Developmental Psych Chapter 11

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Seven year old Michael does not wait his turn in the lunch line or when playing games. He often calls out in class without being called upon. What dimension of ADHD does this represent?


Jody is 8 years old. She has trouble organizing her work and often loses the things she needs in order to complete projects, such as the directions, pencils, and books. Which dimension of ADHD does this represent?

Lack of attention

What percentage of school-aged children is diagnosed with ADHD?


The average 7 to 10 year old requires _________ calories per day.


What percentage of siblings of children with dyslexia also has dyslexia?


Mya has been diagnosed as having dyslexia. She is among what percentage of American children who have this particular learning disability?

5 to 17.5%

The National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) found that having a fast food within one- tenth of a mile from a school increased child obesity rates by


Research that implicates stresses in children's lives, such as the birth of a sibling or parental divorce, as a cause of overeating supports the role of _______________ in obesity.


Which name is associated with a diet proposed to reduce the symptoms of ADHD?


What is the average weight gain per year for children ages 6 to 12?

Five to seven pounds

What happens to the height of children in middle childhood?

Girls and boys grow about two inches in height per year.

Danielle is losing her primary teeth and her permanent teeth are growing in. Her permanent teeth look too large for her face. What is happening?

Her teeth grow in at full size, after which her facial bones will "catch up"

Overall, risk factors associated with childhood asthma include previous respiratory or allergy problems, a family history of asthma and:

Lower SES

Lai found that childhood asthma was _______________ in affluent nations and ____________ in poorer nations

More common; more serious

Niko is an average 7 year old. He will need to eat ________ he did when he was 5 years old.

More than

Morgan is an obese child. Which of the following is true?

Morgan will likely become an obese adult

Nina is 7 years old and has been diagnosed with ADHD. Her parents tell her not to worry because most children outgrow ADHD. Is this true?

No, at least two-thirds of children with ADHD continue to show one or more core symptoms into adolescence and adulthood

Is it true that heavy children outgrow their baby fat, especially once they enter the growth spurt of adolescence?

No, it is not true

In order to help a child lose weight, which of the following is recommended?

None of the above

Thomas has dyslexia. He takes part in a treatment program in which he learns to blend sounds to make words and to identify word pairs that rhyme. This type of program is called

None of these

Which of the following is TRUE about learning disabilities?

None of these

A Spanish study found that it was possible to teach children with ADHD to "stop and think" before giving in to aggressive impulses. This type of program or treatment is known as

cognitive behavioral therapy

When we say that children with ADHD have problems in inhibiting impulses that other children can inhibit, we are describing inhibition in terms of

cognitive-neurological inhibition

Physical activity ___________ with age between middle childhood and adolescence for _______________.

decreases; both sexes

Studies comparing the brain images of children with ADHD with those with ADHD and other disorders have found

differences in brain chemistry between the two groups.

In terms of prospects for the treatment of ADHD, studies indicate that

different treatments will be discovered for the various groups of children with ADHD.

Children with more fat cells

feel hungry sooner than children with fewer fat cells.

When considering motor skills in middle childhood, boys tend to show more ___________, whereas girls show more _____________

forearm strength; limb coordination

Brain development in early childhood is characterized by a

gaining control over attentional processes

Girls tend to be well-suited to activities such as gymnastics, dancing, and balancing, due to their:

greater limb coordination and flexibility

The type of muscular control needed for gymnastics is called

gross motor skills

Between the ages of 6 and 12, the Eustachian tube elongates and narrows. The result of this for children is that they

have fewer ear infections

Food offered to children in schools tends to be

heavy on sugar, animal fats, and salt.

Robbie has trouble sitting in his chair at school and cannot seem to focus on his homework. When his parents take him to a professional for evaluation, he will be more likely to be diagnosed as having ADHD if

his parents and teachers also suggest that he cannot control his behavior.

ADHD has been found to coexist with other psychological disorders and problems such as oppositional defiant disorder, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, and


European-American children receive medications for ADHD at __________ the rate of African-American children.


When do girls become taller than boys?

Around age 9 or 10

Generally speaking, when are the most children able to balance on a beam and pedal a bicycle?

About age 6 or 7

By what age does the onset of ADHD typically occur?

Age 7

Children who are overweight are at increased risk for high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, and

All fo the above

According to research studies, which of the following may contribute to stuttering?

All of the above

Although there are positives to organized sports, a potential negative is that

All of the above

By age 7, most children are capable of which of the following gross motor skills?

