Digital Media Unit 5
Customize Workspace
Change document views Rearrange/resize windows and panels Add or remove tools on toolbar Create and save custom workspace These can also be used to customize Adobe software
Embedded Graphics
Contained within the new document at full resolution. Pros -Self sufficient document - You do not have to worry about images unlinking. Cons -Can result in large document sizes. -Have to reimport images after editing them in outside applications.
Tools Panel
Contains tools for creating and editing images, artwork, page elements. Related tools are grouped together. A small triangle at the lower right of the tool icon signals the presence of hidden tools
Photoshop Photo Manipulation 2
Contrast -The amount of separation between the darkest areas of a photo and the brightest areas; adding contrast causes a photo to look more defined. Object -Preserve an image's source content with all its original characteristics, enabling you to perform nondestructive editing to the layer. -Graphics can be embedded as Smart Objects or converted. Color Correction -Adjusting the color values of a graphic to make them appear more realistic or to meet the desired effect (ex: red eye correction or changing tint).
Common Editing Terms
Cropping-Eliminating unwanted parts of a graphic. Scaling-Changing a graphic's size dimensions (height and width).
Photoshop Photo Manipulation
Destructive Editing-Changes the original photo in a way that cannot be reversed after saving and closing; i.e. cropping, deleting a selection. Non Destructive editing- Makes changes to the original photo that can be reversed.
Document Panel
Displays file while working, multiple graphic files can be opened, Grids and Rulers are measuring tolls used to assist in scaling, arranging, and spacing
Options Bar
Displays options for the currently selected tool
Color Panel
Displays the color values for the current foreground and background colors. Using the sliders, you can edit the foreground and background colors using different color models.
History Panel
Each time you apply a change to an image the new state is added to the panel.
Color Editing Terms
Gradient-A gradual change of color within a design component. Pattern-A repeated decorative design. Eyedropper-Used to pick up a color value from the image and sets it as the foreground color.
Layers Panel
Lists all layers, layer groups, and layer effects. Show and hide layers, create new layers, and work with groups of them.
Panels In Photoshop Workspace
Options Bar Document Panel Tools Panel History Panel Color Panel Layers Panel
Present effects applied to the entire graphic used to adjust appearance.
Layer Styles
Preset effects applied to graphics and/or text within a layer that add depth and dimension.
Linked Graphics
Remain independent of the new file. Pros -Keeps documents relatively small. -Allows you to edit your linked images in another application and the edits will automatically be applied to the linked image within your document. Cons -Moving or deleting folders/files, can lead to unlinked images. -Anytime you send the file containing the link to someone else, you have to make sure to send the linked images as well.
Photoshop Photo Manipulation
Retouching -Removing unwanted elements and/or blemishes from a photo to enhance the visual quality. Adjusting Levels -Changing highlights, shadows, and mid-tones of a photo. Exposure -The amount of light in a photo; under-exposed is not enough light, while over-exposed is too much light. Sharpness -The property of a photo that describes the clarity of detail.
Non Printing Design Elements
Rulers help place and measure Grid appears behind your artwork and helps align Guides help you align text and graphic objects Smart Guides are temporary snap to guides that appear when you move objects.
Stacking Order
Separating components of a design individually or into groups. Can be changed by moving or by, -Send to Back -Send Backward -Send to Front -Send Forward
control colors, radiant, and patterns. Can also create tints.