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In response to the statement, "I brought all the boxes up to the second floor and he tells me I didn't do what I was supposed to-that really irks me," which of the following best meets the characteristics of supportive messages?

"I can see why you were so annoyed, since you did exactly what he has asked."

Which is the best paraphrase of, "I'm in such a rut; I'm unhappy with work and with my relationship. Seems like everything's the same day after day after day."

"Sounds like you don't feel much excitement and you've become bored with the routine."

Word connotation lets us know that:

people's feelings affect their understanding of word meaning

Pete speaks with his own set of vocabularies, pronunciations, grammar, and syntax. Pete is using which of the following to convey meaning?

personal idiolect

Casual conversations are most likely to occur using:

personal space

Using everything we know about our partner and his or her circumstances to help us understand how he or she is feeling is called

perspective taking

According to the text, effective attending requires you to

physically be ready to listen

When Kyle goes on a business trip overseas, he arrives ten minutes early to the meeting, but the person he is meeting keeps getting interrupted and makes Kyle wait almost two hours before starting the meeting. Kyle is impatient and doesn't understand the __________ nature of the culture.


Social class is a co-cultural group identification that clarifies people according to:


In a high power distance culture:

power imbalances are seen as natural

Jonathon has several conversations with his new college acquaintances in order to gather information and decide whether future conversations will be worth his effort. What theory is Jonathon illustrating?

predicted outcome value theory

Which of the following is not an element of validating emotions?

presenting relevant opinions enabling your partner to reframe the emotion

Maria is very impatient with her children because she had a bad day at work, and she is feeling stressed. Maria's reactions to her children are affected by:

psychological context

If Jennifer were to answer a complex question with a single-word answer, she would likely be violating the:

quantity maxim

The tendency to remember the last thing we heard is the

recency effect

When you give a gift to someone, you may have the power to influence them in the future if you trigger the

reciprocity heuristic

Both Becky and Latoya have their ears pierced because Janie, the most popular girl in their class, has her ears pierced. This is an example of what kind of power?


Putting your notebook away while the professor is talking to signal she has gone overtime is an example of using nonverbal communication as a way to:

regulate interaction

While having a conversation with Rhonda, Deb notices that her friend is upset and encourages her to tell her why. What kind of listening style is Deb exhibiting?


If you were to comment about your pet's health and then your mother followed up with a comment about cleaning out the garage, she would most likely be violating the:

relevancy maxim

Repeating information, constructing mnemonics, and taking notes all helps you to

remember information

This stage of the listening process helps to increase retention of information


The principle of negative reciprocity says that we tend to

repay negative treatment with negative treatment

Handshakes and high-fives are examples of:

ritualized touch

In a feminine culture:

roles are not based upon one's sex

Greg has always been my best friend, and our best times together were spent sharing secrets, inside jokes, and late night conversations while eating junk food. Those memories form my _________, or memory structure that connects a concept to its related qualities, of a best friend.


_______ refers to our collection of all the ideas we have about ourselves, including abilities, personality traits, and roles, while _________ is how we view the characteristics we think we have.


People who live in Western Hemisphere cultures prefer which approach to conflict?

self-face orientation

You have recently interviewed for five different jobs. You did not get any of these jobs. You have been depressed, and you think you are not good enough to compete. If your attitude causes you to behave in ways that make the next prospective employer think you are not good enough, what might be affecting your success?

self-fulfilling prophecy

__________________ concerns the messages you send to yourself through your thoughts.


While working at a clothing store, Rachel was asked by a customer if they had any "fresh" clothes. Rachel remarked that this store only carried petite sized. This is an example of:

semantic noise

When partners argue about the same issue over and over again, they are demonstrating which destructive conflict pattern?

serial arguing

When Steve finds out that his friend is in jail, he assumes that his friend must have been at the wrong place at the wrong time and was charge on circumstantial evidence. This is an example of:

situational attribution

This theory deals with the rewards and costs that we may experience in a relationship:

social exchange theory

Which theory describes the idea that the nature and type of self-disclosure will change over time as people move from being strangers to intimates?

social penetration theory

If I meet Janna at an Operation Christmas Child project meeting, I may assume that she is honest, hard-working, and a churchgoer - all traits that I have. I am overstimulating the similarity between Janna and me, which is known as _______________.

social projection

Even though she didn't particularly like the style, Rebekah bought a trendy jacket based on the

social proof heuristic

"I see that the cheerleaders are sitting together at lunch - they're all such snobby, non-inclusive people." A(n) ___________ is a schema in which the central concept is a category or group of people.


