Covenant Theology Final

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What are the blessings pronounced to David and to his heirs?

1. David's own flesh and blood will occupy the throne 2.David's heir will stand in unique relationship to God 3. David's' heir will fulfill David's desire by building a house for God 4. David's heir may experience chastisement 5. David's house, kingdom, and throne will be forever

Explain the significance of the phrase found in Jeremiah 31:34.

Full forgiveness of sins is a foundational principle to the new covenant. There is no need for a teacher since every man will know the Lord from the least to the greatest.

Identify and explain ten ways that Classic Dispensationalism is different from Covenant Theology.

1. Dispensationalism stresses a literal interpretation of the Bible. Covenant Theology accepts both literal and figurative interpretations of the Bible. Amos 9:11-15 is quoted in Acts 15:13 where James highlights that the words of the prophets were being fulfilled. The Amos passage was about Gentiles being brought into the church. 2. Dispensationalism says that God has two peoples with two separate destinies: Israel (earthly) and the Church (heavenly). Covenant Theology states that God has always had one people; the Church gradually developed. God has always had one people, one plan. Stephen speaks about the church in the wilderness (Acts 7). 3. Dispensationalism argues that the main heir to Abraham's covenant was Isaac and literal Israel. Covenant Theology stresses that the main heir to Abraham's covenant was Christ and Spiritual Israel. Romans 4 tells us that those who receive Christ by faith belong to Abraham's covenant. 4. Some Dispensationalists have said that the Old Testament sinners were saved by works. Covenant Theology says that no man has ever been saved by works, but only by grace. In Romans 4, Paul goes to Genesis 15 to show us that it has always and only been by grace that we are saved. 5. Dispensationalism stresses that Israel was rash to accept the Covenant at Mount Sinai. Covenant Theology says Israel was right to accept the Covenant at Mount Sinai. God didn't give them an option. We don't bargain with God. 6. Dispensationalism argues that "Israel" always means only the literal, physical descendants of Jacob. Covenant Theology teaches that Israel may mean either literal, physical descendants of Jacob or the figurative, spiritual Israel, depending on context. Romans 2:25 shows us that not all Israel is Israel-- heart circumcision is necessary. Luke 3/ John 8 - God can raise up children from stones. 7. Dispensationalism says that the Church is a parenthesis in God's program for the ages. Covenant Theology says that the Church is the culmination of God's saving purpose for the ages. The Church is the one thing that will last into the new heavens and earth. 8. Dispensationalism states that there was no Covenant of Grace concerning Adam. Covenant Theology shows that God made a Covenant of Grace with Christ and His people, including Adam. A promise was made to Adam in Genesis 3:15. 9. Dispensationalism teaches that the Law has been abolished. Covenant Theology teaches that the Law has three uses: to restrain sin in society, to lead to Christ, and to instruct Christians in godliness. The ceremonial laws have been abolished; the civil laws have been abolished except for their general equity; the moral laws continue. 10. Dispensationalism argues that the O.T. animal sacrifices will be restored in the Millennium. Covenant Theology teaches that the O.T. sacrifices were fulfilled and forever abolished in Christ. The book of Hebrews highlights the difference between the shadows and the reality.

How does Jeremiah 31 display the seven motifs of New Covenant prophecies?

1. Emphasis on present judgment 2. New day is coming 3. Promise of a new covenant 4. House of Israel and Judah involved 5. New covenant will be unlike that which they broke 6. Specific blessings 7. Declaration of certainty of promise

Explain the four distinct advancements between the Abrahamic and Mosaic Covenants.

1. Mosaic Law will form Israel into a nation. Abraham was just a family, now a nation a families. 2. Comprehensiveness of its revelation: more comprehensive in depiction of God and its stipulations. 3. Capacity to humble. Law has ability to search hearts. 4. Fuller picture of the holiness of God.

Identify and briefly explain the seven dispensations as found in Darby's theology.

