Core Subjects 4-8

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Which of the following statements describes the main difference between the articles a/an and the?

"A/an" refers to things in general, while "the" refers to specific things

An English teacher is introducing the topic of passive voice to her class when a student asks, "If we can always get our point across by using active voice, why would we use passive voice?" Which of the following would be an appropriate response for the teacher?

"The passive voice is used when the subject is unknown or unimportant."

An electronics store is offering a 20% discount on a pair of noise-cancelling headphones that normally cost $169.79. What is the price of the headphones, before tax, after the discount is applied?


6/9​<▯<10/12​ Which of the following values can fill the empty box and satisfy the statement above?


What is the value of the "7" in the number 432.0769?


Angela and Patrick will divide a profit of $350 in the ratio 4:3. If Patrick receives the larger amount, which proportion could be used to find his share of the profit?


Shep has the numbers 1 through 8 to arrange in the largest possible number with each numeral only being used once. The 8 must be in the ten-thousands place. What number did he create?


Which symbol most accurately reflects the relationship between the two numbers below? 0.4 ☐ 2/5


Ms. Smith is trying to help her student's distinguish between fact and opinion. She assigns an article and asks them to underline facts and circle opinions. What instruction could she give to help her students distinguish between the two?

A fact is something that could be proven true or false, even if the supporting evidence isn't included in the text.

A teacher has assigned her 7th-grade class a research project focused on exploring different careers. Of the following options, which would be the most credible source for applicable information?

A article comparing salaries and reported levels of happiness from different careers.

A teacher provides her students with a list of words. What type of list and accompanying activity would be appropriate for their grade level?

A list of words with Latin and Greek roots / Asking students to pull out the root and define its meaning.

Ms. Smith is planning to incorporate active listening instructions and expectations into her daily routine. Which of the following would best reinforce actively listening in class?

After giving instructions for an activity or assignment, have each student summarize or paraphrase the instructions for their neighbor.

Which of the following best describes the way that main ideas in narratives compare to main ideas in expository writing?

An expository text will center around a concept or idea, established by a thesis statement and supported with evidence, while a narrative will communicate its main idea by describing a specific event or experience.

How can a teacher best use reading to foster cultural awareness in their classroom?

Deliberately choose reading materials that explore a wide variety of cultures.

Which of the following statements best describes a formative assessment?

Formative assessments measure what students know along the way.

Which of the following methods would be best for a teacher to show his students how to identify credible sources for scientific research?

Give students a scavenger hunt activity in which they discover characteristics of credible sources and learn ways to spot noncredible sources. Students then search for credible sources for a topic they are given.

Each week, Mr. Rivera has his students read books assigned to them in their book boxes. After reading, they rate the books on a scale of 1-5 and write down one topic that they liked and one topic that they did not like. What can Mr. Rivera do with the information he is collecting?

He can use this information to select future independent reading books for his students.

Mr. Chalmers wants to evaluate the learning progress of his English language learners over the past few weeks. Since there are no major formal assessments scheduled in the upcoming week, which of the following would be the most appropriate informal assessment of the students' learning progress?

Listening in on the ELL students' group activities

A middle school teacher wants to do more to promote reading to her students. Which of the following strategies should she try? Select all answers that apply.

Make books accessible to students by setting up a system where students can easily borrow and return books, Allow students the ability to occasionally choose what to read from a list of pre-selected options.

An 8th-grade student is struggling to write a clear thesis statement for his paper. Which of the following strategies would appropriately scaffold this skill for the student?

Provide an example thesis and its corresponding essay.

Mr. Glanz is preparing a lesson on adjusting tone to match your audience. Which activity below would be most beneficial in having students practice this skill?

Role play with a small group where the speaker changes what he says based on pretend audience members.

How does speaking vocabulary differ from reading vocabulary?

Students are exposed to more varied and higher-level vocabulary while reading.

When considering the addition problem 1/3 + 3/8, which of the following statements is true? Select all answers that apply.

The Least Common Denominator = 24 , 3 and 8 are relatively prime

Which of the following is an example of a simile?

The rain was coming down so hard that it felt like a bucket of water had been poured on my head.

Which of the following is the greatest educational benefit of using collaborative learning groups and active learning activities in the classroom?

These methods address a variety of learning styles and allow students to take ownership of their learning.

Which of the following is a similarity between a norm-referenced assessment and a criterion-referenced assessment?

They both formally assess a test-taker's knowledge in a specific area.

A reading teacher has designed a lesson focused on skimming and scanning texts for significant features. What is the purpose of developing this skill?

This skill will help students locate information more quickly.

For a student just beginning to learn English, what would be the advantages of using visuals and having the student point to pictures or act out vocabulary words?

This strategy allows a student who cannot yet speak English to learn vocabulary and gain confidence.

How does identifying transition words help readers construct meaning?

Transition words clarify how ideas relate to one another.

The campus administrator wants the ELL students to take a standardized test that covers basic reading skills. The test will be translated from English into each student's native language. Which of the following would best explain why such a test is unlikely to yield accurate results?

Translations from English to a native language cannot account for cultural differences which can lead to confusion among students.

Which of the following is an appropriate use of rubrics in assessment?

Use rubrics to reinforce expectations and provide clear feedback. Review rubrics with students at the start of the project to ensure understanding.

Which of the following describes what happens in the transitional stage of writing?

Which of the following describes what happens in the transitional stage of writing?

Which question must be an area of focus when students are engaged in the prewriting stage of writing?

Who is the intended audience?

Fluency is measured by which three criteria?

accuracy, prosody, and speed

A student demonstrates weakness in story retelling. To improve the student's story retelling, the next step the teacher should take is to:

administer further assessments to determine whether the weakness is related to decoding issues, vocabulary issues, or general comprehension issues.

Which literary device is being used when words with the same starting sounds are used in a row?


An English language arts teacher has several English language learners from Mexico in her class. At the start of the year the ELLs were assessed, and the results determined that they all have strong literacy skills in Spanish. Because of this, which of the following should not need to be explicitly taught to these students?

basic metacognitive strategies, alphabetic awareness

A teacher is providing instruction on root words. Which of the following is not a good example of root words to use with the class?

boyhood, childhood, neighborhood

While reading a historical fiction book about The Great Depression, a teacher asks students to look for text-to-self connections when analyzing characters in the story. Which of the following literary features is the teacher trying to promote among the students?


Ms. Sanders is going to be more deliberate with her vocabulary instruction this coming school year. Which of the following would be the most effective approach to use in her plan for improving her student's long-term vocabulary?

choose vocabulary terms related to the content of her class

Following his string of robberies in the small town, James Smith was (famous or infamous) among the tight knit community. This activity focuses on which of the following?


In what way did Jefferson fail to meet the guidelines of good public speaking?

consistently presenting himself in a credible manner

Which instructional strategy would be most appropriate when teaching students to determine the meanings of unfamiliar words when reading a short story?

contextual analysis

Mr. Clark teaches a diverse population of students, including English Language Learners. Despite their necessity in many situations, Mr. Clark isn't a proponent of summative assessments. Mr. Clark would most likely support which of the following?

daily submission of homework assignments and weekly student-teacher feedback sessions

Browning's poem is written mostly using which of the following grammatical constructs?

declarative statements

A student comes across the unknown word "resurface" while reading a story taking place on a lake. She thinks about how "surface" means top of the lake and determines that "resurface" must mean coming up to the top again. Which strategy did she use to define the unknown word?

defining meaning from structural clues and morphology

While reading, a student comes across the unknown word "extracellular." He notices the prefix "extra-" and determines that the word means something like "having more cells." While he did not correctly define the word, which strategy did he use in his attempt to define the unknown word?

defining meaning from structural clues and morphology

Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird uses the conflicts of a small town in Alabama to represent racial tensions that were widespread in the South at that time. The sentence above most likely introduces an essay that will employ which of the following methods of development?


Mrs. Tockert assigns a four-paragraph essay asking the students to write about a favorite memory associated with a favorite season. The rubric requests that at least 5 sensory details be included in each paragraph. Which type of writing will the students be doing?


Mr. Ortega has assigned his students a research paper. He wants to ensure students do not plagiarize their work and that they give proper credit to their sources. Which of the following would be a good discussion topic to address Mr. Ortega's concern?

how to properly cite sources

The morphemes -ed, -er, -est, -ing, and -s are examples of:

inflectional morphemes, affixes

Sometimes reading difficulties are known not to be the outcome of lack of opportunities in education or limited intellect. Recent educational research has found that these difficulties are most often the result of what instead?

lack of skills in phonological processing

Various forms of educational media include:

language software, language games, and textbooks.

Which of the following descriptions best describes the linguistic term language acquisition?

learning a first or second language as a process, either piece by piece, or through a total immersive experience

Which of the following are good examples of formative assessment?

listening to a student read aloud, one-on-one, then discussing what was read, self and peer assessments, observations in the form of close monitoring and feedback while students are working

Once the class has chosen an initial research topic, they are asked to refine the topic to make their research more narrowly focused. If a student has chosen the topic of whales, which of the following does not narrow the focus?

ocean mammals

Which of the following is not a reasonable way to support struggling readers with a comprehension activity?

pairing them with a partner to read the text aloud

When students take turns reading appropriate-level texts with a fellow student, which of the following strategies is being used?

partner reading

When reading a student's essay, the teacher circles the word "his," and suggests "their" instead. The student would benefit from further instruction on which of the following?

pronoun-antecedent agreement

Which of the following is the biggest benefit of requiring oral presentations?

providing practice in pronouncing clearly, controlling grammar, and clarifying information

Which of the following words uses the prefix "re" to mean "again"?


