Consumer behavior chapter 9

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14) In general, people from which of the following cultures have typically been shown to wait the most patiently while standing in a long line? A) Asian B) French C) American D) Italian

A) Asian

6) Others who are present in a consumer's physical and social environment when purchases are made are called ________. A) co-consumers B) by-standers C) purchase competitors D) challengers

A) co-consumers

45) A number of specific decision roles are played when a collective decision must be made. The person who brings up the idea or need is the ________. A) initiator B) gatekeeper C) influencer D) buyer

A) initiator

24) Tara was shopping for a new pair of shoes for work. The salesperson was very helpful and friendly, bringing Tara some styles she hadn't thought to try on but that she ended up really liking. Noticing Tara's University of Wisconsin tee-shirt, the salesperson said that she was a student there. Tara ended up buying three pairs of shoes rather than the one pair she had planned on. Tara's experience shows the effect of ________ on consumer behavior. A) salespeople B) atmospherics C) retail theming D) reward power

A) salespeople

8) Most Americans will state that they are always rushed for time even though many people have opportunities for leisure. This perception is referred to as ________. A) time poverty B) the leisure paradox C) psychological time D) circular time

A) time poverty

51) A typical antecedent state is product disposal.

Answer: FALSE

52) A point-of-purchase stimuli is part of the purchase environment.

Answer: TRUE

54) A temporal factor is one that reflects sense of time. Answer: TRUE

Answer: TRUE

55) Time poverty seems to be more a problem of perception than of fact.

Answer: TRUE

57) It would be difficult to sell consumers life insurance if their notion of time is like a mirror.

Answer: TRUE

28) Which of the following is an example of utilitarian influence? A) An individual seeks information about various brands from a professional. B) An individual's decision to purchase a particular brand is influenced by the preferences of family members. C) An individual feels that the purchase of a particular brand will enhance the image others have of her. D) An individual seeks brand-related knowledge and experience from friends, neighbors, colleagues, and relatives who have reliable information about the brand.

B) An individual's decision to purchase a particular brand is influenced by the preferences of family members.

17) ________ is the conscious designing of retail space and its various dimensions to evoke certain effects in buyers. A) Pretailing B) Atmospherics C) Market-landscaping D) Store image

B) Atmospherics

35) ________ means that the person who is least interested in staying in the relationship has the most power. A) Social loafing B) Principle of least interest C) Responsibility diffusion D) Commitment

B) Principle of least interest

23) Julie Morgan loves to go into Springer's Old Country Gifts. It always smells like a field of spring flowers. The lighting gives all the products a warm glow, and the mood music is just perfect for casual browsing. After her visit to the store, Julie is always in a better mood. Springer's Old Country Gifts has attracted Julie with its ________. A) store position B) atmospherics C) subliminal cues D) marketscape theme

B) atmospherics

37) The pressure to conform that escalates as more and more group members "cave in" is called the ________ effect. A) polarization B) bandwagon C) loafing D) homophily

B) bandwagon

16) A store environment that has been made to resemble a living room where customers can relax, hang out with friends, or even learn is referred to as a(n) ________. A) marketscape B) being space C) mindscape D) activity space

B) being space

31) The ________ influence is the reference group influence that helps the consumer make decisions about specific brands or activities. A) normative B) comparative C) selective D) coercive

B) comparative

41) If a fireman told you to leave your apartment, you would comply because the fireman has ________ power. A) referent B) legitimate C) coercive D) reward

B) legitimate

47) Many factors have been identified that distinguish organizational and industrial purchase decisions from individual consumer decisions. Which of the following is NOT one of those distinctions? A) Purchase decisions made by companies frequently involve many people. B) Organizational and industrial products are often bought according to precise, technical specifications. C) Impulse buying commonly occurs in organizational purchasing because of sales stimulation from direct salespeople. D) Organizational purchase decisions tend to be riskier than individual consumer purchase decisions.

C) Impulse buying commonly occurs in organizational purchasing because of sales stimulation from direct salespeople.

22) Wynona was impulsive. Her friends accused her of being calculating, but she thought of herself as simply an analytical thinker. She wanted what she wanted and tomorrow could take care of itself. Researchers would classify her as being a hedonic variety-seeker. Which of the following time metaphors would best capture Wynona's perspective of time? A) Time is a pressure cooker. B) Time is a map. C) Time is a feast. D) Time is a mirror.

C) Time is a feast.

11) A study found that women who engage in extensive information search and comparison shopping were most likely to select which of the following metaphors to express their perspective of time? A) Time is a pressure cooker. B) Time is a river. C) Time is a map. D) Time is a feast.

C) Time is a map.

