Consumer Behavior Exam 1

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Which of the following statements is true regarding active and inactive consumer problems?

-> correct Active problems require the marketer only to convince consumers that its brand is the superior solution. Active and inactive problems do not require different marketing strategies. An active problem is one of which the consumer is not aware. Even though a consumer is aware of it, an inactive problem is one that he or she has no desire to rectify. Active problems are more serious than inactive ones.

Some companies attempt to initiate problem recognition through ______.

-> mass media advertising focus groups content analysis -> point-of-purchase displays Correct a and d

By 2030, what percentage of the U.S. population will be made up of non-European ethnic groups?


Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding African American Internet usage?

African Americans utilize mobile devices to access social media more than whites. African Americans are more likely to access the Web for news and information, such as general news, sports, health, and finances than the general population. African Americans prefer a Black perspective on news and information. Correct The percentage of college-educated African Americans who use the Internet is the same as the general population. African Americans spend more time surfing per day compared with the general population

Which African American market segment identified by Yankelovich is older, upper middle class, heavily online, prefers Black advertising, and strongly supports "Buying Black."

Boomer Blacks

Which of the following groups is characterized by a strong belief in the literal truth of the Bible, a very strong commitment to their religious beliefs, having had a "born-again" experience, and encouraging others to believe in Jesus Christ?

Born-again Christians

Which African American market segment identified by Yankelovich is teens living at home, over half raised by a single parent, tech savvy, and brand conscious, especially those brands popular with their culture?

Connected Black Teens

Brand managers at Tommy Hilfiger, a famous brand of clothing, are increasing their efforts to reach the Hispanic teen market. Which of the following would have the greatest impact on this market by helping Hispanic bicultural teens differentiate from the U.S. mainstream?

Correct Stress an urban and Spanglish twist on their brands. Stress how this expensive brand will communicate to others that they are "Americanized." Communicate only in English. Stress the quality of the brand. Stress how American teens will follow their sense of style.

_____ are widely held beliefs that affirm what is desirable.

Cultural values

_____ values prescribe a society's relationship to its economic and technological as well as its physical environment.


Frank Chen is a Chinese immigrant in his mid-50s and has a master's degree in Engineering from MIT. He is a conservative professional with no need or desire for native-language programming. He is willing to pay premium prices for high quality products. Which segment of the Asian American market identified by Market Segment Research best describes him?


_____ subcultures are defined as those whose members' unique shared behaviors are based on a common racial, language, or national background.


Global citizens are highly concentrated in the United States and the United Kingdom.


Lifestyle is the totality of an individual's thoughts and feelings about him- or herself.


Marketing strategy begins with objective setting.


One difficulty with using intuition alone to identify consumer problems is that it is a complex research technique that requires extensive training.


Shoppers who only care about mall essentials are known as destination shoppers.


The U.S. Census has projected for the African American population to reach 20 percent of the overall population in the U.S. by 2030.


Universal problem recognition involves a discrepancy that a variety of brands within a product category can reduce.


_____ tend to feel they don't have control over the outcome of events.


Jose was born in Mexico and came to the United States in 1975. He still speaks primarily Spanish, has not graduated from high school and works as a day laborer in the agricultural industry in California. He and his family still possess traditional values which include him making all the decisions for his family's welfare. The Pew Hispanic Center would identify Jose as which generation of Hispanic adults?

First generation adults

Which one of the four segments of world citizens feels positively about international brands because they view them as a signal of higher quality?

Global Citizens

Toys-R-Us is examining subcultures in the United States and wants to identify the ethnic subculture that has the greatest percentage of children under the age of 18. Which ethnic group meets this criterion?


Which of the following is predicted to be the fastest growing ethnic group in the United States between 2010 and 2030?


Which of the following is a key consideration for each geographic market that a firm is contemplating?

