Discussion for Driver Instructor Notes

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• Mod 7 IPDE process

The four steps of the IPDE process are: 1.I (Identify)—Locate potential hazards in the driving environment. 2. P (Predict)—Anticipate when and where possible hazards may occur. 3. D (Decide)—Determine what action to take, and when and where to take it. 4. E (Execute)—Act by maneuvering the car to avoid hazards. - Defensive drivers also adjust their driving practices to reflect changes in weather and road conditions. - With practice, the IPDE process becomes a natural driving habit.

• Mod 8 DUI

The penalties for driving under the influence (DUI) are severe and may include fees, jail time, rehabilitation class, the installation of an ignition interlock device on your car (to disable the car if you have consumed alcohol), and other penalties. -DUI laws punish offenders for operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. - A DUI offense is both a criminal and civil matter - A DUI conviction remains on a driver's record for 75 years.

• Mod 5 2 second rule

The two-second rule should be used to gauge the appropriate distance between your vehicle and the vehicle in front of you. To do this: Notice the vehicle ahead of you when it passes a marker such as a sign, mailbox, or other fixed point. Count (in seconds) the time it takes you to reach the same point. You are too close if you reach the same point in less than two seconds. Reduce your speed and follow the same procedure to check again Adjust the time and distance in poor weather or road conditions or when following a trailer or recreational vehicle. You will need more time to react in these situations

• Mod 8 BAL

This is true not just for BAL levels of 0.08% and higher, but also for BAL levels of 0.01% to 0.07%. Keep in mind that when you drink alcohol, your judgment is the very first faculty to be diminished - If a law enforcement officer suspects you of being intoxicated, he or she may ask you to submit to a blood, breath, or urine test to verify your blood alcohol level (BAL). - The first time you refuse to take the test, your license will be automatically suspended for one year. If a second incident occurs where you refuse to take the test, your license will be suspended for 18 months.

• Mod 8 categories of drugs

-Over-the-counter drugs do not escape abuse and can also have harmful effects. In fact, the use and abuse of diet pills, cough medicine, nicotine gum, or other seemingly safe medications can cause unpredictable driving behaviors and dire health consequences. -Drugs are chemicals. -Marijuana is often considered "just a plant," but it actually has 61 chemicals unique to the cannabis plant and contains carcinogens. - Some common stimulants are: • Amphetamines • Cocaine • Caffeine • Pep pills • Diet pills Stimulants can be extremely dangerous drugs. Abuse of these substances can cause paranoia, convulsions, nervousness, coma, and in some cases death. - Cocaine Short term effects: Effects peak after 15-40 minutes before fading quickly. Users experience a sense of well-being. This includes alertness, painlessness, and confidence. The feelings soon pass and the user is left wanting more of the drug. Physical effects include dry mouth, sweating, loss of appetite, and a racing pulse. -Downers (also called depressants) operate by slowing central nervous system functions. Small amounts help relax muscles and produce calmness; while larger doses impair judgment, reflexes, and speech. Some antihistamines -Narcotic drugs often dull the senses and make the user sleepy. They are also highly addictive. Opium, morphine, heroin (a synthetic drug made by altering the chemicals in opium), and codeine are the most commonly used narcotics. -Heroin Chronic heroin users may develop collapsed veins, heart lining and valve infections, abscesses, cellulitis, and liver disease. Pulmonary complications, including various types of pneumonia, may result from the poor health condition of the abuser, as well as from heroin's effects on respiration. In addition to the effects of the drug itself, heroin may have additives that do not readily dissolve. Absorbing these substances can cause the blood vessels that lead to the lungs, liver, kidneys, or brain to become clogged. Eventually, this may cause infection or even the death of small patches of cells in vital organs. -Hallucinogenic drugs come in natural and synthetic forms. These substances are known to distort your perception of reality and thought processes. -LSD LSD is sold as small squares of blotting paper that may be decorated with colorful designs or cartoon characters. Users then lick or suck these papers. This drug also comes in capsules and liquid form that can be swallowed.

• Mod 7 E Tips for defensive driving

- Defensive drivers avoid dangers on the road by using safe driving practices. Tips for defensive driving Plan for the unexpected Control your speed Be prepared to react to other drivers Don't expect that everyone is a defensive driver Manage time and space Be aware of special road and weather conditions Be alert and avoid distractions (e.g., cell phone use, eating)

• Mod 5 Road Rules

1.Obey the speed limit 2.Yield to pedestrians and drivers 3.Respect the right of way rule

Mod 2 (color blindness, fatigue, etc.)

