Developmental Psychology units 5-8

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Negative consequences of divorce are more likely to occur in which of the following?

-children who are not socially mature -children who do not have an easy temperament -children who are not responsible

What is the most frequent parental reaction to sibling conflict between the ages of 2 and 5?

Do nothing at all

The four parenting styles involve the dimensions of ______ and responsiveness on the one hand, and ______ and control on the other.

Acceptence; Demand

The main cause of death among young children is?


According to Freud and Erikson, play helps the child master

Anxieties and conflicts.

Social conventional reasoning asserts that conventional rules are

Arbitrary and can be changed by consensus.

Early Head Start serves children

From birth to age 3

A ___ role is a set of expectations that prescribes how people should think, act, and feel based on social and cultural norms about gender.


______ refers to the characteristics related to femininity and masculinity based on social and cultural norms.


Which of the following provides a framework for how people should think, act, and feel based on social and cultural norms about gender?

Gender Roles

Rebecca, a six-year-old girl, is very good at carrying on conversations with people. Her two-year-old brother Jack is not very good at carrying on conversations. This is primarily due to an increased understanding of


The second stage of Piaget's cognitive theory of development lasts from ages 2 to 7 and is called the

Preoperational stage.

Which age group is the most susceptible to suggestion?


______ play involves children using one object to stand in for another object, such as using a block as if it is a walkie talkie.


What is one of the hallmark aspects of the intuitive thought substage in Piaget's preoperational stage?

Primitive Reasoning

Increases in which of the following are reasons that memory span changes with age?

Processing speed Rehearsal of information

Which of the following refers to a limited-capacity memory in which information is usually retained for up to 30 seconds if there is no rehearsal of the information?

Short-Term Memory

What type of impact does television have on children's development?

Significant Impact

The child's ability to pay attention improves ______ during the preschool years.


____ play involves interactions with peers


Which of the following is NOT one of the three major social theories regarding gender differences?

Social Biological Theory

Five-year-old Billy should like to rough-house and play with trucks, while his twin sister, Becky, is supposed to be kind to others and enjoy playing with dolls. These are examples of gender


Nine-year-old Aaron used to get really angry with his classmates, but that is not the case now. This particular example illustrates that in middle-to-late childhood, children learn to

Suppress or conceal negative emotional reactions.

Which of the following are two aspects of attention that develop in early childhood

Sustained attention & Executive attention

According to pages, the first substage of preoperational thought is the _______ ________ substage, in which the child gains the ability to mentally represent an object that is not present

Symbolic Function

Preschool children learn and apply the more advanced grammar rules of ____, which involves how words should be ordered in a sentence.


Young children learn early to place a wh- word at the beginning of a sentence when properly asking a question. This shows advances in


Baumrind's four styles of parenting balance which of the following dimensions?

-Acceptance -Control -Demand -Responsiveness

Research has shown some children from divorced families are more likely to have which of the following?

-Anxiety -Academic problems -Depression -Drug issues

Match the type of child maltreatment with the correct definition or example.

-Child neglect ==> Failure to provide for a child's basic needs -Emotional abuse ==> Psychological, verbal, or mental acts or omissions that could cause serious behavioral, cognitive, or emotional problems -Physical abuse ==> infliction of physical injury Sexual abuse ==> Incest, rape, or fondling genitals

Which of the following factors influence the risk of and vulnerability to negative consequences of divorce for a child?

-Child's predivorce adjustment -Child's personality and temperament -Custody situation

Which of the following statements best describe child-centered kindergartens?

-Child-centered kindergartens emphasize play -See children as individuals with their own developmental patterns of growth -Focus on process of learning not what is learned

What are the three levels of moral thinking according to Kohlberg?

-Conventional -Preconventional -Postconventional

Which of the following are likely characteristics for children of authoritarian parents?

-Failure to initiate activity -Unhappiness and fearfulness -Anxiety about comparing themselves with others -Weak communication skills

Which of the following cultural trends are affecting families?