A sixth-grade teacher assessed a student's reading level at the beginning of the school year and found that the student was reading on a fifth-grade level. The student was assessed again at the end of first semester and continued to read on a fifth-grade level, but with improved fluency and fewer sound errors. When assessing the student during the third quarter, the teacher found that the student was now reading at a 5.5 grade level with improved fluency and zero sound errors. Which of the following techniques is being used to assess the student?

running record

"A Sound of Thunder" by Ray Bradbury is an example of which genre of literary fiction?

science fiction

Ama is an ELL student who is tasked with a procedural writing assignment. She is supposed to take an expert stance to write the steps of a procedure she knows how to do really well. Which type of organization would work best for her writing assignment?

sequential order

Mrs. Langston is an English teacher and requires her students to keep a portfolio of their writing assignments, which includes drafts and final copies. The greatest benefit to the portfolios is that:

students can view how their writing has improved over time.

Inferential comprehension is when a reader:

understands information that is not stated explicitly.

Literal comprehension is when a reader:

understands the facts or ideas in a piece of writing.

Which of the following is a reading difficulty that frequently contributes to fluency issues?

unfamiliarity with syntax, weak decoding skills, lacking background knowledge

A sweater is on sale for $43.75. It is 30% off the original price. What is the original price?


Which of the following points on a number line is the greatest distance from .5?


Mrs. Williams is hoping to help her students determine source credibility in a variety of ways, including recognizing different domain names. With no additional information, which of the following would be considered the most credible source?


Which of the following numbers is neither prime nor composite?


Which of the following statements describes the main differences between a literary and a non-literary text?

A literary text relies on figurative language and imagery to tell a story, while a non-literary text uses facts and details to inform the reader on a particular topic.

Which of the following scenarios describes incidental vocabulary learning?

A student visits his grandparents and listens as his grandfather reads interesting articles from the newspaper aloud.

A teacher notices that her students are struggling with visualizing a story as she reads it aloud. Which of the following strategies could she implement to help students improve in this area?

After reading a section of the story out loud, the teacher asks the students to draw what they "saw" in their minds on a blank piece of paper.

Which of the following pieces of federal legislation protects animals used in laboratory or research settings?

Animal Welfare Act

While reading aloud to her students, Ms. Cearing hopes to improve students' reading comprehension. Which activity could she choose to accomplish this goal?

Ask students to pause and visualize what was just read in their minds.

Which of the following is not a strategy or approach to teaching advanced writing skills?

Avoid personal, emotional writing and focus on formal expository genres.

Because of the overwhelming response, the bookstore stocked many copies of the bestseller, and the author visited the store. Which type of sentence does this example represent?

Because of the overwhelming response, the bookstore stocked many copies of the bestseller, and the author visited the store. Which type of sentence does this example represent?

Mr. Rick's classroom just received a new student from China. She speaks some English but her main language is Chinese. Her parents speak both Chinese and English in the home. Which accommodation would help her build her English oral language skills and ease the transition into an English-only classroom?

Bring material into the classroom that relates to her Chinese heritage.

Mr. Davies has a diverse class with ELL students from China, Mexico, Germany, and France. He has noticed a pattern in which his ELL students from China struggle the most with decoding English words. What is the most likely cause of this?

Chinese languages are not represented by an alphabetic script.

During class, a teacher shows five different advertisements, two commercials, one magazine, one web page banner, and one billboard. While viewing, the teacher asks the students to note any interesting use of colors, symbols, or content, and to briefly describe who the intended audience is. After viewing all five, the class works as a whole group to volunteer what they noticed or found interesting. What would be the best followup activity for the students to complete to enhance their understanding of media design elements?

Choose one media element and research the psychology behind the use of that element.

Mrs. Simmons is working to develop a student-centered approach to incorporate student input into the way their skill proficiency is assessed during an upcoming research project. Which of the following provides an example of student engagement in determining how they are assessed?

Collaborate with students while creating the rubric to determine the relative weight of each requirement.

Mrs. Roberts and her students have been practicing analyzing persuasive writing to see how all evidence relates back to the author's main claim. She would like to ensure that this understanding is applied to their own persuasive writing piece. Which of the following prewriting activities would best support this goal?

Complete a graphic organizer with their claim in the center circle and evidence listed in surrounding circles that are each connected back to the claim by a line.

After reading the poem in class, a student asks the meaning of the word unbounded. The teacher should respond with which of the following statements?

Consider the structure of the word and think of other words containing the same root word or prefix.

Of the following, which would be most beneficial to students using the Internet for research purposes?

Demonstrate the most efficient ways to search for topics, identifying the best words to use and how punctuation can influence search results.

When students are given two texts on the same subject, one persuasive and one informative, what approach would be most helpful to determining purpose?

Determine whether each topic sentence is a claim or factual statement.

Which of the following sentences demonstrates a text structure that uses compare and contrast?

During a year with a 30% reduction in rainfall, farmers who installed irrigation systems experienced minimal destruction in crops, while those who did not experienced destruction of 50% or more of their crops.

A student is working on a persuasive essay for her English class. The teacher provided multiple mentor texts for the class, has individually approved student topics, and provided structured time for research. Despite recognizing the thesis statements in the mentor texts, this student is now struggling to craft a clear thesis of her own. Which of the following would best support this student's writing process?

Explicit instruction and modeling of turning a topic and research into a thesis statement.

Which of the following statements best describes the function of expository text features?

Expository text features, such as captions, headings, charts, and graphs, are embedded in informational texts to make information easier to process.

Which of the following are the best ways for a teacher to help students develop independent reading skills? Select all answers that apply.

Facilitate peer conversations about their reading , Provide in-class time for students to choose independent reading books and some time for quiet reading.

Which of the following should a teacher do before giving the first science textbook reading assignment to a class?

Go through the text with the class pointing out headings, pictures, key words, definitions, and other assistance available on the page.

Maria, an English language learner, tells the teacher she is concerned the class will not understand her presentation because of her inability to pronounce words perfectly. Which of the following would be the most appropriate recommendation for the teacher to make?

Have Maria write out notes that indicate the correct pronunciation of the words.

Which of the following activities would be most effective in practicing a student's receptive language skills?

Have students read along with the transcript of an audio clip they are listening to.

A middle school English teacher is concerned because her students often miss key pieces of information because it seems as if their minds are wandering elsewhere during her lectures. What could she do to rectify this?

Have students take notes and share their notes with a partner.

A sixth-grade teacher is looking for a way to improve her students' understanding of how visual images create meaning. Which activity below would be the best way to achieve this goal?

Have students tell a new story using only photographs from a magazine or newspaper.

A sixth-grade teacher is determined to help her students become more proficient spellers. Which of the following strategies would be least effective in promoting students' spelling abilities?

Have students write all their spelling words at least thirty times.

Of the following, which is the most likely group structure for promoting English proficiency among English Language Learners?

Heterogeneous in English proficiency

Read the following sentence: I ordered pizza for dinner, because I did not have time to go to the grocery store. Which of the following revisions corrects any grammatical errors in the sentence above?

I ordered pizza for dinner because I did not have time to go to the grocery store.

Which of the following strategies would not be effective when teaching a group of English Language Learners (ELLs) literacy strategies for irregularly spelled words?

Identify common words that rhyme with the new word.

After all the oral presentations, the teacher conducts a class-wide discussion on their findings. This unit will benefit English learners in which of the following ways? Select all answers that apply.

Instruction is scaffolded through the use of graphic organizers and partner work, Instruction focuses on oral communication between peers using academic vocabulary , Instruction alternates between reading and writing activities to balance learning experiences.

How does instruction regarding word families support spelling instruction?

It demonstrates that in words containing the same sounds made by a group of letters, the sounds will often be represented with the same spelling.

Determine the effect of the use of a colon in the student's writing sample below. She deserved what she earned: accolades and recognition for the year's efforts.

It explains or expands on the information provided in the first clause of the sentence.

Which of the following describes a compound sentence? Select all answers that apply.

It has two independent clauses, It contains a conjunction or a semicolon.

Mrs. Thorpe is an English teacher who is working with her students to promote their vocabulary. One of the activities she assigns her students is to create a self-made dictionary from the weekly vocabulary list. What is the greatest advantage of a student self-made dictionary over a standard dictionary?

It is composed of definitions that the individual is more likely to recognize and remember.

How should fluency practice for a struggling reader differ from fluency practice for a student who is on or above grade level?

It should use a text at the student's reading level regardless of how far below grade level that is.

Mrs. Mendez explains to her sixth-grade students that she wants them to start using technology for specific reasons as they do more oral and written presentations. For this week's assignment, they are to do a brief written report about their recent social studies unit of study. They will then find related pictures on the computer and print them off to attach to their reports. They will also need to identify the sources of their information. Which of the following best explains why Mrs. Mendez would have them identify their sources?

It will help establish an understanding of the need to document websites and other sources for their work.

Ms. Ciernia decides to do a project-based assessment with her fifth-grade class in which they design their own society. Her class consists of ELLs of varied levels. She sets clear parameters using a rubric with targeted standards and skills. In which way will this assessment benefit the ELLs in her class?

It will provide opportunities for ELLs to apply what they have learned in a student-centered project.

Mr. Duke wants to break up his class into small groups for a discussion after a multimedia presentation. Mr. Duke has multiple English language learners in his class. Which of the following is the most important criteria for placing English language learners into groups?

