Corrections final

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Professor Dretke referenced a report from the Pew Foundation titled "One in 100" that highlights the number of adults in our prisons and jails - one out of every 100 adults. He then went on to mention that the report breaks down the numbers demographically and cites a very troubling statistic that _________ young black men are in our prison and jails1 in 36

1 in 36

What was the approximate prevalence of any drug dependence or abuse among state and federal prisoners in 2004?

45-55 percent

According to 2010 publication reports, what percentage of women were reconvicted or reincarcerated within two years after release?

47 percent

Most inmates are required to work for approximately how many hours per day and days per week?

6 hours per day, 5 days per week

Approximately what percentage of female inmates are mothers?

65 percent

In 2012, males represented about what percentage of the violent crime arrests in the United States?

80 percent

what percentage completion of sentence does the truth in sentencing reform require


which eighteenth century theorist is recognized as the founder of the Classical School of criminology?

Cesare Beccaria

Which Supreme Court decision effectively ended the hands-off doctrine?

Cooper v. Pate

Which of the following is true regarding mental health programs?

Correctional agencies do not provide mental health programs to the same extent as mental health agencies.

In which 1976 case did the Supreme Court determine that prison officials have a duty to provide medical treatment to inmates since inmates are dependent on them to provide for their medical needs?

Estelle v. Gamble

In which 2002 case did the Supreme Court determine that executions of mentally retarded criminals were "cruel and unusual" punishment?

Ford v. Wainwright

What are prison security levels designed to match? I. Staff resources II. Physical security III. Risk of inmate violence and escape


Which is a key component of inmate accountability policies and procedures?

Inmates are assigned to work and programs on a daily basis.

Why did Congress in 1994 specifically eliminate inmates from being eligible to receive Pell grants?

Members of the public complained that inmates should not get a "free" college education.

What did the Supreme Court decide in Roper v. Simmons?

Offenders who are under 18 when their crimes are committed cannot be executed.

In which of the following programs do private companies hire inmates to produce goods inside the prison?

PIE programs

Which of the following is true regarding religious programs in prison?

Religious services are often coordinated by one or two full-time chaplains who provide religious guidance for prisoners.

Which of the following is responsible for housing illegal aliens pending a hearing?

US immigration and customs enforcement

In which 1974 case did the Supreme Court set forth that inmates had some due process rights when facing a prison disciplinary hearing?

Wolff v. McDonnell

Which of the following is NOT one of the three major steps in the sentencing and release processes for discretionary parole?

a few weeks after the hearing, the parole decision is communicated to the inmate in writing through the prison staff

Which of the following describes the process of finding a juvenile guilty of a delinquent act?


which system was known as the "congregate and silent" system?

auburn system

what is the hands off doctrine?

avoidance by the US supreme court of judicial intervention in the operations of prisons and the judgement of correctional administrators

Which Supreme Court case allowed an exception to parole violations by holding that failure to make restitution payments due to unemployment is not sufficient reason to revoke probation?

bearden v georgia

At the end of 2013, the population of state and federal prisons was largely ________.


The major component of which of the following alternatives to incarceration is military regimentation, discipline, exercise, and hard work?

boot camp

Which probation style mimics the community policing philosophy and partners with citizens groups, churches, and other neighborhood organizations?

broken windows probation

Which of the following is NOT a status offense?


Which of the following is NOT one of the ways the 2007 Second Chance Act proposed to ease the reentry process for individuals leaving prison?

by providing more personal liberty to the prisoners

who initiated the concept of good time?

captain alexander maconochie

Which of the following styles of supervising community offenders emphasizes assisting the offender with problems, providing counseling, and ensuring that the offender successfully completes supervision?

casework style

who among the following concluded that criminals had traits that made them throwbacks to earlier stage of evolution?

cesare ombroso

which of the following links crime causation to punishment, based on offenders free will and hedonism?

classical school

The Safer Foundation is an organization that works with people that are ex-felons helping to successfully reintegrate them back into society through

comprehensive employment services

Which of the following refers to an informal handling of a juvenile justice case, in which the delinquent juvenile admits to wrongdoing and agrees to specific conditions of behavior; sometimes called informal probation?

consent decree

Which of the following is an item that inmates are not allowed to possess, including items that can assist in an escape, are dangerous, can undermine prison physical security, or are nuisance items?


