Complete Advanced Unit 1 Grammar Past tenses pgs. 10-11

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past perfect continuous - something which happened before another activity or situation, with an emphasis on the length of time.

ACTIVITY 1 P 10 - Say which tense is being use in the words in CAPITAL LETTERS and what is it being used for. Even if he'D BEEN WORKING ALL DAY, he'd be really conscientious about giving them a complete tour of the site. Tense: ______________________________ Use: __________________________

would/used to - a repeated action or habit in the past which doesn't happen now

ACTIVITY 1 P 10 - Say which tense is being use in the words in CAPITAL LETTERS and what is it being used for. He'D DROP whatever he was doing. Tense: ______________________________ Use: __________________________

present perfect continuous - an activity that started in the past and is still happening, with an emphasis on the length of time.

ACTIVITY 1 P 10 - Say which tense is being use in the words in CAPITAL LETTERS and what is it being used for. He'S BEEN SPENDING a lot of time recently getting his new show ready. Tense: ______________________________ Use: __________________________

would/used to - a repeated action or habit in the past which doesn't happen now

ACTIVITY 1 P 10 - Say which tense is being use in the words in CAPITAL LETTERS and what is it being used for. She never USED TO PANIC. Tense: ______________________________ Use: __________________________

present perfect - something that has happened more than once at times which are not stated between the past and the present.

ACTIVITY 1 P 10 - Say which tense is being use in the words in CAPITAL LETTERS and what is it being used for. We'VE LISTENED to them so many times ... Tense: ______________________________ Use: __________________________

past simple - something that happened at a specific time in the past.

ACTIVITY 1 P 10 - Say which tense is being use in the words in CAPITAL LETTERS and what is it being used for. When she INVITED me to come out on one of her trips, it was .... Tense: ______________________________ Use: __________________________

past perfect - something which happened before another activity or situation in the past.

ACTIVITY 1 P 10 - Say which tense is being use in the words in CAPITAL LETTERS and what is it being used for. We loved his stories of the strange creatures HE'D SEEN Tense: ______________________________ Use: __________________________

past continuous - an activity which started before and (possibly) continued after an event in the past.

ACTIVITY 1 P 10 - Say which tense is being use in the words in CAPITAL LETTERS and what is it being used for. When she invited me to come out on one of her trips, it was a real eye-opener to see what she WAS DOING. Tense: ______________________________ Use: __________________________

has been studying - hasn't gone

ACTIVITY 2 P 10 Alexander takes university life very seriously. He _________(study) here for six months and he still __________ (not go) to a single party.

's been working - left

ACTIVITY 2 P 10 Chen ____________ (work) in Singapore since he _________ (leave) university two years ago, but next year he expects to be transferred to HK.

grew - had belonged - have sold

ACTIVITY 2 P 10 I _________(grow) up in a house which ___________ (belong) to my great-great-grandfather. We _________(sell) it now because it was too big for our small family.

had - had been working - wasn't wearing

ACTIVITY 2 P 10 Ivana ___________ (have) a splitting headache yesterday evening because she _____________ (work) in the sun all day and she ____________ (not wear) a hat.

came - started - was making - continued

ACTIVITY 2 P 10 Maria ___________(come) round to dinner last night. She ___________(start) telling me her life story while I _________ (make) the salad and ____________ (continue) telling it during dinner.

often used to get - never used to bring - would always ask

ACTIVITY 3 P 10 My teachers _____________(were often getting/often used to get) annoyed with me when I was at school because I ___________ (never used to bring/had never brought) a pen with me and I ________________ (would always ask / have always asked )someone if I could borrow theirs.

used to be - built - used to know - have come - have gradually been changing

ACTIVITY 3 P 10 The village ______________________ (used to be/would be) very quiet and remote until they ____________________ (built/had built) the motorway two years ago. In those days everybody ____________ (would know / used to know) everyone else, but since then, a lot of new people ___________ (came /have come ) to live in the area and the old social structures ______________ (gradually changed/have gradually been changing).

used to go - were - would look

ACTIVITY 3 P 10 When I was a child, both my parents __________ (used to go / were going) out to work, so when they ____________(would be / were) out, my grandmother _____________(was looking/would look) after me.

have been invited

ACTIVITY 4 P 11 Are you going to the dinner on Saturday? A lot of my other friends (were invited / have been invited) and I know they'd love to meet you.

have only been living - has lived.

ACTIVITY 4 P 11 I (have only lived / have only been living ) in Geneva for the past few months, though Madeleine, who you met yesterday, (lived/has lived) here all her life.

have had

ACTIVITY 4 P 11 In recent times people (had / have had) more contact with their friends through email and mobile phones than they did in the past.


ACTIVITY 4 P 11 The feedback we received from our clients meant we (have been / were) able to provide excellent advice to the people developing the product, which they then acted on.


ACTIVITY 4 P 11 The party was great and the best bit for me (was / has been) the jazz band.

hadn't organised

ACTIVITY 4 P 11 We should have had a really good holiday for what we paid, but unfortunately we discovered that they (didn't organise / hadn't organised) anything very much so it was rather a disappointment.

didn't take

ACTIVITY 4 P 11 While I was studying in England, I (haven't taken / didn't take) an examination because it was not offered to me or to any of my fellow students either.

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