COM 399 Exam 1

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What is indirect bullying?

"Meanness" - used most often by girls. Includes exclusion, ridicule and name calling.

How is spreading stories a form of bullying?

"The rumor mill" is a form of bullying because it is stating something that is false about another person in order to hurt their feelings, get back at them, make others dislike them, etc.

Those who have been involved in bullying are _______ of society's health and social services


Efforts to quantify costs for troubled youth estimate that saving a high-risk youth from a career in crime ranges from ______ million


Why do adults routinely minimize non-physical aggression?

Many see name calling and teasing to be 'just a part of growing up'

Previous studies have shown that overweight kids have poorer ______ performance.


Bullying others is related to later _____ ________ perpetration among middle school students

sexual harassment

Boys and girls experience relatively ___ rates of bullying.


Examples of indirect bullying:

spreading rumors, telling others to exclude

Boys identified as bully-victims were at increased risk of ______ thoughts and attempts in young adulthood


Bullying based on sexual orientation is very _____.


Bullying prevention at school has been associated with ______ in bullying and improvements in the social climate of the class


What 3 key principles about bullying do authors identify?

1) Bullying is wrong and hurtful. 2) Bullying is a relationship problem. 3) Promoting relationships and eliminating violence is everybody's responsibility.

What 6 factors are part of their model for bullying?

1) Individual factors, 2) Family, 3) Peer Relationships, 4) School, 5) Community and culture, 6) Society

What are the five sources of power that contribute to bullying?

1. A dominant social role 2. Higher social status in a peer group 3. Strength in numbers 4. Systematic power 5. Knowing another's vulnerability and using it to cause distress

United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Children

1. Adults have an obligation to protect children 2. To educate children 3. To help children with disabilities 4. The promote the health, dignity, and self respect of children

5 features of bullying

1. Direct or indirect aggression 2. Acts intended to hurt another 3. Occurs in a relationship 4. Based on power imbalance 5. Repeated acts

Negative effects of bullying

1. Damages self esteem 2. Lessen social status 3. Fear & intimidation 4. Depression 5. Rejection 6. Grade deterioration

What are the levels of the ecological model?

1. Microsystem 2. Mesosystem 3. Exosystem 4. Macrosystem 5.Chronosystem

How to respond to bullying

1. Put your money where your mouth is; just having an unenforced anti-bullying policy wont' work 2. Respond: Adults must try to stop the bullying and have a conversation with the bully and with the victim 3. Interrupt the bullying if you see it occurring. Don't wait until later. Step up to the plate. 4. Be aware that children are reluctant to report bullying. Investigate something that looks like bullying. 5. Use an intervention that has been successful before.

5 sources of power in bullying:

1. Role (position of authority) 2. Social status (popularity) 3. Numbers (group picks on 1 person) 4. Systemic power (bullying because of race, disability) 5. Vulnerability (pick on someone because of obesity, stuttering, learning disability, sexual orientation, family background).

Nine theories the authors listed that potentially explain bullying:

1. Social learning theory 2. Cognitive Behavioral Theory 3. Attribution theory 4. Social & Moral Theory 5. Resilience Theory 6. Dominance Theory 7. Lifestyles Exposure Theory 8. Ecological Systems Theory 9. Relational Theory

Boys are ___ times more likely to bully and also be bullied


Key elements of the uniform definition of bullying

1. Unwanted Aggressive behavior 2.Involves an observed or perceived power imbalance 3. Repetition 4. Bullying may inflict harm or distress on the targeted youth

3 key features of bullying

1. Wrong & hurtful 2.It is a relationship problem 3. Stopping bullying is everyone's responsibility

What are the 12 myths of bullying?

1. You'll know when your child is being bullied 2. Bullying always includes physical aggression 3. The bully is always bigger 4. There's one clear way to solve the problem 5. Bullies come from the top of the social pecking order 6. Parental attitudes have no effect on bullying 7. If your child is a victim, call the bullies parents. 8. Boy are more likely to be bullied. 9. Cyber-bullying is the gateway to other bullying 10. Parent's are always their kids best defenders 11. When bullies use homophobic taunts, they are always referrring to the victim's sexual orientation 12. Schools bear no clear responsibility for bullying

Boys are ___ times more likely to bully others


The WHO conducted a study of kids between 11 & 15 in 35 countries and found that ___ of kids had either been bullies or been victims of bullying.


