Computer Science 110 Final Review

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Generally, privacy concerns four aspects of our lives:

1) our bodies 2) territory 3) personal information, and 4) communication

When a computer plays chess, the information is represented in: A) natural language B) bits C) black and white D) integers


Folders contain: A) files B) folders C) both files and folders D) neither files nor folders


Which of the following lacks finiteness? A) Bake for 50 minutes at 375 degrees. B) Read chapter 10. C) Repeat until you get to the end of the file. D) Find pi.


Algorithm Properties:

Finiteness, Effectiveness, Input, Output

A Computer five basic parts:

Input, Output, ALC, Control Unit, memory Unit

__________ is information such as images, audio, and video.


Starting a computer is called booting.


When Turning developed his test, researched believed that "natural language" was beyond the abilities of computers.


When files are placed on a server, the process is known as uploading.


Guidelines for email:

1) Ask about one topic at a time 2) Include Context 3) Use an Automated Reply 4) Answer a Backlog of Emails in Reverse Order 5) Clarifying Ownership of Email 6) Use emoticons

A conceptualization of the possible future configurations of a game is called a(n): A) game tree B) future move diagram C)schematic answer tree D) reachable point diagram


Communication between one sender and many receivers is called: A) broadcast communication B) client/server communication C) point-to-point communication D) multicast communication


Companies that make products available as open source software: A) are promoting wide distribution of the software B) are non-profit organizations C) keep the source code private (providing only binary) D) are vendors like Microsoft and Adobe


European privacy standards are closest to the policy called: A) No uses B) Approval C) Objection D) No Limits


Exiting and relaunching an application after making a mistake is called: A) getting out and getting back in B) shutdown C) fatal abort D) system interrupt


GIF encoding: A) is a lossless encoding scheme B) can display 1024 different colors C) is used for photographs D) was invented by the Joint Photographic Experts Group of the ISO


Haptic Devices: A) are input/output technology for interacting with our sense of touch and feel B) rapidly display still images as a way to fool our eyes and brain C) have not been applied to training applications D) are used to keep out "spambots"


In a directory hierarchy, folder names are separated by a: A) slash (/) B) backslash (\) C) dot (.) D) space


In the story of the tortoise and the hare, the abstraction is: A) slow and steady wins the race. B) the tortoise C) the hare D) speed is deceiving


Instruction sequences that repeat are called: A) loops B) assumptions C) tests D) sorting


Logical operators can be combined and grouped using: A) parenthesis B) curly brackets C) square brackets D) plus and minus


Of the following: Google Advanced Search, "I'm Feeling Lucky" page, Bing, Or a site search, which is preferred for its control. A) Google Advanced Search B) "I'm Feeling Lucky" page C) Bing D) site search


Place descriptive information: A) on the top and left B) on the top and right C) on the bottom and left D) on the bottom and right


Placeholders can be inserted throughout your work for all long, commonly occurring phrases, and the placeholders can later be changed easily using: A) Find/ReplaceAll (F/RA) B) Copy/Paste/Edit (C/P/E) C) Copy/Paste (C/P) D) metaphors


Suppose cell B4 has an entry. If th data in cell A4 is too wide to fit in the cell, it; A) is truncated B) is abbreviated C) is hyphenated D) cannot be entered into a cell


The Scenario Manager window is accessed via the: A) Tools menu B) File Menu C) Edit Menu D) Formulas Menu


The crime of posing as someone else for fraudulent purposes is known as: A) identity theft B) privacy theft C) cookie grabbing D) unauthorized encryption


The decimal number 174 is equivalent to the binary number: A) 1010 1110 B) 1110 1111 C) 1101 1010 D) 0001 1101 1100


The gesture that is typically used to launch an application is a: A) double tap B) Drag C) flick D) two-finger sweep


When a packet is sent from one computer to another, the transmission is called a: A) hop B) skip C) jump D) vault


Algorithms should: A) be written to solve one specific case B) use resources efficiently C) only be clear to the algorithm designer D) be ambiguous to allow creativity


Computer experts call spaces that haven been inserted for readability: A) blanks B) white space C) embedded space D) tags


IBMs semantic analysis system that competed on and won during a special edition of Jeopardy!: A) included access to the Internet B) features a huge database C) lacked the ability to parse English D) all of the above


In a Web search, a match to a query is know as a(n): A) intersection B) hit C) URL list D) none of the above


Spreadsheets are used primarily in: A) education B) business C) government D) the home


