergy noun alleviate verb alliance noun allocate verb allow verb ally noun almost adverb alone adjective, adverb alter verb alteration noun alternate verb alternative1 noun alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun Other words and phrases amazement noun Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
Home My account Help Logout Collocations Study Centre Academic Collocations List ambiguous AC /æmˈbɪɡjuəs/ adjective if something is ambiguous, it is confusing, especially because it can be understood in two very different ways adverbs highly/very ambiguous The book's title 'Closing Time' is highly ambiguous. somewhat/rather/slightly ambiguous The law is somewhat ambiguous about this issue. deliberately ambiguous The film has a deliberately ambiguous ending. potentially ambiguous (=could be ambiguous) Reword any sentences that are potentially ambiguous. morally ambiguous It is a morally ambiguous story about a man who takes revenge for the killing of his wife. sexually ambiguous (=you cannot be sure whether someone is a man or a woman) Many pop stars were sexually ambiguous figures who wore outrageous costumes. nouns an ambiguous word/term/phrase 'Different' is an ambiguous word - it can be used to praise or to criticize. ambiguous language The language in the minister's statement is highly ambiguous. an ambiguous sentence/statement/message His statement was ambiguous and I wasn't sure what he meant. an ambiguous concept 'Privacy' is an ambiguous concept. an ambiguous position/role His role in the affair is ambiguous. | I feel that stepmothers have an ambiguous position within a family. an ambiguous relationship The main character has an ambiguous relationship with a young Chinese woman - are they friends, lovers, or enemies? an ambiguous figure The god Pan is an ambiguous figure in Greek mythology - sometimes playful, sometimes frightening. the ambiguous nature of sth The ambiguous nature of the question made it hard to answer. an ambiguous status He writes about the ambiguous status of photography as an art form. verbs leave sth ambiguous The ending of the story is left deliberately ambiguous. remain ambiguous The reasons behind his decision remain ambiguous. make sth ambiguous also render sth ambiguous formal Her meaning is made ambiguous by her use of poetic language. alarm noun alarm clock noun alarming adjective alcohol noun alibi noun alien adjective alive adjective allegation noun allergic adjective allergy noun alleviate verb alliance noun allocate verb allow verb ally noun almost adverb alone adjective, adverb alter verb alteration noun alternate verb alternative1 noun alternative2 adjective always adverb amazed adjective amazement noun amazing adjective ambiguous adjective ambition noun ambitious adjective ambulance noun ambush noun amendment noun amiable adjective amount noun ample determiner amused adjective amusement noun amusing adjective analogy noun analyse verb analysis noun Other words and phrases ambiguous adjective Pearson Longman | Terms | Privacy | Cookie Policy | © Pearson Education Ltd. 2013
abandon AC /əˈbændən/ verb 1. to leave someone or something completely nouns abandon a car/ship The thieves abandoned the car when it ran out of fuel. | The captain gave the order to abandon ship. abandon a building We had to abandon the building when the roof began to collapse. abandon a child/family The child was found abandoned outside a hospital. | He abandoned his family and went to live with another woman. adverbs quickly/hastily abandon sb/sth They had to hastily abandon the ship when it started sinking. largely/virtually abandon sb/sth (=almost completely) Her family had largely abandoned her, and she only saw her son occasionally. temporarily abandon sb/sth (=for a short time) Residents were forced to temporarily abandon their homes due to a flood warning. verbs be forced to abandon sth Guests were forced to abandon the hotel because of the fire. have to abandon sth The soldiers had to abandon the tanks which had become bogged down in the mud. phrases abandon sb to their fate (=leave someone in a bad situation with no one to help them) The wounded soldier had been abandoned to his fate. 2. to decide not to do something because you are unlikely to succeed nouns abandon an attempt/effort Poor weather forced them to abandon their attempt to climb the mountain. abandon a search When night fell, the police decided to abandon their search for the missing boy. abandon a plan/policy Because of the rain, we abandoned our plan to go for a walk. | The government was forced to abandon its economic policies. abandon a project The research project had to be abandoned due to a lack of funds. abandon an idea Helen abandoned the idea of becoming a doctor, and studied law instead. abandon a decision He showed no sign of abandoning his decision to earn a living as a writer. abandon your principles The party was accused of abandoning its principles in order to win votes. abandon hope She never abandoned hope of seeing him again. adverbs abandon sth altogether/completely/totally They abandoned their plans to start up a business altogether. largely/virtually abandon sth (=almost completely) She appeared in a few films in the 1990s, but has largely abandoned her acting career. finally/eventually abandon sth The police finally abandoned their hunt for the man when all sign of him had disappeared. never abandon sth He never abandoned his ambition to rule the country. temporarily abandon sth (=for a short time) The rescue attempt was temporarily abandoned until the weather improved. verbs be forced to abandon sth Severe storms forced them to abandon the expedition. have to abandon sth He had to abandon the idea of travelling to Italy on account of his ill health. phrases abandon sth in favour of sth else (=use something else instead) The original plan was abandoned in favour of a cheaper one.
abbreviation /əˌbriːviˈeɪʃən/ noun a group of letters used as a short way of saying or writing a word or group of words verbs use an abbreviation People often use the abbreviation 'US' instead of saying the 'United States'. adjectives a written abbreviation 'BTW' is a written abbreviation which means 'by the way'. a common abbreviation At the back of the book there is a list of common abbreviations used in English. the standard abbreviation The standard abbreviation for 'for example' is 'e.g.'. prepositions the abbreviation for/of sth 'PC' is the abbreviation for 'personal computer'. | 'Dr' is the abbreviation of 'Doctor'. phrases an abbreviation is short for sth The abbreviation 'WHO' is short for 'World Health Organization'. an abbreviation stands for sth The abbreviation 'mph' stands for 'miles per hour'.
abortion /əˈbɔːʃən $ əˈbɔːr-/ noun a medical operation to end a pregnancy so that the baby is not born alive, or these operations in general verbs have an abortion She had an abortion when she was 16. carry out/perform an abortion Doctors have a legal right to refuse to carry out an abortion. legalize abortion In 1973, the Supreme Court took the decision to legalize abortion. ban abortion They want to ban abortion because it is against their religion. oppose/be against abortion The Catholic Church fiercely opposes abortion. adjectives an illegal abortion Doctors performing illegal abortions and their assistants would have faced up to two years in prison. a backstreet abortion (=a secret illegal abortion) Many young women died after having backstreet abortions. a late-term abortion (=an abortion at a late stage in pregnancy) The law bans certain types of late-term abortion. abortion + nouns an abortion clinic A group of protesters were standing outside the abortion clinic. the abortion law They want the abortion laws to be changed. phrases abortion on demand (=the right to have an abortion if you want one) Many women see no wrong in abortion on demand. anti-abortion Anti-abortion activists have organized a protest march. People who oppose abortion call themselves pro-life. People who support abortion call themselves pro-choice.
about /əˈbaʊt/ preposition concerning or relating to a particular subject: I'm reading a book about American politics. He lied about his age in order to get into the army. phrases all about sth (=all the details relating to something) Naturally, my mother wanted to know all about what I was doing. It's about... spoken (=used when saying why you wanted to talk to someone) It's about Tommy. He's been sick again. About that... spoken (=used when you want to ask someone about something) About that car of yours. How much are you selling it for? sb said something about... spoken She said something about meeting a friend in town. THESAURUS: about on about a particular subject: a book on English grammar | a report on poverty in rural areas concerning/regarding formal about: Prince Saiid answered questions concerning Kuwait's future. | The report raises a number of questions regarding food safety. with regard to formal about - used especially when you want to start talking or writing about something: Dear Sir, I'm writing with regard to your advertisement in The Times. re used in business letters and in emails to introduce the subject that you are going to write about: Re: Friday's meeting
absence /ˈæbsəns/ noun 1. a situation in which someone is not at their school, office, a meeting etc adjectives a long absence Henry returned to school after a long absence. a lengthy/prolonged absence (=unusually long) Her prolonged absences were causing concern among her colleagues. a brief/short absence He had a brief absence from work after his first child was born. a temporary absence No one noticed her temporary absence from the meeting. frequent absences His job involves frequent absences from home. repeated absences Ian's repeated absences from work got him into trouble with his boss. a continued absence They became concerned about Helen's continued absence from school. an enforced absence formal (=caused by something you cannot control) Williams' enforced absence due to injury caused problems for the team. an unexplained absence (=without giving a reason) They had no choice but to sack him after his unexplained absences from the factory. an unauthorized absence formal (=one without permission) It was counted as an unauthorized absence because he had not informed his manager. verbs explain your absence He explained his absence from class by saying that he had not been feeling well. apologize for your absence Jim apologized for his absence from last week's meeting. nouns + absence sickness absence Employers are looking at ways of reducing sickness absence. prepositions absence from school/work etc His absence from work was due to illness. during/in sb's absence During my absence, Sally Greene will be in charge of the office. phrases a week's/month's absence After several weeks' absence, he returned home. a period of absence Workers receive sick pay for each period of absence caused by illness. a reason/explanation for your absence His explanation for his absence was not very convincing. be conspicuous by your absence (=be absent from somewhere, in a way that seems very noticeable) The US ambassador was conspicuous by her absence at the conference. 2. a situation in which someone or something does not exist adjectives a complete/total absence of sth There was a complete absence of windows and very little light entered the room. a virtual absence of sth (=almost none) There is still a virtual absence of female employees. a relative/comparative absence of sth There is a relative absence of trees in this city. a notable/conspicuous/marked absence of sth (=very noticeable) Despite a conspicuous absence of information to support his theories, many people accepted them as being true. prepositions an absence of sth An absence of clean water has meant that the disease is very common in this part of the world. in the absence of sth In the absence of any other evidence, they assumed that the man was innocent. Absence or lack? In many sentences, you can use lack instead of absence. For example you can say a lack of information or an absence of information. Absence sounds more formal than lack. Absence is also stronger - it usually means there is none at all, whereas lack means there is not enough of something.
