COMP 3350 Exam 1

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Linear Address

(Segment * 10h) + Offset Ex: What is the linear address corresponding to the following segment-offset: 04C2:1032? Segment * 10h = 04C20 04C20 + 1032 = 05C52 So, the linear address is 05C52.

Hexadecimal Integers

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F, 10, 11, 12, ...

Assemble-link-execute cycle

1 - A programmer uses a text editor to create an ASCII text file named the source file 2 - The assembler reads the source file and produces an object file, a machine-language translation of the program. Optionally, it produces a listing file. If any errors occur, the programmer must return to Step 1 3 - Linker reads the object file and checks to see if the program contains any calls to procedures in a link library. Linker copies any required procedures from the link library, combines them with the object file, and produces the executable file. 4 - Operating system loader utility reads the executable file into memory and branches the CPU to the programs starting address, and the program begins to execute.


16-bit unsigned & signed integer Word1 WORD 65535 ; largest unsigned value Word2 SWORD -32768 ; smallest signed value Word3 WORD ? ; uninitialized, unsigned Word4 WORD "AB" ; double characters myList WORD 1,2,3,4,5 ; array of words array WORD 5 DUP(?) ; uninitialized array Word1 - offset 0000 Word2 - offset 0002


32-bit unsigned & signed integer Val1 DWORD 12345678h ; unsigned Val2 SDWORD -2147483648 ; signed Val3 DWORD 20 DUP(?) ; unsigned array Val4 SDWORD -3,-2,-1,0,1 ; signed array Val1 - offset 0000 Val2 - offset 0004

Unsigned Decimal to Binary

37/2 = 18, r = 1 18/2 = 9, r = 0 9/2 = 4, r = 1 4/2 = 2, r = 0 2/2 = 1, r = 0 1/2 = 0, r = 1 So, unsigned decimal 37 = 100101 binary


8-bit unsigned integer, 8-bit signed integer Value1 BYTE 'A' ; Character Constant Value2 BYTE 0 ; smallest unsigned byte Value3 BYTE 255 ; largest unsigned byte Value4 SBYTE -128 ; smallest signed byte Value5 SBYTE +127 ; largest signed byte Value6 BYTE ? ; uninitialized byte Value1 - offset 0000 Value2 - offset 0001 Vlaue3 - offset 0002 If there were 2 bytes in Value1, then they would be offset 0000 and offset 0001 respectively.


A constant integer (8, 16, or 32 bits); Value is encoded within instruction

Direct-Offset Operands

A constant offset is added to a data label to produce an effective address (EA). The address is dereferenced to get the values inside its memory location.

.lst file

A listing file contains a copy of the program's source code, with line numbers, the numeric address of each instruction, the machine code bytes of each instruction (in hexadecimal), and a symbol table.

Constant Integer Expressions

A mathematical expression involving integer literals and arithmetic operators. Each expression must evaluate to an integer, which can be stored in 32 bits (0 through FFFFFFFFh)

Carry Flag (Arithmetic)

ADD causes the CF = (carry out of the MSB) SUB causes the CF = INVERT (carry out of the MSB) mov al, 0FFh add al, 1 ; CF = 1, AL = 00 mov al, 0 sub al, 1 ; CF = 1, AL = FF

Overflow Flag (Arithmetic)

ADD causes the OF = CF XOR MSB SUB causes the CF = INVERT ( carry out of the MSB ) Rule of Thumb: When adding two integers, remember that the overflow flag is only set when... Two positive operands are added and their sum is negative Two negative operands are added and their sum is positive mov al, +127 add al, 1 ; OF = 1, AL = ?? mov al, 7Fh add al, 1 ; OF = 1, AL = 80h


ADD destination, source (Logic: destination <- destination + source) SUB destination, source (Logic: destination <- destination - source) Same operand rules as for the MOV instruction .data Var1 DWORD 10000h Var2 DWORD 20000h .code Mov eax, var1 ; 00010000h Add eax, var2 ; 00030000h Addd ax, 0FFFFh ; 0003FFFFh Add eax, 1 ; 00040000h Sub ax, 1 ; 0004FFFFh

INC reg/mem & DEC reg/mem

Add 1, subtract 1 from destination operand; operand may be register or memory INC destination (Logic: destination <- destination + 1) DEC destination (Logic: destination <- destination - 1) mov ax, 00FFh inc ax ; AX = 0100h Mov ax, 00FFh Inc al ; AX= 0000h

LABEL Directive

Assigns an alternate label name and type to an existing storage location; does not allocate any storage of its own .data dwList LABEL DWORD wordList LABEL WORD intList BYTE 00h, 10h, 00h, 20h .code mov eax, dwList ; 20001000h mov cx, wordList ; 1000h mov dl, intList ; 00h

