Command-line Utilities
A TCP/IP utility that shows the status of each active connection.
A command-line protocol analyzer. Administrators use it to capture packets.
A network utility program that reads from and writes to network connections.
ipconfig /renew
Assigns a new IP address
ipconfig (Windows)/ip/ifconfig (Linux)
Command-line tools to manipulate the network interfaces on a system. Ability to list the interfaces and connection parameters, alter parameters, and refresh/renew connections.
Examines a DNS query for a specific address. nslookup works on Windows, dig works on Linux.
Linux tool for viewing the path the packet takes.
netstat -at
Lists all active TCP connections
netstat -an
Lists all active UDP connections
netstat -a
Lists all active connections and listening ports
ipconfig /release
Releases current IP configuration
Specifies a physical (MAC) address in the arp
Windows command for tracing the route that packets take over the network. Provides a list of the hosts, switches, and routers. Uses ICMP if blocked.