abstract1 AC /ˈæbstrækt/ adjective 1. based on ideas rather than specific examples or real events abstract + nouns an abstract idea/concept/principle Children gradually learn the words they need to deal with abstract ideas such as time. abstract thought Do you think animals are capable of abstract thought? abstract theory The course will cover not only abstract theory, but also includes practical work. the abstract quality/nature of sth The highly abstract nature of the theory makes it difficult to understand. adverbs highly abstract People often regard philosophy as a highly abstract subject. phrases in abstract terms We've discussed the subject in abstract terms, but haven't made any concrete suggestions. 2. abstract art consists of shapes and patterns that do not look like things or people abstract + nouns abstract art The gallery is holding an exhibition of abstract art. an abstract painting/picture The room was decorated with brightly coloured abstract paintings. an abstract pattern/design The wallpaper comes in various abstract designs. an abstract artist/painter Miró was famous as an abstract artist. adverbs purely abstract (=only abstract) The artist's work became more purely abstract in later years.
abuse /əˈbjuːs/ noun 1. rude, offensive, or cruel words adjectives racial/racist abuse Some of the children had experienced racial abuse at school. verbs shout/scream/hurl abuse The other driver started hurling abuse at me (=shouting abuse). shower sb with abuse/heap abuse on sb (=give someone a lot of abuse) Workers who refused to join the strike were showered with abuse. | Those who did not like him heaped abuse and scorn on him. phrases a term of abuse (=an offensive word or phrase) In Australia, 'Pom' is a term of abuse for someone from the UK. a torrent/stream of abuse (=a lot of offensive words) When I disagreed, he directed a stream of abuse at me. a target for/of abuse Williams became a target for abuse when he failed to stop the opposing team's winning goal. 2. cruel, violent, or unfair treatment of someone adjectives physical abuse He experienced physical abuse when he was a child. verbal abuse I was subjected to verbal abuse on many occasions. domestic abuse (=abuse inside the home) Doctors see evidence of domestic abuse when women are treated for bruises and broken bones. sexual abuse In his book, he revealed that he was a victim of sexual abuse as a teenager. emotional/psychological abuse Constant criticism can be a form of emotional abuse. verbs suffer/experience/endure abuse Women who suffer abuse may still be unwilling to leave their violent husbands. be subjected to abuse (=be made to suffer abuse by someone) He was subjected to constant abuse by his older brother. nouns + abuse child abuse The man was arrested for child abuse. wife abuse Wife abuse is more common than people imagine. elder abuse (=of old people) Cases of elder abuse have increased as more people live to an advanced age. phrases a victim of abuse Children who have been victims of abuse sometimes grow up to be abusers themselves. 3. the use of something in a way that it should not be used nouns + abuse drug/alcohol abuse Drug and alcohol abuse are common in areas where there is high crime and poverty. substance abuse formal (=taking illegal drugs) The patient had a history of substance abuse. solvent abuse Solvent abuse is extremely dangerous and can cause death. adjectives widespread abuse (=by many people) The system for claiming expense money was subject to widespread abuse. flagrant abuse (=very obvious and bad) The arrest was a flagrant abuse of police power. phrases the abuse of power Nixon approved illegal actions during his political campaign, which is a clear case of an abuse of power. be open to abuse (=be easily used in the wrong way for dishonest purposes) The system for claiming welfare benefits is open to abuse.
academic AC /ˌækəˈdemɪk◂/ adjective relating to education, especially at college or university level nouns academic research/study He has been carrying out academic research into the effects of computer games on children. an academic subject also academic discipline formal Linguistics is a well-established academic discipline in universities. academic qualifications What academic qualifications do you need for the job? academic achievements Girls' academic achievements are better than those of boys in some subjects. academic performance The purpose of an exam is to measure a student's academic performance. academic success Academic success is important, but it's not the only reason for studying hard at school. academic ability The students are placed in groups according to academic ability. academic standards The college prides itself on its high academic standards. the academic year The academic year starts in October. an academic institution The university is one of the oldest academic institutions in Britain. an academic career She is hoping to pursue an academic career as a university lecturer. the academic world/community Watkins shocked the academic world when he published the results of his research. academic freedom Universities want to protect the academic freedom of both staff and students. phrases in academic circles (=among people who study at university or do research) His name is well known in academic circles. You can also use academic to describe a person who likes studying and is good at subjects that people study at school or university: My brother is much more academic than I am - he studied law at Harvard
accelerator /əkˈseləreɪtə $ -ər/ noun the part of a car or other vehicle that you press with your foot to make it go faster verbs put your foot on the accelerator/step on the accelerator She put her foot on the accelerator and the car picked up speed. press/depress the accelerator Take your foot off the brake, and press the accelerator gently. hit the accelerator Suddenly, McDonald hits the accelerator and the car shoots forward (=presses the accelerator down to the floor). take your foot off the accelerator I took my foot off the accelerator and changed into higher gear. pump the accelerator (=press on the accelerator several times to let petrol into the engine when starting it) He pumped the accelerator and turned the ignition key again. accelerator + nouns the accelerator pedal Nick pressed down on the accelerator pedal on his motorcycle and roared off down the road. In American English, accelerator sounds rather formal. People usually say the gas or the gas pedal.
accent /ˈæksənt $ ˈæksent/ noun [C] the way someone pronounces the words of a language, showing which country or which part of a country they come from verbs have an accent The girl had a Russian accent. speak with an accent The old man spoke with an accent which I couldn't recognize. pick up an accent He used to work in Sydney and picked up an Australian accent while he was over there. lose your accent Although she was born in the US, Sally had lost her American accent after living in London for over 30 years. put on an accent (=deliberately speak with a different accent from your usual one) Some people put on an accent when they're speaking on the phone. adjectives/nouns + accent a strong/broad/thick/heavy accent Claude speaks English with a strong French accent. a slight/faint accent He has a very slight Irish accent which you can hardly notice. a French/American etc accent He introduced himself in a strong American accent. a New York/London etc accent The man I met had a Chicago accent. a foreign accent The waitress spoke with a foreign accent. a regional accent Some people try to hide their regional accents because they feel embarrassed about them. a southern/northern accent He spoke with a lovely soft southern accent. an upper-class/middle-class/working-class accent The woman spoke with an upper-class accent. prepositions with an accent She spoke English with a slight foreign accent. in an accent Costas read out his speech in a thick Greek accent. Strong, broad, thick, or heavy accent? You use all these words when saying that someone's accent is very noticeable. Strong is the most common word: The man had a strong German accent. You use thick or heavy when someone's accent is very strong and difficult to understand: The teacher had a thick Scottish accent, and some of the students had difficulty following what he said. You use broad when someone has an accent from a particular part of the UK or the US: She spoke with a broad Yorkshire accent. Accent or pronunciation? Your accent shows which country, or which social group you come from. Pronunciation is a more general word meaning the way in which a language or a particular word is pronounced. phrases a hint/trace of an accent I could detect the hint of a German accent in her voice.
acceptable /əkˈseptəbəl/ adjective good enough or satisfactory adverbs completely/totally/entirely/fully acceptable His suggestion sounds totally acceptable to me. quite acceptable If you can't get fresh mangoes, then dried ones are quite acceptable. perfectly acceptable (=completely acceptable - often used when you disagree with someone) Some people think that it is perfectly acceptable to wear shorts to work when it's hot. generally/widely acceptable (=most people think it is acceptable) This idea has now become widely acceptable. not remotely acceptable (=not acceptable at all) His actions are not even remotely acceptable. mutually acceptable (=acceptable to both people or groups) The talks are aimed at finding a mutually acceptable solution. socially/culturally acceptable In Britain, it is socially acceptable to live with someone before you get married. morally/ethically acceptable I don't think that testing drugs on prisoners is morally acceptable. verbs prove acceptable formal (=be found to be acceptable) None of the solutions proved acceptable. make sth acceptable They changed the ending of the movie, to make it more acceptable to young children. find/consider sth acceptable also deem sth acceptable formal (=think it is acceptable) What level of pollution would you deem acceptable? nouns an acceptable standard/level Teaching at the school is of an acceptable standard. acceptable behaviour He seems to think that it is acceptable behaviour to sleep in class. an acceptable solution Building another road is not an acceptable solution for traffic problems. an acceptable way We are trying to find an acceptable way of dealing with the problem. an acceptable alternative We will soon run out of oil and we need to find an acceptable alternative. acceptable quality The quality of the photographs is acceptable. prepositions acceptable to sb We want to reach a solution that is acceptable to both sides. acceptable for sth A suit is acceptable clothing for a business interview. phrases be the acceptable face of sth (=be acceptable to people who do not usually approve of that type of thing) The singer is the acceptable face of hip-hop music.
