Core 40 practice #1

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A hypothesis is A. a definite answer to a given problem. B. a testable possible explanation of an observation. C. a proven statement. D. a concluding statement.


A light microscope that has an objective lens of 10 and an ocular lens of 20 has a magnification of A. 30. B. 200. C.300. D. 2000.


A unifying explanation for a broad range of observations is a A. hypothesis. B. theory. C. prediction. D. controlled experiment.


Homeostasis means A. a change over long periods of time. B. keeping things the same. C. rapid change. D. the same thing as evolution.


The English physician Ronald Ross wanted to try to find the cause of malaria. Based on his observations, Dr. Ross suggested that the Anopheles mosquito might spread malaria from person to person. This suggestion was a A. prediction. B. hypothesis. C. theory. D. scientific "truth."


The smallest units that can carry on all the functions of life are called A. molecules. B. cells. C. organelles. D. species.


Which of the following is not a partial explanation for our lack of understanding of many of the living things on Earth? A. Many organisms are microscopic in size and therefore difficult to observe. B. Many organisms are so different from other organisms that it is difficult to understand them. C. Many organisms live in areas of the world that are difficult to explore. D. Tropical rain forests contain many species, and it is difficult to find all of them in these dense forests.


A hypothesis that does not explain an observation A. is known as an inaccurate forecast. B. often predicts a different observation. rejected. D. None of the above


A scientific theory A. is absolutely certain. B. is unchangeable. C. may be revised as new evidence is presented. D. is a controlled experiment.


A scientist noticed that in acidic pond water some salamanders developed with curved spines. This was a(n) A. hypothesis. B. theory. C. observation. D. control.


All living things maintain a balance within their cells and the environment through the process of A. growth. B. development. C. homeostasis. D. evolution.


In paragraph 5 the phrase "to test his theory" was used. What is the best explanation for how the word theory is misused? A. only the discipline of physics produces theories B. theories cannot be experiment on C. it is a hypothesis not a theory D. conclusions from theories are never changed


In paragraph 6, Louis Pasteur's experiment was explained. What was his dependent variable? A. boiling of meat broth B. heating of the flask's neck C. occurrence of microorganisms D. temperature of the heat


In the first paragraph, after indicating support for life forms spontaneously generating from non-living matter, they state that such spontaneous generation appeared to occur primarily in decaying matter. What is the best explanation for how these statements could be considered contradictory? A. decaying matter cannot support life B. the statement mean different things C. decaying matter was once living, therefore biotic D. they are not contradictory


Scientific hypotheses are most often tested by the process of A. communicating. B. inferring. C. experimenting. D. analyzing data.


Typically, the order in which the steps of the scientific method are applied is A.observations, predictions, hypothesis, controlled testing, theory, verification. B predictions, observations, hypothesis, theory, controlled testing, verification. C.observations, hypothesis, predictions, controlled testing, theory, verification. D. observations, hypothesis, predictions, controlled testing, verification, theory.


Which of the following is not necessarily a characteristic of living things? A. homeostasis B. metabolism C. complexity D. reproduction


observation : hypothesis :: A. theory : observation B. guess : hypothesis C. hypothesis : experiment D. theory : control


Ecology A. refers to change in species over time. B. refers to a delicate internal balance within organisms. C. is inconsistent with evolution. D. is the study of communities or organisms in relation to their environment.


Living things A. need energy for life processes. B. have the ability to reproduce. C. are composed of cells. D. All of the above


Which of the following components of a scientific investigation would benefit from communication between scientists? A. observing B. measuring C. analyzing data D. All of the above


Additionally, when the article makes the statement that spontaneous generation appears to occur primarily in decaying matter, would this statement be ... A. quantitative data B. qualitative data C. an observation D. an inference E. could be both b and c F. could be both b and d


In paragraph 3, Redi's experiment was described as one of the first experiments that use controls. Although vaguely described in this paragraph, of the following list which should have been controls for his experiment? A. type of meat B. exposure time C. sealing every flask D. all of the above E. both a and b


Written in the second paragraph, "it was widely held that maggots arose spontaneously in rotting meat. Redi believed that maggots developed from eggs laid by flies." This statement could best be described by... A. Conclusion B. Inference C. Observation D. Theory E. could be all but d


In the first paragraph it talks about life forms spontaneously arising from non-living matter. This non-living matter could be one of the following? A. biotic (living or once was) B. abiotic (never living) C. a sample of carbon D. tissue of living organisms E.both b and c F.both a and d


In paragraph 2 an experiment is described, what was the independent variable? A. varying exposures to air B. whether or not maggots appeared C. the meat D. there is not a correct independent variable described


In the first paragraph, the time frame for how long the experiment was allowed to run was "about 21 days". This could best be described as... A. a weak control B. a strong control C. a conclusion D. an observation


The English physician Ronald Ross knew that the parasite Plasmodium was always found in the blood of malaria patients. He thought that if the Anopheles mosquitoes were responsible for spreading malaria, then Plasmodium would be found in the mosquitoes. This idea was a A. prediction. B. hypothesis. C. theory. D. scientific "truth."


The word theory used in a scientific sense means A. a highly tested, generally accepted principle. B. a guess made with very little knowledge to support it. C. an absolute scientific certainty. D. None of the above


Which of the following is not a correct association between an SI base unit abbreviation and its base quantity? A. A—area B. m—length C. s—time D. mol—amount of a substance


Which of the following is not an example of good laboratory practice? A. working alone in the lab B.asking permission before using equipment C. working with a partner in the lab D. wearing goggles in the lab


Scientists usually design experiments A. with a good idea of the expected experimental results. B. based on wild guesses. C. in order to develop new laboratory tools. D. All of the above


Scientists share their research results by A. publishing in scientific journals. B. presenting at scientific meetings. C. avoiding conflicts of interest. D. Both a and b


Which example of scientific methodology is incorrect? A.observation—a number of people in a certain place dying of a disease outbreak B.measurement—a record of the number of people with symptoms of a disease and the number of people who had died from the disease C. analysis of data—comparison of the effects of mixing monkey cells with virus-containing blood in test tubes and the effects of mixing liquid from these test tubes with fresh monkey cells D.inference making—identification of the Ebola virus as the cause of a disease by taking electron micrographs of substances found in the blood of persons affected with the disease


Which of the following is a characteristic of all living things? A. movement B. photosynthesis C. development D. cellular organization


In paragraph 4, it was stated that "everyone knew that boiling killed microorganisms". This information could be described as... A. inference B. observation C. background information D. research E. could be a and c


All organisms possess DNA. DNA a. creates energy for cells. b. allows sensitivity to environmental stimuli c. contains information for growth and development. d. captures energy from the sun.


Instructions for traits that are passed from parents to offspring are known as A. a species plan. B. organ codes. C. genes. D. natural selections.


Biology is the study of


All organisms are composed of A. diatoms. B. cellulose. C. cells. D. None of the above


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