-Greater family mobility -Fewer extended-family households -Migration to urban areas

According to research by Hetherington and Stanley-Hagen (2002), which of the following are possible reasons that parents should stay in unhappy, conflicted marriages?

-If conflict among family members would increase after the divorce -If parenting would become more inept after the divorce -If conflict between the couple would increase after the divorce

Which of the following are characteristic of children whose parents are neglectful?

-Inability to handle independence -Low self-esteem -Immaturity -Social incompetence

Which of the following are aspects of the development of the self-understanding in middle and late childhood?

-Increasing social comparison -Increased use of psychological characteristics in self-description -Increased recognition of social aspects of self

What are the common parental reactions to siblings having a verbal or physical confrontation?

-Intervening and helping resolve -Admonishing or threatening -Doing nothing

Which of the following factors influence the accuracy of a young child's memory?

-Interviewing techniques that produce substantial distortions -Age differences in susceptibility to suggestion -Individual differences in susceptibility

According to Kohlberg, which of the following are true of the timing of the three levels of moral development?

-Only a small number of individuals in early adulthood reason in postconventional ways. -Conventional reasoning begins to appear in early adolescence. -The levels occur in a sequence.

The three mental states children begin to understand from 18 months to 3 years of age are

-Perceptions -Desires -Emotions

Match Kohlberg's level of moral reasoning with its explanation.

-Preconventional ==> Individuals' moral reasoning is controlled primarily by external rewards and punishment. -Conventional ==> Individuals abide by the standards of others such as parents or society. -Postconventional ==> Individuals recognize alternative moral courses, explore the options, and then decide on a personal moral code.

Which of the following constitute direct emotional abuse?

-Psychological abuse -Verbal abuse -Mental injury

According to some child psychologists, children's pretend-play narratives emphasize which of the following capacities?

-Role-taking -Balance of social roles -Metacognition

According to social role theory, which of the following are important causes of gender differences in power, assertiveness, and nurturing?

-Social Hierarchy -Division of Labor

What are the three proposed social theories of gender?

-Social cognitive theory -Psychoanalytic theory -Social role theory

When viewing gender differences, which of the following must be considered?

-The differences are averages. -The source of the differences may be biological, sociocultural, or both. -There is considerable overlap between the sexes even when differences are reported.

According to critics, Kohlberg's theory ignored which of the following?

-The role of emotion -Whether moral reasoning is conscious or automatic -The importance of gender

Which of the following are among the current controversies regarding early childhood programs?

-Whether preschool programs should be universal in the United States -What the preschool curriculum should be

What statements best describe the advances in pragmatics in early childhood?

-Young children can adapt their speech based on their setting. -Young children are able to present competent narratives. Young children can learn rules regarding politeness in conversations.

Rank the main causes of death among young children, from the highest incidence to the lowest incidence.

1. Unintentional injuries 2. Congenital malformations 3. Malignant neoplasms 4. Homicicde

On average, siblings between the ages of 2 and 4 have a conflict once every

10 Minutes

The highest incidence of game-playing occurs between what ages?

10 and 12

Custodial fathers experience the loss of about _______ of their predivorce income.

10 percent

The recommended amount of sleep for 3- to 4-year-old children is ______ hours.

10 to 13

By what age do most children know their sex (that is, the labeling of their biological or genetic makeup as female or male based on hormones, chromosomes, and internal and external genitalia)?


Custodial mothers experience the loss of about ______ of their predivorce income.

25 to 50 percent

Match each activity with the appropriate age at which it can be achieved.

3 years old ==> hopping and jumping 4 years old ==> climbing a low jungle gym 5 years old ==> running race with friends

The awareness that people can have false beliefs (beliefs that are not true) develops in a majority of children by which age?


At around approximately ______ years of age, children develop a deepening appreciation of the mind itself rather than just an understanding of mental states.

5 to 7

Between what ages do sibling conflicts tend to decrease in frequency?