Spyware is: A) illegal B) software that snoops private information C) cannot be installed without the computers user's permission D) all of the above


The Digital Versatile Disc (DVD): A) was a predecessor of the compact disc (CD) B) uses bumps ( which appear as pits on the bottom side) to encode the information C) features puts that are arranged in a line that spirals beginning at the outer edge and ending at the inner edge D) makes it difficult to distinguish between different letters


The accuracy of personal information is the responsibility of the: A) data controller B) individual C) Data collector D) business or government


The correct order from lowest to highest level of detail of the same program is: A) assembly language, programming language, and binary B) programming language, assembly language, and binary C) binary, assembly language, and programming language D) binary, programming language, and assembly language


The first guideline of setting up effective spreadsheets is to; A) make them visually interesting B) focus on form C) avoid explanations that clutter the spreadsheet D) explain all processes


The original version of ASCII used: A) 4-bit code B) 7-bit code C) 8-bit code D) 16-bit code


Using a scanned black and white photo, suppose the sub pixels of one pixel had values of 195. If the image's pixels should all be nearer intense white keeping their relative relationships, the sub pixels of the given pixel could be changed to values of: A) 179,179,179 B) 212,212,212 C) 0,0,0 D) Both A and C would be suitable


When am image is inserted next to text in an HTML document, keep in mind that generally: A) text cannot be placed on the same line as the image, B) images are inserted in the text where specified by the HTML and the text is aligned with the bottom of the image. C) images are in the text where specified by the HTML and the text is aligned with the right of the image. D) the size of the text is automatically adjusted to fill the area beside the image.


When the Send button is click to send an email: A) the sender retains full ownership of the message. B) two copies of the message are produced. C) the message is immediately deleted from the sender's computer. D) the message is backed up on a server.


Which of the following is a form of digital data that is not delivered directly by the Web? A) search results obtained by google. B) GPS information displayed in a car. C) video displayed on Youtube. D) a recording.


Which of the following is an example of definiteness? A) Add and multiply values A, B, and C to obtain the result. B) Add A and B. Divide the sum by C. If C = 0, the solution is "undefined." C) Use multiplication and addition operations to solve the problem. D) All of the above


Which of the following is used for computing common, summary applications in a spreadsheet? A) formulas B) functions C) tables D) formatting


A digitization guideline stating that the sampling frequency should exceed the signal frequency by at least time times is the: A) Analog-Digital rule B) Leibniz rule C) Nyquist rule D) Sample Rate rule


A good analogy of the memory of the computer is: A) a stack of plates that are all in the same color. B) a box of crayons with 24 different colors C) a sidewalk with a single rock present or absent in each square D) all of the above


A heuristic process: A) is guaranteed to work 100 percent of the time B) yields the specified answer or reports back that no such answer exists C) provides guidelines for finding a solution D) all of the above


A weakness of Wikipedia is that: A) it covers a limited number of topics. B) it contains timely information. C) the content is not validated by experts. D) editing of content is highly restricted.


Booting a computer means to: A) restart the computer B) run a program from the hard disk C) start the computer D) none of the above


Digitizing sound: A) requires lossless compression techniques B) achieves perfection using an unlimited number of bits C) uses bits to represent both positive and negative values D) is compressed using MPEG


In programming, rules that describe how to operate on other rules are: A) super rules B) advances rules C) metarules D) operational rules


One example of descriptive text is anchor text, which is" A) a textual description of a picture. B) a phrase within <title> tags. C) highlighted link text, specified inside <a...> tags, describing the page to which it links. D) included within a <meta...> tag.


Programmers use programming languages because these languages: A) are extremely easy to learn B) allow for a limited number of possible solutions for a specific problem C) are precise and unambiguous D) are nearly identical to natural languages


The IBM computer that is credited with beating the reigning chess grand master Garry Kasparov is: A) Eliza B) Watson C) Deep Blue D) Deep Space Humor


The NATO broadcast alphabet: A) encodes all digits using unusual names. B) is very efficient minimizing the amount of memory needed to store each letter. C) encodes letters as words. D) makes it difficult to distinguish between different letters.


The meaning of bits depends upon: A) their inherent meaning B) the principles applied by the transmission medium C) the interpretation placed on them by computer programs D) the ability to perform analog-to-digital conversion


The mouse was invented by: A) Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak at Apple B) Bill Gates at Microsoft C) Douglas Engelbart and others at Stanford Research Institute D) Aung San Suu Kyi in Burma


The textbook author advocates: A) changing passwords at least once per year B) using a different password for every account C) using three different passwords D) ignoring password policies of employers.


