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Which of the following is a common means by which the "Flexibility and Ease of Use" heuristic is addressed? A) An accelerator B) A discombobulates C) This is not one of Nielsen's heuristics D) A Rube Goldberg device

A) An accelerator

An example of the design principle of Mapping

Pebble smart watches have three buttons on the side. Pressing the one on the top lets you navigate up through a list of notifications and pressing the one on the bottom lets you navigate down through the list

It is critical to describe the goals of a user study to the participant. Which of the following DOES NOT need to be includes in the introduction? A) Explaining that the participant will be evaluated based on their performance B) Describing the risks and benefits of participating for the participant C) Explaining that you are evaluating a prototype, not the participant's performance. D) Giving instructions specific to the tasks, such as whether they should think out loud, focus on speed, ect

A) Explaining that the participant will be evaluated based on their performance

Why should you seek feedback on "roughly sketched" ideas rather than simply experimentally testing more functional prototypes? A) Functional prototypes take time and resources to construct, so you want to know if you're on the wrong track before you commit all of that effort B) Rough sketches are the best way to test important design details, like choice of colors and fonts. C) A functional prototype may give the illusions of a "done" project, making users hesitant to give negative feedback D) It allows you to iterate faster and seek user feedback more frequently and earlier in the process

A) Functional prototypes take time and resources to construct, so you want to know if you're on the wrong track before you commit all of that effort C) A functional prototype may give the illusions of a "done" project, making users hesitant to give negative feedback D) It allows you to iterate faster and seek user feedback more frequently and earlier in the process

Which of the fallowing principles prevents "slips"? A) Good interface design should include helpful constraints B) Good interface design should provide appropriate defaults C) Good interface design should suggest common options to users D) Good interface design should penalize slips, so users learn to avoid them

A) Good interface design should include helpful constraints B) Good interface design should provide appropriate defaults C) Good interface design should suggest common options to users

The three brother are approached by a student who says "i'd like you to build me an app that my roommates and i can use to keep track of our shared expenses, so we make sure we're all paying our share". Which of the fallowing responses sounds most like Ivan would begin? A) Interviewing the student and her roommates, as well as other groups of roommates who share expenses to understand what their problems really are. B) Study Android so he can get started programming the app. C) Sketching out some design ideas on paper and getting feedback from the student and her roommates to see what they like and don't like about the designs. D) Realizing that college students might be a good market, so asking his brothers if they would start a company together to market apps to students

A) Interviewing the student and her roommates, as well as other groups of roommates who share expenses to understand what their problems really are.

Which of the following statements about low-fidelity prototyping are accurate? A) Low-fidelity prototyping is a group of techniques used to rapidly capture a graphical concept of product B) Low-fidelity prototypes are often sketchy and incomplete C) Low-fidelity prototyping lets you think carefully about the details of the product D) Low-fidelity prototypes are simple but have some characteristics of the target product.

A) Low-fidelity prototyping is a group of techniques used to rapidly capture a graphical concept of product B) Low-fidelity prototypes are often sketchy and incomplete D) Low-fidelity prototypes are simple but have some characteristics of the target product.

Which of the following statements about Google's Material Design are true? A) Material Design principles can be applied to web-based applications as well as mobile B) If designers follow Material Design Principles, then they would not benefit from considering other design principles (like consistency) or patterns C) The primary "material" in the Material Design metaphor is a cube D) One example of Material Design is the floating action button in apps like Gmail

A) Material Design principles can be applied to web-based applications as well as mobile D) One example of Material Design is the floating action button in apps like Gmail

Which of the following are good strategies while getting feedback and critiques from others? A) Prepare ahead of time and say what kind of feedback you want. B) Don't get defensive during the critique -- you can always choose which feedback to take or leave later C) Take notes during the critique D) When you receive feedback or a critique, be ready with reasons why you design ideas are correct

A) Prepare ahead of time and say what kind of feedback you want. B) Don't get defensive during the critique -- you can always choose which feedback to take or leave later C) Take notes during the critique

After conducting an observation study, there still is a lot of work left to do. Please indicate all the necessary steps you need to take after the study. A) Review your observation notes and take field notes B) Contact the participats and get their consent to be observed C) Analyze your data using qualitative and/or quantitative methods D) Nothing -- once you're done observing, the study is over

A) Review your observation notes and take field notes C) Analyze your data using qualitative and/or quantitative methods

Which of the following are reasons why it's a good idea to create a written user test plan? A) So you will know what you're going to measure in the study B) To help you do a pilot study to practice and refine your plan, and find and fix any problems, with the plan C) To help you determine who you will manage time during the evaluation D) So that you will think carefully about what counts as a "successful" evaluation of your prototype

