Ct foresters

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Hypoxylon canker

Hypoxylon canker is a disease that appears as a dead lesion on limbs, branches, and trunks of affected trees. The canker develops just under the bark (Fig.1) and in advanced stages, causes a white rot decay of the sapwood. This decay contributes to tree mortality, compromises the structural integrity of the tree. This is a fungus which only attackes weakened or stressed trees and does not go after healthy trees. Black leasion in strips on branches or trunk. once found usually too late and tree will die and structurally comprimised. Oaks.

Spruce Bud worm

.Management strategies include commercially thinning healthy stands to retain trees with greater than 40% live crown ratio. Using pesticides to control spruce budworm is expensive and not very successful at treating forests, but is an option for saving yard trees. If dead and dying trees are not removed, they become a fire hazard around homes and buildings and contribute to increased fire risk. Despite its name, balsam fir trees are most susceptible to budworm while spruces are moderately susceptible. Fortunately, these important conifer species can be protected through effective forest management. Large-scale outbreaks of spruce budworm in the eastern Canadian provinces and northern New England typically occur cyclically every 30 to 40 years. Moths lay up to 10 egg masses on spruce and balsam fir needles in July. Larvae soon hatch from the eggs and spin down on a silk tread which can blow a considerable distance by wind. After overwintering, young larvae emerge just before balsam fir budbreak in the spring. Eastern spruce budworm larvae Budworm larvae feed on new foliage growth through May and June then pupate and emerge as moths by mid-July. Adult moths will mate, lay eggs, and eventually die in the summer. Moths are effective fliers and use wind currents to disperse over long distances. Populations remain in outbreak stage in a forest stand until much of its food source, such as mature and overmature balsam fir and spruce, is killed. When an outbreak of budworm occurs, it typically will remain in that area defoliating trees for the next 8 to 10 years.Budworm feeding damage is first noticed on outer branch shoots in the upper crowns of spruce and fir trees. Partially eaten needles are webbed onto branch tips and turn a reddish-brown color. Long-term damage of budworm defoliation can result in top kill in 2 to 3 years for balsam fir or 3 to 5 years in white spruce. Additional years of feeding cause tree mortality.

Fomes annosus

Affects 20 to 30 year old pine plantations especially those tha have been roatated several times. can be located by patches of weeds in the plantation. can live in the soil for many years. hard to identify numerous looking mushrooms. Fomes annosus causes both a root rot and a butt rot. It attacks many species of conifers; occasionally it is found on hardwoods too, a1 though it does little damage to them.

Nectria Canker

Air born pathogen that infects birch mainly but will infect other species. The pathogen gets into a wound or branch. after or immediatly follow rain.the tree produces profuse amounts of callous tissue (wound wood) during the summer months in an attempt to wall off the fungus. The fungus then expands beyond the area limited by the callus and kills adjacent tissue. This perennial battle between the fungus and the tree often results in a typical "target" or "perennial" canker with concentric raised rings of callous tissue (Thomas and Hart 1986). Nectria galligena

Beech Blight Aphids

Another characteristic of this aphid is that it will raise the posterior end of its body and sway when it is disturbed. This action produces a dance-like effect that occurs throughout the colony. This phenomenon has led some to refer to this species as the "Boogie-Woogie Aphid." It is a unique experience to see hundreds, if not thousands, of these perform this defensive, yet highly entertaining, behavior. The aphid causes no real damage to the tree except for some small branches may be over taken by the insect. It is a natural insect small insect in the order Hemiptera that feeds on the sap of American beech trees. The aphids form dense colonies on small branches and the undersides of leaves. The aphids themselves are a light bluish color with bodies covered with long, white, waxy filaments giving them a woolly appearance. They first become apparent in July and as populations continue to grow they become increasingly noticeable. Very high numbers can be seen on individual branches, sometimes extending onto leaves. Infested trees may appear to have their branches and twigs covered with snow. Deposits of sooty mold caused by the fungus Scorias spongiosa build up below the colonies growing on the copious amounts of honeydew the insects exude.[2] The aphids do not usually cause much damage to overall tree health, but dieback is occasionally seen on very heavily infested branches. If infestations are heavy, twigs may die, but damage to the tree is usually minor.

Ash Yellows

Ash yellows is a disease caused by Candidatus fraxinii, which affects the tree's vascular system or its' phloem sieve tubes. It is presently only found in North America. Ash yellows disease cycle is still a mystery. Experts think it is transmitted by insect vectors such as leaf hoppers which also transmit viruses. Symptoms seem to appear most widely on white ash (Fraxinus americana) than green ash (F. pennsylvanica.) It can also affect at least ten other ashes including black ash (F. nigra) and blue ash (F. quadrangulata.) The ash yellows phytoplasma can also cause symptoms of witches broom in lilacs often called lilac witches broom. Ash decline is the rapid decline of ash trees including sparse crown growth and dieback. It may be caused by many factors including environmental factors like weather stresses or poor soil conditions and other pathogens like ash yellows. Symptoms and Diagnosis Symptoms of ash yellows and decline can vary depending upon ash species and environment conditions. White ash shows the most prominent of symptoms for ash yellows and can result in substantial dieback which leads to premature death of the trees. Trees may show slow twig growth and short internodes among the twigs causing a tufted appearance of foliage and thinning of the overall crown. The symptomatic leaves can be stunted, chlorotic (yellow coloring,) have upturned margins, and premature autumn color. When the branches are slow growing laterally, another symptom is deliquescent branches which lose their apical dominance. Additionally, the branches can have severe dieback. The tree may develop witches broom at the trunk collar and occasionally in major branches as well. Green ash can have similar symptoms as white ash but usually less severe. Green ashes can develop witches broom at the base of the tree without the other symptoms. Green ash appears to tolerate ash yellows better than white ash. Observation of the trees' conditions is very important since adverse environmental conditions can cause similar decline in ash trees as ash yellows. Some environmental factors to look out for are mechanical damage, drought stresses, insect infestations, and parasitic fungi. The witches broom can be diagnostic of the ash yellows but this symptom is not always present with infected ash trees.

Hay scented fern

Best grown in moist, rich, humusy, acidic, medium moisture loams in part shade to full shade. With consistent moisture, it tolerates full sun. Also tolerates a wide range of soils, including poor rocky soils and, once well established, dry soils. Also tolerates full shade. Spreads aggresively by rhizomes to form colonies. Noteworthy Characteristics Dennstaedtia punctilobula is commonly called hay-scented fern as the fronds release a fragrance reminiscent of fresh mown hay when brushed with a hand, crushed or bruised. It is a deciduous fern that is native to open woods and wooded banks in the eastern and midwestern U.S. Although uncommon in Missouri, it is quite common, almost to the point of being considered weedy, in some parts of its range such as New England. It typically grows to 2' tall and features lacy, narrow-triangular, erect to arching, yellowish green fronds (to 30" long). Fronds turn yellow in fall. Marginal sori are surrounded by cup-shaped indusia, hence the sometimes used common name of cup fern for plants in the genus Dennstaedtia.

