CyberSecurity last 1/4 Semester Exam Study Guide

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Felipe is trying to find information on wind power in Germany. Which of the following would be the most effective search query for this?

"wind power" +Germany

Compute the value of: 48 mod 6 = ?


A primary requirement for a good cryptographic hash function is that the function should not produce too many collisions. A collision in a hash function is when:

2 inputs map to the same output.

Answer the following modulo math problem. 20 + (35 (mod 11))


Compute the value of: 23 mod 4 = ?


Pretend that it's 7:00 now. In 33 hours, what time will the clock show? Don't worry about AM/PM.


Which of the following devices is not a part of the Internet of Things?

A physical combination padlock for your gym locker

Which of the following lists the types of copyright license from most restrictive to least restrictive?

All Rights Reserved, Some Rights Reserved, Public Domain

A privacy policy discloses:

All of the above

How can you be an upstander if you witness cyberbullying?

All of the above

Victims of cyberbullying may experience which of the following?

All of the above

Which kind of personal information do people send over the Internet?

All of the above

Which of the following actions will help you avoid violation of copyright laws?

All of the above

Which of the following are best practices for having a secure password?

All of the above

Why do we use cryptography?

All of the above

Which of the following is true of the WannaCry ransomware attack?

All of the above is true

Which of the following devices is not connected to the Internet of Things?

An AM/FM radio without any bluetooth or Internet connection capabilities

Robert is on an online auction site trying to make a bid on a new computer. As he tries to make a bid, the site crashes and he loses the auction. Which part of the CIA triad was broken?


Which of the following is not a good practice for effective Internet searches?

Be general in your search query to get as many results possible

Which of the following methods are effective in cracking the Caesar cipher?

Brute force and letter frequency analysis

Alice is checking her grades on a school computer in the library, and she forgets to log out before she leaves. Bob gets on the computer after her, and he sees her grades for all of her classes. Which part of the CIA triad was broken?


Encrypted information is only viewable by authorized users who have the correct key to decrypt. This describes which aspect of the CIA triad?


Sarah puts a lock on her diary so only she can read it. Her little brother breaks the lock and reads her diary. Which part of the CIA triad was broken?


Encryption plays a crucial role in maintaining which part(s) of the CIA triad?

Confidentiality and Integrity

Protecting data by hashing the data with a hashing function addresses which part of the CIA triad?

Confidentiality and Integrity

In cybersecurity, what does CIA stand for?

Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability

Which of the following is not true about cybersecurity?

Cyber attacks can devastate large organizations, but individuals are largely unaffected.

Which of the following shows the word "CAT" encrypted with the Caesar cipher with a key of 1?


True or False. The information about a particular person that exists on the Internet is a result of only a portion of their online activity. Some things don't matter or are not part of a person's digital footprint.


True or False: A message in unencrypted form is called ciphertext.


True or False: As long as you cite your source, you are free to use or share any kind of media you find on the Internet.


True or False: Cracking a Vigenère cipher with brute force takes longer than a Caesar cipher, but it is still a reliable method for cracking the encryption.


True or False: It is legal to practice hacking public websites as long as you are a student learning about cybersecurity.


True or False: Learning computer science or coding is only useful if you want to become a professional programmer.


True or False: The Internet of Things decreases our vulnerability to cyber attacks.


True or false: The internet is a great place to socialize, and because it is completely online, everyone is safe.


By checking the box on a privacy policy page, a company can legally use your data and information in all the ways disclosed, even if you change your settings.

False. It depends if the privacy policy allows you to opt in or out of sharing data.

By checking the box on a privacy policy page, a company can legally use your data and information in all the ways disclosed, no matter what.

False. It depends if the privacy policy allows you to opt in or out of sharing data.

Which of the following pieces of information would be safe to include in an online username?

Favorite sport

Alice is buying books from an online retail site, and she finds that she is able to change the price of a book from $19.99 to $1.99. Which part of the CIA triad has been broken?


Public-key cryptography (a form of asymmetric cryptography) is an encryption method that's widely used because: I. It is computationally infeasible to compute the private key based on the public key. II. It's easier to share one public key than billions of private keys. III. It's much tougher to crack an asymmetric encryption than a symmetric one. IV. It's more secure because the private keys do not ever need to be transmitted or revealed to anyone.

I - IV all

A person's digital footprint consists of the following: I. Comments you leave II. Pictures you post III. Topics you search IV. Apps you use V. Music you download VI. Emails you send

I - VI all

Which of the following is true about the Internet of Things? I. The Internet of Things is the network of devices with the ability to connect and exchange data. II. The Internet of Things increases our vulnerability to cyber attacks. III. The Internet of Things is purely positive-there are no negative consequences to increased connectivity

I and II

What should you do if somebody at your school is bullying your friend on a social media website? I. Reach out to your friend being bullied, letting them know that you care II. Start an online petition to get the bully kicked out of school III. Report the bullying to the website admin IV. Avoid telling adults about the incidents to avoid escalation

I and III

Blake logs into the website for his math class and realizes that he has access to the upcoming midterm exam—even though his teacher said the exam questions would not be released until the day of the exam. Which part of the CIA Triad has been compromised? I. Confidentiality II. Integrity III. Availability

I only

Most attacks on hash functions involve: I. Finding collisions. II. Injecting a new hash function into the code. III. Pre-generating millions of hashes and comparing them to the plain text that generated it. IV. Really good random guessing.