Integer Storage Sizes

Byte (8), Word (16), Doubleword (32), Quadword (64) Unsigned: 0 .. 2^(n) - 1 Signed: -(2^(n - 1)) .. 2^(n - 1) - 1


CS - Code segment DS - data segment SS - stack segment ES, FS, GS - additional segments

Unconditional Transfer

Control is transferred to a new location in all cases; a new address is loaded into the instruction pointer, causing execution to continue at the new address. The JMP instruction does this

Control Unit (CU)

Coordinates the sequencing of steps involved in executing machine instructions


Counts the number of elements in a single data declaration .data Byte1 BYTE 10, 20, 30 Array1 WORD 30 DUP(?), 0, 0 ; 32 Array2 WORD 5 DUP(3 DUP(?)) ; 15 Array3 DWORD 1, 2, 3, 4 ; 4 DigitStr BYTE "12345678", 0 ; 9 .code Mov ecx, LENGTHOF array1 ; 32

LOOP Instruction

Creates a counting loop Syntax: LOOP target Logic: ECX <- ECX - 1, if ECX != 0, jump to target Implementation: The assembler calculates the distance, in bytes, between the offset of the following instruction and the offset of the target label. It is called the relative offset. relative offset is added to EIP

EQU Directive

Define a symbol as either an integer or text expression Three Formats: name EQU expression name EQU symbol name EQU <text> Cannot be redfined

Hexadecimal Addition

Divide the sum of two digits by the number base (16). Quotient becomes the carry value, and the remainder is the sum digit (Ex: 6A + 4B = B5 (21/16 = 1, rem 5))

Map file

Lists all segments in the program

MOV Instruction

Move from source to destination Syntax: MOV destination, source Standard MOV Instruction Formats: MOV reg,reg MOV mem,reg MOV reg,mem MOV mem,imm MOV reg,imm No more than one memory operand permitted. CS, EIP, and IP cannot be the desitnation. No immediate to segment moves.

Hexadecimal to Decimal

Multiply each digit by its corresponding power of 16 ex: 1234h = (1 x 163) + (2 x 162) + (3 x 161) + (4 x 160) = decimal 4660

Equal Sign Directive

Name = expression Expression is a 32-bit integer May be redefined Name is called a symbolic constant When a program is assembled, all instances of name are replaced by expression during the assemblers preprocessor steo Good programming style to use symbols (i.e. COUNT = 500)


Name of a register; register name is converted to a number encoded within the instruction

PTR Operator

Overrides the default type of label (variable). Provides the flexibility to access part of a variable. .data myDouble DWORD 12345678h .code mov ax, myDouble ; error mov ax, WORD PTR myDouble ; loads 5678h mov WORD PTR myDouble, 4321h ; saves 4321h Little endian order is used when storing data in memory.

NEG Instruction and the Flags

Processor implements NEG using the following internal operation SUB 0, operand Any nonzero operand causes the Carry flag to be set .data valB BYTE 1, 0 valC SBYTE -128 .code Neg valB ; CF = 1, OF = 0 Neg [valB + 1] ; CF = 0, OF = 0 Neg valC ; CF = 1, OF = 1

Protected Mode

Programs are given separate memory areas named segments, and the processor prevents programs from referencing memory outside their assigned segments. Can run multiple programs at the same time. It assigns each process a total of 4 GB of memory. Each program can be assigned its own reserved memory area, and programs are prevented from accidently accessing each other's code and data.


Provides a way to isolate memory segments from each other


Reference to a location in memory; memory address is encoded within the instruction, or a register holds the address of a memory location.

OFFSET Operator

Returns the distance in bytes, of a label from the beginning of its enclosing segment. Protected Mode: 32 bits programs written in this mode will use only a single segment (flat memory model) Real Mode: 16 bits .data bVal BYTE ? wVal WORD ? dVal DWORD ? dVal2 DWORD ? .code mov esi, OFFSET bVal ; ESI = 00404000 mov esi, OFFSET wVal ; ESI = 00404001 mov esi, OFFSET dVal ; ESI = 00404003 mov esi, OFFSET dVal2 ; ESI = 00404007 value returned by OFFSET is a pointer, just like how we use pointers in C++

TYPE Operator

Returns the size, in bytes, of a single element of a data declaration .data Var1 BYTE ? Var2 WORD ? Var3 DWORD ? Var4 QWORD ? .code Mov eax, TYPE var1 ; 1 Mov eax, TYPE var2 ; 2 Mov eax, TYPE var3 ; 4 Mov eax, TYPE var4 ; 8

