Critical Thinking and Logic - C168: Question Set #1

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Match the point of view with its discipline or profession. Choose your answer from the following list. A. Chemistry B. Fine arts C. Biology D. Economics E. Civil engineering ___ Focused on living organisms and environments ___ Focused on matter and energy and the interactions between them ___ Focused on the design of the physical environment ___ Focused on how people choose to use resources ___ Focused on aesthetic appreciation and cultivation

C. Biology - Focused on living organisms and environments A. Chemistry - Focused on matter and energy and the interactions between them E. Civil engineering - Focused on the design of the physical environment D. Economics - Focused on how people choose to use resources B. Fine arts - Focused on aesthetic appreciation and cultivation

Which of the following represent an application of the standards of critical thinking? a) A person follows the reasoning to determine the significant implications. b) A person clarifies the question at issue. c) A person begins reasoning with a purpose. d) A person chooses a topic with many concepts and ideas. e) A person understands that every resolution has consequences.

a) A person follows the reasoning to determine the significant implications. b) A person clarifies the question at issue.

Which of the following statements about the influence of assumptions within reasoning is correct? a) All reasoning begins with assumptions because reasoning must take some things for granted. b) One should rid oneself of all assumptions before beginning the reasoning process. c) A defective assumption can lead to defective reasoning. d) Some assumptions are justifiable. e) One does not need to be aware of his/her own assumptions as long as the reasoning is solid.

a) All reasoning begins with assumptions because reasoning must take some things for granted. c) A defective assumption can lead to defective reasoning. d) Some assumptions are justifiable.

For many years, scientists have been trying to explain why Kenyans often win marathons. Some believe it is because many Kenyan runners come from regions with high altitudes. Others believe it is because the Kenyan culture values running. Still other theories say genetics is the major factor, although the runners themselves claim it is only training and hard work that matters. What unstated assumptions can be found in the reasoning above? a) Anyone who trains properly and works hard can win a marathon. b) A person genetically built for long-distance running is more likely to win a marathon. c) The Nepalese, who come from a higher altitude than Kenyans, would win marathons if they entered them. d) People from the United States are unlikely to win marathons. e) It is unlikely that someone who comes from a culture where running is not valued will ever win a marathon.

a) Anyone who trains properly and works hard can win a marathon. b) A person genetically built for long-distance running is more likely to win a marathon.

A journalist is preparing to write a story about the pros and cons of the new alcohol restriction proposals in the state. What is the logical first step in the process of analyzing the issue? a) Clarify the question at issue. b) Make phone calls to bar owners. c) Make phone calls to legislators. d) Outline the consequences of the restrictions. e) Draft the story.

a) Clarify the question at issue.

The following represents the testimony of a mayor of a small town who appeared in front of a congressional committee meeting to discuss the process of designating national parks and monuments: "The establishment of the Greatest Ever National Monument has had a devastating impact on the economy and people of my city and county. It has come to our attention that a non-profit group has issued a report titled Greatest Ever National Monument: A Summary of Economic Performance in the Surrounding Communities, which indicates that there has been a strong, positive economic impact to our county from the establishment of the Greatest Ever National Monument. This is completely contrary to our own observation and analysis. "The report indicates significant increases in real personal income and real per capita income. This is completely false with regards to our county. In summary, the establishment of the Greatest Ever National Monument has hurt the local economy, driven our residents to find work elsewhere, and burdened local government to provide uncompensated services. "Based on our knowledge of our county, the report is false and misleading and strains the bounds of credibility. Our statistics show the opposite is true." Which of the following fallacies are present in the testimony? a) Hasty generalizations b) Appeal to authority c) Oversimplify the issue d) Search for the perfect solution e) Create a false dilemma

a) Hasty generalizations c) Oversimplify the issue e) Create a false dilemma

As an aide to a state senator, you are asked to provide research on the controversial topic of the medical use of marijuana for an upcoming vote. The senator has not yet decided which way she will vote, so she is relying on your research to make a decision. The vote is only two days away, so you will not be able to read everything available on the topic, but before you pass the information along to the senator, you want to be sure you have sufficient information on the topic. Which of the following questions would help you determine if your research meets the standard of sufficiency? a) Have I identified all significant implications of the arguments? b) Are my assumptions about the senator's leanings justifiable? c) Have I clarified the main concepts of the arguments? d) Have I included my personal experience with my cousin who has cancer? e) Have I considered multiple, diverse points of view? f) Have I checked with fellow senatorial aides in the same political party?

a) Have I identified all significant implications of the arguments? c) Have I clarified the main concepts of the arguments? e) Have I considered multiple, diverse points of view?

