Complete Oceans Final

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A fixed volcanic hot spot on Earth trends to produce a ____ on a mooing plate.

Series of volcanic peaks

Ocean basins are open systems between which water is exchanged by thermohaline circulation. a. True b. False


Radiometric dating is based on the rate at which a radioactive isotope decays.


Some ocean sediments have come from outer space.


The Chinese are thought to have developed the first magnetic compass for navigation:


The large wind-driven circulation gyres at the surface of the ocean create an 'mound' of water with a height of approximately 1 meter near the center of the gyre. a. True b. False


The residence time of an ion in the ocean is directly related to its reactivity


Thermohaline circulation is the dominant type of water flow, responsible for moving the largest quantity of water in the ocean. a. True b. False


When near-surface water os moved offshore by Ekman transport, water from below replaces it in a process known as


Atoms that are chemically bonded to one another comprise a/an


Atoms with more electrons than protons have a net _____ charge.


Heat capacity is the quantity of heat needed to raise the temperature of one gram of substance ____ C.

1 degree

Seafloor spreading is continuing at a rate of approximately:

1-10 cm a year

Which method is being used to investigate the structure of the mantle?

Seismic tomography

The Big Bang occurred roughly _____ years ago.

13 billion

only about ______ of the earth's surface projects above sea level.


the first recorded voyage by sea occurred around:

3200 B.C.

The average salinity of seawater is

35 ppt

Earth's age is estimated at ______ years.

4.5 x 10^9

Records indicate maritime activity in Egypt as long as

4000 BCE

Approximately _____ % of incoming light penetrates to a water depth of 1 meter of greater.


A pH of ____ is considered neutral


the pH of seawater is always in the range of:

7.5 to 8.5

The net transport of water in a Ekman transport of water in a Ekman spiral, in the northern hemisphere is _____ to the right of the wind direction

90 degrees

the Polynesians are thought to have navigated across the Pacific using

A star compass, wave patterns, observations of cloud formations, their sense of smell

Ions are removed form seawater most effectively by _____ .

Adsorption to sinking particles

The smallest unit of an element that contains all the chemical properties of the element is a/an


A broad band of _____ sediment straddles the equator and extends into the subtropics o the continental shelf.


The ____ contains all organic matter. living and nonliving.


A major component of sediments in tropical seas is

Calcium Carbonate

What was the first expedition to the study of the oceans from a scientific approach, including sampling biota, seawater, and sediments, and measuring currents?

Challenger Expedition

Ferdinand Magellan's expedition was the first to

Circumnavigating the world

The Principle of constant proportion allows us to determine the salinity of a sample of seawater by measuring the concentration of


During ice ages when sea levels were lover, river deltas formed alluvial fans at the _____ .

Continental rise

In the plate tectonics framework, there are 3 major types of boundaries where collisions occur between plates in the Earth's crust: convergent divergent, and transform boundaries. Which of the 3 plate boundaries would generate a deep ocean trench along the edge of a continental plate?


Which of the Earth's layers has the greatest density


The water molecule has hydrogen and oxygen atoms held together by _______ chemical bonds.


Which of the following is thinnest?


Factors which interact to create an oxygen minimum layer deep in the water columns include:

D. All of the above

The clusters of water molecules formed by hydrogen bonding ______ in size when temperature increases.


Subsurface deepwater currents are driven mainly by ______.

Density differences

When winds blow parallel to the coast, such that Ekman transport drives water against the land, surface water sinks in the process know as _______.


The net flow of water to the right of the wind in the Northern Hemisphere is termed

Ekman transport

The circumference of the world was first accurately calculated by _____ circa 230 B.C.


In the water cycle, the oceans are the largest water reservoir. and therefore, the oceans experience the highest rates of _____ and _____.

Evaporation, precipitation

Fridjot Nansen froze the vessel, Fram, into the sea ice because he wanted to

Explore the current system of the Arctic Ocean waters, and reach the north pole

Winds are named for the direction____.

FROM which they are coming

Carbonate shelves are usually located close to large rivers


Pelagic sediment is entirely biogenic


Salt water is less dense than freshwater


You are more likely to see changes in sea surface temperature as you travel form east to west on the ocean than if you travel from north to south


The 2 basic rock types that characterize Earth's crust are ________ .