A) So you will know what you're going to measure in the study B) To help you do a pilot study to practice and refine your plan, and find and fix any problems, with the plan C) To help you determine who you will manage time during the evaluation D) So that you will think carefully about what counts as a "successful" evaluation of your prototype

Which of the fallowing are strengths of interview methods A) You can get data about WHY people do something, not just WHAT they did B) Interviews don't require a lot of preparation to conduct, as they are essentially just an unstructured conversation with a user C) Interviews are the most efficient way to ask users yes/no and multiple-choice questions, D) They can help participants share otherwise invisible aspects of their experience such as feelings, opinions, and thoughts

A) You can get data about WHY people do something, not just WHAT they did D) They can help participants share otherwise invisible aspects of their experience such as feelings, opinions, and thoughts

Which of the following must you have in order to do a cognitive walkthrough? A) A running app that implements your user interface design B) A definition of important user tasks and how they are completed in your prototype C) A way to time how long it takes to complete tasks, so you can identity inefficient design features D) A selection of colors for your interface, so you can verify that your UI is aesthetically pleasing

B) A definition of important user tasks and how they are completed in your prototype

Which of the following statements about use cases is most accurate? A) A use case is a story about user needs, and does not include any information about possible system designs B) A use case is a story about user needs that can motivate designers to create a system that meets these needs C) A use case can be developed only after doing research with the potential users of a system D) A use case is primarily intended as a way to get feedback from the potential users of a system.

B) A use case is a story about user needs that can motivate designers to create a system that meets these needs

Which of the fallowing statements about Contextual Inquiry is NOT TRUE? A) You can share your initial interpretations with participants and get their feedback to help you deepen your understanding B) As soon as you notice something interesting, you should immediately interrupt the participant and jump in with a question C) Contextual inquires take a lot of time and effort, so you often are limited to getting data from only a few participants D) Contextual inquiries let you get data about both WHAT users do and WHY they do it

B) As soon as you notice something interesting, you should immediately interrupt the participant and jump in with a question

An email program I used puts the messages I send in the Sent Items folder and replies to my messages in the Inbox folder. I'm wondering whether I received a reply to one of my messages, but it's hard for me to tell. Which of the fallowing design concepts apply to this situation A) Gulf of Execution B) Gulf of Evaluation C) Constraints D) Mapping

B) Gulf of Evaluation

Which of the following statements about voluntary, informed consent in user evaluation is most accurate? A) For consent to be informed, you must tell people both what they're going to do and exactly what you're looking for B) It is important to make sure that users do not feel coerced to participate in an evaluation study. C) It is usually best to use employees of your company or students of your as participants in evaluation studies because it is easier to get their consent. D) Once people volunteer to participate, it is OK to require them to finish the evaluation

B) It is important to make sure that users do not feel coerced to participate in an evaluation study.

Karen is a user researcher who is evaluating a new scheduling app design to be used by administrative assistants to manage their boss's schedules. Given what you learned about Ethics and Consent, which of the fallowing descriptions of behavior by Karen is most ethical? A) Karen works on a college campus, and it is easy for her to recruit students for her evaluation, so that is who she uses B) Karen welcomes each participant in here experiment, describes what the participant will do, and ask if the participant is willing to proceed. C) Karen recruits administrative assistants to participate, obtains their consent to record their sessions, and after the experiments are over decides to share the recording with her participants' bosses, hoping they will support the development of the app. D) Karen is halfway through an experiment with a participant, when the participant says he doesn't want to continue. Karen doesn't want to waste the time she spent so far, so she urges the participant to complete the experiment.

B) Karen welcomes each participant in here experiment, describes what the participant will do, and ask if the participant is willing to proceed.

Imagine a user interface that relies heavily on an infographic in which a continuous value is represented with a rainbow color scheme. Which of Nielsen's heuristics does this violate most? A) Visibility of System Status B) Match Between System and the Real World C) The Affordances Rule D) Help and Documentation

B) Match Between System and the Real World

Web browsers show visited links in a different color than links that have not been visited. Which heuristic best describes why this is a good design idea? A) Flexibility and Ease of Use B) User Control and Freedom C) Recognition VS Recall D) Aesthetic and Minimalist Design

C) Recognition VS Recall

Which of the following statements about paper prototyping are accurate? A) Paper prototyping is only useful when you have a very small budget B) Paper, pencils, erasers, rulers, scissors, self-sticky notes, transparency tape, and your imagination are sufficient tools for making a paper prototype C) A paper prototype should provide sufficient support for interactivity to enable useful evaluation of your interface concept D) You can also use paper prototypes to run a technology-free design meeting. People can turn off their laptops and focus on the tasks at hand

