Connect Chapter 1 ITEC

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a column in a table, such as last name, address

software license

a legal document that governs the use or redistribution of software


a row in a table which contains information about an individual, transaction, or account


a section of a relational database


a set of criteria used to extract data


accessed by clicking rocket icon on doc, similar to windows start button


accessed by clicking the dashboard icon located on the dock. provides quick access to mini apps including calculator, clock, calendar

network license

allows anyone on a network the right to use software

microsoft paint 3d

allows you to create shapes, lines, and variety of tools to edit images, and create art work

database programs

an organized collection of data. combines structuring data with tools to manage the data


apple's iphone operating system. a hugely popular OS for smartphones in the united states

productivity software

applications that allow users to work more efficiently. two major categories; - apps designed for use by individuals - appls designed for businesses


built in formulas included in a spreadsheet program

speaker notes

can be added to a slide show to assist with what the presenter will say

snipping tool

can be used to capture a screenshot, or snip any object on your screen


collection of pages/slides arranged in a sequence


collection of related worksheet

operating system

controls the functions of a computer and determines which applications can be used on a device.


data that is ready to print


designed and distributed by apple inc. and have a reputation of being very easy to use. Strengths: relatively few viruses, outstanding graphics capabilities Weaknesses: not as widely used as PCs, generally costs more than PCs, only use proprietary licensed software

presentation programs

help in creating visual aids that can be projected on a screen or displayed on a digital display

cell reference

identifies the location (column and row) of a cell in a worksheet


initial view when mac starts, can be accessed by clicking the finder icon located on the doc. displays applications, documents, recently opened files, icould documents etc.

touch bar

located on keyboard above number row. provides quick access to commonly used feature. when using an app, displays commonly used app features


mathematical operation used to perform calculations in a spreadsheet


open source software that anyone can use and modify. strenghs: free to download and use, less susceptible to viruses and modifiable by users. weaknesses: steep learning curve, compatability issues with some programs.

utility programs

perform a specific maintenance-type task on a computer and are included with both windows and mac os

single user license

restricts the use of the software to one user at a time

site license

similar to network but the software is installed on the device of qualifies users in an organization.


single page in a presentation program


single page in a workbook

slide master

stores information about presentation theme and slide layout, includes background color, fonts, effects, placeholder size, and positioning.


tools that allow users to enter information

primary key

uniquely identifies each record in a database


used in a variety of microsoft digital devices. Strengths: most popular os worldwide, used by businesses and govt, etc. Weaknesses: considered not as intuitive as apple products, possibly prone to viruses, constantly revised and updated

word processing programs

used to create an assortment of documents. can also be used for desktop publishing and creating basic web pages

spreadsheet programs

used to format spreadsheets and display numbers and text in cells. widely used by organizations, they perform calculations and structure data

snipping tool in windows 10

1. click the cortana or search button 2. type snipping tool 3. select the snipping tool desktop app 4. click new to start captures of an image

end user license agreement

A summary of the terms and guidelines for legal use of a software program.

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