DEP2004: Ch. 15 Terms & Practice

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(1) One of the most common diseases of childhood. It is characterized by high levels of glucose in the blood as a result of defective insulin production, ineffective insulin action, or both. (2) Disease in which the body does not produce or properly use insulin, a hormone that converts sugar, starchers, and other foods into energy needed for daily life.

Work and Education - Summary

- A shift away from early retirement and toward more flexible options is occuring. - Complex work may improve cognitive flexibility. - Many adults participate in educational activities, often to improve work-related skills and knowledge. - Literacy training is an urgent need in the United States and globally.

Physical Changes - Summary

- Although some physiological changes result from aging and genetic makeup, behavior and lifestyle can affect their timing and extent - Most middle-age adults compensate well for gradual, minor declines in sensory and psychomotor abilities. Losses in bone density and vital capacity are common. - Symptoms of menopause and attitudes toward it may depend on cultural factors and natural changes of aging. - Although men can continute to father children until later in life, many middle-age men experience a decline in fertility and in frequency of orgasm. - A large proportion of middle-age men experience erectile dysfunction. - Sexual activity gernerally diminishes gradually in middle age

Physical and Mental Health - Summary

- Most middle-age people are healthy; however, baby boomers may be less healthy than previous generations at middle age. - Hypertension is a major health problem beginning in midlife. Cancer has passed heart disease as the number one cause of death in midlife. The prevalence of diabetes has doubled. - The presence of chronic health conditions worsens the prognosis for those infected with COVID-19. - Diet, exercise, alcohol use, and smoking affect present and future health. - Low income is associated with poorer health. - Racial and ethnic disparities in health and health care have decreased but still persist. - Postmenopausal women become more susceptible to heart disease as well as to bone loss leading to osteoporosis. Chances of developing breast cancer also increase with age. - While hormone therapy appears to be the most effective treatment for menopausal symptoms, the associated risks warrant caution in its use. - Stress occurs when the body's ability to cope is not equal to the demands on it. Stress is often greatest in middle age. Severe stress can affect immune functioning. - Role and career changes and other experiences typical of middle age can be stressful, but resilience is common. - Psychological distress becomes more prevalent in middle age. - Personality and negative emotionality can affect health. Positive emotions tend to be associated with good health.

Adult Cognition - Summary

- Some theorists propose that cognition takes distinctive forms at midlife - Expertise allows older adults to perform at high levels in areas they are familiar with despite the processing declines typical of age. This is because encapsulation allows them to use information more effectively. - Postformal thought seems especially useful in situations calling for integrative thinking. - Creative performance depends on personal attributes and environment forces. - Creativity is not strongly related to intelligence. - An age-related decline appears in psychometric tests of divergent thinking and creative output, but peak ages for output vary by occupation. How creativity is defined also affects findings.

Cognitive Performance - Summary

- The Seattle Longitudinal Study found that several of the primary mental abilities remain strong during middle age, but there is great individual variability. - Fluid intelligence declines earlier than crystallized intelligence

Middle Age: A Social Construct - Summary

- The concept of middle age is a social construct. It came into use in industrial societies as an increasing life span led to new roles at midlife. - The span of middle adulthood is often subjective. - Most middle-age people are in good physical, cognitive, and emotional condition.

Globally, about ____ percent of adults are illiterate.

14; Globally, 507 million aduls age 25-64--about 14% of adults in that age range--are illiterate, mostly in sub-Saharan Africa and East and South Asia. Women make up 63% of illiterate adults worldwide.

Starting at about age _____, there is a steady decline in whole brain volume loss of approximately .2 percent per year that accelerates to .5 percent as adults near _____ years of age.

35; 60

On average, Americans who do not smoke, who exercise regularly, drink alcohol in moderation, and eat plenty of fruits and vegetables have _____ times less risk of dying in midlife and old age.


We define middle adulthood in chronological terms as the years between ages

40 and 65.

Select all that apply Adults who use integrative thinking A. reach insightful conclusions by combining new information with what they have already learned in life. B. take new information at face value instead of trying to read more into it. C. comment on the human condition through a combination of logic, intuition, and emotion. D. often struggle to incorporate new experiences into their old, established thought patterns.

