Crisis Final
does not appear to be a factor in the occurrence of child sexual abuse
learned helplessness theory
According to __________ , an abused partner learns through repeated unsuccessful attempts that efforts to control violence in the relationship are ineffective, resulting in passiveness or diminished motivation to respond to violence.
10 times greater
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2012) EMS professionals in the United States experience PTSD and suicide ideation ________than the 3.6% national average for the general public
Both of the above (assess whether the identified individual possesses the intent and ability to carry out an attack against the community, and if the individual has taken steps to prepare for the attack and identify individuals whose behavior causes concern or disruption on or off campus affecting students, faculty, and staff)
In higher education settings, threat assessment teams
All of the above (perform disaster/crisis drills, post an outline of emergency procedures on the wall of each classroom and provide in-service training for all school staff at the beginning and midpoint of the year)
In preparation for a crisis, schools should
In regards to child sexual abuse, research indicates that boys tend to internalize their symptoms, while girls tend to externalize theirs.
NCASA: National Coalition Against Sexual Assault
In the 1970's NOVA led to the development of:
In the 1970's, The National Organization for Women began to discuss and bring attention to sexual violence and sexual assault. What is their common acronym?
In the United States, currently only 47 states have mandated reporting of child sexual abuse.
Intimate partner violence prevalence data probably __________ the actual rates of IPV.
increased stress due to the managing tasks of a household and concern for partner
Issues for non-deployed family members experiencing deployment often involves
Kerr (2009) defines a school crisis as a(n): "_______________________ event or condition that affects a school, causing individuals to experience fear, helplessness, shock, and/or horror and requires extraordinary actions to restore a sense of psychological and physical security".
all of the above (guilt about surviving the attack, self-blame about not being able to stop the attack and anxiety about another attack)
Sexual assault victims may experience a wide range of emotions, including
Both of the above (individual and small group counseling and class meetings)
Strategies for helping students during and after a school crisis include
hypersomnia (continuing anxiety, depression, and rage)
Symptoms of rape trauma syndrome include all of the following EXCEPT
The "F" in FEMA stans for:
Counselor Burnout Inventory
The CBI scale examines
compassion satisfaction, burnout, and secondary traumatic stress
The Professional Quality of Life Scale (ProQOL) is a measure of compassion satisfaction and fatigue that provides the counselor with a score for:
restoration (response, mitigation/prevention and preparedness)
The U.S. Department of Education's Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools (2017) identified four phases of a comprehensive school crisis plan, including all of the following EXCEPT
The VAWA (Violence Against Women Act) was passed in what year?
The __________ approach is commonly used to addressing issues of post-traumatic stress.
safety of the community and personal safety
The main priority of law enforcement is
sexual assault and rape
The most common acts of sexual violence are:
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
The most common approach used in working with child sexual abuse clients is:
no deployments
The most recent research conducted by the Military Times (2015), found which of the following deployment factors contributed to the highest rate of completed suicides
The office of safe and drug free schools in the US Department of Education identified four phases of a comprehensive school crisis plan. What is Phase three (3)?
greater than or equal to
The prevalence of intimate partner violence among LGBT couples is __________ in heterosexual couples.
the relationship between two persons (caretaker/non-caretaker)
The primary difference that delineates child sexual abuse from statutory rape is
connections, communication, and command post
The three essential elements needed to prevent chaos immediately following a disaster include
There are essentially five stages of a hostage situation. Which one is NOT one of the stages:
identification, grooming, reinforcement
Three parts of the child sexual abuse cycle are...
emotional reactions.
Typical responses to a disaster, such as apathy, feelings of being overwhelmed, depression, irritability, anxiety, agitation, panic, and helplessness are called
National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System
What does the acronym NCANDS mean?
National Organization for Victim Assistance
What does the acronym NOVA stand for?
Perceived stigma
What may prevent a military individual from seeking counseling services?
when the initial disaster strikes.
When a disaster strikes, mental health clinicians should attempt to reduce the chaos of the disaster
when the initial disaster strikes
When a disaster strikes, survivors most likely exhibit an attitude of moving on
None of the above (those experiencing an equal ratio between strong versus controlled emotions, no emotional reaction, just silence or strong emotional reactions such as crying or screaming)
When assessing the emotional reactions to sexual assault, treatment is only suggested for those experiencing
Vicarious resiliency
_____ is a new concept used to describe when counselors are affected adversely by trauma work and can experience affirmative thoughts, feelings and beliefs through hearing their clients' stories.
first response resiliency program (FRP)
______ focuses on increasing resiliency skills coupled with a strong social support system to decrease or prevent mental health issues
all of the above (gay men in a dating relationship, heterosexual married men and heterosexual married women)
__________ can experience intimate partner violence.
__________ guidelines refer to actions taken immediately to manage an event which may threaten the safety of allparties with the goal of stopping or minimizing the event. An intruder in the building would be an example of a time when these guidelines would be implemented.
Traumatic brain injury
__________ has been characterized as the "signature wound" of the recent conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq.
vicarious trauma
__________ involves a changed worldview and sense of self as a result of work with trauma clients.
Children and adolescents with disabilities
__________ may be particularly vulnerable to child sexual abuse.
__________ of military families resides in civilian communities
learned helplessness
__________ theory originated from a study that involved locking dogs in cages and administering electric shocks.
__________ trauma affects a person's mental and emotional state and requires the person to react to the event in some compensatory manner.
