communication final study guide

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Which of the following is an acceptable professional complimentary closing for a business letter?


Which of the following patients would be able to give informed consent for treatment?

A 35-year-old woman with a hip fracture

Which type of envelope dose the medical office often use for patient statements ?

A business window envelope

What is the legal nature of the doctor-patient relationship?

A contract

A drug that has a potential for addiction and/or abuse is called

A controlled substance

Which of the following items would most likely be insured if sent through the mail ?

A piece of jewelry sent as a gift

What is utilization review?

A process to determine whether health care is medically necessary

A physician has discontinued care of a patient without properly notifying the patient. This is called


Where is the inside address located on a letter?

Above the salutation of the letter.

What type of law refers to law arising from the actions of federal government agencies such as the Social Security Administration and the Internal Revenue Service?

Administrative law

What is an advantage to a student of completing an accredited medical assisting program?

After graduation, the student is eligible to take a medical assisting certification examination.

What aspects must be met in order to fulfill the basic physiological level of Maslow's pyramid?

Air, food and water.

The inside address is left justified in

All business letter styles.

Which letters to the physician may the medical assistant usually open ?

All letters except those marked '' personal '' or '' confidential ''

Which of the following is NOT included in the patient registration record?


How should the medical assistant arrange letters or reports about patients for the physician to review ?

Alphabetically by the patient's name

When a patient comes to the office for care and then leaves and goes home, what type of care has the patient received?


Which of the following must be included in informed consent?

An explanation of risks involved with the procedure The prognosis The purpose of the recommended procedure

Which of the following is a typical medical assisting clinical responsibility and within the scope of a medical assistant?

Applying hot or cold packs or compresses

If an optional attention line is used in addition to the recipient line , where should it be placed ?

As the top or first line of the address

If a letter to a physician concerns a patient , what should the medical assistant do before giving it to the physician ?

Attach the letter to the patient's paper medical record

Which of the following is/are important character traits for a medical assistant?

Being tolerant of different beliefs and attitudes

What is the name for the concept that a health professional should do the best possible?


Which of the following agencies accredits medical assisting education programs?


What is the proper way to prepare the address on a business envelope ?

Capitalize all letters and use no punctuation

Why are neatness and good grooming important for medical assistants?

Clean hair and hands help prevent the spread of infection. They help the medical assistant project a professional image. Excessive jewelry can become tangled in equipment or tear gloves.

What type of responsibility is it when the medical assistant helps the physician during a physical examination?


Which law or government agency is primarily responsible for the regulation of laboratories and laboratory tests?

Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act (CLIA '88)

For which type of mail is the postage paid by the recipient ?

Collect on Delivery (COD)

What punctuation mark follows the complimentary closing of a business letter?


Which of the following behaviors does NOT demonstrate that a medical assistant works well with others?

Complaining about staff members who do not pull their weight

A narrative report of an opinion about a patient's condition by a practitioner other than the attending physician is known as a

Consultation report

What are examples of end notations for a letter?

Copy line. Enclosure line. Reference line.

What is the branch of law that deals with offenses against the public welfare that affect all people?

Criminal law

What is the correct salutation for a business letter to William Masterson, MD, including punctuation?

Dear Dr. Masterson,

What is the name for the party against whom the lawsuit is brought, whether this is a doctor, medical facility, or hospital?


The patient registration record consists of

Demographic and billing information

Which of the following is NOT one of the four Ds of malpractice?

Determination of negligence to patient

Which of the following reports consists of an account of the significant events of a patient's hospitalization?

Discharge summary report

What is a key concept of the Hippocratic oath?

Do no harm.

Which of the following is included on a medication record for medication administered at the office?

Dosage administered Number of refills Name of the medication

To what agency should employees complain if they feel that they have been discriminated against in their hiring, firing, or employment?

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

What is the name for normal, acceptable behavior in our society?


How often must a CMA (AAMA) (certified medical assistant) recertify to continue to use the credential?

Every 5 years

When a letter must reach its destination within 24 hours, how should it be sent?

Express mail

Which federal law regulates minimum wages?

Fair Labor Standards Act

The Kubler-Ross Stages of Grief MUST go in the following order: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance.


When a person successfully completes one level of Maslow's pyramid, then they automatically move to the next level. You Answered


What type of insurance plan pays a physician separately for each procedure that was performed?

Fee-for-service insurance

What is the name for a serious crime punishable by death or imprisonment?


The physician's office has a letter weighing 12 ounces to mail . How should this letter be sent?

First -class mail

How many digits are there in a traditional ZIP code?


What is the name for the crime of billing an insurance company for tests and procedures that were never performed?


What is a means for medical assisting programs to demonstrate high quality?

Gaining and maintaining accreditation

In her role as medical assistant, Stacy has an important ethical decision to make. She has decided to implement the six-step process to make ethical decisions. What is the first thing she must do?

