Computer Science Review U5
What are the steps for the problem solving process?
1-Define 2-Collect 3-Interpret 4-Reflect
What is a prototype?
A first or early model of a product that allows you to test assumptions before developing a final version.
What are the two things that are needed for an encryption system?
Algorithm- specific set of instructions/procedures that a computer will follow, and a key
What does ASCII stand for and what is it?
American Standard Code for Information Interchange; it is the universally recognized raw format that any computer can understand.
What is a feature?
An individual functional element of a software item, such as the ability to do something new, work across multiple platforms or perform more efficiently.
What is required for computers to make a decision?
What is usability?
How easy, efficient, and satisfying it is to use a human-made object or device.
Two universal rules all computer scientists need to follow when an encoding system:
It needs to be unambiguous (just one meaning), and everyone needs to agree to it
What is User Interface?
The visual elements of a program through which a user a user controls or communicates with the application.
What is cross tabulation?
a method to quantitatively analyze the relationship between multiple variables. It groups variables to understand the correlation between different variables.
What is a variable?
a placeholder for a piece of information.
What is binary?
a way of representing information using only two options (0 or 1)
What is a bit?
contraction of a "binary digit"; the single unit of information in a computer, typically represented as 0 or 1
Sensor Data:
sensors automatically collect data about the world. Usually this is not measuring anything about people.
What is a pixel?
short for "picture element", the fundamental unit of a digital image. Typically is a tiny square or dot that contains a single point of color of a larger image
What happens when sprite.debug=true?
the collider area displays around the sprite
User Actively Provided:
the user actively provides data and understands that their actions are providing data to the company
User Passively Provided:
the user might not know that their behavior on the website is generating data to solve a problem
What is to encode?
to change how information is represented so it can be read by a computer.
What is decode?
to change how information is represented so that it can be read by a person.
What is to encrypt?
to change information so that its meaning is hidden
What is to decrypt?
to change information so that its meaning is shown