CS 201 Quiz Questions

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A bank, through research, has identified three attributes (variables) in a study that predict higher customer loyalty. What kind of analysis should the bank do to determine which of the three will have the greatest effect on creating loyalty? a. Paired sample t-test for means b. Simple regression c. Correlation coefficient analysis d. Multiple regression


A continuous measure of customer satisfaction uses a scale from 1 to 5 where 4 = Satisfied and 5 = Very Satisfied. Presenting the percentage of respondents who checked either 4 or 5 as a response in a combined measurement category is which technique? a. Two-box b. Cumulative percentage breakdown c. Response blending d. Median split


A cross-tabulation analysis determines that a relationship exists between two categorical variables. What further testing is needed to show the strength of that relationship? a. Degrees of freedom for the chi-square test b. Pearson chi-square test of independence c. Cramer's V d. No further testing or analysis is needed.


A researcher is examining data from a study and sees a variable named "PUR_FREQ" with responses ranging from 0 to 10. How can the researcher understand what this data means? a. Use his/her judgment b. Look at the data file c. Look at the codebook d. Ask the respondent


A researcher wishes to analyze retail store scanner data from a number of stores over a period of several months. What must happen to make the analysis possible? a. The data must first be collected. b. The data must first be cleaned. c. The data must first be aggregated. d. The data must first be edited.


Advantage(s) of using the observation method of collecting data include(s) which of the following? a. It is often faster than communication methods. b. It is more versatile than communication methods. c. It does not depend on a respondent's memory. d. All of these advantages of using observation to collect data.


Converting survey responses of "1 year" and "16 weeks" to a consistent length of time, for example, months, represents which process? a. Normalizing b. Aggregating c. Merging d. Editing


How do you develop a confidence interval? a. Subtract the nonresponse error percentage from the response error percentage b. Calculate the degree of sampling error for the particular statistic c. Choose one arbitrarily d. Calculate the median point of the distribution for the particular statistic


How should the presenter feel about interaction with the audience during the oral presentation? a. It should be kept to a minimum. b. It should be avoided. c. It should be interpreted as a sign the presentation was not effective. d. It should be encouraged.


If all the population elements have exactly the same value of the characteristic, what sample size is needed to represent the population? a. 100 b. 1,000 c. 1 d. 10


In a survey item that asks about customer satisfaction and uses a response scale from 1 to 7, what does "customer satisfaction" represent from a coding perspective? a. The response b. The variable c. The question d. The code


In general, what is the right way to approach presenting the technical details of the research? a. Keep some technical details in but lean toward having less than too much b. Keep all technical details in and assume the audience understands it c. Keep all technical details in but explain it to the audience as you go along d. Keep all technical details out of the presentation, assuming the audience won't get it


In hypothesis testing, if the consequences of an error are particularly bad, what should be done in the testing process? a. Lower the significance (alpha) level of the test b. Increase the significance (alpha) level of the test c. Widen the confidence interval d. Choose a different hypothesis


In which observation method are the people being observed unaware that they are being observed? a. Unstructured b. Contrived setting c. Mechanical d. Disguised


Information about the key issues being studied is known as a. target information. b. key information. c. sensitive information. d. classification information.


Of the standards for writing a research report, which one has the most to do with precision of expression? a. Accuracy b. Utility c. Completeness d. Clarity


Of the types of error that can find their way into a study, which is often the least troubling? a. Sampling error b. Recording error c. Office error d. Nonresponse error


Office errors that occur during the editing or coding process that must be cleaned are called a. typos. b. bloopers. c. snafus. d. blunders.


The independent samples t-test for means always compares the a. mean scores for the same variable measured in one group. b. mean scores for the same variable measured in two groups. c. mean scores for different variables measured in two groups. d. mean scores for different variables measured in one group.


What are the recommendations for pretesting a questionnaire? a. Have different members of the research team answer the questions b. Do a personal interview to pretest c. Do a pretest among respondents similar to those who will be used in the actual study d. All of these are recommended for pretesting a questionnaire.


What are the two broad categories of sampling techniques? a. Probability and nonprobability b. Problematic and nonproblematic c. Productive and nonproductive d. Progressive and nonprogressive


What can be measured using observation? a. Motivation b. Attitudes c. Behavior d. Awareness


What decision must you make when collecting data using communication? a. The degree of structure to use b. Whether to disguise the questionnaire c. Which method to use d. All of these decisions must be made when using communication to collect data.