access AC /ˈækses/ noun the ability to enter a place, get information or other things, or talk to someone verbs have access Everyone needs to have access to clean drinking water. gain/get access The thieves used a ladder to gain access to the back of the house. give/offer (sb) access I was given access to secret files. provide (sb with) access They want to provide access to the internet for everyone. allow/grant sb access The men should have been allowed access to a lawyer. deny/refuse sb access His family have been denied access to him in jail. improve access The college needs to improve access for disabled students. limit/restrict access The authorities are trying to restrict access to websites which show these images. need access The farmer needs access to the river for irrigation. adjectives immediate/quick/instant access The card gives you instant access to up to $10,000. direct access Patients should have direct access to their medical records. easy access The new road gives easy access to the city centre. free access There is free access to the museum. unlimited/unrestricted/open access The ticket gives you unlimited access to the palace. good access The airport has good access by public transport and there are buses every 10 minutes. greater/better access People want greater access to the politicians they have elected. full access I was given full access to all the documents about the case. equal access All groups in society should have equal access to cancer care. universal access (=access for everyone) The basic principle of the National Health Service was universal access to health care. poor access Poor access to credit was one cause of business failure. limited/restricted access In some countries, women have limited access to education. unauthorized access (=access which is not officially allowed) The lock code can be changed very simply to prevent unauthorized access. public access The company tried to restrict public access to this information. nouns + access internet/Web access More than 25 million homes in western Europe now have internet access (=they can use the internet). wheelchair/disabled access (=access for people using wheelchairs or disabled people) The cinema only has limited wheelchair access. access + nouns an access code You can only read the information if you key in the correct access code. an access road All the main access roads to the city are now blocked by snow. an access point The port is used as an access point to Europe for Chinese goods (=a point from which you can reach or get something). prepositions access to sth Hotel guests have access to the swimming pool. phrases freedom of access American companies want greater freedom of access to Chinese markets for their goods.
accidental /ˌæksəˈdentl◂, ˌæksɪˈdentl◂/ adjective happening without being planned or intended nouns accidental damage It is difficult to see how this damage could have been accidental. accidental death The court recorded a verdict of accidental death. accidental loss The insurance policy protects you against accidental loss. accidental killing/shooting He expressed deep regret over the accidental killing of innocent civilians. accidental injury The insurance policy covers you against accidental injury. an accidental discovery The invention was an accidental discovery. an accidental victim The people who were killed were accidental victims. adverbs purely/completely accidental Do you think it was purely accidental, or do you think she wanted to cause trouble? THESAURUS: accidental unintentional comedy | humour | irony | death unintentional means the same as accidental, but is more formal: The film is full of unintentional humour. | The nets caused widespread unintentional deaths of dolphins and other sea creatures. | The company was committing an offence, even if it was unintentional. unintended consequence | effect | impact | result | outcome unintended consequences and results are accidental: Government decisions can sometimes have unintended consequences. | The new tax may have the unintended effect of making unhealthy foods cost less. | The unintended result of building bigger roads is that people use their cars more. inadvertent formal error | omission | use | failure accidental - often used about mistakes: The problem was caused by an inadvertent error. | The paper apologized for the inadvertent omission of his name from the article. | The inadvertent use of an incorrect word can lead to serious misunderstandings. | A technician's inadvertent failure to complete a series of computer commands may have caused the problem. In everyday English you often say that someone did something by accident or accidentally: She found out about it by accident. You can also say that something was an accident: Investigators believe that her death was an accident.
accommodation AC /əˌkɒməˈdeɪʃən $ əˌkɑː-/ noun a place for someone to stay, live, or work Grammar In American English, the plural form accommodations is often used. In British English, however, people only use the uncountable form accommodation. adjectives rented accommodation It can be difficult to find cheap rented accommodation in the middle of the city. furnished/unfurnished accommodation (=with or without furniture) More cheap furnished accommodation is required for the town's student population. living/residential accommodation (=a place where people can live) We obtained permission to convert the barn into living accommodation. | Some 1960s office blocks have been refurbished as residential accommodation. sleeping accommodation There is sleeping accommodation for 25 people at a small hotel in the village. temporary accommodation He will have to stay in temporary accommodation until permanent housing can be provided for him. free accommodation Although the job is not very well paid, the employers do provide free accommodation. suitable accommodation It can be problematic finding suitable accommodation for physically disabled people. alternative accommodation If your hotel room is not satisfactory, the company will do its best to provide alternative accommodation of a similar standard. comfortable accommodation The hotel management prides itself on offering comfortable accommodation in elegant surroundings. cheap accommodation Do you know somewhere where I can find cheap accommodation? overnight accommodation Overnight accommodation and dinner are included in the cost of the trip. sheltered accommodation BrE (=a place where help is provided for people who cannot look after themselves) She's a pensioner who lives in sheltered accommodation. secure accommodation BrE (=a place similar to a prison where people who break the law are kept) Too many young offenders are being kept in ordinary prisons because local authorities lack enough secure accommodation for them. nouns + accommodation hotel accommodation He gave us a list of hotel accommodation. bed and breakfast accommodation A number of guesthouses provide bed and breakfast accommodation. student accommodation The university provides some student accommodation on campus. office accommodation The new building will provide much-needed office accommodation for 250 workers. verbs look for/seek accommodation Ideally, we're looking for accommodation within travelling distance of the conference centre. find accommodation Our guide found some accommodation for us in the village. arrange accommodation Once we had booked our flights, the next step was to arrange our accommodation. rent accommodation Students rent accommodation in the streets around the university. provide/offer accommodation The city provides accommodation for homeless people. include accommodation The price includes accommodations and some meals. live in accommodation The local authority is trying to reduce the proportion of low income tenants living in substandard accommodation. move into accommodation Most of the firms affected by the flooding were open for business on Monday morning; all had moved into temporary accommodation by mid-week. accommodation + nouns accommodation costs/expenses When planning your holiday, you need to budget for accommodation costs as well as food and travel. In everyday English, people often say I'm looking for somewhere to live/stay instead of 'I'm looking for accommodation'.
accuracy AC /ˈækərəsi, ˈækʊrəsi/ noun the ability to do something in an accurate or exact way Grammar Accuracy is often used in the phrase with accuracy. verbs measure sth with accuracy These tiny movements can be measured with incredible accuracy. predict sth with accuracy It is impossible to predict with complete accuracy what will happen next. determine/establish sth with accuracy Satellite navigation equipment makes it possible to determine your position with great accuracy. check/verify/assess the accuracy of sth How can we check the accuracy of these figures? question/doubt the accuracy of sth Some people questioned the accuracy of the research on climate change. improve/increase the accuracy of sth The new equipment will greatly improve the accuracy of the data. ensure the accuracy of sth (=make sure that something is accurate) Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this book. affect the accuracy of sth Several factors affect the accuracy of this dating technique. achieve a high accuracy Everyone thought that a watch could not possibly achieve the same accuracy as a clock. adjectives with great/remarkable accuracy He described the symptoms of the disease with great accuracy. with complete/absolute accuracy They predicted the result of the game with complete accuracy. with reasonable accuracy Doctors are often able to say with reasonable accuracy that a certain drug is likely to be the most effective. with deadly accuracy (=very accurately, causing death or a lot of damage) The planes hit their target with deadly accuracy. with pinpoint accuracy (=finding or hitting something with very great accuracy) The device helps you find your location with pinpoint accuracy. with uncanny accuracy (=surprising accuracy) She could imitate the teacher's voice with uncanny accuracy. with unerring accuracy (=always very accurately) He always hits the ball with unerring accuracy. with high accuracy (=very accurately) The samples can be measured with high accuracy. historical/scientific/technical accuracy There is a lack of scientific accuracy in some news reports. | She did research to ensure the historical accuracy of her novels. factual accuracy (=all the facts are accurate) They checked the article for factual accuracy before it was printed. prepositions with accuracy It is impossible to predict the weather with complete accuracy. phrases a degree/level of accuracy Teachers can predict who will pass an exam with a high degree of accuracy.