-Color Blindness- is a lack of perceptual sensitivity to certain colors. 1.Difficult or even impossible to recognize the colors of traffic lights, signs, and curbs. 2.Three kinds of cones in the human eye: red, green, and blue. Yellow-Blue is rare 3.Mutations in their genes that cause a loss of either red or green cones -Fatigue 1.Get a lot of rest before you start—at least a normal night's sleep. 2.Don't take any drugs that can make you drowsy—even the night before you start. 3.Don't drive long hours. Driving "straight through" can be dangerous if you are tired and sleepy. Set a common-sense limit of 300 to 400 miles a day. 4.Try not to drive late at night. Your body is used to sleeping at that time. 5.Take regular rest stops, even if you are not tired. Switch off with another driver every hour or so. Stop for coffee or a soft drink every 100 miles or every two hours 6.Keep shifting your eyes from one part of the road to another. Look at objects near and far, left and right. 7.Try chewing gum or singing along with the radio. 8.Roll your window down and get some fresh air in your face. 9.If you are tired all the time and fall asleep often during the day, have your physician check for a sleeping disorder.

• Mod 5 right of way

-Drivers approaching a stop sign must yield the right-of-way to all other traffic or pedestrians already at the intersection. -When the road is clear, the driver may proceed. -If two vehicles reach the intersection at the same time and both sides have a stop sign, the vehicle on the left must yield to the vehicle on the right. -For four-way stop intersections, the first vehicle to reach the intersection has the right-of-way and must move first. There are two kinds of intersections: open intersections and controlled intersections. -Open Intersections: Open intersections do not have traffic control signs or signals. When a driver approaches this type of intersection, he or she must yield the right-of-way if: The driver intends to make a left turn and a vehicle is approaching from the opposite direction. -A vehicle is already in the intersection. -The driver intends to enter or cross a state highway from a secondary road. -The driver is entering a paved road from an unpaved road. -When two vehicles reach an open intersection at the same time, the vehicle on the left must yield to the vehicle on the right. -Roundabouts (sometimes called rotaries) are designed to improve the flow of traffic and reduce collisions. In most cases, drivers are not required to stop, but rather move through the intersection in a counterclockwise direction at a slow speed. Right-of-way is determined by the locations of each vehicle. Drivers traveling towards the roundabout yield to vehicles already moving through the roundabout. However, you should always observe all posted signs to determine who has the right-of-way in each circumstance

M1 Responsibilities of a driver

-Have seat belt on at all times -Obey the speed limit -Be positive,attentive,courteous -Drive sober -Be cautious of your surroundings -Obey lights and signs -Avoid tickets and collisions -Obey traffic laws -Let others have the right of way -Watch for bicycle people and pedestrians -Demonstrate your ability to drive safely on roads. -Respect the rights of other drivers -Proper signals when you change lanes,stop,or turn -Think before you act -Share the road -Take substance abuse education course

• Mod 7 what to do in a collision

-If you are involved in any sort of collision, it is essential for you to stop. -If anyone is injured, call 911 immediately. -Exchange information with anyone else involved in a collision. You are required to give your name, address, and vehicle registration number. You must also show your drivers license. -Do not block traffic. Move your car out of the way and make sure it doesn't pose a threat to anyone else on the road. Call a tow truck if you are not able to move the vehicle yourself. - If you hit an unattended vehicle or object and cause damage, you must attempt to find the owner. -If you can't locate the owner, leave a note with your name, address, and plate number. You are also required to report the incident to your local law enforcement office. - If the accident results in property damage, injury, or death, you are required to report it. Make sure to call your local law enforcement agency, Florida Highway Patrol, or county sheriff's office.

M1 Distractions effecting drivers

-Passengers -Phones -Other drivers -Things happening on the road -Music -Conversation

