Digestive system

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Chemical or mechanical process of breaking down foodstuffs into simpler units

A) Digestion

Main function is to filter and process the nutrient-rich blood it recieves

A) Liver

Receives blood via the hepatic portal system

A) Liver

There are three phases of gastric secretion. The cephalic phase occurs _______. A) before food enters the stomach and is triggered by aroma, sight, or thought B) immediately after food enters the stomach, preparing the small intestine for the influx of a variety of nutrients C) at the end of a large meal, and the juices secrete are powerful and remain in the GI tract for a long period of time d) when the meal is excessively high in acids and neutralization is required.

A) before food enters the stomach and is triggered by aroma, sight, or thought

The chemical and mechanical processes of food breakdown are called A) digestion B) absorption C) ingestion D) secretion

A) digestion

The chief bile pigment is __________.


Cells of the stomach that secrete HCl are ________ cells.


Gastrin, histamine, endorphins, serotonin, cholecystokinin, and somatostatin are hormones or paracrines that are released directly into the lamina propria. Whihc of the following cell types syntheize and secrete these products? A) enteroendocrine cells B) parietla cells C) zymogenic cells D) mucous neck cells

A) enteroendocrine cells

Digestion of which of the following would be affected the most if the liver were severely damaged? A) lipids B) carbohydrates C) proteins D) starches

A) lipids

Process by which simpler chemical units pass through the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract into the blood or lymph.

C) Absorption

Produces enzymes that break down all categories of foodstuffs

D) Pancreas

Wavelike smooth muscle contractions that move foodstuffs through the alimentary tube

D) Peristalsis

Choose the incorrect statement regarding bile. A) bile is both an excretory product and a digestive secretion B) bile functions to emulsify fats C) bile functions to carry bilirubin formed from the breakdown of worn-out RBCs D) bile contains enzymes for digestion

D) bile contains enzymes for digestion

Which of the following is not a factor that helps create the stomach mucosal barrier? A) thick coating of bicarbonate-rich mucus B) tight junctions of epithelial mucous cells C) replacing of damaged D) production of intrinsic factor

D) production of intrinsic factor

Bacteria process undigested chyme from the small intestine

E) Large intestine

another word for vomiting is ___________.


The __________ phase of gastric secretions occurs when food enters the stomach.

Gastric phase

Enzymatic breakdown of any type of food molecule

B) Hydrolysis

Contains the brush border enzymes that complete digestion of carbohydrates and proteins

B) Small intestines

Increases surface area for absorption via villi and micovilli

B) Small intestines

Chyme is created in the A) mouth B) stomach C) esophagus D) small intestine

B) Stomach

The function of the hepatic portal circulation is to ______. A) carry toxins to the venous system for disposal through the urinary tract B) collect absorbed nutrients for metabolic processing or storage C) distribute hormones throughout the body D) return glucose to the general circulation when blood sugar is low

B) collect absorbed nutrients for metabolic processing or storage

The mechanical and chemical recptors that control digestive activity are located A) in the glandular tissue that lines the organ lumen B) in the walls of the tract organs C) in the pons and medulla D) in the oral cavity

B) in the walls of the tract organs

Hydrochloric acid is secreted by which of the secretory cells of the stomach? A) chief cells B) parietal cells C) serous cells D) mucous neck cells

B) parietal cells

Select the correct statement about digestive processes. A) Enterogastrone is a hormone that helps increase gastic motility. B) Pepsin is an enzyme produced by the stomach for the purpose of starrch digestion. C) Chyme entering the duodenum can decrease gastric motility via the enterogastric reflex D) All commonly ingested substances are significantly absorbed by the mucous of the stomach

C) Chyme entering the duodenum can decrease gastric motility via the enterogastric reflex

Only digestive structure with three muscle layers

C) Stomach

Produces a mucoid barrier to prevent self-digestion

C) Stomach

Produces intrinsic factor

C) Stomach

If one has a significant loss of gastric juice, the blood probably indicates A) acidosis B) ketosis C) alkalosis D) dysphagia

C) alkalosis

Which hormone causes an increased output of enzyme-rich pancreatic juice and stimulates gallbladder contraction to release bile? A) gastrin B) secretin C) cholecystokinin D) gastric inhibitor peptide

C) cholecystokinin

Parietal cells of the stomach produce _________. A) Mucin B) Pepsinogen C) hydrochloric acid D) rennin

C) hydrochloric acid

Chief cells ______. A) produce gastrin B) produce HCl C) produce pepsinogen D) produce mucin

C) produce pepsinogen

Which of the following is an essential role played by large intestine bacteria? A) produce gas B) absorb bilirubin C) synthesize vitamin K and B-complex vitamins D) synthesize vitamins C & D

C) synthesize vitamin K and B-complex vitamins

Another term for swallowing is degutition


Fats significantly delay the emptying of the stomach


Pepsinogen is the precursor to the gastric enzyme for the protein digestion and is secreted by the cheif cells


The major means of propulsion through the alimentary canal is peristalsis


The major role of absorption in the ileum is to reclaim bile salts to be recycled back to the liver.


The pancreas has both endocrine and an exocrine function


When swallowing, the epiglottis prevents food from entering the larynx


The part of the peritoneum that covers the external surfaces of most digestive organs is the ____________ peritoneum.


The principal enzyme for breaking down cardohydrates is __________.


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