Make sure the English language learners are placed into various groups to promote vocabulary development.

Mr. Brand is wanting to promote the vocabulary development of his students. Which of the following strategies would best align with current research on promoting vocabulary development among students?

Mr. Brand should introduce new vocabulary words by incorporating them into multiple aspects of instruction and in various contexts.

Which of the following is an example of alliteration?

The cow couldn't catch the flies with her curly tail.

After the week is up, the students share their initial thoughts about how much media they encounter during a week. What activity would be the best follow-up to encourage student analysis of media consumption and the role of media in their lives?

Partner up to discuss and compare media consumption, answering teacher questions to guide discussion.

A tenth-grade English teacher is teaching her class some effective speech delivery techniques. Which of the following should she include? Select all answers that apply.

Pause to emphasize words,Vary the cadence.

Which figurative language device is used in lines 3 and 7? (3) And this same flower that smiles to-day, (7) The sooner will his race be run,


Which of the following represents an essential aspect of planning for a successful writer's workshop?

Plan for flexibility and variation in the expected duration of each stage of the writing process.

Mr. Otwinowski is working with his sixth-grade students on why dialogue needs to be punctuated in written text. Which activity would best illustrate the need for dialogue punctuation in written text?

Present students with multiple sentences that could be misunderstood without dialogue punctuation.

In order to improve reading comprehension, Mr. Parks should encourage his students to do which of the following before reading a narrative text? Select all answers that apply.

Preview illustrations, the title, or bolded vocabulary words , Read the "About the Author" section.

Mr. Miller recognizes that his seventh-grade science class has many new vocabulary words with each unit. What is one teaching practice he can use to assist his students with disabilities that are also English Language Learners (ELLs)?

Provide a word wall with vocabulary words and pictures.

Mr. Michaels is working to improve the quality of discussions in his class. While he can usually count on having plenty of student share their ideas on a topic, they tend to simply share their answer instead of responding to or building on the ideas of other students. Which of the following strategies would help develop this skill?

Provide direct instruction on appropriate ways to disagree with a classmate's comments, provide sentence stems that promote a summary of the previous speaker's thoughts, organize the room in a way that allows students to see each other while speaking, like a circle.

Which of the following are appropriate ways for a teacher to help students develop literacy?

Provide flexible classroom seating to facilitate an easy transition between independent work and the opportunity to discuss their reading and writing with peers. Also, Expect students to provide text evidence for their answers.

A teacher is planning instruction on the five stages of the writing process. Which of the following instructional strategies would be most appropriate to facilitate progress through all stages of the process?

Provide students with a checklist that includes each stage in the writing process and steps to take during each stage. Stop after each stage to discuss the next stage and prompt students to take steps to engage in the next stage of writing.

Which of the following activities would best allow students to practice expressive and clear speaking in front of an audience?

Read aloud in front of a small group.

In what order should a literary analysis be conducted?

Read the text, choose an area to analyze, collect textual evidence, write or speak a summary of the analysis.

If a piece of laboratory equipment breaks during an activity, which of the following courses of action by the teacher would provide the most benefit to the students?

Remove the broken equipment from the students' lab area and replace it with functioning equipment.

An 8th-grade class is studying accuracies and inaccuracies in the media, and students have been asked to self-select an article and rate the article according to the validity of the information. A student has found an article on a reputable news site but has noticed that much of the information presented in the article does not align with coverage of the event on other sites. What is an appropriate guideline for the student to follow?

Review coverage of the event from other media sites before making an informed decision on whether the information is accurate or not.

Mr. Banks would like his seventh-grade students to understand how reading non-fiction texts is relevant to today's society. Which of the following activities would be best for Mr. Banks to accomplish this goal?

Select a non-fiction text set at least 50 years in the past and share a presentation on how the events depicted in the text continue to positively or negatively impact students.

Which of the following is the most appropriate way for a teacher to help students develop an understanding of parts of speech?

Show example words and example sentences to help analyze/explain how each part of speech functions within a sentence.

Which of the following is NOT a benefit of incorporating self-assessment and peer-assessment into the students' writing process?

Students can help in grading writing assignments for the teacher.

What is a benefit of providing a rubric for self-evaluation of an oral presentation?

Students can understand what they could have done to earn the next level.

Which of the following describes what happens in the conventional stage of writing?

Students learn to adjust their writing for specific purposes and audiences.

Which of the following rules should a teacher implement when starting writing peer review groups?

Students should offer constructive, specific feedback based on the writing rubric.

An English teacher is assessing the effectiveness of a class discussion on a recent reading topic. Of the following features, which should be cause for the most concern?

Students were not responding to other students' comments but rather repeating their own.

After all the oral presentations, the teacher conducts a class-wide discussion on their findings. Halfway through the unit, the teacher determines that the students could benefit from an additional learning activity and adds a step 6 to the unit plan. For step 6, students will research and summarize the events leading up to a powerful earthquake and its aftermath. This additional activity will help students develop their reading abilities in which of the following areas?

Students will gain an understanding of cause-and-effect relationships.

An ESL teacher is reading a narrative with her class of English language learners. She provides the students with only the first half of the reading and then asks them to write an ending to the story with a partner. After reading their endings aloud to the class, she then asks the students to explain what details in the story helped them to write their endings. This strategy is likely to be most effective in promoting which of the following English-language proficiency standards in reading?

Students will make predictions about and draw conclusions from a text.

Which of the following is the best rationale for using formative assessment?

Students will show what skills they have mastered and what skills still need to be practiced.

Summary and analysis are both ways students can respond to literature. Which of the following best describes the difference between these two forms of response?

Summary retells the main ideas or the plot in a condensed way, while analysis requires the student to evaluate the author's choices about the text.

Mrs. Lewis is a bilingual teacher and frequently encourages her students' parents to talk a lot with their children at home whether during chores, daily tasks, or shopping to help build their children's vocabulary. A parent contacts Mrs. Lewis wondering how increased conversation will help their child read. Which of the following would be the most appropriate response by Mrs. Lewis?

The development of a student's language skills are intertwined, and increasing the student's vocabulary will allow students to recognize more words while reading

A teacher notices that a student has misspelled the words "pain" and "boat" as "pane" and "bote." Based on this observation of the student's spelling, which of the following would be a reasonable assumption for the teacher to make about the student's decoding skills?

The student may struggle to decode vowel digraphs

When administering an oral reading fluency assessment, which of the following behaviors would indicate that a student has difficulties in the area of rate?

The student reads slowly and deliberately.

Mr. Rockwell is a middle school teacher and has many ELL students in his class. He divides the ELL students into three separate heterogeneous groups with non-ELL students in each group and then gives each group a problem to solve. Which of the following is the greatest benefit to this exercise?

The students must talk and interact with each other to figure out the problem.

Which methods of differentiation would be most appropriate for a group of sixth-grade students who struggle significantly with reading fluency but have relative strengths in reading comprehension?

The teacher allows all students to choose between reading independently or listening to the teacher read aloud when reading a chapter of a novel in class.

In explaining a group problem-solving task, the teacher should always be sure to motivate and encourage students to be risk takers and use their creative thinking abilities. Which of the following lesson elements would be the most effective in achieving this goal?

The teacher states that in this scenario, there may be many good answers. There would not be one specific correct answer, but each group's creative response to the scenario must be grounded in facts as well as evaluated with the rubric by the whole team.

Which of the following is an example of personification?

The tree scratched at my window every time the wind blew.

A sixth-grade teacher had decided to use literature circles with her class to work through a new fiction text they're reading. She will provide the groups with guided questions and discussion ideas to complete during and after their reading sections. Which question stem would encourage students to use context clues to increase their vocabulary?

The word "_____" means ______. I know because in the text it says, "_____."

Mary is whom found the token. Which of the following revisions fixes the grammatical error?

The word "whom" should be "who."

Franco, an ELL student, writes the following about a holiday in his native country: "On this day, our family visits the graves of my grandparents and brings them gifts. Like flowers and candy. Then, we go home to eat, sing and tell our favorite stories. It is a special day." What is the problem with Franco's text?

There is a sentence fragment.

Mr. Harris wants to create a writing assignment that allows students to write with an authentic and meaningful purpose. Which one of the following assignments would best accomplish Mr. Harris' goal?

Use Word to type a letter to an elected official about a student-chosen need in the community. Print and send the letters.

Mr. Crusher's students have completed researching their topics and are ready to begin writing. What would be the best way for Mr. Crusher to prepare the students to begin writing?

Using an example guiding question and research notes, model for the class how to write a topic sentence that summarizes the main idea and support it with evidence from the research.

Why is it important to expose students to new vocabulary words in multiple contexts?

Using varied contexts with instruction will best support student memory of new words.

Which of the following would most likely enhance the delivery of an oral presentation?

Vary the rate of speaking, the pitch of your voice, the tone/quality of your voice, and the volume of your voice.

Precise language usage is generally more important for written communication than verbal communication. Which of the following is not a reason why?

Visual cues are available to help the reader determine meaning with written text.

A teacher wants to model for students how to determine the meaning of words within a nonfiction text. Which activity below would be the most effective way to demonstrate this for the students?

While reading aloud to the class, the teacher pauses to define vocabulary terms using context clues.

Which of the following interventions would be most appropriate for a student who continues to struggle to learn how to read grade-level texts fluently?

Working with a reading specialist daily to practice decoding skills and reading strategies.

In order to practice the drafting stage of the writing process, a teacher might ask her students to do which of the following activities?

Write for five minutes about a teacher-designated topic without worrying about structure or grammar.