According to the National Survey of Children's Exposure to Violence (NatSCEV) __% (2-9, 10-17) had been physically bullied and __ % had been teased or emotionally bullied in the prior year.

13%; 20%

What year was Title IX passed


According to the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS), __% of students (grade 9-12) had been bullied on school property during the previous year.


According to Health Behavior in School-Aged Children (HBSC) ___% of children and youth (grades 5-10) had been bullied at school at least once in the prior couple of months; 7%had been bullied 2-3 times/month or more


According to School Crime Supplement to the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) __% of 12-18 year olds had been bullied at school in 2011


Bullying often occurs in the presence of witnesses

80% of bullying is witnessed by others

During the first half of 2011, Equality Michigan recieved reports of ___ incidents of violence or intimidation targeting gay and transgender residents that are considered hate crimes under the Shepard-Byrd Act.


Authorities report that studies videotaping kids on the playground showed that ___% of bullying was witnessed by other children


The average student was ____ years old


Describe how bullying can be physical, verbal, psychological and relational

A bully can physically hurt someone by punching, kicking, etc. A bully can verbally abuse someone by name-calling, using derogatory terms, etc. A bully can psychologically cause harm by physically and verbally bullying someone- the person will be scarred for life and could have problems trusting and getting close to people. Bullying can be relational in that it occurs between relationships of all kinds, between people that dislike one another and between people that love each other as well in order to harm the relationship.

How does the book define a hate crime?

A criminal violation that motivated by hate based on race, national or ethnic origin, language, sex, age, mental health, disability or sexual orientation

What is a theory?

A theory is a systematic way to explain or predict phenomena, make sense of the confusion and complexities of life and help understand our world and the situations we encounter.

Coercion Theory (part of SLT)

Aggressive parents train and reward children for their aggression. Eventually the aggressive child refuses to comply with his/her parents and he/she is out of control.

According to feminist theory, why are mean girls mean?

According to feminist theory, girls are mean to one another because of their innate need for dominance and power. Feminist theory posits that females instinctively (and evolutionarily) want to look attractive in order to garner male attention. Subsequently, females must compete with one another for male attention, so in order to assert themselves as the alpha female (and most attractive mate) they belittle and ridicule other women in an attempt to establish themselves look better by default.

What are some provisions in the UN Convention on the Rights of Children?

According to the UN Convention on the Rights of Children, adults are responsible to protect children. They are to take all appropriate legislative, administrative, social and educational measures to protect the child from all forms of physical or mental violence, injury or abuse, neglect or maltreatment, etc. They should also enjoy a full, decent life in conditions of dignity and ones that promote their self-reliance. They should also promote the recovery of any child that has suffered abuse.

What does the author say are the 2 most common forms of aggression among children?

According to the author, the two most common forms of aggression among children are gossip and exclusion. Unfortunately, because they are so common among children, they are often times not recognized as bullying behaviors.

What is a common problem with identifying bullying behavior?

Adults may not consider some behaviors to be bullying whereas the child experiencing such behaviors feels bullied

For boys, bullying is more about _____ and establishing dominance


Dominance Theory

Aggression Alliance building Appeasement = make limited concession to control someone else

How does the urban dictionary define mobbing?

Also known as "workplace bullying" - playground bullying by people who are chronologically adults, directed against their colleagues. Bullying, psychological terror or aggression, hostile workplace behavior, workplace trauma, incivility, emotional violence resulting in emotional injury affecting the target's mental and physical health.

What is the AWDA?

Americans With Disabilities Act

Power imbalance =

An attempt by the aggressor(s) to use observed or perceived personal or situational characteristics to exert control over the target or limit his/her ability to respond or stop the aggression

Feminist Theory

Argues that mean girls are enforcing females standards from a male's perspective - a girl should be pretty, slim and sexually attractive. Mean girls police the image of what is an acceptable girl.

Who conducted the conformity experiments?


Why is the peer group important to understanding bullying?

Because peer relationships are critical for children's development. Problematic peer relations is directly related to the child's peer victimization. Victimized children tend to be less accepted than children who are not bullied and they often have fewer friends.