Gypsy Moth

By the end of June, they will have stripped bare a majority of the trees in an area. Forest and yard trees look more like they do in January than in July. Gypsy moth undergoes four developmental life stages; these are the egg, larva (caterpillar), pupa, and adult. Gypsy moth females lay between 500 to 1,000 eggs in sheltered areas such as underneath the bark of trees. The eggs are covered with a dense mass of tan or buff-colored hairs. The egg mass is approximately 1.5 inches long and 0.75 inches wide. The eggs are the overwintering stage of the insect. Eggs are attached to trees, houses, or any outdoor objects. The eggs hatch in spring (April) into caterpillars. In early summer (June to early July), Gypsy moth caterpillars enter a pupal or transitional stage. The pupae are dark brown, shell-like cases approximately two inches long and covered with hairs. They are primarily located in sheltered areas such as tree bark crevices or leaf litter. Adult Gypsy moths emerge from the pupae in 10 to 14 days. They are present from July into August. Young caterpillars spread to new locations by crawling to the tops of trees, where they spin a silken thread and are caught on wind currents. Target Species: Oaks, beech, birch, elm, maples

Oak Apple Gall

Caused by the apple gall wasp by hijacking the The leaf tissue and creating a nest for the egg to grow. so-called spongy oak apple gall is produced by the gall wasp, Amphibolips confluenta, on scarlet, red, and black oaks. The galls may be up to 2" in diameter and as their common name implies, the internal tissue is spongy and closely resembles the flesh of an apple. The surface of the gall is light green, smooth, and free of spots. The large empty oak apple gall is produced by the wasp, A. quercusinanis (syn. A. inanis). The gall is also found on scarlet and red oaks and measures up to 2" in diameter. However, the internal structure of this gall is composed of white fibers radiating from the central larval structure. The surface of the gall is light green and covered with purplish-red bumps.

Crown Thinning

Crown thinning, or thinning from above, reduces crowding within the main canopy. Dominant and codominant trees are removed to favor residual trees in these same classes. This method is often used to remove selected species in the dominant and codominant crown classes that are competing with more desirable species (Nyland 1996). This method keeps vertical structure in place, which is often desirable for wildlife species. Also, intermediate and suppressed shade-tolerant species, such as western redcedar and grand fir, often respond to release if they have adequate crowns (Ferguson and Adams 1980, Graham 1982). As with low thinning, crown thinning can create various stand structures and compositions while retaining vertical structure (fig. 2).

Emerald ash borer

During its life cycle, this pest undergoes a complete metamorphosis. It starts as an egg, becomes a larva (alternatively called a grub), changes to become a pupa and then is an adult. The life cycle of and takes either 1 or 2 years to complete. Adults begin emerging from within ash trees around the middle of June. Emergence continues for about 5 weeks. The female starts laying her eggs on the bark of ash trees about 2 weeks after she emerges. After 7 to 10 days, the eggs hatch and the larvae move into the bark, to begin feeding on the phloem (inner bark) and cambium of the tree. Throughout each of its successive instars (larval growth stages), the larva continues to feed on the phloem and cambium of the tree. The larval stage may last for nearly two years. Before becoming an adult, the insect overwinters as a pre-pupal larva. It then pupates in the spring and emerges as an adult during the summer. Individual trees tend to die within 2-3 years after becoming infested, while stands of trees often succumb within 8 years of the insect entering the stand. First signs are dieback in the crown. D shaped exit holes, galleries in an "S" shape and flaked bark from wood peckers.

Dutch Elm Disease

Dutch elm disease (DED) causes wilt and death in all species of elm native to Minnesota The disease is caused by the invasive fungal pathogen, Ophiostoma novo-ulmi, and occurs throughout Minnesota. Elm bark beetles spread the DED fungus when feeding. The DED fungus can spread from tree to tree through root grafts. Fungicide injections can protect elm trees from infection by bark beetles. If caught early, DED infections can be pruned out and the tree can be protected by fungicides. Several DED resistant varieties are available. Leaves on one or more branches in the outer crown of the tree turn yellow, wilt and then turn brown. Fallen leaves are strewn over the lawn in spring or summer. Symptoms often first appear in late spring and early summer but can occur any time during the growing season. Yellowing and wilting of leaves progresses down the infected branch towards the trunk of the tree. The rate of spread down the tree depends on the susceptibility of the tree. Infected trees may die the season they become infected or over a period of several years. If the bark is removed, brown streaking can be seen along the sapwood of wilted branches. To positively confirm the disease, send a sample of live branches displaying wilt symptoms to the

White pine Needle damage

Eastern white pine is widespread and highly valued in New England. During the summer of 2010, white pine needle damage was frequently observed throughout New England. Symptoms consisted of yellow and brown discoloration of 1-year-old needles (figures 1 and 2) on both mature trees and regeneration. Trees most severely affected were growing at the edge of bodies of water; in wet areas; and on dry, steep slopes. This damage has been attributed to two foliar diseases— Canavirgella needle cast caused by the fungus Canavirgella banfieldii and brown spot needle blight caused by the fungus Mycosphaerella dearnessii. Wet spring weather favors spore formation, dispersal, and infection by both fungi. It is likely that wet spring weather during several consecutive years was conducive to an outbreak of one or both of these diseases (figure 3). Late spring frost in 2010 may have also contributed to symptom development, further complicating diagnoses. Needle discoloration appeared suddenly in late May 2010, shortly after several episodes of below-freezing temperatures. Both fungi cause similar symptoms. Lesions in current-year needles begin as spots that develop into brown and yellow bands that continue to expand, causing death to the distal part of the needle (figure 2). The extent of damage for affected needles varies. The bases of needles can remain green, and not all needles in a fascicle may be affected. Dead, brown needle tips can break off, causing tree crowns to look thin a year after initial infection (figure 4). Trees commonly shed needles that are entirely infected, with substantial needle drop occurring in June. The fungi can be told apart by their spore-producing structures, which can be seen with the naked eye or with a hand lens. C. banfieldii produces elongated (15-52 mm), black sexual fruiting structures (figure 5). In contrast, M. dearnessii produces small (< 3 mm), black fruiting structures (figure 6). These fungi can also be differentiated by the shape and color of their spores. The pathogenic fungus C. banfieldii was first described in 1996. Its symptoms had been observed as early as 1908, but had been attributed to other fungi and later, to ozone damage. Needles infected by C. banfieldii are often colonized by other secondary fungi, further complicating disease diagnoses. Canavirgella needle cast occurs throughout the range of eastern white pine, but damage has typically been limited to fewer than 0.1 percent of trees. Damage has been consistently observed in Maine since 2006. Mortality caused by this disease has not been documented, and the effects of repeated defoliation caused by the fungus on white pine are unknown. Control measures have not been investigated.

