Colonialism & Anthropology

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When did Spanish colonialism of Latin America begin?

1492, under Columbus, retained control for over 3 centuries.

When did colonialism of Asia begin?

15th century, colonists sought to monopolise trade routes, lasted 600 years.

According to a 2014 YouGov survey, what % of people thought the British Empire was something to ashamed of?


What proportion of 18-24 yr olds feel pride over the British Empire?


According to a 2014 YouGov survey, what % of people thought the British Empire was something to proud of?


What proportion of 60+ feel pride over the British Empire?


What did Gluckman's 1940 'Analysis of a Social Situation in Modern Zululand' document?

A meeting on a bridge between 'natives' and colonials.

What is an example of Orientalism?

A real, individual woman can become an example that stands for all Arab women.

What were the aims of the Human Genome Diversity Project?

Aimed to document human genetic diversity by collecting blood and tissue samples from indigenous peoples.

How has post-colonial history shaped the discipline of anthropology?

Anthropologists often work in former colonies. Some argue there's a hierarchy of fields, with work in Euro-America being less valued. There are few anthropology departments in Africa.

What did Malinowski argue in his article on Practical Anthropology in 1929?

Argued anthropology should play prominent role in service of colonial rule (suggests scientific knowledge needed by administrators could be provided by anthropologists).

What was the reaction to the Human Genome Diversity Project?

Argued there was a white bias and indigenous rights organisations complained it was unethical.

Why does Ngugi was Thiong'o say he will never write in English again?

Argues that decolonisation is not possible when one uses the language of the coloniser.

How does Edward Said view orientalism?

As the making of an object of investigation and control.

What is Imperialism?

Broader ideology underpinning colonial endeavour.

How did Evans-Pritchard feel about colonialism?

Concerned with moral issues connected to colonial rule, but had ambivalent attitude. Johnson said he tried to 'humanise' the colonial administrators.

Who was Max Gluckman?

Director of the Rhodes Livingstone Institute and was fiercely anti-colonial.

When was the 'Scramble for Africa'?

Following the Berlin Conference in 1881, lasted until 1914.

How did colonialism impact Evans-Pritchard's fieldwork?

Had to give up fieldwork among the Azande as the colonial government saw the 'Nuer as its most pressing problem' (Johnson 1982).

How did Malinowski's views on colonialism change in the 1930s?

He became 'increasingly concerned with political realities, and less with need to put up a pleasing case of officialdom' (James, 1973).

What is 'Orientalism'?

Highly influential text by Edward Said in 1978.

What does Spivak ask in 'Can the Subaltern Speak'?

If it's possible to represent the subaltern experience from the 'outside'.

What is an example of an unethical act within the Human Genome Diversity Project?

In one case, researchers lied to people they were collecting samples from, claiming it was for diabetes research?

How do contemporary anthropologists seek to understand legacies of colonialism?

In terms of religion, politics, economies, identity formation etc. Colonial history understood as impacting all aspects of social life.

How did the Human Genome Diversity Project cause tension amongst anthropologists?

Involved in research and sample collections. A patent sought for, derived from a PNG man, was later withdrawn. Caused friction between biological and social anthropologists (search for primitive origins).

What is colonialism?

Involves exerting political control over another country, occupying it with settlers and exploiting it economically.

Did Malinowski attempt to overthrow colonialism?

No, this would have bitten the hand that fed him. However, he did train the future leaders of independent Africa, e.g. Jomo Kenyatta.

What does Asad argue in 'Anthropology and the Colonial Encounter'?

Not a simple case of anthropology being applied to assist colonial rule, issue is that colonialism was based on unequal relations from data collected by anthropologists. Ideas of 'culture' developed by anthropologists used to divide/rule colonial people.

What is Orientalism?

Orientalism is a discourse, both imaginative and material. Relationship of power, domination and complex hegemony.

What is the Human Terrain System?

Programme in which anthropologists implicated in scandel when US military began using embedded anthropologists to support war efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan. Some argued use of anthropologists was a propaganda tool.

Why was Evans-Pritchard supportive of the Sudan government?

Reliant on colonial service in Sudan for funding and practical support.

How did the Lou respond to Evans-Pritchard?

Resented him due to his association with government who had bombarded them, taken prisoners, placed them in concentration camps etc.

What were Gluckman's views on the study of natives and colonials?

Saw them as part of a single social system and argued they should be studied together.

What does Ngugi wa Thiong'o state in 'Decolonising the Mind'?

That he will never write in English again, writing against hegemony of English language.

What work did Jean and John Comaroff produce?

Work on the 'banality of imperialism', showed importance of commodities and changing consumption patterns. Showed how colonialism worked through hegemony.

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