Why do people often times fail to come forward with details about their abuse?

Because they believe that people who are in roles that could help them will not believe them

What is the most common reason for youth bullying?

Being overweight

Hostile attribution bias

Believe someone else's behavior is intentionally hostile and can justify an aggressive response

What are bistragics?

Bistragics are kids who are like by their peers. They have adaptive and attractive social skills such as moral astuteness and also display highly aggressive and destructive traits.

Who bullies more? (Boys vs. girls)


Who bullies more? Boys or girls?


____ report being the target of homophobic slurs.


Who articulated the ecological systems framework?


What image does Bronfenbrenner use to describe eco systems?

Bronfenbrenner describes an individual's environment, ecosystem as a nested structure, much like Russian dolls. According to Bronfenbrenner an individual's environment is made up of several different subsystems, with the individual cocooned in the middle. The subsystems are ordered hierarchically and extend outward from the individual, to the community, to neighborhoods, to laws, the economic system and social conditions.

Different characteristics of repetition:

Bullied youth experience aggression by one or more youth over time, OR there is a strong concern that a single aggressive behavior has a high likelihood of being followed by more incidents of aggression.

How is there a power imbalance in bullying?

Bullies gain more power than those that are victims of bullying- other kids follow what they say because they are scared, the kids are older so they are seen as more powerful, etc.

What is the escalating bullying victimization cycle?

Bully becomes increasingly empowered. Victim of bullying becomes increasingly trapped in a humiliating cycle. The bully is gratified by the power and the victim can't escape.

How early does bullying start?

Bullying begins as early as preschool or age 3.

What are some negative effects of bullying?

Bullying can seriously affect the academic, social, emotional and psychological functioning and the physical health of children and youth who are victimized and who bully. The victims have an increased risk of psychological issues when they grow into adulthood. The victims may also suffer depression and anxiety, while the bully is more like to have antisocial and aggression behavior problems.

Uniform definition of bullying

Bullying is any unwanted aggressive behavior by another youth or group of youths that involves a perceived power imbalance and is repeated multiple times or is highly likely to be repeated

School climate =

The quality and character of school life, including collective beliefs, values and attitudes

What is psychological bullying?

Can include mocking a youth's appearance or personality or disparaging a youth's race, gender or family. Also includes giving "looks," making faces and rolling eyes.

What is the relationship between status and aggression?

Children who are aggressive and assertive tend to have a higher status among their peers because they are seen as leaders by showing their dominance. Children who have reactive aggression (respond to the bullying) are likely to have a lower social status and tend to be less likeable. Kids who bully are motivated by a desire to increase their social status and position within their peer group.

Who tends to get bullied?

Children who are smaller, weaker, shy, anxious, insecure, less empathic, unpopular, or isolated tend to be targets for bullying.

What are the traits of bullies?

Children who are stronger than other kids, assertive and impulsive are bullies. These children have high confidence and self-esteem, on the contrary to older research findings.

Theory 1: Social Learning Theory

Children witness aggressive, antisocial acts within their family. Aggressive children obtain social power from their aggression and learn that this kind of behavior pays off.

Bullying of an individual based on race, color, national origin, sex, or disabilitycan be a _____ ______ _______ if it is "sufficiently serious that it creates a hostile environment and such harassment is encouraged, tolerated, not adequately address, or ignored by school employees

Civil rights violation

Ecological Systems Theory

Comprised of five kinds of ecosystems 1. Microsystem - immediate environment 2.Mesosystem - connection between environments 3. Exosystem - indirect environment 4.Macrosystem - socio-cultural ideologies 5.Chronosystem - How systems change over time

What is reputational aggression?

Compromises spreading rumors, gossiping, and manipulating friendships in order to influence one's position on the social hierarchy.

Very often, school norms from the top down seem to ___ and ____ bullying. This sends a clear signal to the bullies that their behavior will be tolerated

Condone; tolerate


Connection between systems

Relational bullying:

Designed to harm reputation and relationships. Examples: social isolation, spreading rumors, posting embarrassing images.

The sexual harassment that boys and girls experience is ____.


Modes of bullying:

Direct bullying & indirect bullying

What is direct bullying?

Direct bullying includes direct forms such as physical aggression. Hitting, pushing, kicking, and making verbal threats or put downs.