A teacher instructs her students to write in a journal a few times a week. Sometimes she provides them with prompts, but most of the time their entries are reflections on their day or thoughts on topics of their choice. She occasionally asks the students to bring their journals to class so she can check whether they have been writing in it. She asks them to share one piece of writing. What is the purpose of this?

Writing in a relaxed format allows students to write freely.

With an increased focus on cross-curricular instruction, Mrs. Adams, a 7th-grade teacher, has developed an assignment in which her students will use the results of their science experiment, comparing the quality of two similar products, to write a short essay. Which of the following would best support the organization of the data collected in their science class?

a Venn diagram

Which of the following syllable types is the first syllable of the word "excellent"?

a closed syllable

A teacher gives the following oral feedback to students: "It's important that you remember to use a conjunction when joining together two independent clauses. You can use the conjunction 'and.' My sister is at home, and my brother is out with his friends." The feedback is primarily in response to the students' difficulty in creating which of the following?

a compound sentence

When revising their writing assignment, a student refers to the following entry: Demote [dih-moht] 1. Verb. to decrease in rank or position. Synonym: RELEGATE Where is this entry from?

a dictionary

Budgetary concerns in school districts across the country have led to decreased access to extracurricular activities and fine arts programs in schools. Studies have shown the importance of these activities to the social, emotional, and academic growth of children. Consider the impact these changes could have on today's students and develop a response to this issue. Explain why these changes should or should not be allowed to continue. Choose an audience that has the ability to enact change regarding this issue. Which of the following writing formats would be the most appropriate choice for a student responding to the above prompt?

a letter

A teacher has just finished teaching her class how to write a strong thesis statement. Now the students need to choose supporting details that are relevant to the topic and will provide sufficient support for their arguments. To scaffold this skill, which of the following could the teacher provide to the students?

a list of details for them to order from strongest to weakest

Which of the following is an accurate description of a noun phrase?

a phrase that includes a noun and any word or words that modify it

When teaching a lesson on including direct quotes in student writing, Mr. Keating reminds students to include a dialogue tag when incorporating direct quotes. Which of the following describes a dialogue tag?

a phrase, like he said or she said

Which of the following is the best example of expository writing?

a research report

Students are presenting oral reports on books that they read over the summer. Which of the following would be most appropriate for students to include at the conclusion of their oral presentation?

a summary of the main points

If a teacher is using assessment to guide class instruction, which of the following assessments would NOT be useful?

a summative assessment

Which of the following syllable types is the first syllable in "eating"?

a vowel team syllable

Which of the following syllable types is the last syllable in the word "rename"?

a vowel-consonant-e syllable

Which of the following is least important for reading comprehension?

accuracy when required to read aloud to class

Read the following excerpt and identify the literary device being used in the underlined portion. What a tale of terror, now, their turbulency tells!


What literary device is illustrated in the example below from Edgar Allan Poe's poem, "The Raven"? Deep into that darkness peering, Long I stood there wondering, fearing, Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before


An English language arts teacher has several English language learners from Mexico in her class. At the start of the year the ELLs were assessed, and the results determined that they all have strong literacy skills in Spanish. Because of this, which of the following should not need to be explicitly taught to these students? Select all answers that apply.

alphabetic awareness, basic metacognitive strategies

Which of the following texts would be the most likely to contain a bar graph?

an article discussing graduation rates in local school districts

A first-grade teacher would like to have a general idea of how many of her students understood the day's lesson that introduced L blends. What type of assessment would be most useful in this situation?

an informal assessment in which the teacher walks around the room observing the students while they complete their practice activity

Following a lesson in which the teacher provides direct instruction on subject-verb agreement, the students would be best served by:

an opportunity to practice the skill.

While reviewing a student's ELA work, the teacher asks herself these questions: Is the textbook too difficult for this student to understand? Are there any students who do not understand sentence formation? Is the student encountering difficulty with more than one word out of every twenty? Which of the following is the teacher most likely trying to do?

analyze the student's errors to determine possible changes in instruction

An example of evaluative comprehension is when a reader:

analyzes the word choice of the author.

In a high school English class, Ms. Smith and her students are reading an article about the history of the United States space program. As the class period progresses, Ms. Smith notices some of the students are struggling to comprehend the main points of the article. Which of the following strategies could Ms. Smith implement in her classroom to assist these students as they read the article?

annotate in the text's margins

Budgetary concerns in school districts across the country have led to decreased access to extracurricular activities and fine arts programs in schools. Studies have shown the importance of these activities to the social, emotional, and academic growth of children. Consider the impact these changes could have on today's students and develop a response to this issue. Explain why these changes should or should not be allowed to continue. Choose an audience that has the ability to enact change regarding this issue. Which mode of writing is most appropriate for the task presented in the prompt?


Which TWO strategies can be used to assess a student's reading comprehension skills? Select all answers that apply.

asking a student to identify the main idea of a story that the teacher read aloud,

Which of the following methods could be used to test a student's decoding abilities?

asking a student to read a grade level paragraph aloud

Which of the following examples shows an effective use of exit slips in a sixth-grade inclusion reading class?

asking students to share one important detail from a story read in class

A third-grade student has mastered decoding individual words, but his oral reading is slow, which keeps him from grasping the meaning of the text. When the teacher encourages him to read to the class, he says he is "ashamed" and wants to complete the assignment by himself. Which of the following approaches would best differentiate the reading lesson and help the student improve his overall reading fluency?

assigning the student a text at his independent reading level and allowing him to read it quietly to himself before discussing it with others

When reading and analyzing informational texts on the same topic, which element(s) might students compare? Select all answers that apply.

author bias, quality of evidence, facts and opinions

A teacher has presented her students with eight short paragraphs. As the students read each paragraph, they are asked to identify whether or not the paragraph is informative, persuasive, or entertaining. The teacher's goal in this lesson is most likely to expose students to which concept?

author's purpose

Ms. Jennings incorporates time into her class's weekly schedule to provide opportunities for students to choose a book that they have already read and read it aloud to either her or a classmate. Which of the following is most likely Ms. Jenning's goal for this activity?

build student fluency

A third-grade class visits the library weekly. Approximately once a month, one student checks out her favorite book, along with other new books. She has now taken this book home for independent reading many times. How can the teacher best support this student's fluency development?

by allowing the student to continue periodically checking out and rereading the book she loves

Knowing the text is above the reading level of some of his students, the teacher has pre-taught a few specific vocabulary words and plans to read the text aloud to the class. How can the teacher best extend this activity to further support his students' development of this new vocabulary and information?

by assigning a short answer response to the text that incorporates the unfamiliar vocabulary

A text contains transitional signal words such as afterwards, next, and before. This text is most likely illustrating which type of structure?

chronological sequencing

The English and social studies teachers at Calhoun Middle School developed an interdisciplinary instructional unit where students will create a multimedia presentation on literary works by wartime soldiers. The teachers are concerned that many students will focus on the aesthetics of the presentation and not the quality of its content. The most effective strategy to address the concern would be to:

collaborate with the students to design a rubric of expectations upon which the students will be graded that defines the weight of the design in the grading process.

Titles often prove misleading things, and it is not often that the outside of any book gives the faintest hint of its quality, unless it tells you, or nearly tells you, the publisher's name, for of course there are publishers who very rarely issue bad, or even weak books. Memories: a Life's Epilogue. This is so very unpromising a title-page that if it had not been for the names, Longmans, Green & Co. at the foot of it, we might well have begun to turn over the leaves with some prejudice against the anonymous author. But a very casual glance informs the reader, in this case, that he has to deal with a highly intelligent man of the old school, with plenty of caustic humour in him. There is something exceedingly quaint, almost ludicrous, in the author's way of employing the Spenserian stanza, and as it is not always clear that he is conscious of the humour there is in it. This passage characterizes the book as a:

collection of reflective poems.

An eighth-grade English teacher is teaching her students how to identify different text structures. As part of the lesson, she asks her students to read the following excerpt about the famous philosophers, Plato and Aristotle. Although much of Aristotle's work was influenced by Plato, Aristotle was able to find many faults in Plato's theories and in time became a critic of his teacher. Their work targets many of the same aspects of philosophy, but their theories differ quite a bit. They both believed that thoughts were more powerful than senses. However, Plato believed the senses could not be used to determine reality, whereas Aristotle believed just the opposite, that the senses were needed to determine reality. So while Plato was busy imagining an invisible world, Aristotle looked to find truth in the world around him. Which of the following text structures is the teacher trying to help her students identify?

compare and contrast

Read the sentence below and answer the question: Even though the man laughed, he said he did not like the play. The sentence is an example of which of the following?

complex sentence

Read the sentence below and answer the question: Sara has never been to Asia, but she has been to Africa. The sentence is an example of which of the following?

compound sentence

Because of the overwhelming response, the bookstore stocked many copies of the bestseller, and the author visited the store. Which type of sentence does this example represent?


Which of the following skills is NOT assessed using a reading assessment focused solely on oral fluency?


Bill went to the store, but he did not buy anything. In the sentence, the word "but" acts as which part of speech?


Which of the following skills best demonstrates successful reading comprehension? Select all answers that apply.

connecting previous reading experiences and life experiences to the reading , accurate decoding of new words

"Video games do not cause violence in teenagers. In countries such as South Korea and Japan, many teenagers play video games. Consequently, there is not a lot of violence. Despite it might make teenagers less empathetic, having access to video games has not been proven to make a teenager more likely to commit a crime." Based on the paragraph, what does the student need some additional practice with?