1. Paradise to Flood 2. Era of Noah 3. Era of Abraham 4. Era of Moses and Israel 5. Era of the Gentiles 6. Era of the Spirit 7. Millennium

What are the three grand themes in Exodus 1-2?

1. Requirements & Blessings 2. God's Sovereignty 3. Divine Deliverance

According to Robertson, what are the seven broad motifs that relate to prophecies of the New Covenant in Jeremiah and Ezekiel?

1. Return of the exiled to the Land 2. Full restoration of blessings 3. Fulfillment of all previous covenant commitments 4. Renewing of the heart 5. Full forgiveness of sins 6. Reunion of Israel/Judah 7. Permanence

Was the Davidic Covenant conditional or unconditional? Explain

All covenants are conditional to one degree. Similar to the Mosaic Covenant, the Davidic Covenant includes requirements and blessings. Davidic Kings had to keep the law.

How is the Mosaic Covenant an advancement on all that precedes it?

God saves his people through the covenant of grace which is administered through an expanding series of connected covenants (Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Christ). God tells Abraham that his descendants will be enslaved. The Abraham prophecy is fulfilled in the Mosaic Covenant.

How does 2 Samuel 7, stress the connection between David's son and God's son?

Hebrews 1 shows that the prophecy in 2 Samuel 7 (v.14) finds it's fulfillment in Christ. Christ who is God's Son and the from the seed of David (Romans 1:3,4).

Compare and contrast the blessings found in Jeremiah 31-33 and Ezekiel 37.

Jeremiah 31: 1.Will put law in hearts 2.He will be their God, they shall be his people- Immanuel principle 3. They will know him- to the least to the greatest—highest blessing in covenant is knowing God. v.34- they will all know God. knowing- personal communion with God. deep communion of believers soul with God- knowing God. Eh 3:14-19, know the love that surpasses knowledge 4. Forgiveness of sins. Jeremiah 32: v.37- dwell in safety- brought back into land v.38- Immanuel principle v.39-40 Give them one heart, one way, fear him for their good and their children Jeremiah 33: Help/ healing Peace and truth Cleansing Forgiveness of sins (v.8) Ezekiel 37: David will rule over them v.24-25, Restoration of priesthood- Jer. 37:26, Law in hearts, Spirit within them, Know the Lord v.6, 13, 28, Immanuel Principle v. 23,27, Forgiveness of sins v.23,28, Promise of restoration—place them and multiply them* Genesis 1—rooted in Eden

According to Robertson, how is the New Covenant both Continuous and New?

Jeremiah mentions that this covenant was established on the day God brought them out of Egypt. Forgiveness of sins provides the basic structure as the means by which sins were forgiven (Levitical priests) was not a full removal of sins; rather, it was God passing over. The actual (Christ) will replace the typical (sacrificial system). "The new covenant can be understood in no other way than as a bringing to fruition of that which was anticipated under the old covenant."

Explain the meaning and significance of the Bread and Cup.

Jesus is saying that He is the true sacrifice. Bread - Hebrews 10, that blood/goats cannot truly atone, yet Christ's body is the true sacrifice, attributing bread of life analogy. Isaiah 53 - body being broken by God. Cup - Jesus is bearing the cup of wrath. Luke 22:42 he asks the Father to "remove the cup" from him, indicating the wrath that was soon to come. Isaiah 51:23 discusses God's wrath in similar terms.

What are the differences between Classic and Revised/Modified Dispensationalism?

RD/MD still sees the distinction between Israel and the Church, but concludes that both receive the same salvation through Christ. CD says no OT prophecy fulfilled by Gentiles.

How do the promises of the Davidic Covenant effect the provisions of this covenant?

Many of the Davidic Covenant promises find their final fulfillment ultimately in Christ.

How does the Covenant of Law consummate in Jesus Christ?

Matthew 5:17 indicates that Christ did not come to destroy the law, but to fulfill it. By his coming, he consummated all of God's purposes in giving the law.

What is the great distinctive found in the Mosaic Covenant?

Mosaic Covenant manifests its distinctiveness as an externalized summation of the will of God. A full summary of God's will was made explicit through the physical inscripturation of the law.