Granite, basalt

The large lops of surface currents in the ocean are termed circulation


pH describes the ____ of substance.

H+ concentration

Zones of rapid salinity changes with depth are called ______


____ results from the physical vibrational motion of atoms and molecules.


The weak chemical bond that forms between bipolar molecules is called a/an

Hydrogen bond

Water's unexpectedly high boiling and melting temperatures depend on the ___ of the water molecule.

Hydrogen bonding

Newly sear floor (ocean crust) is formed:

In the rift valleys of mid-ocean ridges

If you apply heat to a material, the motion of its molecules and atoms ____ .


A charged atom is called an


The reddish color of the pelagic clays is due to the oxidation of minerals rich in _____ .


Which of the following is NOT one for he 6 major constituents in sea water

Iron, Fe 3+

The first chronometer accurate at sea was made by:

John Harrison

The energy of motion is termed:


Who was the first European explorer to reach North America

Leif Eriksson

The crust and the mantle are divided into the following layers in the order of increasing depth:

Lithosphere, asthenosphere, methosphere

Who is known as the "father of physical oceanography?"

Matthew Maury

Which layer is believed to behave most like a liquid

Outer Core

The dominant elements dissolved in seawater are

Na and Cl

The most abundant gas in sea water is


The most abundant gas of the atmosphere is ____ .


In the northern hemisphere, the trade winds blow out of the


Which ocean basin is the largest?

Pacific basin

the continental shelves of polar regions are covered with _____ sediment deposits.

Poorly-sorted glacial

Magnetic stripes on the seafloor are created at:

Spreading Centers

A pycnocline is created by strong vertical gradients in _____ .

Temperature and salinity (density)

Historians believe that seagoing ships of all kinds were probably derived by:

The Egyptians

Matthew Maury wrote _____ to familiarize the public with recent oceanographic findings.

The Physical Geography of the Sea

A/an ____ is an area where the temperature changes rapidly with depth.


Bathymetry refers to submarine


Carbon dioxide concentrations in seawater increase with depth


Geologists classify sediment grain by size or source


Nutrients are considered non-conservative properties of seawater


The process in which water molecules are transformed into a gas by boiling is termed ______.


The ____ were highly accomplished seamen who engages in extensive exploration, trade, and colonization in the north atlantic from 793-1066


Sources of the ocean's salts include:

Volcanic eruptions and weathering of earth's crust

The water in the world's oceans today is likely to have orientated from which source(s)?

Water form comets/meteorites that have that has accumulated through Earth's history, and water form rock's in Earth's mantle, releases during volcanic eruptions

The location of theGulf stream was first mapped by Benjamin Franklin and Timothy Folger, who took measurements of:

Water temperature

The surface winds in the mid-latitudes of the northern hemisphere flow dominantly our of a _____ direction.


The friction between a fish's body and the surrounding water is called _____ drag. a. form b. turbulent c. surface d. tail

a. form

All organisms which require prefabricated food are termed ____. a. heterotrophs b. mesotrophs c. ectomorphs d. autotrophs

a. heterotrophs

Know what a guyot, continental rise and continental slope is in a diagram.


On average, only about ___ of the energy in a trophic level will be transferred to the next level. a. 10% b. 20% c. 5% d. 25% e. 15%

a. 10%

The tidal bulge on the side of the Earth opposite from the moon is due to ____ force generated by Earth's rotation. a. Centrifugal b. Centripetal c. Ebb Currents d. Coriolis

a. Centrifugal

Areas that have one high tide and one low tide each day have ____ tides. a. Diurnal b. Mixed

a. Diurnal

Which of the following is sometimes referred to as the "twilight" zone? a. Dysphotic b. Aphotic c. Photic

a. Dysphotic

Animals that live on the sea bottom are termed ____. a. Epifauna b. Epiflora c. Infauna

a. Epifauna

The shell of a diatom is called a ___. a. Frustule b. Protoconch c. Theca d. Skeleton e. Beak

a. Frustule

The zone of the benthic province which is sometimes exposed to the atmosphere is termed the ___. a. Intertidal zone b. Subtidal zone c. Benthic zone d. Splash zone

a. Intertidal zone

Coriolis deflection and Ekman transport cause water in the surface ocean gyres to be transported: a. Inward, toward the center of they gyre b. Outward, away from the gyre