5 to 7 years of age

Ian is able to complete the last few problems of his math homework only with a lot of guidance from his big sister, Briana. Currently, Ian is

At the upper limit of his zone of proximal development.

According to Baumrind, which type of parents place firm limits and controls on their child, allows little verbal exchange, and might show rage toward their child?


Counter to Baumrind's theories, the ______ parenting approach has shown positive outcomes for some ethnic groups.


In the rural areas of many countries, ______ parenting is widespread.


The Blank______ parenting style is a restrictive, punitive style in which parents exhort the child to follow their directions and respect their work and effort.


With few exceptions, ______ parenting has been associated with child competence in research across a wide range of ethnic groups, social strata, cultures, and family structures.


What parenting style encourages children to be independent but still places limits and controls on their actions?

Authoritative parenting

Baumrind describes children raised by ______ parents as often unhappy, fearful, and anxious about comparing themselves to others.


Children begin the transition from saying simple to more complex sentences

Between 2 to 3 years of age

Researchers have found that gender stereotypes for children are more rigid with _____(boys/girls) than with _____(boys/girls).


Which of the following most strongly influences a child's eating behavior?

Caregiver's Behavior

Self-esteem reflects perceptions that ________ reality.

Do not always match

Child-____ Kindergartners, Unavailable kindergartens focus on educating the whole child by focusing on his or her physical, cognitive, and socioemotional needs.


What is by far the most common form of child maltreatment?

Child Neglect

Which of the statements is FALSE regarding emotional development in middle and late childhood?

Children in middle and late childhood do not understand that more than one emotion can be experienced in a particular situation.

_____ is defined as the support that parents provide one another in jointly raising a child.


The theories of Piaget, Vygotsky, and information processing are major theories of ______ development in early childhood.


Along with the recommended amount of sleep, the World Health Organization also recommends which of the following sleep habits for 3- to 4-year-old children?

Consistent wake and sleep times

______ play occurs when children engage in the self-regulated creation of a product or a solution.


According to social role theory, gender differences result from the ______ roles of women and men.


Authoritarian parenting lacks which of the following?

Dialogue between parent and child

In the ________ theory of moral development, children's and adolescents' moral, social conventional, and personality knowledge and reasoning emerge from their attempts to understand and deal with different forms of social experience.


Which concept of moral development states that children's and adolescents' moral, social conventional, and personality knowledge and reasoning emerge from their attempts to understand and deal with different forms of social experience?

Domain Theory

Which of the following are self-conscious emotions?

Embarrassment, Guilt, Pride, and Shame

In all types of child maltreatment, which of the following is almost always present?

Emotional Abuse

Which of the following theories states that children appraise marital conflict in terms of their sense of security and safety in the family?

Emotional Security Theory

Which of the following are factors that influence children's theory of mind development?

Engagement in pretend play Secure attachment to parents.

Self-________ is also referred to as self-worth, or self-image.


When thinking about thinking, a 3- to 5-year-old will often

Fail to recognize that people's behavior may not reflect their thoughts.

Most people have begun to reason in postconventional ways by early adulthood.


True or False: Social play is the only type of play.


True or false: Children of working mothers engage in more gender stereotyping and hold less egalitarian views than children of mothers who stay at home.


True or false: Critics think Kohlberg's theory stresses moral behavior too much and does not stress moral thought enough.


True or false: Executive function is uninfluenced by social or environmental factors.


True or false: In middle and late childhood, children become less skeptical and more accepting of claims made by others, particularly those that involve social desirability.


True or false: To be classified as child maltreatment, harm to the child from physical abuse must be intentional.


According to research, which of the following have been associated with the development of executive function in children?

Fathers' autonomy support Secure attachment Parental education

Which of the following statements about gender is true?

Gender refers to the characteristics of people as females or males.

According to Erikson's developmental stages, which emotion lowers self-esteem in young children?


