Digital media for marketing communication

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Definition of a digital campaign

"A digital marketing campaign is an online marketing effort put forward by a company to drive engagement, conversions, traffic or revenue. The campaign ties in with the overarching goals of the organization and includes one or more digital channels in the efforts".

What is digital presence?

"A digital presence is the space you, as a company, occupy in the digital space".

Content-driven communication (CDC):

"Content marketing is a form of marketing focused on creating, publishing and distributing content for a targeted audience online". Unlike other forms of online marketing, content marketing relies on anticipating and meeting an existing costumer need for information, as opposed for creating demand for a new need. Give valuable content and get something valuable in return.

Virtual reality definiton

Completely and totally different from reality. Doesn't have any link with reality. Especially used in marcom for providing product experiences. Can provide you a product experience when and where you cannot experience it in real life.

Which are the 3 different media paradigms?

• 1-to-1 (traditional telephone) • 1-to-many (TV, radio, websites) • Many-to-many - all the people involved in the communication activity plays both roles (sender and receiver - they participate in the communication activity). All communication that flows within social networks are mainly a many-to-many media paradigm.

Which are the 7 mass medias? (and 8..?)

• Books, newspapers, magazines, cinema, radio,TV, Internet (social networks included), Mobile phones • The 8th could be augmented reality

Definition of engagement

"Every company has the same mission: to maximize their value. But in our view, your most valuable asset isn't your product, or your branding, or even your team - it's your customers. The most successful companies succeed because they excel during each stage of the customer lifecycle: in acquiring new buyers, in growing their lifetime value, and in converting them into advocates. And today, it's on marketers to become stewards of the customer journey, and to build bonds with the customers wherever they are - whether that means engaging on social media, presenting a unified experience across devices, or personalizing content and communications."

PDC: location based models

"Location-based advertising (LBA) is a new form of advertising that integrates mobile advertising with location-based services. The technology is used to pinpoint consumers location and provide location-specific advertisements on their mobile devices."

Place-driven communication (PDC):

"Retail is the process of selling consumer goods or services to customers through multiple channels of distribution to earn profit. Shopping generally refers to the act of buying products. Sometimes this is done to obtain final goods, including necessities such as food and clothing; sometimes it takes place as a recreational activity. Recreational shopping often involves window shopping and browsing: is does not always result in a purchase".

Breaking silos: in marketing

"The silo mentality is a mind-set present when certain departments or sectors do not wish to share information with others in the same company. This type of mentality will reduce efficiency in the overall operation, reduce morale and may contribute to the demise of a productive company culture".

What is ROPO?

(Research online, purchase offline) ROPO is a modern trend in buying behaviour where costumers research relevant product information to qualify their buying decision, before they actually decide to buy their favourite product in the local store.

PDC: main objectives

- Attract as many customers as possible into the sales area (to drive foot traffic) - Develop all the strategies of shopper marketing, both by product manufactures and by retailers.

Which are the core elements of digital transformation?

- Costumer understanding - Costumer touch points - Digitally modified business - Top-line growth - Process digitalization - Performance management

Data-driven communication (DDC):

- Data-driven communication has basically a lot to do with algorithms - Paring creative and target throughout an algorithm - Everything is algorithms - Is mainly used for optimization of a campaign (improve campaigns performances)

What characterizes the digital revolution?

- Immateriality + information - Digital is all about information and the way to code, store and use information - Interconnection + globality where were also in many infrastructures before the digital revolution

How can engagement be measured?

- Reach vs. conversion - Time on page vs. scroll depth - Sharing

Examples of web 2.0 features?

- Social networks - Social media - Tagging keywords - Video sharing sites - Hosted services - Web applications (apps)

Which are the most common mistakes in digital presence for brands?

- Stay everywhere, but without clear reasons why and repetitively - Having old or outdated content - To use social channels with a top-down attitude - Use social channels in English, even though you are talking with people who speak other languages

What's the importance of brands digital presence?

