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3 Layers (Tunics) of Eye

i. Fibrous (external) tunic ii. Vascular (middle) tunic or uvea iii. Nervous tunic (retina)

amacrine and horizontal cells

lateral processing in plexiform layers ________ cells interconnect bipolar and ganglion cells ________ cells interconnect receptor and bipolar cells


lens fibers are filled with groups of proteins called _____.

What are the four parts of the neural retina

outer segment (OS) inner segment (IS) nuclear region and synaptic region What are the four parts of the neural retina


prevent distortion of image formation by scattered light

pigment epithelium layer of rods and cones outer limiting membrane outer nuclear membrane outer plexiform layer inner nuclear layer inner plexiform layer ganglion cell layer layer of optic nerve inner limiting membrane 1. muller cell 2. bipolar cell 3. horizontal 4. amacrine 5. ganglion

top to bottom then 1-5

-Outer pigment epithelium (non- sensory) -Inner sensory retina or neural retina

what are the 2 layers of the retina?


what do the inner segments have an abundance of?

fovea centralis

what is a shallow depression located about 2.5mm lateral to the optic disc and is the area of the greatest visual acuity


what is the retina derived from?

optic disc or papilla

what is the site where the optic nerve emerges from the retina ans called the blind spot because of the lack of receptors

ganglion neurons

what is the source of axons in the optic nerve?

macula lutea

what is the yellow pigmented zone surrounding the fovea centralis

outer segments

what part of the rods are embedded in the microvilli of pigmented epithelial cells






Animals that are mainly active at night have retinas with fewer ________ cells than those of animals active during the day.

Anterior Surface

Anterior or posterior surface of the iris ? *Incomplete, fenestrated *Stellate fibroblasts

Posterior surface

Anterior or posterior surface of the iris ? *Inner epithelium - pigmented *Outer layer - dilator pupillae muscle


Area of the ciliary body composed of loose connective tissue( elastic fibers, vessels & melanocytes) & ciliary muscles

ganglion cells

Axons of __________ form nerve fiber layer and converge at the optic papilla. They then leave the eye at the optic nerve. (8)

Anterior compartment


Bruch's membrane




lens fibers

Cells of the lens elongate to form __________ which comprise the lens


Contains sphincter pupillae and dilator pupillae muscles in its stroma which control pupillary size.


Continuous changes in the shape of the lens keep images focused on the retina. (a) The lens flattens for distant vision when the ciliary muscles are relaxed and the shape of the ciliary body holds the ciliary zonule taut. (b) To see closer objects, the ciliary muscle fibers contract, changing the shape of the ciliary body, relaxing tension on the ciliary zonule, and allowing the lens to assume the more rounded shape.

1. Canal of Schlemm 2. trabecular meshwork 3. Ciliary muscles

Cut a hole in that box

Posterior compartment


cataract -increased opacity of lens-change in solubilty of lens proteins presbyopia -Reduced elasticity of lens, Accommodation for near objects becomes difficult- form of hyperopia

Describe how cataracts and presbyopia differ.

1. Cornea 2. Anterior chamber 3. Pupil 4. Lens 5. Vitreous body 6. Retina

Describe the pathway light travels through the eye.




Entire lens is contained in a ______________

anterior epithelium

Epithelium is only present in the anterior portion of the lens called the ________________

Optic nerve



Identify R


Identify S

Tapetum lucidum

Identify the layer of the choroid that is most central in this slide.


Inflammation of the conjunctiva - red eye is called...


Is the constrictor pupillae a circumfrential muscle located at the pupillary margin?


Lens held in place by a radially oriented group of fibers, the _____.

photoreceptor cells in rods and cones

Light passes through layers of retina and stimulates __________ (2 and 4)

Anterior corneal epithelium, anterior limiting lamina, substantia propria, posterior limiting lamina, posterior epithelium of the cornea

List the 5 layers of the cornea


Name the layers of the cornea.

10 - 22 mmHg

Normal intraocular pressure?

Subcapsular epithelium

Part of the lens. Single layer of cuboidal epithelial cells present only on the anterior surface of the lens


Part of the lens. Thick basement membrane consists mainly of collagen type IV and glycoprotein

retinal detachment

Pressure in vitreous chamber keeps neural and pigmented areas apposed. Splitting of retina Separation of the photoreceptors from the pigmented epithelium If not re-attached rods and cones degenerate What is your diagnosis???????????????????