How is direct bullying different from indirect bullying?

Direct bullying is when the bully confronts a victim face-to-face, such as physical and verbal aggression; boys mostly utilize this method of bullying. Indirect bullying is when the bullying is done behind the victim's back, such as: gossiping and spreading rumors, this method is frequently used by girls.

Negative psychosocial outcomes of weight based bullying:

Disordered eating, anxiety, low self-esteem, depression, suicidal ideation and suicide attempts.

Often, children who are bullied are socially ______.


Kids who are bullies often come from _____, ______, _____ families. These types of families are not involved with their children and show a lack of warmth.

Dysfunctional, authoritarian, punitive families.

Research suggests that likelihood of being bullied is greatest in ______ grades


Bullying may inflict harm or distress on the targeted youth.

Emphasis on "may" -- not all bullied youth may be able to identify or express harm or distress that they have experienced from bullying

Kids who are bullies are often very popular with other aggressive kids who ____ bullies.


Aggressive, popular, antisocial children who are bullies challenge the social view of the _____.


How is exclusion a form of bullying?

Even though it is an indirect form of bullying, it is still considered bullying because a person purposely leaves out another in order to make them feel bad, left out and unwanted.

What is the difference between boys' and girls' bullying?

Evidence supports that boys bully more. Yet, both genders use some form of aggression. Girls tend to use more indirect and relational bullying while boys engage in physical and direct verbal aggression.

The authors emphasize evidence-based treatment. What do you understand this to mean and why is it important?

Evidence-based treatment is a way that researchers can what they have studied in the field (schools, playgrounds, workplaces, etc.) and initiate and implement an intervention based on said research. Evidence based research is important because it allows researchers to get a hands-on, real-life look at the issue of bullying. Seeing how bullying behaviors are enacted in a child's natural environment, rather than a lab, allow for more insight into the issue, better understanding, and in turn, better solutions for reducing or eliminating bullying behavior.

Physical bullying

Examples: hitting, kicking, punching, spitting, tripping, pushing

Verbal bullying

Examples: taunting, name-calling, threatening words, notes or gestures, sexual comments

Examples of direct bullying

Face-to-face interactions (pushing, hitting), directing harmful written or verbal communications (taunting, mean notes)

Bystanders report feeling anxiety and insecurity

Feelings stem, in part, from fears of retaliation, Often prevent bystanders from seeking help

What was the First Amendment protect?

Freedom of speech. There is a thin line when it involves defamation of character, otherwise it is absolute.

More powerful children deprive less powerful, less popular children of


____ are taunted with sexual comments.


Kids who bully are NOT ____ kids who went bad.


Some bullying may constitute discriminatory _______ under federal law


Repetition =

Has occurred multiple times or is highly likely to be repeated

What is the hostile attribution bias?

Hostile attribution bias refers to when an individual attributes hostile intent to others, especially in ambiguous circumstances. When children believe that their peers have hostile intentions or are attempting to initiate a hostile interaction, they responds aggressively.

Attribution Theory

How people make sense of their own & others' behaviors


How systems change over time

The author says that bullying threatens children ___ ___ by compromising their safety, inclusion and welfare

Human rights

How is repitition over time a form of bullying?

If a person is getting repeatedly bullied over and over again, it becomes more of an immediate issue that needs to be addressed. Some believe that one extreme incident should be considered bullying as well, although.

In some cases, bullying is excessive teasing. In other cases, bullying is _____, violating some law.



Immediate environment

Why is bullying called a schoolyard phenomenon?

It is called a schoolyard phenomenon because it has been predictable and "accepted" as part of the western society's childhood.

What did Asch learn about conformity?

In his experiments, participants conformed to the majority view even when they believed that their answers were wrong. The study concluded that people conform for two reasons: because they want to fit in with the group (normative influence) and because they believe the group is better informed than they are (informational influence).

According to the author, how were children viewed in the 19th century and earlier

In the 19th century, and earlier, children were viewed as property rather than people. Now, they are viewed as a socially vulnerable class that needs protection.

What five features of bullying are included in the author's definition?

In the author's definition, bullying is a direct or indirect form of aggression; it may entail physical, verbal, or psychological and relational acts that are intended to hurt the victim; it occurs in a relationship characterized by a power imbalance and is repeated over time.

