CON 101 Quizzes for Test 2
The textbook indicates that the CSU Master Format in 1995 changed from 16 construction divisions to 49 divisions in 2004. However, there are actually how many divisions because of the addition of Procurement and Contracting Requirements?
A change or an addition to the contract documents issued after the documents have been released but before the bids are due.
Record drawings completed by the contractor and turned over to the owner at the end of the project identifying any changes or adjustments made to the conditions and dimensions of the work relative to the original plans and specifications.
As-built drawings
The RFI (request for information) process generally occurs during which stage of the project?
Bidding stage
This regulatory device signifies that all life safety code requirements are met prior to anyone occupying the building. The primary concern is that the building be safe to occupy. The owner cannot move in until this certificate is issued.
Certificate of occupancy
Grading, demolition, excavation, site utilities, streets, curbs and gutters are all generally part of which drawing set?
In a typical design-bid-build project delivery, the contractor is usually not involved in this stage:
Code and compliance issues
A process of testing and checking all equipment and systems within the facility at the end of a project to assure proper functioning and operation. This may also include the training of owner personnel in the operation and maintenance of the equipment.
CAD stands for:
Computer Aided Design
Division 3 in the Construction Specification Institute (CSI) is ______________?
This person must be completely familiar with the contract stipulations and provisions and accustomed to working with all of the common forms, policies, and procedures. This person works closely with the project manager.
Contract administrator
Which of these four design phase steps includes the development of working drawings used for construction?
Contract documents
This type of agreement guarantees a profit on the job regardless of project costs:
Cost plus fee contract
Of the four basic types of drawings, which of the following provides a "blown up" view of the plan, typically in a larger scale?
Which CSI Division would most likely govern Mobilization activities?
Division 1- general requirements
Of the four basic types of drawings in a construction plan set, which of the following shows what the building will look like from the outside?
Self-Performed Labor
Employment contract
A Change Order is a change or an addition to the contract documents issued after the documents have been released but before the bids are due.
General Conditions usually deal with matters that are project specific, such as: Soils and Soil-testing information Survey Information Materials or other services provided by the owner Job signage requirements
The permitting and Inspection process is synonymous with Code Compliance
This section of the project manual provides fundamental definitions for the contract, the work, and the drawings and specifications. It also clarifies the ownership, use, and overall intent of the contract documents.
General Provisions
What type of contract would typically be used on a Design-Build project?
Guaranteed maximum price (GMP)
This project stage deals with bringing in the proper personnel, materials, and equipment so that the job can begin. Examples of activities performed during this stage include setting up field offices, installing jobsite signs/barricades, and establishing safety protocols.
This section of the project manual is very important because it identifies how the contractor will be paid.
Payments and Completion
The submittal process occurs beginning in which stage of the project:
Pre-construction stage
This stage is also considered the "buy out" stage of the project.
The minor adjustments, repairs, and work items that must be done before substantial completion can be achieved. The list is prepared jointly by the owner, architect, and contractor. The architect confirms completion of each item on the list.
Punch list
The design stage of a project typically has four steps. Which of these steps consists of sketches which identify spaces, adjacencies, shapes, and orientation?
Schematic design
Of the four basic types of drawings, which of the following provides a view as if the plan or elevation was "cut" through, showing greater detail of the material components of the structure?
The Contractor's due diligence has the utmost importance during which stage?
Site work
The most reliable practice to eliminate surprises associated with subsurface conditions is:
Soil testing
Supplemental Conditions, or special conditions deal with project-specific matters such as (choose all that apply):
Soil testing report, job signage requirements, traffic control
The presence of asbestos or mold is ______________, and therefore is part of the due diligence required of a contractor.
Sometimes unknown BEFORE bidding
The Project Manual, which is part of the Contract Documents include which of the following (choose all that apply)
Specifications, supplemental conditions, general conditions
This task, often completed by the project superintendent, deals with formulating a strategy so that movement of project people, materials, and supporting resources are laid out in a way that promotes he highest productivity and efficiency possible.
Staging and Layout Plan (also known as a Site Logistics Plan)
The point at which all punch list work has been completed and the owner can occupy or take possession of the new facility.
Substantial completion
Making up the bulk of the Project Manual, this section is used in conjunction with the plans and describe the detail that cannot be conveyed graphically.
Technical specifications
In a Guaranteed Maximum Price contract, the owner benefits from a guarantee of a maximum price and also benefits if cost savings are realized.
Some projects require specific verification regarding special 'pre-qualification' requirements. These requirements may include minority or women owned status of your business or that of your trade partners.
The "buy-out" of a job is specifically related to the direct cost of the construction project.
The contract administrator may process progress payment applications, change orders, or submittals on behalf of the Project Manager.
In this contract type, if the owner's quantities vary greatly from the actual required quantities, then the owner will be responsible for the additional costs.
Unit-Price Contract
This process is a thorough analysis of design, products, and materials to determine whether the proposed design solutions are really the best solutions relative to their cost.
Value Engineering
material supplier
purchase order
Specialty trade contractor