18) In a(n) ________, consumers participate in the production of the products or services they buy. A) pop-up store B) minipreneur shop C) activity store D) sharing site

C) activity store

34) The ________ a group is, the more likely members are to engage in social loafing. A) more homogeneous B) smaller C) bigger D) less homogeneous

C) bigger

3) Which of the following is considered a postpurchase process? A) the shopping experience B) mood C) consumer satisfaction D) shopping orientation

C) consumer satisfaction

) A ________ includes a buyer, a seller, a product or service and other factors, such as how the physical environment makes one feel. A) postpurchase process B) purchase process C) consumption situation D) psychological situation

C) consumption situation

7) Which of the following is an unpleasant psychological state? A) density B) arousal C) crowding D) expectancy

C) crowding

25) The perception of time is different in different cultures. It would likely be most accepted for employees to be paid by the hour in a culture with which of the following perceptions of time? A) river B) map C) pressure cooker D) mirror

C) pressure cooker

12) According to a study on timestyles, which of the following is a fast country? A) Syria B) Mexico C) Brazil D) Ireland

D) Ireland

46) ________ buyers are people who purchase goods and services on behalf of companies for use in the process of manufacturing, distribution, or resale. A) Individual B) Consumer C) Global D) Organizational

D) Organizational

20) A coupon-dispensing machine in a grocery aisle and an employee handing out free samples of a new product are both examples of ________. A) pretailing B) retail theming C) shopping orientations D) POP stimuli

D) POP stimuli

40) Kimberly has been contacted eight times in the last week by a pushy telemarketer. She made the mistake of showing some interest in the product being sold and has not had much luck in getting rid of the caller. Which of the following forms of power is being exercised by the telemarketer? A) expert power B) referent power C) reward power D) coercive power

D) coercive powe

5) The day reconstruction method requires a respondent to ________. A) dispose of any unused product during a specified period of time B) keep a record of everything he or she recycled during the month C) try to remember what he or she did a month ago on the same day of the week D) keep a diary of everything he or she did during the day

D) keep a diary of everything he or she did during the day

15) Innovative merchants have turned to retail theming to provide new ways to stimulate and encourage consumers during their shopping experience. A retailer that uses a simulated outdoor environment (such as a fishing pond with real fish) to attract outdoor enthusiasts to the retail store is using a ________ theme. A) marketscape B) cyberspace C) mindscape D) landscape

D) landscape

2) According to the consumer behavior model presented in the text, the ________ includes the shopping experience, point-of-purchase stimuli, and sales interactions. A) antecedent state B) postpurchase process C) cognitive process D) purchase environment

D) purchase environment

27) Reference groups influence us in three ways. These influences include informational, utilitarian, and ________ dimensions. A) reputational B) descriptive C) knowledge D) value-expressive

D) value-expressive

42) Phillipe is a member of a small Harley-Davidson motorcycle club that meets once a week to ride and talk about their bikes. This club might exert a ________ influence on Phillipe as he decides which model of bike to buy for his wife. A) comparative B) normative C) coercive power D) legitimate power

A) comparative

36) Home shopping parties most likely activate ________, in which people become so caught up in the party spirit that they order products that they would normally not purchase. A) deindividuation B) homophily C) surrogate shift D) principle of least interest

A) deindividuation

49) When a buying center composed of assorted specialists is organized to gather information and evaluate possible purchases in a high-risk situation, the strategy in use is most likely ________. A) new task B) straight rebuy C) modified rebuy D) innovative rebuy

A) new task

38) Jeff had collected a nice wardrobe before graduating from college. All of his friends considered him "well dressed." After the first day at his new job, however, Jeff immediately went out and replaced most of his clothes with what was considered to be professional dress clothing. Jeff had just experienced the power of a new ________. A) reference group B) information cascade C) avoidance group D) brand community

A) reference group

30) If a consumer admires the qualities of another person and copies his or her behaviors, the person that is copied is said to have ________ power. A) referent B) informational C) legitimate D) coercive

A) referent

) A typical antecedent state that a consumer might experience as he or she approaches the purchase environment is ________. A) time pressure B) sales interactions C) product disposal D) point-of-purchase stimuli

A) time pressure

53) Consumers' physical and social environments have little to do with the motives consumers have for product usage.

Answer: FALSE

56) A good metaphor for women whose timestyles are spontaneous in their planning orientation and have a present focus is "Time is a mirror."

Answer: FALSE

58) Customers are more likely to buy an inferior product now rather than wait for a better one if their culture thinks of time as a map rather than as a river.

Answer: FALSE

60) A typical utilitarian shopping motive is interpersonal attraction.

Answer: FALSE

61) If a retailer has decided to use a marketscape theme for its retail operations, the retailer's store images will be built on information and communications technology features.

Answer: FALSE

63) When a retail customer senses a sudden urge that simply can't be ignored, the customer is experiencing unplanned buying.

Answer: FALSE

65) A retailer using a marketscape theme gives consumers the opportunity to enter into a world of fantasy (such as one where the person becomes a virtual hunter, race car driver, or fashion model) as they shop.

