Comparative Psychology Final

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Which of the following Belding's ground squirrels is most likely to give an alarm call?

A female with kin nearby

Weeker's 1962 study showed that it was possible to alter habitat preference in a species thought to choose grassland exclusively due to genetic influences. Though the study took years and 20 generations of mice, it has been cited as an example of __________

Behavioral Evolution

_______ defines a species on the basis of whether individuals are able to successfully reproduce.

Biological species concept

Observing and documenting species-specific behaviors using a patagial tag involves using _________.


W.D Hamilton's inclusive fitness hypothesis states that _______.

Both one's own offspring and the benefits received from helping to raise related offspring contribute to total fitness.

W.D. Hamilton predicted that an altruistic allele could be selected for if the following conditions are met __________.

Br-C > 0

In a cladogram, new species are designated with a new _______, and the event leading to speciation with a new _______.

Branch; Fork

______ are considered highly territorial, evicting intruders when food is scarce or abundant, as opposed to ______ which are moderately territorial, evicting only when food is scarce.

Canadian geese; hummingbirds

Name and define 5 different feeding types, also list 1 species of each.

Carnivore; Lions, Frugovore; Fruit Bats, Detritivore; Vulture, Herbivore; Rabbits, Omnivore; Bear

The most recent definition of tool use specifics that not only must the tool serve as an extension of its own physical influence but it also must ________; making it incredibly stringent to animal application.

Carry or maintain a tool for future use

While it is thought that the sun and magnetic fields play a role in the migration of Pacific salmon from their adult home to their native hatching grounds to spawn, _______ provide the strongest evidence for this feat.

Chemical Cues

The army ant 'death march' is best explained by _____. The cataglyphs' navigation (back to their colony's entrance) is best explained by _______.

Chemotaxis; solar compass

Review Chimp Studies and why could these not conlclude that Chimpanzees are capable of langauge?

Chimps are unable to demonstrate syntax

Social behavior (size & dynamic) of both hyenas and wolves most likely evolved through the selection of ________.

Cooperative hunting

Initially, chimpanzees were raised in a(n) _________ environment in hopes to elicit noteworthy communication.


There is evidence to suggest the wavelengths of light in a bird's visual field might be playing a role in migratory flight, activating the magnetic compass that responds to the earth's magnetic fields. These color-sensitive proteins are referred to as _________.


Which of the following animals is a brood parasite?


Klinefelter's syndrome is a genetic mutation that results in a ________ sex chromosome.


The sun has been described as the ultimate 'cue giver' for an animal's drive to migrate, coined ________, revealing changes in temperature, season, etc. For this reason, the sun has been coined ______ or clock-setter.

Zungunruhe; Zeitgeber

If a Zebra is drinking at a water hole and all of a sudden it hears another zebra nearby make an alarm call, it may stop drinking immediately and run away instead. The proximate explanation would be _______; while the ultimate would be ________.

Hearing the alarm call; survival

The greatest threat to the highly specialized Northern Elephant Seal will most likely be ___________.

Interference with migration route

It is possible to apply hypothesis testing to the understanding of ethological animal behavior as long as the environment ________.

Is either controlled, manipulated, or highly predictive

Which of the following statements best defines an altruistic act?

It immediately benefits another individual at some cost to the performer

Which of the following species directly interferes with parental care of other nearby, unrelated group members?

Jacana Birds

Which species seem to truly be 'instinctive' in terms of their migratory ability?

Monarch Butterfly

As an entomologist who is interested in the mass movement capability of monarch butterflies, you consider tagging a few and watching for their return. Why is that a bad idea?

Monarch butterflies die on the journey

______ is the fastest source of genetic variation (in the form of new alleles) in the gene pool.


The _________ seems to be both disease free and has a high degree of ________.

Naked mole rate; pain tolerance

Klopfer's 1963 study with Chipping Sparrows showed that they consistently preferred ________.

Pine over Oak, Despite being wild caught or native

Predictive modeling shows that although the Arctic Fox of Bylot Island, Canada is socially monogamous, they are sexually ___________.