SIZEOF Operator

Returns the value that is equivalent to multiplying LENGTHOF by TYPE .data Byte1 BYTE 10, 20, 30 ; 3 Array1 WORD 30 DUP(?), 0, 0 ; 64 Array2 WORD 5 DUP(3 DUP(?)) ; 30 Array3 DWORD 1, 2, 3, 4 ; 16 DigitStr BYTE "12345678", 0 ; 9 .code Mov ecx, SIZEOF array1 ; 64

Sign Flag

Set when the destination operand is negative. The flag is clear when the destination is positive; The sign flag is a copy of the destination's highest bit

Carry Flag

Set when the result of an operation generates an unsigned value that is out of range. (too big or small for the destination operand)

Zero Flag

Set when the result of an operation produces zero in the destination operand

Overflow Flag

Set when the signed result of an operation is invalid or out of range

Binary Addition

Starting with the LSB, add each pair of digits, include the carry if present (ex: 00000100 + 00000111 = 00001011)

Current location counter ($)

Subtract address of list Difference is the number of bytes List BYTE 10,20,30,40 ListSize = ($ - List) Must be done IMMEDIATELY after variable is declared; listsize will be incorrect if declared later in the program

Function of the Clock

Synchronizes all CPU and BUS operations Machine clock cycle measures time of a single operation User to trigger events Continuously running even when computer is off. Ex: Let us say your computer is running at 2.2 GHz. You come to know that the Add instruction takes 4 clock periods in your computer. Express the time taken by the Add instruction in nanoseconds. F = 1/t = 2.2 * 10^9 4 Clock periods takes = 4/(2.2*10^9) = 1.818 * (10^(-9)) secs = 1.818 nanosecs

NEG (Negate) Instructions

Syntax: NEG reg/mem Reverses the sign of an operand. Operand can be a register or memory operand. .data valB BYTE -1 valW WORD +32767 .code Mov al, valB ; AL = -1 Neg al ; AL = +1 Neg valW ; = valW = -32767

Flags Affected by Arithmetic

The ALU has a number of status flags that reflect the outcome of arithmetic (and bitwise) operations Based on the contents of the destination operand The MOV instruction never affects the flags A flag is set when it equals 1, and clear when it equals 0.

Sign Extension

The MOVSX instruction fills the upper half of the destination with a copy of the source operand's sign bit mov bl, 10001111b Movsx ax, bl ; AX = 1111111110001111b Destination must be a register

Big Endian Order

The opposite of little endian order; bytes are stored high to low Ex: val1 DWORD 12345678h 0000: 12 0001: 34 0002: 56 0003: 78

Conditional Transfer

The program branches if a certain condition is true. A wide variety of conditional transfer instructions can be combined to create conditional logic structures. The CPU interprets true/false conditions based on the contents of the ECX and Flags registers

Hexadecimal Subtraction

When a borrow is required from the digit to the left, add 16 (decimal) to the current digit's value (Ex: 75 - 47 = 2E (7 - 1 = 6, 16 + 5 = 21, 21 - 7 = E))

Cache Hit

When data to be read is already in cache memory

Cache Miss

When data to be read is not in cache memory

Binary Subtraction

When subtracting A - B, convert B to its two's complement (i.e., add A to (-B)) (Ex: 00001100 - 00000011 -> 00001100 + 11111101 = 00001001)

Zero Extension

When you copy a smaller value into a larger destination, the MOVZX instruction fills (extends) the upper half of the destination with zeros mov bl, 10001111b movzx ax, bl ; AX = 0000000010001111b Destination must be a register

Central Processor Unit (CPU)

Where calculations and logical operations take place, contains the registers, a clock, a control unit, and an arithmetic logic unit.

Index Scaling

You can scale an indirect or indexed operand to the offset of an array element. This is done by multiplying the index by the array's .data arrayB BYTE 0,1,2,3,4,5 arrayW WORD 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 arrayD DWORD 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 .code Mov esi, 4 Mov al, arrayB[esi*TYPE arrayB] ; 04 Mov bx, arrayW[esi*TYPE arrayW] ; 0004 Mov edx, arrayD[esi*TYPE arrayD] ; 00000004

Status Flags

Zero Flag Sign Flag Carry Flag Overflow Flag Parity Flag Auxiliary Carry Flag


a feature that permits segments to be divided into 4096-byte blocks of memory called pages. Paging permits the total memory used by all programs running at the same time to be much larger than the computers physical memory. Ex: Let us say your computer has only 256MB available for your process but your program needs 512 MB of memory. How does the computer make it possible to execute your program, as well as other processes? Virtual memory is used to execute a process with more memory than available for the process. Using paging the process is loaded into main memory from the virtual memory.


automatically used as a loop counter by the CPU


index registers; Used by high speed memory transfer instructions


instruction pointer; contains the address of the next instruction to be executed; can be manipulated by machine instructions to cause the program to branch to a new location