a. Inward, toward the gyre

The water column habitats of the ocean is referred to as the __ province. a. Pelagic b. Littoral c. Benthic d. Intertidal e. Bathyal

a. Pelagic

Water particles that are set in motion by surface waves will collide with the sea floor if: a. The water depth is less than one half the wavelength b. the water depth is greater than one half the wavelength

a. The water depth is less than one half the wavelength

Approximately half of the ocean bird species are of conservation concern because their populations are in a state of decline. a. True b. False

a. True

Shore birds have a variety of shapes to their bills (or beak) which is an adaptation to how they forage for food. a. True b. False

a. True

The shaking of the Earth's surface during the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan was caused by sea floor spreading... a. True b.False

a. True

Tsunami waves travel at a high rate of speed due to their long wavelengths a. True b. False

a. True

The energy of a water wave is mainly determined by: a. Wave height b. Wave speed c. Wavelength d. None of the above

a. Wave height

The equation for wave speed is Celerity= (wave length/wave period). This equation indicates that: a. Waves of long wavelength travel at high rate of speed. b. Waves of short wavelength travel at a high rate of speed.

a. Waves of long wavelength travel at high rate of speed

More than 90% of the ocean's plants are ____. a. algae b. trees along the tidal flats c. found along coastal areas d. rooted in the bottom e. seed bearing

a. algae

An important ecological role of ____ is to decompose organic matter. a. bacteria and fungi b. single-celled organisms that posses a true nucleus c. bacteria and blue-green algae d. plants attached to the sea floor e. marine animals

a. bacteria and fungi

Which of the following is a filter feeder? a. clam b. dolphin c. crab d. lobster e. sea urchin

a. clam

Contaminated ares of the ocean water where eutrophication is a problem (also known as "dead zones") are caused by ____. a. excessive nutrient inputs from the land b. pesticide and herbicide runoff from land c. over fishing d. all of the above e. none of the above

a. excessive nutrient inputs from the land

Low energy benthic environments on continental shelves tend to be characterized by ____. a. extensive deposits of mud and silt b. extensive deposits of sand and gravel c. exposed areas of rock d. diverse communities of filter feeders

a. extensive deposits of mud and silt

Gravel and coarse-sand bottoms are populated dominantly by ___. a. filter feeders b. detritus and deposit feeders c. carnivores d. herbivores e. none of the above

a. filter feeders

The population of the plants and animals in the open ocean and on its bottom is sparse due to ____. a. lack of nutrients b. strong currents c. low temperatures d. high wave intensity e. storms and low pressures

a. lack of nutrients

Which of the following is a primary factor limiting plant growth? a. nutrient concentrations b. upwelling and turbulence c. grazing intensity d. water turbidity

a. nutrient concentrations

Tropical oceans are infertile because the ___ of the region inhibits mixing of the water column. a. permanent thermocline b. permanent halocline c. permanent pycnocline d. high rainfall e. excessive runoff from the land

a. permanent thermocline

The term used for all floating and drifting organisms in the sea is: a. plankton b. polychaetes c. monera d. nekton e. benthos

a. plankton

The reverse of photosynthesis is called ____. a. respiration b. consumption c. hydrolysis d. burning e. oxidation

a. respiration

Which of the following is typically a predator? a. shark b. crab c. barnacles d. copepod e .polychaete worms

a. shark

Fish of the bathyal and abyssal pelagic zones generally have which of the following features a. small bodies, large mouths, and bioluminescent organs b. large bodied, large mouths, and bioluminescent organs c. small bodies, small mouths, and dark colors d. large bodies, small mouths, and dark colors

a. small bodies, large mouths, and bioluminescent organs

Phytoplankton blooms caused by a buildup of nutrients from agriculture and sewage discharge cause problems for marine animals because _____. a. a. the decomposition of the plankton depletes the oxygen levels in the water b. phytoplankton blooms block out all the sunlight in the surface waters c. the phytoplankton bloom use up all of the available nutrients d. none of the above

a. the decomposition of the plankton depletes the oxygen levels in the water

The long red wavelengths of visible light are:

absorbed in the first meter of water

Turbidite sediments are found

at the mouth of submarine canyons

The study of the interrelationships between the physical and biological aspects of an environment is ___. a. Geology b. Ecology c. Oceanology d. Biology