What descriptive statistic is a better measure of central tendency when there are outliers in a distribution? a. Mean b. Skew c. Mode d. Median


What is right approach when the task is to test for differences across groups on some important variable assessed using a continuous measure? a. Regression analysis b. Cross-tab analysis c. Independent samples t-test for means d. Paired sample t-test for means


What is the first of several important decisions to make when collecting data through observation? a. Whether to use a natural or contrived setting for observation b. Whether to use disguised or undisguised observation c. Whether to use structured or unstructured observation d. Whether to use human or mechanical observation


What is the first step in the method for developing an effective questionnaire? a. Specify what information will be sought b. Determine the method of administration c. Determine question sequence d. Prepare dummy tables


What is the goal of hypothesis testing? a. To identify a hypothesis from the study data b. To prove that the study's hypothesis is true for the population c. To indicate which of two mutually exclusive hypotheses is more likely to be true d. All of these are goals of hypothesis testing.


What is the recommended way to code a closed-ended, "check all that apply" question? a. Use a single variable for the question and assign separate codes to the possible answers b. Use a separate variable for each response option and code "1" if the response was selected or "0" if it wasn't c. Collapse or combine the multiple response options into a smaller set of categories d. Any of these approaches are recommended.


What is the recommended way to determine the proper sample size for a project that asks multiple questions about several characteristics? a. Choose the smallest of the sample sizes for each characteristic b. Choose the average of all sample sizes c. Choose the largest of the sample sizes for each characteristic d. Choose the sample size of the most critical characteristic


What is the recommended way to organize the oral presentation if you want to grab the audience's attention right away? a. State the study purpose, then results, then conclusions b. State the conclusions, then results, then study purpose c. State the results, then study purpose, then conclusions d. State the study purpose, then conclusions, then results


What is the response rate of an online survey with no eligibility requirement sent to 1,100 email recipients, where 100 email addresses were no longer valid and 300 recipients responded to the survey? a. 30% b. 3% c. 20% d. 14.3%


What is the risk of asking questions on a survey that are difficult to answer? a. Respondents may give an approximate answer. b. Respondents may ignore the question. c. Respondents may refuse to complete the survey d. All of these statements about questions that are difficult to answer are true.


What is true about a ratio scale? a. It is the most powerful scale. b. It includes the properties possessed by less powerful scales. c. It can be used to compare intervals, rank objects by magnitude, or use numbers to identify objects. d. All of these statements about a ratio scale are true.


What is true about correlation and correlation coefficients? a. They can be positive or negative. b. Coefficients that indicate perfect correlation are rare. c. Nothing in correlation analysis can be used to establish causality. d. All of these statements about correlation and correlation coefficients are true.


What is true about determining the content of individual questions? a. You should try to get as much information as possible in a single question to avoid confusing the respondent. b. The questions don't have to mean something to the respondent. c. You want to capture the needed data using as few questions as possible. d. All of these statements about determining the content of individual questions are true.


What is true about the oral research presentation? a. Many listeners won't fully understand the technical aspects of the research. b. A quality presentation can disguise poor research. c. Most marketing research projects require one or more oral presentation. d. All of these statements about oral research presentations are true.


What is true about the types of scales used to measure an attribute? a. Lower levels of measurement have more properties. b. An attribute's properties should not determine which level of measurement is used. c. You should always use the highest level of measurement possible. d. The ordinal scale is the highest level of measurement.


What is true about the use of charts and graphics in a presentation? a. Graphics are the best way to present quantitative information. b. Use graphics to illustrate key findings when they allow insights into data that would not be seen otherwise c. The more graphics you use in a presentation, the better. d. All of these statements about the use of graphics are true.


What is true about the use of disguise when administering a questionnaire? a. It amounts to a conscious effort to deceive the respondent. b. When used, respondents should be given a debriefing after the task. c. The amount of disguise and debriefing necessary is a judgment call on the researcher's part. d. All of these statements about the use of disguise are true.


What is true about the use of visual aids in the oral presentation? a. They can distract from the content of the presentation. b. Their use should be kept to a minimum in an oral presentation. c. They should be kept simple so that they can be understood at a glance. d. All of these statements about visual aids are true.


What issue must you keep in mind when calculating and using mean values? a. Mean values are only meaningful for continuous measures. b. Using decimals with percentages for mean values may suggest precision that isn't justified. c. Outliers or extreme cases can have a strong influence on mean values. d. All of these issues should be kept in mind when using mean values.