Which of the following are elements of reasoning? Un-checked a) Opinions Correct Answer Checked b) Evidence Un-checked c) Culture Correct Answer Checked d) Point of View Correct Answer Checked e) Assumptions

b) Evidence d) Point of View e) Assumptions

A city has recently built a new sports arena in a downtown urban area that already has parking problems. The residents of the downtown area where the sports arena has been built have proposed that the city issue the residents parking permits and designate the majority of the parking spaces in the area of the arena as "permit-parking only," so residents are not inconvenienced by the arena. What primary questions would the city want to ask to measure the implications of this solution? a) Have we identified the negative implications of the proposed solution? b) Have we identified the positive implications of the proposed solutions? c) Have we considered all possible implications that could ever arise in the future? d) Have we considered all significant implications known at this time? e) Have we identified the parties who could be affected by this solution and considered the implications to them? f) Have we adequately communicated the implications to all interested parties?

a) Have we identified the negative implications of the proposed solution? b) Have we identified the positive implications of the proposed solutions? d) Have we considered all significant implications known at this time? e) Have we identified the parties who could be affected by this solution and considered the implications to them?

William F. Buckley, a prominent conservative, surprised many of his fellow conservatives by supporting the legalization of drugs to be treated in much the same manner as alcohol—"regulate it, control it, tax it, and make it illegal only for children." In what way is Buckley's point of view on this issue consistent with his conservative views? a) He believed in the practicality of legal restrictions and fiscal responsibility of government. b) He believed in tradition and stability above all else. c) He believed there had to be an alignment between what behavior was "legal" in society and what behavior was "approved" by society. d) He believed that the country's moral decline is largely due to illegal drug use.

a) He believed in the practicality of legal restrictions and fiscal responsibility of government.

How could one use the standards of critical thinking to justify clergy privilege, the much-discussed and controversial legal protection of the confidentiality between clergy and penitent? Select one. a) The ethics regarding the practice of free religion are relevant in the creation of the legal policy. b) The legal protection meets the standard of clarity. c) The standard of depth covers both the clergy and the penitent. d) The confidentiality protection creates fairness for all involved in any legal case. e) The legal policy considers a broad spectrum of viewpoints.

a) The ethics regarding the practice of free religion are relevant in the creation of the legal policy.

Newspaper journalists are investigating numerous complaints from town citizens living near a manufacturer of carbon black, pure carbon particles commonly used as a reinforcing agent in tires. The facts they uncovered are as follows: Complaints from citizens include breathing problems and a black silt-like substance covering cars, lawns, clothing, homes, and pets. The president of the manufacturing company claims that tests done on the black silt found in the town showed that the substance was not engineered carbon. The tests showed that the substance could have been mold, mildew, or ash. The test results referred to by the president are not available. An environmental engineer claims that carbon black is difficult to test because the composition of it changes as it enters and reacts with the atmosphere. Employees from the state department of environmental quality have never seen black carbon blowing from the nearby manufacturing plant, although they have inspected the plant numerous times. Employees from the plant claimed they have evidence of pollution that they will share with the public if their union salary demands were not met. Applications of the standards of critical thinking to the evidence above would result in which conclusions? a) The evidence from the plant employees should be evaluated with skepticism. b) The citizens of the town should be compensated by the manufacturing plant. c) The claims of the testing results should be evaluated with skepticism. d) The citizens of the town are mostly interested in getting financial settlements. e) The state and the city should shut down the plant operations. f) More information is needed before drawing further conclusions.

a) The evidence from the plant employees should be evaluated with skepticism. c) The claims of the testing results should be evaluated with skepticism. f) More information is needed before drawing further conclusions.