Off in the distance, on the side of a mountain, you spot four female deer and a single male deer. If this reflects the mating system of this species, it would be an example of ________


Which mating system is most common in mammals? (Opposite of naked mole rats)


The Golden Jackal of Africa has some between-group territoriality displays that have been observed in all documented cases. Multiple manipulations and observations have shown that male suitors hoping to pursue a mate will give potential females a submissive posture when presenting himself; otherwise he will be killed by the pack. Knowing this we as researchers can use _________ to calculate ________ of a suitor getting attacked.

Predictive modeling; Probability

Biocontrol has been used to

Remove fire ants from Texas by means of releasing phorid flies

A blackcap warbler from a captive migratory population is mated with another blackcap warbler from a captive non-migratory restlessness. This behavior, which is intermediate between that of the two parents, could be interpreted as evidence that _______.

The differences in migratory behavior between populations are influenced by genetic differences among the populations

Dewsbury and Tinbergen argue for the redefinition of comparative psychology as the study of both _______.

The evolution and development of behavior

Although it can still sometimes be a problem in the interpretation of animal behavior, the end of anthropomorphism in formal data collection/analysis is largely credited to ________.

The law of parsimony

Marginal Value Theory predicts

The optimal time to spend at a food patch before leaving in search of a fresh patch

Although the exact function of flagging behavior in some mammals is not known, most theorists argue for ________ as the proximate cause of this behavior.


If migration leads a species to very different environments, selection of some traits over others might lead to marked changes in the gene pool of a population, otherwise known as _________.


The morphological differences of the red fox and kit fox are examples of __________.

Divergent evolution

A well-fed vampire bat is likely to share its meal with a starving roost mate because _______.

The roles of donor and recipient have been known to reverse

Risk sensitive foraging is the strategy whereby an animal will weigh the utility of food with reference to the odds of actually obtaining it. Specifically, when an animal is ________ they prefer _______ patches.

risk-prone; variable

There is more empirical evidence for _____ than _____.

Microevolution; Macroevolution

In a haplodiploid population, the degree of relatedness between brother and sister is ________.


A 50-year study in Siberia showed that wild silver foxes could be selectively bred into tame foxes. Only ______ of the original foxes were not fearful or aggressive and thus selected as the first group to be 'domesticated'. After 10 generations, pups from the 'wild type' group were placed with mothers from the 'tame-type' group, resulting in ______ pups.

1%; 'wild-type'

I am a very excited honey bee that waggles approximately 3 seconds directly up the hive then back around. According to me, all the rest of you bees should see food ________.

3 kilometers away, in the direction of the sun

Why doesn't the female cukoo lay her eggs in the nest of a host that has yet to lay eggs?

A host bird won't roost until the nest is complete; the nest isn't complete until at least 3 eggs have been laid

Which of the follwing is NOT a way male lions have gained breeding opportunities?

A) move to a pride as a subordinate and wait to attiain alpha status, B) join a pride that lacks the same sex breeder and fill that position, C) Start a new pride with dispersing lionesses, D) Overthrow current alpha within the natal pride and assume his position

If an animal is moving toward an oxygen source, it is showing ______.


Explain the differences between between All-Occurrences sampling over Ad-Libitum sampling.

All-occurrences pick one or a few behaviors to focus on in animal group. That is the only behavior you focus on. For example, look at how many times the group ate together in certain interval. Ad-Libitum: observe animal with no plan. Not a well-defined explanation of the behaviors you want to look at. For example, looking at monkeys and not knowing how to calculate their behaviors or what to calculate

Population genetics (analyses of gene pools) allow us to describe how the frequency of ________ (that control traits) change over time.


When similar species share a common ancestor but changed due to complete geographic isolation, _______ speciation has occurred.


Traits that arise through convergent evolution are known as _______, traits that arise through divergent evolution is ________.

Analogous, Homologous

The ideal free distribution theory predicts where animals will lie by making two assumptions: _________ and _________.

Animals are ideal in their assessment of patch quality/ Animals do not want to leave this ideal environment

Prior to the 1700's, the two primary schools of thought pertaining to animal behavior were ______ and ______.

Anthropomorphic; Mechanistic

_________ classified the natural world from simple to complex and believed an intellectual purpose guided development.


While the Viceroy butterfuly was once considered an example of _________ mimicry, it is now considered ________ mimicry.

