Cumulative Vocab

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Def: to end a pregnancy deliberately by causing the death of the fetus : to stop something before it is completed because of problems or danger Ety: miscarry, deliberately terminate


Def: to polish (a surface) by friction. to make smooth and bright Ety: to shine, gleam, sparkle" (trans.), "to polish, make sparkle, make bright, shine, bright, polished; brown, dark, dusty, "dark animal"-beaver, toad, bear


Def: unfavorable Ety: "not" of good omen, divination by observing the flight of birds, interpreters of omens given by birds


Def: wearing worn clothes or having a slovenly or unkempt appearance Ety: skin disease, "the itch"; mange, itch, roughness; to scratch, scrape; to cut, scrape, hack


Def:looking sick or pale; having a weak quality Ety: dark, lacking luster;leaden, pale, gray; make or become smaller gradually; lacking; to leave, abandon, give out"


Def: the quality of being hypocritically devout Ety: faking being holy


Def: the quality of being able to produce Ety: bearing in abundance, fruitful, to bring into; to carry


Def: Deliberately destroy or damage (public or private property). Ety: willful destroyer of what is beautiful or venerable


Def: Generously given or giving; bountiful Ety: full of goodness; generously bestowing; bountiful


Def: Having open spaces at the top of a wall so that people can shoot guns and cannons outward Ety: open space on an embattlement; "notch"; crisis; split; border boundary


Def: Heavy cloth covering made from a waterproof canvas material Ety: heavy cloth covering; rich cloth or cloak; purple robe; altar cloth


Def: The establishment or starting point of an institution or activity. Ety: beginning, starting, undertaking, take in hand, seize


Def: a family possession handed down from generation to generation Ety: some piece of property that by will or custom passes down with the real estate; implement, tool; hereditary


Def: a hiding place, especially one in the ground, for ammuntion, food, treausres, ect. Ety: hiding place for stores; to hide, conceal; store up, collect, compress; constrain, to collect; necessary, urgent; to curdle; to compel; to collect," literally "to drive together


Def: a landlord of slum property, especially one who profiteers Ety: dirty back alley of a city, street of poor or low people, originally a slang or cant word meaning "room," especially "back room"


Def: an elaborately patterned lacelike webbing made of hand-knotted cord, yarn, or the like, and usedfor wall decorations, hanging baskets, garments, accessories, etc. Ety: towel, napkin; embroidered veil


Def: believing in or practicing religious heresy; going agaainst orthodox religion doctrine Ety: able to choose; school of thought, philosophical sect


Def: belonging naturally; essential Ety: Inner following; within, inside, on the inside; train of followers; consequence; story that follows and continues another


Def: extremely bad, appalling, dreadful (very deep) Ety: extremely bad


Def: looking or sounding sad and dismal Ety: mournful; to break, to cause pain, torment


Def: pass through air or space, float Ety: to carry over water, to awaken


Def: possible to do easily or conveniently Ety: capable of being done, accomplished or carried out; possible, easy, convenient


Def: powerful; mighty: a potent fighting force Ety: powerful, able, capable; possible; better, preferable; chief, principal; strongest, foremost; master, husband; having sexual power


ETY: "injury, hurt, harm,"; "harm, wrong, damage,"; "to harm," "to hurt"; "anything obnoxious to a community" (bad smells, pests, eyesores), "source of annoyance, something personally disagreeable"; "hurtful, injurious," "injury, hurt, damage entailing liability"; "death, corpse, dead tissue,"; "disappears, perishes,"; "violent death, murder"; "to harm, hurt," noxius "harmful;" DEF: an obnoxious or annoying person, thing, condition, practice, etc.


ETY: to labor, toil; "water" DEF: A method of growing plants in water rather than in soil.


ETY:"plunderer"; "To Rob"; to hunt DEF: An Animal that nuturally preys on others


Ety:"style of cooking," originally "kitchen, cooking, cooked food" (12c.), from Late Latin cocina, earlier coquina "kitchen," from Latin coquere "to cook" Def: a style or method of cooking, especially as characteristic of a particular country, region, or establishment.


Etymology: condition of living characterized by saving/prosperity Definition: managing or using money in a careful or wise way; growing vigorously or given to or marked by economy and good management


Etymology: learned Hindu; a learned man Definition: a person who knows a lot about a particular subject and expresses ideas publicly


Etymology: off away, decay Definition: time when the tide flows out from the land


Etymology: to feed/protect; baby food Definition: food, especially a suspension or solution of nutrients in a state suitable for absorption


Etymology: to pick, gather; diction Definition: dictionary, vocabulary

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