- The way to stay permanently in at least one digital medium - Staying in only one digital medium is usually a big mistake - It's safer for companies and brands to stay in more than one digital medium - A brand should cover 4 different digital environments (web, mobile, social networks, google)

Digital around the world (In numbers):

- Total population: 7,593 billion - Internet users: 4,021 billion - Active social media users: 3,196 billion - Unique mobile users: 5,135 billion - Active mobile social users: 2,958 billion

CDC: sponsorship

A cash and/or in-kind fee paid to a property in return for access to the exploitable commercial potential associated with that property. Can deliver brand awareness and brand building, but unlike advertising, sponsorship cannot communicate specific product attributes.

Name some marketers concerns

Ad-blocking, view-ability, ad fraud, brand safety

Big data types: desprictive analytics

Answers the question of what happened? Juggles raw data from multiple data sources to give valuable insights into the past. However, these findings simply signal that something is wrong or right, without explaining why. For this reason, data-driven companies do not content themselves with descriptive analytics only, and prefer combining it with other types of data analytics.

Which 4 indicators can help to select the right medium?

Audience size, audience profile, time spent, engagement

Augmented reality definition

Augmented reality puts a layer with artificial information between your perceptions and your reality. You keep seeing the reality in the background, with a layer over.

PDC: proximity beacons

Beacons are devices that communicate with a shopper's smartphone in the hopes of improving the in-store shopping experience. When placed in a store, beacons use Bluetooth technology to detect nearby smartphones and send them media such as ads, coupons or supplementary product information.

Big data

Big data is data sets that are so voluminous and complex that traditional data processing application software are inadequate to deal with them.

What is crossmedia?

Can be referred to as integrated communication (where many messages, contents and medias are used). Crossmedia communications are integrated, interactive experiences that occur across multiple media, with multiple authors and have multiple styles. Transmedia is a newer and more popular definition to this kind of strategy.

Main objectives in CDC:

Content marketing for lead generation, brand awareness and thought leadership.

Customer relationship management (CRM)

Customer relationship management (CRM) is the combination of practices, strategies and technologies that companies use to manage and analyse customer interactions and data throughout the customer lifecycle, with the goal of improving customer service relationships and assisting in customer retention and driving sales growth.

PDC: mobile strategies

Develop a mobile-first digital presence, location-based advertising, local digital presence, mobile check-out, wifi marketing, AR & VR, active on social media.

What is digital transformation (DX)?

Digital transformation is described as "the total and overall societal effect of digitalization ". It's about the fact that technology (digital) allows people to solve their traditional problems. And they prefer this digital solution to the old solution.

Big data types: diagnostic analytics

Historical data can be measured against other data to answer the question of why something happened. Thanks to diagnostic analytics, there is a possibility to drill down, to find out dependencies and to identify patterns. Companies go for diagnostic analytics, as it gives a deep insight into a particular problem.

What is business communication?

Information sharing between people within and outside an organization that is performed for the commercial benefit of the organization.

The digital revolution and reverse relationship between brands and consumers?

Interactivity, has created communication between consumers and brands. Social networks has led to the relationship between consumer and brand have become public. Consumers have gained power over brands and established a more horizontal relationship.

Communication paradigms: many to one

Many to one is usually connected to the one to many communications. For example, a reply button in your email box, a prepaid number bought from Spark. All the communication techniques proceeded to the public with bi-directional communication from mass communications.

What is marketing communication?

Marketing communication focus on the way a business communicates a message to its desires market, or the market in general. A marketing communication tool can be anything from: advertising, personal selling, direct marketing, sponsorship, communication, and promotion to public relations.


Napster/Google have spread the belief that it is possible to have products or services without paying, either with money or otherwise. The idea that entire product categories (music, information, entertaining, counselling etc.) are offered in a sort of "special" market, has strongly shared by digital consumers, a special market where value is not produced by selling

What is native advertising?

Native advertising is an online advertising method in which the advertiser attempts to gain attention by providing contents in the context of the user's experience. Native ad formats match both the form and the function of the user experience in which it is played. The advertiser's intent is to make the paid advertising feel less intrusive and thus increase the likelihood users will click on it.