Rather than identifying with the emotions of the speaker, this type of response shows concern or compassion for that person

sympathetic responsiveness

The rules for combining words to form sentences and larger units of expression is (are):

syntax and grammar

Simone exhibits ______________ by sitting in the same chair every class period


It is through ________ that people save time and mental energy by using mental "shortcuts."

the peripheral route

Which of the following is a good reason one person in a conversation may have more talk time than another?

the person is of a higher status

The way a conversation feels emotionally when you are inside the interaction is known as

the tone of the conversation

Which of the following is not true about turning point events?

they satisfy one side of a dialectical tension while ignoring the other side

At dinner, Eric begins a long, rambling story about an event that happened at work that day. Eric's wife, Laura, interrupts him to say, "Get to the point! The bottom line is - you got the promotion right?" What kind of listening style if Laura exhibiting?


Carter is having a conversation with Leonard in the hallway at work. Carter checks his watch and interrupts Leonard to say that he only has five minutes to talk before he needs to get back to the office. What kind of listening style is Carter exhibiting?


Josie recently lost her husband to cancer. She wants to find a method to memorialize him in a fashion that will allow others to share feelings as they cope with the loss. She decides to create a digital memorial to allow others to post comments. This form of communication is called:

transcorporeal communication

Selecting one side of a relational tension and ignoring the other side is called temporal selection


The historical context is the background provided by previous communication episodes between the participants:


the gap between our inaccurate self-perceptions and reality is called incongruence.


Sociolinguistic meaning of a message:

varies according to the norms and expectations of the culture

During her presentation, Kia often used "um," "er," and "like," which all are considered to be:

vocal interferences

The words whiny, raspy, throaty, or harsh describe a person's:

vocal quality

In the article, "How the generation born today will shape the future of work," it tells us that by 2023 ___________ will total less than half of the U.S. population under 30.


The _______ conflict style is one of the most common and one of the easiest ways to deal with a conflict, yet it is uncooperative and unassertive


In the Media Theory Richness video what are the three ways the woman communicated with her boyfriend, Josh:

1. Text message 2. Phone call 3. Face-to-face

In the article, "The World's Most Spoken Languages," the reported most spoken language is:


Which of these is a chronemic message that indicates status?

Employees are late for appointments with their supervisors, although supervisors may be late without penalties

The character who is having a bad day in the Fundamental Attribution Error video is named?


A helpful supportive message is one that tells the other person how he or she should feel.


A ritual question is one that requires the other person to elaborate and fully explain their answers


Ethnocentrism is the belief that other cultures are superior to your culture:


Listeners interpret messages more accurately when they ignore the nonverbal behaviors accompanying the words.


Relationship transformation is the tendency for one partner to unknowingly imitate the behaviors of the other as a result of spending a lot of time together.


The primacy effect is the tendency to hear information in the middle of a message


The slow, deliberative approach to perceiving, in which we examine and think about the stimuli, is called automatic social cognition.


We tend to perceive nonverbal behaviors in isolation, separate from the verbal messages they accompany.


When a receiver observes an inconsistency between verbal and nonverbal messages, the verbal message carries more weight.


When offering potential ways of reframing a situation, the actual change in appraisal comes from you, the support provider.


With the advent of social media, the problem of the "generation gap" have largely disappeared.


The three techniques the authors identify for the purpose of enhancing our ability to attend consciously are:

Get physically and mentally ready, choose the appropriate attending, and switch back and forth completely from speaker to listener

Communication is a mechanism through which a culture is modified:


Finishing each other's sentences is known as co-narration


Flaming is a form of cyberbullying


In high-context culture, a speaker's comments are likely to be indirect and seemingly irrelevant.


Inappropriate questions are often viewed as an attack


Kinesics is the technical name for the study of body motions used in communication.


Looking at a situation from a different perspective is also known as "reappraisal."


One advantage of cyber support is that it can be valuable for people who are extremely introverted or shy.


Power is not inherently good or bad


Research shows that people view other-generated and system-generated cues as more credible than self-generated cues in social media.


Scriptedness means that the conversation is well-learned and happens without conscious thought or choice


Some support messages can make people feel better, but there are some that can actually make people feel worse.


Temporal structure refers to the time that it takes to send & receive messages or the time that elapses during a communication interaction.


The difference between categorizing something as a dialect or a language can be very political.


The tendency to transmit messages without considering their consequences is called disinhibition:


Unintentional nonverbal behaviors are often interpreted as intentional.