Batesian; mullerian

Behavior can be the result of _________. A. Umwelt B. Environmental Cues C. Caused by any detectable change in environment D. A and B E. A,B,C

E. A,B,C

Basic observation involves __________. A. Marking and Tracking B. Using ethograms C. Hypothesis testing D. A,B,C E. none of the above

E. none of the above

Through elaborate testing and hundreds of hours of observation, ________ concluded that bats use ______ in navigate and hunting. A. Donald Griffin; night vision B. Donald Dewsbury; sonar C. Lee Drickamer; sonar D. A,B,C E. none of the above

E. none of the above

A great-horned owl hears a titmouse among some leaves and uses this information to swoop in and grab the titmouse. This episode is best characterized as ___________


The five components of communication include

Effect, sender, message, channel, and reciever

Dispersal is synonymous with ______.


In functionally classifying and defining behavior, we utilize _________.


How did the work of early ethologists and early experimental psychologist differ?

Ethologists: natural world setting. Look at the "why" of animal behavior. Each behavior had a specific function. Experimentalists: look at behaviors in lab. Thought stimulus caused a response. Never looked at the "black box". Didn't think behaviors had any function

Behavioral _______ are _______ duration activities, usually measured in __________.

Events; Shorter; Frequency of occurrence

A population bottleneck will result in decreased genetic variability. The greatest threat to a population like this _______.

Failure to adapt to new selection pressures

Which of the follwing does NOT characterize eusociality?

Female dispersal

Habitat quality is most directly quantified by _______ habitat use refers to ________.

Fitness; who occupies it

Snowdrop, an African Penguin, in the Bristol Zoo in England was born with albinism, an incredibly rare occurrence in African Penguins. As a researcher, you are worried about the social acceptance of Snowdrop by the group so you decide to record all Snowdrop-related behaviors throughout the day. Your method of sampling is __________.

Focal animal sampling

Research shows that communication appears to be implicated in both _______ and ____ in honeybees.

Food caches; new nest sites

Niko Tinbergen made a particularly important contribution to the ethological study of animal behavior. What was the nature of this contribution?

Formulated new methods for the study of animal behavior

Addition errors in the writing of chromosomes or nucleotide bases during the process of mitosis might result in ________.

Fragile X or Klinefelter's Syndrome

Random processes = ________/ Non-random processes = _________.

Genetic Drift, Mutations/ Gene Flow, Natural Selection

The smaller the ________ of a population, the _______ of that population, resulting in greater susceptibility to extinction.

Genetic variability; less adaptability

It has been suggested that the common cuckoo 'learns' to lay eggs in nests of the same species as foster parents due to ______.

Habitat imprinting

_________ is where a species lives; ________ is how suited a species is for that environment.

Habitat; Ecological niche

All tetrapods (things with a bony skeleton and 4 limbs that are not fish) have a basic set of five possible digits attached to each of their limbs. This type of trait similarity is _____.


When a genotype consists of two identical alleles they are said to be ______.


Prehistoric study of animal behavior was probably useful for ___________.


The best ultimate explanation for dispersal is ________. The best proximate explanation is ________.

Inbreeding avoidance/ hormonal fluctuations

Ultimate function for communication is _______; proximate function is ________.

Increased fitness; kin recognition

The three founders of ethology are _________.

Lorenz, Tinbergen, von Frisch

Believing that they were following landmarks, Keeton (1977) blindfolded a group of homing pigeons and found that they _________.

Made it to <1 mile of roost

In the haplodiploid population of honeybees, _______.

Males are haploid

The first attempt at comparative classification of animal behavior began with the categorization of insects as curious, social creatures and increased in complexity up to ______ as capable of ______.

Mammals; Hate

True navigation requires a/an______ and a/an________.

Map, Compass

As an Arkansan you might have noticed the presence of opossums around your house, especially if food is left out for cats or dogs. As a researcher you decide to count how many opossums you see from the time you wake up in the morning until the early afternoon. Since opossums are nocturnal, you study is flawed; your primary problem is _________.

Not considering the umwelt of the subjects

Darwin wrote some compelling books pointing our parallels between man and animals. Which of the following was NOT written by Darwin _________.

On the Characteristics of Pea Plants

By creating 'pure' or parent generation plants, Mendel isolated 7 characteristics that varied among future generations. Today we'd call these apparent, noticeable differences (i.e. color, shape, etc.) ________.


In mammals, females tend to be more _______ than males.