accurate AC /ˈækjərət, ˈækjʊrət/ adjective correct and true in every detail nouns accurate information/data/figures Not all the information that you read on the internet is accurate. an accurate description/account/record The brochure tries to give a fair and accurate description of each hotel. | The company has to keep accurate records of all its sales. an accurate picture/reflection/representation of sth (=show accurately what something is like) These statistics give an accurate picture of the problem of unemployment. | The final score was not an accurate reflection of the match. an accurate assessment of sth He was able to give an accurate assessment of the situation. an accurate way/method of doing sth There is no accurate way of knowing if she is telling the truth. an accurate measurement Make sure that all your measurements are accurate. an accurate estimate/prediction It is difficult to make an accurate estimate of the number of illegal workers. | The mothers were often able to make accurate predictions concerning their children's future behaviour. an accurate diagnosis It is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis without examining the patient. adverbs very/highly/remarkably accurate The scientists used a highly accurate measuring system. | Experiments using lasers give very accurate results. | Their estimate of the amount of traffic has proved remarkably accurate. fairly/reasonably/pretty accurate The measurements are usually fairly accurate. not strictly/completely/entirely accurate (=not exactly accurate) The evidence she gave to the court was not strictly accurate. | His drawing of the building is not entirely accurate. factually accurate (=the facts are all correct) Everything in the article is factually accurate. historically accurate (=exactly like something that existed in the past) The costumes designed for the film were historically accurate. broadly accurate (=mostly accurate) His account is broadly accurate. uncannily accurate (=very accurate, in a way that is strange or surprising) His prediction was uncannily accurate. verbs prove accurate (=be shown to be accurate) The scientists' forecasts about global warming have proved accurate. prepositions accurate to (within) a millimetre/a second etc The clock is accurate to one thousandth of a second. THESAURUS: accurate
accusation /ˌækjəˈzeɪʃən, ˌækjʊˈzeɪʃən/ noun a statement saying that someone is guilty of a crime or of doing something wrong verbs make an accusation A number of serious accusations have been made. bring an accusation against sb (=make an accusation, especially in a court) The accusation against him was brought by one of his employees. level an accusation against sb formal (=make an accusation - used especially when someone is criticized for what they have done) The accusation often levelled against bankers is that they get paid far too much money. face an accusation The mayor faces accusations of corruption. deny an accusation He denied accusations that he had cheated. reject/dismiss an accusation Smith rejects accusations that he was involved in the man's disappearance. prove/support an accusation There were very few facts to support the accusation against him. adjectives a serious accusation The accusations which the senator faces are extremely serious. a false accusation Teachers sometimes have false accusations made against them by students. an unfounded/groundless/baseless accusation (=untrue and made without good reason) The company insists that all the accusations are unfounded. an outrageous accusation This is an outrageous accusation and I deny it completely. a wild accusation (=one made without thought or without knowing all the facts) He dismissed their claims as wild accusations. bitter accusations There were bitter accusations from both sides of the dispute. repeated accusations Repeated accusations of neglect were made against the authorities. renewed accusations (=ones that start again) The government faced renewed accusations of corruption. further accusations There were further accusations of incompetence. prepositions accusations of sth Three police officers face accusations of brutality. an accusation against sb She rejects all of the accusations against her. an accusation by sb He denied accusations by other party members that he had lied. THESAURUS: accusation allegation a public statement accusing someone of doing something, which has not been proved: She denies all the allegations that have been made against her in the newspapers. | I don't know who is making all these allegations, but I wish they would stop. | A judge is investigating serious allegations that the company lied to investors. Allegation has similar collocations to accusation. You make an allegation against someone. You also face or deny allegations. You talk about serious allegations, wild allegations, and unfounded allegations. charge an official statement by the police accusing someone of a crime and saying that they must go to court. Charge is also used about a statement which criticizes someone for doing something badly or wrongly: Criminal charges have been brought against the directors of the company. | The charges against him are very serious, and he could go to prison for a long time. | The government faces charges that it should have acted earlier to deal with the crisis. You bring a charge against someone. People can face charges or deny charges. You can also talk about serious charges. indictment an official written statement accusing someone of a crime so that they will be judged, especially under the American legal system: The District Attorney issued an indictment against him and three others. | Two government officials are under indictment for corruption. | He faces indictment for illegal share dealing.
accuse /əˈkjuːz/ verb [T] to say that you believe someone is guilty of a crime or of doing something bad adverbs wrongly/falsely accuse sb Nichols claims that he was wrongly accused. | She was falsely accused of stealing a gold bracelet. unfairly/unjustly accuse sb He is an innocent man who has been unjustly accused. wrongfully accuse sb (=in a way that is unfair or illegal) The actress plays an innocent woman who is wrongfully accused of murdering her husband. publicly/openly accuse sb She publicly accused the president of lying to voters. repeatedly accuse sb (=accuse someone many times) These firms have been repeatedly accused of polluting the environment. practically accuse sb (=almost accuse someone) Rebecca practically accused me of starting the fire. prepositions accuse sb of sth The two men are accused of murder. accuse sb of doing sth He accused them of stealing his work. phrases stand accused of sth (=be accused of doing something) Several members of the committee stand accused of taking bribes. THESAURUS: accuse allege /əˈledʒ/ to accuse someone of doing something, although this has not been proved: The prosecution alleges that he had hidden nearly $100 million from tax authorities. | He alleged that the other man had attacked him first. charge if the police charge someone, they officially tell that person that they are believed to be guilty of a crime and that they must go to court: He was arrested again and charged with another robbery. | She was charged with murder. indict to officially accuse someone of a crime so that they will be judged in court, especially under the American legal system: She was indicted on charges of drug dealing. | He was indicted on charges of fraud. | Karadzic was indicted for war crimes by the international tribunal in The Hague.
accustomed /əˈkʌstəmd/ adjective if you are accustomed to something, you have experienced it many times before, or for a long time, so that it seems normal verbs become/get/grow accustomed to sth Her eyes quickly became accustomed to the dark. | Rail commuters have grown accustomed to delays. adverbs quite/well accustomed (=very accustomed) She was obviously well accustomed to being the centre of attention. | We are quite accustomed to being on our own. long accustomed (=for a long time) He had long been accustomed to criticism of his work. prepositions accustomed to sth I'm accustomed to criticism of my work. THESAURUS: accustomed used to sth accustomed to something. Used to is less formal than accustomed to: I'm used to living in a foreign country. | She's getting used to going out on her own. familiar with sth having a good knowledge of something, because you have used it, read about it etc before: I'm familiar with his books. | It will take a little time to become familiar with the new software. no stranger to sth having experienced something, especially an unpleasant situation, many times before: This journalist is no stranger to controversy. | She is no stranger to heartbreak. at home with sth happy and confident about doing or using something, especially because you have had a lot of practice: He is more at home with statistics than with people. | Keep using the camera, until you feel completely at home with it.
achievement /əˈtʃiːvmənt/ noun 1. something important that you succeed in doing adjectives a great/fine/impressive achievement His greatest achievement was to win an Olympic gold medal. | One of the great achievements of the Roman Empire was the construction of their roads. a major/important/significant achievement Writing the book was a major achievement. a remarkable/extraordinary/amazing achievement The victory was an extraordinary achievement. | In recognition of this remarkable achievement he was awarded the OBE. sb's crowning/supreme achievement (=someone's most impressive and important achievement) Many people consider this piece of music to be Bach's supreme achievement. a real achievement Getting into Oxford university at the age of 17 was a real achievement. a unique achievement He climbed to the top of Mount Everest, a unique achievement for a man with no legs. verbs be an achievement She came second out of 1,000 people, which is an amazing achievement. represent an achievement formal (=be an achievement) The increase in profits represents a great achievement in such difficult economic times. | Few people realised what an enormous achievement Concorde represented. recognize/acknowledge sb's achievements (=notice and reward them) Her achievements were never recognized in her lifetime. celebrate sb's achievements Prize Day is an occasion to celebrate students' achievements. phrases be quite an achievement (=be an impressive achievement) The company received 1000 orders in its first few months of business - that's quite an achievement. | Working and bringing up kids on your own is quite an achievement. be no mean achievement (=be difficult to achieve and therefore worth admiring) Becoming mayor was no mean achievement for a man from such a poor family background. | He got the highest score in the country, which is no mean achievement. be proud of your achievements They are rightly proud of their achievements. 2. the act of achieving something phrases a sense/feeling of achievement I felt a great sense of achievement when I passed my driving test. a level of achievement There is a minimum level of achievement that teachers expect. a record of achievement He has an impressive record of achievement, having won five gold medals. a measure of achievement Exams are a useful measure of achievement. adjectives high achievement (=good) Japanese schools expect high achievement in basic subjects. low achievement (=not good) What are the reasons for the student's low achievement? outstanding achievement (=extremely good) She was given the award for outstanding achievement in the field of chemistry. academic/educational achievement The study showed that girls' academic achievement was as good as boys'. personal achievement My work gives me a feeling of personal achievement. artistic achievement The writers are awarded points for artistic achievement. sporting achievement Sporting achievement is high at this school.
acquaintance /əˈkweɪntəns/ noun 1. someone you know, but who is not a close friend adjectives/nouns + acquaintance an old acquaintance I met an old acquaintance outside the museum. a new acquaintance My new acquaintance kept asking me questions. a casual acquaintance He nodded at her, as if she was just a casual acquaintance. a personal acquaintance Many people said that they obtained their jobs through a personal acquaintance. a mutual acquaintance (=someone you both know separately) They were introduced to each other by a mutual acquaintance. a male/female acquaintance An elderly female acquaintance of ours has several cats. a business acquaintance We are business acquaintances of your husband. a lawyer/journalist etc acquaintance I heard about it from a lawyer acquaintance. phrases an acquaintance of mine/his etc He introduced me to an acquaintance of his, who had visited Tokyo. a circle of acquaintances (=group of acquaintances) They now had a wide circle of acquaintances. friends and acquaintances Ask your friends and acquaintances if they know of any job vacancies. 2. the situation of knowing someone, but not as a close friend verbs make sb's acquaintance (=meet someone for the first time) It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. strike up an acquaintance (=start an acquaintance) I struck up an acquaintance with one of my fellow passengers. renew sb's acquaintance (=meet someone again after not seeing them for a long time) It will be nice to renew my acquaintance with him. adjectives a short/brief acquaintance He had found the captain to be a sensible man during their brief acquaintance. phrases a man/woman etc of sb's acquaintance formal One lady of my acquaintance spends nearly half her salary on clothes. on first acquaintance formal (=when you first meet someone) On first acquaintance, she seems rather unfriendly. on further/closer acquaintance formal (=when you get to know someone better) Hurley did not improve on further acquaintance. 3. formal knowledge or experience of something, especially only a little adjectives a passing/nodding acquaintance (=a slight knowledge of it) You will need at least a nodding acquaintance with Medieval Latin. phrases have some/little acquaintance with sth He had little acquaintance with such matters.
