Color and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

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Red and green give you


When a piece of metal heats up and glows, it gives off light waves and_____?

Infrared radiation

Light is made up of what type of particles.


What is the distance between two neighboring wave crest called?


The process of creating different colors by combining three or four primary colors is called what?

Color addition


Electromagnetic energy that has a lower frequency than visible light and is beyond the color of red on the light spectrum

What is visible light

Electromagnetic waves that we can see

What is white color?

Every single color R, O,Y,G,B,I,v

What are infrared waves and how do they compare to visible light waves?

Infrared waves are next to visible light waves on the electromagnetic spectrum. Infrared waves have lower frequency and longer wavelengths than visible light.

Most light in the world comes from the? How does to travel?

Sun, in waves

What can change the shade of a color?

The brightness of light can change the shade of color


The distance between one peak and the next on a wave

The faster a star moves what happens to the line in the spectrum?

The faster a star moves the further the line shifts


The study of the properties and behavior of bodies in outer space

The sun emits energy in the form of what?

The sun emits energy in the form of Waves

Insects can see colors from blue to those that go beyond violet on the color spectrum. This means that they see________

They see a higher frequencies than humans see

How do electromagnetic waves travel?

They travel with different frequency and wavelengths


To bend light as it passes through a material


To take in matter or energy

Would light travel faster through water or air

Travels faster in air

What are ultraviolet waves and how do they compare to visible light waves?

Ultraviolet waves or UV rays are next to visible light waves on the electromagnetic spectrum. UV rays have higher frequencies and shorter wavelengths than visible light.

Infrared waves can be absorbed by what?

Water and carbon dioxide

What is light made out of?

Wave and particles

When does a rainbow occur?

When visible light passes through falling rainwater.

What is the average color of the universe?

White is the average color

What color is produced when red light combines with greenlight


Towards what color in the spectrum will the lines shift for a star moving 200km/s away from earth through the element of hydrogen?

Line will move towards the red.

How does the surface of a material affect the color of the material

Most materials absorb some wavelengths of light & reflect other wavelengths. The reflect light determines the color


A material that reflects a particular color of light; can be used to change the color of other materials


A measure of distance from one point to another in a straight line

Temperature (general)

A measure of how hot or cold a substance is


A property of an object that depends upon the wavelengths of light reflected by the object


A range of electromagnetic frequencies


A triangular piece of clear glass or plastic that can separate white light into different colors


A type of electromagnetic radiation that has a higher frequency than violet light

Light travels through space at 300,000 km/s and it can have different frequencies because_______?

Because light frequency is determined by how long or short the waves are

When you shine light on a surface what causes it to look light?

Because the more colors you shine on the surface the brighter itgets

What do electromagnetic waves contain?

Both electrical & magnetic properties

How does the color of light relate to its frequency and wavelength?

For electromagnetic waves the frequency and wavelength of the wave are inversely related. This means the waves with low frequency have longer wave length, waves with high frequency have short wave lengths. The color of the light is determined by the frequency of the light wave. Red, is lowest, frequency and violet is the highest.

The frequency of light increases from what color to what color?

From red to violet

When light travels through different media such as air, water, or glass how does it ?

It travels at different speeds depending on the type of material it passes through

What is visible light?

It's electromagnetic radiation that falls within a specific range of specific wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum.

What is the amplitude of a wave?

It's height

Which part of an object determines the colors of light reflects

It's surface

Black is the what of color?

It's the absence of color

What 2 parts of the human body work together to let us perceive each frequency of visible light as ?

It's the human eyes & brain work together

What is the speed of light?

It's the maximum speed that energy OR matter can travel 3 x 10 to the eighth power

What determines the color of the surface of a material

It's the reflected light of the wavelengths that determines the color

What are the wave properties of light energy?

Light energy travels as a wave. Some properties of lightwaves include frequency, wavelength, and amplitude

Are the primary colors of light & pigments the same?

No, pigments = red,blue, yellow Light = red, blue, green

How does a prism work?

White light enters the prism as a strait line then bends and exits as a color

Name a form of energy on the electromagnetic spectrum

X-ray, radio waves( lowest frequency), gama rays ( highest frequency), micro waves

Do most radio waves penetrate the atmosphere?



A disturbance caused by a vibration

Light is made up of particles called photons but it also behaves as____?

It behaves as Wave energy

Electromagnetic waves such as TV signals that have a greater wavelength than microwaves are called______?

Radio waves

When you hold a red card in your hand what color of light is not being absorbed by the card?


Which object the reflects a lower frequency of light, red, yellow, green, or blue object?


In the spectrum of colors what color travels the fastest and which one is the slowest

Red is the fastest and Violet is the slowest

Primary colors of light?

Red, green, blue

What are the primary colors of pigments that give you every color imaginable

Red, yellow, blue

Light energy

That form of energy that animals can see directly; visible electromagnetic radiation

What is an electromagnetic spectrum?

The electromagnetic spectrum is the entire range of electromagnetic energy.

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