B) Paper, pencils, erasers, rulers, scissors, self-sticky notes, transparency tape, and your imagination are sufficient tools for making a paper prototype C) A paper prototype should provide sufficient support for interactivity to enable useful evaluation of your interface concept D) You can also use paper prototypes to run a technology-free design meeting. People can turn off their laptops and focus on the tasks at hand

Suppose you want to study the relationship between students' use of laptops during lecture classes and the grades they receive in these classes. You form the following hypothesis: "Students who spend more time on laptops during lecture classes get lower grades." When you define variables for your statistical analysis, which of the following would be your DEPENDENT variable? A) The amount of time a student spends on their laptops during this class B) The grade a student received in this class C) The subject matter of the class D) The student's GPA prior to taking the class

B) The grade a student received in this class

While of the following are typically true of summative evaluations A) They typically answer the "why?" questions and lead to design implications B) They typically include quantitative metrics C) They typically include a comparison with alternatives, baseline, etc D) They typically do not provide users with any specific tasks to complete, instead allowing the users to explore the system naturally without any direction or goal

B) They typically include quantitative metrics C) They typically include a comparison with alternatives, baseline, etc

One type of "Implication for design" is an Abstraction (or Meta-Abstraction). Which of the following is the best example of an Abstraction (or Meta-Abstraction) implication for design in the context of a public transit app? A) Privacy is important to people who use public transit B) Users must be able to find out how soon the next bus will arrive at a bus stop C) A sketch showing the design of an interface that will allow users to request a bus route D) The app must respond to all user queries within 500 milliseconds

B) Users must be able to find out how soon the next bus will arrive at a bus stop

Which of the following is true about an "IDEO-style" ideation process?? A) You want to evaluate each idea and only write down the feasible ones B) You want to number your ideas and shoot for a specific high-number goal C) It is good if there are multiple spin-of conversations happening in the room because it suggests good energy for generating ideas D) It is important that people on the team are comfortable being a little silly in front of each other.

B) You want to number your ideas and shoot for a specific high-number goal D) It is important that people on the team are comfortable being a little silly in front of each other.

Which of the following statements about responsive web design is most accurate? A) What matters most of your web app is that it responds quickly to user input; therefore, efficiency should be your top concern B) A good strategy is to design first for larger desktop computer screens, since it lets you organize all your app's content and features; you can then simplify for smaller displays C) A good strategy is to design first for smartphone-sized screens, since it forces you to prioritize your app's content and features; you can add in less important content and features as screen size increases D) A good strategy for designing web apps on multiple devices is to obtain the exact screen sizes of all the most popular smartphones, and develop a layout optimized for each one.

C) A good strategy is to design first for smartphone-sized screens, since it forces you to prioritize your app's content and features; you can add in less important content and features as screen size increases

Which of the following are true about quantitative analysis? A) It should ONLY be applied to analyzing interviews. Other methods are more appropriate for all other types of data B) It is best used to provide quality analyses of large scale data such as logs of system use and structured survey deployments C) It frequently relies on "constant comparison" between units of meaning in the data to arrive at connections and clusters D) It is inherently subjective, but follows a rigorous process to help the findings stay true to the data

C) It frequently relies on "constant comparison" between units of meaning in the data to arrive at connections and clusters D) It is inherently subjective, but follows a rigorous process to help the findings stay true to the data

Which of the following is an advantage of POP app over simple paper prototyping? A) You can prototype your ideas faster using POP. B) POP lets you experiment with important details like color and fonts earlier C) POP makes it easier to test some interactive aspects of your design, such as navigation between screens. D) With a POP interface, users are less likely to think that this is a real product that is close to being ready for delivery

C) POP makes it easier to test some interactive aspects of your design, such as navigation between screens.

There are many reasons why developing a research protocol ahead of time is important. Which of the fallowing is NOT one of these reasons? A) To be able to practice and refine your approach before starting your formative research with participants B) To have greater consistency across multiple sessions, participants, and researchers C) So that you are collecting data in a way that is consistent with your MySQL database model D) So that you know approximately how long each part of the study will take

C) So that you are collecting data in a way that is consistent with your MySQL database model

The case study on improving an existing solution related why the MovieLens system interface was updated. Three of the fallowing were reasons for ding the update: which of the fallowing was not a reasons? A) User complained that the interface felt dated B) The user experience was too complex C) The old interface took too much CPU time D) Many of the prominent interface features were not being used

C) The old interface took too much CPU time

What is the purpose of the severity assessment in heuristic evaluation? A) To punish the developers who introduced the bug B) To ensure that evaluators are being accurate by checking their output against that of other evaluators C) When severity rating are averaged across all evaluators, developers a get a ranked list of problems to address D) Research has recently shown that the severity rating is not an important part of heuristic evaluation

C) When severity rating are averaged across all evaluators, developers a get a ranked list of problems to address