Gather information

The experimental treatments that attempt to treat or cure disease by giving patients new genes or parts of genes that have been synthesized in the laboratory, taken from human tissue, or engineered from genetic material of animals or other species is called

Gene therapy

James is 48 years old. He is single and never married. He has duped investors out of billions of dollars. He made his career as a stock broker that conned thousands of people in to giving up millions in saving. He lived a lavish life on other peoples' money. What stage represents this negative outcome?

Generativity vs self-absorption

Which of the following types of medical organizations has a PCP that manages care and specialties that include a pediatrician, an internist, a dermatologist, an allergist, a neurologist, and a general surgeon?

HMO (health maintenance organization)

When one employee engages another with unwanted comments or physical contact of a sexual nature, what is it called?


The theory developed by Abraham Maslow is titled "Maslow's ......."

Hierarchy of Needs

The purpose of the tab on a file folder is to

Identify the contents of the folder

Which of the following does NOT fall into the category of advance directives?

Informed consent form

What term is used to describe a patient who has been admitted to the hospital for at least one overnight stay?


What type of records may medical assistants maintain and/or file?

Insurance records Paper medical records Paper laboratory results

The eighth stage of Erikson's theory of development is titled:

Integrity vs. Despair

Which of the following departments provides treatment of the internal organs of adults by other than surgical means?

Internal medicine

What is the function of a conjunction?

It joins words, phrases or clauses.

Which of the following is NOT a function of a fax cover sheet?

It provides instructions to the fax machine.

Which of the following is punctuated correctly?

June 13, 2016

Which of the following statements is NOT true:

Kubler-Ross says people must go through all stages of greif before reaching acceptance.

In a source-oriented record, a radiology report is filed under which of the following chart dividers?


A report of the analysis of body specimens is known as a

Laboratory report

What information is contained in the medical record?

Laboratory reports Results of the physical examination Health history

How can the medical assistant maintain a professional appearance?

Limit jewelry to post earrings and a plain wedding band (if married).

The insurance plan called ______________ is designed to provide health insurance for low-income people.


Conclusions drawn from an interpretation of data are known as

Medical impressions

What is the federal insurance plan that provides health insurance for the elderly, the disabled, and those with end-stage kidney disease?


Identify the pronoun: My name is Christine Walters, and I have worked continuously at a nephrology practice for the past 3 years.


How should a physician terminate a relationship with a patient in order to avoid a possible lawsuit for abandonment?

Notify the patient in writing

Which of the following health professionals can manage routine patient care?

Nurse practitioner, physician, physician assistant

Which federal agency is responsible for physical protection of employees in the workplace?


Which of the following is an important element of professionalism for medical assistants and physicians?

Obtaining continuing education to stay current in the profession

Which of the following helps a patient with a disability learn new skills to perform the activities of daily living?

Occupational therapy

Which medical assistant is likely to be most successful?

One who can remain calm when things do not go as planned

Which areas of specialization offer certification in addition to a general certification in medical assisting?

Ophthalmic medical assistant Medical administrative specialist Podiatric medical assistant

Cities and towns enact laws that have to do with the general welfare of its citizens. What are these laws called?


Which type of primary care seeks to balance the structure and function of the body through manipulation of muscles and joints?


What is the name for treatment that reduces symptoms of a disease, but does not cure the disease?


Which 1990 law recognizes the rights of adults to refuse treatment for disease?

Patient Self-Determination Act

Which of the following are not usually found in the waiting room of a physician's office?

Patient gowns and drapes

A copy of the patient's emergency department report is sent to the

Patient's family physician

With reverse chronological order, the most recent document is

Placed in front of the other documents

Which of the following is NOT included in the database section of a POR?

Plan of treatment

Which of the following must be reported to the proper authorities even if the patient does not consent?

Possible rape Spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) Case of tuberculosis

Malpractice insurance is also known

Professional liability insurance

The likely outcome of a disease or condition is known as the


The purpose of HIPAA Privacy Act is to

Provide patients with more control over the use and disclosure of their health information

Which of the following best describes family medicine?

Provides general medical care of children, adolescents, and adults

What credential is obtained if a medical assistant passes the certification examination in medical assisting given by the American Medical Technologists (AMT)?


What is the legal meaning of the word "liability"?


Which of the following actions should the medical assistant take without being asked?

Restock examination rooms if there is no patient waiting.

If the medical office wants to be sure that a letter is delivered only to the intended recipient, how should it be sent ?

Restricted Delivery

What right is the basis for informed consent?

Right to autonomy

What U.S. Supreme Court decision in 1973 established the right of a woman to obtain an abortion in any state?

Roe v. Wade

In the sentence, "Roger is a very tall boy," which word is a proper noun?