Mrs. Davis is teaching her students how to use parallel structures in their writing. Her instructional activities would fall under which of the following topics?

conventions of English

A teacher recognizes that some of the English learners in her class get confused when they see multiple spellings of the same sound. What can the teacher do to help these students?

create a word wall in the classroom that categorizes words based on sound patterns

Which of the following activities best promotes students' understanding of how oral language relates to literacy?

modeling the writing of words or phrases

Mrs. Smithers has just completed a beginning-of-the-year assessment of her student's reading fluency skills. The results revealed that she has students with reading skills ranging from significantly below grade-level to above grade-level. To accommodate these different skill levels, Mrs. Smithers should:

differentiate instruction, offering both remediation and enrichment

A teacher has several Arabic speakers in her class with a beginning level of English proficiency. When reading aloud to her class, the teacher uses an interactive whiteboard to project the text onto a large screen in front of the class. Then, she uses a pen tool to point to each word as she reads. This main purpose of this is to demonstrate English:


Various forms of informational media include:

documentaries, newspaper articles, and magazines.

A teacher shows students how to take ideas they have generated and turn them into written paragraphs. Which of the following aspects of the writing process is being modeled by the teacher?


There are several English language learners in a class. Before starting to read a text on a new topic, what should the teacher do to increase the likelihood of student comprehension?

draw on students' prior knowledge and experiences

Mr. Franklin believes that ongoing assessments are particularly important for English language learners, but that standardized tests in English don't always reflect ELLs' true content knowledge or abilities. Instead, he is a strong proponent of performance-based assessments. Which of the following would be an appropriate performance-based activity for Mr. Franklin to use to assess ELLs' speaking or reading skills?

giving descriptions or instructions using visual or written prompts , debating, either one-on-one or taking turns in small groups

Of the provided options, which of the following is most important to consider when supporting the main ideas in both informative and persuasive essays?

ensuring support is sufficient and relevant

Ongoing assessment is extremely important in writing and the writing process. Which of the following is the least important reason for ongoing assessment?

ensuring that there are many scores so no one low grade will too significantly impact their average

After reading a poem, a teacher would like students to reflect on the text that they read and determine whether students can appropriately identify the theme and tone of the poem. Which of the following is the most appropriate method?

exit slips

Which mode of writing is intended to provide information and includes facts and data?


An eighth-grade English teacher is teaching her students how to identify different text structures. As part of the lesson, she asks her students to read the following excerpt about the famous philosophers, Plato and Aristotle. Although much of Aristotle's work was influenced by Plato, Aristotle was able to find many faults in Plato's theories and in time became a critic of his teacher. Their work targets many of the same aspects of philosophy, but their theories differ quite a bit. They both believed that thoughts were more powerful than senses. However, Plato believed the senses could not be used to determine reality, whereas Aristotle believed just the opposite, that the senses were needed to determine reality. So while Plato was busy imagining an invisible world, Aristotle looked to find truth in the world around him. Which of the following will help students recognize the text structure of this excerpt?

finding signal words

Which of the following groups of words best indicates a time sequence?

first, last, later, now, after

A student who can read with accuracy and expression is in which stage of literacy development?

fluent reader

After giving a lesson on simple sentences, Mr. Hummel posts a single review question and he asks the students to answer this question on an exit slip before heading off to lunch. What form of assessment is Mr. Hummel using?


An English teacher ends each class with an exit ticket of 1-4 short questions related to the topics discussed in class that day. Students write their responses on sticky notes and place them on the teacher's door before leaving the classroom. The teacher reviews all notes and uses students' responses to determine warm-up activities for the next day of class. Which of the following methods of assessing student understanding is being used?

formative assessment

The following is an excerpt from Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad Going up that river was like traveling back to the earliest beginnings of the world, when vegetation rioted on the earth and the big trees were kings. An empty stream, a great silence, an impenetrable forest. The air was warm, thick, heavy, sluggish. There was no joy in the brilliance of sunshine. The long stretches of the waterway ran on, deserted, into the gloom of overshadowed distances. On silvery sand-banks hippos and alligators sunned themselves side by side. The broadening waters flowed through a mob of wooded islands; you lost your way on that river as you would in a desert, and butted all day long against shoals, trying to find the channel, till you thought yourself bewitched and cut off for ever from everything you had known once—somewhere—far away—in another existence perhaps. Which phrase is the best example of a simile?

going up that river was like traveling back to the earliest beginnings of the world

Phonics can be difficult for English language learners because English:

has a deep orthography.

A teacher is planning a lesson focused on how the type, purpose, and audience of a writing task should influence the writer's tone. She writes the following list of types of writing on the board: Letter Journal Resume Memorandum She then asks the class to consider the listed types of writing. Of the listed types, which one would require a significant shift in tone depending on the audience?


Which of the following is the best way to assess the fluency skills and reading levels of sixth-grade students?

having students read aloud while the teacher listens and counts the number of words read correctly

An ESL teacher finds that many of her students, despite showing improvement in the classroom, don't do very well on formal assessments. She thinks it's because they get nervous when they know they are being tested. She wants to find another way to assess them. Her colleague should recommend:

having the students keep journals or learning logs.

Following this activity, the teacher directs students to review the entire chapter in their science textbooks on weather. At the end of the activity, the teacher creates an exit ticket asking students to write one sentence summarizing what the textbook chapter was mostly about. Adding this additional component to the activity is likely to further students' reading development by:

helping students practice articulating the main idea of a text.

A sixth-grade teacher has read several fictional short stories with her students. While reading the stories, the class discussed the development of the characters, major plot points, and thematic elements. The teacher assigns an activity for each student to rewrite one of the stories with a different protagonist and antagonist. This assignment will improve students' reading abilities by:

helping students see the impact of narrative perspective and point of view.

Taking part in this writing exercise helps students develop their abilities to comprehend and analyze expository texts by:

helping them compare and contrast multiple viewpoints and evaluate evidence presented by the authors of the texts.

Based on current research, what is the best way for ELL students to be grouped in a content area class for a discussion activity?

heterogenous English-language levels and content-area knowledge

During the revising stage of the writing process, which of the following would be most beneficial for students?

holding peer conferences

Mr. Harper wants to assess his students' reading fluency by listening to each student orally read a section from a selected text. Which of the following would NOT be a good indicator for Mr. Harper to use in assessing the students' reading fluency?

how clearly students are able to pronounce words according to the norms of standard English

Budgetary concerns in school districts across the country have led to decreased access to extracurricular activities and fine arts programs in schools. Studies have shown the importance of these activities to the social, emotional, and academic growth of children. Consider the impact these changes could have on today's students and develop a response to this issue. Explain why these changes should or should not be allowed to continue. Choose an audience that has the ability to enact change regarding this issue. Which of the following is most important to consider when determining the best format for the piece of writing?

how the intended audience would likely access the information

An upper-elementary-grades teacher writes the morpheme audi on the board, says it correctly, and says that audi comes from the Latin word for "hear." The teacher asks students to call out words that begin with or have audi as part of their spelling. As they respond, the teacher makes the graphic organizer below. This activity develops students' vocabulary skills by showing the students:

how to use prefixes and suffixes to assist with spelling and defining words.

Read the excerpt and answer the question below. "The brightness of Juliet's cheek would shame those stars, As daylight doth a lamp; her eyes in heaven Would through the airy region stream so bright That birds would sing and think it were not night" From "Romeo and Juliet," by William Shakespeare, Act 2. Which literary device is used in this excerpt?


A teacher plans to assess students' ability to identify participle phrases using an alternative method. In order to do this, the teacher should have the students:

identify participle phrases in an article selected from the internet or a local paper.

Marta, an ELL student, writes the following in her journal: "Everyone in the class like lunchtime because that's when we can play outside. On the days when there isn't some sun, we stay inside and read in the library. This is my favorite activity." Based on this statement, Marta would most likely benefit from further instruction in

indefinite pronouns.

Transitional words and phrases are helpful in both spoken and written communication because they:

indicate the flow of time and events, link ideas to each other.

Mrs. Wright is reading a fiction story aloud to her class. She stops throughout to model the think-aloud strategy. In her think-aloud moments, she makes predictions about what will happen next and reflects on what the characters learn throughout each plot event. What level of reading comprehension is she modeling for her students?

inferential comprehension

A student will be writing an essay that explains the models of cars that are most commonly purchased and driven in geographic locations throughout the country. What type of essay is the student writing?


A new science unit is being introduced and has many unfamiliar words. During introductory activities, the teacher reads a passage and pauses to have students repeat vocabulary words. They practice pronunciation and discuss the meaning before moving on. This method is referred to as:

interactive reading

A group of advanced English learners is struggling with English intonation. Which of the following strategies is likely to be the most effective first step in addressing the students' difficulty?

introduce the three main types of intonation with examples

In the context of an English Language Arts classroom, which of the following are examples of differentiated instruction?

literature circles with book options available at various reading levels

A 7th-grade student writes the topic for their essay in the center of their paper. Moving outward from that word, she writes other words or phrases related to that topic. Which of the following best describes this activity?


Which of the following would be the most effective technique for testing students' understanding of common literary genres?

matching terms and examples

What is the primary goal of summative assessments?

measuring student achievement

Which of the following best describes the primary purpose of having a student retell a story they read?

measuring the student's level of comprehension

Conducting a structural analysis would be the best strategy for students to use to decipher the meaning of which of the following words?


