Creole Revolutions in Latin America

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Reasons for Discontent in the Colonies

1. wanted independence from Spain because of Spain's mercantilist policies that required that the colonists buy manufactured goods only from Spain and sell only to Spain 2. Important jobs were only given to the Peninsulares and creoles resented this and wanted more political power 3. Mestizos wanted more political power as well as a share of the wealth of the colonies

Bottom Rank in Social Ladder

African slaves, indigenous people and those of mixed African-indigenous heritage

French Attack on Mexico

French forced Juarez to flee Mexico City, suspended the constitution, and installed the Austrian Archduke Maximillian as emperor of Mexico

Benito Juarez

Indian lawyer from a background of poverty, became Mexico's president and eventually served five terms, broke patterns of military leadership and creole rule, limited the power of both the Catholic Church and the Mexican army

Father Miguel Hidalgo

Mexican village priest, called on Indians and mestizos for support in his drive for Mexican independence from Spain, creoles turned on him when the revolutionaries began attacking and looting their property, was captured and executed by Spanish

Napoleon's Attack

Napoleon invaded and backed a conservative civil war against Juarez's institution of social reforms, said Mexico had failed to pay debts owed to French citizens living in Mexico during the Mexican War with the Unites States

Agustin de Iturbide

a creole colonel, attracted the support of the Mexican army and the Roman Catholic Church to win freedom for Mexico City, declared Mexico an independent empire with himself as the emperor

Jose de San Martin

another creole in South America who defeated royalists to establish an independent government, led troops form his native Argentina over the Andes Mountains to set up independent republics in Chile and Bolivia, played the role of liberator in the southern part of South America much as Bolivar did in the north, "Protector of Peru"


born in Spain or Portugal, felt superior to everyone

Life of Simon Bolivar

born in Venezuela to a family whose ancestors had been village aristocrats in Spain, had access to wealth for his revolutionary causes, his forces achieved the formation of a large area that he called Gran Columbia, described himself as a liberal who believed in a free market and the abolition of slavery


born of European and Indian parents, worked in towns, mines, or estates of the Peninsulares and creoles


born of European parents in the Americas, were educated and aware of the ideas behind the revolutions in North America and France, considered themselves to be superior to the mestizos

Simon Bolivar

creole, continued to push for Enlightenment ideals in Latin America, was instrumental in the independence of certain areas and never accepted the crown

Mexican Constitution

guaranteed basic civil rights but did not address serious issues of inequitable land distribution, widespread poverty, status of Mexican Indians, and inequitable educational access

Battle of the Alamo

in San Antonio, after the defeat, the Texans rallied under the leadership of Sam Houston to defeat Santa Anna's forces

General Santa Anna

led the Mexican government, wasn't excepted by all Mexicans (Americans settled in Mexico disliked the prohibition of slavery), led Mexican forces in a brief war with Texas

La Reforma

liberal revolt led by Benito Juarez, resulted in a new constitution for Mexico


military dictator


opposed the reforms of the liberals, favored a centralized state in alliance with the Church

Fall of Iturbide

opposition forces led by the conservative general Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna overthrew him and made Mexico a republic

Juarez's Comeback

organized resistance and drove the French army out, aided by some diplomatic pressure on France from the U.S.


politcal environment featured, called for reforms, influenced by the French and U.S. political models, stressed the importance of individual rights and opposed the centralized state model of government, wanted to limit the role of the Roman Catholic Church in politics and education

Mexican-American War

result of dispute over the border between Mexico and the United States, Mexico lost and was forced to cede vast territories from Texas to California to the United States in return for $15 million

Death of Maximillian

was captured and shot during Juarez's attack

Texan Independence

was granted in 1836, created the Republic of Texas and applied for admission to the United States

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