We often rush to provide advice before we really understand the problem


Cody is texting with his brother Dylan about an important upcoming family event. They swap several texts back and forth in a relatively short time frame. Then, all of a sudden, Dylan no longer replies. Cody is frustrated by

abruptness of disengagement

In the midst of a conflict, saying "All right, you win - I don't want to be bothered arguing anymore" is an example of


Playing your music loudly enough for others in the room to hear it may be considered a violation of another's:

acoustic space

The effectiveness of emotional appeals depends on

all of the above: - the mood of the person you are trying to persuade - the language you use - the attitude of the person you are trying to persuade

Jeffrey tells karin that it is "hot outside." Karin does not know from this message the exact temperature. This is an example of how language can be:


Bart becomes very angry at Maria for doubting the soundness of his plan for investment because, after all, he is an investment specialist. This situation exemplifies

an ego conflict

In a business meeting, a member of this type of culture might risk embarrassing his business partner if it meant that they would secure the deal:

an individualistic culture

Which of the following listening style focuses on getting the facts and evidence in a message?


Olfactory Cues:

are sent through smells and scents

Politely calling attention to the fact that a waitress made a mistake on the bill without creating a scene is an example of

assertive behavior

__________ means defending our personal rights while still respecting the rights of others


When Keiko visited the United States, she ordered a meal at a crowded fast food restaurant and took a seat in a booth where a family of three was eating. In Keiko's home country, Japan, it's customary for strangers to share a booth. What barrier to intercultural competence was Keiko exhibiting?

assuming similarity or difference

If one partner wants to make independent decisions about finances and the other wants to discuss all financial decisions and make choices together, this would be considered a(n) _________ dialectic.


Kylie is having a cell phone conversation with a friend. She does not realize but she is on speaker phone and several others can hear the conversation. What aspect of digital conversations did Kylie fail to realize?

awareness of audience

________________ is the process of sharing our successes with others and expecting that they will celebrate with us


Alex is routinely bullied by John and gives up his seat on the school bus any time John demands it. What kind of power does John have over Alex?


______ is a win/lose situation. The person with the most power at that given time wins the conflict


The outlook of getting partial satisfaction by letting the other person get partial satisfaction as well is called


You and your partner cannot agree on your date night activities. You suggest that one person pick the restaurant, while the other person picks the movie. How did you work to solve the conflict?


Interpersonal Communication is:

continuous, irreversible, transactional

_________ is the extend to which the comments made by a person relate to those made by another previously in the same conversation

conversational coherence

The theory of __________ explains that, when we talk with someone who validates what we are feeling, relief comes from having out emotions recognized and understood

conversationally induced reappraisals

During face-to-face conversations Kendal sometimes feels awkward. She cannot think quickly on her feet and prefer to send e-mail. When she uses e-mail she can carefully craft and edit each message before sending it. What is the aspect of face-to-face communication that Kendal dislikes?

conversations are extemporaneous

According to your text, what cannot be said about conversation?

conversations are very similar to other forms of communication like speeches, interviews, group meetings, and debates

An argument characterized by a back-and-forth series of attacks against the other person is


Which of the following is not a guideline for improving your listening response?

craft your response while the other person is speaking

Saying, "I don't know what it's like now, but when I attended JFK High School ten years ago, it was one of the top schools in the state," best demonstrates the skill of:

dating informaiton

Jose thinks "a person who is very careful about spending money" when Adrian describes a person as "thrifty." Jose's thoughts represent a process called:


When Douglas brings up the subject of debt, saying, "We need to discuss our plan for getting out of debt," his wife Cindy asks what he wants for dinner. When he tries to bring it up again, Cindy leaves the room. What type of conflict communication pattern are they exhibiting?

demand-withdrawal pattern

When you see Jack with a sports coat on and you say to yourself, "Jack must have a date tonight," your statement is an example of

drawing an inference

Jessie felt sick to her stomach because she sensed how disappointed Alan felt after losing the game. This is an example of

empathetic responsiveness

Before Carmen can send out a message, she must first ___________, which will transform her ideas into meaningful messages


What is not true about intercultural communication?

every interaction between people from different cultures is an example of intercultural communication.

Certified public accountants can influence their client's financial decisions because they are perceived as having

expert power

Decorating your office with expensive furniture and decorations is an example of using nonverbal communication to:

express dominance and affiliation

Unknowingly, Toni nervously begins to play with her rings during an interview. She is using body motions to:

express emotions

idioms are:

expressions whose meaning differs from the usual meanings.

