Deviant Behavior Final Exam

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The most common mental illness diagnosis for adults in the Untied States is

Anxiety Disorder

Which of the following crimes has the highest rate of being reported to the police?

Auto Theft

A "marital rape exemption" preventing husbands from being charged with raping their wives existed in all U.S. states until:


The most commonly used number of drinks to identify a drinking episode as "binge drinking" is:

5 drinks for a male and 4 drinks for a female

Approximately what percentage of people who are imprisoned in the U.S. for drug offenses are incarcerated for marijuana charges?


At its height, in the mid - 1950s, the number of people in state mental hospitals in the U.S was approximately


Approximately what percentage of U.S adults 20 and overare currently classified by the CDC as either overweight or obese


In 2000, Boskind - White reported survey findings regarding womens perceptions of their size. She reported that what percentage of women viewed themselves as too fat.


Based on the lecture presentation that Dr. Sanchez gave in class, ________ percentage of the victims of Intimate Partner Violence are women.


Ethnographic Research utilizes:

All of the above

At one point in time, heroin was given to morphine addicts to break their addiction to morphine.


Both sociologists and medical researchers have found that the stress theory approach to mental illness useful


Cigarette companies in the 1920s advertised smoking as a way to avoid gaining weight


Convicted white collar criminals often argue that their criminal acts did not harm anyone, even though customers or clients may have lost millions of dollars.


Despite the saying that "ignorance of the law is no excuse," business officials accused of white collar crimes are often not convicted by courts based claims of "concerted ignorance"—that they were not aware that their business actions constituted a crime or that they did not know crimes were being committed in their companies.


Deviance ethnographers today seldom engage in "covert research."


Edwin Sutherland developed differential association theory in large part through studying the life history of a professional thief.


Even convicted rapists often state that they believed the rape victim enjoyed the sex that was forced on them.


In colonial Virginia there was no law against forced sex with slaves


Most repeat street-level crime offenders do not worry much about the potential legal consequences of the crimes they are committing.


Official statistics are used more than ethnographic methods for studying RATES of different kinds of crime and deviance.


Overall, the drinking of alcohol declined in the United States during the Prohibition Era.


Positivistic theories of deviant behavior do not address the question of why some behaviors are defined as deviant.


Recent Gallup Polls have found that the majority of Americans support expanded background checks for gun purchases


Senator Elizabeth Warren has argued that there are many laws in the U.S. against corporate crime, but they are seldom well enforced.


Stigma management activities are used by both individuals who have been labeled as deviant and those whose deviance is not known by other people.


Symbolic interaction focuses on the meaning of things for those being studied rather than an objective official truth about deviant behavior.


The Catholic Church sponsored brothels in the 1400s and 1500s, but the Pope decreed prostitution an offense punishable by execution in the 1600s.


The United States consistently ranks as the first or second fattest nation in the world


The War on Drugs was originally titled the War on Crime.


The demonic explanation for deviance is less widespread today than in the past.


The stonewall riot of 1969 following a brutal police raid on a drag queen bar is credited by man LGBT historian for moving LGBT groups from assimilationists to liberationist activism


Which of the following kinds of treatments for mental illness were developed in the large mental hospitals in which most psychiatric patients were treated in the U.S during most of the twentieth century.

All of the above

Which of the following was/were among the factors that gave rise to concerns about problems associated with drinking in Europe in the 1700s and early 1800s:

All of the above

Which of the following was/were discussed as factors that played a role in deinstitutionalization and the closing of large mental hospitals around the U.S

All of the above

Which of these types of deviance is considered a lifestyle deviance?

All of the above

Which of the following approaches viewed deviants as "born that way":

Biological Theory

Which of these is NOT of the elements of social bond theory?


According to David Karp, most people seeking help for depression experience quick relief from their problems once they can be convinced to start taking antidepressant medications


Convicted rapists that are labeled as deniers, are able to admit they did wrong but find a way to justify their behavior.


Despite insiders being well aware of corporate crime, most of the time it is victims of the crime who end up reporting it to authorities.


During the Middle Ages in Europe, drinking was considered immoral and highly stigmatized.