Children of indulgent parents often

Have difficulty controlling their own behavior

When gender differences in the brain have been revealed, in many cases they _______ psychological differences.

Have not been directly linked to

Eleven-year-old Meagan has some doubts about Ian's claim that he is the smartest student in the school. This is likely due to

Her increased skepticism regarding others' claims.

Gender ______is a person's inner sense of being a girl/woman, boy/man, another gender, or no gender.


According to Baumrind, children raised by ______ parents believe the combination of warm involvement and few restraints will produce a creative, confident child.


Sensorimotor play is best defined as behavior engaged in by

Infants to derive pleasure from exercising their sensorimotor schemas.

Which of the following are major cognitive theories of development that address the early childhood years?

Information Processing Theory Vygotsky's Theory Piaget's Theory

During what preoperational thought substage do children seek answers to all sorts of questions?

Intuitive thought

Children raised by gay or lesbian parents are ______ popular and well-adjusted compared to children raised by heterosexual parents.

Just as likely to be

Which of the following are individual differences that affect theory of mind development in children?

Language Development Executive Function

With regard to young children who are learning English as their first language, all children will

Learn the prepositions on and in before other prepositions.

The ability of a young child to remember their name and address is an example of ______, the retention of information over time.


The retention of information over time is defined as


Which of the following guidelines assist parents in teaching proper eating habits to their children?

Modeling healthy eating habits, maintaining a breakfast, lunch, and dinner routine, preparing a balanced meal with proper representation of the major food groups.

What type of development involves thoughts, feelings, and behaviors regarding rules and conventions about what people should do in their interaction with other people?


_______development involves changes in thoughts, feelings, and behaviors regarding rules and conventions about what people should do when interacting with others.


A rule regarding which fork to use when eating salad is an example of the focus of social conventional reasoning, while a rule about murder is an example of the focus of

Moral Reasoning

Piaget's cognitive stages of development serve as the underpinnings for Kohlberg's theory, but in this Kohlberg's model suggested that there were three levels of

Moral development

According to Kohlberg, development of ______ is not ensured by a child's advances in cognitive development.

Moral reasoning

Children who exhibit the poorest adjustment to parental divorce are those that have been involved in how many parental divorces?


Recent research indicates that the ______ of parents' work has more influence on the children's development rather than the fact that one parent works outside the home.


Child _______ is characterized by failure to provide for a child's basic needs.


The four main types of child maltreatment include physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, and child ____


According to Baumrind, the style of parenting is characterized by a lack of involvement in the child's life.


Children raised by _____ parents generally feel that other aspects of their parents' lives are more important than they are and tend to have poor self-control, low self-esteem, and have trouble with peer relationships and immaturity.


Research using the memory-span task suggests that ______-term memory increases during early childhood.


Yvonne and Gregory spend most of their leisure time with one another, leaving their child at home. They are more concerned with their own needs than those of their child. According to Baumrind, what parenting style do Yvonne and Gregory utilize?


Match the description to the corresponding parenting style.

Neglectful Parenting ==>uninvolved Authoritative parenting ==> encourages independence, verbal give-and-take, nurturing Authoritarian parenting ==> restrictive, punitive, firm limits and controls Indulgent parenting ==> highly involved, but few demands or controls

Research has revealed ______ gender differences in general intellectual ability.


Children raised by gay or lesbian parents or couples are ______ than children of heterosexual parents to be lesbian, gay, or bisexual when they grow up.

No more likely

Children's and adolescents above the BMI's 97th percentile are classified as ______, whereas children and adolescents in the 95th percentile are considered overweight


Self-esteem and self-concept are rooted in

Parent-child interaction

Children of about the same age or maturity level are described as ____


Two friends are about the same age and maturity level. They are


In the English language, the letters "thr" may be combined as in the word "throat." However, the letters may not be combined in the order "rht." This is an example of


______ involves how sounds are used and how sounds are combined.


What type of child maltreatment is characterized by the infliction of physical injury as result of punching, beating, kicking, biting, burning, shaking, or otherwise harming a child?

