Community Nutrition FINAL EXAM

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What are the 4 components of an objective?

- action or activity to be undertaken - target population - evaluation method - time frame

What are the three main steps of the development of proposals?

1. laying the foundation 2. building the grant 3. assembling the final product 4. reviewing the grant is funded or revising it in hopes of future success

What are the five components of food security?

1. quantity 2. quality 3. suitability 4. psychological 5. social

obese women

11-20 pounds

overweight women

15-25 pounds

most pregnant or lactating women need a total of how many calories per day?

2200-2900 calories/day

underweight women

28-40 pounds


30-35 pounds

When do we start aging?

35 years old

CDC growth charts for children 2 to 20 years old BMI for age underweight

< 5th percentile

CDC growth charts for children 2 to 20 years old BMI for age healthy weight

>5th percentile and <85th percentile

CDC growth charts for children 2 to 20 years old BMI for age overweight

>85th percentile and <95th percentile

CDC growth charts for children 2 to 20 years old BMI for age obese

>95th percentile

food recovery

Activities such as salvaging perishable produce from grocery stores; rescuing surplus prepared food from restaurants and caterers; and collecting nonperishable food from manufacturers, supermarkets, or people's homes. The items recovered are donated to hungry people.


Campinha-Bacote cultural competence model Awareness cultural Skill cultural Knowledge cultural Encounters cultural Desires


D - disease E - eating properly T - tooth loss E - economic hardship R - reduce social content M - multiple medication I - Involuntary weight loss N - needs assistance in self care E - Elderly

a comprehensive child health development program under the DHHS that includes education, health services, and social services for low-income children ages birth to five and their parents is best defined as the ________. a. team nutrition program b. national youth sports program c. Get Fit Nutrition program d. Head Start Program

D. Head Start Program

What are the government and nonprofit organizations at the national, state, and local levels that are implementing initiatives that aim to reduce overweight and increase physical activity among youth?

Eat Smart. Play Hard. CATCH, Farm-to-school programs Fruits and Veggies - More Matters, Best Bones Forever Fuel Up to Play 60 Kids Cafe Program Dairy Council Champions for Change/Harvest of the Month

The policy implementation phase is the most creative phase of the policy making process. T/F



L- listen with sympathy and understanding to a client's perception of a problem E- explain your perceptions of the problem A- Acknowledge and discuss differences and similarities R - Recommend treatment that is relevant, concise, and practical N - Negotiate agreement

A common format used to structure lesson plans

Lesson Title Target Audience Duration Lesson Goals Learning Objectives Procedure Learning experiences or activities Methods of Evaluation Materials Needed

How many levels of interventions are there?

Level I: build awareness of a health or nutritional topic or problem Level II: help participants make lifestyle changes Level III: work toward creating environments that support the behavior changes made by individuals

What are the two types of structures of management to implement a program?

Personnel Data system both direct and indirect costs must be determined to identify the true cost of a program

Worksite health promotion efforts can be classified under four main areas:

Policies - smoking and alcohol and other drugs Screenings - health risk/health status, cancer, HBP, glucose, and cholesterol Information or activities - Individual counseling, group classes, workshops, lectures, special events, and resource materials such as posters, brochures, pamphlets, videos, podcasts, pedometers, and interactive online tools. Topics typically covered include cancer, high blood pressure, cholesterol, smoking, physical activity and fitness, nutri- tion, weight management, and stress reduction. Facilities or services - Nutrition, physical fitness, alcohol and other drugs, and stress reduction.


Prepared and perishable food programs -nonprofit programs that link sources of unused, cooked and fresh foods with social service agencies that serve the hungry


Product, Place, Price, Promotion


Scaling up nutrition - movement seeks to scale up evidence-based interventions to prevent and treat undernutrition, especially during the critical 1,000 day period

Steps to developing a nutrition education plan

Step 1: Build awareness Step 2: change lifestyle Step 3: Create a supportive environment

Three levels of intervention for Client-Centered Nutrition Education Approach

Step 1: Enhancing Motivation: "why change" Step 2: Providing Information and Skills to Act: "How to Change" Step 3: Creating a Support System

What are the steps to program planning?