What kind of measure works well when just an overall, summary judgment of how consumers feel about a company is needed? a. Singular measure b. Global measure c. Composite measure d. Comprehensive measure


What kind of question should a researcher ask to determine whether a respondent is likely to have the information the survey is designed to collect? a. Leading question b. Categorization question c. Filtering question d. Funneling question


What kind of sample would allow a researcher to make inferences regarding the larger population and estimate the likely amount of sampling error? a. Judgment sample b. Quota sample c. Convenience sample d. Simple random sample


What makes multivariate analysis different from univariate analysis? a. It is more precise. b. It is more applicable to larger data sets. c. It looks for differences across or associations among multiple variables. d. All of these things make multivariate analysis different.


What must you do to improve the reliability of a measure? a. Increase systematic error b. Decrease random error c. Decrease systematic error d. Increase random error


What practice(s) should be followed when writing the research report? a. Use short sentences b. Try to make your first draft the final draft of the report c. Use long paragraphs d. Be appropriately ambiguous


What problem, if any, is there with a closed-ended question asking for annual income with response options that include "Less than $20,000," "$20,000-$40,000," "$40,000-$60,000," and "$60,000 or more"? a. The response categories are not exhaustive. b. The response categories are not mutually exclusive. c. Both A and B d. There is no problem with these response categories.


What process will a researcher use to build a data file using data from multiple sources, and in different software formats, with different identifiers? a. Merging b. Cleaning c. Editing d. Coding


What serves as the starting point for a skip pattern in a survey? a. A categorization question b. A branching question c. A funneling question d. A dummy table


What should a researcher keep in mind about managing the time allotted for an oral presentation? a. Honor the time limit set for the presentation b. Use no more than half the allotted time for the formal presentation c. Don't rush the presentation of the information contained in the visuals d. All of these things should be kept in mind.


What should be an objective of rewriting the first draft of a research report? a. To reduce the length by 15% b. To increase the length by 15% c. To reduce the length by 50% d. To increase the length by 50%


What type of chart captures the same information in a single chart what would take multiple pie charts to capture the same information? a. Stratum chart b. Line chart c. Pictogram d. Bar chart


What type of error does the confidence interval take into account? a. Noncoverage error b. Nonresponse error c. Response error d. Sampling error


What type of itemized-rating scale might be best for use measuring the attitude of children who may not be able to read or comprehend attribute descriptions? a. Graphic-ratings scale b. Comparative-ratings scale c. Semantic-differential scale d. Likert scale


What type of observation involves watching the actual activity? a. Direct b. Indirect c. Remote d. Discreet


What type of question is "How often do you eat tacos?" with response options of "not a lot," "sometimes," and "all the time!"? a. Leading b. Unstated alternative c. Ambiguous d. Double-barreled


What type of sampling procedure relies on the initial set of respondents to identify others with the desired characteristics? a. Snowball sample b. Referral sample c. Waterfall sample d. Rippling sample


What, if anything, should a researcher do before interpreting individual regression coefficients? a. Determine if there is an overall statistically significant relationship between the set of predictors and the outcome variable b. Verify that the predictors can explain (or predict) a meaningful portion of the variation in the outcome variable c. Both A and B d. Nothing: there are no further considerations in the interpretation of regression coefficients.


When a larger number of population elements must be included in the initial sample pool in order to end up with the desired sample size, what must be calculated? a. Total Sampling Elements b. Total Sampling Frame c. Total Survey Elements d. Total Sampling Error


When a questionnaire uses fixed-alternative questions, that questionnaire is said to be a. structured. b. open-ended. c. disguised. d. unstructured.