Is the geographic area homogenous or heterogeneous with respect to culture? What needs can this product or a version of it fill in this culture? What are the distribution, political, and legal structures for the product? In what ways can we communicate about the product? Correct -> all of the above

Which segment of Asian Americans identified by Market Segment Research is younger, has moderate identification with their native culture, tends to be bilingual, and are spontaneous, materialistic, and impulsive shoppers who are concerned with status and quality?

Living for the Moment

_____ include(s) advertising, the sales force, public relations, packaging, and any other signal that the firm provides about itself and its products.

Marketing communications

Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding youth and age?

Mature spokespersons would tend to be more successful in Asian cultures because they have traditionally valued the wisdom that comes with age. Arab countries are becoming increasingly youth oriented. American society is youth oriented. Correct -> Children in all countries have a significant influence on purchases. China's policy of limiting families to one child has produced a strong focus on the child.

_____ values reflect a society's view of the appropriate relationships between individuals and groups within that society.


_____ is the result of a discrepancy between a desired state and an actual state that is sufficient to arouse and activate the decision process?

Problem recognition

_____ is based on the cost of a standard market basket of products bought in each country.

Purchasing power parity (PPP)

Mexican Americans tend to live in which region of the United States?

Southwest and California

Which of the following is NOT an appropriate condition to attempt to influence generic problem recognition?

The firm has a small percentage of the market.

Before a marketer can successfully launch a brand in a foreign country, several nonverbal communication factors need to be understood. One of these factors is time, and international marketers must understand a culture's overall orientation toward time. This is known as a culture's _____.

Time perspective

A consumer's desired state can be influenced by previous decisions.


A subculture is a segment of a larger culture whose members share distinguishing values and patterns of behavior.


A target market is that segment(s) of the larger market on which a company will focus its marketing effort.


Asian Americans are the highest educated and highest income group with substantial purchasing power.


Nominal decision making is sometimes referred to as habitual decision making.


Personal space refers to the nearness that others can come to you in various situations without your feeling uncomfortable.


The Bureau of the Census defines Hispanic as a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin regardless of race.


The changing and expanding roles of women throughout much of the world is creating new opportunities as well as challenges for marketers.


The color blue connotes femininity in Holland but masculinity in Sweden and the United States.


The family unit is the basis for virtually all societies.


The outcomes of a firm's marketing strategy are determined by its interaction with the consumer decision process.


The relatively faster growth rate of non-European groups is due to a higher birthrate among some of these groups and to greater immigration.


Variety-seeking behavior is a challenge to marketers because it means the consumers switch brands for reasons beyond a company's control.


Which of the following is an example of an environment-oriented value?

active/passive Correct tradition/change extended/limited family masculine/feminine material/nonmaterial

Kim was participating in a group discussion centered on the participants' problems encountered while taking care of their hair. Which approach to problem identification is this?

activity analysis

Disney World in Orlando, FL has several theme parks, resorts, restaurants, and stores. Each is intentionally created to offer a memorable event for visitors. For example, the Wilderness Lodge is a large resort hotel on the grounds, and everything within it is made to look like log cabins and pioneer days. Even the casual restaurant has the wait staff dressed in pioneer costumes, and they put on funny little skits when they are waiting on customers. Which of the following best describes what Disney is selling?

an experience

Compared to the white population, Asian Americans tend to _____.

be younger > be higher educated > have a higher household income be a larger subculture Correct b and c

Nominal decisions can be broken into which two distinct categories?

brand loyal decisions and repeat purchase decisions

How can an organization provide superior customer value to customers?

by doing a better job of anticipating and reacting to customer needs than the competition does

Harold is tasked with developing the marketing strategy for his family's business. What should he do first?

conduct a market analysis

Unilever is highly successful in marketing its laundry products outside of the U.S. Which factors do they use to adapt within and across countries where they do business?

cultural homogeneity ethical implications affordability infrastructure Correct all of the above

Laurie saved for six months to have enough money to buy a new designer outfit to wear to a special party. She had to travel to a larger city to purchase this outfit, but it was worth it to her because it made her feel beautiful and confident. The difference between the benefits Laurie perceived from this purchase and the cost to her to acquire these benefits describes her _____.