Step 1: Review the organization's mission statement and the results of the community needs assessment Step 2: Define the goals and objectives Step 3: Develop a program plan that describes the intervention, the appropriate nutrition education component for the target population, and how the program will be marketed Step 4: Develop a management system Step 5: Identifying Funding sources Step 6: Implement the Program Step 7: Evaluate the program elements and effectiveness


Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. situational analysis technique often used in market research

community food security

The development and enhancement of sustainable, community-based strategies to ensure that all persons in a community have access to culturally acceptable, nutritionally adequate food through local nonemergency sources at all times

Four micronutrient global deficiencies

Vitamin A - the world's most common cause of preventable child blindness and vision impairment Iron-deficiency anemia - decreased cognitive abilities and resistance to disease, impairs mental development, death Iodine deficiency - causes high levels of goiter and mental retardation Zinc deficiency - growth failure and weakened immunity

What are some of the nutrients that should be increased with the elderly population?

Vitamin b12, vitamin d, calcium, and protein

low birthweight

a birthweight of 5 points (2,500 grams) or less, used as a predictor of poor health in the newborn and as a probable indicator of poor nutrition status of the mother during and or before pregnancy

Mission statement

a broad statement or declaration of an organization's purpose or reason for being


a collection of beliefs that includes an evaluative aspect

Genetic engineering

a form of biotechnology on which a plant's genes are altered in an effort to create a new plant with different traits; in some cases, a plant's genes may be deleted or altered, or a genes may be introduced from a different organism or species.

Entitlement program

a government program that provides cash, commodities, or services to all qualifying low-income individuals or households

World Bank

a group of international financial institutions owned by the governments of more than 150 nations

Social Marketing

a method for changing consumer behavior; the design, implementation, and management of programs that seek to increase the acceptability of social idea or practice among a target group

brand image

a mirror reflection of the brand personality or product being marketed; it is what people believe about a brand; their thoughts, feelings, and expectations

food bank

a nonprofit community organization that collects surplus commodities from he government and edible but often unmarketable foods from private industry for use by nonprofit charities, institutions, and feeding programs at nominal costs


a person who works in converting spoken words into another language


a person who works in converting written words into another language


a property of groups herein several cultures are represented

soup kitchens

a small feeding operation attached to an existing organization such as a church, civic group, or nonprofit agency, that serves prepared meals that are consumed on site

healthy Eating Index

a summary measure of quality of one's diet. The HEI provides and overall picture of how well one's diet confirms to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

When using the CDC growth charts, the body mass index between ________ is considered at risk for overweight a. 85-95th percentile b. 25-30 kg/m2 c. 30-40 kg/m2 d. 95-100th percentile

a. 85-95th percentile

Which of the following individuals would receive priority care within the WIC program? a. Emily, a pregnant woman with iron-deficiency anemia b. Joey, a four year old boy who is at the 50th percentile for weight c. Selena, a mom of four children aged 1,3,4, and 6 d. maryAnn, a breastfeeding mom

a. Emily, a pregnant woman with iron-deficiency anemia

What are the basic principles guiding adult education?

a. adult roles, responsibilities, and previous experiences influence learning b. adult learning is constantly occurring c. the role of the adult educator is to facilitate this continuous learning process

which of the folllwing "levels of intervention" would tax incentives for companies with health promotion programs fall under? a. create a supportive environment b. build awareness c. change lifestyles d. incorporate healthful habits

a. create a supportive environment

a leading cause for malnutrition in children under 5 is _______ a. diarrheal disease b. influenza c. tuberculosis d. whooping cough

a. diarrheal disease

a government program that provides case, commodities, or services to all qualifying low-income individuals or households. a. entitlement program b. non-entitlement program c. food retrieval program d. food security program