Eastern Tent Caterpillar

Egg - The female oviposits 200-300 eggs in late spring. Larva - Caterpillars develop in just a few weeks, but remain quiescent in the egg mass until the following spring, when new leaves appear. Pupa - The sixth instar larva spins a silken cocoon in a sheltered location, and pupates within. The pupal case is brown. Adult - Moths fly in search of mates in May and June, and live just long enough to reproduce. Larvae emerge in early spring when temperatures tend to fluctuate. The caterpillars live communally in silken tents designed to keep them warm during cool spells. The broadside of the tent faces the sun, and caterpillars may huddle together on cold or rainy days. Before each of three daily feeding excursions, the caterpillars tend to their tent, adding silk as needed. As the caterpillars grow, they add new layers to accommodate their larger size and to move away from the accumulating waste of frass.​ Eastern tent caterpillars exit en masse three times each day: before dawn, around midday, and right after sunset. As they crawl along branches and twigs in search of leaves to eat, they leave behind silk trails and pheromones. The trails mark the path to food for their fellow tentmates. Pheromone signals alert other caterpillars to not only the presence of foliage but provide information about the quality of the food on a particular branch. Like most hairy caterpillars, eastern tent larvae are thought to deter birds and other predators with their irritating bristles. When they perceive a threat, the caterpillars rear up and thrash their bodies. The community members respond to these movements by doing the same, which makes for an amusing group display to observe. The tent itself also provides cover from predators and between feedings, the caterpillars retreat to its safety to rest. Target Species: Cherry, apple, plum, peach, and hawthorn

Free thinning

Free thinning, sometimes called crop-tree thinning, primarily releases selected trees. This method favors specific trees, whereas the remainder of the stand goes untreated. Depending on what is presented in various portions of a stand (tree spacing, species, vertical structure, etc.), the thinning criteria can be highly flexible, producing stands with large amounts of diversity. It can be used in any of the crown classes for releasing specific trees. This method has the most flexibility for creating various stand structures and compositions

A line

Fully stock/over stocked site being over utilized. natural mortality and slow growth rates will occur. Stands with stocking around 100 percent (A-level) are near the average maximum density and are overstocked for timber management purposes. Individual trees grow slowly and natural mortality is high, primarily among small trees. A thinning would benefit such stands, increasing growth on the bigger, higher quality, and more valuable residual trees. A light thinning would reduce the percent stocking to about 80 percent; a moderate thinning to about 60 percent; and a heavy thinning to about 40 percent.

Hemlock Looper

Hemlock looper damage is visible on conifers during epidemics in late July and early August. The trees turn a reddish colour, which is very characteristic of hemlock looper outbreaks. Needles damaged by feeding larvae dry out, turn red and drop in the fall.Hemlock looper outbreaks develop and subside very suddenly. They spread quickly and can cause the death of balsam firs in the first year that damage is detected.The wasteful feeding of this species and its rapid population growth make it a serious defoliator.There are four or five larval stages, depending on the region of Canada. When mature, the larvae look for a pupation site. During heavy infestations, trees are covered with silk strands produced by the larvae as they descend the tree trunks in search of food or pupation sites.The insect has only one generation a year and overwinters in the adult stage.

Pine bark adelgid

Hosts Eastern white pine Sometimes on Austrian and Scotch pine Damage Potential Low-moderate (pest seems to have decreased since appearance of multicolored Asian lady beetle) Symptoms and Signs Small clumps of white, woolly wax on candles, branches, or trunks of discolored, stunted, weakened, or dying trees Yellow- or purple-colored insects under woolly wax Dark blue to green, wool-covered nymphs on growing branches (in May-June) Causes of Similar Symptoms Balsam woolly adelgid Identification A tree heavily infested with pine bark adelgid may have the look of snow on its branches and trunk (Figure 1). However, in Christmas tree production, infestations seldom reach this stage. Instead, buds, elongating candles, and needle bases will have the white, woolly mass if pine bark adelgid is present. This mass may contain a nymph, a wingless, purplish adult female (about 1⁄32 inch long), or up to 25 light yellow-brown eggs. Winged forms may be present during the growing season. Pine bark adelgids overwinter predominately as immature females (Figure 2). By early spring when temperatures reach 50°F, the female is mature and begins to produce a coating of woolly wax (Figure 3). She deposits about 25 eggs under the woolly mass before dying. When the crawlers emerge from the eggs, they move to a new location and begin to feed. Once they have inserted their mouthparts into the bark, they are no longer capable of movement. Both winged and wingless adults result from the next several generations. Winged forms will fly to adjacent trees, while wingless forms remain on the same trees. Five generations are thought to occur each year, but all stages may be present at any given time during the growing season.

Pales Weevil

Hosts Pines preferred, Scotch more so than eastern white Occasionally on Douglas-fir, fir, spruce, and other conifer species Damage Potential Moderate-high Symptoms and Signs Dead seedlings with missing bark near soil line Small holes or pits in the bark from feeding that may fi ll with resin if infestation is light Yellow needles at branch tips that turn reddish brown, giving the tree a "flagged" appearance; bark will be missing behind the dead tissue White, C-shaped larvae under the bark of stumps and roots Adult weevils in the leaf litter surrounding trees or on stumps in early spring The adult pales weevil is a large, robust insect measuring ¼-2⁄5 inch (6-10 mm) long with a prominent snout. The weevil is black to dark reddish brown in color with very small patches of yellow-white scales on its head and wing coverings. In early spring, adults are frequently found on and around 1- to 2-year-old stumps. The larvae are cream colored, legless, and "C" shaped. They have a light brown head capsule and are found burrowed into the cambium tissue of stumps and roots. Adult pales weevils are particularly damaging to eastern white pine, Douglas-fir, and true firs. The weevils feed on terminal shoots, consuming the bark down to the wood and girdling and killing the shoot. This flagging can seriously disfigure marketable trees (Figure 1). Larval feeding is generally restricted to 1- to 2-year-old stumps and dying trees of Scotch, Austrian, and red pine. Larvae and pupae may be found on larger roots below the soil surface. Larvae pupate in chambers plugged with wood fibers. Evidence of weevil feeding indicated by flagging. Courtesy of Rayanne D. Lehman, PDA Biology and Life Cycle Pales weevils overwinter as adults in the soil and become active between April and June (Figure 2). They feed for several weeks on seedlings and the tender bark on twigs of more mature trees (Figures 3 and 4). Feeding occurs at night, while the weevils take refuge in the leaf litter and under logs during the day. Adult pales weevil feeding on bark of a twig after spring emergence. Courtesy of PDA Weevil feeding damage on eastern white pine branches. Courtesy of Brian Schildt, PDA Weevil feeding damage on Fraser fir leader. Courtesy of Rayanne D. Lehman, PDA After feeding, the weevils mate and females lay pearly white eggs in the subterranean roots of pine stumps or dying trees. Eggs hatch within 10-14 days and the larvae feed beneath the bark until they mature in early fall (Figure 5). The larvae pupate in a chip cocoon (Figure 6) before emerging as adults in August-October. These adults feed for 2-3 weeks before seeking overwintering sites in the soil around fresh-cut stumps or beneath dying trees. One iuigeneration occurs per year.

Beech Bark Disease

Insect and fungus complex that effects this specific species with cankers. Beech scale insect, Cryptococcus fagisuga & Neonectria

Asian Long horn beetle

Its life cycle consists of four stages: egg, larva, pupa and adult. The egg is laid by the female at the base of a crater she chews into the bark of the tree, until the very bottom of the crater just contacts the cambium. The crater, or oviposition site, is irregularly oval, circular, oblong or even linear in shape, and about the size of a dime. In a tree that is not heavily infested, oviposition sites are more common near to the top of the tree and on branches that are not smaller than an inch in diameter. In a tree that is heavily infested, oviposition sites may be found anywhere on the tree, even on exposed roots and on the trunk, where the bark is thickest. The adult beetles are active reproductively from when they emerge until the first hard frost. Adults feed minimally and the distinctive feeding habits of the adult female can serve as an indicator of the presence of the beetle. Adult females feed on the midrib of leaves, on leaf petioles and on the thin bark of twigs. Following mating, male beetles will mate-guard a female to protect his genetic contribution as she chews an oviposition pit and lays an egg. Not much is known about possible causes of mortality for the beetles, other than the cold weather of late fall Signs oviposition, frapping sap, frass, holes. Target Species: Maples, Elms, Horse Chestnuts, Birch, Willow, Sycamores/londons and Poplars