A local school board is trying to decide whether to fund a new after-school reading program for struggling students. Which of the following sources would likely be relevant to the decision being made? Choose two answers. a) The website of an educational company that sells reading curriculum products to schools and teachers. b) A complaint from a parent who claims his child is falling behind in reading. c) A study done by the National Education Association showing American reading levels are above those of seven other comparable countries. d) A study done by the U.S. Department of Education showing the effectiveness of after-school reading programs in 30 different school districts. e) A recent editorial in the newspaper claiming the city doesn't have enough after school programs to keep kids "off the streets."

a) The website of an educational company that sells reading curriculum products to schools and teachers. d) A study done by the U.S. Department of Education showing the effectiveness of after-school reading programs in 30 different school districts.

The city council of a small community is meeting to discuss a city ordinance that does not allow "chain restaurants" of any size within the city limits. A citizen who wants to open a popular fried chicken franchise is attempting to get the ordinance changed. A group called "locals only" that opposes the new chicken franchise says that if the ordinance is changed the town will lose its character, its uniqueness, and local citizens with food establishments will be forced out of business. Why might the reasoning of the "locals only" group be questioned? a) They make assumptions about the desired character of a town. b) They have no basis for their comments. c) They make assumptions about the influence of the franchise. d) The assumptions made have not been shown to be valid. e) They make assumptions about the character of the person who wants to open the franchise.

a) They make assumptions about the desired character of a town. c) They make assumptions about the influence of the franchise. d) The assumptions made have not been shown to be valid.

A recent article in the New York Times stated that more than 1,200 deaths—1 in every 6—of the developmentally disabled in state and privately run group homes were due to unnatural or unknown causes. Investigators for the paper have been looking for causes for such a high death rate. What approaches might the investigators take if they were using the common factor method? a) They might look for shared characteristics in the types of disabilities of the deceased. b) They might isolate those who died in the presence of a staff member from the rest. c) They might look for shared characteristics among the staff members caring for the deceased such as hours worked, years of experience, etc. d) They might look for an increase in the number of deaths associated with an increase in the number of consecutive work hours of the responsible staff.

a) They might look for shared characteristics in the types of disabilities of the deceased. c) They might look for shared characteristics among the staff members caring for the deceased such as hours worked, years of experience, etc.

Which two questions would a student ask to apply critical thinking principles to the study of information technology? a) What are the main types of information that professionals in this field use? b) How long will it take me to get a degree in this field? c) What kind of jobs are available to people who have degrees in this field? d) What are some of the main questions that professionals within this field ask? e) How much money do professionals in this field make?

a) What are the main types of information that professionals in this field use? d) What are some of the main questions that professionals within this field ask?

A recent study of 40 competitive runners, cyclists, and swimmers—male and female—between the ages of 40 and 81 published in the journal The Physician and Sports Medicine, yielded the following information: The measured muscle mass of those participants in the upper age groups was comparable to those in the lower age groups leading scientists to believe that losing muscle mass due to aging may not be inevitable. There was little fat infiltration in the muscles of all participants leading scientist to believe that the reduced function caused by aging may not be caused by aging at all but instead may be caused by inactivity. The scientists noted a drop-off in leg muscle strength around age 60 in both men and women. The 70- and 80-year-old athletes were as strong as the 60-year-old athletes. The weekly physical activity among the athletes was comparable. Whether the results will hold true for non-athletes or for those who may take up exercise in middle age is not clear. How much activity is required to maintain muscle mass is not known, but the researchers say that any activity is better than none. Determine whether each of the following statement represents evidence or reasoning in this situation: Muscle mass of those participants in the upper age groups was comparable to those in the lower age groups. a) evidence b) reasoning