acquire AC /əˈkwaɪə $ əˈkwaɪr/ verb formal to get or buy something nouns acquire a company/business Microsoft acquired the company for just over $2 billion. acquire land/property/wealth The land was acquired by a property developer. acquire a painting/work of art/collection The museum has acquired a magnificent collection of Dutch paintings. acquire a skill The course helps older people acquire computer skills. acquire knowledge She had acquired some knowledge of medicine. acquire information How did the newspaper acquire this information? acquire power The Romans acquired power over much of Europe. acquire a reputation He acquired a reputation for being a perfectionist. acquire shares/stock Workers are able to acquire shares in the company they work for. acquire language (=learn language) How do children acquire language? acquire a taste for sth (=start to like something) While living in Italy, I acquired a taste for Italian wine. acquire a stake in sth (=buy shares in a company so that you own part of it) They acquired a 50% stake in the company. adverbs sb recently acquired sth The gallery recently acquired a painting by Picasso. newly acquired She was trying to decide what to do with her newly acquired wealth. acquire sth easily Extremist groups can easily acquire materials for making a bomb. suddenly acquire sth When his mother married again, he suddenly acquired a new family. acquire sth gradually The company gradually acquired a reputation for producing high quality goods. acquire sth cheaply He hoped to acquire valuable works of art as cheaply as possible.
act2 /ækt/ verb 1. to do something or behave in a particular way phrases act like a child/a man/an idiot etc Stop acting like a baby! act as if You must act as if nothing has happened. act out of love/fear etc He was acting out of concern for his family. act on behalf of sb/act for sb (=representing them) The lawyers are acting for people whose relatives died in the accident. | I am acting on behalf of my brother. act your age (=behave in a sensible, adult way) It's time you started acting your age! act in self-defence BrE act in self-defense AmE He said that he was attacked and just acted in self-defence. act in good faith (=act with honest intentions) The social workers acted in good faith when they removed the child from her home. adverbs act quickly/swiftly/immediately/decisively The police say they had to act quickly to protect the public. | The government should act decisively now. act strangely/suspiciously If you see someone acting suspiciously near a house, call the police. | She has been acting strangely recently. act differently If I had known he was ill, I would have acted differently. act fairly/reasonably The inspectors have a duty to act fairly. act illegally/unlawfully/dishonestly The court ruled that the councillors had acted illegally. act together We need to act together for the good of the community. act independently (=by yourself, not with other people or on behalf of an official organization) He was acting independently, not as part of a group. 2. to perform in a play or film nouns act a part/role He acts the part of an old man who is looking back on his life. adverbs sb acts well She is a natural actress and she can act very well. sth is well/beautifully/brilliantly acted The film is well written and well acted. | The movie is beautifully acted by Kate Winslet and Emma Thompson. prepositions act in a play/movie/film He has acted in several Hollywood films. THESAURUS: act play to act the part of a particular character in a play or film: The pirate was played by Johnny Depp. | Who is going to play the part of the wicked witch? perform if a group of actors perform a play, they act in it for people to watch: The Leeds Theatre Group will be performing Shakespeare's 'King Lear'.
active /ˈæktɪv/ adjective 1. always busy doing physical or mental activities nouns an active life He lived a full and active life. an active lifestyle An active lifestyle can reduce your chance of developing heart disease. an active mind She has a very active mind and loves doing crosswords and other puzzles. an active imagination Children often have very active imaginations. verbs keep/stay active also remain active formal We try to keep active by going for a walk every day. adverbs physically active You need to become more physically active, so why not join an exercise class? mentally active Doing number puzzles helps keep me mentally active. 2. very involved in an organization or activity nouns an active member He is an active member of the school drama club. an active participant (=someone who takes part in something and does things for it) The student must be an active participant in the learning process. active participation/involvement The school encourages the active involvement of parents. | Active participation in community life is important in small towns and villages. active support (=encouragement or help) He wrote the book with the active support of his wife, Pam. an active supporter The actress is an active supporter of animal rights groups. adverbs highly active (=very active) Charlie is a highly active member of the school drama club. politically active She became politically active at college. economically active (=working in an economy) The number of men aged 65-69 who are economically active has decreased. prepositions active in (doing) sth She has been active in raising money for charity for years. phrases take an active part/play an active role in sth Most of the students take an active part in sports. | Do you play an active role in your community? take an active interest in sth Not many young people take an active interest in gardening. | As a teenager he began to take an active interest in politics. take active steps to do sth You should take active steps towards reducing stress.
activity /ækˈtɪvəti, ækˈtɪvɪti/ noun things that people do adjectives/nouns + activity leisure activities (=things that you do for enjoyment) She doesn't have much time for leisure activities. cultural activities There is plenty of opportunity for children to get involved in cultural activities. classroom/school activities Amelia had lost interest in school activities and didn't attend the school prom. outdoor activities The college is well situated for students who are interested in outdoor activities. physical/mental activity Regular physical activity helps to control your weight. | Your mental activity starts to slow down as you grow old. criminal/illegal activity The bar was being used for illegal activities. political/economic activity Political activity is closely controlled by the government. | The current level of economic activity will influence business confidence. terrorist activities Two men were charged with terrorist activities after the bombings. business/commercial activity Internet shopping is a rapidly developing area of business activity. military activity There has been an increase in military activity in the area. human activity There was no sign of any human activity. verbs take part in an activity The children were encouraged to take part in several different activities. engage in/participate in an activity formal (=take part) Police suspect he may have engaged in criminal activities. be involved in an activity The men were involved in terrorist activities. do an activity He doesn't do a lot of physical activity. Don't say make an activity. Say take part in an activity or be involved in an activity. phrases the level of activity The level of economic activity has increased. a flurry of activity (=a time when people are suddenly very busy) The morning passed by in a flurry of activity. a burst of activity (=a sudden increase in activity) Your muscles need to be strong enough to handle sudden bursts of activity. a hive of activity (=a place where people are busy doing something) The kitchen was a hive of activity.
actress /ˈæktrɪs/ noun a woman who performs in plays or films adjectives a good/fine/great actress Judy Garland was a truly great actress. a talented/accomplished actress (=very good) Hurley is a highly talented actress. a well-known/famous actress Lenya became a famous actress in the 1930s. a professional actress She has been a professional actress for over thirty years. the leading/principal actress (=the woman playing the most important part) Zhou Xun won the Best Leading Actress Award for her role in the film. a supporting actress (=a woman playing the second most important part) Huston won an Oscar as best supporting actress in 1985. an aspiring actress (=someone who wants to be an actress) Marilyn was an aspiring young actress. a comic actress (=one who acts in funny plays or films) She is best known as a comic actress. nouns + actress a film/stage/television actress Gish was the finest film actress of her generation. a Hollywood actress She looked like a glamorous Hollywood actress. a child actress Susan was a former child actress, making her first film at the age of four. a comedy actress (=one who acts in funny plays and films) The film stars comedy actress Goldie Hawn. verbs an actress plays a part/role/character Lynd is played by French actress Eva Green.
addict /ˈædɪkt/ noun 1. someone who likes something very much and does it a lot nouns + addict a (computer) games addict Ken is a computer games addict and he spends most evenings on his computer. a chocolate/caffeine addict Some caffeine addicts will drink eight or ten cups a day. | My sister is a chocolate addict and she is always eating chocolates. a TV addict The British are a nation of TV addicts. a news addict The show is aimed at news addicts. a soap opera addict She is a soap opera addict and she always knows what has been happening to all the characters. THESAURUS: addict junkie news junkie | political junkie | media junkie | sports junkie someone who is very interested in a particular subject and is always watching programs or reading about it: a 24 hour news channel for news junkies | Political junkies will be staying up all night to watch the election results come in. | The website appeals to a small audience of media junkies. Junkie, fanatic, and ~aholic all sound rather informal. fanatic fitness fanatic | sports fanatic | baseball fanatic | football fanatic | cricket fanatic | crossword fanatic someone who likes something very much, especially sports or games, and does it a lot: He is a fitness fanatic and he spends three hours a day at the gym. | Our family are all sports fanatics. ~aholic workaholic | shopaholic | chocoholic used in words about people who do something too much: My dad was a workaholic and he sometimes worked 80 hours a week (=someone who is always working). | Shopaholics will love the new shopping mall (=someone who loves shopping). | Don't leave the box anywhere near Kevin - he's a chocoholic and it will be gone in a few minutes (=someone who loves eating chocolate). ~aholic comes from alcoholic. 2. someone who is unable to stop taking drugs adjectives/nouns + addict a drug addict The project helps drug addicts to find their way back into normal society. a cocaine/heroin addict Heroin addicts often steal to get money to buy drugs. a former addict As a former addict, he knows how hard it is to struggle with drug problems. a registered addict (=an addict who is on an official list) Registered drug addicts can get free help and advice. a recovering addict She works as a counsellor for recovering addicts. verbs treat/help an addict The charity runs a home for treating drug addicts.
