Consumer Behavior Davis Ch 5-9

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Types of Conditioning

Classical: attempts to create an association between stimulus Operant: attempts to create an association between a response

Asch Phenomenon

Individuals conform to majority rule, even if that majority rule goes against their beliefs

adopter categories

Innovators (2.5% to adopt) Early Adopters (13.5% to adopt) Early Majority (34% to adopt) Late Majority (34% to adopt) Laggards (16% to adopt)

adoption process

1. Awareness 2. Interest 3. Evaluation 4. Trial 5. Adoption


4 major step process of: exposure, attention, interpretation, and memory

perceptual relativity

An aspect of interpretation that is generally a relative process rather than absolute.


Any time it is important to produce widespread knowledge of the product rapidly, such as during a new-product introduction, frequent (close together) repetitions should be used.

Piaget's stages of cognitive development

Stage 1: sensorimotor intelligence (0-2) Stage 2: pre operational thoughts (3-7) Stage 3: concrete operations (8-11) Stage 4: formal operations (12 -15)

brand familiarity

___________ ___________ is an ability factor related to attention. Those with higher _______________ ______________ may require less attention to the brand's ads because of their high-existing knowledge

early majority

____________ ___________ consumers tend to be more cautious about innovations. They adopt sooner than most of their social group but also after the innovation has proved successful with others

primary groups

____________ ____________, such as family and friends, involve strong ties and frequent interaction

secondary groups

_____________ __________, such as professional and neighborhood associations, involve weaker ties and less-frequent interaction


a consequence that decreases the likelihood that a behavior will occur

product positioning

a decision by a marketer to try to achieve a defined brand image relative to competition within a market segment

product repositioning

a deliberate decision to significantly alter the way the market views a product

multigenerational family

a family household containing at least 2 adult generations or a grandparents and at least 1 other generation

non family household

a householder living alone or exclusively with others to whom he or she is not related


a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin regardless of race

cognitive interpretation

a process whereby stimuli are placed into existing categories of meaning


a segment of a larger culture whose members share distinguishing values and patterns of behavior

information processing

a series of activities by which stimuli are perceived, transformed into information, and stored

born-again Christians

a strong belief in the literal truth of the Bible, a very strong commitment to their religious beliefs, having had a "born again" experience, and encouraging others to believe in Jesus Christ

hemispheric lateralization

a term applied to activities that take place on each side of the brain


abstractions of reality that capture the meaning of an item in terms of other concepts

flashbulb memory

acute memory for the circumstances surrounding a surprising and novel event

normative influence

aka utilitarian influence, occurs when an individual fulfills group expectations to gain a direct reward or to avoid sanction

identification influence

aka value-expression, occurs when individuals have internalized the group's values and norms


all subcultures are very ____________, and general descriptions do not apply to all of the members


all the people who occupy a housing unit


an alliance in which two brands are put together on a single product


an idea, practice, or product perceived to be new by the relevant individual or group

opinion leader

an individual who influences the opinions of others, the "go-to person' for specific types of information

analogical reasoning

an inference process that allows consumers to use an existing knowledge base to understand a new situation or object


an operant conditioning procedure in which reinforcers guide behavior toward closer and closer approximations of the desired behavior


any change in the content or organization of long-term memory or behavior and is the result of information processing

ambush marketing

any communication or activity that implies, or from which one could reasonably infer, that an organization is associated with an event, when in fact it is not


anything that increases the likelihood that a given response will be repeated in the future

household life cycle (HLC)

assumes that households move into a variety of relatively distinct and well defined categories over time

smart banners

banner ads that are activated based on terms used in search engines

consumer skills

capabilities necessary for purchases to occur such as understanding money, budgeting, product evaluation, and so forth


changing channels to avoid commercials


characterized by a consciousness of kind, shared rituals and traditions, and a sense of moral responsibility

consumption-related attitudes

cognitive and affective orientations toward marketplace stimuli such as advertisements, salespeople, warranties, and so forth

online community

community that interacts over the around a topic of interest on the internet

consumption subculture

distinctive subgroup of society that self-selects on the basis of a shared commitment to a particular product class, brand, or consumption activity

cognitive learning

encompasses all the mental activities of humans as they work to solve problems or cope with situations

two-step flow of communication

explains some aspects of communication within groups, but it is too simplistic to account for most communication flows

brand leverage

family branding, brand extensions, or umbrella branding, refers to marketers capitalizing on brand equity by using an existing brand name for new products


fast-forwarding through commercials on a program recorded earlier

retrieval failure

forgetting is often referred to as _________ ____________


goes beyond what is directly stated or presented

reference group

group whose presumed perspectives or values are being used by an individual as the basis for his or her current behavior

dissociative reference groups

groups with negative desirability

family household

having at least 2 members related by birth, marriage, or adoption, one of whom is the householder


indicates that consumers are relating brand information to themselves

perceptual defenses

individuals are not passive recipients of marketing messages

analytical reasoning

individuals engage in creative thinking to restructure and recombine existing information as well as new information to form new associations and concepts

word-of-mouth (WOM) communications

individuals sharing information with other individuals in a verbal form, including face-to-face, on the phone, and over the internet

rhetorical figures

involve the use of an unexpected twist or artful deviation in how a message is communicated either visually in the ad's picture or verbally in the ad's text or headline


involves concrete sensory representation of ideas, feelings, and objects

multistep flow of communication

involves opinion leaders for a particular product area who actively seek relevant information from the mass media as well as other sources

implicit memory

involves the non conscious retrieval of previously encountered stimuli


is the assignment of meaning to sensations

consumption-related preferences

knowledge, attitudes, and values that cause people to attach differential evaluations to products, brands, and retail outlets