a. entitlement program

Which of the following statements regarding an evaluation is false? a. evaluation is necessary only at one point in time during the program b. evaluation is fundamental to every step of community assessment and program planning c. the purpose and scope of an evaluation can vary from program to program d. evaluation findings can alert policy makers to the need for expanding services

a. evaluation is necessary only at one point in time during the program

Which of the following terms defines "inadequate weight gain of infants?" a. failure to thrive b. low birthweight c. infant mortality rate d. very low birthweight

a. failure to thrive

The new nutrition standards for meals served through the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs align with the Dietary Guidelines of Americans. Schools must: a. increase vegetables and reduced fat milk and decrease sodium b. increase fruits and monounsaturated fats and decrease sodium c. increase fat free milk and legumes and decrease saturated fat d. increase whole grains and vegetables and decrease saturated fat

a. increase vegetables and reduced fat milk decrease sodium

which fo the following is NOT a cause for food insecurity in the US? a. individuals working above minimum wage b. utility costs c. SNAP benefit cuts d. weakening of the economy

a. individuals working above minimum wage

which term best matches the description: "severe emaciation from energy deficiency with chronic wasting of fat, muscle, and other tissues; starvation?" a. marasmus b. kwashiorkor c. severe acute malnutrition (SAM) d. protein-energy maltrution (PEM)

a. marasmus

What are the 8 areas of millennium development goals

a. poverty and hunger b. primary education c. women's equality d. child mortality e. maternal health f. disease g. environment h. a global partnership for development

The anthropometric measurements you take on two month old infant lead you to diagnose FTT. You are sure of the diagnosis because a. the infant's weight for length is recorded below the 5th percentile b. the infant's head circumference ranks below other infants of the same age c. the infant's length was measured in the recumbent position d. the infant's weight for length is below the 10th percentile

a. the infant's weight for length is recorded below the 5th percentile

Which of the following is NOT a reason for a policy being terminated? a. the president vetoing the policy b. loss of support c. the public need was met d. not achieving its goals

a. the president vetoing the policy

Which of the following statements correctly identifies a formative evaluation? a. the process of testing and assessing certain elements of a program before it is implemented fully. b. involves examining how a program is implemented c. the process of determining a program's benefits relative to its cost d. the process of measuring a program's effectiveness in changing one or more aspects of nutrition or health status

a. the process of testing and assessing certain elements of program before it is implemented fully

Food security

access by all people at all times to sufficient food for an active and healthy life


advertising personal promotion publicity branding


allocating and arranging resources


allows clients to have personal questions answered or instructions paced according to individual learning progress

public relations

an organized effort to promote a favorable image of a person or product thought new coverage or goodwill

Project management

another type of planning which coordinates a set of limited-scope activities for a single program or intervention


any belief or quality that is important, desirable, or prized


any paid form of non personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor


any restriction on or impairment in performing an activity in the manner or within the range considered normal for a human being

Nutrition Education

any set of learning experiences designed to facilitate the voluntary adoption of eating and other nutrition-related behaviors conducive to health and well-being

summer food service program

approved sponsors receive reimbursement for serving meals that meet federal nutritional guidelines; payments are received through state agencies, based on the number of meals served and documented costs of running the program


assumption that information about a cultural group applies to all individuals who appear to represent that group

Afterschool snack program

available through NSLP. schools receive cash subsidies for each snack served

an infant mortality rate of 7 per 1,000 means that: a. 7 infants out of 1,000 live births die before 28 days of age b. 7 infants out of 1,000 live births die before one year of age c. 7 infants out of 1,000 total population die before one year of age d. 7 infants put o two years of age die out of the total population

b. 7 infants out of 1,000 live births die before one year of age

Which of the following statements is true regarding the nutrient needs of older Americans? a. calorie needs tend to increase b. consumption of nutrient-dense foods is critical c. there is often increased stomach acidity d. the need for vitamin b12 may decrease