A & C

Select all that apply Bob's hypertension can be treated with A. a low salt diet. B. medication. C. monitoring the blood pressure. D. reduced sexual activity.

A, B, & C

Select all that apply Many middle-aged adults experience deteriorating vision, making it harder to see objects that are A. situated among other items. B. near. C. stationary. D. dynamic.

A, B, & D

Select all that apply Which parts of the body are involved in managing stress? A. Brain B. Adrenal glands C. Gastrointestinal tract D. Immune system

A, B, & D

Select all that apply Compared to other ethnic groups in the United States, Latinos are less likely to A. be vaccinated for pneumonia and influenza. B. be diagnosed with liver disease, diabetes, or HIV infection. C. have health insurance. D. be screened for cholesterol and cervical cancer.

A, C, & D

Select all that apply Studies indicate that women tend to live longer than men because they A. have a second X chromosome. B. are in better health overall than men. C. are protected by the female hormone estrogen until menopause. D. take fewer risks than men do.

A, C, & D

Select all that apply Identify the six mental abilities assessed in the Seattle Longitudinal Study. A. Verbal meaning B. Perceptual speed C. Word fluency D. Spatial orientation E. Inductive reasoning F. Knee reflexes G. Number

A. Verbal meaning B. Perceptual speed C. Word fluency D. Spatial orientation E. Inductive reasoning G. Number

High blood pressure is more common among ______ than among other ethnic groups.

African Americans

Select all that apply People who feel optimistic despite setbacks in their lives are likely to be healthier than negative people because they tend to A. pay little attention to the vast amount of health-related information that is available. B. feel more socially connected. C. routinely exercise. D. get more beneficial sleep.

B, C, & D

Select all that apply People with low socioeconomic status tend to have poorer health, which may be related to A. larger family size. B. having less control over their lives. C. lack of health insurance. D. having more stress.

B, C, & D

Select all that apply Regarding physical appearance, middle-aged adults may notice that their A. height increases slightly. B. hair becomes thinner. C. hair becomes gray D. skin is less smooth.

B, C, & D

Select all that apply. Which of the following describes vision changes in middle age? A. Individuals often need to stop driving in middle adulthood because of failing eyesight. B. The eyes do not read moving signs as effectively. C. It becomes more difficult to read fine print. D. It becomes more difficult to see well enough to drive safely at night.

B, C, & D

Older adults were not a significant focus of STI prevention strategies in the past most likely because of which reasons? A. People did not live as long. B. The older adult population was smaller. C. There were more traditional values toward divorce and premarital sex. D. All answer choices are correct.

D. All answer choices are correct.

Which statement regarding perimenopause is FALSE?

It is most common in the 30s but can occur in the 20s.

What causes hair to turn gray in middle age?

Reduced melanin production

Which of the following middle-aged adults is more likely to go to the doctor?

a woman


age-related, gradual loss of hearing, which accelerates after age 55, especially with regard to sounds at higher frequencies


age-related, progressive loss of the eyes' ability to focus on nearby objects due to loss of elasticity in the lens

vital capacity

amount of air that can be drawn in with a deep breath and expelled

A great example that sex does not stop after 40! Alexis and Richard candidly describe their sexual relationship as very intimate and satisfying. Richard says, "Older-folk sex is a whole lot better than younger-folk sex." In this clip, Alexis and Richard discuss their relationship. She said that she liked herself more

at age 40

The use of energy to maintain vital functions is called

basal metabolism.

According to the article, reasons for the spike in STIs among older adults may include all of the following EXCEPT

boredom among retirees.

Rather than completely retire from employment, an older person may switch to another company or a new line of work, a practice called ______ employment.



cessation of menstruation and of ability to bear children


chronically high blood pressure


condition in which the bones become thin and brittle as a result of rapid calcium depletion

Like adolescence, middle age is a social



diagnostic x-ray for breast tissue that can detect small, early cancers

Intelligence and creativity are basically the same thing. (T/F)


A person's ability to solve novel problems is known as _____ intelligence


Recent research on creativity has found that

genetic influences are strong.