Which of the following is characteristic of a third-generation jail?

correctional officers are located in the housing unit in direct contact with inmates

Which company received the first private contract to house adult offenders?

corrections corporation of america

Sheriff Greg Hamilton stated during his interview with NPR "that we have __________________ mentally ill"

criminalized being

In which 1972 case did the Supreme Court hold that inmates be given a "reasonable opportunity" to practice their religion?

cruz v. beto

Which of the following refers to the activities within a prison that control inmate behavior and maintain order?


which of the following is NOT a sentencing option?


Which of the following is considered a good deterrent to and source of data about use of narcotics by prison inmates?


What is the general removal of juveniles from correctional institutions and their introduction in community alternatives called?


Which best describes children who may be without a parent or guardian, possibly because the parent is physically or mentally unable to act in that capacity?


Which of the following facilitates continuous communication between jail staff and inmates, thus reducing tension and avoiding the development of conflicts among inmates or between inmates and staff?

direct supervision jails

which of the following is NOT relevant for the pretrial diversion program?


Which constitutional amendment refers to "cruel and unusual punishment"?


which constitutional amendment states that excessive bail may not be required?

eighth amendment

Boot camps are gaining in popularity because they are less expensive to operate than other methods of incarceration.


In recent years, public support for the death penalty appears to be getting stronger.


Inmates should do as little as possible in prison in order to prepare for release to the community.


Parole is a sanction imposed by the court.


Prizonization is a process that increases the likelihood of a successful return to the community after release.


Under mandatory minimum sentences, the sentencing judge may impose a sentence of probation, assess a fine, or suspend the prison sentence as long as a reason is given.


which early colonial bail system enabled rich offenders to pay a fee and be released?

fee system

which type of crime is punishable by one year or more of incarceration?


How many contacts per month with at least one positive contact does a basic low classification pertaining to "supervision and conditions of parole" require?


Which does NOT contribute to the security and custody functions within a prison?

free and unrestricted inmate movement

Which 1973 Supreme Court decision created the due process requirements for revoking probation?

gagnon v scarpelli

Which of the following is an early English term for a jail?


Prisons wardens have a much ___________ than all but a few other professions.

great job satisfaction

Which of the following teams has the principal role of opening lines of communication between staff and hostage-takers?

hostage negotiation team

In which of the following cases did the Supreme Court rule that in hearings in which juveniles may be committed to an institution, they have the right to counsel, to notice of the charges against them, to question witnesses, and to protection against self-incrimination?

in re Gault

Which of the following is a recommendation of the 1967 report by the President's Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice?

inmates must be given the opportunity and capability to earn a living wage to compensate their victims and support their families

Which of the following categories of offenders is NOT held in a jail?

inmates sentenced to terms of more than ten years

Which of the following is the process during which officials determine whether a juvenile case should be dismissed, handled informally, or referred to the juvenile court?


What kind of caseload includes offenders with very high risk or needs?

intensive supervision

Which of the following actions is NOT recommended by the National Major Gang Task Force to monitor gang members?

intercept notes passed between gang members in the prison

which of the following accurately describes plea bargaining?

is any agreement in a criminal case between the prosecutor and defendant whereby the defendant agrees to plead guilty to a particular charge in return for some concession from the prosecutor.

An evidence-based program means there is evidence of success which:

is generally defined as reducing recidivism.

The most important skill required of a warden

is the management of people

which of the following is NOT an advantage of a diversionary treatment program?

it increases a defendants appearances before the court

Which of the following is NOT true of jails in a correctional setting?

jails offer extensive programs or services for inmates

which theorist suggested that criminal laws should be organized so that the punishment for any act would outweigh the pleasure that would be derived from the act?

jeremy bentham

whose efforts in jail reform led to the passing of the Penitentiary Act in 1779?

john howard

in which of the following sentencing models do judges have primary discretion in creating the sentence?

judicial form of sentencing

About how many inmates did state and federal prisons hold in 1967?

less than 300,000

Which is NOT a preventive action that prison administrators can take to reduce inmate unrest?

maintaining secrecy between inmates and staff, and among staff

What should a parole officer's first step be if he or she thinks a parolee has failed to adhere to a technical condition of parole supervision?

make a determination of a violation

As a result of sentencing guidelines and mandatory prison sentences, ________.

men and women charged with similar offenses are receiving similar sentences

What was the most common type of mental health treatment being received by inmates in state prisons in 2000?

mental health therapy or counseling services on a regular basis

What is the security level at federal institutions that feature dormitory housing, a relatively low staff-to-inmate ratio, and limited or no perimeter fencing?


Which type of supervision is typically satisfactory for offenders who pose little risk to the community?

minimum supervision

Professor Dretke stated in his lecture that the ____________ should drive everything we do in corrections.