b. consumption of nutrient-dense foods is critical

After reviewing the HEI nationwide survey results, which food groups/nutrients meet the closest to the standards? a. dark green vegetables and beans b. dairy and proteign c. magnesium and potassium d. vitamins a and c

b. dairy and protein

Which of the following is not a component of an objective? a. the time frame in which the objective will be met b. desired changes or outcomes c. the target population d. an indication of how success will be measured or evaluated

b. desired changes or outcomes

oral rehydration therapy (ORT) is used in the treatment of a. protein-calorie malnutrition b. diarrhea and or dehydration c. goiter d. whooping cough

b. diarrhea and or dehydration

What items can be purchased with benefits form the Supplemental Nutrition Assistances Program? a. ready to eat hot foods b. garden seeds c. vitamins d. cleaning supplies

b. garden seeds

Pregnant adolescents are nutritionally at risk and require intervention early and throughout the pregnancy. All of the following are stereotypical risks for this population, except which one? a. iron-deficiency anemia b. gestational diabetes c. pregnancy-related hypertension d. premature birth

b. gestational diabetes

A _______ is a broad statement of desired changes or outcomes a. mission statement b. goal c. objective d. intervention statement

b. goal

which of the components for SMART objective is missing from this objective? "By August 2020, increase the amount of fruit consumed by preschoolers." a. specific b. measurable c. time frame d. none of the components are missing

b. measurable

which of the following sis not a specific type of evaluation tool a. fiscal evaluation b. program evaluation formative evaluation d. impact evaluation

b. program evaluation (process)

a non-entitlement program such as WIC is one which a. provides assistance based on unlimited funds b. provides assistance in the form of a federal grant c. provides assistance to all who qualify d. is like most of the other food assistance programs

b. provides assistance in the form of a federal grant

By law, each state is required to operate the Title V maternal and Child Health (MCH) program. This program provides federal support to the states in all fo the following areas, except? a. maternity and infant care b. vision care for children c. reducing infant mortality d. treat children who are at risk for physical or developmental disabilities

b. vision care for children

children showing growth failure are likely to be lacking in a. vitamin a b. zinc c. iron d. iodine

b. zinc

Strategic planning

broad in scope and addresses the organization's overall goals long term planning formulates objectives, assessing past, current, and future conditions, and events, evaluating the organization's strengths and weaknesses, and making decisions about the appropriate course of action


broad statements of desired changes or outcomes.

For women that is considered overweight before pregnancy, it is recommended that she gain which of following weight ranges? a. 28-40 b. 11-20 c. 15-25 d. 25-35

c. 15-25

SMART objectives are all fo the following except? a. specific b. relevant c. accurate d. achievable

c. accurate

The harvesting of excess food from farms, orchards, and packing houses to feed the hungry a. food recovery b. farm to table c. gleaning d. food bank

c. gleaning

Which of the following is NOT a leading cause of infant mortality in the US? a. SIDS b. preterm delivery c. lack of access to health care d. low birth weight

c. lack of access to health care

All of the following are specific risk factors of poor nutrition status in older adults, except a. poverty b. chronic medication use c. lack of insurance d. social isolation e. inappropriate food intake

c. lack of insurance

The state of having too little money to meet minimum needs for food, clothing, and shelter. a. food insecurity b. food security c. poverty d. food retrieval

c. poverty

The first step in the program planning process is to a. identify funding sources b. define the management system c. review the results of the community needs assessment d. define program goals and objectives

c. review the results fo the community needs assessment

which type of objective have you written with this statement? "AT the end of each month for the next 18 months, each community nutritionist will submit an itemized statement of expenses related to all nutrition education programming." a. essential b. outcome c. structure d. process

c. structure

which term matches the following definition: "any belief or quality that is important, desirable, or prized and provide meaning, structure, and organization in our lives." a. attitude b. tradition c. value d. culture

c. value

child and adult care food program

cash reimbursement for meals served that meet federal nutritional guidelines and reimbursement of associated administrative costs. HEAD START nonprofit childcare centers


channels coverage locations inventory transport


communication is directed toward accomplishing the intended outcome


complementary and alternative medicine is used together with conventional treatments


components of the program designed to reward the desired behavior

Head Start

comprehensive focused child development programs serve children from birth to age five, pregnant women, and their families. health, education, nutrition, and social services are provided and are responsive and appropriate to each child's and family's heritage and experience