a) evidence

A recent study of 40 competitive runners, cyclists, and swimmers—male and female—between the ages of 40 and 81 published in the journal The Physician and Sports Medicine, yielded the following information: The measured muscle mass of those participants in the upper age groups was comparable to those in the lower age groups leading scientists to believe that losing muscle mass due to aging may not be inevitable. There was little fat infiltration in the muscles of all participants leading scientist to believe that the reduced function caused by aging may not be caused by aging at all but instead may be caused by inactivity. The scientists noted a drop-off in leg muscle strength around age 60 in both men and women. The 70- and 80-year-old athletes were as strong as the 60-year-old athletes. The weekly physical activity among the athletes was comparable. Whether the results will hold true for non-athletes or for those who may take up exercise in middle age is not clear. How much activity is required to maintain muscle mass is not known, but the researchers say that any activity is better than none. Determine whether each of the following statement represents evidence or reasoning in this situation: The 70- and 80-year-old athletes were as strong as the 60-year-old athletes. a) evidence b) reasoning

a) evidence

A recent study of 40 competitive runners, cyclists, and swimmers—male and female—between the ages of 40 and 81 published in the journal The Physician and Sports Medicine, yielded the following information: The measured muscle mass of those participants in the upper age groups was comparable to those in the lower age groups leading scientists to believe that losing muscle mass due to aging may not be inevitable. There was little fat infiltration in the muscles of all participants leading scientist to believe that the reduced function caused by aging may not be caused by aging at all but instead may be caused by inactivity. The scientists noted a drop-off in leg muscle strength around age 60 in both men and women. The 70- and 80-year-old athletes were as strong as the 60-year-old athletes. The weekly physical activity among the athletes was comparable. Whether the results will hold true for non-athletes or for those who may take up exercise in middle age is not clear. How much activity is required to maintain muscle mass is not known, but the researchers say that any activity is better than none. Determine whether each of the following statement represents evidence or reasoning in this situation: The scientists noted a drop-off in leg muscle strength around age 60. a) evidence b) reasoning

a) evidence

A recent study of 40 competitive runners, cyclists, and swimmers—male and female—between the ages of 40 and 81 published in the journal The Physician and Sports Medicine, yielded the following information: The measured muscle mass of those participants in the upper age groups was comparable to those in the lower age groups leading scientists to believe that losing muscle mass due to aging may not be inevitable. There was little fat infiltration in the muscles of all participants leading scientist to believe that the reduced function caused by aging may not be caused by aging at all but instead may be caused by inactivity. The scientists noted a drop-off in leg muscle strength around age 60 in both men and women. The 70- and 80-year-old athletes were as strong as the 60-year-old athletes. The weekly physical activity among the athletes was comparable. Whether the results will hold true for non-athletes or for those who may take up exercise in middle age is not clear. How much activity is required to maintain muscle mass is not known, but the researchers say that any activity is better than none. Determine whether each of the following statement represents evidence or reasoning in this situation: There was little fat infiltration in the muscles of all participants. a) evidence b) reasoning

a) evidence

According to a recent study entitled, "Health-Related Costs from Foodborne Illness in the United States," published by the Produce Safety Project at Georgetown University, approximately 76 million new cases of food-related illness occur in the United States each year costing $152 billion. The following information was presented: One quarter of the cost, $39 billion, was associated with produce. At the time of the study, the U.S. had no nation-wide safety standards in place for the growing, harvesting, and packing of fresh fruits and vegetables. Food-related illnesses cause 5,000 deaths and 300,000 hospitalizations in the U.S. each year. The U.S. spends approximately $1 billion on food safety efforts and state governments spend an additional $300 million. Classify the following statement as a strength or weakness in regard to this report's potential for helping the reader understand the economic impact of food-related illnesses. The methodology followed principles used by economists at the FDA and the USDA, the two primary food safety agencies. a) strength b) weakness

a) strength

According to a recent study entitled, "Health-Related Costs from Foodborne Illness in the United States," published by the Produce Safety Project at Georgetown University, approximately 76 million new cases of food-related illness occur in the United States each year costing $152 billion. The following information was presented: One quarter of the cost, $39 billion, was associated with produce. At the time of the study, the U.S. had no nation-wide safety standards in place for the growing, harvesting, and packing of fresh fruits and vegetables. Food-related illnesses cause 5,000 deaths and 300,000 hospitalizations in the U.S. each year. The U.S. spends approximately $1 billion on food safety efforts and state governments spend an additional $300 million. Classify the following statement as a strength or weakness in regard to this report's potential for helping the reader understand the economic impact of food-related illnesses. The person who conducted the study is a former Food and Drug Administration economist and an assistant professor of consumer sciences at Ohio State University. a) strength b) weakness