address /əˈdres $ əˈdres, ˈædres/ noun 1. the details of where someone lives, where a company, school etc is, or the details of someone's email account adjectives/nouns + address sb's old/new address What's your new address? sb's email address My email address is [email protected]. sb's home/private address I sent the letter to his home address. sb's work/business/school address I sent the letter to her work address. | My business address is on my card. a web/website address Just type in the web address. a postal/mailing address Please give your bank's full postal address. a full address You need to give your full address, including the postcode. a forwarding address (=a new address for sending mail to when you move from your old address) They moved without leaving a forwarding address. a false/fake address He gave the police a false address. verbs give sb your address She refused to give me her address. have/know sb's address Do you know Helen's address? | No one seems to have his address. lose sb's address I wanted to write to him, but I've lost his address. change your address Please notify the school if you change your address. address + nouns address book (=book or part of a computer where you keep people's addresses) Address books can hold all your personal contacts and their details. prepositions at an address We've been at this address for over ten years. the address of sb/sth Do you know the address of the school? phrases sb's name and address We'll need your full name and address. a change of address You need to inform your bank if there's been a change of address. of no fixed address (=having no permanent home - used especially in news reports) A 25-year-old man of no fixed address has been arrested. 2. a formal speech adjectives a presidential address Schultz presented this theory in his presidential address to the American Economic Association. an inaugural address (=by someone starting an important job, especially by the president) In his inaugural address, the new president said that his first priority was to create more jobs. an opening address (=the first one at an event) He gave the opening address at the party conference. the keynote address (=the main and most important one) Professor Jones will deliver the keynote address at the meeting. a televised address (=on television) In a televised address to the French people, he announced the death of General de Gaulle. annual address The Queen will deliver her annual address to the British people. verbs give/deliver an address Eliot gave an address at the University of Glasgow. prepositions an address to sb/sth The president will give an address to the United Nations. an address by sb There was an address by the school principal. in an address In her address to the members, the chairwoman reminded them of the aims of the society.
adequate AC /ˈædɪkwət, ˈædɪkwɪt/ adjective enough for a particular purpose adverbs barely/hardly adequate (=not really adequate) The roads are barely adequate to cope with the amount of traffic. quite adequate/perfectly adequate (=completely adequate - used for emphasis) The amount of food was quite adequate for the number of guests. | The heating is perfectly adequate for a room of this size. more than adequate The safety measures were found to be more than adequate. nouns adequate protection Make sure your sunglasses provide adequate protection against harmful rays. an adequate explanation/information No doctor could provide an adequate explanation for his illness. | Parents need to have adequate information from their doctors. an adequate supply of sth An adequate supply of land for building is available. adequate preparation The importance of adequate preparation cannot be overemphasized. adequate training Staff said that they had not received adequate training for dealing with this type of situation. adequate support He didn't feel that he was getting adequate support for his work. adequate resources/facilities Children need to have adequate resources in order to learn. adequate time Set aside adequate time for planning your essay. an adequate amount/level of sth There needs to be an adequate amount of protein in your diet. verbs consider sth to be adequate/regard sth as adequate Thirty minutes of gentle exercise each day is considered to be adequate by most doctors. prove adequate (=be shown to be adequate) The government's policy has not proved adequate to deal with the problem. prepositions adequate for sth The house was small, but it was perfectly adequate for my needs
administration AC /ədˌmɪnəˈstreɪʃən, ədˌmɪnɪˈstreɪʃən/ noun 1. the government of a country adjectives/nouns + administration the Kennedy/Obama etc administration The Obama administration faced a severe economic crisis. the US/Russian/Chinese administration The US administration says it wants to tackle climate change. the present/current administration The current administration has failed to deal with the US's huge financial problems. the previous administration He blamed the previous administration for getting the country into a financial mess. the new administration The new administration has promised that it will work to create more jobs. successive administrations (=one after another of several administrations) Successive administrations have failed to deal with the problem of unemployment. a colonial administration The country was ruled by a French colonial administration. administration + nouns an administration official Senior administration officials, including the Secretary of State, will be visiting China in May. verbs form an administration The two parties have decided to work together and form an administration. Administration is often used when talking about the government of the United States: the Obama administration. When talking about the UK, people often just use the word government: They are having to clear up the mess left by the previous government. 2. the activities that are involved in managing the work of a company or organization adjectives/nouns + administration good/efficient administration More efficient administration of government departments will save large amounts of money. bad/poor/inefficient administration Many of these problems are caused by poor administration. financial administration I am interested in a career in financial administration. business administration She has a Master's Degree in Business Administration. the general administration A small team of officials will take over the general administration of the school. the day-to-day administration (=the activity of making decisions about everyday matters) He takes care of the day-to-day administration of the company. local administration New state governments would be responsible for local administration and some tax collection. public administration The number of people employed in public administration has increased. central administration The central administration consists of a number of different government ministries.
admiration /ˌædməˈreɪʃən/ noun a feeling of great respect and liking for something or someone adjectives great/deep admiration I have great admiration for his work. | She had a deep admiration for the work of Russian writers. profound admiration (=very great admiration) Bacon expressed his profound admiration for Picasso's paintings. genuine/real admiration "Your mother is a remarkable woman," said John with genuine admiration in his voice. grudging/reluctant admiration (=unwilling admiration) She has won grudging admiration from her rivals. a sneaking admiration for sb (=you secretly admire someone) He had always had a sneaking admiration for his opponent. open admiration (=you do not try to hide your admiration) Her father looked at her in open admiration. mutual admiration (=that two or more people feel for each other) Their friendship was based on mutual admiration. verbs have great/deep etc admiration They have the greatest admiration for his music. be filled with admiration/be full of admiration I'm full of admiration for what you've done. win/earn sb's admiration His films have won him the admiration of the critics. express/show your admiration The mayor expressed his admiration for the Cuban leader. | I wanted to show my admiration for what he had done. prepositions admiration for sb/sth His son was full of admiration for him. in/with admiration Daniel gazed at her in admiration. phrases have nothing but admiration for sb/sth (=have a lot of admiration for someone or something) We have nothing but admiration for the way you handled the problem. respect and admiration She won the respect and admiration of all her colleagues.
admire /ədˈmaɪə $ -ˈmaɪr/ verb [T not in progressive] to think that someone or something is good Grammar Admire is not used in the progressive. Don't say I am admiring him. Say I admire him. adverbs greatly admire (=very much) He greatly admired Wordsworth's poems. be much admired Her books are much admired in the US. be widely/universally admired (=by many people) Hunt was widely admired by his fellow pilots. secretly admire Although what he did was wrong, many people secretly admired him. particularly admire We contacted artists whose work we particularly admired. prepositions admire sb/sth for sth He admired them for their determination. phrases you can't help but admire/you have to admire (=used when saying that someone or something deserves to be admired) You can't help but admire his courage. THESAURUS: admire respect to have a good opinion of someone, even if you do not agree with them, for example because they have achieved a lot or have high standards: She is respected by all her colleagues at the university. | She's an actor who is not prepared to compromise, and her audience loves and respects her for that. revere /rɪˈvɪə $ -ˈvɪr/ formal to greatly admire someone because of their achievements and personal qualities, especially someone famous. You also use revere about admiring things that are considered to be extremely good: Mandela is revered as one of the great leaders of our time. | His poems are revered by other poets. You also use revere about someone or something that people consider to be holy: The temple is dedicated to Jagannath, revered by Hindus as the god of the universe. look up to sb to admire someone who is older or who has more experience than you: All the young comedians look up to him. think highly of sb to think that someone is good at what they do: His teachers seem to think very highly of him. idolize also idolise BrE to admire someone so much that you think they are perfect - used especially about famous people or people in your family: He idolized his brother. | Jane grew up idolizing Princess Diana. hero-worship to admire someone a lot and want to be like them - often used when this seems unreasonable or extreme: She hero-worshipped John to such an extent that she was blind to his faults.
admission /ədˈmɪʃən/ noun 1. the act of going into a place, or the amount that you pay to go in adjectives/nouns + admission free admission Admission is free on Sundays. half-price admission There is half-price admission for children. general admission (=for most people) Tickets are $10 general admission and $5 for children under 5. open admissions (=allowing anybody to do something, without any limits) Most community colleges have an open admissions policy. nouns + admission college/university/school admissions College admissions have increased by 5% this year. hospital admissions Hospital admissions due to alcohol have increased. an emergency admission The emergency room deals with over 300 emergency admissions a day. verbs refuse/deny sb admission He was refused admission to law school. seek admission (=ask to enter) She was advised by her doctor to seek admission to hospital. gain admission (=succeed in entering a place) A large crowd was struggling to gain admission to the exhibition. include admission The ticket price includes admission to the museum. apply for admission The document explains how to apply for admission to a university. admission + nouns an admission charge/fee There is an admission charge to go into the gallery. the admission price/price of admission The admission price includes a ride on the steam train. the admissions criteria (=the set of rules used to decide who can join a college or other organization) The college changed its admissions criteria to encourage a wider range of students to study there. the admissions procedure/process The admissions procedure takes just a few minutes. the admissions officer For more information about courses, contact your college admissions officer. the admissions office Please hand in your form at the university admissions office. prepositions admission to sth Admission to the gallery is £2. on admission (=when you go in) You can pay on admission. phrases an application for admission Application for admission to these courses should be made on the University's direct entry form. 2. a statement in which you admit that something is true or that you have done something wrong phrases an admission of guilt/failure/defeat/responsibility/liability His statement was an admission of guilt. by/on sb's own admission (=based on someone's own words) By her own admission, she lied about the incident. adjectives a frank admission We weren't expecting such a frank admission from him. a clear admission It was a clear admission that they knew they could not win. a grudging admission (=which someone does not want to make) There was a grudging admission that events had not gone as well as planned. a tacit admission (=in which you do not say something directly) His resignation is a tacit admission that he feels responsible for what happened. a full admission When the man was interviewed he made a full admission. verbs make an admission I have an admission to make - I didn't tell you everything that happened last night.