Older Americans Nutrition Program

congregate and home-delivered meals and other nutrition services. Nutrition screening, assessment, education, and counseling to identify older adults general an special nutritional needs; provided in a variety of settings, such as senior centers, schools, and individual homes


consider the beliefs, values, customs, and viewpoints of their own group superior to those of every other group


consists fo differences among groups of people

The federal budget runs from a. march 1 to February 28 the following year b. April 1 to march 31 the following year c. september 1 to august 31 the following year d. October 1 to September 30 the following year

d. October 1 to September 30 the following year

Which terms belongs to the following definition? "Limited or uncertain ability to acquire or consume and adequate quality or sufficient quantity of food in socially acceptable ways." a. food security b. poverty c. food pantry d. food insecurity

d. food insecurity

national surveys show that children are failing to meet recommendations for which of the following food groups? a. fruits, meats/beans, and milk b. vegetables, oils, and whole grains c. vegetables, whole grains, and milk d. fruits, vegetables, and whole grains

d. fruits, vegetables, and whole grains

Which of the following types of evaluations evaluates the process of determining if the program's methods and activities resulted in the desired immediate changes in the client. a. outcome evaluation b. structure evaluation c. process evaluation d. impact evaluation

d. impact evaluation

which of the following programs is a "peer counseling program to increase breastfeeding rates in low-income, urban populations?" a. baby-friendly hospital b. title V c. breastfeeding promotion consortium d. la leche league

d. la leche league

All of the following factors will trigger program planning except? a. results fo the community needs assessment/research findings b. government policy c. availability of funding for new programs d. mandate from a partnership

d. mandate from a partnership

Which of the components for a SMART objective is missing from this objective? "decrease the mean saturated fat intake of women by 3% within one year" a. relevant b. measurable c. specific d. none of the components are missing

d. none are missing

Which step in policy making comes after "formulation of alternatives?" a. policy implementation b. policy evaluation c. agenda setting d. policy adoption

d. policy adoption

Which of the following terms defines "a birthweight of less than 1,500 gram?" a. infant mortality rate b. failure to thrive c. low birthweight d. very low birthweight

d. very low birthweight


data that has been analyzed and processed into a form that is meaningful for decision makers Info must be relevant, accurate, timely, complete, and concise

very low birthweight

defined as less than 1,500 grams or 3 pounds, 4 ounces


denotes interaction between or Amon individuals who represent distinctly different cultures

Nutrition informatics

effective retrieval, organization, storage, and optimum use of information, data, and knowledge for problem solving and decision making

Child nutrition related programs

federal programs address the special nutrition needs of children

Children of all ages, races, and ethnic groups are shown to be at risk of inadequate intakes of......

folate, calcium, magnesium, and Vitamins A,C,D, and E; iron is under consumed by female adolescents

What do the nationwide surveys show that children are failing to meet the recommended nutrition guidelines by not consuming enough.....

fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and by eating too many foods high in saturated fat, added sugars, and sodium

women pregnant with twins

gain 35-45 pounds

women pregnant with triplets

gain 44-55 pounds

women who begin pregnancy at a healthful weight

gain between 25-35 pounds

The foundation work for grant writing includes:

generating ideas, describing goals, and identifying funding sources and potential collaborators

Organization Chart

gives employees information about the major functions of the departments, relationships among departments, channels of supervision, lines of authority, and certain position titles within units


growth charts, oral rehydration therapy, breast milk, and immunization

health marketing

health promotion programs that are developed to satisfy consumer needs, are strategically planned to reach as a broad an audience as in need fo the program.