Edwin Sutherland's 1949 book White Collar Crime motivated President Eisenhower to establish a commission to look into fraud in military contracting after World War II.


Ethics in Sociological Research states that you must only do minimal harm to study participants.


In ancient Greece and Rome many men engaged in homosexual practices and relationships very similar to gay men today


In order for deviance ethnographers to gain rapport with members of deviant groups, they must prove that they are willing to engage in deviant behavior with the group


Males are more likely than women to commit murder, but women are more likely than men to be victims of murder.


Most advocates of a "harm reduction" approach to drug abuse support the legalization of hard drugs.


Most burglars plan their crimes in detail, while most robberies are spur of the moment crimes.


Recent Gallup Polls have found that the majority of Americans believe in the death penalty


Regardless of whether or not they have any physical impairment due to their weight, workers are protected against workplace discrimination if they meet CDC classifications as obese.


Social structural theories (social disorganization and anomie theories) focus on explaining why specific individuals engage in deviant behavior.


Symbolic interactionists use the term "effective environment" to refer to environments in which an individual is effectively forced to engage in deviant behavior.


The 1980s "junk bond king," Michael Milken, lost his entire life savings when he accepted a plea bargain for insider trading and went to prison.


The crime of rape is more likely to be reported than the crime of auto theft.


The proportion of people in the US who are overweight increased significantly over the last ten years


The story that Coca-Cola at one time included cocaine as an ingredient is an urban myth (false story) that has long plagued the Coca-Cola Company.


The term clapping court has been used by attourneys to describe mental health courts and praise the ways in thich the courts provide social support to mentally ill offenders


Today about 25% of prison inmates in the U.S. are eligible for federal financial aid to pay for GED and college courses taken while in prison.


When confronted by a potential robber, the best approach is to refuse to turn over your money.


Young adults (18-29) are more likely than adults over 50 to identify as lesbian, gay, or bisexual, but the age group 30-49 has the highest percentage of any group of men and women who identify as LGBT


Which of the following was decreed in the Old Testament as a punishment for the crime of rape:

Marriage of the offender to the victim

The _____________ is the highly visible and stereotyped social status.

Master Status

The President that initially kicked off the War on Drugs was _____.


The incarceration boom from the War on Drugs was fueled by the _________.

all of the above

Control fraud is most common:

among CEOs and other top company officials

A stigma management strategy in which "mentally ill" individuals reveal their psychiatric history to people with whom they hope to build relationships, thus allowing them to see what the other person will accept them is called

Preventive Disclosure

About half as many women as men report having watched a sexually explicit video in the past year.


According to Cesare Lombroso, most criminals could not be cured of their criminal tendencies.


The first urban homosexual subcultures in the United States emerged in


Cooley's term the "looking glass self" describes:

ways in which a person's sense of self is based on how they think other people see them

Zebulon Brockway, the leader of the American Prison Association in the late 1800s, advocated for which of the following responses to crime:

reform and moral transformation of the criminals heart and mind

Which of the following offers the most immediate high from a recreational drug:


The first anti-opium laws in the 1870s was targeting ________.

Chinese Immigrants

Social norms exist in all societies


According to research by Rosoff and his colleagues, white-collar crimes cost Americans $250 billion per year. This is approximately how many times the estimated yearly costs of robbery, burglary, and other street crimes combined?

14 times

How many states in the U.S. currently outlaw capital punishment?


Women between the ages of ___________ are most commonly abused by an intimate partner.


Approximately what percentage of rape victims are raped by someone they do NOT know ("stranger rape")?


According to research reported by Wechsler and Wuethrich in their book on college binge drinking, Dying to Drink, what percentage of college students "qualify for a formal diagnosis of alcohol abuse"


Stage of deviance process, includes:

All of the above

The Harrison Act of 1914 required

All of the above

The most dangerous and likely time that a female college student is at risk for sexual assault is _______________.

All of the above

Which of the following activities did deviance ethnographer Laud Humphreys use in his late 1960s study of men having sex with other men in pubic restrooms?