Forest Tent Caterpillar

Larvae (caterpillars) emerge from egg masses in early to mid-May, about the same time aspen leaves begin to open. feed actively on aspen and other broadleaf trees for five to six weeks spin an unnoticeable silken mat where caterpillars group on the trunk and branches In June, older larvae move around trees and other vegetation to find food, and may damage nearby plants. end of June, full-grown caterpillars look for protected places to spin silky cocoons in mid-July, adults come out of cocoons adults live for about five days and deposit 100 to 350 eggs in gray, cylindrical masses surrounding small twigs The eggs live through the winter and larvae hatch from the eggs next spring. There is only one generation per year. Target Species: quaking aspens, balsam poplar, basswood, oaks, ashes, birches, alder and fruit trees

Low Thinning

Low thinning (thinning from below) is when trees are removed from the lower canopy, leaving large trees to occupy the site (table 1). This method mimics mortality caused by intertree competition or surface fires and concentrates site growth potential on dominant trees. Low thinnings primarily remove intermediate and suppressed trees, but heavy thinnings also can remove many in the codominant crown class. (fig. 1). Low thinnings not only remove understory canopies but also can alter species compositions. Usually, different tree species have characteristic development rates that result in individual species dominating specific canopy layers. For example, in many areas of the West, ponderosa pine primarily occupies the dominant canopy layers, whereas shade-tolerant grand fir, white fir, or Douglas-fir occupy the intermediate and suppressed layers. A low thinning in these stands therefore favors the development of the dominant and codominant ponderosa pine (fig. 1). Depending on the desired stand structure, low thinnings can remove few to many trees. Also, thinnings need not create regular spacings but rather can vary both the number and clumping of residual trees. Low thinnings (thinning from below), therefore, create various stand structures and compositions, depending on the forest type and biophysical setting.

mechanical thinning

Mechanical thinning removes trees based on specified spatial arrangements (Nyland 1996). This method is often applied in plantations where every other row or every other tree in a row is removed. Such rigid thinning is easy to apply, but the stands created often lack diversity in either structure or composition. This method also resembles strip thinning, where a strip of trees is removed. Mechanical thinning is well suited for timber production on uniform sites but has limited value for producing conditions that meet other resource values.

strumella canker

Native canker species effecting oaks, specically mostly red oak varieties, begins with yellow-brown coloration usually around a small branch. generally targets trees of less than 25 years old because of lack of small branches. slow growing.

Red pine scale

Off-color needles progressing from olive-green through red; first seen on individual branches, then throughout the tree. Hosts Red pine scale is known to infest red pine (Pinus resinosa), Japanese red pine (P. densiflora), Japanese black pine (P. thunbergii) and Chinese pine (P tabulaeformis). It is not thought to survive on jack (P. banksiana), pitch (P. rigida), Scotch (P. sylvestris), eastern white (P. strobus), Austrian (P. nigra) and mugo There are two generations a year. Eggs are laid in May, with first-instar larvae appearing by June. The larvae settle down and feed, usually under a bark scale. They transform to an intermediate stage by mid-July. Pre-adult males emerge in August, and spin a loosely-woven cocoon in which they transform to winged true adults. Adult females emerge from the intermediate stage, mate and lay eggs from August into September. The crawlers that hatch from this overwintering generation settle down and become dormant, they transform to intermediate stage beginning in April, and rapidly develop through adults. Adult females are brick-red, wingless, soft-bodied insects with well-developed legs and antennae. They are approximately 1/16th"-3/16th" long, pear shaped and coarsely wrinkled. Adult males are smaller (1/32nd"-1/16th"), two-winged, midge-like insects. Females deposit small, yellow eggs in a white, woolly ovisac. First-instar larvae resemble females, but are much smaller (~0.01"). Intermediate stage larvae are elliptical in shape, and lack legs and antennae. They resemble smooth, waxy pods, and have sparse tufts of white wool. Sub-adult males spin white, capsule-shaped, loosely woven cocoons. These are often visible on affected branches.

Other thinnings/precommercial cuts

Other intermediate treatments often termed "thinning" are types of release cuttings usually applied to sapling-sized trees (fig. 3). These precommercial thinnings usually produce no products with the exception of fencing material or other specialty products. Cleaning usually refers to the removal of one species to favor another. This is often the case where a hardwood (such as quaking aspen, Populus tremuloides Michx. or alder, Alnus spp.) is removed to release a conifer, like western white pine (Pinus monticola Dougl. ex D. Don) or western larch (Larix occidentalis Nutt.). Weeding can mean releasing conifer seedlings from competing vegetation, or it might also denote the removal of vegetation competing with favored trees. Weedings and cleanings mold future stand structure, determining future species composition and individual tree growth Liberation cuttings release sapling-sized trees from older, overstory trees (fig. 4). This might occur when planted regeneration or advanced regeneration developing after a wind or ice storm requires protection. The large overstory trees can protect young seedlings from damaging agents early, and then be removed, when saplings no longer need protection. Liberation cuts have limited use for molding different stand structures and compositions. Such cuttings might become more common if reserve seed-tree and shelterwood systems are used to maintain cover while regenerating new stands. Improvement and salvage cuttings are designed to remove specific, undesirable trees from a stand. Such "sanitation" might remove damaged trees, snags, or trees susceptible to a certain disease or insect. Often this method is used to remove trees damaged by wind or snow, especially if they might encourage the buildup of pests, like Ips spp. Similar to sanitation cuttings, salvage cuttings remove dead or dying

Sudden Oak Death

Phytophthora species are water molds that are well known plant pathogens. They are water-loving and produce plentiful spores in moist, humid conditions. While most foliar hosts do not die from the disease, they do play a key role in the spread of P. ramorum, acting as breeding grounds for inoculum, which may then be spread through wind-driven rain, water, plant material, or human activity. Trunk hosts such as oaks are considered terminal hosts - the pathogen does not readily spread from intact bark cankers - and they become infected only when exposed to spores produced on the leaves of neighboring plants The disease kills oak and other species of trees and has had devastating effects on the oak populations in California and Oregon, as well as being present in Europe. Symptoms include bleeding cankers on the tree's trunk and dieback of the foliage, in many cases leading to the death of the tree. The Primary Incolum (Sporagia) of P. ramorum. develop on the leaves of the primary host, which include tree species like the California Bay Laurel, which is large hardwood that grows on the pacific west coast.[16] These spores are then carried by rain and air currents to the leaves of the new bole canker host, which include broadleaf trees like Tanoaks, where they begin to develop.[17] The Secondary Inoculum infects the inner bark and sapwood, resulting in bleeding cankers on the bark of the new host, which are exacerbated by infected fallen leaves and rain splashing the understory of the canker host which can both serve as sources of inoculum. After the plant matter if infects dies and decomposes, P. ramorum. is transferred to the soil by rainwater, where the final part of its cycle (soil phase) is poorly understood by scientists. However, it is suspected that Chlamydospores play a role in the long term survival of the pathogen, yet the triggers for germination are not known.[18] Additionally, the spores of P. ramorum. only seem to propagate successfully in a temperature range between 65-70 degrees fahrenheit, which is useful to know for protecting nurseries and identifying potential transfer windows for the disease

Caliciopsis canker

Profuse pitching from small, round or elongated cankers in the mid to upper bole of eastern white pine. The cankers are found between the whorls which distinguishes it from blister rust which is associated with branch intersections. Life History: This canker disease is not well understood. It's thought to be a weak perennial fungus which attacks thin barked areas of the branch and bole. Spores mature in late winter and the black hair like fruiting structures can persist throughout the year. Spores are probably rain splash disseminated and enter through bark lenticels or small insect wounds. Stand Damage: In New Hampshire, it would not be uncommon to find white pine pole stands with as many as 70% of the stems infected. To date, mortality attributed to caliciopsis is very low. However increased crown transparency and reduced crown density on the infected trees suggests tree vigor is being reduced by heavy infections of this disease. Control: Management practices which create increased sunlight and warmer temperatures in the upper bole area of the tree may decrease spore production and dissemination.

