Psychology Exam 1

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Benefits of taking diverse perspectives on research in psychological science?

Allows us to see if assumption are true elsewhere to western culture. Helps uncover cultural differences in vision, psychological disorders, and personalities.

In empirical articles you may find a reference list at the end of it following the American Psychological Association:

Allows you to locate original publications and is listed in the order: Author, Year of publication, Title, Volume number, Issue number, Page number, URL/DOI, Journal name

why it is useful to study both normal functions and dysfunctions in human behavior.

Because it improves our understanding of behavior and how genies contribute to our behavior. It also allows for figuring out causes of and treatments for psychological disorders

Psychology History?

Born in Western Europe and developed into 2 distinct and independent ways: Scientific and Clinical branch. Today both branches merged as psychological professions use scientifically supported treatments to help psychologically distressed clients.

WEIRD sample

Research participates from: Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, Democratic backgrounds

What are the types of questions that the field of psychology seeks to answer?

Seeks to answer questions based on mind, behavior, and how it affects everyday life

Why are some theories better than others?

Some theories are better if they are able to be tested on

The role of consciousness in our everyday actions

Sometimes our conscious choices get in the way of unconscious preferences that are better at knowing what we want.

Little Albert Study

Watson and Rayner, 1920 study how phobias are taught. This study illustrated need for creation of ethical guidelines


a set of propositions explaining how we act, think or feel


an awareness and understanding of one's own cognitive processes

What is empirical science?

best evidence, based on astute observation and accurate measurement. Uses lots of tools such as cutting-edge technology or questionnaires

Social Perspective

considers the ways in which immediate social contexts influence thoughts, feelings, and behaviors

Developmental perspective

examines how people change physically, cognitively, socially, and emotionally as they age

emotional perspective

examines how the human capacity to feel, express, and perceive emotions plays an important role in decision making, behavior, and social relationships

Clinical Perspective

focuses on the causes and treatments of psychological disorders, with the goal of improving human well-being, daily functioning, and social relationships

Evolutionary perspective

identifies aspects of behavior that are the result of evolutionary adaptation

Personality Perspective

seeks to understand aspects of behavior that are relatively stable over time and situation


set of empirical observations that scientists gather

Biological/Neuroscience Perspective

studies the biological underpinnings of how we think, act, and behave

cognitive perspective

studies the mental processes that underlie perception, thought, learning, memory, language, and creativity


subjective feeling of what makes sense

overconfident effect

tendency to be overly sure about what we know and makes us unreasonably confident that our intuitions are more correct than the consistent results of studies

Confirmation bias

tendency to seek out, pay attention, and believe only evidence that supports what we already are confident we know

Compare and contrast the pros and cons of the evolutionary and cultural approaches to studying psychological science.

-Evolutionary refers to all people and cultural refers to a group of people -Culture is passed down from generation to generation and Evolution is an echo of biological adaption - Cons include the debate in which different priorities exist based on nature or nurture

What is pseudoscience?

A collection of beliefs or practices mistakenly regarded as being based on valid science. Not all are malice or fraud but draws incorrect conclusions.

How a clinical perspective on psychological science helps inform our understanding of mental ill- nesses and how to effectively treat them.

Clinical perspective help us inform our understanding of illnesses by researching on relations, cause for disorder and then identifying available treatments to improve well-being, relationships, and daily function

Provide examples of ways in which you might apply concepts from psychology to any other course you take in college.

Criminal justice sources and the legal profession (memory fabrication in trials, identify bias, and eye witnesses), Education sources and teaching (reasons for student performance and motivation), Political sciences courses and careers in international relations ( reading on a oppressed group makes people more willing to compromise and increase desire for political tolerance), Psychology courses and sport industry (football cause debilitating impairments that lead to psychological disorders)

Explain the psychology behind effective study strategies

Distribute your practice, testing yourself, take detailed and clear notes while listening to lectures, manage your tie, focus, manage your technology, stay motivated, find a study partner join study group

How does developmental perspective on psychological science helps inform our understanding of human behavior

It studys the way people change physically, cognitively, socially, and emotionally as they age.By recognizing how they change it gives psychologist insist to valuable perspectives on why different age groups display different patterns of reasoning, language and social behavior

what is the clinical branch?