We can see spreadsheets results graphically by creating: A) complex formulas B) hidden columns C) charts D) absolute cell references


Which of the following is not an example of a social networking site? A) Twitter B) Youtube C) Bing D) Facebook


Which of the following is not an example of crowdsourcing? A) Be a Martian project B) Free Rice C) Google D) Foldit


Which of the following represents the correct order, from largest to smallest? A) LAN, WWW, Internet B) WWW, Internet, LAN C) Internet, WWW, LAN D) Internet, LAN, WWW


Which of the following would be used to display an ampersand on a Web page? A)&& B)/& C)&amp; D)<&>


Which statement is incorrect? A) OCR is very sophisticated technology B) OCR's business applications include sorting mail and banking. C) OCR systems can easily interpret words created by reCaptcha D) OCR can be used to read the handwritten digits on checks


A computer algorithm must have: A) a specified input and output B) definiteness C) effectiveness D) all of the above


A spreadsheet feature that allows the user to enter a series of numbers or dates into a rage of cells is called a(n): A) date copy B) auto-increment C) conditional fill D) series fill


All of the following are difficult to convey in an email message except: A) emotion B) sarcasm C) emphasis D) ambiguity


American privacy standards are closest to the policy called: A) No uses B) approval C) objection D) No Limits


Backups on your personal computer: A) aren't needed B) should be done daily C) should follow the same pattern of backups that business systems use D) are just as essential to a personal system as a business system.


Different algorithms for the same problem can: A) solve the same problem differently B) take different amounts of processing time C) mean that on algorithm is preferred over others D) all of the above


Digitized sound can be: A) "fixed" by removing offending noises B) computed to reduce the number of bits C) reproduced exactly D) all of the above


Optical character recognition (OCR) used for reading license plates: A) includes a frame grabber that recognized when to "snap" the image B) a computer that finds the license plate on the vehicle C) must recognize the characters on the license plate D) all of the above


Personal information can be tracked by all of the following except: A) cookies B) cell phone use C) IP addresses D) chip ID numbers


The Advanced Filter feature includes a: A) list range B) criteria range C) copy to option D) all of the above


The intersect of an alphabetized list (IAL) and the No Alphabetized Lists (NAL) are different solutions because they: A) require different forms of the input B) rely on the characteristics of the input C) have different running times D) all of the above


The oldest form of information technology is: A) virtual reality B) social networking C) Pixar animations D) a recording


To indicate that the computer is continuing to perform a times-consuming operation, the cursor is replaced by an icon such as a(n): A) hourglass B) rainbow spinner C) little dog running D) all of the above


To reduce the chance of messing up range specifications, and minimize the likelihood that errors will creep in when columns and rows are added later: A) manually inspect all formulas on the spreadsheet B) do not hide columns in the spreadsheet C) always use absolute cell references in all formulas D) apply names in the spreadsheet


What does ASCII stand for? A) Algorithmic Sequence of Computer Integrated Information B) All standards Complete Initialization Interface C)Aspiring Students Confused by Incoherent Incantations D) American Standard Code for Information Interchange


Which of the following lines is properly nested? A) <p><i><b>Happy New Year!</p></i></b> B)</p></b></i>Happy New Year!<p><b><i> C) </p></b></i>>Happy New Year!<i><b><p> D)<p><i><b>Happy New Year!</b></i></p>


Which of the following may result from malware? A) contents erased on the hard drive B) spam sent from your computer C) secure information obtained from your computer D) all of the above


Which of the following puts you at greater risk of being hacked? A) using a Web site that doesn't use encryption. B) clicking on a URL instead of typing it in C) using email to respond to requests for personal information. D) all of the above


Which of the following tags is not required on a Web page? A) <html> B) <body> C) <head> D) </hr>


Which of the following will help you protect you from phishing? A) Open attachments only when you know who sent them and why. B) Pay attention to the domain name of the company C) Only give information online when you have initiated the transaction by going to the company site. D) all of the above


A bit is larger than a byte.


A megabyte is exactly one million bytes.


A password should never be written down


A red, yellow, and green traffic light is a good example of a binary system.


A text file is the same thing as a tab-delimited file.


All HTML tags come in pairs.