Auxiliary Carry Flag (Arithmetic)

mov al, 0Fh Add al, 1 ; AC = 1

Parity Flag (Arithmetic)

mov al, 10001100b Add al, 00000010b ; AL = 10001110, PF = 1 Sub al, 10000000b ; AL = 00001110, PF = 0

Sign Flag (Arithmetic)

mov cx, 0 sub cx, 1 ; CX = -1, SF = 1 add cx, 2 ; CX = 1, SF = 0 mov al, 0 sub al, 1 ; AL = 11111111b, SF = 1 sub al, 2 ; AL = 00000001b, SF = 0

Zero Flag (Arithmetic)

mov cx, 1 sub cx, 1 ; CX = 0, ZF = 1 mov ax, 0FFFFh inc ax ; AX = 0, ZF = 1 inc ax ; AX = 1, ZF = 0

Real Address Mode

only 1 MB of memory can be addressed. The processor can only run one program at a time, but can momentarily interrupt that program to process requests (called interrupts) from peripherals. Programs are permitted to access any memory location, including address that are linked directly to system hardware.

Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)

performs arithmetic operations such as addition and subtraction and logical operation such as AND, OR, and NOT.

System Management Mode

provides an operating system with a mechanism for implementing functions such as power management and system security which are usually implemented by computer manufacturers.

Auxiliary Carry Flag

set when 1 bit carries out position 3 in the least significant byte of the destination operand


stack pointer; Addresses data on the stack (a system memory structure)


status and control flags; each flag is a single binary bit; consists of individual binary bits that control the operation of the CPU or reflect the outcome of some CPU operation

Instruction-Execution Cycle

1. Fetch the Instruction - CPU has to fetch the instruction from an area of memory called the instruction queue. Right after, it increments the instruction pointer. 2. Decode the Instruction - Next, the CPU decodes the instruction by looking at its binary bit pattern. This bit pattern might revel that the instruction has operands 3. Fetch the operands - If operands are involved, the CPU fetches the operands from registers and memory. Sometimes this involves address calculations. 4. Execute the Instruction - Next, the CPU executes the instruction, using any operand values it fetched during the earlier step. Also updates a few status flags such as Zero, Carry, and Overflow 5. Store the result - Finally, if an output operand was part of the instruction, the CPU stores the result of its execution in the operand.

Reading/Writing to Memory

1. Place the address of the value that you want to read on the address bus. 2. Assert (change the value of) the processor's RD (read) pin. 3. Wait one clock cycle for the memory chips to respond 4. Copy data from the data bus into the destination operand.

Indexed Operands

Adds a constant to a register to generate an effective address. There are two notational forms: [constant + reg] constant[reg] Ex .data arrayW WORD 1000h, 2000h, 3000h .code Mov esi, 0 Mov ax, [arrayW + esi] ; AX = 1000h Mov ax, arrayW[esi] ; alternate format Add esi, 2 Add ax, [arrayW + esi]

Little Endian Order

All data types larger than a byte store their individual bytes in reverse order. The least significant byte occurs at the first (lowest) memory address. EX val1 DWORD 12345678h 0000: 78 0001: 56 0002: 34 0003: 12

Decimal to Hexadecimal

Almost the same as decimal to binary Decimal 422; 422/16 = 26, rem 6 26/16 = 1, rem A 1/16 = 0, rem 1 decimal 422 = 1A6 hexadecimal

JMP Instruction

An unconditional jump to a label that is usually within the same procedure Syntax: JMP target; Logic: EIP <- target top: . . jmp top A jump outside the current procedure must be to a special type of a global label

General Purpose Registers


Binary To Hexadecimal

Each Hex Digit corresponds to 4 binary bits ex: 0001 0110 1010 0111 1001 0100 = 16A794

2's Complement

Ex: 2Ah -> D5 + 1 -> D6 Ex: 0010 -> 1101 + 1 -> 1110 Signed Integers: The highest bit indicates the sign (1 = negative, 0 = positive). If the highest digit of a hexadecimal integer is > 7, the value is negative (Ex: 8A).


Extended accumulator register; Used by multiplication and division instructions


Extended frame pointer (stack) should only be used for ordinary arithmetic or data transfer at an advanced level of programming


High speed expensive static RAM both inside and outside the CPU Level 1 Cache - inside the CPU Level 2 Cache - outside the CPU

Indirect Operands

Holds the address of a variable, usually an array or string. It can be dereferenced (just like a pointer) Can be any 32-bit general-purpose register (EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX, ESI, EDI, EBP, ESP)

Parity Flag

Indicates whether or not an even number of 1 bits occurs in the least significant byte of the destination operand, immediately after an arithmetic or Boolean instruction has been executed.

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