helps clients learn by providing a measuring stick to determine how much progress they are making

failure to thrive

inadequate weight gain of infants

Affirmative Action

includes all activities designed to ensure and increase equal employment opportunities for groups protected by federal laws and regulations


individuals who move to a new country seeking permanent residence

Infant mortality rate

infant deaths under one year of age, expressed as the number of such deaths per 1,000 live births


influencing others to work toward goals

food distribution programs

intended to strengthen the nutrition safety net through commodity distribution and other nutrition assistance to low-income households, emergency feeding programs, indica reservations and older adults


intervention is geared to clients, including reading level and visual acuity

what are the most significant nutrition related problems of infants?

iron deficiency and food allergies

food insecurity

limited or uncertain ability to acquire or consume an adequate quality or sufficient quantity of food in socially acceptable ways


list price discounts credit terms


manner in which employees are clustered into units, units into departments, and departments into divisions or other larger categories.

Process Objective

measurable activities carried out while implementing the program

Structure Objective

measurable activities surrounding the budget, staffing patterns, coordination of program activities

Outcome Objective

measurable changes in health or nutritional outcome


measurable determination of the value or degree of success in achieving specific objectives

process evaluation

measure of a program activities our efforts of how a program is implemented


measures taken to accomplish desired actions or eliminate obstacle

outcome evaluation

measuring a program's effectiveness in changing one or more aspects of nutrition or health

Sustainable development

meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Protein-energy malnutrition (PEM)

most widespread malnutrition problem; characterized by a depletion of both energy stores and tissue proteins; usually accompanied by micronutrient deficiencies

What are the main goals of the older Americans nutrition program?

nutrition status, reduce hunger and malnutrition, food insecurity, provide low cost meals, social interaction, and one hot meal a day

target market

one particular market segment pinpointed as a primary customer group

Market niche

particular area of service or the particular product suited to the specific clients to be reached. The underlying philosophy is that you cannot be all things to all people, so you must find the spot that fits your objectives and goals and enables you to meet a particular unmet need.

la leche league

peer counseling program to increase breastfeeding rates in low income, urban populations


potential customers for a product or service; a group of unique customers who share some characteristics


process by which individuals and groups get what they need and want by creating and exchanging products and values with others


process of achieving organizational goals through engaging int he four major functions of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling


process of adopting beliefs, values, and behaviors of another culture

fiscal or efficiency evaluation

process of determining a program's benefits relative to cost

structure evaluation

process of determining adequacy of internal processes and resources needed to deliver a program

impact evaluation

process of determining whether the program's methods and activities resulted in immediate changes


process of stating in quantitative terms, usually dollars, the planned organizational activities for a given period of time

formative evaluation

process of testing and assessing certain elements before it is implemented


property of a group that consists of its sharing cultural traditions, having a common linguistic heritage, and originating from the same land

Title V Maternal and child health program

provides federal support to the states for - services and program to reduce infant mortality and improve child and maternal health - services, programs, and facilities to locate, diagnose, and treat children who have special health care needs or who are at risk of physical or developmental disabilities

Fresh fruit and vegetable program

provides fresh and dried fruits and fresh vegetables free to children nationwide in selected schools in 50 states

Summative Evaluation

provides information about the effectiveness of a program. Designed to obtain data about the participants' reactions to all aspects of the program, including the topics covered, the instructors or presenters, any instructional materials, program activities, physical arrangements for the program, registration procedures, and advertising and promotion


provides nutritious foods to supplement diets, nutrition education and counseling, and screening/referrals to other health, welfare, and social services pregnant, breastfeeding, and postpartum women, infants up to one year of age and children up to five years of age are eligible if they re individually determined by a qualified health professional to be in need of the special supplemental food provided by the program because they are nutritionally at risk


quality features style packaging services


refers to a category of population based on physical characteristics and shared ancestry