Girls prefer ____ or psychological bullying. Examples: gossip, rumors, or exlcusion.



Indirect environments

Most kids believed that telling authorities that someone was a bully ____ bullying.


Aggression =

Intentional use of harmful behavior(s), threatened or actual, against another.

Children who are bullied tend to ______ distress, emotional and less able to problem solve.


Being bullied is associated with later:

Internalizing problems such as: depression, anxiety, agoraphobia, panic disorder, low self-esteem. Psychosomatic problems such as: headaches, stomach pain, sleeping problems, poor appetite, and externalizing behavior.

What is relational aggression?

Involves manipulating relationships in order to cause harm (can be direct or indirect).

Why is adults having a difficult time identifying bullying behaviors an issue?

It causes the child to keep what is happening secret from adults and to experience further personal trauma

Why do you think it is important to understand bullying dynamics?

It is imperative that we understand the dynamics of bullying. If we (parents, educators, social workers, etc.) better understand the dynamics of bullying we will be able to better identify when bullying behaviors occur, better understand why they occur, and subsequently be much more fruitful in our efforts to eradicate bullying altogether.

Why have attempts to restrict hate speech failed in the U.S.?

It seems rather cut and dry -- hate speech should be strictly prohibited, not only in the United States, but everywhere! Unfortunately, attempts to restrict hate speech in the US have failed because it has the potential to infringe on an individual's ability to exercise free speech. While findings ways to restrict hate speech are important, legislation must protect the civil rights of all without infringing on the civil rights of the speaker, no matter how ugly their message.

In 2014, LGBTQ _____ ______ was killed by police in Colorado

Jessie Hernandez

Who gets bullied?

Kids who do not fit into the mold of the "ideal" student, whether it be about physical appearance (weight and height), hair and dress styles, race, ethnicity, country of origin or newcomers, religion, or academic and athletic competence. Kids that are weaker, smaller, shy, anxious, insecure, impulsive, and less popular and more isolated.

Disability is protected by law, but particularly in the case of ___ disabilities, children are likely to be bullied.


If participants had themselves experieneced weight bullying or had a family with this experience they agree ___ with the need for anti-weight bullying policies.


When particiapants reported less weight blame they also agreed ____ with the need for anti-weight bullying policies.


Who created the theory of minority influence?


Is bullying a new recent behavior?

No, bullying is not a recent behavior. Historically, bullying was either not acknowledged or was treated as a "normal" part of the childhood experience, one that would even help build character!

Are parents/teachers always aware of what children are being bullied?

No. Often it is unclear to adults where or not their child is being bullied. Some kids are very bossy and demanding of their friends, but this is not considered bullying.

Often adults (parents, teachers, etc) minimize what kind of aggression?


Where did the word bully come from & what did it mean?

Originally a Dutch word that meant sweetheart

According to Puhl and O'Brien's study, what did factors participants believe was the most important role in anti-weight bullying?

Parents, teachers and school administrators

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Passed by the United Nations on Dec. 10, 1948

Bullying tends to be _____ _____ in dysfunctional families. Children of bullies also bully.

Passed down.

According to the authors, kids who bully often have ______ _________.

Personality disorders

Power differences may be characterized by:

Physical characteristics, popularity, abilities/skills, background/demographic characteristics, access to money/resources/information, numbers

Negative experiences/injuries caused by bullying:

Physical cuts, bruises or pain, psychological consequences, social damage to reputation or relationship, limits to educational opportunities

Types of Bullying

Physical, verbal & relational

External attribution

Some situation prompted the behavior

Bullying and victimization were ____ correlated


_____ _______ is integral to bullying dynamics

Power imbalance

Bullying starts as early as ________

Preschool; 3 years old

What does Title IX do?

Prevents sexual discrimination

The American Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination based on what?


Children with strong social skills are ___ bullied.


Youth who bully

Referred to as bullies, aggressors or perpetrators

Internal attribution

Something within the persons character caused the behavior

Youth who are bullied and also bully others

Sometimes referred to as "bully-victims"

What is relational aggression?

Relational aggression is when a person manipulates a relationship in order to cause harm to it. It could be sharing a secret that was not meant to be told, lying to someone, leaving them out of social gatherings on purpose, etc. Mostly occurs in relationships that have high tendencies of jealousy or exclusiveness (more frequently girls).