Communication paradigms: many to many

On the background of highly developed internet, the many to many communications has been growing up such as online chat rooms, blogging websites. The many to many communications stands for the participants are able to exchange their ideas and experiences.

Big data types: predictive analytics

Predictive analytics tells what is likely to happen. It uses the findings of descriptive and diagnostic analytics to detect tendencies, clusters and exceptions, and to predict future trends, which makes it a valuable tool for forecasting.

PDC: proximity models

Proximity marketing is the localized wireless distribution of advertising content associated with a particular place. Transmissions can be received by individuals in that location who wish to receive them and have the necessary equipment to do so. Is also place-driven communication but takes place inside the store.

What is shopper marketing?

Shopper marketing is "understanding how one's target consumers behave as shoppers, in different channels and formats, and leveraging this intelligence to the benefit of all stakeholders, defined as brands, consumers, retailers and shoppers. Shopper marketing is brand marketing in retail environment. Since it includes category management, displays, sales, packaging, promotion, research and marketing.

What are the benefits with an integrated campaign?

The benefit of an integrated campaign is that the media mix is more effective when the components work together and communicate consistent messages each time. In practical terms, that means using the same creative themes and marketing messages across all elements of your media mix

What is the difference between a exposure based model and a performance based model in marcom?

The exposure based models wants attention and the performance based model wants action.

What is corporate communication?

The function of corporate communication in the company is to consider compatibility and the possible synergy between messages that are generated in the company system

DX companies

The integration of digital technology into all areas of a business resulting in fundamental changes to how business operate and how they deliver value to customers.

What is the difference between the two types of place-driven communication?

The location-based models take place outside of the store and the proximity models take place inside the store.

CDC: branded content (entertainment)

The practice of marketing via the creation of content that is funded or outright produced by an advertiser. Is designed to build brand awareness for a brand by associating it with content that shares its values. Produce and provide a complex content to the audience, can be called premium content - must work as a content themselves (short-stories, musical videos, special interviews) something that can find an own audience by itself.

Big data types: prescriptive analytics

The purpose of prescriptive analytics is to literally prescribe what action to take to eliminate a future problem or take full advantage of a promising trend. This state of the art type of data analytics requires not only historical data, but also external information due to the nature of statistical algorithms.

Which dimension of big data is most important?

The variety is the most important because marketing most consider and have the capability to process trivial data such as log data, but also qualitative data such as social media data. The big data approach must be able to handle and process data that comes from different sources.

Communication paradigms: one to one

This is the most intensive and interactive communication at a one to one level. Most of this communication is face to face. But in the development of internet, email and online shopping are taking place the chance to face to face of people. Which is provided the chance to sellers and buyers to talk more directly. Another important is instant message chat channels like WeChat and Facebook, which are becoming extremely popular in business.

Communication paradigms: one to many

This kind of communication is the most original communication. It is generated from a single broadcast point and then available over airwaves or in mass print runs. This type of communication is usually adapted to news distribution that does not specific not even interactive.


To buy online meanwhile you are in a Brick & Mortar store looking at the product

DX data

To fully embrace digital transformation, enterprises must start with capturing, integrating and utilizing quality data. Everything is based on data and data is key to understanding costumers and their preferences.

Storytelling in crossmedia

Transmedia storytelling represents a process where integral elements of a fiction get dispersed systematically across multiple delivery channels for the purpose of creating a unified and coordinated entertainment experience. Importantly, these pieces of content are not only linked together, but are in narrative synchronization with each other.

What is Mediamorphosis?

Usage patterns (changes with the new media).

The 5 dimensions of big data

Volume, variety, velocity and the recently added veracity and value.

What is the web 2.0?

Web 2.0 refers to World wide web websites that emphasizes user-generated content, usability (ease of use), and interoperability (a website can work well with other products, system and devices) for end users. A web 2.0 website allow users to interact and collaborate with each other in a social media dialogue as creators of user-generated content in a virtual community.

What is KPI's?

key performance indicators

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