Span of Control

refers to the number of subordinates who report directly to a specific manager


regulating activities to reach goals

Nutrition Security

requires that all people have access to a variety of nutritious foods and potable drinking water; knowledge, resources, and skills for healthy living; prevention, treatment, and care for diseases affecting nutrition status; and safety net systems during crisis situations such as natural disasters or deleterious social and political systems

Summative evaluation

research conducted at the end of a program that helps determine whether the program was effective and how it might be improved

School breakfast program

schools and institutions receive cash subsidies for each meal served breakfast

national school lunch program

schools receive cash subsidies and USDA commodities for each meal served

special milk program

schools receive reimbursement for milk served to children eligible for free milk and cash subsidies for each half-pint of milk sold

Team nutrition

schools receive technical training and assistance to help school foodservice staff prepare healthful meals and provide nutrition education to help children understand the link between eating/physical activity and health

social marketing

seeks to increase the acceptability of a idea, a practice, a product, or all three among a certain group of people (target population). a strategy for chaining consumer behavior; its premise is the individuals do new things or give up old things in exchange for benefits they hope to receive


set of activities directed toward putting a program into effect


setting goals and deciding how best to achieve them


severe acute malnutrition - characterized by very low weight-for-height by visible severe wasting, and or by the presence of nutritional edema associated with recent severe food deprivation


shared history, consisting of "the integrated pattern of thoughts, communications, actions, customs, beliefs, values, and institutions associated, wholly or partially, with racial ethnic, or linguistic groups, as well as with religious, spiritual biological, geographical, or sociological characteristics

Sales promotion

short term incentives to encourage purchases or sales of a product or service

Operational Planning

short term planning that focuses on the activities and actions required to meet the organization's goals deals with specific actions, expenditures, and controls and with the timing fo these actives in a formal, structured process

Healthy People 2020

significant effort are needed to achieve the Healthy people 2020 objectives that promote healthful weights and food choices in children and adolescents. suggested actions include advocating for public health policies that address not only individual behaviors but also the environmental conditions in which people live; and implementing strategies to make healthy food choices available, identifiable, and affordable to people of all races and income levels and in all types of geographic locations


specific, measurable actions to be completed within a specific time frame.

What is a SMART objective?

specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and set within a time frame


state of having too little money to meet minimum needs for food, clothing, and shelter


supplemental nutrition assistance program- an entitlement program with he goal of improving the diets of low-income households by increasing access to food and food-purchasing ability eligibility is based on income, household size, assets, housing costs, working requirements, and other factors


taking of three or more medications regularly; occurs in 1/3 of those over 65 years of age

Health literacy

the degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, and understand basic health information, tools, and services needed to make appropriate health decisions

Green revolution

the development and widespread adoption of high-yielding stain of wheat and rice in developing countries. Used to describe almost any package of modern agricultural technology delivered to developing countries


the harvesting of excess food from farms, orchards, and packing houses to feed the hungry


the number of people who take part in a health promotion activity

Formative evaluation

the process of testing and assess certain elements of a program before it is implemented fully

Adult education

the process whereby adults learn and achieve changes in knowledge, attitudes, values, or skills

Market segmentation

the separation of large groups of potential clients into smaller, distinct groups with similar characteristics or needs. Advantages include simpler, more accurate analysis of each groups's needs and more customized delivery of services

Appropriate technology

the technology that utilizes locally abundant resources in preference to locally scarce resources


the use of biological systems or living organisms to make or modify products. Foods: wine, beet, yogurt, and cheese

T/F. The logic model provides a framework (or road map) for grant proposal writers for planning, implementing, managing, and evaluating community nutrition programs.


types of milk for the special milk program

unflavored or flavored fat free or 2% milk that meet state and local standards

food pantry

usually attached to existing nonprofit agencies, a food pantry distributes bags or boxes of groceries to people experiencing food emergencies

Health disparities

when a segment of a population bears a disproportionate incidence of a health condition or illness.

maternal mortality rate

women's deaths assigned to causes related to pregnancy, expressed as the number of such deaths per 100,000 live births

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