adopt verb 1. to start to use a plan or method Grammar Often passive. nouns adopt an approach It's a shame that this approach isn't adopted by more companies. adopt a method We got better results when a different method of raising money was adopted. adopt a policy/strategy The protesters adopted a policy of non-violence. adverbs be widely/generally adopted (=be adopted by many people) Her classic costume designs were widely adopted throughout Hollywood. be universally adopted (=be adopted by everybody) This method of teaching children to read was soon universally adopted. be enthusiastically adopted The policy was enthusiastically adopted by the new government. 2. to accept a proposal at a meeting Grammar Often passive. nouns adopt a proposal/motion/resolution The motion to go on strike was adopted by a clear majority of workers. adverbs be officially/formally adopted Resolutions are formally adopted by a simple majority vote. be adopted unanimously (=by everyone at a meeting) A proposal must be adopted unanimously in order to become company policy.
adult1 AC /ˈædʌlt, əˈdʌlt/ noun [C] a fully grown person or animal adjectives a young adult The novel is aimed at young adults. a healthy adult The risk of catching the disease is rare for healthy adults. a responsible adult (=someone who can be trusted to look after someone) Children can watch the movie, if they are accompanied by a responsible adult. a mature adult (=one who behaves sensibly) Let's discuss this like mature adults. verbs become an adult When we become adults we tend to think we've learnt everything we need to know. adult + nouns sb's adult life She spent most of her adult life in Africa. adult education/training The demand for evening classes and other forms of adult education has increased. adult supervision (=adults watching children to make sure they are safe and behave well) Young children are not allowed to play on the beach without adult supervision. the adult world I was young and I knew little about the adult world. adult literacy (=the ability of adults to read and write) Britain has one of the lowest levels of adult literacy in the industrialised world.
adult2 AC /ˈædʌlt, əˈdʌlt/ adjective fully grown or developed nouns an adult male/female One in three adult males in this area is unemployed. | A family of lions, known as a pride, comprises two adult males and seven adult females. an adult man/woman Nine out of ten adult women work or study full-time outside the home. the adult population Smokers have been a minority in the adult population since 1976. an adult child/son/daughter She is married, with four adult children. | He has an adult son, David. an adult learner This course is designed for adult learners of English. an adult member All the adult members of the family are in full-time employment.
advance noun a change or discovery that brings progress adjectives a great/huge/major advance The discovery represents a major advance in cancer treatment. an important/significant advance The school has made important advances in dealing with deaf children. a medical/scientific/technological/technical advance The development of the drug has been a huge medical advance. verbs make an advance The two groups have made an important advance towards working together. prepositions advances in science/technology etc Communication has been transformed by advances in technology.
adventure /ədˈventʃə $ -ər/ noun an exciting experience in which dangerous or unusual things happen adjectives an exciting adventure In the story, he has many exciting adventures. a great adventure Climbing Everest was a great adventure and a massive challenge. a big adventure For the children, the holiday was all one big adventure. a new adventure He was always looking for new adventures and new countries to visit. a dangerous adventure The hero of the film survives various dangerous adventures in the jungle. a romantic adventure The book is a romantic adventure about a couple who meet on a desert island. an amorous adventure (=involving sexual love) He continued his amorous adventures when he got to New York. verbs be looking for/searching for/seeking adventure India is a great place to visit if you're looking for adventure. want adventure If you want adventure, you should try one of our hot air balloon flights. tell sb about your adventures also recount your adventures formal He recounted his adventures in China. start/set out on an adventure also embark on an adventure formal I was ready to embark on another adventure. share an adventure (with sb) He wished Jane was with him to share his adventures. adventure + nouns an adventure story/novel The writer is best known for his adventure stories. an adventure film/movie I like watching adventure films, like 'Indiana Jones'. an adventure holiday The company specializes in adventure holidays in faraway countries. an adventure game Black Night is an adventure game in which a peaceful medieval village has been taken over by an evil warlord. phrases the adventure of a lifetime The family are setting out on the adventure of a lifetime - a journey by sea from France to Kenya. a sense/spirit of adventure He loves travelling and has a keen sense of adventure. full of adventure The tour company promised us a holiday full of adventure. it is all an adventure (=it is very exciting) I've never been to Morocco before, so it's all quite an adventure.
advertise /ˈædvətaɪz $ -ər-/ verb [I,T] to tell people about a product or service, in order to persuade them to buy it adverbs be heavily advertised (=be advertised a lot) People are more likely to choose the brands that are heavily advertised. be widely advertised (=a lot and in many places) Details of the concert were widely advertised. advertise nationally The big supermarkets can afford to advertise nationally. advertise locally Some employers advertise locally for new staff. prepositions advertise sth in a newspaper/magazine I saw the course advertised in a magazine. advertise (sth) on TV/the internet The games are advertised on the internet. be advertised as sth The drug was advertised as a miracle cure. advertise for sb/sth The college is advertising for a new principal. THESAURUS: advertise promote to try to increase the sales or popularity of a product or event, for example by selling it at a lower price or talking about it on television: He's in London to promote his new album. market to try to sell a product or service by deciding which type of people are likely to buy it and by making it interesting to them: The collection is being marketed as clothing for climbers and skiers. | Most companies have agreed not to market products to children under 12. publicize also publicise BrE to tell the public about something by writing about it in newspapers, speaking about it on television etc: He had done a lot of interviews to publicize his new book. | The hostages' case has been widely publicized. hype informal to try to make people think something is good or important by advertising or talking about it a lot on television, the radio etc Hype is often used when you do not trust the information: The boxing match was being hyped as the biggest fight of the decade. plug informal to advertise a book, film etc by talking about it on television or radio: Marc was on the show to plug his new play.
advise /ədˈvaɪz/ verb to tell someone what you think they should do Grammar The most common way of using advise is in the phrase advise sb to do sth: My lawyer advised me to plead guilty. People are advised not to keep large sums of money at home. adverbs strongly advise sb to do sth There is a limited number of seats and we strongly advise customers to buy their tickets in advance. be badly/wrongly advised She now feels that she was wrongly advised by her doctor. be legally advised to do sth The men have been legally advised not to say anything to the press. properly advise sb The defence lawyer needs to have enough information to be able to properly advise the client. prepositions advise (sb) against sth (=advise someone not to do something) The authorities are advising people against traveling to the area. THESAURUS: advise give advice to advise someone about questions relating to a particular subject: They give advice to people about loans. | Can I give you a piece of advice? tell to tell someone what you think they should do, especially in order to avoid problems: My dad told me to talk to a teacher if I was being bullied. | I told her not to worry. recommend to advise someone to do something, especially after careful study of that subject: Doctors recommend eating five portions of fruit and vegetables each day. | Current guidelines recommend that young babies should sleep on their back. suggest to tell someone your ideas about what they should do: I suggested that they should visit the cathedral while they're here. | He suggested we meet later on in the week. Suggest is often followed by should: I suggested that he should go on a diet. You can also say: I suggested that he went on a diet. with the same meaning. urge to strongly advise someone to do something: Police have urged anyone with information about the murder to contact them. | His colleagues strongly urged him to resign.
affair /əˈfeə $ əˈfer/ noun 1. events or activities Grammar Always plural in this meaning. adjectives/nouns + affair world/international/global affairs Are you interested in international affairs? current affairs (=important events that are happening now) The BBC launched a 24-hour news and current affairs channel. political/economic/military affairs He was appointed Minister of State with responsibility for economic affairs. | The military promised to stay out of political affairs. | the president's adviser on military affairs foreign/external affairs (=events in other countries) She is the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs. domestic/internal affairs also home affairs BrE (=events inside a country) He said that the US should not try to interfere in his country's domestic affairs. | the Minister of Home Affairs public affairs (=events that affect the people of a country) In the past, women had little role in public affairs. sb's private affairs (=things that are personal and not for other people to know about) He never discussed his private affairs in public. financial/business affairs They offer advice on managing your financial affairs. | After my dad retired, I managed his estate and business affairs. religious affairs Jones reports on religious affairs. verbs interfere/meddle in sb's affairs China doesn't want other countries meddling in its domestic affairs. phrases affairs of state (=the business of the government) The church played no role in the affairs of state. put your affairs in order (=organize things relating to money and personal things before you go somewhere or die) He knew he was dying and had limited time to put his affairs in order. 2. something that happens Grammar Usually singular in this meaning. verbs deal with/handle an affair The chairman was criticized for the way he handled the affair. be involved in an affair Several leading politicians were involved in the affair. adjectives a private affair He felt that his marriage was a private affair and he didn't want any press reporters there. the whole affair The whole affair has been very embarrassing for the government. 3. a secret sexual relationship adjectives/nouns + affair a love affair The movie is about a love affair between a soldier and a beautiful young dancer. a secret affair She tried to hide their secret affair from her parents. a brief affair They had a brief affair when they were at university together. an extramarital affair formal (=when you are married to someone else) The congressman admitted to having an extramarital affair. an illicit affair (=one that people disapprove of) The president is alleged to have had an illicit affair with a Spanish model. a passionate/torrid affair (=one involving strong emotions) Austin began a torrid affair with a girl half his age. verbs have an affair His wife was having an affair with someone at work. begin an affair They met at a party, and began an affair. end an affair John decided to end the affair when his wife found out. prepositions an affair with sb James began an affair with a neighbour. an affair between two people The book is the story of an affair between a man and his boss.