Sap streak disease

Sapstreak is a fatal disease of sugar maple that usually enters the tree through basal trunk scars or root wounds. The disease most often affects large, wounded trees left after logging. The fungus causing sapstreak readily infects stumps or cut logs during the summer months. So, wounding sugar maples during this time will increase the potential for disease spread. Symptoms of sapstreak include stunted foliage throughout the crown, gradual branch dieback, and gray stain developing in the lower bole and roots. The radiating, streaked pattern of the stain is characteristic of this disease. Often symptoms go unnoticed until the affected tree dies, normally 3 to 4 years after infection. Stump of a diseased sugar maple showing radiating pattern of stain. Reference Sapstreak is spread from tree to tree or stump to tree by insects that carry the sticky spores. Spread of the disease can be reduced or prevented by removing infected trees, avoiding summer logging, and preventing wounding, especially to roots and bases of trunks. Infected trees should be removed as soon as possible to minimize degrade from stain. Early detection and prompt removal of infected trees will prevent sapstreak from becoming a serious threat to sugar maple stands.

Selection thinning

Selection thinning removes dominant trees to favor smaller trees. This method is often applied by removing trees over a certain diameter. Diameter-limit cuts that continually remove the largest trees may well be dysgenetic and can be a disguise for high grading (removing trees of high economic value). By removing the current value from a stand, future options often can be limited, and the only recourse for the future may be to regenerate. Stand structures and species compositions created by using selection thinning are limited and, in general, favor shade-tolerant species or trees occupying the intermediate and suppressed crown classes. Often the stands created by selection thinnings are prone to epidemics of insects and diseases. Compared to the other thinning methods, selection thinning is less useful because of the limited stand structures and compositions it can create (fig. 2).

B line

Site it being fully utilized and trees have the highest growth potential with out losing any potential site growth. most would recommend at the b line or slightly below for optimal growth. At the B-level, when all trees are uniformly spaced over the area, each tree presumably has all the growing space it can use (fig. 1). So at densities below B - level some growing space is not occupied by timber producing trees and total stand production will be reduced. Moreover, extensive branching may reduce the quality of residual trees, and reproduction and brush develop in a heavy understory. The B-level (or slightly below) continues to be the recommended thinning level for many upland hardwood stands.

beech scale

The beech scale is monophagous, being found only on beech trees, and sucks sap from the parenchyme tissue of the bark. The small wounds produced when it feeds allow the Nectria fungi to invade infested trees.[4] The insect colonises beech trees that are aged at least thirty years. Studies have shown that younger trees produce defensive chemicals which deter infestation.[7] A ladybird beetle Chilocorus stigma feeds on this scale and is common throughout most of the Eastern United States, but this predator does not reduce scale populations sufficiently to control infestations. Persistent severely cold weather may kill beech scale and air temperatures of -37 °C have been shown to be lethal to insects not protected by snow.[5] Although trees are weakened when supporting scale colonies, this does not usually cause mortality, which only occurs after the trees have been invaded by the Nectria fungi. It usually takes three to six years of infestation by the scale insect before the fungus reaches critical levels. Where beech bark disease becomes established, most of the larger trees will die. Some trees seem to be partially resistant to the disease and a small number seem to be completely resistant. This may be partly due to the fact that trees with smooth bark provide fewer cracks and crevices in which the scale insect can flourish.[8][9] There are no male beech scale insects and the females reproduce by parthenogenesis. From midsummer onwards, they deposit four to eight pale yellow eggs, attached to each other in strings end to end, on the bark of the trees where they have been feeding. The wingless larvae that hatch out about twenty days later are known as crawlers or nymphs. They have well-developed legs and short antennae. Some remain concealed under the female, which dies after the eggs are laid, and others disperse to cracks and crevices on the tree. A few get washed down or fall to the ground and most of these perish. Occasionally one may find its way to another beech tree, perhaps wafted there by the wind or on the foot of a bird, and founds a new colony. Having found a location on a suitable tree, the crawler forces its tubular stylet into the bark and starts to feed. At this stage, it moults and becomes a second-stage, legless nymph, and will remain sedentary for the rest of its life. It secretes wax from glands and is soon covered in a protective coating of wool-like material. After overwintering it completes a second moult in the spring to become a mature female.[5]

C line

The c line is considered under stocked and not full site growth utilization. Stands below the C line are understocked. The C line indicates the stocking necessary for a stand to reach the B-level (or full site utilization) within 10 years on site class 55 to 74. On better sites the time interval between C- and B-level stocking is only 5 to 8 years, on poorer sites 12 to 15 years. The C line is thus a reference point useful in predicting how long it will be before a stand efficiently occupies its area.

White pine Blister Scale

The disease continues to spread into high elevation areas where the effects go beyond the loss of individual trees. The cascading effects on associated plant and animal communities throughout the affected ecosystems have been observed. White pine blister rust has a complex life cycle that requires two hosts, a white pine and, most commonly, a currant or gooseberry plant (Ribes ssp.). But recently indian paint brush (Castillija spp.) and snapdragon (Pedicularis spp.) have been discovered to be alternate hosts as well. All species of white pine are susceptible at all ages; however seedlings and young trees are often more easily infected and die more quickly as a result of infection. Generally, white pine blister rust spores germinate on the plant surface and grow into the pine through the stomatal openings in the needles or a through a wound. The fungus then grows into the twig. The infected branch will often swell; after a year or more, the rust forms spores that are contained in blister - like sacks that erupt through the bark of the twig or stem. When the blisters rupture they release bright orange colored aeciospores which infect the alternate host (most commonly gooseberry or currant plants). While hosted on these other plants the rust produces basidiospores that are released in the fall and can infect the pines. The rust is shed from the gooseberry or current plant when the plant naturally drops its leaves in the autumn. In contrast, one successful rust infection of a pine can persist and expand for years. Once inside the pine needle the fungus grows down to the twig and into the branch and ultimately to the main stem of the tree. The damage caused by the rust killing the cambium causing a canker, girdles the stem which prevents water and nutrients from passing through the canker area; as a result the distal portion of the twig, branch or stem dies. If the canker forms on the main stem, it will cause topkill and often causing the tree to die. It can take years for the disease to kill a large tree. During the progression of the disease branch death and topkill can significantly reduce cone and seed production and tree vigor. The pathogen can kill small trees within just a few years. Unlike bark beetles that attack only mature trees, blister rust threatened multiple aspects of the regeneration process by not only reducing available seed but also causing seedling mortality. As a result, white pine blister rust can threaten the sustainability of high elevation white pine stands. The severity and rate of infection is not uniform across the landscape; due in part to the biology of the pathogen and the conditions required for successful spore production, transport and germination. The spores can be damaged by dry air; therefore wet, cool conditions during spore shedding can lead to successful infection. Symptoms of white pine blister rust infection may be difficult to spot at first; it may simply appear as small yellow or red spots on a few needles. Usually within a few years cankers can be found on the branches. These cankers will generally appear as a swollen area that may have a greenish - yellow to orange margin. As the cankers mature they will girdle the branch or stem causing death of living tissue beyond that point. The distinctive orange blisters are visible in later spring and early summer. Some general symptoms include: Branch swelling - Small branches produce a spindle - shaped swelling with a new infectionBranch flagging - Branches die distal to cankers; needles turn orange & fall offOrange Blisters - Blisters of orange spores on cankers (in spring) and branch swellingsCankers - Diamond - shaped cankers on trunks; greenish - yellow to orange margin (mature)Resin flow - Branches and trunk on advanced infections can have streams of resinChewing - Rodent - feeding on cankers The symptoms may appear slightly different on each of the high elevation species