What type of health care encourages regular checkups, immunizations, and well-child visits?

Routine care

The acronym for the format used to organize POR progress notes is


Which part(s) of a standard letter is/are not used in the simplified letter style?

Salutation and complimentary closing

Which of the following is NOT a clinical responsibility of a medical assistant?

Scheduling appointments for additional testing at a local hospital

According to the chapter, which of the following is an example of an administrative responsibility of the medical assistant?

Scheduling office appointments and consultations

When a person has achieved their true purpose in life and is completely content emotionally, physically and spiritually they have reached what level of Maslow's theory?


Which of the following letter styles has indented paragraphs?


Psychologist Erik Erikson believed that personality develops in a series of stages. This theory is similar to that of what other major psychologist?

Sigmund Freud

Which of the following has a subject line in all caps?

Simplified Letter

Which of the following best describes the spacing in the body of a business letter?

Single-spaced with double space between paragraphs

What is the first thing the medical assistant should do to handle the mail ?

Sort it

What should the medical assistant do after each piece of mail is sorted?

Stamp it with the date stamp in the upper right - hand corner

Three trends in modern medicine have led to an increase in office-based health care. Which of the following is NOT one of these trends?

State governments now requiring that all patients must seek ambulatory care before going to a hospital

What is the purpose of an advance directive?

States an individual's wish not to be resuscitated if his or her heart stops beating States an individual's wishes regarding health care if the individual is not able to speak for him or herself Expresses an individual's wish to donate organs when he or she dies

Which of the following can be performed by an electronic medical record software program?

Storage of a medical record Retrieval of a medical record Creation of a medical record

Data obtained from the patient are recorded in POR progress notes under

Subjective data

Which of the following does NOT represent how medical assistants function as patient advocates?

Suggesting possible diagnoses to the physician

What is the current name for the health insurance plan for dependent spouses and children of active-duty military personnel?


What does the doctrine of respondeat superior mean?

The physician is liable for the negligent actions of his or her employees.

What is included in the heading of a letter?

The return address, which may be in a letterhead, and the date.

How many spaces below the complimentary closing should the typed signature be placed?

The typed signature should be placed four to five lines below the complimentary closing to leave space for the handwritten signature.

Why should doorways in the medical office be at least three feet wide?

This is required by the Americans with Disabilities Act so that patients in wheelchairs have access.

What is one important reason for a medical assistant to study ethics?

To develop the intellectual skills to analyze complex problems

Which of the following is NOT a function of the medical record?

To share information between members of the patient's family

What branch of civil law compensates individuals for injury?

Tort law

The self-esteem level of Maslow's pyramid is the 4th stage of his theory.


The first stage of Erickson's Theory of Psychosocial Development is:

Trust vs. Mistrust

Informed consent is consent based on

Understanding of a medical procedure and its possible outcomes

What examination must a physician pass in order to obtain a state license to practice medicine?

United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE)

What are reasons to revoke or suspend a physician's license?

Unprofessional activity Senility Conviction of a crime

Which of the following is NOT an example of a diagnostic report?

Urinalysis report

In today's health care environment, it is seen as a proactive duty that physicians and other health care professionals must provide truthful information without having to be asked. This expectation of truthfulness by all health care workers is called


When a medical assistant witnesses a patient's signature, it means that he or she

Verified the patient's identity and watched the patient sign the form

Which of the following situations requires the completion of a release of medical information form?

When a patient transfers records to a new physician

What type of computer program does the medical assistant usually use to prepare letters?

Word processing

If a medical assistant performs only those procedures that he or she is trained for and allowed to perform by law, what is this an example of?

Working within the scope of practice

The Industry vs. Inferiority stage of Erikson's Theory happens with children:

ages 5-11

Identify the conjunction: My name is Christine Walters, and I have worked continuously at a nephrology practice for the past 3 years.


When someone who is grieving begs to try and reverse a loss or promises to act better if the loss does not occur, this stage of Kubler-Ross' theory is called:


The Trust vs. Mistrust stage of Erikson's Theory happens with children

between birth and one year of age

Identify the adverb: My name is Christine Walters, and I have worked continuously at a nephrology practice for the past 3 years.


The Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt stage of Erikson's Theory happens with children:

during early childhood

Alex is 22 years old. He lives at home with his mother. He refuses to leave and find a job. His mother has always told him that he won't be successful in the "real world", and that he is "too dumb" to do anything. At what stage did Alex likely fail?

industry vs Inferiority

What class of mail will cost least if the medical office must mail two educational DVDs ?

media Mail

When sally was asked, Do you have a brother, she said "yes". When she was asked, "Does your brother have a sister?", she said "no". What stage does this represent?


The initiative vs. guilt stage of Erikson's Theory happens with children:

preschool years

Intimate relationships are considered

psychological needs

Object permanence is developed in which of the following stages?


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