customer value

Talbot's is a women's clothing store that offers classic fashions at a slightly premium price (i.e., a wool skirt typically costs over $100). During the process of market segmentation, Talbot's identified a group of consumers who are larger than average women yet still want stylish clothing. Further research into this segment revealed that these women tend to be between the ages of 35 and 50, are career-oriented, have a household income over $50,000, and are married with children under the age of 18 living at home. This group is also heavy users of magazines and newspapers as well as prime-time television. Which step of market segmentation does this describe?

describing each group

One retailer asked a group of consumers the types of emotions they experience in both positive and negative retail situations. The purpose of this research was to uncover consumer reactions to various situations so that clerks could be trained to respond appropriately. Which approach to problem recognition is this?

emotion research

Which type of decision making involves an extensive internal and external information search followed by a complex evaluation of multiple alternatives and significant postpurchase evaluation?

extended decision making

Which of the following aspects is evaluated when determining a firm's ability to meet customer needs?

financial condition general managerial skills production capabilities technological sophistication all of the above -> correct

Relative importance of a problem is determined by which of the following?

how critical the problem is to the maintenance of the consumer's desired lifestyle

Which approach to problem recognition attempts to determine human capabilities in areas such as vision, strength, response time, flexibility, and fatigue and the effect on these capabilities of lighting, temperature, and sound?

human factors research

Carlos is attempting to segment the market for his company's products. Where should he begin?

identify product-related need sets

Bob and his friends go out every weekend and drink until they get drunk. Then they drive home in that condition. Which type of consumption does this represent?

injurious consumption

Which type of materialism is the acquisition of things to enable one to do something?


Liz Claiborne is a brand of clothing, accessories, and home products. Brand managers at this company are trying to learn which internal influences impact their customers' needs and desires most. Which of the following is a possible internal influence these managers should examine?


Jose is from Brazil and is currently enrolled in an MBA program at a U.S. university. He routinely comes to class 30-60 minutes late and does not turn in assignments by the deadline. One of his professors pulled him aside and asked him why he's always late for class and turns his work in late. Jose was surprised that his professor was bothered by this as this behavior is entirely acceptable in Brazil. In fact, it's expected. Which of the following best describes Jose's time perspective?


A(n) _____ is anything a consumer acquires or might acquire to meet a perceived need.


Which approach to problem recognition examines the purchase or use of a particular product or brand?

product analysis

Rita is doing her family's grocery shopping and purchases ice cream. She's purchased Blue Bell ice cream before and purchases it again. She's not committed to this brand; it's just that she and her family like it. Which type of nominal decision is this?

repeat purchase decision

Juan has segmented the market for boats and is currently analyzing each with respect to several factors, such as size, growth rate, competitor strength, fit with company image, distribution available, cost to serve, and risk before deciding which segment to target. Which step of market segmentation is Juan conducting?

selecting an attractive segment(s) to serve

An advertisement for Topol toothpaste, which is targeted at smokers and coffee and wine drinkers, stresses how this is the only brand that can remove the stains associated with these consumption behaviors. Which type of problem recognition is this marketer attempting to stimulate?

selective problem recognition

Effective quality control and distribution and package inserts that assure the consumer of the wisdom of their purchase are attempts at _____.

suppressing problem recognition

The segment(s) within the larger market on which an organization will focus its marketing effort is referred to as the _____.

target market

Which type of materialism is the acquisition of items for the sake of owning the item itself?


It is critical that a firm consider value from which perspective?

the customer's

The degree to which an individual behaves in a manner unique to a subculture depends on _____.

the extent to which the individual identifies with that subculture

The level of one's desire to resolve a particular problem depends on which factors?

the magnitude of the discrepancy between the desired and actual states and the relative importance of the problem

A culture's overall orientation toward time is known as its _____.

time perspective

To survive in a competitive environment, an organization must provide its target customers more _____ than is provided to them by its competition.


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