Fomes igniarius

The fungus forms perennial fruiting bodies that rise as woody-hard, hoof or disc-shaped brackets from the bark of the infested living tree or dead log. The tree species is often willow but it may be commonly found on birch and alder and other broad leafed trees. The top is covered with a dark, often cracked crust, a stem is present only in its infancy. Unlike most fungi it has a hard woody consistency and may persist for many years, building a new surface layer each year. It was prized as kindling material. In Alaska, it is burnt by locals, and the ash (punk ash) is mixed with chewing tobacco to enhance the effect of the nicotine in the tobacco. [1] Description and ecology[edit] The species is a polypore, with pores on the underside that bear basidiospores. The species causes a white rot that leads to the tree to decay.[1] Woodpeckers are known to favour its site as a good place to excavate a nesting chamber since the wood will be soft and weaker around its location. The bracket measures, 5-20 cm in diameter, but in rare cases may be 40 cm wide. The thickness of the bracket varies from 2-12 cm, to 20 cm in exceptional cases. The fungus has small, grayish brown pores whose density is 4-6 per square mm. Its tubes have a length of about 2-7 mm. Each year, the fungus forms a new layer of tubes superimposed on the old layers. Unreleased old spores often find themselves sealed in by later growth that clog the tubes and they appear in cross section as brown spots. The flesh becomes harder with age and dryness, with humidity it softens. The smell of the fruit body has a pronounced mushroom character, the flavor of the meat is bitter. Upon contact with potassium hydroxide, the flesh is dyed black. The spores of the P. igniarius form a whitish cast.[2][3] It is considered to be inedible.[4]

Pine Sawfly

The scientific name for this peculiar-looking critter is Diprion similis and it was accidentally introduced to North America from Holland, with its first documented or recorded sighting on our continent having occurred in New Haven, Connecticut back in 1914. According to the Maine Forest Service (see source link below), this particular sawfly is most common on eastern white pine (its preferred host), but it may also be found on Austrian, Scotch, red, jack and Mugho pine as well. The one shown in the photo at right was found on a rose leaf, which it likely ended up on after falling or being wind-driven from a white pine that was overhead. Deck and porch railings, parked cars, and sides of buildings and homes are other common places the larvae are found after falling from their host trees. Larvae feed on the needles of their host trees. Defoliation is usually most severe in the upper half of the trees, but entire trees can be defoliated if the populations are high. There are two generations per year of these larvae, with the first one occurring from late May or early June to early July, and the second generation occurring from late July through early September. The first-generation larvae feed on the previous year's needles, whereas the second-generation larvae will feed on both the old needles as well as the new needles. The larvae overwinter in cocoons as pre-pupae and then they pupate in early spring (early April). In areas where pine trees are abundant, the larvae may inadvertently find their way indoors prior to making their cocoons. Thus, newly-emerged adults may sometimes be found indoors in the spring.

European elm bark beetle

The smaller European elm bark beetle, Scolytus multistriatus, is dark reddish brown, shiny, and about 1/8 inch long. The underside of the rear is concave, with a noticeable projection or spine. Larvae are small, white grubs found under the bark of dying or dead elms. The egg galleries are straight and parallel with the grain of the wood and the larvae feed across the grain in the cambium just under the bark. Larvae develop through the summer months and also overwinter as grubs in "brood" trees. (Brood trees are dying or dead elms usually infected with Dutch elm disease.) Development from egg to adult beetle takes six or seven weeks in warm weather. New beetles fly to healthy elms to feed and then fly to dying or dead elms to breed. They can not breed in healthy trees although they can infect healthy elms with the Dutch elm disease pathogen as they feed. Smaller European elm bark beetles produce an aggregating pheromone, and host plant odors also play an important role in attracting the beetles to susceptible host trees. They have two to three generations per year here in North Carolina. Due to overlapping of generations, adults may be present almost continuously from April to October. The smaller European elm bark beetle is a serious pest of native and introduced elms because it is an important vector of the Dutch elm disease.

two-lined chestnut borer

The two-lined chestnut borer, Agrilus bilineatus, is a native beetle that attacks weakened oak trees. It attacks all oak species found in Minnesota, with red oak its preferred host. When trees and stands are healthy, TLCB confines its attack to low-vigor trees or broken branches. When drought stress, construction, and/or defoliation have reduced tree vigor, oaks are predisposed to TLCB attack. Under severe stress conditions, widespread outbreaks of TLCB can occur. The best management against TLCB is prevention; keeping trees healthy and vigorous will allow them to fight off invading borers on their own. Do this through proper watering if possible. Also avoid compacting the soil, changing the soil grade or water drainage pattern, damaging the bark, allowing significant amounts of defoliation by insects, or anything else that may stress the tree. Anything that weakens tree health encourages borers. Adult beetles seek out and lay eggs on weakened oaks in late May and June. From June to August, larvae feed on the inner bark of live branches and stems. This destroys nutrient- and water-conducting tissues, causing the foliage to turn brown and hang on the branches. Larvae create meandering galleries on the surface of the wood that are visible if patches of bark are cut off infested branches or stems. Larvae are white with an enlarged head, two spines at the tip of their abdomens, and a slender, segmented body. They are about 1¼ inches long when fully grown. Larvae pupate under the bark in the fall. Adult insects emerge through D-shaped exit holes in the bark the next May and June. The first visible symptoms of TLCB infestation occur in mid-July. Infested oaks may be recognized by their sparse, small, and discolored foliage, which is followed by the dieback of branches. Leaves of infested branches turn uniformly red-brown. The leaves on noninfested branches remain green. Infested oaks have a distinctive pattern of dead and live leaves on them. Branches in the upper crown are dead and leafless; branches in the middle crown are dying and have red-brown wilted leaves; branches in the lower crown are alive and have green leaves. In other words, TLCB infested oaks have a "dead, red, and green" pattern from the top of the tree down its branches. By the time branch flagging becomes fully evident in August and September, the attack is finished for the year. The dead, brown leaves usually remain attached to the tree, even after normal leaf drop in the fall. When a tree is killed, surrounding oaks are often attacked by TLCB and Armillaria root disease and killed in the following year, creating a pocket of dead trees.