The following is based on a student's excerpt about her favorite time of day. "In the afternoon, I often see birds and rabbits on the way home from school. It is really nice to watch the animals and listen to the sounds of nature walking on the trail. It is the most peaceful and relaxing time of my day." The errors primarily involve:

misplaced modifiers.

The teacher distributes an article to students and includes a blank copy of the same graphic organizer. Utilizing this organizer to record main points within the article as they read will help students:

monitor their own comprehension of the text.

Mrs. Peterson, the principal at Northside High School, is a proponent of summative assessments. She has told Mr. Stephens that he needs to include more summative assessments in his ESL curriculum. Which of the following would Mrs. Peterson recommend?

more end of unit or chapter tests

Which of the following components of a writing system exist in all languages?

morphology, orthography, phonology and semantics

Various forms of entertainment media include:

movies, television programs, and video games.

In the publishing step of the writing process, it is important that students' writing is:

neatly written or printed from a word processor and that it is clearly understood.

Various forms of persuasive media include:

newspaper ads, political cartoons, and online ads.

The talents and dreams of our citizens and neighborhoods will nourish our government the way it should be cherished and feed into the moving river of mankind In paragraph 3, the speaker employs which figurative language device in the first sentence?


Well, there I might live, I said; and there I did live, for an hour, a summer and a winter life; saw how I could let the years run off, buffet the winter through, and (1) see the spring come in


What type of figurative language is being used in the first line of this poem? (1) O wild West Wind, thou breath of Autumn's being,


The following is an excerpt from an eighth-grade student's descriptive writing piece. She slowly tiptoed into the library, careful not to wake the others. Staring in awe at the grandiose collection of books, she took a deep breath and drew in their sweet, musky smell. The books were calling out to her like a newborn to his mother. She longed to turn the pages, to be engulfed in the stories inside of them, to experience all the lives different than her own. Which of the following literary techniques does the student use to enhance the reader's mental image? Select all answers that apply.

personification, similes and metaphors, sensory language

The following passage was written by a student. (1) Here I am, dozing off in my language arts class, again. (2) You might think I hate this class, or maybe I just have the most boring teacher ever. (3) Or is it right after lunch, and I'm just feeling full and groggy? (4) None of these explain my sleepiness. (5) I'm too tired to participate in my favorite class because school starts too early in the morning and I am too tired to participate. (6) The school board for our district should start the school day later in the morning so all students can get the rest they need. This introductory paragraph would most likely be used to introduce an essay intended to:


Do you remember the first concert, play, or musical you attended? These live performing arts experiences have a way of becoming rooted in our memories for life. Then, this is why I'm extremely disheartened to hear that the high school music and theatre budget has been decreased. First, this reduction in funds is going to make mounting big productions difficult. The current budget also contains funds to bring in guest conductors or actors and hire a live orchestra for the Spring musical. Without money, all of these programs will cease to exist. After that, cutting these experiences for students and the community would be detrimental to all involved. I hope you will reconsider the budget cuts you are making and will decide to fully fund the theatre and music program for next year. This student's essay is considered what type of writing?


Samual is an ELL student in Mrs. Brecken's English class. He is struggling to get started on a writing assignment, so Mrs. Brecken provides him with two choices of graphic organizers to use in the planning portion of his writing process. One outlines cause and effect and the other outlines comparing and contrasting ideas. Mrs. Brecken says, "Choose one of these to help you get your thoughts and opinions down on paper so you can start framing your argument" as she presents him with the graphic organizers. What type of writing assignment is Samual most likely planning?


Which type of essay is intended to convince the reader of a particular position or point of view?


The smallest individual sounds in a word are called:


In order to improve audience comprehension, an effective presentation contains which of the following?

plain font choices

When reading a text aloud for comprehension, a third-grade English learner makes several errors with inflectional endings. The teacher's best response would be to:

plan a lesson to explicitly teach specific rules related to the inflectional endings.

Which list below includes the steps in the writing process, in the correct order?

planning, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing

Emelia is an ELL student with a high level of English language proficiency, but she is struggling to comprehend the text her English teacher assigned her. It does not follow a typical sentence structure and contains a great amount of figurative language. Emelia is most likely reading a:


An eighth-grade language arts teacher has given students a series of writing assignments throughout the semester. As students completed each writing assignment, they filed it in a binder. At the end of the semester, the teacher reviewed each student's writing samples in their binders to identify individual gains in writing abilities. What type of assessment is the teacher using?

portfolio assessment

As a culminating activity for their literature circles, the teacher has asked her students to record short videos of themselves that introduce and recommend their books to next year's class. Once everyone has completed the scripts for their video, which of the following is the most important step before recording?

practicing reading the script aloud

To promote reading comprehension in an eighth-grade class with intermediate-level English language learners, a teacher should make sure that he or she does which of the following before reading the text with students?

pre-teaches key vocabulary words with simple and brief definitions and examples

In the word precursory, the Latin root is cur, meaning to run, and its suffix indicates its use as an adjective. Judging from the prefix pre, what does the word mean?


In the word unreliableness, the underlined part is the:


Which of the following best describes the segment "pre" in "prescribe."


Which of the following best describes the segment "un" in "unbelievable."


A teacher has provided her class with a descriptive writing assignment. The students have chosen a topic and are now filling out a sensory-focused graphic organizer in which they list descriptions matching with each of the five sentences. What step in the writing process are the students most likely to be in?


A teacher has the students do the following: -Determine a writing audience. -Identify a purpose. -Provide a list of writing topics. Based on the list of activities, which stage of writing are the students most likely working on?


Mr. Sullivan has asked his students to write a short blog-style article about a time they did wrong and what steps they did to remedy the situation. Which type of organizational structure will students most likely be using?

problem and solution

An English class has recently finished reading a chapter of Ender's Game. Mrs. Weyenberg assigns the class an essay in which the students must respond to the story by analyzing the conflict between the main character, Ender, and a fellow character. She asks the students to explain the conflict, write about each character's emotions towards the other character, and tell how the situation could have been resolved without the use of violence. The teacher's assignment of this prompt best:

promotes the students' use of higher-order thinking skills in their writing.

Which of the following best describes a way that a teacher could use student writing to develop new vocabulary?

requiring students to use the editing process to intentionally vary the vocabulary used in the piece of writing.

A seventh-grade teacher is starting a poetry unit with her students next week. The unit contains several challenging poems featuring figurative language and abstract images. There is a student in the class with a learning disability who the teacher is concerned may have trouble interpreting the poems and keeping up with the pace of the unit. Which strategy could the teacher implement in order to help this student comprehend the text and participate fully in the assignments?

providing the student with graphic organizers and annotated versions of the poems to make the ideas more concrete

Which of the following is an important component of choral reading? Select all answers that apply.

reading aloud and hearing the teacher model oral reading

A story map would be a reasonable tool for a student requiring support in which of the following skills?

reading comprehension

Which of the following is not a specific step of the research process?

reading comprehension

A teacher has introduced a research project. One resource the teacher will require the students to use is a website. Which of the following activities would best help students differentiate between relevant and irrelevant information?

reading, identifying, and highlighting information in articles that contain pertinent information to the subject being researched

Sally has an extensive oral vocabulary but is having difficulty in learning how to read, due to a reading disability. How is Sally's extensive oral vocabulary most likely going to help her as she learns decoding techniques for reading?

recognizing the meaning of a word after sounding out the word

Students who read below grade level and are working to improve their fluency should:

reread books that they have already enjoyed, read books at their current independent reading level and practice reading aloud.

A student in the class says, "I really don't understand this poem, like the word comprehend, what does that mean? My history teacher said my last paper was incomprehensible and those sound the same." The teacher's best course of action would be to:

review Latin roots, common affixes, and word formation.

In the sentence, "After biting into the pear, the child experienced such an acrid taste that she asked for a drink of water," which strategy should students use to determine the meaning of the italicized word?

root word

Marsha wrote a sentence. After speaking to her teacher, she revised it. Original Sentence: Over the hill, after the sunset, Johnny went to Grandma's house. Revised Sentence: After the sunset, Johnny went over the hill to Grandma's house. What aspect of the revised sentence was improved?

sentence fluency

The teacher notices that the Spanish-speaking ELLs struggle more than other students to spell the following word pairs: at/ate, bit/bite, and hop/hope. What are the ELLs struggling to distinguish between?

short and long vowels

A television advertisement for a local fast food restaurant shows a seven-year-old girl playing on an indoor play structure within the restaurant. The girl climbs up a rock wall and slides down before running to play with another child. Which of the following changes could be made to the advertisement to make the restaurant more appealing to teens ages 13 to 17?

showing a group of teens enjoying their meals along with a voiceover sharing that the restaurant provides free charging stations and wifi for restaurant patrons

Lisa is struggling to comprehend grade-level texts during independent reading and her oral reading is jerky and irregular. Mr. Harris wants to improve Lisa's reading comprehension. Which of the following instructional strategies should Mr. Harris focus on?

sight-word automaticity

Read the sentence below and answer the question: Bill likes baseball. The sentence is an example of which of the following?

simple sentence

What is a morpheme?

smallest meaningful unit of language. Word cannot be broken down

When introducing new material and scaffolding for student's oral presentation skills, a teacher should be sure to:

start with the easiest skill and build up to the most difficult.

Original Sentence: Some dogs barks when they are startled. Revised Sentence: Some dogs bark when they are startled. What aspect of the revised sentence was corrected?

subject/verb agreement

Which of the following best describes the segment "able" in "unforgettable."


After reading a short story to her students, a middle school English language arts teacher asks the following questions: -What do the objects in the story represent? -What is the tone of the story? -Which images or statements contribute to the tone? To which literary elements do these questions refer?