I, II and III

Which of the following actions can help you maintain your digital footprint? I. Using privacy settings to limit the audience of your posts II. Reviewing posts you are tagged in III. Googling yourself on a regular basis IV. Posting long rants when you are angry about school or work

I, II and III

Which of the following are safety guidelines when socializing online? I. Be wary when communicating with people you don't know in real life II. Don't disclose personal information-even if it doesn't seem important III. Don't have any social media accounts IV. Block/report if you are being harassed V. Don't send or receive any emails VI. Ask a trusted adult if you need help

I, II, IV, and VI

There are a number of different cryptography methods that range in complexity, but it is always important to add a layer of encryption to your private data. Which of the following are ways to encrypt your own private data? I. Using strong passwords II. Setting up and using 2-factor authentication III. Only clicking on links that are sent through email IV. Safe web browsing V. Using the same password for every site or app

I, II, and IV

Which of the following statements are true about cyberbullying: I. Cyberbullying uses electronic communication to bully a person. II. Cyberbullying is a crime in many states. III. Instances of cyberbullying do not affect the digital footprint of the victim. IV. Cyberbullying hurts real people even though we can't always see their reactions online.

I, II, and IV

Public-key encryption is widely used because: I. It is computationally infeasible to compute the private key based on the public key. II. It's easy to implement because it is a form of symmetric key encryption. III. It's easier to share one public key than billions of private keys. IV. It's much tougher to crack an asymmetric encryption than a symmetric one. V. It's more secure because the private keys do not ever need to be transmitted or revealed to anyone.

I, III, IV, and V

Which of the following are best practices for keeping secure passwords? I. Create passwords that are long in length II. Use the same password for multiple accounts III. Use a password manager IV. Don't use personal information like your name or birthdate in your passwords

I, III, and IV

Which of the following can help you to maintain your digital footprint? I. Using privacy settings to limit your exposure II. Posting long rants when you are angry about something III. Reviewing posts you are tagged in and taking action if needed IV. Googling yourself on a regular basis

I, III, and IV

Which of the following people can access your digital footprint? I. Teachers, colleges, and scholarship committees II. Potential employers III. Family, friends, and acquaintances


Which of the following statements are true? I. There has been a decrease in the number of cyber attacks in the past decade. II. Cybersecurity is the protection of computer systems, networks, and data from digital attacks. III. Cyber attacks in the past few years have impacted individuals, governments, and organizations.

II and III

What should you do if you are a victim of cyberbullying? I. Respond to the bully II. Keep a record of messages received (print or take screenshots) III. Reach out to parents, teachers, counselors, and school administrators IV. Block communication from the bully (if possible)

II, III, and IV

Which of the following shows the word "DOG" encrypted with the Caesar cipher with a key of 5?


Cynthia discovers that she has the ability to modify the lunch menu posted on her school's website. She edits the website so for lunch every day, it says "Green Eggs and Ham". Which part of the CIA triad was broken?


In 2016, online fraud cases in the United States resulted in victim losses totaling:

Over $1.2 billion

Which of the following describes an instance of legal hacking?

Penetration testing for a company

A person's digital footprint is:

Public and permanent to anyone

Which of the following is not a characteristic of a credible source?

The author is not named on the website

Which of the following describes a credible source?

The domain is .edu

Which of the following most accurately describes the Internet of Things?

The network of devices with the ability to connect and exchange data

Cryptography is defined as:

The practice of encoding information so only authorized people can read it

Which of the following is true about jobs in the field of cybersecurity?

There are many unfilled cybersecurity positions right now, and there will be even more unfilled positions in the next couple of years.

What is not true of white hat hackers?

They are breaking the law and are at risk of legal repercussions

Hash functions got the name "hash" because it's easy to compute the function with a given input, but nearly impossible to reverse engineer the hash function to get the original input.


True or False: Computers have made it easier and faster to crack the Caesar cipher.


True or False: Cyberbullying can be persistent, permanent and discreet (meaning teachers and parents can't see or overhear cyberbullying).


True or False: In 2016, online fraud cases in the United States resulted in victim losses totaling over $1 billion.


What is the primary flaw with the Caesar Cipher and other substitution ciphers?

With enough frequency, a message could be decrypted

The output for a hash function is called the


Hash functions got the name "hash" because

it's easy to compute the function with a given input, but nearly impossible to reverse engineer the hash function to get the original input.

To decrypt an encrypted message, pass the encrypted message and the _____ to the decrypt function.


An encryption method that uses a series of interwoven Caesar ciphers based on the letters of a keyword is called

the Vigenère Cipher

Asymmetric encryption:

uses one key for encryption and a different key for decryption

Symmetric encryption:

uses the same key for encryption and decryption

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