Cultural Psychology Exam-Multiple Choice

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Why is there NOT much cumulative culture among chimpanzees?

Chimpanzees are not very good at imitative learning

Based on the biases self-enhancers have, which of the following is someone who self-enhances most likely to say after failing a chemistry test?

"Even though I failed this chemistry test I can still do well in physics"

Based on research about cultural transmission, which of the following YouTube advertisements is the LEAST likely to be spread to other people?

A car commercial that was extremely weird and didn't feature any cars

Which child(ren) below demonstrate(s) the existence of theory of mind

A child who hides his toys so his mother will not find them

Which of the following is NOT an example of a culture-level measure?

A journal entry

Cross-cultural research on math achievement at school reveals that

Americans are more satisfied with their math performance than are East Asians

Shweder and colleagues found that Indian parents are more likely to sleep in the same room with their children than are American parents. Given their studies, which of these is the most compelling explanation for their results?

Americans place more value on providing parents with exclusive sleeping space.

Which of the following is an example of a proximal cause?

An Egyptian pharaoh brought in horse-drawn chariots, which allowed his army to out maneuver and defeat his enemy in battle

Which of the following statements about the relationships between authoritative and authoritarian parenting styles is true?

Authoritative parenting uses more democratic reasoning than does authoritarian parenting

Given current research on acculturation and health, which of the following would you expect?

Candice has acculturated to the host culture with poor diets, which means she may develop unhealthy habits that lead to adverse health outcomes.

One advantage of experimental methods over survey methods in cultural psychological research is that

Cultural differences in response biases are better controlled with experimental methods than with survey methods

According to the textbook, which of the following has NOT been noted as a result of becoming more acculturated to North American culture?

Decreased risk of coronary heart disease

The textbook describes the relationship between IQ changes across time and television viewing as showing.

Decreases in verbal intelligence but increases in problem solving intelligence

The Big Five personality traits

Do not cover the full extent of personality traits in other cultures but is still cross culturally robust

The Department of Chemistry is trying to understand how people solve problems in organic chemistry classes. Students are given a series of complex organic chemistry problems to solve. Which of the following will characterize the students' performance?

East Asian students will perform worse on the problems if they are asked to verbally articulate their thinking pro-cess, but their performance will be relatively unaffected if they recite their own names repeatedly.

Research on cultural differences in reasoning reveals that

East Asians use analytic reasoning strategies in most math and science problems.

During a professional ice hockey game, fans from around the world saw Tony Bertram, a professional hockey player, punch an unsuspecting player in the face and throw him onto the ice. According to analytic versus holistic thinking styles, which of the following do you think is most likely to happen?

East Asians will blame Tony's family problems, and Westerners will blame Tony's nasty personality

Which of the following examples most accurately portrays research on cultural differences in communication style?

Endo, who is Japanese, cannot reach his friend, Tanaka, because Tanaka's cell phone is off, but Endo has great difficulty leaving messages on Tanaka's voice mail.

While chatting over coffee with your friend, you overhear someone say, "I don't understand how those Hindus let cattle wander around their cities and not eat them. Where I come from, cattle are raised, branded, and then turned into steak and burgers. What the Hindus do just isn't normal." Which of the following does this situation best demonstrate?


With which of the following is a low context culture most closely associated?

Explicit communication

Which of the following statements is true of face?

Face is more easily lost than it is gained

Jade, a European-Canadian real estate agent, and Jing, a Chinese real estate agent, are trying to figure out what to tell their clients about the market's outlook. Compared to Jade, Jing will

Have predictions that are less linear given past patterns

The most collectivistic states of the United States are

Hawaii and Utah

Ambrose has an independent self, and Hayden has an interdependent self. Which of the following is true about Hayden?

He is more likely to activate the same brain regions when thinking about himself and his mother

Idra, a European university student, has moved to another country indefinitely to start a new career. He is currently experiencing anxiety, helplessness, and homesickness. Based on research on acculturation curves, what do you expect to happen with Idra next?

He will maintain these feelings if the culture is homogenous

Yuexi, a Chinese mother, wants to use strong parental control with her child. Based on the textbook, which of the following would most likely NOT occur as a result?

Her child feels a lack of family cohesion

Why do motivations for self-consistency appear weaker among East Asians than among Westerners

In the West, self-consistency correlates more strongly with subjective well-being and with being liked by others than it does in East Asia.

A person is building a road to connect two towns, but the road is stopped by a mountain. The person can either build the road so that it follows the side of the mountain and continues on from the other side, or the person can just tunnel through the mountain. This person decides that people should not get pushed around by nature, so decides to tunnel through the mountain. Which of the following terms best describes this way of thinking?

Incremental theory of the world

Which of the following statements about self-esteem is most accurate?

Independence is positively related to self esteem

Jaden has a strong sense of his own identity and does not see any sort of divide between strangers he has just met and his family members. What is this characteristic of

Independent theory of self

You are chatting with a stranger in a coffee shop. Every time you ask him something about himself, he talks about associations to which he belongs and clubs he has joined. He rarely talks about his own attributes. Which of the following best describes him?

Interdependent view of self

Adolescent rebellion

Is more pronounced in societies with more role distinctions and opportunities

The "terrible twos" is a developmental stage that

Is nonuniversal

What can be said about sensitive windows for language acquisition?