Synopsis: Individuals are living longer, more active lives. As such, the sex lives of adults may continue well into the later years. With increased sexual activity among older adults there is also increased incidence of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Experts note that older adults may be lax with regard to practicing safe sex. In Arizona, a state with a large retired population, rates of STIs such as chlamydia, syphilis, and gonorrhea have been rising each year among those over 55. In the state's most populous county, gonorrhea rates more than doubled from 6.1 in 2012 to 12.7 in 2014. Given that gonorrhea's symptoms are not always that noticeable, it spreads easily, experts explain. Also, thinning tissues that incur micro-tears more easily may make the spread of disease more likely. With a rapidly aging population and activity level lasting well into the later years, people are sustaining their sex lives longer. In addition to medical technology like Viagra and Cialis, experts attribute the rise to more permissive societal attitudes toward divorce and premarital sex. Which STI was found to have doubled in Arizona's older adult population between 2012 and 2014?


Chronically high blood pressure is called



in an adult, ability to use printed and written information to function in society, achieve goals, and develop knowledge and potential

erectile dysfunction

inability of a man to achieve or maintain an erect penis sufficient for satisfactory sexual performance

The process of adding new information by filtering it through life experiences is called ______ thought, which is an important aspect of postformal thinking.


An adult's ability to use printed and written information is called


The cessation of menstruation is called


The Seattle Longitudinal Study of Adult Intelligence found that

most participants experienced little cognitive decline and some improvement during middle age.



As Alexis and Richard discuss their relationship, they talk about sex. She has noticed that what is most important to her now is

nonsexual contact, such as hand holding.


perceived environmental demands that may produce stress


period of several years during which a woman experiences physiological changes of menopause; includes first year after end of menstruation; also called climacteric

Before bringing their working lives to a complete stop, people may reduce work hours or days, gradually moving into retirement over a number of years. This is called _____ retirement



physical or psychological demands on a person or organism

A person who is literate can do what?

read and write

As Alexis and Richard discuss their relationship, they talk about sex. He argues that his sex life is better because it's


At midlife, basal metabolism

slows and provides less energy.

The damage that occurs when perceived environmental demands exceed a person's capacity to cope with them is called


Negative emotions tend to

suppress the body's immune system.

Frequently, a person in middle age will solve problems on the job more quickly than a young adult. This is because older people

tend to have more expertise.

Fluid intelligence refers to

the ability to perceive and manipulate information.


the process that allows expertise to compensate for declines in information-processing ability by bundling relevant knowledge together

When it comes to solving problems within a specific field, people in middle age are often more competent than young adults because

they have had more years to accumulate expertise in that field.

hormone therapy (HT)

treatment with artificial estrogen, sometimes in combination with the hormone progesterone, to relieve or prevent symptoms caused by decline in estrogen levels after menopause

Complex work is associated with the retention of cognitive abilities. (T/F)


Myelin, the fatty sheath that lines nerve axons and helps impulses move more quickly through the brain, begins to break down with age. (T/F)


The prevalence of severe obesity, with a BMI of 40 or higher, is higher in adults age 40 to 59 than any other age group. (T/F)


midlife is a social construct (T/F)


People with higher SES (socioeconomic status) experience less stress and have a greater sense of control over what happens to them, attenuating their stress response. (T/F)

true; They also tend to choose healthier lifestyles, to seek medical attention and social support when they need it,

People who are deeply engaged in complex work or cognitively stimulating lifestyles tend to show stronger cognitive performance and fewer declines than their peers as they age, even if they retire. (T/F)

true; This suggests that if work, both on the job and at home, could be made meaningful and challenging, more adults might retain or improve their cognitive abilities. This seems to be happening to some extent.

crystallized intelligence

type of intelligence, proposed by Horn and Cattell, involving the ability to remember and use learned information; it is largely dependent on education and culture

fluid intelligence

type of intelligence, proposed by Horn and Cattell, that is applied to novel problems and is relatively independent of educational and cultural influences.

basal metabolism

use of energy to maintain vital functions

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