a) strength

According to a recent study entitled, "Health-Related Costs from Foodborne Illness in the United States," published by the Produce Safety Project at Georgetown University, approximately 76 million new cases of food-related illness occur in the United States each year costing $152 billion. The following information was presented: One quarter of the cost, $39 billion, was associated with produce. At the time of the study, the U.S. had no nation-wide safety standards in place for the growing, harvesting, and packing of fresh fruits and vegetables. Food-related illnesses cause 5,000 deaths and 300,000 hospitalizations in the U.S. each year. The U.S. spends approximately $1 billion on food safety efforts and state governments spend an additional $300 million. Classify the following statement as a strength or weakness in regard to this report's potential for helping the reader understand the economic impact of food-related illnesses. The study included all known food-related pathogens. a) strength b) weakness

a) strength

According to a recent study entitled, "Health-Related Costs from Foodborne Illness in the United States," published by the Produce Safety Project at Georgetown University, approximately 76 million new cases of food-related illness occur in the United States each year costing $152 billion. The following information was presented: One quarter of the cost, $39 billion, was associated with produce. At the time of the study, the U.S. had no nation-wide safety standards in place for the growing, harvesting, and packing of fresh fruits and vegetables. Food-related illnesses cause 5,000 deaths and 300,000 hospitalizations in the U.S. each year. The U.S. spends approximately $1 billion on food safety efforts and state governments spend an additional $300 million. Classify the following statement as a strength or weakness in regard to this report's potential for helping the reader understand the economic impact of food-related illnesses. The study includes costs at the aggregate level and pathogen-specific level broken out by state. a) strength b) weakness

a) strength

According to a recent study entitled, "Health-Related Costs from Foodborne Illness in the United States," published by the Produce Safety Project at Georgetown University, approximately 76 million new cases of food-related illness occur in the United States each year costing $152 billion. The following information was presented: One quarter of the cost, $39 billion, was associated with produce. At the time of the study, the U.S. had no nation-wide safety standards in place for the growing, harvesting, and packing of fresh fruits and vegetables. Food-related illnesses cause 5,000 deaths and 300,000 hospitalizations in the U.S. each year. The U.S. spends approximately $1 billion on food safety efforts and state governments spend an additional $300 million. Classify the following statement as a strength or weakness in regard to this report's potential for helping the reader understand the economic impact of food-related illnesses. To mitigate the health-care cost uncertainties, the study employed confidence intervals and a sensitivity analysis. a) strength b) weakness

a) strength

The population in a suburban elementary school has decreased over a ten-year period from 360 students to 175 students prompting the school board to question whether they should keep it open or bus students to another neighborhood. The parents of the remaining students are fighting to keep it open, but to make a good argument, they first need to understand the cause of the decreasing population. Some of them think it is due to the aging population of the neighborhood, some believe it is due to the declining quality of the school, others believe it is due to an influx of "home-teaching" parents into the neighborhood. Which one of the following activities would best help clarify the causes of the problem? Select one answer. a) Compare the demographic of this neighborhood with nearby neighborhoods. b) Analyze the demographic changes of the neighborhood over the last ten years. c) Talk to home-schooling parents to find out why they don't send their children to the public school. d) Talk to the teachers in the school to get their expert opinions. e) Emphasize to the school board the "no child left behind" philosophy.

b) Analyze the demographic changes of the neighborhood over the last ten years.

In light of having many students in the classroom who do not seem well prepared in the basics of good writing, a writing instructor has decided to redevelop the curriculum for freshman composition next semester. Which two questions should the teacher consider in order to employ the element of critical thinking in this problem? a) What can I do to encourage students to take my class instead of another professor's class? b) What is the purpose of having basic good writing skills? c) Why aren't the K-12 schools doing a better job of preparing students for college? d) What can be done to help students gain the basic writing skills before they get to college? e) What steps have my colleagues locally and nationally taken to address the issue?

b) What is the purpose of having basic good writing skills? e) What steps have my colleagues locally and nationally taken to address the issue?