Mod 4 E Road lights

-RED—A steady red signal light means STOP. You cannot proceed until the light turns green. -A right turn can be made on a red light ONLY after you stop and yield to pedestrians and vehicles in your path -RED ARROW—A red arrow means STOP until the green signal or green arrow appears. -FLASHING RED—A flashing red signal light means the same as a stop sign: STOP. 1.After stopping, proceed when safe and observe the right-of-way rules -YELLOW—A yellow signal light warns you that the red signal is about to appear. When you see the yellow light, you should stop if it can be done so safely. -FLASHING YELLOW—A flashing yellow signal light warns you to use caution. Slow down and be especially alert. -YELLOW ARROW—A yellow arrow indicates that the "protected" turning time period is ending. -GREEN—A green light means GO, but you must first let any vehicles, bicycles, or pedestrians remaining in the intersection pass before you move ahead. 1.You can turn left ONLY if you have enough space to complete the turn before any oncoming vehicle, bicycle, or pedestrian becomes a hazard. Left-turning vehicles must ALWAYS yield to vehicles traveling straight. 2.Do not enter an intersection, even when the light is green, unless you have enough room to safely cross the intersection before the light turns red -GREEN ARROW (showing at the same time as a Red Light)—make sure to yield the right-of-way to vehicles and pedestrians in the intersection. -TRAFFIC SIGNAL BLACKOUT—If all traffic signal lights stop working due to a power outage, you must come to a complete stop at the intersection and then proceed when all other road users have completely stopped as well. 1.should be treated just like a four-way stop intersection. -Green Arrow: when driving in a lane with a green arrow over it, you can drive in the lane. Yellow X: a yellow X means that your lane signal is about to change to red. Prepare to leave the lane safely. Red X: you must never drive in a lane under a red X. If your lane has red X overhead, it means that the lane is closed in your direction and you must leave the lane to make way for oncoming traffic. Draw Bridge Observe the drawbridge signal in the same way you would a regular traffic control. 1.If the signal is red: make a full and complete stop at the marked line. The bridge is in use and the road is closed to traffic at the time. 2.If the signal is yellow: stop if possible. If you are not able to stop safely, proceed with caution. 3.If the signal is green: proceed, but be aware of other travelers on the bridge.

Mod 4 Road signs

-STOP sign means that you must come to a complete stop before entering the intersection or passing the crosswalk or white "limit line." -The triangular red YIELD sign means slow down, be ready to stop, and let traffic crossing your path (including people walking or riding bikes) pass before you proceed. -DO NOT ENTER sign warns that traffic is traveling against you, and is typically used for freeway off-ramps or one-way streets -The WRONG WAY sign may be paired with the DO NOT ENTER sign. If you see one or both of these signs, drive to the side and stop -A red circle with a red line through it always means NO. -A circular sign tells you of an approaching railroad crossing. -A five-sided sign tells you there is a school nearby. -A white rectangular sign tells you about important rules you must obey. -This is an example of regulatory speed limit sign. -Many road signs warn you to slow down and watch for hazards or special conditions ahead. Most warning signs are yellow and diamond-shaped with black letters or symbols -Construction and maintenance signs are used to notify drivers of unusual or potentially dangerous conditions in or near work areas -Barricades, vertical panels, drums, cones, and tubes—these are commonly used devices to alert drivers of unusual or potentially dangerous conditions in highway and street work areas and to guide drivers safely through the work zone -Guide signs have white letters on a green background and provide directional and mileage information to specific destinations. -Recreational signs are rectangular and brown. They indicate places of historical and cultural interest, along with state and federal parks, etc. -Service signs are blue and indicate nearby services, including hospitals, call boxes, telephones, restaurants, and rest areas.

Mod 3 Safety features

-Seat Belt -Brakes -Strong tires -Air bags

Mod 2 Problems effecting driving

-Tinted contact lenses can also make it hard to see, so avoid wearing them at night -don't wear eyeglasses with extremely wide temples. -Never wear dark glasses or sunglasses at night -Color Blindness -Hearing problems, like bad eyesight, can come on so slowly that you do not notice them. -Being tired -Being sick -Epilepsy -Fainting spells -Dizziness or blackouts

Mod 2 Vision

-Visual perception—the ability to notice many things at once. -Central Vision-The three degrees' central vision covers is a very small area in your total field of vision. -Peripheral vision - is not as sharp as central vision, but it is more sensitive to light and motion. Helps us detect critical events to the side of our vehicles -Three Basic Rules for Good Eye Habits While Driving Aim high,look ahead, not down- The eyes of an experienced driver sweep into the curve several seconds before reaching it. Keep your eyes moving- Use lane lines to maintain position of your car in the center of the lane. Get the big picture- Select important clues that will direct you in maneuvering your vehicle