White Pine Weevil

The white pine weevil is considered the most destructive insect pest of eastern white pine in North America. This species kills the terminal leader primarily of eastern white pine. Colorado blue, Norway, and Serbian spruces, Scots, red, pitch, jack, and Austrian pines, and occasionally Douglas-fir are also attacked. Trees become susceptible to injury when they reach a height of about three feet. The white pine weevil prefers to attack trees exposed to direct sunlight. Description The adult is a small rust-colored weevil that is about 4-6 mm long. It has irregularly shaped patches of brown and white scales on the front wings. Near the apex of the front wings is a large white patch. Like most weevils, the adult has a long snout-like beak from which small antennae arise. The larval stage, which lives beneath the bark, is white with a distinct brown head. When mature, the larva is approximately 7 mm long, legless, and slightly C-shaped. Life History Adults (Image 1) spend the winter in the leaf litter under or near host trees. On warm spring days they fly or crawl to the leaders of suitable hosts usually during the period from mid-March through April. Most feeding by adults is done within 25 cm of the terminal buds. From mid-April through early May, females mate and each deposits one to five eggs in feeding wounds (Image 2). Hundreds of eggs may be deposited in one terminal leader. The eggs hatch in about seven days. When the terminal is heavily infested larvae (Image 3) feed side by side in a ring encircling the stem. They feed downward on the inner bark of the leader. Larvae reach maturity in mid- to late July and pupate in the infested terminal. The pupal chambers called "chip cocoons" are filled with shredded wood and can be found inside the terminal at this time. Adults emerge in 10 to 15 days through small holes at the base of the dead terminal of the host plant usually in late July and August. During this time feeding by adults is not considered important since little is done before they enter the leaf litter to overwinter. The white pine weevil has one generation per year. The first symptom evident from successful attack by this pest is glistening droplets of resin on terminal leaders of the host plant in late March and April. This is the result of punctures made by adults in the process of feeding and cutting egg-laying sites. Injury to eastern white pine and some species of spruce is usually confined to the previous year's terminal leader (Image 4). Damage on Scots pine and Colorado blue and Serbian spruces often extends downward through two or three year's growth. The good news is infested trees are seldom killed. Most damage is done by the larval stage. Larvae are found just under the bark of infested terminals from May through July. Larvae chew and burrow completely around the stem causing the current year's growth to wilt, droop, and eventually die. One or more side branches (laterals) may then bend and grow upward to take over as the terminal leader. At this point the tree is now permanently crooked. For several years after successful attack by this pest, a few more laterals may grow as leaders. This condition may result in a forked tree.

Bronze birch borer

This native insect is a serious pest of ornamental birch (Betula spp.), one of the more popular group of trees found in landscapes today. Grown as a specimen, white-barked birch is often sited in heavy clay soils or grown under other adverse conditions, making it stressed and more susceptible to borer attacks than it would be in its natural environment. DESCRIPTION The adult bronze birch borer is a slender, dark olive/bronze beetle, with a green iridescence underneath the wing covers. The males are about 3/8-inch long, while the female is 1/2-inch long. The 3/4-inch larva is ivory with a light brown head that is slightly tucked into the first thoracic segment. The legless borer has two brown, pincer-like structures found at the tip of the abdomen. LIFE CYCLE The bronze birch borer produces one generation of 75 eggs per year. The adult female deposits her eggs in the cracks and crevices of susceptible birch trees in late May or June. The larvae hatch about ten days later, boring into the wood of the host tree and feeding on interior tissue of the bark. They continue to mine their intricate feeding tunnels actively until fall, then form a cell at the end of a tunnel where they overwinter. Larvae pupate the following spring and emerge as adult beetles through telltale "D-shaped" holes cut into the bark. Adults feed on the tender young foliage for about a week before laying their eggs and can be seen moving around the sunny sides of trees. HOSTS While all species of birch can be attacked, white-barked birch varieties are more susceptible than others. The following chart compares susceptibility of the most common varieties:

Hemlock Wooly adelgid

This pest is all female (parthenogenetic). Has a generation that thrives in fall and winter when temps are mild. Will kill the tree in 3 years usually with the combination of other pests. Sucks/feeds on storage parenchyma cells in the stem of Eastern hemlocks. This insect then creates a waxy wool coting to protect itself. six stages of development: egg, four nymphal instars and adult. There are two overlapping generations per year. The overwintering generation (or sistens) is present from early summer through mid-spring, and the spring generation (or progrediens) is present from early spring through mid-summer. once established the insect will be there for life. only removing its mouth parts to molt to the next instar stage. over winter it is inactive. the vectors for this insect are its crawler stage which takes place during Mid March through the end of July, moving of biomass and wool being caught in animal fur and wind. Naturally these species usually has a co host but in the US there is no suitable spruce host for the adults to fly to. keeping their predation to hemlocks.

Armalaria/root rot

Trees exhibit a loss of vigor and gradual decline, yellowing of foliage, growth reductions, premature leaf drop, and branch dieback. In severe cases, and, given enough time, A. tabescens can kill a tree. Armillaria root rot causes poor growth, yellow to brown foliage, and eventual death of the tree. Armillaria root rot can infect many deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs. Trees infected with Armillaria root rot have decayed roots and lower trunk. These trees often break or fall over in storms. A tree care professional should inspect trees with Armillaria root rot to determine if the tree is a hazard. Trees infected with Armillaria:Experience poor growth.Have small or yellow leaves on deciduous trees.Have browning needles on evergreens.Have dead branches in the upper canopy.May produce an abundant crop of seeds or cones.Eventually die. Clusters of honey-colored mushrooms may grow at the base of the tree in fall. Flat, white sheets of fungal growth can be found between the bark and the wood at the base of infected trees. Thick, black, shoestring-like, fungal strands sometimes grow in a net on infected trees and in the soil around the base of the tree. In pine, spruce or other evergreen trees, the base of the tree just below the soil surface may be encrusted in resin. Infected wood becomes white, soft and stringy. This decay may extend from the base of the tree up to 6 feet into the trunk. Infected trees frequently break or fall over in storms. Armillaria root rot is caused by several species of the fungus Armillaria. Disease can occur in many different evergreen and deciduous trees and shrubs. Armillaria can survive many years in wood debris like an old stump or root system. New infections occur when healthy roots grow close to diseased roots. Black shoestring-like strands of fungal growth, called rhizomorphs, can spread up to 10 feet from an infected tree or stump to infect healthy roots. Once inside, the fungus colonizes the roots and the base of the trunk. This causes the wood to decay. A vigorous tree can often slow the growth of the fungus, but stressed trees are usually damaged very quickly. Trees die of Armillaria root rot when: The infection girdles the base of the trunk. The trees fall over due to loss of roots. The weakened trunks break.

Spotted Lanternfly

Weeping wounds/dark streaks down the bark of the tree Honeydew (clear sticky substance) at the base of the tree Sooty Mold at the base of the tree (black fungus that grows on top of honeydew) Increased bee, ant, and wasp activity due to exposed sap and honeydew Nymphs or Adult insects on the tree Muddy-gray egg masses on the tree or on other flat surfaces (benches, car hoods, etc.). These egg masses hatch in late spring. one generation per year consisting of four nymphal stages, an adult stage, and overwintering as egg masses. Being true bugs, molt to progress between stages. Egg hatch is over an extended time period with the first instar nymphs appearing in May and June. Mating takes place starting in late August with egg-laying taking place in September through November or until the first killing freeze. target species: Tree of heaven, Willow, Maple, Poplar, plums, cherries, peaches, nectarines, apricots, almonds, Apple, Pine, Grape vine


a phase between two periods of molting in the development of an insect larva or other invertebrate animal.