b. Ecology

At the center of large ocean circulation gyres, ___ causes water to converge and to downwell. a. Langmuir circulation b. Ekman transport c. Brownian motion d. primary productivity e. geostrophic currents

b. Ekman transport

Plants that live on the sea bottom are termed ____. a. Epifauna b. Epiflora c. Infauna

b. Epiflora

The layer of the oceanic zone that extends from the surface to about 200 m is called the ____ zone. a. Mesopelagic b. Epipelagic c. Abyssalpelagic d. Bathypelagic

b. Epipelagic

A tidal pattern of two high tides and two low tides each day is known as a diurnal pattern. a. True b. False

b. False

Spring tides only occur in the Spring and neap tides only occur in the Autumn of each year. a. True b. False

b. False

El Nino oscillations in the Southern Pacific can cause a major decline in commercial fishing because a. Fishing boats can't navigate the strong water currents during El Nino b. Fish populations decline when upwelling currents shut down along the coast of South America c. The water gets too warm for fish to reproduce effectively d. Fish farms in the South Pacific cant withstand the strong storms during El Nino e. All of the above

b. Fish populations decline when upwelling currents shut down along the coast of South America

Thermohaline circulation plays an important role in the climate due to its effect on the redistribution of _____ on the Earth's surface. a. Humidity b. Heat c. Salt d. Water

b. Heat

Floating and drifting plans in the oceans are referred to as _____. a. Zooplankton b. Phytoplankton

b. Phytoplankton

The grouping of distinct benthic communities into parallel bands along a intertidal sone of shoreline is termed: a. Stratification b. Vertical zonation c. Illuviation

b. Vertical zonation

The nekton include all _____. a. animals found in the water column b. actively swimming animals c. passively drifting animals d. animals living on the bottom

b. actively swimming animals

Bacteria which can live without free oxygen are termed ____. a. oxidized b. anaerobic c. decomposers d. aerobic e. bacteria

b. anaerobic

Creatures that create their own light are termed ____. a. photonic b. bioluminescent c. incandescent d. phosphatic e. irridescent

b. bioluminescent

Net primary productivity is the amount of ____ fixed by photosynthesis that exceeds the respiration demands of the plant and goes into growth. a. oxygen b. carbon c. glucose d. cellulose

b. carbon

Which of the following would be found at the third trophic level or higher? a. plants b. carnivores c. herbivores d. detritus feeders

b. carnivores

An example of a scavenger is a ____. a. shark b. crab c. clam d. oyster

b. crab

A/an ____ is the totality of an environment including the living and nonliving parts. a. Niche b. ecosystem c. aspect ratio d. habitat e. community

b. ecosystem

Most of the animals that live around the volcanic vents of the ocean floor are _____. a. crabs b. filter feeders c. carnivores d. herbivores e. autotrophs

b. filter feeders

During the full moon, the water level at high tide will be a. average height b. higher than average c. lower than average

b. higher than average

The tide pattern follows a 4 week cycle because ____. a. it takes 4 weeks for the Earth to complete one orbit around the moon b. it takes 4 weeks for the moon to complete one orbit around the Earth

b. it takes 4 weeks for the moon to complete one orbit around the Earth

Spillage of hydrocarbon pollutants at sea seems to be _____ damaging than/as spillage near shore. a. more b. less c. about as

b. less

Most marine fish have cellular fluids with salinity ____. a. higher than the salinity of sea water b. lower than the salinity of sea water c. the same as sea water d. unrelated to the salinity of sea water

b. lower than the salinity of sea waterr

The tide patterns follow a cycle that is repeated on a ___ timescale. a. weekly b. monthly c. semi-monthly d. annually

b. monthly

The two nutrients that typically limit productivity of marine ecosystems are nitrogen and ____. a. carbon b. phosphorous c. sodium d. iron

b. phosphorous

The majority of pollutants found in harbors, estuaries, bays, wetlands, and the coastal zone are introduced by ______. a. ship discharge b. rivers c. underwater outflow pipes d. the atmosphere

b. rivers

High energy benthic environments on continental shelves tend to be characterized by ____. a. extensive mud flats b. sand and gravel c. large boulders d. diverse infaunal communities