Not everyone agrees that _____ is vital to bullying. A single awful act can also constitute bullying.


The authors say that bullying usually involves ____ acts of physical or psychological intimidation.


Other children are reluctant to stand up to the bully as they fear ____ against themselves.


How is ridicule a form of bullying?

Ridicule is a powerful social ritual designed to demean certain individuals and set them apart from others" (Mishna 2012). This could be teasing one about their looks and personality so that they will notice their imperfections and be self-conscious about them.

_____ (including attitudes about bullying and violence) is one of four essential dimensions of school climate


Some authorities believe that at least some people who bully lack ____-_____ but others disagree with this.

Self esteem

As children, both boys and girls experience about the same level of what?

Sexual harassment

Youth who are bullied (but don't bully others)

Sometimes referred to as "victims," "targets"

What practitioners study bullying?

Social workers, psychologists, guidance counselors, youth workers in settings such as schools, social welfare organizations, mental health agencies, hospitals, and private practices.


Socio-cultural ideologies

Children who bully are ____, ______, and .

Strong, impulsive and aggressive.

What is upstanding?

The opposite of bystanding - doing something to actively change a situation

What is the theory of minority influence?

Takes place when a member of a minority group, like an individual, influences a majority to accept the minority's beliefs or behaviors.

What factors in schools contribute to bullying?

Teachers may be tolerant of bullying, as well as a lack of clear rules among the school for anti-bullying procedures. Low principal involvement with the children, weak staff cohesion, and minimal teacher and student involvement in decision making and inadequate supervision are also factors that contribute to bullying in schools.

How is bullying different from teasing?

Teasing is when the person is "just joking" around with you with no intent to hurt you, just to make light of a situation and get laughs out of people. There is "friendly teasing" as well as "nasty teasing" that can take place.

When does teasing become bullying?

Teasing that occurs repeatedly over time becomes bullying.

What does the Universal Declaration of Human Rights provide?

That every person has a right to the freedom of speech, belief, and protection from the law

What is the backstory for the 3 boys who committed suicide in 1982 after one of the first bullying events?

The 3 boys (ages 10-14) committed suicide after experiencing bully victimization and harassment.

What is a hate crime?

The Ethnic Intimidation Act defines a hate crime as one that is motivated by the victim's race, color, religion, gender, and/or national origin.

What is the Matthew Shepard Act? Who was Mathew Shepard and what is his story?

The Matthew Shepard Act is a law that protects LGBT people against hate crimes, including hate speech, against the vicitm's actual or perceived gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability. Matthew Shepard was a young man who was viciously attacked (and subsequently died) because of his sexual orientation. His murder, and subsequent trial, brought media attention to both hate crime legislation at both the state and federal level.

What is attrition rate as mentioned on p. 32?

The attrition rate mentioned on page 32 references how effective (or ineffective) the program is among children and families. The high attrition rate indicates that the program was ineffective, and thus, a new program is needed in order to incite any kind change in attitude or behavior.

What two general classes of theories do the authors describe on p. 29? What do you understand each to mean?

The author discusses 1.) theories of problem development and 2.) theories of problem amelioration. Problem development theories are ideas or theories about how to bring about desirable change. For instance, creating programs that teach children why bullying is bad in an attempt to reduce bullying behavior. Problem amelioration theories center around helping children understand the damaging, often times lasting, effects of bullying in an attempt to impede the instances of bullying behavior.

Why do you think the authors call bullying a "junior hate crime"?

The author discusses certain bullying behaviors that occur solely because of the victims sexual orientation, gender, disability, or religion (sometimes known as bias bullying) that would constitute a hate crime/hate speech if the bully were an adult. To underscore the gravity of bullying and its seriousness, the author refers to this form of bullying as a "junior hate crime"

What do the authors mean by blame the victim in this chapter?

The author discusses many different theories about bullying. One theory suggests that some victims of bullying are actually to blame for their victimization because of their behavior/attitude toward their peer(s). In essence, this theory suggests that victims, rather than bullies, are responsible for the bullying behavior because their (the victims) behavior/attitude has allegedly provoked the aggression of their peer(s).