Self Care
_________________ is recognized as an essential aspect of the professional functioning of counselors.
___________________ is a one-on-one form of psychotherapy designers to reduce trauma-related stress and anxiety.
_________________________ is defined as a psychological syndrome that involves a prolonged response to chronic interpersonal stressors on the job.
critical incident stress debriefing (CISD)
_____is the most common intervention to decrease the level of stress resulting from emergency calls
Operation Enduring Freedom
The acronym OEF stands for:
varies anywhere between 7-15 years of age
The average age of victimization (for child sex abuse, 2006)
rape trauma syndrome
The cluster of symptoms experienced by women following a sexual assault is knows as
All of the above (school security officer, school counselor and principal)
The crisis team should include the
separation from the military
The highest rates of suicide occurred among which group of military
Disconnected counselors have high levels of client
universally -- IPV screening should occur as routinely as screening for suicidal or homicidal ideation
Due to the prevalence of intimate partner violence, it is generally agreed that screening for IPV should occur
Both of the above (classroom doors are locked and nobody is permitted to enter or leave the building)
During a lockdown
all of the above (having a patient die in their care, serious injury or death of a colleague and serious injury to children)
EMS professionals report the calls that cause the most stress are incidents involve
a parent or caretaker of the child
According to the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act, to be classified as child sexual abuse, a person must be
forget about it (fear that others will blame them, feel overwhelming guilt and shame and fear not being believed)
All of the following are documented reasons that children fail to disclose sexual abuse EXCEPT that they
reviewing the client's life history to determine what lead to involvement with an abusive partner
All of the following are goals of intimate partner violence crisis counseling EXCEPT
debriefing is a time for the crisis team members to gather and share their experiences of the crisis in a private andsafe environment
All of the following regarding debriefing are TRUE EXCEPT that
increased the number of after-the-fact disclosures of sexual abuse
"Stranger Danger" and "Funny Tummy Feelings" have
tabletop exercise
A __________ is designed so that district and school crisis teams, first responders, and other community partners come to the table to evaluate whether written plans would work in an emergency. During this activity, a hypothetical scenario is discussed to assess how school and community partners would respond to the situation.
the culture of the military is largely monolithic
A counselor working with service members should consider each of the following elements EXCEPT
reviewed every 5 to 10 years
A crisis plan should be
allow the individual to detail the trauma and vent
A mental health clinician practicing psychological first aid (PFA) would be less likely to
According to Walker's Cycle of Violence Theory (1979), the __________ phase is characterized by repentance and expressions of love from the abusive partner. During this phase the survivor may feel a range of emotions from love to humiliation.
All of the above (post-incident support of school critical responses, intervention efforts and prevention efforts)
According to ASCA, the school counselor takes on a leadership role in the development of a systematic crisis plan and becomes involved in
from several days to multiple weeks
According to Burgess and Holmstrom (1974), during the acute phase of women's response to sexual assault the survivor experienced a heightened stress level, lasting
a longer-term process of integration, during which the victim regained a sense of control over her life
According to Burgess and Holmstrom (1974), the reorganization phase was
Approximately _____ percent of male survivors of child sexual abuse disclose that abuse.
At least _____ of hostage takers have a mental or emotional disorder.
one must help clients to reorganize life to accommodate for the impact of the disaster
In a crisis counseling program (CCP), the term "Accept the Face Value" means
Child sexual abuse typically develops through a cycle of
debrief with colleagues
In addition to self-check-ins for mental health monitoring, counselors should also
All of the above (developing a crisis plan for all situations that could impact the campus, developing an alert system (e.g., text, email, website, phone message) to alert students, faculty, and staff to potential emergencies on campus and making every member of the campus community aware of emergency procedures and crisis plans)
Colleges and universities prepare and respond to crises by
all of the above (underreporting of IPV, distinguishing their services from anger management programs and limited financial resources)
Common challenges encountered by batterer intervention programs include
Compassion fatigue differs from burnout in that burnout is a state of exhaustion caused by the emotional nature of the counseling profession and overwork, whereas compassion fatigue is a preoccupation with traumatic client cases and personal identification with this trauma.
Counselor James has unresolved grief about his mother's untimely death at a young age from breast cancer. His new client has come to counseling for help with facing her diagnosis of breast cancer. James begins to cry during the intake session. This is an example of
National Guard/reservists
Cultural differences exist between active duty service members and ...
All of the above (keep entrances to the building locked, implement a sign-in procedure and employ a school resource (security) officer)
In attempts to secure the building from outside intruders, schools could
seeks to educate multiple sectors of the community about child sexual abuse trends
Darkness to Light (2016) is an organization
Estimates of the number of children sexually abused each year range from approximately
FEMA has _____ action steps for mitigation and prevention in schools and universities.
FEMA has done extensive work to help communities with their mitigation planning.
sudden cardiac deaths
Most line of duty fatalities among firefighters were attributed to
intrafamilial relationships
Most of the sexual abuse cases that come to the attention of CPS involve:
assessment phase; stabilization phase; triage phase; communication phase; and hotline phase
PFA identifies five imperative phases to be integrated with first responders
sexual sadism
Rape is considered which of the following DSM-5 paraphilias?
implementing character education programs.
School personnel can help foster school climate by
Compassion Fatigue
Secondary Traumatic Stress is most associated with the concept of
Multidisciplinary Crisis Response Teams
The acronym MCRTs stands for:
Which one is NOT a crisis intervention strategy?
Which stage, in a hostage situation involves ridiculous demands?
While burnout is a response to occupational stress, vicarious trauma involves a personal __________ reaction to a client's experience.
Seduction pattern of preferential perpetrators
__________ are more likely to engage in grooming potential target children