b. sand and gravel

Limited supplies of ___ and ___ are the principal factors that limit primary production in the ocean. a. water; carbon dioxide b. sunlight; nutrients c. carbon dioxide; nutrients d. carbon dioxide; sunlight

b. sunlight; nutrients

The most important factor influencing the Earth's tides is ___. a. the sun b. the moon c. the rotation of the Earth d. the configuration of the tidal basin

b. the moon

The "tidal range" is the ____. a. distance between high and low water marks on a shoreline b. the vertical distance between high tide and low tide

b. the vertical distance between high tide and low tide

Waves in will break or collapse because: a. the wave speed is too high b. the wave steepness is too great c. the wave length is longer than the wave height

b. the wave steepness is too great

A visible wave that surges upriver with the incoming tide is called a __. a. tidal surge b. tidal bore c. tsunami d. seismic sea wave e. flood tide

b. tidal bore

The most productive areas of the ocean are characterized by ____. a. eddies b. upwelling c. warm waters d. stagnant waters e. downwelling

b. upwelling

In an El Nino year, near surface waters along the west coast of Peru become ___ because the upwelling current shuts down. a. warm and nutrient rich b. warm and nutrient poor c. cold and nutrient poor d. cold and nutrient rich

b. warm and nutrient poor

The ____ wavelength of light penetrates deepest in to the oceans water


In the open ocean, the farthest that sufficient light for photosynthesis can penetrate is ___. a. 10 m b. 50 m c. 100 m d. 500 m

c. 100 m

When the Earth, Moon, and Sun are oriented at a 90 degree angle to each other, which type of tides occur? a. Spring b. Diurnal c. Neap d. Mixed

c. Neap

Anaerobic bacteria obtain oxygen chemically from ____. a. NO2 b. H2O c. SO4 2- d. PO4 e. C6H12O6

c. SO4 2-

The most important force that generate waves in the open ocean: a. gravity b. surface tension c. wind

c. Wind

Most of the oil spillage at sea is due to _____. a. tanker accidents b. leaks when aircraft are being refueled above the ocean c. and standard operations discharge and incompletely burned fuels d. broken oil pipes on offshore oil rigs

c. and standard operations discharge and incompletely burned fuels

Decomposers found in the marine environment include ____. a. diatoms b. dinoflagellates c. bacteria d. both B and C e. both A and C

c. bacteria

Society discards an estimated 20 ___ tons of waste each year into the oceans. a. thousand b. million c. billion d. trillion

c. billion

When phytoplankton populations increase, it is referred to as a phytoplankton ____. a. crop b. harvest c. bloom d. fruit

c. bloom

Calculations of primary production and the study of food transfer show that ____ and ____ regions produce the majority of the world's fish. a. embayment; coastal b. coastal; downwelling c. coastal; upwelling d. polar; upwelling e. polar; downwelling

c. coastal; upwelling

Which of the following refers to the totality of an environment, including all of its chemical, physical, and geological parts and all the plants and animals? a. niche b. food web c. ecosystem d. habitat

c. ecosystem

The size of the populations of any organism is usually a direct function of its ____ supply. a. oxygen b. carbon dioxide c. food d. habitat e. water

c. food

Petroleum is a complex mixture which consists primarily of _____. a. carbohydrates b. salts c. hydrocarbons d. bromides e. amines

c. hydrocarbons

Plankton tend to be distributed ___ in their three-dimensional world. a. uniformly b. randomly c. in discrete patches

c. in discrete patches

The highest energy benthic environments in the continental selves are found ____. a. near the shelf break b. adjacent to deep canyons c. in shallower water near shore d. in areas affected by river runoff

c. in shallower water near shore

During the new moon, the water level at low tide will be a. average height b. higher than average c. lower than average

c. lower than average

The zone of the pelagic ocean where photosynthesis can be carried out effectively during the daylight hours is the ___ zone. a. dysphotic b. aphotic c. photic d. photosynthetic e. photographic

c. photic

Pollutants in estuaries are commonly are concentrated along ____. a. the pycnocline b. the swash zone c. rocks d. the gyre

c. rocks

Primary production in the temperate latitudes varies with the ____. a. phases of the moon b. angle of tilt of the Earth c. season d. amount of rainfall e. amount of runoff from land

