Coryza (common cold)

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Average total level of common cold infection

10 days

Common cold epidemiology

Adults average 3 colds a year. Children average 12 colds a year. Annual epidemics in the colder months in temperate climates and during the rainy season in the tropics.

Common cold management

Ensure adequate fluid intake. Reassure that it is a mild self-limiting illness. Offer respiratory review if it worsens or becomes prolonged. No drugs of proven benefit for prophylaxis or treatment. Some medication can be used for symptomatic relief: - paracetamol or ibuprofen for discomfort from sore throat, muscle pain or high fever (should not be simply used to treat fever) - vapour rubbed on clothes, inhaled decongestants and saline nasal drops can provide relief of stuffy/blocked nose - antihistamines may improve runny nose and sneezing - limited evidence that OTC cough mixtures work

Common cold prevention

Hand washing. Wearing masks and gloves. Alcohol gel NOT effective.

Transmission of the common cold

Inhalation of airborne respiratory droplets from infected others. Possibly also direct contact with infectious secretions e.g. some viruses spread by hand contact. Main reservoir = children.

Causes of common cold

Most common: - Rhinoviruses. - Coronaviruses. Also: - Myxovirus. - Parainfluenza - Respiratory syncytial virus - Adenovirus. Over 200 viruses which cause colds and many people suffering from common cold symptoms are infected with several viruses at the same time.

Common cold symptoms

Nasal discharge. Nasal obstruction. Sore throat, often scratchy. Headache. Sneezing. Cough in 1/3 cases - tends to start on 4th or 5th day when nasal symptoms decrease. Hoarseness, loss of taste and smell, mild burning of eyes, feeling of pressure in ears and sinuses due to obstruction and mucosal swelling can also occur. May be mild increase in body temperature. Infants: - may be irritability, snuffles resulting in difficult feeding, diarrhoea - diagnosis may be very difficult as fever can be the main symptom during the early stages

Common cold complications

Young children: bronchiolitis, viral pneumonia, croup. <3 month olds and majority of >65yos: secondary bacterial lower respiratory tract infections. Small risk of acute otitis media or bacterial sinusitis. Asthma may worsen or can trigger acute exacerbation. COPD - more likely to have longer and more severe colds.

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