CORE Addendum: Important terms & concepts

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True or False: Certified/registered applicators must be at least 18 yo and must renew their credentials every 3 years


True or False: Empty pesticide containers need to e triple-/power-rinsed & punctured before disposal/recycling in a regular licensed Type II sanitary landfill or a MDARD recycling facility


True or False: No free liquids can be placed in any landfill in the state


True or False: Registered applicators MAY apply general-use pesticides under the supervision of a certified applicator and apply restricted-use pesticides under the direct supervision of a certified applicator (if permitted by the label)


True or False: State pesticide laws may not be less strict than federal laws.


True or False: Unlike certified applicators, registered applicators MAY NOT purchase restricted-use pesticides.


True or False: You must contact the MDEQ Pollution Emergency Alerting System (PEAS) when a pesticide spill has the potential to reach groundwater or surface water


17 Rules of Regulation 637

1-3. Establish definitions & terms 4. Requires specific conduct of all pesticide applicators to protect people & environment 5. Establishes a registry of persons who must be notified before turf/ornamental pesticide applications occur on adjacent properties 6-7. Require the use of containment structures for certain pesticide mixing/loading and equipment washing/rinsing facilities 8. Defines acceptable means of managing excess pesticides and pesticide-containing materials 9. Requires applicators to use the PPE required by the label & establishes minimum PPE requirements for commercial applicators 10. Addresses avoidance of off-target drift and specifies that, when off-target drift might occur, applicators must use drift management plans 11. Calls for the posting of certain areas treated commercially w/ pesticides & notification of the public prior to right-of-way & community pesticide application 12. Requires commercial service agreements that include application and risk/benefit info for the customer 13. Prohibits false claims regarding pesticide safety 14. Requires applicator training in IPM and use of IPM programs when making applications in/around schools, pubic buildings, healthcare facilities, etc. 15. Describes procedures that must be followed when making pesticide applications in/around schools and day-care centers 16. Establish a registry of certified organic farms 17. Lists the penalties for violations of local pesticide ordinances

Spill or Release Response Procedures, name the 5 steps:

1. Caution 2. Control 3. Contain 4. Communicate 5. Clean Up

Regulation 640 rules 1-19 for commercial pesticide storage:

1. Establishes definitions and terms 2. Lists bulk storage facility registration requirements 3. Siting of the storage facility (establishes setback distances from wells, surface water, and other water supplies) 4-6. Discuss primary containment (tanks/plumbing), tank vents, and liquid level gauges 7. Requires all bulk storage containers and appurtenances to be secured 8-9. Address secondary containment (diking) requirements fro bulk tanks (minibulk shuttles (less than 400gal) do not need to be diked but must be on a paved, impermeable surface) 10. Calls for an operational area containment (mixing/loading pad), pad needs to be at least 10x20 ft and hold 1500 gal 11. Discuss cleanup and management of the containment areas (dike and pad) 12-13. Provide abandoned containers and site closure procedures 14. Addresses bulk dry pesticide storage 15. Requires the facility to have a written discharge/emergency response plan 16-17. List a facility's inspection, maintenance, and record-keeping requirements 18-19. Provide remediation procedures and advisory info

Under Regulation 640, if BOTH of the following conditions apply to your facility or operation, it must be registered annually w/ the MDARD:

1. Stores pesticides in individual quantities greater than 55 gal (liquid) or 100 lbs (dry) 2. Distributes these bulk pesticides as a direct sale or as part of a service you perform

Under Regulation 636, an individual /firm may make a written request to MDARD for an exemption to the registered/certified applicator requirement if the following 3 conditions are met:

1. a general-use pesticide is used 2. the person is not regularly engaged in the application of pesticides for hire 3. the pesticide application is an integral part of another operation

To become a certified private applicator, an individual must... (3 things)

1. complete an application form 2. pay a certification fee 3. pass a written multiple-choice exam based on the info in the MI private applicator CORE manual

To become a certified commercial applicator, an individual must... (3 things)

1. complete an application form 2. pay a certification fee 3. w/in 6 months of the application date, pass a written multiple-choice exam based on the info in the MI commercial CORE manual

What information must be included in the pesticide records? (6 things)

1. name and concentration of the pesticide applied and its EPA registration # 2. amount of end-use dilution of applied pesticide 3. target pest/purpose 4. date pesticide was applied 5. address or location of pesticide application 6. method and rate of application

Definition: are certified applicators who have 2 years' experience in the category they intend to train in and have earned credentials from the MDARD making them eligible to train registered applicators; were first commercial applicators