affect AC /əˈfekt/ verb to cause a change in something or someone adverbs badly/seriously/severely affect The city was badly affected by the earthquake. greatly/significantly affect The attitude of the parents can greatly affect a child's progress at school. deeply/strongly/profoundly affect She was deeply affected by her parents' divorce. directly/indirectly affect People living near the building works will be directly affected by the extra noise and dirt. adversely/negatively affect (=have a bad effect on something) Sales have been adversely affected by the weather. hardly/barely affect (=almost not at all) The recession has barely affected us. disproportionately affect (=affect one person or group much more than other people) The tax will disproportionately affect people on low wages. materially affect (=have a real effect on) Fewer people went abroad for holidays, which materially affected the profits of holiday companies. nouns affect the result/outcome of sth The stories in the newspapers may have affected the outcome of the trial. affect sb's life/health/behaviour This decision will affect the lives of thousands of people.
affection /əˈfekʃən/ noun a feeling that you like or love someone or something and care about them adjectives great/deep/strong affection Bart had great affection for the old man. real/genuine affection They treat each other with genuine affection. mutual affection (=between two people) Mutual respect and affection are very important in a marriage. special affection She would always think of Nigel with special affection. warm affection He felt a warm affection for his cousin. growing affection There was a growing affection between them. brotherly/sisterly/fatherly etc affection In a burst of sisterly affection, Dana hugged me. verbs show/display/express affection Their father never showed much affection to his children. | Pamela's parents rarely express affection towards her. give sb affection Joe never gave her the affection she needed from him. feel affection/have an affection for sb It was obvious that Simon had a great affection for her. be held in great affection by sb The ancient tree was held in great affection by the people of the town. need/want affection also crave affection formal The little boy craved affection from his mother. return sb's affection She was in love with someone who did not return her affection. win/gain sb's affection (=make someone like you) He did his best to win her affection. prepositions affection for sb/sth He had a deep affection for his wife. affection towards sb The family members do not display much affection towards each other. with affection She remembered her teachers with affection. phrases a display/show/sign/expression of affection People often give flowers as a sign of affection. a feeling of affection You could see that he still had feelings of affection for her. the object of sb's affection (=the person someone loves) In the film, the object of his affection is a shy girl who works in his office. love and affection Children respond much more to love and affection than they do to punishment.
afraid /əˈfreɪd/ adjective frightened or worried that something bad may happen adverbs terribly/deeply/desperately afraid She was terribly afraid that she would forget the lines of her speech. | He was terribly afraid of making a mistake. always afraid Lionel was always afraid that she would find someone else. deathly afraid AmE (=extremely afraid) He is deathly afraid of heights. verbs be/feel afraid I am always afraid she is going to hurt me. look/sound afraid He stood up straight and tried not to look afraid. make sb afraid The accident made her afraid to get in a car again. prepositions afraid of sb/sth Many people are afraid of the dark. afraid for sb (=worried that something bad will happen to someone) She was afraid for her children. phrases don't be afraid Don't be afraid. It's only a little dog. there's nothing to be afraid of/there's no need to be afraid There's nothing to be afraid of - it's just a small injection. be half afraid that (=a little afraid that something might happen) I was half afraid that she would say 'no'.
after /ˈɑːftə $ ˈæftər/ preposition conjunction adverb when a particular event or time has happened, or when someone has done something: After the war, many soldiers stayed in France. After leaving school, Mackay worked in a restaurant for a year. adverbs soon after/not long after The family moved to Hardingham in June 1983, and Sarah's first child was born soon after. | Not long after the wedding, his wife became ill. just after/immediately after also right after/straight after especially spoken The first attack started just after midnight. | David went to bed straight after supper. after + nouns after work/school/class I go swimming every day after work. life after death Do you believe in life after death? nouns + after the day/morning after I'll see you again tomorrow or the day after. | His car was outside your house the morning after Bob's engagement party. the year after She retired from politics the year after she received the Nobel Prize. verbs come after People still remember the 1958 revolution and what came after. THESAURUS: after in after a particular period of time. In is used especially when talking about the future, especially the next few minutes, hours, days etc: The concert's due to start in a few minutes. | I'll come back in an hour. | In a few years' time, this place will look completely different. within after less than a month, two weeks etc has passed - used especially when the time seems surprisingly short: He developed a headache at lunchtime, and within two hours he was dead. | Within two days of arriving she had managed to upset everyone. 24 hours/a year etc from now at a time 24 hours, a year etc after now: A week from now we'll be in Paris. afterwards also afterward especially AmE after an event or time you have mentioned: Jones admitted afterwards that she had been very nervous during the game. | Speaking to reporters afterward, he said the operation had been a success. | He moved to Belgium, and soon afterwards he met Angela. later some time after now or after the time you are talking about: I'll tell you about it later when I'm less busy. | James went off, and came back ten minutes later with some food. subsequently formal after something had happened in the past: The book was published in 1954 and was subsequently translated into fifteen languages.
afternoon /ˌɑːftəˈnuːn◂ $ ˌæftər-/ noun the part of the day after the morning and before the evening adjectives/nouns + afternoon good afternoon (=used when meeting someone in the afternoon) Good afternoon everyone! this/that afternoon I have a French class this afternoon. | Later that afternoon, I saw Lisa. tomorrow/yesterday afternoon What are you doing tomorrow afternoon? | I went to see Mum yesterday afternoon. Monday/Friday etc afternoon I have arranged to meet her next Saturday afternoon. early/late afternoon Mike arrived in Boston in the early afternoon. all afternoon/the whole afternoon We spent the whole afternoon at the zoo. a sunny/hot/wet etc afternoon It was a lovely sunny afternoon. a summer/spring etc afternoon One hot summer afternoon she decided to go for a walk. a lazy/relaxing afternoon She had a lazy afternoon by the pool. afternoon + nouns an afternoon nap (=a short sleep in the afternoon) Dad was having his Sunday afternoon nap. the afternoon sun It was too hot to go out in the afternoon sun. afternoon tea (=a light meal eaten in the afternoon with a cup of tea) My grandma always has afternoon tea at 4 o'clock. verbs spend the afternoon He decided to spend the afternoon in town. prepositions in the afternoon We went swimming in the afternoon. during the afternoon It began to rain during the afternoon. for the afternoon She's out of the office for the afternoon, visiting a client. on Monday/Friday etc afternoon There's a meeting on Thursday afternoon. on the afternoon of July 4th/May 12th etc formal The show will take place on the afternoon of June 5th. Don't say On the afternoon I went to Pam's house. Say In the afternoon I went to Pam's house. phrases the middle of the afternoon By the middle of the afternoon, she was tired and wanted to go home. take the afternoon off I'm taking tomorrow afternoon off to do some Christmas shopping.
again /əˈɡen, əˈɡeɪn $ əˈɡen/ adverb one more time - used when something has happened or been done before adverbs once again Once again, Drew was under arrest. yet again (=used when you want to emphasize that something happens many times) In 1997, the family moved house yet again. never again I'll never go there again. verbs do/say sth again Can you say that again? I didn't hear. try again Mr Khan's busy. Can you try again later? phrases again and again (=many times) He kept repeating the same thing again and again. over and over again (=many times - used especially when you feel annoyed about this) I've told you over and over again that you must not tell anyone
agenda /əˈdʒendə/ noun [C] 1. a list of things that need to be discussed or dealt with, or that someone plans to do - used especially about politics and business phrases an item on the agenda What is the next item on the agenda for today's meeting? be (at the) top of the agenda Energy efficiency is top of the agenda. be high on the agenda Dealing with terrorism is high on the government's agenda. be on the political agenda Reforming the healthcare system has been on the political agenda for many years. verbs set the agenda (=decide what needs to be dealt with or achieved) The report set the agenda for the debate. agree an agenda We need to agree an agenda for the next meeting. put sth on the agenda This incident has put the issue of racism firmly back on the agenda. establish/create/provide an agenda The scientists were able to establish an agenda for future research. implement an agenda formal (=do what you have planned) The party offered few details about how they planned to implement their agenda. top the agenda (=be the most important thing on an agenda) The issue will top the agenda at the peace talks. adjectives the political agenda The political agenda was dominated by the world economic crisis. an ambitious agenda The new government had an ambitious agenda when they first came to power. prepositions be on the agenda The environment is still on the agenda. be off the agenda (=not on it) Women's issues are off the agenda. 2. secret reasons for doing something or things you secretly want to achieve adjectives a secret/hidden agenda When the reforms were first announced, people suspected that the government had a hidden agenda. your own (personal) agenda She had her own agenda when she agreed to accept the job. a political agenda There is a small group of union leaders with a political agenda who are causing trouble. verbs have an agenda The makers of the film clearly have an agenda.
agony /ˈægəni/ noun great pain or suffering adjectives great agony She appeared to be in great agony. excruciating agony (=very great pain) He was in excruciating agony. absolute agony informal (=very great pain) I woke up in absolute agony, with a terrible pain in my leg. mental agony It's hard to imagine the mental agonies suffered by someone wrongly accused of murder. verbs scream with agony He screamed with agony when he caught his hand in the car door. writhe in agony (=twist your body violently because you are in pain) She was writhing in agony, with tears running down her cheeks. prolong the agony (=make someone suffer any longer) It would be unkind to prolong the agony and not tell him the test results. suffer the agony of sth Leeds United suffered the agony of a 5-0 defeat. prepositions in agony By the time she reached the hospital, she was in agony. the agony of sth The country is recovering from the agonies of the recent civil war. phrases a scream/cry of agony He let out a scream of agony. days/weeks/months of agony He suffered months of agony after damaging his foot during a soccer match. it is agony spoken (=it causes you a lot of worry and suffering) It was agony not knowing if she would live.