Winter Moth

emerge from pupae in the soil usually in mid-late November (usually before Thanksgiving) and may be active into January, whenever the air temperatures are mild (typically when above freezeing) The adults then die and the eggs over-winter. Eggs laid in bark crevice's then crawl up trees into the buds. cool temperatures delaying bud break can result in caterpillar death, cat pillars go up to the buds and make there way through the scales as they break. They also may produce silk to lower them selves to other herbaceous plants or to transport through the wind. when fully grown they will be about an inch long and lower themselves to the groun to pupate. target species: maple, oak, ash, apple, crabapple, blueberry, and cherry. Do excessive damage to fruiting bodies on ag species.

Pear Thirps

feeding causes leaves to be dwarfed, mottled yellow to green-brown, and distorted. Veins and petioles of leaves may develop blister-like scars. The crown of the host tree thins, resembling late frost damage. Damage may result in premature leaf drop in early fall. Life cycle: One generation per year Adults emerge from underground in April and begin feeding and laying eggs on foliage and flowers of host trees Adults may be present, in the Northeast, from March to May In late May, the larvae drop from the tree canopy and go in the soil where they pupate and become adults in the fall Most of the year is spent underground, not feeding Only female pear thrips have been found in North America (In Europe, they have found both sexes) Both adults and larvae feed on young leaves, flowers, and fruits Target species: sugar maple, red maple, birch, ash, black cherry, beech, and fruit trees.

Black Knot fungus

fewBlack knot is caused by the fungus Apiosporina morbosa. The black knot fungus overwinters in the galls on branches and trunks. Spores are released during wet periods in the spring. The wind carries these spores to trees where they infect young green shoots or wounded branches. The fungus grows within the branch for several months with no outward symptoms of disease. As the fungus grows, it releases chemicals that make the tree grow extra plant cells that are unusually large. This unusual growth results in the swollen, woody galls. Galls are made up of both plant and fungal tissue. One year after infection, galls can be seen as a swollen area of the branch with a velvety olive green covering of fungal growth. Two years after infection, the gall has turned black and hard. These galls release spores in spring when wet. Sometimes, the branch and the gall die after spores are released in early spring. If the branch lives, the knot keeps getting bigger and produces new spores every spring. The gall can completely encircle and girdle a branch. When this happens, the leaves beyond the gall wilt and die. Although the black knot fungus will not cause the trunk to rot, the cracks from the infection can let in other wood rotting fungi. common fungal disease of Prunus trees including ornamental, edible, and native plum and cherry trees. few negative affects on trees.

Fomes fomentarius

is a species of fungal plant pathogen found in Europe, Asia, Africa and North America. The species produces very large polypore fruit bodies which are shaped like a horse's hoof and vary in colour from a silvery grey to almost black, though they are normally brown. It grows on the side of various species of tree, which it infects through broken bark, causing rot. The species typically continues to live on trees long after they have died, changing from a parasite to a decomposer. The species most typically grows upon hardwoods. In northern areas, it is most common on birch, while, in the south, beech is more typical.[14] In the Mediterranean, oak is the typical host.[12] The species has also been known to grow upon maple,[12] cherry, hickory,[8] lime tree, poplar, willow, alder, hornbeam,[14] sycamore,[3] and even, exceptionally, softwoods,[14] such as conifers.[12] It can grow on the bark wound, or even directly onto the bark of older or dead trees.[11] The decayed wood shows black lines in the lightly coloured decayed areas; these are known as pseudosclerotic layers or demarcation lines.[13] The lines are caused by enzymes called phenoloxidases, converting either fungus or plant matter into melanin.Infected trees become very brittle,[19] and cracks can occur in the affected tree due to wind. F. fomentarius is particularly adept at moving between cracks on the tree without interruption.[18] However, in addition to the obviously infected damaged trees, F. fomentarius is known to be an endophyte, meaning that healthy trees which are not sporting F. fomentarius fruit bodies could still be infected.[8] The fruit bodies are perennial, surviving for up to thirty years. The strongest growth period is between early summer and autumn.[14] The yearly growth always occurs on the bottom of the fungus, meaning that the lowest layer is the youngest. This occurs even if the host tree has been laid on the forest floor,[20] which can happen because of the white rot induced by the fungus. This is a process known as positive gravitropism.[21] Very large numbers of spores are produced, particularly in spring, with up to 887 million basidiospores an hour being produced by some fruit bodies. Spore production also takes place in autumn, though not nearly as heavily.[12] The spores are released at comparatively low temperatures.[22] In dry weather, the spores are visible as a white powder.[11]


life stage in the development of insects exhibiting complete metamorphosis that occurs between the larval and adult stages. When insects undergo complete metamorphosis, this is the form in between the last larval instar and the adult.

Japanese beetle

one year life cycle, 10 months as a white grub and 2 months as an adult. It emerges from the soil as an adult in late June and is active through July and August. The peak period is July. Between feedings females drop to the ground, burrow down 3 inches and lay up to four eggs at a time. This is repeated until 40-60 eggs have been laid. Lawns that are well watered and cared for (with high nitrogen levels) are favored. Adults can live into the fall up to first frosts. After hatching, larvae (white grubs) feed on grass roots until nearly full grown in late fall; then they burrow 4 to 8 inches down into the soil to hibernate through the winter. The following spring they return to the root zone of the lawn, feed and pupate before emerging as adults in late June. feed on over 300 species of plants, chewing out tissue between the veins effectively skeletonizing the leaves. They are gregarious and in high numbers can rapidly defoliate a plant. They feed during the day and are very active in hot sunny weather. Favorite foods are roses, fruit trees, beans, corn, tomatoes and numerous ornamental shrubs and plants. The larvae feed on the roots of turf grasses, woody and herbaceous plants and organic matter in the soil. Feeding can be so heavy that the turf separates from the soil and be lifted like a carpet. Other beetle grub species can also cause considerable damage to ornamentals and turf.

Orange Striped Oakworm

overwinters as a Pupa in soil, moth emerges early summer. after mating the females layer flat egg masses under leaves on lower branches. the toung larvaee feed as a group and lace the leaves. older catepillars eat the leave alone and only leave the midrib. september the mature larvae drop to the ground to borrow and pupa. one generation per year. orange black stripes, moths orange. Target species: oak, specifically prefers white oak.


the active immature form of an insect, especially one that differs greatly from the adult and forms the stage between egg and pupa, e.g. a caterpillar or grub.

Southern Pine Beetle

undergoes a complete metamorphosis during its lifetime. This means it goes from egg to larva to pupa to adult. The larval stage is the feeding stage, during which the insect does most of its damage. The adult stage is where dispersal and reproduction occurs. It is also in the adult stage that the beetle carries a blue-stain fungus, a key feature of the insect's destructive capability. Tree will produce resin tubes and the attacks begin with females which then send out pheromones to attract others to attack the tree. When attacked this triggering of resin production can warn of the attack is the tree is healthy enough if not the tree will die. Main target pitch pine, effect the vascular system, galleries in a s shape. What sets SPB apart is its tendency to go periodically into outbreak mode. When the population builds up to large numbers, it can attack and kill even healthy trees, creating large stands of dead trees. Prefer hard pines.

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