Learning a sign language can be subject to a similar sensitive window constraint as learning a spoken language

You are a teacher who assesses your students' science knowledge by having them play one of many science games available on the computer, so you want them to take this task seriously. Your class is comprised fully of Asian American and Euro-American children. How would you maximize their motivation to play these science games?

Let other classmates choose the game for the Asian American students, but let the Euro-American students choose for themselves.

Comparisons of men and women from East Asia and the United States reveal that

Men and women are similar in most factors underlying individualism and collectivism

After examining surveys you collected from Culture X, you find that people's responses tend to gather toward the center of your scale. This phenomenon is known as the _____________ bias.


A chimpanzee learns from his human zookeeper to wash carrots in the artificial river in his habitat before eating them. Based on the definitions of culture used in the textbook, can this example be said to be "culture"?

No, because he learned the practice from a member of a different species.

How is the Protestant Reformation relevant to the question of why Westerners self-enhance so much?

People are motivated to believe that they are predestined to go to heaven, and this leads them to interpret their behavior in an unrealistically positive light.

It is not at all unusual for the officers at Police Station 54 to observe their colleagues using confrontational interview techniques. Even though they do not personally like the technique, many officers believe that the practice is widely approved of by others and expected of them. This is an example of

Pluralistic ignorance

Kartika is a professor in Germany who is trying to decide which applicant to accept as a graduate student. She wants a graduate student who will come up with creative ideas. Which of the following applicants should have the most creative ideas?

The attributes listed cannot predict which of these applicants will have the most creative ideas

A team of scientists observes that a new species (Species X) tends not to copy exactly how a model uses a new tool; instead, species members are very adept at figuring out on their own how to best use the tool. Conversely, another new species (Species Y) does tend to copy exactly how a model uses a new tool, paying attention to the behavioral strategies of the model. Based on this observation, what trajectory should we expect each species's respective cultural development to be like?

Species X will likely not have cumulative culture and species Y will likely have cumulative culture

Analytic thinking is best characterized by

Taxonomic categorization

The Kingdom of Zorblax is about to colonize a bunch of aboriginal tribes living on a foreign continent. The culture of Zorblax is characterized by a system in which people live on collective farms and take what they need from those farms. Which of the following foreign aboriginal tribes will experience the LEAST amount of acculturative stress under the Kingdom of Zorblax?

The Poronga, a tribe that heavily engages in communal sharing

Yuan, a Chinese mother, and Alexis, a Euro-Canadian mother, both decided to read their children's diaries. How might the memories of Yuan's child differ from the memories of Alexis's child?

The memories of Yuan's child have more third person imagery than the memories of Alexis's child

The Singhs, an Indian family, are trying to decide on room arrangements for a new house that they are building. Which of the following moral principles is likely to be the LEAST important for this family?

The sacred couple

What is a problem with using the "back-translation" method?

The translation may sound very unnatural and may contain idioms that are unintelligible

Lee Hom and Eason are 25-year-old Hong Kong natives who have recently moved to Canada after having lived in Hong Kong all their lives. Based on research into a sensitive period for cultural adjustment, which of the following best characterizes their adjustment to Canada?

There is no relationship with how long they stay in Canada and how much they identify with being Canadian

Which of the following is one problem especially associated with studies using WEIRD samples?

They have very low generalizability

Miley is an extremely agreeable person who is very considerate and polite to others. She thinks that her agreeableness will make her well-suited for adjusting to any culture to which she goes. Based on research, how true is her rationale?

True—Miley's agreeableness aids acculturation by promoting bicultural identity integration

When will you NOT see an adjustment phase after experiencing culture shock?

When the person moves to a homogenous society

A Chinese art critic, Weiwei, and his American counterpart, William, are both looking at a painting of a group of people standing behind a vase in the middle foreground. If you were to compare the eye gazes of Weiwei and William, what would you find?

William spends more time gazing at the vase than does Weiwei.

Which of the following would be an example of secondary control?

You convince yourself that taking the bus to work is not so bad after all

Your friend immigrated more than a decade ago. While walking on the streets with your friend, he suddenly encounters a store that reminds him of his heritage culture. Which of the following is likeliest to result from that?

Your friend is more likely to think in ways consistent with his heritage culture, at least temporarily

The boss of a company in the United States has instituted a new policy requiring all interactions between workers, who are predominantly white Americans, to take a culture-blind approach. This means that the

boss wants the workers to treat each other as individuals, with individual experiences and individual histories.

When it comes to analytic reasoning tasks, East Asians

choose family-resemblance responses if there is a conflict between rule and similarity-based judgments

A key difference between "cultural" psychologists and "general" psychologists is that:

cultural psychologists believe that the mind is interdependent with context and content, whereas general psy-chologists believe that the mind is independent from context and content.

You are walking with your friend when both of you see a person on the street trip and fall. You think that the person is a clumsy person, but your friend thinks the person was distracted by something across the street. In this situation, which of the following more accurately captures what you are engaging in?

dispositional attribution

Assume that the act of giving gifts to neighbors has been documented in every culture that exists in the world. Which of the following is definitely true about the act of gift giving?

existential universal

Stereotype threat occurs because

people are at risk for sometimes acting in ways consistent with stereotypes and thereby proving the stereotype and creating a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Among people who immigrate before they are adults, self-esteem is related to acculturation in that

people's self-esteem comes to approximate the self-esteem norms in the host culture as they acculturate

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