Comm 102-Exam #2 (Ch. 5-8)

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A multi-dimensional response to any event that enhances or inhibits your goals is know as a(n):


A structured system of symbols used for creating meaning is known as a(n):

mnemonic device

A(n) _________________ is a memory aid that helps people recall important information.

personal distance

According to Edward T. Hall, this range of this type of distance is approximately 1½ to 4 feet:

-loud music -being too hot -feeling hungry -all the above*

According to your text, this could qualify as noise:


All language is symbolic, and all symbolic systems constitute language.


An I-statement claims ownership of what one is feeling or thinking, whereas a you-statement shifts that responsibility to the other person.


An allness claim is one in which the speaker intentionally misleads the hearer by arguing that everyone else agrees with his or her position.


Contemporary research suggests that approximately this percentage of meaning is transmitted nonverbally:


Critical listening is more passive than informational listening.


Denying and suppressing felt emotions can contribute to a number of health problems.

Nonverbal communication is present in most forms of interpersonal communication.

During a phone conversation, you are able to infer something about the speaker's mood and personality by listening to his or her vocal cues. That fact illustrates which of the following claims about nonverbal communication?


Emotions generally last longer than moods.


Empathic listening means feeling sorry for someone else.

are more emotionally expressive than highly masculine people

In the expression of emotion, androgynous people:


Listening non-judgmentally is important for effective critical listening.


Only false statements can ever qualify as libel.


Our use of time can send powerful messages about value and power.


Part of effective listening is responding appropriately to what you hear.


People raised in collectivistic cultures typically express more negative emotion to outsiders than do people raised in individualistic cultures.


People who can accurately identify which emotion they're feeling are best equipped to manage their emotions in productive ways.


People who score highly on this personality trait are more likely than others to experience anger, guilt, anxiety, and depression:


Phonological rules deal with the correct pronunciation of words.


Profanity is highly context-specific.

selective attention

Rachel finished her oral exam in her Spanish class and her teacher, Señora Lopez, evaluated her performance. Although Rachel did well on the exam and most of Señora Lopez's comments were positive, Rachel only focused on the negative critiques and felt very bad about her performance. Rachel just engaged in which of the following behaviors?


Remorse is a secondary emotion composed of disgust and fear.


Research shows that most interruptions are competitive.


Saying that someone has been "let go" instead of "fired" is an example of which language behavior?


Social anxiety is a rare and serious psychological disorder.


Social practices and messages influence both the emotions we feel and the ways in which we react to emotions.


The average person speaks approximately 150 words per minute.


The evaluation stage of listening involves making a value judgment about the merits of what someone else has said.


The face communicates more information than any other nonverbal channel.


The study of how people use movement is called what?


The study of touch behavior is known as:

confirmation bias

The tendency to pay attention only to information that supports our values and beliefs is called what?


These are textual representations of facial expressions, often used in e-mail messages:


This is the active process of making meaning out of another person's spoken message:


This type of gesture has a direct verbal translation:


This type of language rule deals with the correct pronunciation of words:

content-oriented listener

This type of listener engages messages for the intellectual challenges; in other words, he or she likes to think things through.


To an American, the phrase, "How are you today?" sounds correct whereas the phrase "Today you are how?" sounds incorrect. The second phrase violates which rule of language?


Verbal communication includes both spoken and written language.


Voices that have low amounts of inflection are said to be monotone.


We engage in this form of listening when our goal is to evaluate or analyze what we're hearing:

pragmatic rule

When Jesse first met Nicolette, he extended his hand and said warmly, "Nice to meet you." In response, Nicolette sighed, rolled her eyes, and simply said, "Yah," in a very sarcastic tone. Jesse inferred that Nicolette was not excited about meeting him based on her reaction. Which rule of language did Jesse likely base his decision on?


When nonverbal cues conflict with verbal cues, people usually believe the verbal statements.

emotional contagion

When one member of a group spreads his or her emotional state to the others, ___________ has taken place.

elevated pitch

When people get excited or aroused, this usually happens to their voice:


Whereas sadness is an emotion, depression is an illness.


Which of the following emotional states was NOT identified by Paul Ekman as having a universal facial expression?

Homosexual men referring to one another as "queer."

Which of the following examples illustrates the idea of reclaiming a phrase?


Which of the following is an example of a primary emotion?

increased vocal pitch

Which of the following nonverbal cues is commonly associated with deception, according to research?

Online support communities are a viable option for helping people deal with a difficult situation.

Which of the following statements about communication technology is true?

People spend more time listening than speaking.

Which of the following statements about listening is true, according to your text?


Which type of listening response includes the use of head nods, facial expressions, and short utterances such as "uh-huh" that signal your interest to the speaker?

It is harder for most people to control their nonverbal communication than their verbal communication.

Why do people tend to believe nonverbal messages even when they contradict verbal messages?


Women are more likely than men to respond to jealousy by trying to make their partners jealous.

loaded language

Words that evoke strongly positive or negative connotations are known collectively as:

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