What does the author suggest that the 6th level be in the ecological systems theory?

The cyber world

Interpersonal violence:

The intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against another person or against a group or community

What are the five systems of the ecological systems framework?

The techno-Subsystem (child): telephone, computers, internet, cell phone, e-books, MP3 players, TV, etc. 1) The microsystem: immediate environments, 2) the mesosystem: connections between systems, 3) exosystem: indirect environments, 4) macrosystem: social ideologies and cultural values, 5) Chronosystems: transitions over time

What is the backstory for the 1999 Columbine killings?

The two boys who committed the murders were reportedly bullied by the school's "jocks". Bullying at this particular school was said to have been tolerated.

What is the relationship between kids who bully and their later children?

There is evidence of an association between bullying and poor family functioning. These families usually lack warmth and are excessively permissive and have high conflict. Children in these families may grow to have attachment issues as well as behavioral problems.

What did the authors say was important to remember about theories?

They change over time

What are the two functions of theory?

To explain & predict

Bullying is often a red flag for severe problems that need _____.


Parents of children who are victimized often feel ______ about how to proceed.


Kids who bully are often:

Underachievers, addicts, misfits, hyperactive and aggressive.

What were the four main aspects of bullying that were assessed?

Verbal, exclusion, physical and manipulative behavior

What is meant by the cloak of secrecy?

Victimized children are afraid to tell anyone about bullying because they are ashamed or afraid of retaliation

What is biased based bullying?

When bullying is motivated by intolerance toward others based on actual or perceived membership in a particular group.

What kind of indirect bullying do lesbian and gay youth experience

While gay and lesbian youth may experience direct bullying, they are also frequently subjected to indirect bullying, due to continued harassment about their sexual orientation. Phrases such as "******" or "that's so gay/queer," while sometimes not directly referencing one's sexual orientation, often times make LGBTQ youth feel uncomfortable about their sexual orientation or try to hide or conceal their true identity. LGBTQ youth also frequently experience bullying/harassment at home from family members who disagree with/do not condone their sexual orientation due to religious or personal convictions. As a result of continued disapproval and criticism of their lifestyles, LGBTQ youth frequently feel unsupported, isolated and alone. Subsequently, many LGBTQ youth deal with depression and suicidal ideation.

According to Puhl and O'Brien's study, in all four countries, which demographic agreed the most with anti-weight bullying policies.

Women (more so than men)

According to the authors, bullying is a _____ problem.


The four statuses of children and youth directly involved in bullying:

Youth who bully Youth who are bullied (but don't bully others) Youth who are bullied (and also bully others)

Often adults are surprised to learn that kids who are called names and teased a lot by everyone feel as if they are being bullied and feel ___ about themselves


Bullying may result in substantial ____ to society


A meta-analysis of 18 studies confirmed that bullying others was related to later _____ and ______ behavior

criminal and antisocial

Boys who bullied peers in middle school were 4x as likely as peers to have 3 or more ________ _________.

criminal convinctions

Boys who frequently bullied others were at high risk for later ________, when accompanied by a high level of psychiatric symptoms


The likelihood of being bullied _____ through middle and high school


Weight based stigma occurs more frequently with ____, according to the authors.


Being bullied in childhood predicted later suicide attempts and deaths by suicide for ____ but not ____


Women suffer from ______.


Laws protect LGBTQ individuals but that doesn't stop ____ _____.

hate crimes

The author says that teachers largely ____ sexual harassment because they do not consider it to be bullying


An essential feature of bullying is that the person being bullied ___________

is often unable to protect themselves from the bully

Families of children who bullied are either ______ or ______.

overprotective or hostile.

Compared to peers, those who have observed bullying report ____ symptoms of interpersonal sensitivity, helplessness, potential suicidal ideation


Weight based stigma has been found in _____ with 3 and 4 year old kids.


For girls, bullying is mostly about


Parents were ____ to complain to the school about sexual bullying


Unwanted =

the targeted youth wants the aggressive behavior to stop - This does not include playful taunting enjoyed by both parties

Boys were _____ more and _______ other students more


Kids who are _____ often bully their younger siblings.

victims of bullying

Students who perceive that staff are supportive are more likely to indicate they ______ seek help for bullying and threats of violence


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