D271 Business in Brazil Midterm

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regulatory efficiency

business freedom, labor freedom , monetary freedom

Brazilians tend to be more direct than Dutch people.


Brazilians tend to have a pessimistic behaviour.


Compare Brazilian and Dutch culture: Brazilians are more task oriented and direct than Dutch people


Compare Brazilian and Dutch culture: Dutch people are more hierarchical than Brazilians.


Most Brazilians prefer do things on their own, without any company. People don't often do things together.


Brazilians tend to be task oriented (look at Globesmart)

false, relationship


feels guilty spending money on yourself or having fun

government size

government spending, tax burden, fiscal health

communication styles

higher context, implicit, relationship oriented


indulgent spends as you wish, earn your money and spend

The ease of doing business ranking ranges from

1 to 190

How many definitions are there of culture?


What is the population of Brazil?

209 million

How many states does Brazil have?



Amazon, humid hot climate

The Brazilian capital is


Which of these brands is owned by a Brazilian based company?

Burger King Popeyes Heinz Ketchup

What are the climate regions in Brazil

Equatorial Tropical Semi-arid Oceanic Subtropical

What are the policies of the Real Plan?

Exchange rate undervalued currency overvalued currency

According to the Globesmart country cultural profile, Brazilians tend to be risk oriented.


According to the case, Walmart entered the country while inflation was 2000% per year


Brazilians love to save and only spend money when they have it in their accounts


The official language in Brazil is Spanish

False, Portuguese

(samba metaphors) physical touch

Family ties Hospitality Collectivism 6 inches to 12 inches apart A lot of families work together in business People talk over each other- people are interested and excited The OK sign in Brazil can be seen as rude Very touchy, they like to hug, kiss, and the notion of "personal space" is different

Jeitinho ________ (check ALL that apply) Please observe that CANVAS does double penalties in wrong answers. Only mark the ones you are sure are correct

Is related to personal exchanges in order to get things done faster Is not always used to take advantage Has to do with creativity to deal with daily complications

What entry modes did Walmart use in Brazil?

Joint venture Acquisitions

The initial failure in Brazil was caused by which of the following?

Lack of products Location Infrastructure Insufficient knowledge about social environment in Brazil

What are the measures taken in Plano Real?

Lowered down the inflation Interest rates were risen Restricted government expenses

What did the Real Plan do?

Measures taken to stabilize the economy in 1994 Fight against hyperinflation Intended to stabilize the domestic currency in nominal terms Stopped the government from periodically raising prices (indexing inflation) Introduced a new currency (the real) Exchange rate was partially linked to that of the US dollar Cuts on government spending

Compare Mexico and Brazil in GlobeSmart. Both countries are in the opposite sides of all 5 dimensions.


Who was Brazil discovered by?

Pedro Alvares Cabral in April 1500

Who was the first emperor?

Pedro I, son of the king of Portugal

Who was the second emperor?

Pedro II (1831) at the age of 5


Sao paulo- too much business Rio- too much carnival/too much fun Bahia (northeast)- too slow Southern states- too much european The amazon states- too much "native"

Brazil is more

interdependent, more status oriented, brazil is in the middle of risk and certainty, more indirect, and more relationship oriented

(samba metaphors) Small step circularity

Small, somewhat controlled steps in a circular pattern When doing business in Brazil, it can feel like you're going in circles | it takes time Takes time to develop relations Commands and no in negotiations | keep conversation going or break Patriarchal Long-term resources No hard sell approach Do business in Brazil | first establish relationship before just doing business

What region is the wealthiest?


(samba metaphor) paradox of dance

Spending culture Different backgrounds 51% black or brown Rich and poor Role of religion Paternalism

(samba metaphor) spontaneous scape

Spontaneous and unexpected activities are allowed (abrupt breaks) Positive attitudes Meetings will not finish on time Polychronic- can skip around and do multiple tasks If you are doing business in Brazil always be on time

Considering the Index of Economic Freedom, Brazil's is better ranked than India, Guinea and Tunisia.


To adapt locally, Walmart in Brazil entered the credit card industry.



coldest region covered by atlantic forest


consists of patterned ways of thinking, feeling and reacting, acquired and transmitted mainly through symbols, constituting the distinctive achievement of human groups, including their embodiment in artifacts; the essential core of culture consists of traditional ideas and especially their attached values


dealing creatively with life's everyday complications

The distance to frontier (DTF)

distance of each economy to the "frontier", which represents the best performance observed


dry weather inland and humid weather in coastal areas

According to the Globesmart country cultural profile, Brazilians tend to be egalitarian.


According to the Globesmart country cultural profile, Brazilians tend to be task oriented.


Brazil combines collectivism and restraing in Hofstede's cultural dimensions


Brazilians and Dutch people are both interdepended according to Globesmart.



low temps in winter and stays warm in summer


one of the first expressions of the Afro-Brazilian culture to be admired, and it has occupied a distinguished position in the popular music


passion for TV, soap operas


preference in society for heroism, assertiveness, and material rewards for success More competitive Live to work

Rule of law

property rights, government integrity, judicial effectiveness


somewhat dry, but fertile soil

Based on the information you read on Culture Smart about the Brazilian regions and on the data on the case, to which region of Brazil should ARP go first?



stands for a preference for cooperation, modesty, caring for the weak and quality of life Society at large is more consensus oriented Work to live

(samba metaphor) undulation

taking a shortcut corruption

Uncertainty avoidance

the extent to which the member of a culture feel threatened by ambiguous or unknown situations

open markets

trade freedom, investment freedom, financial freedom

Brazil has high power distance compared to the Netherlands.


Brazilian "novelas" play an important role in their culture.


People who work together tend to become friends and spend time together outside work.



where people live in total poverty

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