All of the above

Which of the following are ways that the internet has changed activities related to prostitution:

All of the above

Which of the following drugs have been used illegally by more than 10 percent of Americans 12 years of age and older at some point in their lives:

All of the above

In their study of convicted murderers' accounts of their crimes, Melvin Ray and Ronald Simons found many people who explained their murderous acts by saying that they were high on drugs or alcohol at the time. Ray and Simons refer to this kind of account as:

An excuse

Which of the following methods is likely to result in the highest number of people reporting that they identify as LGBTQ

Anonymous online survey

One approach to reducing urban street crime has been a "zero-tolerance" policy toward graffiti, panhandling, and prostitution, on city streets. This approach is associated with which of the following:

Broken Windows Theory

The term "raptus", from which the word rape was derived, described:

Carrying off or abducting of a woman against her will

According to class lecture and readings, which of the following statements is consistent with findings related to stress and mental illness.

Chronic stress is more likely to cause mental illness than is life event stress.

Cesare Beccaria and Jeremy Bentham developed the philosophy of __________ in the 18th century.

Classical Criminology

Which of the following theories most emphasized the importance of face-to-face interaction:

Differential Association Theory

The term "blurred boundaries" is used in this book to refer to which of the following

Disagreements in society over what is bad and what is not

The term "auto-ethnography" refers to:

Ethnographies in which the researcher is a complete member of the group being studied

The presence of a ______ in a domestic violence situation increases the risk of homicide by 500%.


According to data from the Uniform Crime Reports and the National Crime Victimization Survey, rates of property crime:

Have decreased dramatically (more than 50 percent) over the past fifty years

Durkheim recognized the importance of _____________when he discussed the dramatization of deviance.


Women who attempt to __________ their abusers are 75% more likely to be killed


As discussed in the textbook, in the 1990/s the popular weight loss prescription called fen-phen was

Linked to potentially fatal lung and heart problems

In the U.S. males are how many times more likely than females to be victims of murder?

Men are about three times more likely to be murder victims

Which of the following was the most common explanation in the 1950s and 1960s for why offenders committed rape?

Mental Illness

Which of the following age groups in the U.S has the highest rate of obesity

Middle Age Adults

In terms of the distinction between instrumental and expressive murder contexts, which is the most accurate statement:

Most murders can be categorized as expressive rather than instrumental

When considering how you frame a problem, ______________ framing is "Why YOU should do something (Call to arms)".

Motivational Framing

Cesare Lombroso argued that "the primitive woman was always a prostitute." He made his case for this assertion in part on the claim that:

Only primitive women, not civilized ones, had a sex drive

Which of the following research methods are most used by symbolic interactionist researchers or deviance ethnographers in their research?

Participant Observation

The german psychiatrist, Richard Von Krafft Ebing, wrote in his book, Psychopathia Sexualis, that homosexuality is caused by

Sexual inversion of the brain

The Atavistic Stigmata identification focused on___________ of criminals.

Physical Characteristics

The destigmatization and expunging of a deviant identity, includes all of these actions besides ________________.

Public Shaming

The Jeanne Clery Act requires that universities:

Publish university crime reports and security policies

According to the Uniform Crime Reports, which among the following is the least common type of property crime:


Which of the following kinds of street-level property crime is least common?


Prejudice or discrimination against overweight or obese individuals is called


Which of the following theories of deviant behavior draws consistently on the psychological principles of "reinforcement theory"?

Social Learning Theory

According to the textbook, which of the following was historically the earliest explanation of deviant behavior?

The Demonic Explanation

Robert Ripley, of Ripley's Believe It or Not! fame, was used in the readings and lecture to illustrate which of the following explanations of deviance:

The Exotic Explanation

The first major wave of laws regulating U.S. business occurred:

Under Thomas Jefferson

In the field of white collar crime, the term "whistleblower" refers to:

employees who report corporate crimes to regulatory agencies

In the early 2000s the U.S. Surgeon General called for a 50 per cent reduction of college binge drinking by 2010. When the Centers for Disease Control conducted research in 2009 they found college binge drinking:

had increased, not decreased since the early 2000s

"Regulatory capture" is a term used to describe:

industry business people setting the regulations for their own industry

Which of the following kinds of street-level property crime is most common?


Approximately what percentage of federal prison inmates today are in prison for drug-related crimes?

not 20 or 70

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