It took root in medical examination roots, doctors used intervention to treat psychological disorders. Equates psychology with psychotherapy, psychiatry, and clinical practice.

What is scientific branch?

It took root in universities amid intellectual endeavors and scientific experimentation. Equates psychology with experimental studies of perception, thought and behavior.

How does cultural perspectives explain universal and non-universal patterns of behavior

Like seek how rules, values, customs, and beliefs that exist within a group of people. They discover universal truth and experience by asking same questions across various cultures.

Explain how personality and social psychologists study behavior that is stable yet malleable, depending on situation

Personality psychologist seek to understand aspects of behavior that are relatively stable over time and across situations while social considers how immediate social context influence thoughts, behaviors, indecent of personality. Together they reveal people differ in how they adept they are in relating to other people and how people tend to behave in a more socially skillful manner with people similar to them

What is positive psychology?

Positive Psychology is the scientific study of the factors that make people healthy, keep them healthy, and help them manage stress; include study of important human experiences, such as hope, courage and creativity

How are psychological science and common sense different sources of information

Psychological science relies on research and theoretical understanding. Common sense relies on experience, reasoning, and bias beliefs.

Describe how psychologists can rigorously study abstract concepts like "happiness" or "intoxication."

Psychologist can riotously study these concepts by either measuring (observe and record value in numeric forms) or man

Describe the summative nature of psychological research?

Psychology is summative as it rests on body of knowledge that continues growing. Rarely 1 project can prove something. An example could be

How does psychology follows the scientific method to reach its conclusion?

They evaluate information, they stand ready to reject false ideas by carefully examining evidence. Conclusions are revised with new evidence scientist find over the years.

How does evolutionary perspective explain universal and non-universal patterns of behavior

They identify aspects of behavior that result from evolutionary adaption that have facilitated humanity's survival. Its the study of cultural universals that unite all humans.

Provide examples of ways in which you might apply concepts from psychology to your future workplace.

We are enforced to learn critical thinking about info and using it to make decisions. As a result we can be more effective, more efficient, creative, empathetic and more humane.

How is experience flawed

We only see 1 version of in event rather than all

how the biological-neuroscientific approach to psychological science helps us understand the bodily pro- cesses that underlie our behavior such as thoughts, feelings, and actions.

With our knowledge of the brain, studying dysfunctions, recent technology,we are able to make connections on how our body contributes to theses thoughts, feelings, and actions. Increased oxytocin in trust.

Describe how you might take effective notes in class, based on principles of psychology.

You can use the Cornell Note-Taking Method ( Cue Column, Note- Taking Area, and Summaries)

Provide examples of the ways in which you might apply concepts from psychology to your everyday life

You may apply theses concepts in daily life ( telephone addicts ask yourself if you are how it affects you), your family (ask yourself if you are more likely to have alzhmeir's if family has it), your job and career (how do I develop job interview skills so I get dream job?), your children (How can I be best parent for teen ) Your community (How can I foster stronger sense of community in my neighborhood), and society as a whole ( How can we get people to participate in recycling and energy conservation?)


a periodical containing peer-reviewed articles on a specific academic discipline, written for a scholarly audience

Cultural perspective

investigates how cultural context affects people's thoughts and preferences


is the scientific study of how nerves and cells send and receive info from brain,body, and spinal cords

What must we not assume in biological-neuroscience

not assume that anything genetic or biological is fixed or unchangeable

Evaluate the accuracy of our personal experiences and intuitions in forming psychological conclusions.

people often base ideas on experiments or intuition but these forms of reasoning can be bias. Intuition-confidence in your idea

Growth mindset

the belief that human personality and behavior can be changed

unconscious mental processes

the part of our mental life that influences our thoughts, feelings, and actions that we cannot directly observe and of which we are unaware

Scientific Method

the process of basing one's confidence on systematic, diet observation, usually set up by research study to test ideas

Theory-Data Cycle

the process of the scientific method, in which scientists collect data that can either confirm or disconfirm a theory

Intuition is flawed why?

we focus on instances that match what we think, don't consider others beliefs, and over-confident in idea


when a study is conducted more than once on new sample of participants and obtain same basic result

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