CSP study guide 2

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Public key encryption was invented in the 1970s, and since its discovery, it's enabled a wide range of secure transactions on the Internet. Which of these is not dependent on public key encryption for its security?

A teenager looks up information on a medical website in incognito mode, and won't have to see advertisements related to that medical condition in the future.

To celebrate National Teacher Day, a social media user starts a #MyFavTeacher hashtag and encourages other users to say thank you to their favorite teacher. The FBI is concerned about the trend and whether users will accidentally reveal information that can be used to answer bank account security questions. Which tweet would be the least concerning to the FBI?

"A big thanks to my third grade teacher! They got me started down the path of science experiments. #MyFavTeacher"

Hong Lien is a research director for NASA. She is hoping to build a system that can process millions of images from satellites orbiting the earth and analyze them each day for signs of deforestation and ocean debris. She decides to hire an engineer specifically for the task of building the system and reviews many resumes. Which of these lines on a resume is most pertinent to this task?

"I have experience building highly scalable systems."

This list represents the horses leading in a race: leadHorses ← ["Justify", "Bravazo", "Good Magic", "Tenfold", "Lone Sailor", "Sporting Chance", "Diamond King", "Quip"] This code snippet updates the list: tempHorse ← leadHorses[3] leadHorses[3] ← leadHorses[4] leadHorses[4] ← tempHorse What does the leadHorses variable store after that code runs?

"Justify", "Bravazo", "Tenfold", "Good Magic", "Lone Sailor", "Sporting Chance", "Diamond King", "Quip"

The San Francisco Health Department keeps track of health inspections at restaurants and makes the data publicly available. Each row in the inspections data set contains these details: Restaurant name Restaurant address Inspection date Inspection score (0-100) Violation description Risk severity (low/medium/high) Which of the following questions can be answered using the available data? Choose all answers that apply: A What is the average inspection score for the high risk violations? B How many restaurants have an inspection score greater than 90? C Which restaurant has the lowest inspection score? D Which type of restaurant has the most high risk violations?

A What is the average inspection score for the high risk violations? B How many restaurants have an inspection score greater than 90? C Which restaurant has the lowest inspection score?

In 2019, a security research firm discovered that it was possible to monitor the geographic location of users in four dating apps. All they needed to know was their username and they could map the most recent location of the user. Which of the following risk becomes possible due to the accessibility of the geolocation data?

A stalker could find a user that rejected them and follow them around.

Emilia arrived to work at her company's office at 9 AM. She connected her laptop to the Wi-Fi hotspot labeled "OfficeWiFi5thFl". After a meeting ended at 10:30 AM, she connected to a different hotspot labeled "OfficeSpace5thFl". After lunch ended at 12 PM, her laptop lost that signal and reconnected to "OfficeWiFi5thFl". If "OfficeSpace5thFl" was actually a rogue access point, which website visits could it have intercepted?

A visit to a tax software website at 10:45 AM where she filled out part of her tax form for this year.

Which of the following is the best description of the process of decryption?

Decoding data to reveal the original message

Annalee is setting up a research lab. She wants to be able to search the Web from her laptop anywhere in the lab but doesn't want to drag an Ethernet cable around the lab. Annalee starts browsing online for products. Which of the following products should she buy?

NetGear Wireless Access Point

above question Which of these return statements is the best for this procedure?

RETURN distance

Billy receives a message from a stranger on a social media website that simply says "I know where you live." Billy tried to think about his online activities, and whether or not those activities could have revealed his location. Which of these online activities is least likely to have revealed his location to the stranger?

Reading news sites in a browser with third-party cookies enabled.

A team of scientists and engineers is putting together a research project to study whale sounds. In order to develop the infrastructure for the project, they need to first determine how much data storage space their observational data will require. Which piece of data will increase their data storage needs the most?

Recording of whale sound

Brittany is using machine learning for an algorithm that classifies social media posts according to their sentiment ("positive", "negative", or "neutral"). She trains a neural network on a large open database of social media posts and tests the network on her personal social media feed. She notices that it's mis-classifying the posts from her teenage friends, who use different slang from her other friends. What's the best way that Brittany can improve the machine learning algorithm's ability to classify posts from teenagers?

