Digital arts

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Unit one.


1. composite photograph 2. Image editing 3. photo manipulation

1. a photograph made by combining two or more separate image 2. he process of modifying digital and analog photos as well as illustrations 3. editing or enhancing an image for the purpose of creating an illusion or false impression

Throughout most of the 20th century, the technology and expertise required to produce mass media was so costly that the average citizen could not afford it. This started to change in the 1950s with the production of lower cost film cameras and camcorders.


When shooting in the middle of the day, direct sunlight is ideal because it shadows the subject's face.


What does the acronym GIF stand for?

Graphic Interchange Format

Is Photoshop vector based or raster based?


Compressing photos ______.

Reduces the time it takes for pictures to load on a Web SIte.

The grid displayed in the image demonstrates the composing style called the ______.

Rule of Thirds

Which of the following is NOT a component of the SLR camera?


Facebook is considered a ____________ web site.

Social networking

In photography terms, there are two types of light: natural and studio.


One of the major advantages of digital photography is the ability to see the shot as soon as you take it.


Photo manipulation is discouraged in the news.


Since digital information only estimates analog data, an analog signal is actually more accurate than a digital signal.


The NPPA is the National Press Photographers Association.


The Rule of Thirds is used by photographers to find the point of focus and create interest in the photograph.


The term _______ can be defined as a signal that is continuous over a period of time as opposed to digital, which is a non-continuous signal.


It is believed that early artists created images for _____ purposes.


What is a bitmap?

spatially mapped array of bits

The editing of digital photos is about the same level of difficulty as editing an analog photo.


The movie Primer was one of the first films shot on digital video at the whopping production cost of $200,000,000. This was due to the fact that the technology was new and experimental.


There is only one kind of image file format.


1. analog photography 2. digital camera 3. digital photography

1. photography the technique of capturing images or pictures using a camera 2. an electronic device that captures an image and converts it to a digital format 3. a method of photography that uses digital processing instead of film

1. Art 2. Digital 3. Digital Art

1. the creation of aesthetic objects, environments, or experiences that can be shared with others 2. representation of information in ones and zeros, especially for use by a computer 3. art created or modified on a computer by a computing process

1. analog 2. information age 3. mass media 4. media

1.a signal that is continuous over a period of time as opposed to digital which is a non-continuous signal age or era identified by the proliferation of information as the major force in the economy; preceded by the digital age 3.a means of public communication reaching a large audience 4.communication to the masses through various outlets including television, radio, internet and film

1. contemporary art 2. humanities 3. modernism 4. theme produced from the 1940s until the present time 2.the study of culture through literature, art, and philosophy 3.a 20th century movement away from the traditional toward the innovative within literature, art, music, and philosophy idea, image, or motif, repeated or developed throughout a specific work or throughout an artist's career 2.citizen journalism content 4.podcast 5.user-generated content

1.refers to a variety of media content that is produced by individuals or a group of people working in collaboration. It is also referred to as consumer-generated media (CGM) or user-created content (UCC) audio or video file that you can download from the Internet and play on a computer or portable media device such as a smart phone or iPod 3.utilizes unpaid volunteers to review news events and contribute to the stories via blogs or wikis 4.a condensed version of "web log." A blog allows a person to easily post original content (poetry, political ideas,etc.) to their own blog website. Word Press and Blogger are two examples of blog services 5.any type of information that is stored digitally; this can be audio, video, text, and image data

When you sign up for a Photoshop Express account, you get ___________ of storage space.


The Digital Manipulation Code of Ethics states that altering the editorial content of an image is appropriate if only 1/10 of the number of pixels have been altered in the digital image.


Which one of the following characteristics is not a quality of digital media?

Cost to duplicate is slightly more expensive than analog.

A digital camera exposes photographic film to light in order to take a picture.


According to the article by Dr. Robert J. Belton, even nature, such as a beautiful sunset or an unusual rock formation can be considered art.


According to the lesson, this image is an example of CG created in 3D Studio Max.


Many professionals prefer digital photography because it better captures blacks and whites.


One of the best ways to shoot a picture is to frame the subject in the middle of the screen or viewer.


One of the disadvantages of Photoshop Express is that it does not have a Black and White effect.


Photo manipulation and retouching in the fashion industry is considered unethical and is rarely found in the photos that you see in magazines.


Photo manipulation is a relatively new phenomenon, dating back to the early 1990s.


Photography can trace its roots back to the mid-18th century.


Photoshop Express is an application that you download to your computer and has a nominal fee of $19.99 for educational use only.


In Photoshop and Photoshop Express, ____________ are used within editing programs to stack multiple pictures or objects on top of each other. This gives the designer more flexibility and greater control when editing the image or animation.


What program is considered the industry standard for digital graphics and image editing?


Digital manipulation is commonly referred to as _______.


An audio and/or video file that you can download and play on a computer or portable media device such as a smart phone or iPod is called a _______.


Where is the Photoshop flaw in this picture?

The guys face was pasted onto another image

Which of the following statements most likely represents an example of "bad" Photoshop work?

The image seems to defy the laws of nature.

The term "resolution" refers to ______.

The number of pixels that describe an image

What is a pixel?

The smallest piece of info in an image

Which one of these pictures has been digitally manipulated?


According to the article in WikiAnswers, digital communication systems have more benefits than analog systems. They are faster and more flexible, and they offer better performance than analog communication.


Dusk is considered "a magic hour" by photographers and is the time when light is the least harsh.


Digital information is stored using a series of ones and zeros. Computers are digital machines because they can only read information as on or off -1 or 0. This method of computation is known as the ____________ system.


In the movie Vantage Point, Forrest Whitaker is shooting home video of the President when he catches something amazing - something newsworthy — with his camera. The term for this is called _______.

citizen journalism

Which one of the examples below is not considered digital media?

eight track recording

The ________ effect is basically a neat little trick that lets you blur an area of your photo.

not Fading!

This image is an example of ____________ through photo manipulation.

not Sesation!

The Guru Awards ______.

not celebrate beginner or novice graphic designers

_________ is a term that describes how you arrange the lighting, layout, framing, and background in a photographic work of art.

not shooting!

If you wanted to remove an unwanted blemish from a person's face in a photo, you would use the _______ tool.


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