In Maya Angelou's poem, "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings," she uses examples of the "caged bird" and "free bird" to demonstrate the struggles of racial discrimination. This reference is an example of the literary element:


A teacher reads a non-fiction passage aloud to her class. She occasionally stops and asks questions that relate the text to concepts taught in the previous week. The students are using the skill known as:


Self-evaluation of oral presentations can be more effective and informative when combined with:

teacher assessment of the same item.

After reading a science article, the teacher divides students into small groups and gives each group a copy of the chart. Within each group, the students discuss the main idea and supporting details present in one of the paragraphs of the article. After each group has an opportunity to record their thoughts on their copy of the chart, the teacher puts each group's chart up on the board in the same order as the article. Finally, the teacher leads a whole class discussion on the findings of each group. This activity is likely to develop students' reading abilities b

teaching students a method of summarizing the main points in a longer text.

Group 1: unique, different, odd, peculiar, eccentric, distinctive Group 2: thrifty, frugal, cheap, stingy, economical Group 3: inquisitive, interested, curious, prying, nosy What was the likely purpose of this exercise?

teaching students the difference between connotation and denotation of words

A seventh-grade teacher has noticed that students are misspelling the same words repeatedly in their essays and would like to help them improve their spelling skills for the words listed below: aversion, exacerbate, audible, benign, generous, edict, abbreviate circulate Which of the following mini-lessons would help her accomplish her goal?

teaching the meanings of common Latin root words and the common spelling patterns associated with them

A seventh-grade teacher notices that a few students are repeatedly misspelling the words celsius and fahrenheit in their papers. She writes the names Anders Celsius and Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit on the board and talks about how they each invented these forms of measurement. The teacher conducts a group discussion on how the names of each physicist relate to the measurements they created. This lesson helps students develop their reading and writing abilities by:

teaching them to use etymology to spell and decode unfamiliar multisyllabic words.

Which of these abilities is the weakest connection between strong oral language skills and strong writing abilities?

the ability to decode new words in a text

Students need to understand and be able to use the key elements of persuasive essays. Which one of the following elements is not typically in a persuasive essay?

the development of characters

The following is an example of student writing. When I go home, I eat. I play and take a bath and watch tv. We read The Hungry Caterpillar every night. Dad makes spaghetti, and mom watches my baby brother. I play with my toys and snuggle with my bear. What does the child most need to revise to make her writing more clear?

the organization

Which of the following syllables types is the last syllable in "star"?

the r-controlled syllable

Pragmatics is:

the study of language in its use.

Which of the following is contained in most poetry and drama?


Which strategy would best help students to self-monitor and reflect upon a text during reading?


When helping students improve their essay writing skills, corrective feedback should be given:

throughout the writing process.

A fourth-grade teacher has begun using phrase-cued reading in some of her small-group instruction. This activity requires the teacher to pre-read a text and mark natural pauses or the ends of phrases with a slash before giving the text to students to read. What is the purpose of this activity?

to aid in student prosody and to support reading fluency

Which of the following best describes the purpose of an entry-level assessment?

to align instruction with student needs

Formative assessments provide information that can be used for which of the following?

to change and improve instruction

Which of the following is the most beneficial reason for a sixth-grade teacher to show her students various video clips, TV ads, posters, magazine ads, etc.?

to demonstrate some of the functions/purposes of media such as persuasion, information, entertainment, and education

What is the most important reason a speaker needs to plan for his specific audience before giving a presentation?

to ensure that subject matter is explained using terms and details the audience will understand

Which of the following statements describes the purpose of having a student repeatedly read aloud?

to increase the student's fluency and reading rate

Ms. Johnson has implemented small, homogeneous, intervention groups in her class to provide instruction to students who have similar needs. This allows Ms. Johnson to invite individual students to join the group to work on a specific set of skills. Which of the following would be the best use of these intervention groups by Ms. Johnson?

to provide instruction to a minority of students who have not demonstrated mastery of a specific content objective

In which of the following stages of spelling development does the child leave behind their phonetic dependence and rely on visual and morphemic strategies?


The use of technology can promote the development of communication skills in all of the following ways EXCEPT:

typing and allowing the computer to suggest grammatical and spelling mistake corrections.

Mrs. Crow provides her students a self-assessment rubric to complete after a semester-long group research project. Which of the following does a self-assessment rubric best promote among students?

understanding and taking responsibility for their learning

After all the oral presentations, the teacher conducts a class-wide discussion on their findings. The problem-solution essay students write is likely to improve the students' reading skills by showing them how to:

use graphic organizers to activate background knowledge and classify thoughts.

Mrs. Jones is teaching her students how to use graphic organizers to assist with understanding different texts. Which of the following would be the least effective activity?

using a timeline to show the sequence of events in a persuasive text

A candidate for class president begins his speech by sharing a short story of his first week at their school. What element of effective oral communication is the student incorporating into his speech?

using anecdotes relevant to the audience

Which of the following strategies should be incorporated into the classroom to help students determine the meaning of unknown words while reading? Select all answers that apply.

using context clues, using root words and morphology

Which of the following is not an effective method of utilizing classroom data?

using growth measures as rationale to move on to new skills

A special education teacher is working with the language arts teacher to promote her students' understanding of media literacy and advertising techniques. What activity would be most appropriate to use to achieve this learning objective?

viewing commercials and having discussions about the advertising techniques used

For a warm-up activity each morning, a teacher will post a word in front of the class. In response to the word, the students must write a synonym and an antonym, provide a student-created definition, and use the word in a sentence. Which of the following skills is the teacher most likely trying to promote using this warm-up activity?


A teacher has noticed that her advanced English language learners with high literacy levels in their native languages share similar reading skills and behaviors with their native English-speaking peers. In fact, when reading a grade-level text, the main difference lies in:

vocabulary size.

A science teacher wants to create a technology-based interdisciplinary project. She wants to provide the students with opportunities to use technology to not only understand the learning objectives, but also use the technology to create their own work. Which type of technology would be most beneficial to incorporate into the project?

web-design software

Wired from a large cup of coffee, the mom remained awake long enough to finish all of the packing for the upcoming road trip. Which of the following is an example of a participle phrase?

wired from a large cup of coffee

A teacher has created a word wall to help the English language learners in her class. On this wall, she has written some common affixes. Every time a student finds a word containing this affix in their reading, she encourages them to write this word on a sticky note and add this to the wall. This activity helps English language learners with which of the following?

word analysis

Carl wrote a sentence. After speaking to his teacher, he revised it. Original Sentence: The player moved the ball to make it go in. Revised Sentence: The kicker positioned the ball to ensure the kick would be successful. What aspect of the revised sentence was improved?

word choice

Mrs. Gosh is making a rubric for an oral presentation. She wants to ensure students have adjusted their communication to meet their audience. She could include appropriate gestures, tone, volume, and:

word choice.

An ELL student says the following: "What address should I address the letter to?" The student makes an error in the pronunciation of the noun and verb form of "address." The error in pronunciation of these words indicates a problem with:

word stress patterns.

Which type of technology would be most beneficial to use while students practice drafting a new piece of writing?

word-processing programs

Which of the following is a morpheme?


Original Sentence: Its hot outside. Revised Sentence: It's hot outside. What aspect of the revised sentence was improved?

writing conventions

Why is incorporating multiple types, genres, lengths, and styles of writing into the classroom important for student writing success? Select all answers that apply.

writing with different styles, genres, and types allows students to practice writing skills in authentic and meaningful ways, to show students that school is not the only place where writing occurs

Which of the following is not a rational number?


Which of the following statements correctly describes the relationship between phonemes and graphemes?

A grapheme is a symbol used to identify a phoneme.

An eighth-grade teacher wants to improve how the students function in small groups. What is the best strategy for improving the functionality of the small groups?

After the students have completed the small group activity, the teacher should conduct an evaluation with the group to review their performance and identify ways to improve their collaboration in the future.

Which of the following activities will best help students identify various features of texts?

Create a scavenger hunt for students to find various features using different kinds of texts.

Mrs. Shields notices that some of her students are having trouble interacting with their peers during group projects. Which of the following will best help students learn more appropriate oral language skills for group project interactions?

Create a script that rehearses positive group interactions and have students replicate and analyze productive conversations.

Johnny is a new student in Mrs. Clark's class. She notices that he is struggling to complete his assignments. After assessing his oral language skills, she places Johnny in the beginning level of language proficiency. Which activity could she ask Johnny to complete and expect him to do with success?

Draw a picture to answer questions.

Mr. Sanchez's sixth-grade class is currently working on a research project about world cultures. Each student has been assigned a different culture to research and present their findings to the class. Mr. Sanchez notices many of his students, who are classified as English language learners, are nervous about their upcoming presentations because they are uncomfortable speaking in front of the class. Which of the following recommendations would be most appropriate for Mr. Sanchez to the students?

Each student practices in a small group and uses the feedback from the small group to improve their presentation.

An English teacher is teaching vocabulary words to her students. She begins by having students draw a box with a circle in the middle. The word they are learning goes in the circle. She has students write the definitions, characteristics, examples, and non-examples of the vocabulary word in the square spaces around the circle. Which of the following strategies is the teacher using to help her students build their personal vocabularies?

Frayer model

What question could be asked during literature circles to encourage students to evaluate the author's word choices?

How did the descriptive language used in this chapter help you visualize the setting?

A teacher assigns a writing project in which students focus on their own unique characteristics. She encourages her students to focus on something that makes them different or that might be seen as a negative thing by peers and describe the positive aspects of it. What is the greatest benefit of this project?