Secrete tears to provide: Lubrication Protection of cornea from infectious agents Promotes osmotic balance

between episcleral layer and substantia propria

Tenon's space is the Site of attachment of the extra-ocular muscles. Where is it?

outer fibrous tunic, middle vascular tunic, and the inner retinal tunic

The eye is composed of a lens and three layers: ______, ______, and ____________

vascular supply

The lens loses its ___________ after development

1. stratified columnar epithelium 2. becomes squamous near cornea

The mucin secreting conjunctiva is lined by ____ and becomes the ____ near the cornea.

Outer Limiting Layer

The outer limiting layer is the line of adherent junctions that attach the rod and cone inner segments to the distal ends of the Muller glial cells (red outline).


The photoreceptor outer segment (OS) of the neural retina are modified ______


The stroma also contains pigmented cells, melanocytes. Both ciliary processes and the inner surfaces of the iris are covered by a pigmented layer & are continuation of the retina.

tarsal plate

The substance of the eyelid is formed by a thick connective tissue called ____ _____.

Muller cells - glia-like cells

These are supporting cells that extend from the external to internal limiting membranes Support, nourish, and insulate the retinal neurons and fibers



pigmented retinal layer

This layer is a... -Single layer of cells -Esterification of Vitamin A -Synthesize melanin -Connected to adjacent pigment cells by a junctional complex: Blood-retinalbarrier -Phagocytosis of shed tips of rods and cones

anterior corneal epithelium

This layer of the cornea has 5-6 LAYERS OF CELLS, stratified squamous epithelium, Microvilli on superficial cells, Turnover time is 7 days


This layer of the cornea has Many layers of regularly organized collagen fibrils (chiefly tropcollagen type I, but also types III, V, and VI collagen). The regular parallel arrangement of the collagen fibers and their small diameter (20 - 60 nm) account for the transparency of the cornea


This layer of the cornea has homogeneous, collagen fibers, no cells, and provide stability and strength of cornea


This layer of the cornea has simple squamous epithelium and dehydrated stroma


This part of the cornea is posterior limiting lamina with homogeneous, collagen filaments


This part of the eye is Dense, irregular connective tissue - extension of dura around the brain

orbicularis oculi and levator palpebrae superioris

What 2 muscles are associated with the eyelid?

sclera, cornea, limbus

What 3 things make up the fibrous tunic?

lacrimal glands, lacrimal sac, nasolacrimal duct

What 3 things make up the lacrimal (tear) apparatus?

iridocorneal angle, iris, ciliary body, choroid

What 4 things make up the vascular tunic?


What Lines the inside of the eyelids and the visible part of the sclera?

lenticular sclerosis and cataracts

What are common defects of the sclera?


What are named for their cylindrical outer segments, have broad receptive fields, Detect motion, and most active at scotopic levels, i.e., when levels of light are low, e.g., night-time or dusk.

Outer Fibrous Middle Vascular Inner nervous

What are the 3 general sections of the eye?

retinal pigmented epithelium, the rods and cones, the ganglion cell layer

What are the 3 most important cell layers of the retina? (out of 10)

Sensory/optical part, non-sensory/ciliary part, iridal

What are the 3 parts of the retina?

oily, aqueous, and mucous portions

What are the 3 portions of tear film?

Suprachoroid layer, vascular layer, tepetum lucidum, choriocapillary layer, basal complex (bruch's membrane)

What are the 5 layers of the choroid?

palpebrae (eyelids), third eyelid and conjunctiva, and the lacrimal apparatus

What are the adnexa or accessory ocular structures?

Area cribrosa

What are the perforations called where the optic nerve penetrates the sclera?

Episcleral layer Substantia propria Suprachoroidal lamina

What are the three layers to the sclera?

bipolar neurons

What connect receptor cells to ganglion neurons?


What contain pigments known as iodopsin, have narrow receptive fields (important for visual acuity), best at detecting static cues, are sensitive to photopic light conditions, and provide color vision?

Gland of 3rd eyelid

What contributes to 30-50% of the aqueous portion of the tear film via multiple very small ductules?

Dilator and sphincter pupillae muscles

What controls the amount of light to which the retina is exposed?

rhodopsin (visual purple)

What do the flattened disks associated with rods contain?

lacrimal gland

What glands produce tears and have tuboalveolar acini composed of secretory cells filled with small granules and myoepithelial cells at the base?

Aqueous humor

What glucose rich substance nourishes the cornea and maintains intraocular pressure?


What is Ch? This is the thick highly vascular layer that in its anterior part is continuous with the stroma of the ciliary body. It supplies the retina.


What is caused by an increase in intraocular pressure?


What is inflamation of the cornea called?


What is located anterior to the lens and separates the anterior and posterior chambers?