Which 1972 Supreme Court decision set forth that once parole is granted, offenders must have certain due process to revoke that liberty?

morrissey v brewer

Which term best describes children who have a parent or guardian, but are not receiving proper care or have a home situation that is harmful to them?


Which of the following would not be considered a technical violation of a person on parole?

not paying victim restitution

Which of the following is true of female inmates?

objective classification systems developed for male offenders often tend to "underclassify" female offenders

Which of the following is a measure to control prison gangs?

observing inmates routine to identify association with gang members

Which of the following is a form of restitution in which offenders repay their victims directly for their losses and harm caused by the offense?

offender restitution

Which of the following was created as a means to reduce disparity and make decision making more understandable to the public and inmates?

parole guidelines

what is defined as a legislative authorization to provide a specific range of punishment for a specific crime?

penal code

Which law, enacted by the British Parliament in 1853, enabled prisoners to be released into the community and supervised by the police?

penal servitude act

Where was the first U.S. penitentiary established?


which of the following is based on the belief that criminals do not have complete choice over their criminal actions and may commit acts that are beyond their control?

positive school

Which of the following are assets to prison operations, provide funds to operate, and reduce recidivism?

prison industry programs

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Goffman's total institution that results in isolation and inability to act for oneself?

prison inmates construct a culture with unique values, roles and customs

Which is NOT one of Petersilia's six collateral consequences of imprisonment?

prison overcrowding

Which of the following requires the collection of the incidence and prevalence of sexual assault within correctional facilities and development of national standards for the reduction of sexual violence in prison?

prison rape elimination act

Which of the following is a prison sentence that is suspended on the condition that the offender follows certain rules and commits no further crimes?


what was the emphasis in the Rehabilitative Era?

professionalizing of staff; recruitment, training and implementation of may self-improvement

What prison industry system ended in the early twentieth century, after which states began to operate their own prison industries to keep inmates busy and make a profit from the sale of produced goods?

profit system

Which of the following refers to organizations formed by female inmates who have roles of parents and children?


Which category of violent inmate is predatory, calculating, and usually acts violently for no good reason?

psychopathic offenders

Which of the following is done at any time, freezing inmates at whatever location they are in?

random count

Which of the following is NOT one of the eight main types of activities that contribute to the security and custody functions within a prison?

reduction of muscle-building exercise, particularly weightlifting

which correctional era advocated an environment that emphasized reformation, education and vocational programs and focused offenders attention on the future?

reformatory era

Which of the following by definition means "to return to a previous form"?


What do the juvenile justice system and the criminal justice system have in common?

rehabilitation of offenders is a primary goal

Community corrections gained prominence as an adaptation of which of the following eras of corrections?


Which of the following eras of corrections developed with the distinct provision that the community be an essential part of the correctional process?


Which of the following would NOT be considered a practical suicide prevention activity for a jail?

remodeling all jail cells to be suicide resistant

which of the following sentencing options authorized in state penal codes requires an offender to pay a fine or do community service in exchange for a waiver on jail time?


Which 1981 Supreme Court decision set forth that housing two inmates in a cell designed for one did not violate the Eighth Amendment's protection from cruel and unusual punishment?

rhodes v chapman

what is specific deterrence?

s a method of punishment in the criminal justice system intended to discourage criminal behavior in the specific individual charged with the crime.

which of the following is a reason why states have adopted sentencing guidelines?

sentencing guidelines provide uniformity, ensuring that similar crimes merit similar sentences

In rural counties, which elected official oversees the operation of the jail?


Which nineteenth-century director of the Irish prison system created a four-stage system of graduated release from prison?

sir walter crouton

Which of the following emergency teams is trained in the use of lethal force when all else fails to resolve an emergency situation?

special emergency response team

On which model is shock probation based?

specific deterrence

Which of the following decreases as prison security level increases?

staff member to inmate ratio

Residential treatment is a part of which of the following prison programs?

substance abuse programs

What is the greatest cause of death among jail inmates other than illness or natural causes?