A modification of a normal behavior into a display through evolution to improve communication is define as


_________ is one type of evolved communication that likely resulted from exaggerated/specialized interactions, protecting both parties from costly conflict.


The author and naturalist in Question 12 is _______.


A pride of lions consistes of 5-10 related females and 1-2 males. Prides are the most social of the genus Pantera, with both cooperative brood care and dvision of labor among its members, categorizing them as ________.


A female Herring gull has a red spot on her beak. When they see this spot, her chicks will peck at it and the female bird will regurgitate food for chicks. In this situation, the spot on the female's beak acts as the ________.

Sign Stimulus

Determining information about an animal by studying their droppings is an example of ________.


Once considered to be ______, recent studies suggest female orangutans are more likely ________.

Solitary; subsocial

Mutations that don't occur in cells that give rise to gametes (and cannot be passed along to future generations) are called ________ mutations.


According to Darwin, why would some physical traits with little survival value be selected in animals?

Some physical traits might be selected because of sexual selection. For example, the fiddler crap and extra large claw. Female fiddler crabs think the bigger the better when in reality it could be detrimental. Another example, the jewel beetle mates with shiny bottles because they resemble other jewel beetles.

(Among members of the same species) Social interactions in which both the donor and the recipient are harmed is ________.


Which of the following is NOT a channel of communication?


The 'fastest' forager alive is the __________.

Star-nosed mole

________ behavior regularly occurs in a repetitive, restless-like fashion when an animal is in captivity. Although there is no agreed-upon explanation, the behavior is largely thought to be due to ________.

Stereotype; excessive energy

Which of the following is NOT one of Tinbergen's "4 questions about behavior"?

Stereotypy of Behavior

_______ suggests that a new species can be formed even in the absence of a physical barrier.

Sympatric Speciation

One of the hurdles in classifying animals as linguistic lies in their ability to show ________.


The idea that sustained behavior of a species can shape the morphological evolution of that species is known as _________.

The Baldwin Effect

Who were the three founders of theology and what did they contribute?

Tinbergen- looked at digger wasps and notice they had releasers and action patterns Lorenz- looked at imprinting in geese von Frisch- looked at honeybees and their waggle dance. Noticed that the angle of bees was in accordance with the sun. The longer they are in the dance, the further away

Which of these is NOT a reason why crickets chirp (which is called stirdulation)?

To communicate nest quality to potential mates

The stabilimentum has been theorized as useful in all of the following EXCEPT _________.

Unpalatability (yucky-tasting)

Based on the tracing of these 7 characteristics of his pea plants, Mendel outlined some laws of heritability. Which is not one?

Unprecedented characteristics randomly occur

Occasionally, ancestral traits are expressed in current populations. It has been suggested that such structures are the result of an ancient, underlying, developmental pathway becoming reactivated. Such structures are known as _________.

Vestigial Organs

______ are habitat specialists, _______ are habitat generalists.

Whooping cranes; Raccoons

According to the trophic cascade hypothesis, the removal of carnivores from an ecosystem may result in ______.

an increase in the number of herbivores and a decrease in the amount of vegetation

Which of the follwing IS NOT a benefit to group membership for prey animals


Language is defined as __________.

generative, syntactic, semantic, & symbolic

Habitat selection is based largely on ______ and _______

habitat quality/ habitat selection

Aposematism is _________.

illustrated by the Coral Snake.

The arctic hamster benefits from living in a tight nest with several family member since it aids in ________, but it suffers from ________.

improved thermoregulation; trasmission of parasites

(Situation I) You tell your adorable Bassestt Hound (named Sloppy Joe) to 'SIT' and he promptly ignores you, lovingly wags his tail and waits for you to pet him. (Situation 2) then your boyfriend brings his Chihuahua (named Spitfire) over. Spitfire aggressively growls at Sloppy Joe, who immediately flops over and exposes his belly in a submissive position. Scenario 1 is an example of _______, scenario 2 is an example of _________.

interspecific communication, intraspecific communication

For fun, I crank up the thermostat in my comparative psychology class. I tell the class that as the room becomes warmer they can cool off by running the length of the room and spinning in circles. As the room gets warmer and warmer, they run back and forth more and more, plus they spin faster and faster. I am entertained by their increase in both ______ and ________.

orthokinesis; klinokinesis

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