She can add social media posts from teenagers into the training data set, both from her own network and globally available data.

Eloise wants to share her political views with family members living in another state but doesn't want her posts to be viewed by potential employers in the future. What is the best strategy for ensuring that?

She can send email messages with family members CC'ed on the email thread.

Ahmad is a graphic artist. He tweets a photo of his high school yearbook cover that he helped design. In what ways can the tweeted photo be used as PII?

The high school name indicates where Ahmad went to school.

Kira sends an email message to a teammate about a conflict she's having with their boss. They later discover that the boss found out about the contents of the message. What's the most likely way that happened?

The teammate forwarded the message to the boss.

When a computer wants to use public key cryptography to send data securely to another computer, those computers need to start a multi-step exchange of information. What is the first information exchanged?

The two computers send their public keys to each other.

The One Million Masterpiece is a global art project with the goal of collecting tiny digital pictures from online contributors and stitching them together into a giant canvas. Which of these is most likely true about the contributed pictures to the project?

There will be a variety in what the pictures look like.

An analytics website offers web developers a script that can track where users are navigating and clicking on their website. The analytics script places a third-party cookie on each website that uses it. What records can the analytics website store about the browsing behavior of an individual?

They can record all the webpages that the individual has visited that have their cookie embedded.

Isabel is programming an app called Plant watch, which lets users monitor the health of their plants. Which variables would she most likely use a string data type for?

species: The name of the plant species

Lakeisha is developing a program to process data from smart sensors installed in factories. The thousands of sensors produce millions of data points each day. When she ran her program on her computer, it took 10 hours to complete. Which of these strategies are most likely to speed up her data processing? (choose 2) A) Distributing the computing to multiple machines to run the program on subsets of the data. B) Encrypting the data with a symmetric encryption technique before processing it. C) Figuring out a way to write the program in less lines of code. D) Using parallel computing on a computer with a multi-core CPU.

A) Distributing the computing to multiple machines to run the program on subsets of the data. D) Using parallel computing on a computer with a multi-core CPU.

This is the code of the procedure with line numbers: PROCEDURE calcDistance (x1, y1, x2, y2) { xDiff ← x2 - x1 yDiff ← y2 - y1 sum ← POW(xDiff, 2) + POW(yDiff, 2) distance ← SQRT(sum) } Which line of code should the return statement be placed after?

After line 6

In April 2020, Twitter users started a trend of posting their high school graduation photos. The FBI issued a warning soon after about the risks of posting those photos on public social media accounts. Which of these is not a potential risk of posting an old graduation photo?

An attacker could download the image and threaten to share it with the press unless the user gives them money.

In 2018, the housewares company OXO discovered that attackers installed malware on their online store to steal customer information. The malware had access to the customer's name, billing and shipping addresses, and credit card information. With access to that information, which of the following actions could not be taken by an attacker?

An attacker could login to the customer's OXO account and change account details.

Oil tankers are prone to fire, due to all the gasoline on the ship. Some tankers use specialized cameras for flame and smoke detection, and install them in the most fire-prone spots of the ship. The cameras record videos whenever they detect motion, and also record metadata along with the videos. The metadata includes the location of the camera, the temperature near the camera, the start date/time of the recording, and the end date/time of the recording. Which of these questions can be better answered by analyzing the metadata instead of the recorded videos? (choose 2) A What is the direction of the smoke for a video? B What is the range in temperature at the cameras? C On average, how many recordings are made each day per camera location? D What proportion of the videos contain flames?

B) What is the range in temperature at the cameras? C) On average, how many recordings are made each day per camera location?

If a website wants to track which pages a user visits on their website, what is required technically? A) The user must click yes on a banner displayed on the website. B)The user must give the browser access to their geolocation. C) The website must be served over HTTPS and use a valid digital certificate. D)None of the above

D) none of the above

A company develops a mobile app designed for parents to monitor what their children are doing. The parents install the app on the phone, and it can record details like who the child is conversing with and what apps they're using. It can also record and store the geolocation of the child. Which of these questions from parents could not be answered by the recorded geolocation data?