c. season

Which of the following has a cartilaginous skeleton? a. tuna b. cod c. shark d. halibut e. swordfish

c. shark

"Trophic" refers to _____. a. a warm area near the equator b. an energy level c. the process of nourishing d. the kind of food eaten by an animal

c. the process of nourishing

The oceans are considered to be pH buffered due to the high concentration of ______ which counteract the acidity of CO2 gas

carbonates and bicarbonates

A positively charged atom is call a


Plate movement along a transform fault

causes canyons to form

The forces that cause the dissipation(flattening) of waves in open water: a. gravity b. surface tension c. wind d. A and B e. B and C

d. A and B

Chemosynthetic microorganisms can be found associated with a. Hydrothermal vents b. Oil and gas seeps c. Whale falls (whale carcasses on the sea floor) d. all of the above e. none of the above

d. All of the above

The geostrophic flow, which drives the circulation of water inside the ocean gyres, is caused by a dynamic balance between __ and __. a. wind; gravity b. gyres; continental masses c. north polar magnetic fields; south polar magnetic fields d. Coriolis deflection; pressure gradients along the "mound" of water in the gyre

d. Coriolis deflection; pressure gradients along the "mound" of water in the gyre

The benthic province is broken into five zones based on ___. a. Salinity b. Density c. Temperature d. Depth e. Pressure

d. Depth

The pelagic province is sometimes broken into 3 zones based on ___. a. Salinity b. Density c. Temperature d. Light penetration e. Pressure

d. Light penetration

An "amphidromic system" describes an ocean basin with a ___ tidal motion relative to a fixed node. a. Polygonal b. Pentagonal c. Octagonal d. Rotary

d. Rotary

Which of the following fish DO NOT have skeletons made of cartilage? a. Sharks b. Rays c. Skates d. Whales e. All of these are cartilaginous

d. Whales

Most marine fish osmoregulate the salinity of their cellular fluids by ___. a .drinking large quantities of sea water b. excreting excess salt ions through their gills c. urinating infrequently d. all of the above

d. all of the above

The grouping of distinct benthic communities into parallel bands along a shoreline is caused by ____. a. The adaptations of different organisms to tolerate specific environmental conditions in the intertidal zone b. the adaptations of different organisms to avoid predators in the intertidal zone c.the differing abilities of organisms to compete for resources in specific area of the intertidal zone d. all of the above are correct

d. all of the above are correct

Primary producers are called ___. a. heterotrophs b. mesotrophs c. ectomorphs d. autotrophs e. plants

d. autotrophs

The base of the food webs in the deep-sea communities is ____. a. photosynthesizing phytoplankton b. photosynthesizing crustaceans c. chemosynthetic crustaceans d. chemosynthetic bacteria e. small anchovies

d. chemosynthetic bacteria

Which of the following is typically a grazer? a. shark b. crab c. barnacles d. copepod e. polychaete worms

d. copepod

Form drag is proportional to the ____ of a fish's body. a. length b. weight c. height d. cross-sectional area e. speed

d. cross-sectional area

The process in which one liquid is suspended in another liquid is called _____. a. solution b. sublimation c. distillation d. emulsification e. fractionation

d. emulsification

A linear succession of members of an ecosystem based on nutritional relationships is called a ____. a. trophic level b. food web c. production line d. food chain e. nutrition portfolio

d. food chain

A food web consists of a system of interconnected ____. a. animal species b. plant species c. currents d. food chains e. nutrients

d. food chains

The process of decompostion releases ____ into the water. a. sugars b. bacteria c. organic nutrients d. inorganic nutrients e. nitrogen

d. inorganic nutrients

Compounds that contain phosphorous, nitrogen, and silicon are called ____. a. supernutrients b. supranutrients c. micronutrients d. macronutrients e. piconutrients

d. macronutrients

Chemical substances that plants must have to live, but that are needed in only very small quantities are termed ___. a. supernutrients b. extranutrients c. supranutrients d. micronutrients

d. micronutrients

The air-sea interface is called the ____. a. deep scattering layer b. diurnal migration layer c. thermocline d. neuston layer e. pynocline

d. neuston layer

Biological productivity in polar seas tends to be limited by ____. a. nitrate availability b. temperature levels c. phosphate availability d. solar energy e. micronutrients

d. solar energy

The sun's gravitational effect on the Earth is much less than that of the moon because___. a. the moon is smaller than the sun b. the moon moves more rapidly than the sun c. the sun is made of gas and the moon is made of rocks and minerals d. the sun is further from the Earth than the moon

d. the sun is further from the Earth than the moon

The study of nutritional interconnections among the parts of an ecosystem is called _____ dynamics. a. thermo- b. hydro- c. energy d. trophic e. photo-

d. trophic

Bottom water energy induced by waves at the surface ____ with distance offshore.