It allows students to practice their writing skills while focused on a personal issue.

Which of the following does NOT accurately describe the impact of learning conventional spelling on writing development?

It helps students understand grammatical rules.

Which of the following activities would most help Mr. Hanson's students work on inferential comprehension skills?

Mr. Hanson asks various students to explain possible effects of different events in the narrative.

A teacher wants to informally assess the speaking skills of her English learners (ELs). Which of the following activities would best achieve this? Select all answers that apply.

Observing student speech, inflection, and volume as they converse with peers in small groups, Asking each student to read part of a text aloud to the class.

An author who has strong skills in clarity of writing will be able to do which of the following?

Organize information and use transitional words, Use precise language specific to his audience.

Mrs. Cates has assigned a group project that requires students to create multimedia presentations about a historical event that was an effect of the Civil War. The students' presentations contain many graphics and large fonts but lack quality content. Mrs. Cates decides that for future projects she will need to make an adjustment to the project requirements and expectations. Of the following, which would be the most effective strategy to promote quality content among student projects?

Provide a rubric with clear expectations and requirements.

Mr. Blaschke wants to develop his students' fluency while reading. Which activity would best help him achieve this goal?

Read short excerpts of poetry, demonstrating how to pause and add proper inflection.

Which is an accurate statement about effective reading instruction?

Reading comprehension is increased when reading fluency is increased.

Mr. Martin provides all of his students with a wide variety of listening and speaking activities and provides purposes for each of these activities. Which of the following would be an appropriate speaking activity for the entire class, including ELL students?

Reading to a small group or a partner

A sixth-grade teacher is demonstrating to her students the importance of conventional spelling and its relationship to success in reading and writing. Which of the following is a good strategy for her to use with her students?

Show examples of how spelling mistakes can confuse the meaning of sentences.

Mrs. Kwasny is ready to begin a unit on public speaking. What way could she most effectively demonstrate and introduce good presentation skills?

Show short videos on topics the students are interested in that demonstrate good speaking and presentation skills, and then follow up with a discussion on what the speaker did well.

Mrs. Spears wants to incorporate regular silent reading into her weekly schedule. Which of the following ways should Mrs. Spears incorporate this practice to provide the best conditions for the students to improve their individual reading skills?

Students have scaffolded silent reading for 20 minutes every day while Mrs. Spears consults with individual students about their reading progress.

Ms. Sanders is frustrated by students consistently using "u" instead of "you" and other shorthand in their writing. Which of the following would be the most effective way to encourage change in her classroom?

Teach a lesson about formal and informal writing, comparing academic writing to text message writing.

Which of the following statements describes an emergent reader?

The student knows some of the letters of the alphabet and recognizes common words in the community.

Mr. Daniels has assigned his class a group project and wants to ensure the students understand the project as they complete it. Which of the following would be the best strategy to monitor student understanding during the project?

Walk from group to group while observing the students.

A sixth-grade teacher had decided to use literature circles with her class to work through a new fiction text they're reading. She will provide the groups with guided questions and discussion ideas to complete during and after their reading sections. Which question stem would encourage students to relate their own lives to the reading?

When ____ said _____, it reminded me of when I _____.

Which of the following characteristics describes a memoir?

a book in which the author tells his or her own life story

Students in Mr. Tulip's class have just finished a unit, learning about the persuasive techniques used in commercials. What activity below would help solidify his students' understanding of how commercials use persuasive techniques to convince consumers?

a project where students write and film a commercial for a made-up product of their own

What resource would be best for a teacher to use to help students interpreting body language in preparation for delivering a speech in class?

a recorded scene from a musical that is played without audio

In a tenth-grade cross-curricular science/English project, students are asked to present a scientific concept from their recent studies to third-grade students from the local elementary school. These presentations will take place as a "science fair." Students are expected to first research and summarize the important information about their topic before creating their entries for the fair. In order for the third-grade students to learn as much as possible, the tenth-grade students will need to accurately demonstrate which of the following speech benchmarks?

adjust language for context and audience

The teacher highlights the lines "The distant strains of triumph / Break, agonized and clear" and asks students what Dickinson meant by this. A student says, "Sometimes it hurts to see others succeed, like to the point it breaks you." The student's answer shows an understanding of which of the following reading comprehension skills?

analyzing unexpected syntax and sentence construction

A middle school teacher is designing a rubric to use when evaluating students' oral presentations. She is planning to focus the rubric on a few different categories. Which category would the following question fit into? Are the words spoken clearly and correctly?


Before beginning to read a text which references Abraham Lincoln, a sixth-grade teacher projects an image of him on the whiteboard and asks her students to tell the class everything they know about the man in the image. The main benefit of this activity for English language learners is that it:

builds background knowledge.

Mr. Larson's middle school class has read two articles, one about bats and one about birds. Which of the following strategies can Mr. Larson implement to help his students compare and contrast these articles?

completing a Venn Diagram

Read the sentence below and answer the question: If the team wins the next game, they will go to the championship game, but that will be the hardest game to win. The sentence is an example of which of the following?

compound-complex sentence

While reading, a student comes across the unknown word "sanitize." He notices in the sentence the words "dirty, " "but," and "now clean." He determines that sanitize must be the opposite of dirty. Which strategy did he use to define the unknown word?

defining meaning from context clues

A teacher assigns a short writing assignment at the beginning of the year before teaching any new content. What type of assessment are these students completing?


A teacher is presenting a unit about propaganda to her students. The teacher shows various propaganda advertisements and asks the students to detect faulty reasoning among the advertisements. Which of the following levels of reading comprehension is primarily being targeted in the lesson?


After observing that a student is not a fluent reader, the teacher should first:

formally assess the student's reading fluency to identify possible causes.

Consider the following sentence: Doing nothing is a fun night for me. In the above sentence, the phrase "doing nothing" is an example of a...

gerund phrase

To enhance sixth-grade students' abilities in the area of oral communication and literacy development, a teacher might do all of the following EXCEPT:

have students engage in a computer game that reads aloud and assesses comprehension.

A teacher would like her students to generate ideas for a research paper they are working on in class. She gives students several articles to read individually and asks them to write down potential research topics they would like to explore. She asks them to consider a topic that is not too narrow or too broad. Which of the following would be the best method for assessing each student's research topic choice?

having students complete a graphic organizer with their choice and main points

An eighth-grade teacher writes two sentences on the board and asks students to combine them in the most coherent, logical way possible.

improve the students' ability to write and comprehend compound sentences.

Mr. Jameson notices that one of his English learners almost always adds the suffix "ion" when he wants to change a word to a noun, often resulting in made-up words. This student could use some extra practice with:


An eighth-grade teacher would like her students to engage in small group discussions after reading each chapter in a novel. The teacher assigns students to groups, writes a list of topics on the board, and writes a list of roles for each group. After 15 minutes of group work, she discovers that only one group has selected roles and addressed the topics on the board. One group is still assigning roles, another group is discussing other aspects of the novel, and the last group is having an off-topic discussion. Which of the following aspects of personal conduct expectations did the teacher fail to fully address prior to starting this activity?

mutual intent

An English teacher is teaching a group of beginner English Language Learners (ELLs) common school vocabulary (pencil, book, chair) and useful phrases ("May I use the restroom?"). She has been pointing to the vocabulary words, saying them, and then having the students repeat them back orally and write them in their notebooks. The students seem to be getting words confused when they try to use them in the classroom environment. Which of the following support strategies would be most appropriate to help students internalize and use the vocabulary they are learning?

provide pictures of each vocabulary word and sentence stems for writing and speaking

When a speaker speeds up or slows their speaking speed to best fit their message and audience, they are adjusting their speaking:


Which of the following is not an important element of effective oral presentations?

reading a script for the oral presentation in order to ensure that you include all information

Mrs. White has planned a field trip to a nearby history museum at the end of the month. Her sixth-grade class is made up of about 40% English Language Learners (ELLs), and the majority of the class will not have visited a museum before this trip. In order to best prepare her students for the trip and success with navigating the museum, which activity should she incorporate into her classroom activities?

role-playing activities

When ELL students hear phrases such as, "It's raining cats and dogs outside," or "This is just a drop in the bucket," they may be confused, as they probably need to have specific instruction in:


When addressing a large audience in a large auditorium, a teacher should encourage a student to:

speak more loudly and more slowly than normal.

The semester exam administered to students at the end of the term is considered to be a:

summative assessment.

Which of the following should not be considered when evaluating an internet source for credibility on a topic?

the amount of relevant information provided by the source

On a rotating basis, a 5th-grade teacher will pull small groups of students for a discussion about a current class reading instead of completing a written assignment. Which of the following is the main purpose of these small group discussions?

to assess and develop student oral language skills

The teacher asks which words in the poem are verbs. One of the students says success is a verb because the speaker succeeds in making a point. Another student says that success is a noun because it is simply an idea and the word comprehend is a verb. The class then discusses the points made by each student. This discussion could help students realize tha

understanding the structure of language can assist with text comprehension.

A middle-school teacher is preparing an oral language assessment for her students in which she plans to listen to and analyze students' oral language to assess strengths and weaknesses and the next steps to support growth. Which of the following skills would be appropriate to include in her rubric? Select all answers that apply.

uses a variety of sentence types and structures, modifies speech, inflection and volume as appropriate, reads fluently and with correct pronunciation

Which of the following will best enhance reading comprehension in a sixth-grade classroom?

using graphic organizers to compare two reading selections

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