Which of the following refers to a term created by DiIulio to describe a generation of violent youths who practiced almost indiscriminant violence on the streets?


what did the quakers criminal code include?

the abolition of capital punishment for all crimes other than homicide. the substitution of imprisonment at hard labor for bloody corporal punishments. the provision of free food and lodging to inmates. the replacement of the stocks and pillory with houses of detention

Which of the following is NOT a possible result if the court finds that a probationer is in violation?

the court has no discretion and must order imprisonment under the original sentences

In the article "Adolescence, Brain Development and Legal Culpability" the authors state that the brain does not cease to mature until:

the early 20s

Today's prison population being larger and more diverse than it was in the past is due to what?

the incarceration of many property and drug offenders who previously were not sentenced to prison

All of the following are responsible for the significant increase in the use of jails from 2000 to 2008 EXCEPT ________.

the increasing use of split sentences

Which is a primary reason for new jail construction over the past decade?

the number of successful legal challenges by jail inmates for overcrowding has increased

What did Greenfeld and Snell's publication on women offenders between 1986 and 1997 indicate?

the number of women under correctional supervision increased at a greater rate than that of the number of males under supervision

Which of the following would NOT be considered during an "initial classification" of an inmate sentenced to prison?

the offender's choice of institution

What is a common serious concern regarding continuing the death penalty?

the potential for judicial error

Which, according to Gowdy, is a factor contributing to the expansion of the private sector's role in the penal system?

the publics view that the current penal system is too costly and too ineffective at reducing recidivism

Which of the following is NOT an inmate due process right in the area of prison disciplinary hearings?

the right to a jury trial

Which is the most important element in the operations and policies of all correctional facilities?

the staff

Which is NOT one of the three most important reasons for effective jail classification systems?

they provide a guide for giving inmates proper substance abuse counseling

How is order within the prison maintained?

through clear and consistent enforcement of rules

Which of the following early forms of parole originated on Norfolk Island in the nineteenth century and allowed the release of prisoners who had proven themselves through work and good behavior?

ticket of leave

What is the primary function of prisons?

to hold convicted felons usually serving a sentence of a year or more

Which is NOT part of the mission statement of most prisons?

to physically discipline inmates who break the rules

What is a purpose of reentry courts?

to review inmates reentry plans and progress

Prisons use special housing units to perform which of the following activities?

to separate unruly inmates or inmates at risk

which of the following is NOT a goal of mental health courts?

to stop use of communities to treat mentally ill individuals

Which of the following refers to the process of creating an environment and providing rehabilitative programs that encourage inmates to accept responsibility and to address personal disorders?


Which step does NOT occur during the formal revocation of parole?

trial by jury

A majority of the prison population is comprised of minorities.


Almost 80 percent of the women in state prisons have "severe, long-standing substance abuse problems."


By the beginning of the twentieth century, preparation for release was considered an important part of the prison experience, and correctional systems provided programs to prepare inmates for the community transition.


Courts use the totality-of-conditions test to determine whether the overall conditions within a prison constitute cruel and unusual punishment.


Criminologists have consistently found that, when compared to youth who do not belong to gangs, gang members are far more involved in delinquency, especially serious and violent delinquency.


Employment is key to successful reentry.


Judges have little discretion in imposing special conditions of probation.


There has been an increase in the rehabilitative philosophy of punishment in the past twenty-five years.


There is increasing evidence of positive results from treatment programs.


Treatment is the creation of an environment and provision of rehabilitative programs that encourage inmates to accept responsibility.


by the beginning of the twentieth century, preparation for release was considered an important part of the prison experience, and correctional systems provided programs to prepare inmates for the community transition


nonincarceration sentences include economic sanctions, probation, and intermediate sanctions


restorative justice models of sentencing shift the focus away from reactive, punishment-oriented sentencing.


the walnut street jail had the reformation of the offender as its primary objective


What main factor differentiates jails from prisons?

type of sentence

In which case did the Supreme Court determine that probation is a privilege and not a right?

united states v. birnbaum

which of the following is a problem with the system of bail as a requirement for release?

unreasonably high bail; bail price is not related to the risk of the offenders; discriminates against the poor; "freedom can be bought for a price"= unethical

for which of the following is a presentence investigation used?

used during the sentencing process that details the background of a convicted offender to include criminal, social, education, employment, mental and physical health and other significant factors.

Which of the following is a specific training in a trade area to prepare students to work in that trade?

vocational training

What is the name for the legal exception related to a youth's age, alleged offense, and court history that can place a youth under the jurisdiction of the adult criminal court?

waiver to adult court

For which process do states use terms such as certification, remand, or bind over?

waiver to adult courts

What is considered to be a primary reason for the increase in the incarceration rate over the past twenty-five years?

war on drugs

Which of the following statements is NOT true of a career as a warden?

wardens are paid more than most chief executives in the private sector

Which U.S. penologist advocated the Irish system in the United States and became the first superintendent of the Elmira Reformatory?

zebulon r. brockway

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