Marshall was distracted from Tara's message because he saw his father arriving home. This is an example of:

external noise

In terms of media richness, if sending a message via postal mail is a lena form of communication, which is considered the most rich?


As Jones tells about his trip to the Grand Canyon, he notices Janet and Mark yawning. The information Jones is receiving is known as:


When Megan does not pay attention to messages that contradict her current self-image, she is allowing ________ to distort her self-perceptions.


"No name calling," "No interrupting," and "No walking out" might all be example of

ground rules

All of the following are characteristics of collectivism EXCEPT:

high value on autonomy

Demi uses vulgar language when she is around Will, trying to influence the perception that Will have of her. This would be an example of ______________.

impression management

The sequence: "restaurant, ethnic restaurant, an Italian restaurant, the Pasta Palace Restaurant," illustrates the skill of:

improving message specificity

In the Implicit Personality Theory video, the two students are discussing a third student who is studying where?

in a library

Gabbie is struggling to lose weight. She decides to join an online media support group. While online she communicates with people from all over that are also struggling with weight issues. Which aspect of online empathy and support is Gabbie experiencing?

increased presence of others

In some cultures, people see themselves as distinct from others, with separate characteristics and abilities. Therefore, they are likely to have a(n) _________ self-concept.


The _________ function of communication in a relationship is sometimes described as the "thermometer" gauging the level of trust, intimacy, and control in a relationship.


A culture that values personal achievement, voicing one's opinion, freedom, and self-expression is:


When participants are more familiar with each other, conversations are more


Bonita and Kayla are having a lively discussion about their plans for Spring Break. Each time Bonita gestures excitedly and raises her voice, Kayla mirrors her actions and tone. Kayla is exhibiting:

interaction coordination

Jon often uses profanities when he is out with his friends, but he is always polite when he visits his grandmother. This example illustrates which principle of interpersonal communication?

interpersonal communication is situated

Nikki realizes that her boyfriend does not giver her the attention she needs, so she spends more time with her friends and family, who give her more attention. Her actions follow the ideas of:

interpersonal needs theory

In a cramped elevator, we may pretend not to notice when a stranger touches us or stands in our:

intimate distance

Using language to talk about language is an example of which of the following characteristics of language?

language is self-reflective

People who behave aggressively

lash out at people with little or no regard for their feelings

If Miho follows Joy's instructions only because Joy is the president of the club, then Joy's power over Miho is?


When your good friend asks you to buy cookies from his daughter, you are likely to comply based on the

liking heuristic

To maintain neutrality, as a mediator you must

listen without taking sides or playing favorites

In the Individualism and Collectivism video, Australia is used as an Individualism example and India is used as a Collectivism example in discussing which subject?


In the Cooperative Principle video, the llama is asked, "Are Grice's Maxims that important? and the answer given is, "Sandwiches are tasty." This is an example of a violation of what maxim?

maxim of relevance

When closing a conversation, it is important that you

notice and use leave-talking cues

When we say that conversations are "locally managed," we mean that

partners produce and monitor every aspect of the conversation

Knowing that someone made a mistake that affects you but not saying anything about it is illustrative of

passive behavior

Asher counts the points on his test and finds a mistake in the total. If he behaves in the most assertive way, which of the following does he say to his professor?

"When I counted my point total I arrived at 81, two more points than the total marked on the page. Am I correct?"

Formality refers to the degree to which a conversation follows scripted

- norms - rules - procedures (all of the above)

Support is "activated" when your friend asks for help. Ideally, what should happen next?

Your supportive messages should focus on the emotions or problem at hand

Joel, the captain of his debate team, feels like he let the team down when they got third place, even though he scored high in individual points. Joel is probably a member of _______.

a collectivist culture

Glen reports that the first deal was made on February 28. Nora says that the first deal was made on January 19. The conflict that ensues is

a fact conflict

A culture that is comfortable with few rules, unpredictability, and multiple perspectives of "truth" is:

a low uncertainty avoidance culture

Every time Phil and Andrea disagree about what movie to watch, they end up arguing about the way each one is handling the disagreement. What kind of conflict does this represent?

a meta conflict

Every day, you see the same acquaintance in the hall. You say, "Hello, how are you?" and your friend answers, "Fine, thank you." This is an example of:

a script

Nodding, smiling, and saying, "uh, huh" are all forms of response known as

back-channel cues

When you are able to analyze a situation and adopt your communication skills to fit that situation, you are employing:

behavioral flexibility

Snoring or nervous mannerisms that your spouse is aware of but you are not aware of might fall under the _________ pane of your Johari Window


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