Ciliary processes

What is number 3, the aqueous humor forming cells of the eye? (non-pigmented cells form the aqueous humor)


What is structure C that lines the eyelids and is continuous with the epithelium of the limbus?


What is structure I? This has an opening called the pupil that helps the anterior and posterior chambers communicate.

Vascular sclera

What is structure S?


What is the anterior portion of the eye that is an avascular, transparent concave lens?

lacrimal glands and glands of the third eyelid

What is the aqueous seromucous material of the tear film produced by?

Descemet's membrane

What is the basal lamina of the Posterior epithelium of the cornea called? It is also refered to as the posterior limiting lamina.

Optic papilla

What is the blind spot or optic disk of the eye?

Protects the eye, maintains shape of the eye, provides insertion points for tendons of extraocular muscles

What is the function of the sclera?

Constrictor pupillae

What is the gay pink arrow pointing to ?

Vitreous body

What is the gelatinous, colorless, viscous fluid mainly water in the eye?

zunular fibers from ciliary processes

What is the lens suspended by?

sends visual images to the brain, nerve fiber layers converge on the optic disk to for the optic nerve

What is the main responsibility of the sensory/optic retina?

goblet cells in the conjuntiva

What is the mucous portion of the tear film produced by?

Meibomian (tarsal) glands

What is the oily superficial layer of the tear film produced by?

Retinal pigmented epithelium

What is the outermost layer of the retina that consists of flat polygonal cells resting on a basement membrane that transport nutrients and metabolites to the rods and cones, absorb light, and phagocytose? (1)

posterior chamber-> through pupil-> anterior chamber-> iridocorneal angle-> past pectinate ligaments-> scleral venous plexus

What is the path of Aqueous humor?

Tapetum lucidum

What is the pink layer of the choroid second from the top with no pigment present?

To absorb stray light and to Reduce diffusion and focus incident light

What is the purpose of pigmented cells?

White, opaque layer of dense irregular connective tissue

What is the sclera?


What is the slightly vascular corneoscleral junction where the opaque sclera overlaps the transparent cornea? This provides metabolites for the cornea


What is the vascular supply to optical retina that contains pigment; Tapetum lucidum?

hyaline or elastic

What kind of cartilage is present in the third eyelid?

Goblet cells

What kind of cells are in the palpebral (eyelid) conjunctiva?


What kind of pigments do the outer segments modified cilia contain?

Tapetum lucidum

What layer of the choroid is absent in swine?

Anterior corneal epithelium

What layer of the cornea is structure number 1?

anterior limiting membrane

What layer of the cornea is structure number 2 that supports the anterior corneal epithelium?

Substantia propria

What layer of the cornea is structure number 3? This is the stroma of the cornea.

Posterior limiting lamina/membrane

What layer of the cornea is structure number 4 that is also called Descemet's membrane and supports the endothelium?

Posterior epithelium

What layer of the cornea is structure number 5? Also known as the corneal endothelium.


What makes up the neuro-epithelial tunic?

Tapetum lucidum

What minimizes internal reflections and increases light perception under conditions of poor illumination? It increases acuity of vision

Sensory/optical part

What part of the retina contacts the choroid?

Non-sensory/ciliary part

What part of the retina covers the ciliary body, is pigmented, and has secretory cells for aqueous humor?


What part of the retina is located on the posterior surface of the iris?


What part of they eye is composed of 5 layers and has remarkable regenerative capacity?

Ciliaris Muscle

What smooth muscle is associated with accommodation ?


What structure Forms the anterior surface of the eye in an area largely corresponding to the pigmented iris. Blood vessels are not normally found here. It is Transparent and has a Rich sensory nerve supply

Choroid, Ciliary body, and Iris

What structures make up the middle vascular section of the eye?

Ciliary Body

What suspends the lens, contains smooth muscle for accommodation, and has processes covered by secretory epithelium?

Vascular Tunic

What tunic does the pink represent?

Nervous tunic

What tunic does the yellow represent?

Fibrous tunic

What tunic does this represent?

Type 1 and some elastic

What types of collagen make of the sclarea?

Top - Retinal pigment epithelium Bottom - Bruch's membrane

What words are hidden behind the black boxes ?

Iridocorneal angle

Where is aqueous humor drained?

Canal of Schlemm

Where is aqueous humor produced?

the orbit

Where is the eyeball located in the skull?

avascular, made up of dense connective tissue with parallel collagen bundles

Why is the cornea transparent?


________ are responsible for vision in bright light and color vision and contain Iodopsin.


_________ are responsible for vision in dim light and contain pigment Rhodopsin (aldehyde of vitamin A)

lens fibers

elongated and appear as thin, flattened structures

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