Approved trainers

Act 451, Part 83 requirements for pesticide applications at schools and childcare centers (3 of them):

1. schools and licensed childcare centers must have an IPM program in place 2. when pesticides are applied to school and licensed childcare center properties, parents/guardians must be given advanced notice (includes target pest/purpose, location, date, contact info) 3. liquid spray or aerosol insecticide may not be performed in a room of a school/center unless the room will be unoccupied for no less than 4 hours

HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT - waste pesticides and pesticide containers are subject to regulation as hazardous waste unless they are disposed of properly; administered by the MI Dept. of Environmental Quality (MDEQ)

Act 451, Part 111

Definition: someone who is authorized to use and supervise the use of a restricted use of a restricted-use pesticide, may be private or commercial

Certified Applicator

Definition: a program that helps protect the state's natural resources & prevent pollution by ensuring the safe/proper disposal of outdated, unused, or unwanted pesticides in MI

Clean Sweep

Definition: a certified applicator who uses or supervises the use of pesticides for purposes other than those covered under a private applicator certification

Commercial Applicator

True or False: Restricted-use pesticide dealers are required to maintain records of all sales for 1 YEAR and may sell restricted-use pesticides only to certified applicators

False: 2 years, not 1 year

True or False: pesticides ARE covered under the right-to-know law if they are used for agricultural purposes

False: ARE NOT

True or False: To dispose of rinsate properly, apply rinsate at or ABOVE label rates for an application permitted by the pesticide label

False: BELOW

True or False: MDARD IS NOT responsible for investigating pesticide misuse and failures of pesticides to perform when used in accordance w/ label instructions

False: MDARD IS responsible

True or False: In Michigan, a new pesticide storage building must be built a MINIMUM OF 100 FEET from a private well


True or False: Commercial applicators must maintain records of pesticide use for THREE YEARS following the application of general-use pesticides and ONE YEAR following application of restricted-use pesticides


Definition: Is the "Right-to-Know" Act; requires employers to obtain & retain MSDS on all hazardous chemicals for employee review, develop & implement a written employee training program, and ensure that all containers of hazardous materials are properly labeled

MI Occupational Safety & Health Act (MIOSHA) - Act 154

Definition: is the main law that regulates the registration and use of pesticides; gives the director of the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD) authority to regulate the distribution and sale of any pesticide registered in the state; also licenses restricted-use pesticide dealers and licenses businesses that apply pesticides for hire; sets the requirements for certification of applicators; gives MDARD the authority to issue penalties for misuse of pesticides

Part 83, Pesticide Control of Act 451 (the Natural Resources & Environmental Protection Act)

GROUNDWATER & FRESHWATER PROTECTION - allows MDARD to satisfy the EPA's requirements for state management plans (SMP's); allows MDARD to promote pesticide education, technical assistance, & cost-share programs for persons interested in joining a groundwater stewardship program (with a goal to promote technically & economically feasible practices that protect groundwater)

Part 87 of Act 451

Definition: someone who uses or supervises the use of restricted-use pesticides in the production of an agricultural commodity on his/her own or an employer's land, or on rented lands

Private Applicator

Definition: is an agreement b/n states that allows certified applicators in a particular state to apply pesticides in another state that has a reciprocity agreement w/out having to take the other state's exams


PESTICIDE APPLICATORS - establishes the 2 types of certified applicators (private and commercial), defines state pesticide record-keeping requirements, details the categories of certification for commercial applicators, and provides an exemption for certain incidental uses of pesticides by non-certified or non-registered applicators; where the rules and standards for certification of commercial and private applicators and registered technicians are detailed

Regulation 636

PESTICIDE USE - sets the standards for pesticide use, requiring that pesticides be used in a manner consistent w/ their labels, that applications be made in a manner that prevents off-target discharges of pesticides, and that pesticide application equipment be properly calibrated and in sound mechanical condition

Regulation 637

COMMERCIAL PESTICIDE BULK STORAGE - the regulatory requirements in which commercial applicators, dealers, wholesalers, and/or service-type operations that store pesticides in bulk quantities fall under

Regulation 640

Definition: outline the actions that will be taken to prevent pesticides from causing environmental harm; w/out this, MDARD would not be able to register certain pesticides that may pose a threat to groundwater in MI

State management plans (SMP)

To qualify for a business license, a commercial applicator must meet at least 1 of 2 requirements which are...

a bachelors degree (that relates to pest control) OR service for not less than 2 application seasons as an employee of a commercial applicator (or comparable education/experience)

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