Cultural Literacy Desarno

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A planned mass murder based on race, ethnicity, or religion


Court order that commands or prohibits a certain action. Start or stop

Quid Pro Quo

"What for what", "favor for favor" (Latin Term)

E Pluribus Unum

"out of many, one" Latin term. On the great seal of the United States. 13 colonies became one nation

Civil Rights Act of 1964

LBJ signed. 0 democrats signed. Prohibits discrimination based on race, religion, sex, color, or national origin

Carpe Diem

Latin term for "seize the day" It means live life to the fullest (words of encouragement)

Alma' Matter

Latin term that means nourishing mother. School one has graduated from


Scandal involving Richard Nixon hiring people (CREER, committee to re-elect the President, to steal documents and phones) to break into DNC headquarters to find "dirt" on his opponent

State of the Union

presidential address. required by the Constitution, given by the President to the joint session of Congress. What he says 1. what they have accomplished; 2. what is on the agenda for the coming year

Manhatten Project

research and development project during the second World War who's goal was to create the nuclear bomb. Those bombs were eventually dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1939-1949. The bombs were called "Fat man" and "little boy"

Fortune 500

the 500 most profitable US companies ranked by Fortune Magazine. For example: Amazon


the United States vs. the Confederate States. The US Civil War

Hiroshima and Nagasaki

the two cities the atomic bombs were dropped on to end World War 2 in the Pacific


the year the US declared independence from Britain on July 4th in Philadelphia


the year the United States bought the Louisiana Purchase from France, which doubled the size of the U.S. Sold to us by Napoleon


the years of the second world war fought between the Allies and Axis powers


when upper- and middle-class populations begin to purchase and renovate neighborhoods in lower class areas. ex: long island city, Brooklyn. this raises property taxes which causes lower classes to move out because they can't afford it.


years of the first world war. fought between the allied and central powers.

Bible Belt

a string of states which run from the Southeast to the Midwest, known for being politically socially conservative, and dominantly baptist and methodist

V.E. Day

an acronym that stands for Victory in Europe Day. This signifies the end of World War 2 in the European Theater. 1945.


an acronym that stands for the Grand Old Party. Today is synonymous with the Republican party. Thomas Nast, a political cartoonist came up with this term


an english term that compares two things using the word "like" or "as". ex: bald like a bowling ball

the pot calling the kettle black

an expression in which you accuse someone of having the same characteristics as you

Neil Armstrong

Am American astronaut who was the first man to walk on the moon. "One small step for man, one giant step for mankind". Claimed moon for all mankind


An acronym that stands for De Militarized Zone. It is the border between South and North Korea established after the Korean War in 1953. It is a buffer zone between the two countries

Iron Curtain

Imaginary line during the Cold War that separated the communist countries of Eastern Europe and the free countries of Western Europe

Blue collar worker

Manual labor, usually gets paid by the hour (ex: electrician)

Oval Office

President of the United States' office in the West Wing of the White House

Jackie Robinson

The first African American player to integrate the MLB He was #42, played for the Dodgers

Mandela effect

Thinking it is one thing but it is actually the other. "Luke, I am your father" vs. "No, I am your father"

Congressional Medal of Honor

Top medal one can be given in the United States military. Awarded for going above and beyond the call of duty. Awarded by Congress, presented by the President of the US

Lincoln, Garfield, J.F.K, McKinley

United States presidents who assassinated during their time in office


White Anglo Saxon Protestant

Martin Luther

a German catholic priest who wrote the 95 thesis who started the Protestant Revolution (upset that you could pay to get out of hell)


a feeling of pensive sadness with no cause


a group that has been driven out of their homeland. the dispersion of the Jewish people beyond Israel.

Type A personality

a personality of someone who is a perfectionist, aggravated easily, inpatient, competitive, outgoing

Lame Duck

a politician in their final period in office after having lost their election


extreme exaggeration (I'm so hungry I could eat a horse)


famous art museum in Paris, France that holds the Mona Lisa

Thurgood Marshall

first African American Supreme Court Justice who used the courts to fight Jim Crow Laws and end segregation (Brown Vs. Board of Education)

Sandra Day O'Connor

first woman supreme court justice. appointed by Reagan

Lee Harvey Oswald

man who assassinated President John F Kennedy in Dallas, Texas in 1963. Jack Ruby killed him after

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