enduring involvement

leads to enhanced knowledge about and experience with the product category or activity

iconic rate learning

learning a concept or the association between two or more concepts in the absence of conditioning


locally oriented and engage in limited social interaction; adopt innovation only with reluctance

traditional family

married opposite-sex couple and their own or adopted children living at home

step family

married-couple family household with at least one child under the age of 18 who is a step-child


memory of how an action sequence should occur

brand community

nongeopgraphincally bound community; based on a structured set of social relationships among owners of a brand and the psychological relationship they have with the brand itself, the product in use, and the firm

aspiration reference groups

nonmembership groups with a positive attraction


occurs when a child learns appropriate, or inappropriate, consumption behaviors by observing others


occurs when a parent alters a child's initial interpretation of, or response to, a marketing or other stimulus

instrumental training

occurs when a parent or sibling specifically and directly attempts to bring about certain responses through reasoning or reinforcement


occurs when a stimulus is placed within a person's relevant environment and comes within range of their sensory receptor nerves

informational influence

occurs when an individual uses the behaviors and opinions of reference group members as potentially useful bits of information

information overload

occurs when consumers are confronted with so much information that they cannot or will not attend to all of it


occurs when the stimulus activates one or more sensory receptor nerves, and the resulting sensations go to the brain for processing

perceptual mapping

offers marketing managers a useful technique for measuring and developing a product's position


or schematic memory, sometimes called a knowledge structure; a complex web of associations

short-term memory (STM)

or working memory, is that portion of total memory that is currently activated or in use


presenting an incomplete stimulus with the goal of getting consumers to complete it and thus become more engaged and involved


presenting the stimulus in such a way that it is perceived as the focal object to be attended to and all other stimuli are perceived as the background

family decision making

process by which decisions that directly or indirectly involve 2 or more family members are made

consumer socialization

process by which young people acquire skills, knowledge, and attitudes relevant to their functioning as consumers in the marketplace


program-length (30-minute) advertisements that take an educational approach to communication with potential customers

market mavens

provide significant amounts of information to others across a wide array of products, including durables and nondurables, services, and store types

product placement

provides exposure that consumers don't try to avoid, it shows how and when to use the product, and it enhances the product's image

stimulus organization

refers to the physical arrangement of the stimulus objects

stimulus generalization

rub-off effect, occurs when a response to one stimulus is elicited by a similar but distinct stimulus

late majority

skeptical about innovations; they often adopt more in response to social pressures or a decreased availability of the previous product than because of a positive evaluation of the innovation

memory interference

sometimes consumers have difficulty retrieving a specific piece of information because other related information in memory gets in the way


stimuli positioned close together are perceived as belonging to the same category

adaptation level theory

suggests that if a stimulus doesn't change, over time we adapt or habituate to it and begin to notice it less

early adopters

tend to be opinion leaders in local reference group; successful, well-educated; they are willing to take the risk but are also concerned with failure

long-term memory (LTM)

that portion of total memory devoted to permanent information storage

contextual clues

the _______________ ____________ present in stimuli play a role in the consumer interpretation independent of the actual stimulus

sensory discrimination

the ability of an individual to distinguish between similar stimuli

semantic memory

the basic knowledge and feelings an individual has about a concept

explicit memory

the conscious recollection of information, such as specific facts or events and, at least in humans, information that can be verbally communicated

low-involvement learning

the consumer has little or no motivation to process or learn the material

high-involvement learning

the consumer is motivated to process or learn the material

maintenance rehearsal

the continual repetition of a piece of information in order to hold it in current memory for use in problem solving or transferal to long-term memory


the degree to which an immigrant has adapted to his or her new culture

religious subcultures

the different religions in America prescribe differing values and behaviors


the diminishing of a conditioned response

secular society

the educational system, government, and political process are not controlled by a religious group, and most people's daily behaviors are not guided by strict religious guidelines

affective interpretation

the emotional or feeling response triggered by a stimulus such as an ad


the exponential expansion of word of mouth


the likelihood and ease with which information can be recalled from LTM

diffusion process

the manner in which innovations spread throughout a market

episodic memory

the memory of a sequence of events in which a person participated

just noticeable difference (j.n.d.)

the minimal change in a stimulus that can just barely be detected

stimulus discrimination

the process of learning to respond differently to similar but distinct stimuli

brand image

the schematic memory of a brand

elaborative activities

the use of previously stored experiences, values, attitudes, beliefs, and feelings to interpret and evaluate information in working memory as well as to add relevant previously stored information

permission-based marketing

the voluntary and self-selected nature of such online offerings, where consumers "opt in" to receive e-mail based promotions

regional subcultures

these arise as a result of climatic conditions, the natural environment and resources, the characteristics of the various immigrant groups that have settled in each region, and significant social and political events

ethnic subcultures

those whose members' unique shared behaviors are based on a common racial, language, or national background

advertising wear-out

too much repetition can cause consumers to actively shut out the message, evaluate it negatively, or disregard it


turning the sound off during commercial breaks


two or more individuals who share a set of norms, values, or beliefs and have a certain implicitly or explicit defined relationships to one another such as their behaviors are interdependent

vicarious learning or modeling

using imagery to anticipate the outcome of various courses of action


venturesome risk takers, higher educated, use multiple information sources

online social network site

web-based service that allows individuals to (1) construct a public or semipublic profile within a bounded system, (2) articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection, and (3) view and traverse their list of connections and those made by others within the system

brand extension

where an existing brand extends to a new category with the same name


whereby signage in one area of the store promotes complementary products in another

ad avoidance

zipping, zapping, and muting are simply mechanical ways for consumers to selectively avoid exposure to advertising messages

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