Increasing the salinity of water _____ its freezing point. decreases


Lithogenous or terrogenous sediment is

derived from rock

Wind is caused by

differences in air pressure

The sea floor habitats of the oceans are referred to as the __ province. a. Pelagic b. Epipelagic c. Oceanic d. Neritic e. Benthic

e. Benthic

The bottom dwellers of the oceans are referred to as the ____. a. Plankton b. Polychaetes c. Monera d. Nekton e. Benthos

e. Benthos

The forces responsible for generating the ocean tides are: a. gravity b. wind c. centrifugal force of Earth's rotation d. gravitational forces of the sun and moon e. C and D

e. C and D

The ___ zone of the benthic province encompasses the deep ocean trenches and all the bottom with a depth over 6,000 m. a. A. Littoral b. Abyssal c. Sublittoral d. Bathyal e. Hadal

e. Hadal

Plants may manufacture which of the following? a. carbohydrates b. fats c. proteins d. nucleic acids e. all of the above

e. all of the above

Nutrients are regenerated or recycled in the ocean by ____. a. photosynthesis b. osmosis c. respiration d. oxidation e. bacterial decomposition of dead cells and tissues

e. bacterial decomposition of dead cells and tissues

Spring tides will occur during ____. a. the new moon b. the 1/4 moon c. at the full moon d. both A and B e. both A and C

e. both A and C

When the Earth, Moon, and Sun are aligned, which phase of the moon might you see? a. Full b. 1/4 c. 3/4 d. New e. both A and D

e. both A and D

When humans introduce substances or energy into the marine environment in such quantities as to harm living resources, present hazards to human health, hinder marine activities, or impair the quality for use of sea-water, it is referred to as _____. a. bioremediation b. biomagnification c. dredging d. emulsification e. pollution

e. pollution

The process in which water molecules change to gas at temperature below the boiling point is called


When heated, air _____ and becomes ________ .

expands; less dense

Keeping accurate time at sea is necessary to make

measurements of latitude

The voyages of Christopher Columbus were on effort to

find a westward route to the Indies

Prince Henry the Navigator was most famous for

founding and teaching navigation, astronomy and cartography

Beaches exposed to high wave energy are composed of

gravel and sand

The crest of the tide wave is called...

high tide

Glacial marine sediments are produced by

ice rafting

The ocean's oldest sediments are found

on top of the basalt layer, far form spreading centers

The symbol 0/00 stands for

parts per thousand

Manganese nodules are an example of

pelagic hydrogenous sediment

The major constituent ions in seawater know as conservative elements because they _____

remain in constant proportions even if the total salinity changes

The average length of time an ion remains in solution in the ocean is termed _____ .

residence time

In the northern hemisphere all moving objects appear to be deflected to the ___ of their point of origin.


In the northern hemisphere all moving objects appear to be deflected to the _____ of their origin.


Continental shelves in mid-latitudes are covered by

sediments weathered from granite rocks on the land

The pressure exerted by a columns of air that extends from the top of the atmosphere to the surface of the earth is termed _____ pressure.

standard atmospheric

The relationship between salt input to and salt removal from, the oceans is though to be in a ________.

steady-state equilibrium

A steep pressure gradient results in _____ winds.


Sources of oxygen in the open ocean include:

the atmosphere and photosynthesis

The surface salinity in the central parts of the world oceans is determined by _____ .

the balance between evaporation and precipitation

Topography is

the height of land above sea level

The Corilis deflection is caused by______.

the rotation of earth on its axis

Oceanography is considered an interdisciplinary science because:

to understand oceanography requires understanding of complex interactions among the biological, chemical, physical, geological, and atmospheric elements of the ocean realm

Most surface ocean currents are driven by the ______


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