An important property of metadata is that it is intertwined with the information that it describes.


Apple invented the mouse, and the Macintosh first introduced the mouse technology to the public.


Computer memory is divided into bytes of 9 bits.


Due to its simplistic design, Microsoft's Vista operation system reportedly contained fewer that 4,000 lines of program code when it was released in 2007.


For your work to have copyright protection, the copyright symbol must be listed on your work.


Heading tags create web page headings that are bold and get less "strong" (smaller and perhaps not so bold) as the level number decreases.


It is legal to give commercial software to your friends, but not to sell it.


It is not possible to emulate scroll bar movement used on a laptop on a typical smart phone.


Microsoft Internet Explorer is an example of an open source browser.


Most information available at the library is also available online.


Nearly every computational task has only a single way of being solved.


One message covering multiple topics is better than multiple messages, each with a single topic.


Place value representation is associated with decimal numbers (base 10), but it does not apply to the binary numbers.


Quotation marks are not needed inside a tag.


Summary information should be placed at the top of a spreadsheet.


The Doctor program ( also known as Eliza), developed by MIT researcher Joseph Weizenbaum, clearly demonstrated that a computer does have intelligence.


The World Wide Web and the Internet are the same thing.


The internet is not fast enough to mimic synchronous communication.


Use the File menu to insert comments in Excel.


You cannot mix absolute and relative references in the same cell reference.


What's in it for the participants in crowdsourcing?

Its fun, earn points, win prizes, sense of satisfaction for contributing to a project, Many projects require skills that are more challenging that watching TV.

"What if" analysis is a spreadsheet tool that temporarily re-computes entries based on alternative cell values.


A key property of the PandA representation is that it is black and white (discrete); that is, the phenomenon is either present or it is not; the logic is either true or false.


A way in which product developers who create technologies minimize learning time is by creating controls that match our expectations, such as with sliders and dials.


An example of a top-level domain is .edu.


Android, an open source OS, and Apple's iOS are examples of operating systems for mobile devices.


Applications, especially from the same vendor (e.g. Microsoft, Google, or Apple), are consistent.


Because there are two dimensions in spreadsheets - columns and rows - there are actually two ways a formula can be relative.


Computers only execute instructions; therefore, rerunning a program with the same data produces exactly the same result every time.


Crawlers consider descriptive text when adding the page's URL to the index.


Every memory location in the computer is numbered, starting at 0.


Fonts should be clear in a spreadsheet, and possibly differentiated for headings and data.


For a word to describe a page, the word doesn't actually have to be on the page.


Formulas, which begin with an equal sign (=), define the value for the entry based on values of other entries.


Functions and column letters in a spreadsheet are not case sensitive.


In a spreadsheet, conditional formatting allows you to specify a format for cells that meet certain criteria.


In the mid-1990s, the Internet, long available to researchers, became generally available to the public.


It is possible with the help of Internet service providers (ISPs) and companies like Microsoft to figure out who is online.


It is usually acceptable to write queries in the form, (cherry OR grape OR lime) AND banana, using uppercase letters for the logical operators and parentheses to make associations clear.


Libraries in general provide many online resources that are well organized and trustworthy.


Metaphors are essential to computer usage because they guide us in learning and using software.


Software is a collective term for programs, the instructions computers perform to implement applications.


The ADD instruction adds the values, not the address numbers of the memory locations.


The Universality Principle refers to a property of computation that all computers with a minimal set of instructions can compute the same set of computations.


The ability to store different values in its memory locations makes the computer a flexible tool.


The camera of a smart phone would be classified as an input device.


The fear of computers taking over the world has died down since the 1950's and 1960's.


The horizontal rule <hr/> tag and the break <br/> tag are examples of singleton tags.


The primary reason for consistency across computer applications is that certain operations are fundamental to processing information no matter what the application.


Writing software is the job of programmers and software developers.


A(n) _________ test is an experimental setting to determine if a computer and a person can be distinguished by their answers to a judge's questions.


__________ is a digital representation of the world.

Virtual Reality, VR

The standard eight-point list of privacy principles.

a. Limited Collection Principle b. Quality Principle c. Purpose Principle d. Use Limitation Principle e. Security Principle f. Openness Principle g. Participation Principle h. Accountability Principle

As the research field of ___________ came into existence, a consensus grew that to exhibit intelligence, a computer would have to "understand" a complex situation and reason well enough to act on its "understanding."

artificial intelligence, AI

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