Physical Abuse

______ cognitive stages of development serve as the underpinnings for ______ theory, but in the latter model there are three levels of moral development.

Piaget's; Kohlberg's

Preschool children tend to compare things in a haphazard way, whereas elementary school age children exhibit ______ by comparing two items systematically, one detail at a time.


A pleasurable activity that is engaged in for its own sake is referred to as ______.


Sensorimotor_____ is defined as behavior engaged in by infants to derive pleasure from exercising their existing sensorimotor schemas.


_________therapy allows children to work off frustrations and to analyze conflicts and learn how to cope better.


Children who repeatedly throw a ball against a wall to work on their aim are engaging in what type of play?


Which of the following are examples of gross motor skills acquired in childhood?

Running, Jumping, and Climbing

As Trevor learns about long division, his mother first needs to help him a lot. She gradually decreases the level of support as Trevor's ability in this area grows. This is an example of


The zone of proximal development is clearly linked to ___________ , another concept from Vygotsky, which is defined as a changing level of support from a more skilled person like a parent or teacher.


The amount of time individuals spend with television, DVDs, computers, video games, and hand-held electronic devices such as smartphones is referred to as _____ time.


Children with high self-esteem are more likely than other children to be

Securely attached to their parents.

What type of emotion includes embarrassment, guilt, pride, and shame?


Ten-year-old Blake tells his classmate, "I know I can figure out this math problem if I work at it." Blake is demonstrating high


Which of the following describes the belief that one can master a situation and produce favorable outcomes?


According to Erikson, as a young child's conscience governs initiative, feelings of guilt negatively impact


The global evaluation we make of ourselves is called


Which of the following is true of self-esteem?

Self-esteem sometimes reflects perceptions that don't match reality.

Between the ages of 8 and 11, children's descriptions of themselves become more psychological and less concrete, demonstrating the development of


______ is primarily confined to infancy, whereas ______ play can be engaged in throughout life.

Sensorimotor; practice

-term memory involves retaining information for up to 30 seconds without rehearsal.


Which of the following is true about the problems seen in children from divorced homes?

Their problems may be the result of the marital conflict that led to the divorce.

Which theory views children as thinkers who can predict, explain, and understand themselves and others?

Theory of Mind

After a half-century of educational programming, one of the criticisms regarding the Head Start programs is that

There are inconsistencies in the quality of the various Head Start programs.

What is a major criticism of Kohlberg's theory?

There is too much emphasis on moral thought, not moral behavior.

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of games?

They are most popular in the preschool years.

Which of the following best characterizes theory of mind?

Thoughts about how one's own mental processes work and the mental processes of others

Kohlberg's theory has been criticized for placing ______ emphasis on moral thought and ______ emphasis on moral behavior.

Too much; not enough

True or False: Children younger than age 4 do not understand that it is possible to have false belief.


True or false: A recent study revealed that coparenting influenced young children's effortful control above and beyond maternal and paternal parenting alone.


True or false: Divorce can be advantageous when the stresses and disruptions in family relationships can be reduced as a result of the move to a divorced, single-parent family.


True or false: Kohlberg believes that the give and take among peers gives children an opportunity to identify the perspective of another person.


True or false: Low self-esteem can either be a result of an accurate perception of one's shortcomings or a reflection of insecurity.


True or false: Researchers suggest that instruction to enhance U.S. children's ability to read and write should be built on skills that the children already know.


Compared to men, women have about ______ the body fat.


Two controversies in early childhood education involve what the curriculum should be and whether preschool education should be _________ in the United States.


Which of the following most characterizes authoritative parenting?

Verbal give-and-take

Which of the following activities is LEAST likely to aid in the development of preschoolers' literacy skills?

Watching TV

An increase in height and an increase in ______________ are the two most obvious physical changes that occur during early childhood years.


All of the following factors help children adjust better to divorce, EXCEPT

a difficult temperament.

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