All of the above

In terms of fine motor skills, which of the following can most 6 and 7 year old do?

All of the above

Overweight parents may contribute to obesity in their children

All of the above

Why do the majority of children in the US fail to meet the standards of the President's Council on Physical Fitness?

All of the above

Children with high levels of physical activity are more likely to

All of these

Children with learning disabilities tend to

All of these

In adolescence, those who are overweight and those of average weight vary in their

All of these

One reason for increased coordination and agility during the middle childhood years is

All of these

What does it mean to say that reaction time improves?

All of these

Which of the following would be most effective in treating ADHD?

All of these may be effective

Which of the following parts of the brain have been associated with dyslexia?

Angular gyrus

Which part of the brain translates visual information into auditory information?

Angular gyrus

Which of the following is NOT true regarding sex of child and physical activity?

By middle childhood, girls are more involved in competitive games than boys.

Aside from television viewing being a sedentary activity, how else does watching TV contribute to obesity?

By showing children commercials for unhealthy foods

It is common for children ages 6 to 12 to have which of the following physical changes?

Becoming less stocky and more slender

Efforts to help a child lose weight that include methods such as keeping a chart of weight loss, providing a good example as a parent, and using praise and rewards are based upon what theoretical model?


What factor explains the differences between boys and girls in motor performance?

Boys receive more encouragement and support for participating in sports.

Which of the following is true?

Boys tend to be taller and heavier than girls until approximately age 9 or 10

Participation in organized sports declines because children

are sometimes pushed too hard to excel at sports

Which of the following statements lends support to the idea that dyslexia has a genetic component?

Children who are dyslexic tend to have a dyslexic parent

How does television viewing contribute to obesity?

Children who are heavy TV viewers are less physically active overall

If, as Daniel says, we may have the first reversal in increasing longevity in modern life, what would happen?

Children would lead less healthy and shorter lives than their parents.

Sariah has problems composing sentences and paragraphs. Her symptoms are most consistent with which of the following?

Disorder of written expression

Which of the following would an individual with dyslexia find the most difficult?

Distinguishing between the letters "b" and "d" while reading

Research to support a genetic component to ADHD indicated that the regulation of ____________ may be involved.


When does participation in organized sports begin to decline?

During middle childhood

Which of the following is false regarding childhood asthma?

Once a child "outgrows" asthma, it never returns

According to the textbook, which of the following would lead to the lowest level of fitness:

Playing baseball

What can be done to promote regular exercise in children?

Promote sports that lead to high levels of fitness, such as jumping rope

In childhood, dyslexia tends to be treated with


You have been asked by the President to create an exercise program for the children that will be instituted in schools across the US of the following activities, which one would promote the highest level of physical health for children?


According to research, which person would have the fastest reaction time to catching a baseball?

Ryka, who is 35

How long must ADHD symptoms persist before a diagnosis can be made?

Six months

According to the recent "Multimodal Treatment Study," which was found to be the most effective method for treating ADHD

Stimulant medications

Which of the following techniques are most used to treat ADHD?

Stimulant medications

What is currently the most common treatment for ADHD?

Stimulants such as Ritalin

There are at least three different ways in which TV is associated with greater body weights in children. Which of the following is NOT discussed in the textbook as one of these ways?

TV exposes children to advertisements for other sedentary activities, such as computer games.

Which of the following plays a role in obesity?


What can be said regarding the food commercials children see on television?

The bulk of these commercials are for unhealthy foods and drinks.

Which of the following predicts child participation in sports?

The child's self-perception of competence in sports

How do stimulant medications, such as Ritalin, have their effect on ADHD?

They block the reabsorption of dopamine and noradrenaline

Which is true of fat cells?

Those who are overweight or have been overweight have more fat cells

Which of the following motor tasks appears to have a biological explanation?

Throwing a ball

What is the goal of mainstreaming?

To counter the negative effects of special needs classes

Which of the following provides evidence for the role of environment in obesity?

Watching TV affects children's weight

Is it true that children who are obese can have high blood pressure and high cholesterol?


A study by Walline randomly assigned one group of children to wear contact lenses and another group to wear glasses to correct myopia. Did the results of the study indicate any differences between the two groups?

