Computer Networking IT1080C Practice
Convert 0x0100 to decimal
Convert the following decimal to binary: 16
0001 0000
Convert the following decimal to binary: 300
0001 0010 1100
Convert the following decimal to binary: 19
0001 0011
Convert the following decimal to binary: 386
0001 1000 0010
Convert 0x1FC7 to binary
0001 1111 1100 0111
Convert the following decimal to binary: 33
0010 0001
Convert the following hexadecimal to binary: FAB3
0010 1011 0100 1000
Convert 0x081A to binary
1000 0001 1010
Convert the following hexadecimal to binary: C0DA
1100 0000 1101 1010
Convert the following decimal to binary: 202
1100 1010
What is the subnet mask for
What is the subnet mask for CIDR /17?
What is the subnet mask for CIDR /26?
Convert the following hexadecimal to binary and decimal: 17
Binary: 0001 0111, Decimal: 23
Convert the following binary to decimal and hexadecimal: 0001 0000 0000
Decimal: 256, Hex: 100
Convert binary 1110 1010 to hexadecimal
Convert the following decimal to binary: 52
0011 0100
Convert the following decimal to binary: 54
0011 0110
Convert the following decimal to binary: 1026
0100 0000 0010
Covert the following decimal to binary: 66
0100 0010
Convert the decimal 100 to binary
0110 0100
Convert the decimal 127 to binary
0111 1111
Convert the following decimal to binary: 224
1110 0000
Covert the decimal 224 to binary
1110 0000
Convert the following hexadecimal to binary: EAC1
1110 1010 1100 0001
Convert the following decimal to binary: 237
1110 1101
Convert the following decimal to binary: 240
1111 0000
Convert the following decimal to binary: 246
1111 0110
Convert the decimal 250 to binary
1111 1010
Convert the following hexadecimal to binary: 2B48
1111 1010 1011 0011
Convert the following decimal to binary: 254
1111 1110
Convert the following decimal to binary: 255
1111 1111
Convert the following binary to decimal: 0111 1111
Convert 0x0010 to decimal
What is the network address for the address
What is the network address for the address
Convert the following binary to decimal: 1000 0000 0000
What CIDR is need to provide 600 host addresses?
22 (600 falls between 512-1023 so ten bits are required 32 - 10 = 22)
What subnet mast is required to provided addressing for 300 hosts?
What is the subnet mask for CIDR /28?
Convert the following decimal to binary and hexadecimal: 500
Binary: 0001 1111 0100, Hex: 1F4
Convert the following hexadecimal to binary and decimal: 2F4
Binary: 0010 1111 0100, Decimal: 756
Convert the following decimal to binary and hexadecimal: 51
Binary: 0011 0011, Hex: 33
Convert the following binary to decimal and Hexadecimal: 0110 1111
Decimal: 111, Hex: 6F