According to Robertson, how is the covenant both internal and external?

Old covenant Israel may be regarded as a typological representation of the elect people of God. The Covenant is established with God's people where there is a communal aspect of the covenant relationship present. Internal realization emphasized in the new covenant as the Law is written on the hearts. Old covenant expected a change in heart, but in the new, God himself makes the provision by writing it upon our hearts.

What are the distinctions between Revised/Modified and Progressive Dispensationalism?

PD: More continuity between Israel and the Church Both Israel and the church comprise the people of God, both recipients of the blessings of the new covenant They maintain there are distinctions between Israel and the Church They will deny that the church is Israel in this age. RD: distinction between heavenly people (church) the earthly people (Israel)—church was taken up, fulfilled on earth in Israel. Revised continued to have distinction between Israel and Church, see that they both will have the same salvation

How does Paul structure redemptive history?

Paul structures redemptive history between the old covenant and new covenant, between Adam and Christ, and before faith came vs. after faith came.

How is Exodus 19 fulfilled in 1 Peter 2?

Peter applies similar language to Exodus 19 that believers in the Covenant of Grace are to be holy and set apart in similar language and structure.

How is the Mosaic Covenant similar and different from what is revealed in the New Covenant?

Similarities: Blessing continue to come in obedience, Chastening comes to those in disobedience, Jesus insists that we will be judged on the basis of our obedience, not on civil or ceremonial laws. Differences: Jesus abolishes the ceremonial code, saying all foods are clean, though He did not abolish the moral law. In the New Covenant, people of God are not defined ethnically or nationally.

How is the Mosaic Covenant Different from the Covenant of Works?

The Mosaic Covenant is founded on the Abrahamic Covenant. In Exodus 2:24, there is an explicit link between the two covenants. What God will do in the Exodus is in response to the Abrahamic promise.

How does Jeremiah 31 anticipate and prophesy the New Covenant?

The new covenant will be unlike the one that was broken where God will write the Law on the hearts of believers. They will no longer need sacrificial systems or mediators, God will bring forth the ultimate sacrifice and final mediator between God and man, e.g. Christ.

What is significant about the location of the Last Supper?

The plot of land is where Solomon places the temple and was where God spares Israel from the angel during David, and most importantly where the sacrifice for Isaac was.

How does Robertson solve the "problem" of the Davidic succession ending after 400 years?

There exists a continual pattern of chastening for sin, yet fulfillment of covenant and its promises. There is a typological fulfillment which pointed forward to Christ in the understanding that David would reign forever.

Explain the connection to the Abrahamic Covenant found in Acts 3.

Verse 25 says, "You are the sons of the prophets and the covenant that God made with your fathers, saying to Abraham, "And in your offspring shall all the families of the earth be blessed." Indeed, both Jew and Gentile was blessed by Christ being the seed that came forth from Abraham to bring about salvation to "all the families of the earth."

What are the essential differences that distinguish Scofield from other evangelicals?

a) Literal hermeneutic stressed b) Unconditional national covenants made with Israel c) Distinctive future for ethnic and national Israel d) Distinguish between Israel and Church e) "seed of Abraham" understood for ethnic Jews, political or spiritual sense f) Physical and spiritual fulfillments of God's covenants

How is the Davidic Covenant manifested and fulfilled in the New Testament?

a) Matthew 2 - Gentiles looking for a king b) Luke 2:8, similar Kingly account c) Luke 1:67-80, "In the house of His servant David" d) Luke 1:26-33, Descendants of David e) Fulfillment found in Christ; He will reign forever.

Explain the relationship of the Davidic Covenant to the Mosaic and Abrahamic Covenants.

a) Mosaic created the Family of Abraham into a nation b) Exodus links itself back to the Abrahamic Covenant c) The Land promise (king's job to ensure it is fulfilled)- founded in Abrahamic Covenant d) Immanuel principle e) David's prayer back to God- David is saying do what you said you will do God.

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