A recent study of 40 competitive runners, cyclists, and swimmers—male and female—between the ages of 40 and 81 published in the journal The Physician and Sports Medicine, yielded the following information: The measured muscle mass of those participants in the upper age groups was comparable to those in the lower age groups leading scientists to believe that losing muscle mass due to aging may not be inevitable. There was little fat infiltration in the muscles of all participants leading scientist to believe that the reduced function caused by aging may not be caused by aging at all but instead may be caused by inactivity. The scientists noted a drop-off in leg muscle strength around age 60 in both men and women. The 70- and 80-year-old athletes were as strong as the 60-year-old athletes. The weekly physical activity among the athletes was comparable. Whether the results will hold true for non-athletes or for those who may take up exercise in middle age is not clear. How much activity is required to maintain muscle mass is not known, but the researchers say that any activity is better than none. Determine whether each of the following statement represents evidence or reasoning in this situation: Reduced function may be caused by inactivity rather than by aging. a) evidence b) reasoning

b) reasoning

A recent study of 40 competitive runners, cyclists, and swimmers—male and female—between the ages of 40 and 81 published in the journal The Physician and Sports Medicine, yielded the following information: The measured muscle mass of those participants in the upper age groups was comparable to those in the lower age groups leading scientists to believe that losing muscle mass due to aging may not be inevitable. There was little fat infiltration in the muscles of all participants leading scientist to believe that the reduced function caused by aging may not be caused by aging at all but instead may be caused by inactivity. The scientists noted a drop-off in leg muscle strength around age 60 in both men and women. The 70- and 80-year-old athletes were as strong as the 60-year-old athletes. The weekly physical activity among the athletes was comparable. Whether the results will hold true for non-athletes or for those who may take up exercise in middle age is not clear. How much activity is required to maintain muscle mass is not known, but the researchers say that any activity is better than none. Determine whether each of the following statement represents evidence or reasoning in this situation: Some activity is better than none. a) evidence b) reasoning

b) reasoning

This set of seven questions all pertain to the following research. A recent study of 40 competitive runners, cyclists, and swimmers—male and female—between the ages of 40 and 81 published in the journal The Physician and Sports Medicine, yielded the following information: The measured muscle mass of those participants in the upper age groups was comparable to those in the lower age groups leading scientists to believe that losing muscle mass due to aging may not be inevitable. There was little fat infiltration in the muscles of all participants leading scientist to believe that the reduced function caused by aging may not be caused by aging at all but instead may be caused by inactivity. The scientists noted a drop-off in leg muscle strength around age 60 in both men and women. The 70- and 80-year-old athletes were as strong as the 60-year-old athletes. The weekly physical activity among the athletes was comparable. Whether the results will hold true for non-athletes or for those who may take up exercise in middle age is not clear. How much activity is required to maintain muscle mass is not known, but the researchers say that any activity is better than none. Determine whether each of the following statement represents evidence or reasoning in this situation: Losing muscle mass due to aging may not be inevitable. a) evidence b) reasoning

b) reasoning

According to a recent study entitled, "Health-Related Costs from Foodborne Illness in the United States," published by the Produce Safety Project at Georgetown University, approximately 76 million new cases of food-related illness occur in the United States each year costing $152 billion. The following information was presented: One quarter of the cost, $39 billion, was associated with produce. At the time of the study, the U.S. had no nation-wide safety standards in place for the growing, harvesting, and packing of fresh fruits and vegetables. Food-related illnesses cause 5,000 deaths and 300,000 hospitalizations in the U.S. each year. The U.S. spends approximately $1 billion on food safety efforts and state governments spend an additional $300 million. Classify the following statement as a strength or weakness in regard to this report's potential for helping the reader understand the economic impact of food-related illnesses. The primary objective of the study was to encourage policymakers to enact legislation that will increase food safety standards in the U.S. a) strength b) weakness