Which of the following is the best example of an interaction Design Patter? A) Sometimes in a user interface it is necessary to draw users' attention to the most important information; be sure to highlight important information consistently throughout your interface B) If you are wondering whether your design ideas are effective, do not present them to users until your design team first conducts strutted evaluations of your designs. C) When you have a list of items to show, each item has interesting content, display two panels, showing items in one panel, and the contents of the selected item in the other panel. D) Choice of colors, icons, and vocabulary often are culturally dependent, so always parameterize your design so you can swap in versions appropriate to different cultures as needed

C) When you have a list of items to show, each item has interesting content, display two panels, showing items in one panel, and the contents of the selected item in the other panel

Which of the following is the most accurate example set of steps for the ideation & selection process presented in the lectures? A) Come up with one good idea for each Implication for Design from your user research B) Come up with 10 ideas, come up with 6 variations of each idea to get 60 total design directions, rate each of the 60 by imagining how one of your users would react to it. C) During your user research, ask each user to come up with three design ides, select ideas that more than one user mentioned, decide with your team which is most technically feasible. D) Come up with 100 ideas, cull and combine to 60, cluster into five major idea groups that you draw & describe, rate each of the idea groups based on your user research and implications for design, and then vote with the team to decide on final idea to pursue

D) Come up with 100 ideas, cull and combine to 60, cluster into five major idea groups that you draw & describe, rate each of the idea groups based on your user research and implications for design, and then vote with the team to decide on final idea to pursue

We learned that people have an innate tendency to build models of systems they use. Which of the fallowing statements best represents how the video lectures describe the relationship between the Design Model of a system, the User Model of the system, and the System Image? A) Designers should do studies to understand User's Models of the system they are creating, create a Design Model consistent with it, then develop an attractive System Image using good design principles B) After designing the look and functionality of a system (the System Image), the designers should write documentations describing how it works (the Design Model) so users can understand it (the User Model) c) Once Designers have figured out how they want the system to work ( the Design Model) and how users understand the system (User Model), it is easy to create an appropriate user interface (the System Image) D) Designers should be explicit about their understanding of the system (the Design Model), then create an interface whose look and functionality (the System Image) helps users create a model (the User Model) identical to the Design Model

D) Designers should be explicit about their understanding of the system (the Design Model), then create an interface whose look and functionality (the System Image) helps users create a model (the User Model) identical to the Design Model

Johannes created a survey to understand how people felt about sharing their location on social media and whether they had privacy concerns about doing this. Which of the following statements about how Johannes did his survey did his survey NOT CONSISTENT with good practices for doing a survey? A) Johannes designed all the questions to be yes/no and multiple choice B) Johannes had a few of his friends out the survey first to make sure that all the questions made sense. C) Johannes began the survey with a brief descriptions of the goal of the survey: to learn more about social media sharing D) TO make recruiting participants as easy as possible. Johannes simply send a link to the survey to all his Facebook friends

D) TO make recruiting participants as easy as possible. Johannes simply send a link to the survey to all his Facebook friends

Which of the following is the most appropriate example of a walkthrough scenario A) Marian is a music teacher, She likes to schedule all her students back to back, so she can finish he day as early as possible, so when she finds a time for a new student, she always ties to fit it in between lessons she already has scheduled B) Aaron is a physics professor from Australia, He uses a computer for work every day, running simulations, using a word processor to write up results, and using email constantly to communicate with colleagues, He also plays games on his smartphone when he has a little free time C) Gerri uses Google Play Music on her smartphone. After she selects a station to listen to, she always has a hard time remembering how to see the playlist of upcoming songs. This is an example of poor feedback D) Tap the calendar icon. Tap the "Hamburger menu" icon. Tap on "Month". Swipe from the right side of the screen to the left until you read the desired month. Tap on the desired day

D) Tap the calendar icon. Tap the "Hamburger menu" icon. Tap on "Month". Swipe from the right side of the screen to the left until you read the desired month. Tap on the desired day

You are asked to design a system to support the social workers a non-profit focused on helping low-income families, but you know very little about this context. What is the most important questions to answer with formative work before beginning to design? A) Do these users tend to use IOS or Android products? B) What technology do the users say they want? C) Who technically literate are the users? D) Who are the target users, in terms of their challenges, strategies and values?

D) Who are the target users, in terms of their challenges, strategies and values?

Which of the following is NOT a benefit of prototyping? A) It lets you elicit constructive and helpful feedback during the interface design process B) it lets you figure out whether any of your design ideas are wrong earlier rather than later. C) it lets you explore design ideas before locking them in through expensive development investment D) it lets you deliver the product earlier to your customers

D) it lets you deliver the product earlier to your customers

Three main components of the user interface process

User Research Design Evaluation

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