Mod 4 road markings

-WHITE LINES painted on the pavement indicate traffic traveling in your direction. -SOLID WHITE LINES indicate the outer edge of a roadway or a separation of lanes in traffic traveling in the same direction. -DOUBLE SOLID WHITE LINES separate two lanes of traffic going in the same direction. -YELLOW LINES mark the center of a road used for two-way traffic. You may pass on a two-way road if the yellow centerline is broken. -When a solid and a broken yellow line are together, you must not pass if you are driving next to the solid line. -two solid yellow lines mean "no passing." Never drive to the left of these lines. -You cannot pass when a solid yellow line is on your side. -No vehicle may pass double solid yellow (or white) lines. -WHEN YOU MAY PASS BROKEN YELLOW LINEs You may pass if the maneuver can be done safely. -White arrows are sometimes painted on the roadway to indicate whether the lane continues ahead, merges, turns, or becomes an exit. -Center lanes for left turns are found in the middle of two-way streets -hen this lane is available, use it to begin or end left turns or to start permitted U-turns. -Reversible traffic lanes are sometimes found on busy highways

• Mod 8 E Define Zero Tolerance for those under 21

-You can be sued for acts committed while drinking, such as vandalism and physical assault. -Your intoxication will not be a defense if you commit a crime while drunk. -Property damage may not be covered by insurance if alcohol is involved. -Your parents are liable for any underage drinking that takes place at their residence

• Mod 6 how to avoid intoxicated drivers

-You should watch out for drivers that exhibit the following tendencies: Driving faster than conditions allow Sporadic changes in speed or slow driving in the "fast" lane Driving over the curb, changing into the wrong lane, weaving, or straddling two lanes Frequent and unnecessary lane changes Driving over the center-line or crossing a double yellow line Stopping short of a stop sign, overshooting a stop sign, running a stop sign; alternately, stopping for a green light or stopping on the road Failure to signal or deceptive signaling Driving at night with no lights or failing to dim bright lights Risky maneuvering or showing off -If you think the driver next to you is drunk, slow down and let him or her go by. -You can even pull over to let the driver pass. -It is safer to have an impaired driver in front of you than behind you. Keep a safe distance from the car.

• Mod 6 E Ways alcohol impairs the driver

-distorts one's perception -hinders their ability to safely operate a car -will feel no difference in ability, even though his or her mental and physical capabilities are now severely limited. - decision-making and how the brain processes information -Loss of self-control, confusion, and an inability to concentrate -our attention span is shortened, and your ability to think, speak, and move will slow down. -Your body needs time to get the alcohol out of your system naturally. -you are at risk of vomiting in your sleep and dying by asphyxiation, lowered heart rate, or even slipping into a coma.

Mod 3 Traction

-is affected in one way or another by friction. - stopping distance, centrifugal force, and hydroplaning -An increase in any or these factors will decrease the amount of traction your car will have because of the corresponding decrease in the opportunity for friction.

• Mod 5 E Age Restrictions

1.The applicant must be 15 years old or older (and attending school if under 18). 2.There must be a consent form with a notarized signature of a parent or guardian (signing in the presence of the examiner is allowed) if the applicant is under 18 years old (stepparents may not sign unless the applicant is legally adopted by the stepparent). 3.He or she must pass a vision test as well as a road rules/ road signs exam. 4.He or she must present two forms of identification as well as a Social Security number. 5.The applicant must have also completed a Traffic Law and Substance Abuse education course. 6. Operator's Licenses are available for drivers between the ages of 16 and 17. You must have held a Learners License for at least one year without any traffic convictions to receive this type of license. 7. If a driver is 16 years old, he or she may only drive between 6 a.m. and 11 p.m., unless accompanied by a licensed driver who is at least 21 years old who is in the front passenger seat, or if traveling for work. If a driver is 17 years old, he or she may drive between 5 a.m. and 1 a.m., unless accompanied by a licensed driver who is at least 21 years old who is in the front passenger seat, or if traveling for work

Mod 4 meaning of shape

Octagon: stop signs Horizontal Rectangle: directional information Triangle: yield signs Pennant: no passing zones Diamond: warns of potential hazards Vertical Rectangle: typical of regulatory signs Pentagon: school crossing and other pedestrian warning signs Round: railroad warning Crossbuck: railroad crossing is ahead

Mod 4 colors

RED: red always signifies STOP. This is also the color for DO NOT ENTER and WRONG WAY signs. GREEN: green signs are used as guide signs and give directional information. BLUE: blue signs inform drivers about motorist services. Blue signs are also used to indicate parking spots for disabled drivers. ORANGE: if you see an orange sign, be aware of road construction or work nearby. BROWN: brown signs give information about recreational facilities and scenic guidance. YELLOW: yellow signs warn drivers of upcoming hazards or changes in the road. WHITE: white signs give you information on road regulations.