b) weakness

According to a recent study entitled, "Health-Related Costs from Foodborne Illness in the United States," published by the Produce Safety Project at Georgetown University, approximately 76 million new cases of food-related illness occur in the United States each year costing $152 billion. The following information was presented: One quarter of the cost, $39 billion, was associated with produce. At the time of the study, the U.S. had no nation-wide safety standards in place for the growing, harvesting, and packing of fresh fruits and vegetables. Food-related illnesses cause 5,000 deaths and 300,000 hospitalizations in the U.S. each year. The U.S. spends approximately $1 billion on food safety efforts and state governments spend an additional $300 million. Classify the following statement as a strength or weakness in regard to this report's potential for helping the reader understand the economic impact of food-related illnesses. The study included estimates of aggregate economic losses including long-term pain and suffering losses and other "quality of life" losses. a) strength b) weakness

b) weakness

This set of eight questions all pertain to the following research. According to a recent study entitled, "Health-Related Costs from Foodborne Illness in the United States," published by the Produce Safety Project at Georgetown University, approximately 76 million new cases of food-related illness occur in the United States each year costing $152 billion. The following information was presented: One quarter of the cost, $39 billion, was associated with produce. At the time of the study, the U.S. had no nation-wide safety standards in place for the growing, harvesting, and packing of fresh fruits and vegetables. Food-related illnesses cause 5,000 deaths and 300,000 hospitalizations in the U.S. each year. The U.S. spends approximately $1 billion on food safety efforts and state governments spend an additional $300 million. Classify the following statement as a strength or weakness in regard to this report's potential for helping the reader understand the economic impact of food-related illnesses. The outbreak data for produce does not distinguish between fresh, canned, and processed items. a) strength b) weakness

b) weakness

A recent study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology found that people who spend most of their days in a job that requires sitting have a higher mortality rate than those whose jobs require more movement. The study found that even for people who exercise regularly, spending long stretches of time sitting at a desk is still harmful. The study found that within four hours of sitting, the body begins to send harmful signals and the genes that regulate glucose and fat begin to shut down. The researchers suggest that even small movements such as standing to watch a child's soccer game or pacing while talking on the phone can make a big difference. While most consider this an individual problem, the obesity-related illnesses caused by too much sitting have a social impact in terms of health care availability and health care costs for all citizens. Which of the following are plausible solutions to the social problems that result from having a population that sits too much? Choose two answers. a) Require people to move more and sit less. b) Raise the cost of health insurance for those people who have office jobs. c) Create government incentives to encourage the creation of academic and work environments that promote movement and discourage sitting for long periods. d) Enact national, state, and local educational campaigns to encourage people to sit less. e) Take out the bleachers at all children's sporting events. f) Require employees to stand while talking on the phone.

c) Create government incentives to encourage the creation of academic and work environments that promote movement and discourage sitting for long periods. d) Enact national, state, and local educational campaigns to encourage people to sit less.

How might one go about reading a daily newspaper with as little influence from biased reporting as possible? a) Choose a newspaper that you know to be free of bias. b) Choose a newspaper that matches your values and political views. c) Deconstruct news stories and reconstruct them with alternative biases and slants. d) Read carefully, deeply, and slowly.

c) Deconstruct news stories and reconstruct them with alternative biases and slants.

The federal government is considering setting aside land for a new national monument. An employee in the governor's office of the state where the monument may be designated is asked to research the possible economic impact of the designation. What critical thinking strategy should the employee employ to clarify the issue? a) Discuss the issue with other employees in the governor's office to see how they feel about it. b) Determine whether the governor supports or opposes the monument designation. c) Determine the main sources of potential information and begin research. d) Research the economic impact of every national monument in every state. e) Write out all arguments that both favor and oppose the monument for the governor's review.

c) Determine the main sources of potential information and begin research.

You are a psychologist in private practice. How does your ability to use the elements of reasoning help you do your job? Select one. a) It gives you methods for facilitating the conversation. b) It helps you listen more carefully. c) It helps you make inferences about your clients. d) It gives you more compassion for your clients.

c) It helps you make inferences about your clients.