Answer: FALSE

67) A normative community is an actual or imaginary individual or group conceived of having significant relevance upon an individual's evaluations, aspirations, or behavior.

Answer: FALSE

69) People we admire influence us because they hold reward power.

Answer: FALSE

71) A membership reference group is made up of idealized figures such as successful business people, athletes, or performers.

Answer: FALSE

73) An individual's motivation to distance himself from a negative reference group is never as powerful as his motivation to please a positive group.

Answer: FALSE

59) Most customers who experience an environment that is both pleasant and arousing will interpret it as an exciting environment.

Answer: TRUE

62) A pop-up store is purposefully designed to come and go very rapidly.

Answer: TRUE

64) The fact that some customers will pay three to four times as much as others to fly first class, even though the plane arrives at the same time for every passenger, demonstrates the importance of both the social and physical surroundings in the marketplace.

Answer: TRUE

66) Putting more and more people into the same marketing space will increase arousal in customers. This can be seen as either positive or negative, depending upon each customer's interpretation of this arousal.

Answer: TRUE

68) A person with social power has the ability to alter the actions of others.

Answer: TRUE

70) Groups maintain fundamental standards of conduct through normative influence.

Answer: TRUE

72) The likelihood that someone will belong to your reference group is enhanced if you and the person have propinquity.

Answer: TRUE

74) When shopping with others, some people are more likely to choose risky alternatives than they would be if shopping alone. This behavior occurs due to social power of groups.

Answer: TRUE

75) Collective decision-making occurs when more than one person is involved in the purchasing process for products or services that may be used by multiple consumers.

Answer: TRUE

50) Families have alternatives in purchasing. In a(n) ________ purchase decision, the group agrees on the desired purchase, differing only in terms of how it will be achieved. A) accommodative B) consensual C) contemplative D) authoritarian

B) consensual

43) Every summer, thousands of bikers converge on Sturgis, South Dakota, filling up every campground, motel, and hotel within miles of the city. This annual meeting is an example of a gathering of a(n) ________. A) normative clan B) consumer tribe C) maven network D) aspirational group

B) consumer tribe

21) One of the most important in-store factors is the salesperson. This influence can be understood in terms of ________ theory, which stresses that each participant gives something to the other and hopes to receive something in return. A) gestalt B) exchange C) gemba D) satisfaction/dissatisfaction

B) exchange

39) Which form of reference group influence is most associated with the following situation? Carl knows that Bert has had experience with various types of motor oils because Bert is a mechanic for a large Cadillac dealership. Carl asks Bert to compare his brand against Quaker State. Bert tells Carl that Quaker State can't be beat for performance and durability. A) coercive influence B) informational influence C) utilitarian influence D) value-expressive influence

B) informational influence

33) Political candidates who get the most media coverage are more likely to win elections because of the effect of ________ in determining one's set of referents. A) propinquity B) mere exposure C) group cohesiveness D) reference bias

B) mere exposure

10) A ________ orientation dimension distinguishes between people who prefer to do one thing at a time and those who have multitasking timestyles. A) social B) polychronic C) planning D) temporal

B) polychronic

13) The psychological dimension of time or how it is experienced is an important factor in what mathematical study? A) polychronic activity B) queuing theory C) temporal tasking D) physical metrics

B) queuing theory

29) The capacity to alter the actions of others is referred to as ________ power. A) publicity B) social C) second-order D) behavioral

B) social

48) Like end consumers, organizational buyers are influenced by both internal and external stimuli. Which of the following is an example of an organizational buyer's internal stimuli? A) the nature of the organization B) the buyer's willingness to take risks C) the technological environment's impact on the organization D) the economic environment's impact on the organization

B) the buyer's willingness to take risks

44) Chet meets each Wednesday night at his local bookstore with a small group of computer enthusiasts. The group calls itself X-Hackers because at one time all of these select members were hackers. Today, members of the group have similar values and have pledged to stop computer hacking. Which membership group factor best describes what brings this group together? A) propinquity B) mere exposure C) group cohesiveness D) avoidance

C) group cohesiveness

32) A group composed of people that the consumer actually knows is called a(n) ________ reference group. A) aspirational B) tribal C) membership D) networked

C) membership

26) A(n) ________ is an actual or imaginary individual or group conceived of having significant relevance upon an individual's evaluations, aspirations, or behavior. A) opinion group B) demographic group C) reference group D) focus group

C) reference group

9) Which dimension of psychological time includes the categorization of "time for me"? A) temporal orientation dimension B) planning orientation dimension C) social dimension D) polychronic dimension

C) social dimension

19) In-store shopping has become extremely important in today's highly competitive retail environment. It has been estimated that about ________ of supermarket purchases are decided in the aisles as consumers shop. A) one-quarter B) one-half C) two-thirds D) four-fifths

C) two-thirds

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