Mod 2 Attitude

Safe Drivers are: 1.Optimistic. They feel capable of handling all driving situations. 2.Considerate of others, e.g., they make room for other drivers to enter the lane. 3.Discerning. They know the difference between correct and incorrect behavior behind the wheel and choose to do the right thing. 4.They use good judgment and act appropriately, e.g., they do not rush across an intersection on a yellow light. 5.Content with the driving situation, e.g., they are not anxious about traffic. 6.Careful and attentive to the driving task 7.Emotionally stable. They take things as they come and do not overreact. 8.Rational decision makers. They make decisions based on facts, not feelings. -Stay alert, attentive, and fully aware of the driving scene. -Treat other drivers and pedestrians with courtesy. Wanting these things is a sign of maturity and responsibility. -Correct ATTITUDE, PAY ATTENTION, so that you can SEE potential problems or dangerous situations developing. -Allowing others to go first, making room for another car to enter the roadway, letting obnoxious drivers pass without becoming emotional, and looking out for your own safety and that of others. • At Risk Drivers are: 1.Negative or pessimistic about self and others 2.Excessively happy, over-the-top in most situations 3.Over-confident in driving abilities 4.Insecure, tentative about driving 5.Unconcerned, dismissive, likely to "blow off" authority figures, traffic rules and regulations 6.Impatient with traffic, long lights, or slow drivers 7.Aggressive or insistent on having their way 8.Impulsive, Emotional outbursts, Short attention span, Lack of self-control, Poor judgment

Mod 3 Force of impact-

is the force generated when objects meet. -the faster you drive, the greater the impact or striking power of your vehicle. -When two vehicles moving at the same rate of speed are involved in a collision, the vehicle that weighs less will take the greater impact. -The smaller and lighter vehicle will have greater deceleration and may even be pushed in the reverse direction of travel

Mod 3 E Natural forces

• Gravity- is the force with which the Earth attracts objects towards itself. -affects car handling -when driving downhill, shift to a lower gear or smoothly apply your brakes. -When you travel uphill, gravity slows your vehicle down -Changing into a lower gear while maintaining your speed, will be able to easily maneuver the incline 1. Leave it in a low gear—or "Park" if it has an automatic transmission 2.Set the parking brake 3.Position the front wheels of your car in such a way that the car will roll away from traffic if your brakes fail -Turn your front wheels toward the curb if you are parking downhill, -Turn them away from the curb if parked uphill. -If you are parked uphill and there is no curb, turn your wheels toward the shoulder of the road. • Inertia- an object at rest tends to stay at rest, and an object in motion tends to stay in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. -applies to everything inside the vehicle. -keeps your vehicle moving until another force slows it down or stops it. • Momentum- the strength or force that something has when it is moving. : the strength or force that allows something to continue or to grow stronger or faster as time passes. -the larger and heavier the vehicle, the greater it's energy and momentum will be. • Kinetic energy - energy developed by an object while in motion. -When you double your speed, the kinetic energy of your car is four times as great! Making braking distance four times greater -when you triple or quadruple your speed, the stopping distance is even greater. -When driving uphill, it is much easier to stop your car as opposed to driving downhill. -Gravity decreases or increases it. -In a collision, kinetic energy is still converted into heat through friction, but not in your brakes. -Potential energy- the energy that a piece of matter has because of its position or because of the arrangement of parts. - A car parked on an incline may potentially roll down because of gravity. -Different types of potential energy are controlled by different parts of the car. • Friction- is the resistance of movement between two surfaces in contact. Friction occurs between your tires and the road, in your brakes when applied, and in many parts of your car. -you couldn't start, move, turn, or even stop your car in an emergency -is critically affected by your brakes, tires, the road surface, and speed -The brakes on your car have to be strong enough to lock the wheels into a skid. -Your tires must have enough tread to create good traction • Centrifugal force- is the force that pulls out from the center on a body in circular motion. - increases with acceleration. -opposite of centripetal force -it is a reaction to the centripetal force necessary to hold an object at a fixed point in a rotating frame -is actually a reaction to the centripetal force that keeps the object going in a circle. This makes it a pseudo force -if to much speed will pull it away from the center and, potentially, into the path of oncoming traffic. -Centripetal forces- which means center-seeking force. -It is directed toward the center of the curvature. -is necessary for an object to move with circular motion. The following are rules for safely cornering a curve given the effects of centrifugal and centripetal forces on driving: • Decelerate before the curve • Brake gently and gradually if braking is needed while turning • Downshift if your car has a manual transmission

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