When both the independent and dependent variables are measured on continuous scales, what provides a means of quantifying the degree of association between them? a. Coefficient of continuation b. Coefficient of confidence c. Coefficient of correlation d. Coefficient of causation


When designing a scale to assess attitude, what is the minimum number of response categories that should be included? a. Three b. Nine c. Seven d. Five


When measuring consumer attitudes, which scale is recommended for use when there is a need to eliminate the halo effect? a. Likert scale b. Graphic-ratings scale c. Semantic-differential scale d. Comparative-ratings scale


When recruiting respondents to an online survey using email, how should email recipients who don't respond be counted for purposes of calculating the response rate? a. As ineligible recipients b. As non-working addresses c. As refusals d. As not-at-homes


When writing the report, continually asking whether every question in the original assignment has been addressed is a way to ensure which attribute of a good, written report? a. Utility b. Clarity c. Completeness d. Accuracy


Which approach to handling missing data may use a statistical technique known as regression analysis? a. Substituting values for the missing items b. Contacting the respondent again c. Eliminating the case with the missing item(s) from all further analysis d. Eliminating the case with the missing item only in analyses using the variable


Which aspect of control refers to resource issues such as time and cost of an approach? a. Sampling control b. Administrative control c. Resource control d. Information control


Which method of collecting primary data is quite inexpensive, compared to other methods, and provides very quick turnaround? a. Paper-based surveys b. Online surveys c. Mall intercepts d. Personal interviews


Which method of collecting primary data via communication allows the sequence of questions to be changed by the researcher? a. Paper-based surveys b. The sequence of questions can be changed with all of these methods. c. Online surveys d. Personal interviews


Which method of collecting primary data via communication cannot be projected to the overall population because the sample is nonrandom? a. Mall intercepts b. Paper-based surveys c. Telephone interviews d. Personal interviews


Which method of mechanical observation could tell a researcher which section of a store shelf captured consumers' attention most frequently? a. Facial coding b. Voice pitch analysis c. Galvanic skin response d. Eye camera


Which method of observation is ideal if concerns exist about interference from outside influences while making the observations? a. Undisguised b. Natural setting c. Laboratory setting d. Disguised


Which method of observation should be avoided if concerns exist about people behaving differently under observation? a. Natural setting b. Unstructured c. Mechanical d. Undisguised


Which of the following are advantages of using higher levels of structure in an observational study? a. Reduced potential for bias b. Increased reliability of observations c. Simplified and less costly coding and analysis of data d. All of these are advantages of higher levels of structure in an observational study.


Which of the following examples could count as a completed interview? a. A completed interview b. A nearly completed interview c. A partial interview that provides answers for most survey items d. All of these examples could count as completed interviews.


Which of the following factors would require a larger sample? a. When less precision in the estimate is needed b. When variation in the parameter in question increases c. When less confidence is required d. All of these factors require a larger sample.


Which of the following is NOT a type of response error? a. Constant error b. Systematic error c. Random error d. Syntax error


Which of the following points of the report are least essential for including in the executive summary? a. Conclusions b. Recommendations c. Method d. Key results


Which of the following statements about highly structured questions is NOT true? a. Data coding is greatly simplified. b. They are relatively simple to administer. c. Open-ended responses must be interpreted. d. Analysis is usually easy.


Which of the following statements about response rate is NOT true? a. High response rates suggest strong interest among respondents. b. Lower response rates generally suggest fewer problems with nonresponse bias. c. Calculating the response rate allows an assessment of the potential influence of nonresponse error. d. Low response rates may indicate poor question design.


Which of the following statements describes how frequency analysis is used? a. To identify the median point for the distribution b. To help determine the degree of item nonresponse c. To help locate outliers in the data d. All of these are uses of frequency analysis.


Which of the following things might help improve the response rate to a survey? a. Use exploratory research to gauge respondent interest in the topic b. Create a longer survey c. Share respondent contact information with members of the sales team d. All of these things might help improve the response rate to a survey.


Which section of the written research report tells in general terms about the types of research used in the project? a. Introduction b. Conclusions and recommendations c. Method d. Results


Which section of the written research report typically contains a copy of the questionnaire or observation form used to collect the data? a. Conclusions and recommendations b. Method c. Results d. Appendices


Which section, because of its detail, usually makes up the bulk of the report? a. Results b. Introduction c. Conclusions and recommendations d. Method


Which statement is true about target populations? a. The simpler the definition of the target population, the easier it will be to find the sample. b. Populations that are larger in number are easier to locate. c. You must be painfully explicit about who or what qualifies as a member of the population. d. All of these statements about target populations are true.


Which type of effort is essentially a sampling frame problem? a. Sampling error b. Nonresponse error c. Noncoverage error d. Response error


Which type of error can usually be eliminated by pretesting the questionnaire with members of the relevant population? a. Sampling error b. Recording error c. Response error d. Office error


Which type of scale is commonly used in marketing research for measuring consumer attitudes? a. Nominal b. Ratio c. Ordinal d. Interval

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