A 55-year-old man went to see his doctor for a routine physical. The man's father had died from a heart attack at the age of 62, the man's older brother had died from a heart attack at age 63, and the man's grandfather had died from a heart attack at the age of 60. Therefore, the man inferred that he too could possibly die of a heart attack at a relatively young age based upon the assumption that genetic heart problems run in his family. Which one of the following statements would help evaluate the validity of this assumption? Select one. a) There is a good reason to believe that this man will have a heart attack. b) A recent magazine article states that heart attacks are the number one killer of men over 60. c) The man's deceased relatives were heavy smokers; he does not smoke. d) Recent medical advances and technology have decreased the early death by heart failure.

c) The man's deceased relatives were heavy smokers; he does not smoke.

Last week, a large school district had called a special school board meeting at the request of a parent/teacher group to discuss sex education in the high schools. Five years ago, the school board had made a decision with pressure from parents to teach "abstinence only" as its only form of sex education. Since that time, teen pregnancy in the school district has increased 23 percent and sexually transmitted diseases have also increased. The parent/teacher group is split almost evenly. Some of them believe that "abstinence only" is working and other factors are to blame for the increases; others believe that the abstinence only education has failed, and they are requesting that additional sex education be considered. After continued discussions, school board has just released its decision to include education about contraception and birth control as well as sexual development and reproduction in its sex education courses. Based on the evidence, what solid reasoning did the city council use to arrive at this solution? Select one. a) The "abstinence only" sex education didn't work because it was too moralistic. b) Talking about sex encourages young people to become sexually active. c) The abstinence only education satisfied the desires of only a portion of the parents. d) Although other factors may come into play, a broader approach to sex education may help mitigate all factors at play. e) The school board didn't want to be accused of playing favoritism to the religious right.

d) Although other factors may come into play, a broader approach to sex education may help mitigate all factors at play.

In which of the following situations would it be most appropriate to apply critical thinking? Select one: a) Choosing a college for a son or daughter. b) Buying a safe car for a teenager. c) Deciding how much to set aside in a college fund for a child. d) Determining the best way to design a college campus.

d) Determining the best way to design a college campus.

Which of the following problems is a question of judgment that requires critical thinking? Select one. a) What is the fastest speed at which a car can travel between two distances? b) What is the most scenic route one might travel between two locations? c) What is the most efficient speed at which one might travel between two locations? d) What is the most effective and safest way to design a roadway system to achieve efficiency?

d) What is the most effective and safest way to design a roadway system to achieve efficiency?

Through a bond issue, a city council has the funding to create bike lanes in the city; however, they cannot agree upon the routes and upon which streets should contain the bike lanes. Expert A has presented evidence about traffic flow and bicycle safety, concluding that bike lanes should be put on residential streets where possible and kept off the busier main corridors. Expert A's evidence shows that this increases safety for the bikers even though it may mean they will ride longer distances. Expert B has presented evidence about traffic flow and bicycle safety that concludes that the main corridors are the better and safer choice for bike lanes because they are wider and more easily accessible. The city decides to go with Expert A's evidence and installs the bike lanes on residential streets. Shortly after the bike lanes open, a biker is seriously injured when hit by a car backing out of a driveway. Which of the following statements are true? a) Expert A's evidence was accurate, and expert B's evidence was inaccurate. b) Expert B's evidence was accurate, and expert A's evidence was inaccurate. c) The evidence of both expert A and expert B was accurate. d) The evidence of both expert A and expert B was inaccurate. e) It is not possible to know the accuracy of either expert's evidence from the information given. f) Expert A's evidence was relevant, and expert B's evidence was irrelevant. g) Expert B's evidence was relevant, and expert A's evidence was irrelevant. h) The evidence of both experts was relevant. i) The evidence of both experts was irrelevant. j) It is not possible to determine relevancy of either expert's evidence from the information given.

e) It is not possible to know the accuracy of either expert's evidence from the information given. AND h) The evidence of both experts was relevant.

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