Did my child hang out in the park in a group of more than 20 people?

In 2016, the ACLU reported that a company called Geofeedia analyzed data from social media websites like Twitter and Instagram to find users involved in local protests and sold that data to police forces. The data included usernames and their approximate geographic locations. Geofeedia claims the data was all publicly available data. In response to the news, many users were eager to find ways to keep their geolocation private. Which of these actions is least likely to help a user keep their geolocation private?

Disabling third-party cookies in their browser

Talisa is an engineer that is helping a museum to digitize and analyze all of its historical books. After running the software over the first 100 books, she realizes that the museum computer has run out of space to store the digital files. Which technique is the most needed to help them digitize the remaining books?

Distributed computing

Daxton reads the privacy policy of his browser and realizes he is uncomfortable with the browser's default privacy practices. What would be a good next step?

He can change the privacy settings in the browser to a level he is comfortable with. He can switch browsers to a browser that has different privacy practices.

A software engineer for a university is creating a system to keep track of students. They need to decide which data should be considered PII so that they can store it in a more secure database. Which of the following pieces of data is most likely to be considered PII?

Home address

A hospital IT department is determining how much data storage capacity they will need to store electronic health records for patients. Which type of data is likely to require the most data storage capacity?

Imagery from scans (CT/PET/MRI)

An IT administrator for a company discovers that someone set up a rogue access point in the office and that several employees are connected to it. The administrator is concerned about an attacker gaining access to company data. Which of these attacks are possible over the rogue access point?

Intercepting requests sent over the Internet and copying their contents

Yuta posts a tweet on his Twitter account with a photo of himself taking a bubble bath. A few months later, while preparing for a job interview, he decides to delete the photo in case the job recruiters find it. Once Yuta deletes the tweet, can the recruiters find the photo?

Yes, if the tweet was archived by a web archive service or uploaded elsewhere by others who saw it.

PROCEDURE fancyMath(expression) { divideFixed ← REPLACE(expression, "/", "÷") multFixed ← REPLACE(divideFixed, "*", "×") RETURN multFixed } Fabian then decides to try out the procedure on a math expression: fancyMath("(5 / 3) * 6") After that line of code runs, what will be displayed on the screen?

Nothing will be displayed

Xiomara is a researcher studying the effect of carbon emissions from airplanes on global warming. She collects millions of data points tracking the path of airplanes and develops a program that analyzes the data. When she runs the program on a single company's airplanes, it takes an hour to complete, so she becomes concerned that it will take much too long to run on all of the airplane data. Her friend Darbari suggests using parallel computing to speed up the analysis of the airplane emission data. How would parallel computing speed up the analysis?

Parallel computing can run the program in parallel on subsets of the data, so that the total amount of time is less.

The goal of the MilkyWay@Home volunteer computing project is to build an accurate model of the Milky Way by simulating the composition of dark matter around the galaxy. Once volunteers sign up for the project and download the application, their computer will run models of the galaxy whenever it has spare CPU cycles. The results are sent back to the project's central database, so that scientists can identify the models with the best fit and publish the results. What's the primary benefit of enabling volunteers to run the models on their home computers?

The researchers do not have to pay for the computing power used by the home computers.

Jairo is shopping for a new pair of shoes online and has found four online stores that sell the shoes. He opens them all up in different browser tabs and begins the checkout process so that he can find out what the final price (with shipping and taxes) will be and decide if any of the websites aren't legitimate. Which of these online stores seems the most suspicious?

The store that asks for his name, drivers license number, credit card number, and address in the checkout form.

Shako is setting up a computing system for predicting earthquakes based on processing data from seismographs (devices that record earth movements). The system will start off with data from local seismographs but eventually handle millions of data points from seismographs worldwide. For her system to work well, what is an important feature?

The system must be scalable.

The administration of a high school decides to install antivirus software on all of the school computers. What can the antivirus software protect the computers from?

With heuristic-based detection, antivirus software can detect viruses that haven't been discovered yet, as well as already existing viruses that have been disguised or modified and released as new viruses.

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