Yes, those wearing contacts rated their physical appearances, athletic competence, and social acceptance more highly

There is ______ correlation between childhood obesity and amount of television watched.

a positive

A teacher does not believe a student can perform well because of a learning disability. The teacher comes to expect very little, so she demands very little from the student. In response, the student does not try and indeed fails. We may consider this process to be

a self-fulfilling prophecy

The "growing pains" that some children report in middle childhood

are the result of muscles adjusting to a growing skeleton.

If a college student with dyslexia is allowed extra time to take an exam because of the amount of reading involved, this is called


One concern over the use of stimulants to control the symptoms of ADHD is that stimulants

all of the above are concerns


appears to have a genetic component

Gains in height and weight __________ during middle childhood

are fairly steady

When it comes to physical activities for children, schools and parents tend to focus on baseball and football, which

are less apt to promote fitness, as they are not continuous in activity

As overweight children approach adolescence, they become less popular because they

are less likely to be found sexually attractive

Children with learning disabilities

are more likely than other children to have ADHD.

obese children

are more often rejected by their peers and do more poorly in sports

Shelby is 6 years old. During middle childhood, her physical growth will most likely

be steady until the adolescent growth spurt.

Over the past few decades, food portions have

become larger, particularly at fast food restaurants.

Studies of Japanese, Swiss, and American children showed that

becoming obese as an adult varied by culture.

How many children in the US are obese?

between 16 and 25%

Dyslexia appears to affect

between 5 and 17.5% of American children

Most 3 year olds are within eight to ten pounds of each other in terms of weight. By the age 10, children's weights

can vary by 30-35 pounds

According to Waxmonsky, for those with ADHD, __________ may benefit more from stimulant medications, whereas _____________ may benefit from cognitive behavioral therapies.

children; adolescents and adults

The incidence of myopia, or nearsightedness, tends to ______ between childhood and young adulthood.


In middle childhood, children show great advances in motor skills. This is due to increased muscle strength and

increased myelination of the pathways between the cerebellum and the cortex.


is more common in boys than in girls

In terms of the relative proportion of muscle and fatty tissue,

it is about the same for girls and boys during middle childhood

Whereas 40 % of normal weight boys become overweight adults, the percentage of normal weight girls who become overweight as adults is


Genetic components or causes for ADHD

may be related to how the brain regulated dopamine.

Jennifer is a 14 year old tomboy. Given that tomboy behavior is less accepted in adolescence than in middle childhood, Jennifer

may become less interested in the physical activities she engages in.

Beginning around age 11, males tend to develop more ________, whereas females develop more __________.

muscle; fatty tissue

Timothy is asked to recite the alphabet. He is able to make the sound associated with the letter "a". However, when asked to identify what the letter is, he has difficulty. This is a problem in

naming speed

In middle childhood, it is estimated that 25% of children in the US are myopic or


Logan is 8 years old. By the time she is 9, she has gained three inches in height and four pounds in weight. This is

normal, as there are more individual differences in height and weight during middle childhood than in earlier years

Although Jake is entering school, he sounds as if he is uttering "baby talk." He has no problems understanding words or sentences. However, he has difficulty articulating sounds such as b, m, and t. This type of communication disorder is called

phonological disorder

The double deficit hypothesis suggests that children with dyslexia have deficits in both ________________ and ________________

phonological processing; naming speed

The prevalence of childhood obesity has doubled in the past 20 years. However, this varies by

racial and ethnic background of child

At tennis camp, Emma is capable of hitting tennis balls that come at her at high rates of speed. It takes Olivia longer to respond, and because of this, she sometimes misses the ball. The difference between Emma and Olivia is in their

reaction time

Two studies of African- American mothers and daughters found a relationship between nutrition and

social class

African-American parents tend to be less informed about ADHD than their European-American counterparts and are more likely to attribute the symptoms to

sugar intake

Cognitive behavioral therapies for ADHD focus on

teaching children how to stop and think

Recent research found that the association between fast food restaurants, schools, and child obesity levels was related to

the distance of the fast food restaurant near the school

With dyslexia

the individual has difficulty learning to read

Cross-cultural studies of childhood asthma find that

the rates vary dramatically by country

Research on the effects of mainstreaming indicates that

the results of such studies are mixed

Research in neuroscience indicates that in middle childhood,

there is dramatic development in the frontal part of the brain.

Middle-class African American mothers encouraged the physical activity of their daughters and limited their consumption of snack foods and sugary carbonated beverages. Mother who lived at the poverty line

were more likely to feed their daughters diets high in fats and fast foods

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